39 minute read
Collaboration in the engineering sector is vital for achieving South Africa’s national agenda
Author: Chris Campbell ,Chief Executive of Consulting Engineers South Africa It has been almost a year since President Cyril Ramaphosa announced South Africa’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan, with a key objective being to create jobs, primarily through aggressive infrastructure investment. However, little progress has been made despite many industry bodies putting their hands up to aid with state capacity.
Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu recently called on engineers to “patriotically contribute” to the development agenda of South Africa. This was part of her keynote address at a virtual seminar hosted by the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) in June, and has reaffirmed — for me, and for Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) — the importance of our industry bodies and associations raising our hands and offering partnerships with our government.
But, before we raise our hands, perhaps we should be joining our hands. The South African engineering profession is home to countless industry bodies, associations, institutes, and authorities which have somewhat segregated us, causing disintegration. Between CESA, ECSA, SAICE, SABTACO, BBCBE, NSBE, SAIEE (and the list of acronyms goes on), South African engineers are operating in silos — something we have oft-criticised of government departments.
The South African engineering sector should rather make efforts to present a united front, putting aside our differences and collaborating towards improved service delivery, economic development and transformation.
This may be more appealing to young engineers too, who are faced with a plethora of organisations to join when starting their career. Under one banner, we could focus on pooling our efforts and put aside any differences between our respective organisations in the relentless race to be heard first and recognised most. Together, we are capable of providing innovative solutions in support of the

national agenda and help deliver the infrastructure our citizens deserve — cost effectively and honestly.
I am not suggesting a dissolution of existing industry associations, but rather a reinvigoration of an overarching body that could assist with better coordination of wider sector efforts. One example might be SAFE — the South African Forum for Engineering, which was established some years ago in response to this need for wider collaboration and communication. It became dormant, but perhaps the time has come to revitalise it, or something similar, especially as we aim to unite in support of South Africa’s economic recovery plan.
I envision that a united engineering industry would be more conducive to the provision of equal opportunities, skills development, mentorship, industry transformation, talent retention and sustainability of the profession. These are all elements that are given attention by individual industry associations, so why not work together as one body on these important goals? A betterintegrated profession and industry would be more efficient, effective, and more appealing to stakeholders, including our government. It is confusing and time-consuming for decision-makers to deal with multiple entities individually, when we each share the same objectives.
Under one banner, we are capable of providing innovative solutions in support of the national agenda and help deliver the infrastructure our citizens deserve – cost effectively and honestly.

Cadastral Survey
ACadastral survey is a detailed land surveying of the boundaries and metes of a given country. A large number of countries have undertaken Cadastral Surveys to record their land boundaries and to allow easy access by legal professionals for boundary disputes, land ownership, and land boundaries among others. This allows a layperson to see exactly what a land boundary is according to a country’s civil law and to understand what is an easement, a public right of way or a private landowner’s right to occupy the land. It also gives the public an idea of how much a particular land or area is worth, and this is essential in selling or buying land or properties.

