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The Imprints of Focused Leadership

Steven Friedman, an author and one of Africa's most thought-provoking and insightful intellectuals, in his book Power in Action: Democracy, Citizenship and Social Justice, argued that if we must understand African democracy's constraints and possibilities, then there is an urgent need to move beyond the 'leadership' explanation and find more plausible reasons why African leaders often seem unwilling or unable to ensure stronger and deeper democracies. Friedman further argued that the core democratic idea is that members of political communities should govern themselves – that, in principle, citizens should decide what is best for their societies. If Africans reject this, it must surely be because they prefer not to choose and would rather have the leaders agree for them. This collective decision-making power vested in the hands of one man has been the distinguishing factor between prosperous African countries and those struggling to keep their governments afloat.

One of the leaders who has continued to up the ante in Leadership in Africa is Botswana's President, Mokgweetsi Masisi.


Elected in 2018 as the country's 5th president, President Mokgweetsi Masisi has led the country through all-around reforms – shattering all major development indices to maintain its top spot in global leadership rankings.

Sound Leadership has positioned Botswana as one of the fastest-growing economies in sub-Saharan Africa, reaching upper-middle-income status in 2005. The country is among the world's development success stories with significant mineral wealth, good governance, and prudent policies. Under the Leadership of Masisi, the country weathered the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic more effectively than many of its neighbours. A successful vaccination campaign and sound macroeconomic management have allowed Botswana to recover to its pre-pandemic output level.

Since assuming Leadership of the country, President Mokgweetsi Masisi has reiterated his commitment towards prioritizing climate change; creating jobs; accelerating digital transformation; curbing the burden of HIV/AIDS, in addition to promoting sustainable growth and good governance.

In 2022, the Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG) voted Botswana the best African country in "Leadership and Foresight." The Singapore-based non-profit, built around the notion that every nation deserves good Leadership, sound policy and effective institutions and systems that work, rated the country first in Africa and 16th in the world.

The report by CGI is based on over 50 open data sources, measuring government capabilities and outcomes across 104 countries (about 90 per cent of the world's population). It focuses on seven pillars: Leadership and Foresight; Robust Laws and Policies; Strong Institutions; Financial Stewardship; Attractive Marketplace; Global Influence and Reputation; and Helping People Rise.


Masisi's Leadership is leaving indelible marks on Botswana's political and economic landscape through his visionary Leadership. His Leadership has been marked by numerous transformative policies and initiatives that set the country on a sustained growth

According to the CIG report, "Leadership makes a difference. What public sector leaders decide, do, or say impacts public trust in government. Good leaders create and sustain cultures of integrity, competence and service. They have a clear sense of their government and country's medium- and longer-term pathways. They cultivate the foresight needed to anticipate emerging challenges and opportunities."

The "Leadership and Foresight" pillar is a compound measure for "Anti- Corruption, Long Term Vision, Adaptability, "Strategic Prioritization and Ethical Leadership."

We don't have to stray too far to see tangible progress made thus far by the Masisi-led Leadership in Botswana responsible for repositioning the country and putting it on a solid path to progress and

And Development Trajectory

Life & Leadership

Dr Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi was sworn in as the fifth (5th) President of the Republic of Botswana on 1st November 2019. This followed his party's, the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), victory in the country's General Elections, which took place on 23rd October 2019.

Before assuming his substantive five-year first term, President Masisi succeeded former President Lieutenant General Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama, on 1st April 2018, after President Khama's two five-year terms in office. Before this, President Masisi served as Botswana's eighth (8th) Vice President from 20142018. In this capacity, he oversaw Government programmes and was the Leader of the House of the

National Assembly

Masisi's leadership style is characterized by a laser focus on results, a commitment to inclusivity, and a willingness to take bold and decisive action. Throughout his tenure, he prioritized job creation, economic diversification, and poverty reduction, which are critical to Botswana's long-term prosperity

Masisi also prioritized involving citizens in decision-making by engaging with them through various platforms, such as town hall meetings and social media. This approach helped build trust and confidence in his Leadership, evident in the overwhelming mandate he received in the 2019 general elections.

Strides & Progress

One of Masisi's most notable accomplishments was the launch of the National Transformation Strategy (NTS) in 2018. The NTS is a comprehensive blueprint that outlines Botswana's development priorities for the next decade. It aims to transform the economy by promoting innovation, diversification, and competitiveness and improving the quality of life for all citizens.