Most people think of a cadastral survey as a purely administrative task whereby land is surveyed to find out the boundaries of properties. However, a cadastral survey can also be a lot more complex. For example, a town or city may want to know how many times a street has been altered since it was last surveyed so that they can plan future road improvements accordingly. If planning permission is needed then the town or city will need to apply for an addition to the current civil law land survey to enable them to do so.
Also civil law areas may require a survey to find out if there are any underground utilities that may affect the marketability of a home or block of flats. If planning permission is required for any structural changes then added to a civil survey could be vital to avoid future problems with planning applications. “The absence of defects in the record chain of title and freedom from encumbrances are major factors upon which the marketability of a land title is generally considered to depend. Such encumbrances and defects remain a clog on the title and an impediment to its marketability,” says a marketing representative at Geoinfotech Nigeria.
Geoinfotech Nigeria, further believes that, a properly executed cadastral survey can add value to land marketability in the following ways; • It confirms the genuineness of the land or building. • Eligible access to insurance plans. It grants security to land in terms of grappling and such land or building has rights to compensation in case of government’s policies and decisions. People value security in Landed properties and as such, the key factor to its marketability is assurance that the property won’t be revoked or hijacked from them. Fred Aboagye-Larbi, Managing Director at BEACON SURVEY LIMITED, states that, “The accuracy of cadastral survey increases the confidence in the document covering the land or property.”
Additionally, when planning a building project, or altering or extending an existing one to make it more efficient, or perhaps to increase its marketable value, a cadastral survey is essential for giving the planner an accurate idea of how the property would look
What are Land Ownership Boundaries?
before construction, and this knowledge could help with the approval procedure.
According to Geoinfotech, a parcel of land remain unmarketable so long as encumbrances and defects in the record system are evident, even though the person having an interest in such land may be totally ignorant of the existence of such right. The company further points out other marketability factors which may include; access to road network and other social amenities, Proximity to development, Land use category (urban or rural settlement, industrial land use, residential land use, administrative land use) etc., personality of the land marketer of or seller in terms of reliability, trustworthiness and presentation. There are two different kinds of cadastral surveys: traditional and modern. The traditional survey is still used by a number of voluntary organizations and government bodies. One major advantage of these traditional cadastral surveys is that they enable the organization or government body to establish the boundaries of areas of land whether the boundaries change because of new developments, or boundaries are shifted due to natural geological phenomena. Another important advantage is that these surveys are usually not particularly costly and tend to produce very accurate results. Modern cadastral surveys are less accurate and produce more random results; however they are much more expensive than traditional ones. “Traditional cadastral surveys are executed with traditional survey equipment like theodolites and tapes or with total stations whilst the modern cadastral surveys are executed with modern equipment like GPS,GNSS,drones etc,” says Fred Aboagye-Larbi.

“The rapid rate at which advances in technology are occurring have outpaced the ability of many individuals and organizations to react quickly and appropriately to change. It will take years to fully understand the impact of emerging technology on “the land surveying profession. The differences are basically advancements in; Methods and techniques, Equipment, Data collection and presentation, Data storage and retrieval system. The field of land surveying and mapping have benefited from technology innovations in personal computers, digital instruments, global navigational satellite positioning system (GNSS), geographic information system to name just a few. New tools for rapid acquisition of measured data are continually being developed and refined, and the Internet has provided the means to share such data with people worldwide,” elaborates Geoinfotech.
“New technology has not changed the boundary surveyors’ core responsibility, which is to locate, mark, and document the boundary in a legally defensible matter, for their clients, all future owners of real property, and interests in real property adjoining the boundary. Nonetheless, the global positioning system and computers have changed the way land surveyors measure, analyze, and calculate data. Land owners and land managers have turned to geographic information systems to make complex ecological and economic decisions. The increased need for better tools to manage complex issues in land matters has spawned to the realization and adoption of modern cadastral surveying over the traditional methods of rigorous, time consuming and outdated operations,” enhances Geoinfotech.
There are some problems associated with nonremovable types of boundary surveys. Because of removable walls do not shift; it is difficult to determine where a boundary should be moved when new buildings are built on the boundary. In some cases an accurate survey may still be required, but in these cases it is usually possible to simply dig a trench around the boundary to define the exact position of the boundary. In addition to this other problems include access to the land and the cost involved in raising the land to the required level for the surveyor.
There are also problems associated with the traditional cadastral surveys. Landowners often find that changes to their land ownership boundaries can mean they will need to get a new survey in order to mark the new boundary. This can result in extra costs and a lengthy process; therefore it is necessary to ensure that the boundary surveyor you choose has sufficient experience and expertise in relation to your land ownership boundaries and can produce the results you require quickly and efficiently. If your boundary surveyor cannot produce the correct results then there is a good chance you will need a new one.
Arcadis 2nd Consecutive Win as Quantity Surveying Team of the Year at the RICS Awards 2021

Arcadis’ winning team demonstrated strong technical acumen in value engineering and the ability to identify issues beyond their job scope, helping to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the project.
Arcadis Singapore won the award for Quantity Surveying team of the year at the RICS Awards 2021 Southeast Asia for its work on CapitaSpring, an integrated development that is sustainable, peoplecentric and empowers occupants with new levels of flexibility and mobility.
The RICS Awards showcase the most inspirational initiatives and developments in the built environment and recognises teams and individuals who have contributed to the community and the development of the profession.
Quantity Surveying Team of the Year
The transformation of the old carpark complex into a future-ready integrated development was filled with many complexities such as managing a tight schedule, collaboration between multiple trades, and mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on the project. Arcadis demonstrated teamwork, professionalism, strong technical acumen in value engineering and applied value-added innovations, as well as BIM and VDC. This enabled the smooth delivery of an excellent suite of cost and commercial management where all contract packages were awarded within budget with significant cost savings for the Client.
Commenting on the awards, Managing Director for Singapore, René Hillig, said, “We are delighted to be recognised by RICS for this award once again this year. I am very proud of our teams’ achievement and our commitment to continue bringing our best to our projects and to our clients regardless of the challenges.”
Tetra Tech Receives a Canadian Consulting Engineering Award of Excellence
The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada recognized Tetra Tech with an Award of Excellence in the Project Management category for the Turcot Interchange and Railways Reconstruction Project. Tetra Tech received the award during the 2021 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards virtual event in October.
As part of an integrated team with the Québec Ministry of Transport, Tetra Tech and partner AECOM have managed the Turcot Interchange and Railways Reconstruction Project since 2008. The project aimed to replace four interchanges and three highway sections, to move the nearby Canadian National Railway tracks, and to add new municipal connections.
The team proudly contributed to this reconfiguration, using a combination of alternative and traditional conception methods. In turn, their efforts allowed a seamless integration of this project in an urban area, while also keeping Canada’s busiest road sector operational.

Percepto launches drone with advanced AI analytics
Percepto, an Israel-based company specializing in autonomous inspection with industrial robotics, has launched its 2022 Autonomous Inspection & Monitoring (AIM) platform and Air Mobile drone.

Recently listed in TIME magazine’s 100 Best Inventions of 2021, Percepto offers an end-to-end solution powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to collate and streamline all visual data for accurate actionable insights.
Percepto AIM 2022 has a new Insight Manager to deliver AI-powered packaged solutions for sectorspecific use cases, such as solar, mining, energy, oil and gas and other industries. The company drew on tens of thousands of hours collected by autonomous robot missions at industrial facilities to create it.
Percepto’s AI change-detection framework offers unified visual data and critical business insights for each of the sector-specific solutions. AIM 2022 can be integrated with autonomous drones and robots as well as other visual data collectors, now including DJI drones, and fixed cameras.