Under Masisi's Leadership, Botswana also embarked on a series of infrastructure projects to improve the country's connectivity and reduce regional disparities. These include the expansion of the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport, the construction of a new railway line, and the upgrading of several roads and bridges.

Masisi's administration also prioritized women and youth empowerment through various initiatives such as the Youth Empowerment Scheme and the Women's Economic Empowerment Program. These programs provided funding and support to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping to create jobs and promote economic growth.

Masisi's presidency also reformed Botswana's justice system. The reforms aimed to increase efficiency and accessibility by introducing alternative dispute-resolution mechanisms, digitizing court processes, and increasing the number of judicial officers.

Another significant legacy of Masisi's presidency is his commitment to environmental conservation. Botswana is home to some of the most pristine natural habitats on the African continent, and Masisi recognized the need to protect these areas from degradation and exploitation.

Under his Leadership, Botswana banned elephant hunting, a controversial decision that drew criticism from some quarters. However, Masisi stood firm in his conviction that the ban was necessary to protect Botswana's wildlife and preserve the country's reputation as a leader in conservation.

Masisi also oversaw the establishment of the Okavango Delta Management Plan, a comprehensive framework for managing one of the world's most important wetlands. The plan aims to balance the conservation of biodiversity with the sustainable use of natural resources, such as water and fish, which are critical to the livelihoods of local communities.

In addition to his domestic achievements, Masisi has been a prominent voice on the international stage, advocating for issues such as climate change, gender equality, and democratic governance. As a member of the United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, Masisi has been at the forefront of efforts to promote the responsible use of technology for development.

Masisi has also been a vocal advocate for African unity and integration, emphasizing greater collaboration among African countries to tackle common challenges such as poverty, disease, and conflict. In 2019, he was elected as the Chairperson of the African Union. This position gave him a platform to champion the continent's development agenda and advance its interests on the global stage.

On education, President Masisi has made significant strides too. Recognizing that education is crucial to the country's long-term development, he prioritized initiatives to improve access to education, reduce dropout rates, and enhance education quality

To this end, the government has launched the National Human Resource Development Strategy, which seeks to align education and training with the needs of the labour market, foster innovation and entrepreneurship, and promote lifelong learning. The strategy recognizes the importance of vocational training and has established several centres of excellence to provide training in engineering, agriculture, and hospitality. Another key initiative is the Presidential Scholarship Program, which offers full scholarships to talented and deserving students to study at top universities worldwide. The program has helped produce a new generation of young leaders with the skills and knowledge to drive the development of Botswana.

Masisi has also strongly advocated for gender equality, recognizing that women's empowerment is essential for sustainable development. In 2019, he launched the National Policy on Gender and Development, which aims to promote gender equality and mainstream gender perspectives in all sectors of society. The policy recognizes the need to address gender-based violence and discrimination, promote women's economic empowerment, and increase women's participation in decision-making at all levels.

The fight against corruption has also received a considerable boost under his Leadership. He acknowledges that corruption is a major obstacle to development and a threat to the rule of law The government has established the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime to investigate and prosecute corruption cases. It has also implemented measures to enhance transparency and accountability in public procurement and financial management.

Mokgeetsi Masisi's leadership style and accomplishments have undoubtedly inspired other leaders on the continent. He has elevated leadership benchmarks and inspired emerging leaders from the continent to see possibilities in the continent beset with monumental challenges. Masisi's commitment to inclusivity, results, and bold action has set an example for leaders across the continent. By launching the National Transformation Strategy, investing in infrastructure, and empowering women and youth, Masisi has helped to create a more prosperous and equitable Botswana.

President Masisi's Leadership has had a transformative impact on Botswana's development trajectory, making significant strides across all major sectors – including job creation, economic diversification, environmental conservation, education, gender equality, and anti-corruption efforts. Masisi has set an example for leaders across the continent and beyond through his commitment to inclusive growth, bold action, and results. As Botswana continues to become a prosperous, equitable, and sustainable nation, Masisi's imprints of focused Leadership will undoubtedly be remembered as a critical part of the country's success story

Masisi once said, "I am committed to leaving this country better than I found it, and I will not rest until we achieve that goal.”

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