Reports and insights are automatically generated based on the combined visual data. Disseminated to relevant stakeholders on any mobile device, issues and faults are geotagged and displayed on a map, enabling effective action before escalating into more serious problems.
Percepto also introduced its new Percepto Air portfolio to support the enhanced platform, which will address the diverse needs and increasing demands of various markets.
Percepto Air Max. The next generation of Percepto Sparrow, the Percepto Air Max is a field-proven solution that operates in the largest mining, oil and gas, and energy companies on six continents. It has a top-grade, versatile payload for specific use cases. Designed to inspect and map complex industrial environments where the highest accuracy and durability are critical, Air Max also has an optical gas imaging (OGI) camera.
Percepto Air Mobile. This option is a more compact and lighter weight model for smaller sites or organizations taking their first steps with a dronein-the-box program, or larger sites that need greater deployment flexibility. It is designed for linear inspections, such as pipelines and power lines, and can monitor short-term projects across multiple sites, such as construction sites.
Percepto Air Max and Air Mobile drones are stored permanently onsite within their respective Percepto Bases. The Air Mobile’s base is light and easy to relocate while maintaining high levels of durability. These encasements are designed for infrequent maintenance and protection against extreme environmental phenomena, such as hurricanes. Percepto’s drones are safe and regulation ready, and ensure all operational aspects meet corporate standards.
“Percepto AIM 2022 and the new Percepto Air line of drones, together with the most advanced change detection solution, alert and prevent failures and downtime within diverse use cases across many industries,” said Percepto CEO Dor Abuhasira. “Percepto AIM provides the most advanced and comprehensive enterprise inspection software that offers a complete data workflow — from capture to insight. With Percepto Air Max and Percepto Air Mobile, companies have a range of options to choose from depending on the size of their facilities and the flexibility needed to deploy drones.”
“The real power of Percepto’s system is how data collection and analytics are integrated for a holistic view from both a technical and management perspective,” said Tim Shanfelt, director of Operations Transformation, Koch Ag & Energy. “Our workers are connected to high-level information that helps them make the right decisions while keeping them safe and free to pursue higher value activities. Our goal is to eliminate hazardous, wasteful, and mundane tasks from our operators’ day. For example, instead of an employee climbing an icy ladder in the winter, a robot or drone can perform the same task while still obtaining accurate measurements. We see Percepto playing a significant role in helping make our facilities more safe, secure, efficient, and profitable.”

BIM for Construction A Cost Effective Delivery Solution
Avoiding costly mistakes and achieving great results
BIM for Construction is a term that describes an approach to delivering buildings and infrastructure using digital models. Building Information Modelling is an integrated process supported by various software packages, related technologies and contract terms that enable the design and implementation of digital models to create a structural and physical characteristic of a location. It is the foundation of many construction projects and is used in the management of the construction process from beginning to end.

“BIM enables us to build virtually first, allowing us to make mistakes in the virtual world rather than the real world where the costs are greatly increased. By enabling various members of a project team, the Architect working through a complex design process, the contractor looking to deliver this vision to a client who may not fully understand a 2D or 3D visualisation for their building, BIM can provide benefit throughout,” says Chris Allen, Director - BIM Institute.
“As defined by Autodesk, Building Information
Modeling (BIM) is the holistic process of creating and managing information of a built asset. BIM encompasses several different tools to integrate multi-disciplinary data to produce a digital representation of an asset across its lifecycle, from planning and design to construction and operations. This data can be managed in an open cloud platform for real-time collaboration. The whole BIM process has as an end goal making every phase of construction and design as efficient and costeffective as possible,” remarks Mrs. Uboho Y. Othman, Communications Executive - BIM Africa.
“Projects go wrong when the initial cost of the project is calculated incorrectly due to a lack of understanding or information. The very creation of the Building Information Model forces the design team (Architect, Engineer, Specialist Supplier) to have to think through details of the design to a much greater level than in traditional methodologies, thus reducing the potential for information to be missed. When this is then expanded upon by the construction team reviewing the information as they work through their delivery process, it further reduces the potential for incorrect or poor information to be disseminated to those responsible for the delivery, the subcontractors. For the cost management team, this also assists in reducing the potential for a surprise, especially when technology such as digital scans are used, with this information being converted into BIM models to assist in verifying the physical quantities, thus increasing the quality of the costing exercise and reducing the risk of cost overruns. The combined effect of this process is achieving great results on projects,” adds Chris.
BIM involves structural and material modeling, construction costing, scheduling and communication. It provides accurate insights which prove to be helpful in decision making. The concept of BIM has made it possible for construction firms to successfully deal with critical issues like cost effectiveness, schedule management, material procurement, budget management, site selection, land management etc. This helps in increasing productivity, quality, reliability and safety.
“With BIM, activities can be carried out in real-time
collaboration in an open cloud platform, allowing all role-players access to important data from anywhere. This reduces rework because every member of the team will always have the most current information on hand. Thus, the preconstruction process will be more accurate, cutting down on rework later,” asserts Mrs. Othman
“By taking a BIM model into VR or AR headsets, one can immerse project participants, down to the individual worker, in the project delivery process, to the extent that H&S challenges can be communicated, thus reducing risk to all the participants. These interventions reduce the potential for mistakes to happen which would lead to project delay and rework. Furthermore, when clients understand what they require and BIM models can communicate this to a project team clearly and unambiguously, it fosters a more positive culture in the project enabling other issues to be worked through without the traditional conflict that is inherent on projects. This generally results in improved delivery including the key areas of quality, cost, time and health & safety,” comments Chris.

BIM software allows construction firms to gather important information relating to their projects such as cost, availability and price of materials, optimal schedule, time required to complete the project and more. BIM aids in the identification of the appropriate material, location, and techniques to use for various structures. It enables the construction firms to create accurate construction schedules and manage resources efficiently. BIM is available in several forms such as design software, 4D planning tools and 6D virtual teams. Many construction firms are now using these BIM solutions to streamline and complete their work.
“BIM systems store project information such as design information, scheduling, cost, etc. Since several models (structural, MEP, etc) are integrated into one main BIM model, this helps in clash detection for effective identification and reporting of interferences in a project. Improved flow of information and workflow leads to increased productivity. BIM also enhances financial risk management and provides reliable construction cost estimates long before the construction phase begins. Not only does this give stakeholders a better idea of how much the project will cost, but it also helps them discover ways to reduce costs,” elaborates Mrs. Othman.
BIM is based on the principle of structural modeling and is a useful tool in decision making. The main advantage of BIM is that it is designed to manage and collect building information from different sources including manual data, digital information, and structural drawings. BIM software provides critical information in easy to understand formats which are then used by the engineers during the design phase. It is mainly intended for designing buildings, tunnels, shafts, pipes, insulation, foundations, and structures. The main use of BIM software is to reduce errors in the construction process and make projects more efficient and economical.
As stated by Chris Allen, BIM provides a single platform of information so communication between the different parties to a contract are better informed, thus improving their understanding of a project and decision making. Poor decisions are a result of poor information; therefore, improving the quality and quantity of information available to decision makers is key to improving this. BIM models incorporate all the elements of a project including temporary elements that may have major implications in the decision-making process.
Mrs. Othman further points out that, communication and teamwork are the key tenets of a successful construction project. Of all the many benefits of BIM, the most important is that it improves collaboration by bringing all project stakeholders together. This synergy between owners, consultants, and main contractors enhances access to quality information thus promoting and improving the decision-making process of projects.
“Indeed, BIM is a reality. Not only are professionals embracing it, but Governments from all over the world are requiring it for publicly-funded projects and policies are being developed around BIM. However, the BIM chain should remain unbroken all through the phases of a construction project - from project inception to the eventual demolition of the project, otherwise data will be lost and the benefits of having the complete project history in a single BIM will not BIM provides the necessary information during the design phase of a construction project and can be applied for any type of construction and is specifically designed to meet the needs of the structural engineers. BIM software contains a userfriendly interface, which enables the users to easily manipulate and modify the models, run the software in a demo version, and even print out the completed models.
“As a result, improved coordination of the various facets of a project can be carried out in a more seam- less fashion. Furthermore, those elements have large amounts of data attached to them, all in a single location. The fact that data can be assigned to objects in the model environment and that the data can be extracted for upstream or downstream analysis provides a huge opportunity to enhance the level of knowledge of decision makers and thus greatly assist them to make the correct decision more often. Add in modern computing power and data analysis software and decision making now has many additional tools available to enable better understanding of the complexity and implications (scenarios) that may play out as a result of decisions made. The ability to communicate these scenarios to a wider discourse of project participants (stakeholders) will in turn also enable greater feedback into the decision-making process, further enhancing that process going for- ward. The key aspect is that the visual nature of the data enables multiple entities to provide input. This then results in an enhanced output,” affirms Chris.
BIM is used in many areas of construction such as structural design, costing, schedule management, material planning and forecasting, and many others. BIM also provides a fast, accurate and flexible method of collecting and organizing necessary information for a construction project. Most of the BIM solutions are flexible enough to handle the complexity of the projects, resulting in less manual work from the designers and engineers. BIM can also integrate all the necessary modules into one platform, making it easy for the project managers to modify information and resources at a later stage of the construction project.

EnginEErEd ElEvators
Elevator systems, including those that are engineered, have been in use for over 150 years. With this in mind, it is easy to see why there are so many questions surrounding their proper installation and maintenance. An Engineered elevator, as any expert will tell you, is a product that is designed to last longer, require less upkeep, and ultimately save money over time.
The first question usually asked is: "What is an Engineered Elevator?" This answer differs slightly from a standard elevator as it utilizes mechanical parts that are not essential to the operation of the elevator. Often, all that is needed for the operation of an Engineered Elevator is a new hardware and software. The components are, however, typically more superior and dependable due to the fact that the components have been designed for superior performance.
A typical Engineered Elevator has a number of motors in its mechanical system. These motors may be part of a single chain drive unit, or they may be part of multiple chains. Regardless of how these motors are arranged within the system, the end result is the same. There is always a mechanical process that occurs and it results in the elevator moving upwards or downwards in an efficient and reliable manner. One of the most common questions about Engineered Elevators pertains to their safety features. Each part of the elevator, from the motors to the counterweight systems and bottom tracks, is tested to make sure they operate safely.

Additionally, the entire building (including the ceiling and floor systems) must be considered during the testing process to ensure the integrity of the entire system. Ultimately, any part of the system that malfunctions poses a risk to those who may be using the elevator. For example, if the elevator's motor is not strong enough to lift the load at the appropriate times, or if the elevator encounters a technical glitch, an emergency stop can be triggered and the load can be lifted and moved out of the way.
If an Engineered Elevator is used for transporting people, then maintenance is even more important. An entire building can become seriously damaged by not paying attention to small details. A large part of the system is the counterweight system. This contains the machinery necessary to lower and raise the load, and it also requires precise force from the motor itself. If anything is not working correctly, it can cause serious damage to the structure of the building or, in the worst case scenario, collapse. Such damage can be avoided if the employees know what to look for. Moreover, any employee in charge of maintenance should carry an annual safety certification.
The training process varies from location to location, but a basic outline of what is required can usually be found online. Such training sessions should cover preventive maintenance, inspection and any other relevant information. It is also important that the employees know what to do in the case of an emergency and how to act in such an event. By taking the time to learn about such basic maintenance and procedures, a business can greatly decrease the amount of unexpected downtime, and the resultant cost.

Nominations are open for the KSA Innovation in Construction and Logistics Awards 2021. The event is set to take place on December 15th in Riyadh.
The KSA Innovation in Construction & Logistics Awards 2021 is one of the leading events applauding the achievements of the region’s construction and logistics professionals. The awards strive to recognise individual excellence, corporate strengths, and project success. Companies are invited to nominate the people, projects, and initiatives of which they are most proud of.
The awards presentation will happen at a gala dinner in a five-star venue – a celebration which has proven to be a great social occasion and essential networking opportunity. Winners will receive a commemorative trophy, plus extensive print and online coverage of their success in Construction Business News ME & Logistics News ME. Nominate yourselves now, to stand a chance to win at the much-awaited construction and logistics industry awards event of 2021.
To nominate and to find out how you can be a partner and sponsor for the awards visit: https://www.cbnme. com/construction-innovation-awards-ksa-2021/
Here are the categories for the awards:
Construction/Design Categories
Company Awards
Contractor of the Year
This award category recognises the outstanding contractor firm in the 12 months to the end of September 2021. The award will be given to the contractor that showcases high quality projects and innovation in the MENA region.
Entries for the Contractor of the Year category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words about the firm and its progress.
MEP Contractor of the Year
This award category recognises the outstanding MEP contractor firm in the 12 months to the end of September 2021. The award will be given to the MEP contractor that showcases high quality projects and innovation in the MENA region.
Entries for the MEP Contractor of the Year category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words about the firm and its progress.
Consultant of the Year
This award category recognises the outstanding consultancy firm in the 12 months to the end of September 2021. The award will be given to the Consultant of the Year that showcases high quality projects and innovation in the MENA region. All types of construction consultancy companies (quantity surveyors, cost consultants, engineering consultants, project management consultants, etc) are qualified to nominate.
Entries for the Consultant of the Year category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words about the firm and its progress.
Facilities Management Company of the Year
The award for overall FM Company of the Year will go to the company that can demonstrate how it has had the greatest impact on the FM-related business. The winning company is well-respected, with a solid reputation among customers and the industry. Its all-round performance in the FM industry over the past year, as exhibited by in its ongoing involvement in flagship contracts and/or projects, will have built on a track record characterized by service excellence, delivery, and innovation.
Entries for the FM Company of the Year category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words about the firm and its progress.
Real Estate Developer of the Year
This award category recognises the outstanding Real Estate Developer firm in the 12 months to the end of September 2021. The award will be given to the Real Estate Developer that showcases high quality projects and innovation in the MENA region.
Entries for the Real Estate Developer of the Year category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words about the firm and its progress.
Technology & Innovation in Facilities Management
Entries for the Technology & Innovation in FM should show case how their technology has benefited their clients in a effective way in no more than 500 words.
Architecture Firm of the Year
This award category recognises the outstanding architectural firm in the 12 months to the end of September 2021. Judges will be looking a firm, which delivers high quality projects in the MENA region. Judges will be looking for the firm’s greatest achievements, projects, and financial summary of the relevant period.
Entries for the Architectural firm of the Year category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words about the firm and its progress.
Fit-Out Company of the Year
The award is for the outstanding fit-out firm of the year who has delivered some amazing projects in the past 12 month till September 2021. The limelight would be on firm’s completed projects, financial summary, nature of clients, and other accomplishments.
Entries should support their nomination with no more than 500 words of description about the firm and its achievements.
HSE Initiative of the Year
Contenders for the Health and Safety (HSE) Initiative of the Year award will need to provide details of an initiative successfully executed in the GCC in the 12 months to the end of September 2021. The category is open to all companies operating within the construction sector in the region. Special merit will be awarded to companies that can demonstrate the initiative has had a wider impact on the industry.
Entries for the HSE Initiative of the Year award should support their nominations in no more than 500 words
Best Workplace of the Year
The award is presented to the construction/ architectural/design firm that takes on a peoplecentric approach and demonstrates strong commitment towards employee empowerment and enrichment. Companies must try in terms of improving employee’s job satisfaction, employee recognition and retention, fair communication, and promote work-life balance.
Entries for the Best Workplace of the Year category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words about the firm and its progress.
Interior Design Firm of The Year
The award is for an outstanding design firm of the year whose projects standout with Inspiring and creative ideas. Judges will be looking for a firm,

which has shown excellence in design and delivered excellent projects on time.
Entries should support their nomination with no more than 500 words of description about the firm and its progress.
Property Management Company of the Year
The award for Property Management Company of the Year will go to a PM firm or asset management firm that’s making rapid strides either through its own Facilities Management division, or via its outsourced FM operator.
Entrants for the Property Management Company of the Year category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words.
Software Solutions Company of the Year
This award goes to the company that provides the best software solutions in the construction and facilities management industry.
Entries for the Software Solutions Company of the Year category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words.
Supplier of the Year
The award for Supplier of the Year will go to the organization who can demonstrate their most efficient and productive impact to their suppliers and innovators.
Entries of the Supplier of the Year should support their nomination in no more than 500 words.
Best Futuristic Project
This category is dedicated to any type of building and development that is already in the design/ architectural phase with a start date already in place and gives an insight into what the future may hold through distinct architectural/construction, use of advanced technology, and environmental qualities.
*Kindly, note that in the submission document, companies must indicate when the construction intends to start (date, year).
Entries for the Best Futuristic category should support their nomination with no more than 500 words.
Commercial Project of the Year
This award is for the outstanding commercial/public sector project, which includes museums, government buildings, cinemas, airports, offices, and galleries in the Middle East.
Entries should support their nomination with no more than 500 words of description of the commercial project and standout features of the development.
Hospitality Project of the Year (Hotels, Bars, and Restaurants)
The award will go to the outstanding hospitality project—restaurant, bar, or hotel in the Middle East.
Entries should support their nomination with no more than 500 words of description of the innovative project supporting the ideas of the same. This category awards the best overall project with multiple and combined functions, including (but not limited to) commercial, residential, co-working, institutional, health and wellness, cultural, hospitality, sports and recreation, transportation and more, and are physically and functionally integrated.
Entries should support their nomination with no more than 500 words of description of the innovative project supporting the ideas of the same.
Residential Project of the Year
This award is for the outstanding residential project in the Middle East
Entries should support their nomination with no more than 500 words of description of the residential project and its features.
Innovative Project of the Year
The Best Innovative Project of the Year Award will be awarded to the project that makes an important contribution to its surroundings, demonstrates construction best practice, and can show how construction techniques and technology. We are looking for an project that has developed and applied the most innovative approach to overcoming one or more construction challenges. Winners may have developed a demonstrably new and different technique or process or may have harnessed emerging or existing technologies to create new or improved products, tools or services leading to better built outcomes.
Entries for the Innovative Project of the Year should support their nominations in no more than 500 words
This award is for the outstanding Energy Project (Solar, Renewable, Oil & Gas) in the Middle East.
Entries for the Energy Project of the Year should support their nominations in a total of no more than 500 words
Master Plan Project of the Year
This award is given to any completed master plan project dedicated to the long-term connections between buildings, infrastructure, social and economic conditions, environments, and future development.
Entries for the Master Plan Project of the Year award should support their nominations in no more than 500 words
The Sustainable Project of the Year Award will be awarded to the project that makes an important contribution to its surroundings, demonstrates construction best practice, and can show how construction techniques and technology have contributed to its success
MODULAR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT OF THE YEAR Entries should support their nomination with no more than 500 words of description of the modular project and standout features of the development.
Individual Award
CEO of the Year
The award for CEO of the Year will go to the executive who can demonstrate delivering outstanding results at his or her organisation during the previous 12 months. The category is open to CEOs and other senior executives working at any company operating within the GCC construction sector during the period.
Entrants for the CEO of the Year category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words
Engineer of the Year
The award for Engineer of the Year will go to the engineer who can demonstrate the greatest impact on his or her organisation and projects during the previous 12 months. The category is open to any engineer working at any company operating within the GCC construction sector during the period.
Entrants for the Engineer of the Year category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words.
Cargo Operator of the Year
This award recognises the air cargo operators going out of their way to deliver outstanding services to their customers. should support their nomination in no more than 500 words
Ground Handling Company of the Year
This award is open to any business entity involved in the provision of ground handling services in the Middle East. We will be looking for an organisation that is deemed significant in terms of providing exemplary support to the aviation sector.
Each company must submit evidence for the size and nature of the organisation. The company must have a track record of innovation and they must demonstrate the degree of innovation and their commercial potential.
Freight-Forwarding Company of the Year
his award is for companies displaying excellence in freight forwarding, in terms of service and efficiency in ocean, road or rail freight.
Entries for the Freight Forwarding Company of the Year should support their nomination in no more than 500 words
E-Commerce Company of the Year
This award recognises the air freight operators going out of their way to deliver outstanding services to their customers.
Entries for the E-Commerce Company of the Year category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words
Most Innovative Technology for Logistics
Technology has played a pivotal role in transforming the logistics landscape, and tech companies constantly strive to offer the next ‘big thing’ to increase productivity in the supply chain. The Most Innovative Technology for Logistics award recognises such companies and their unique product offerings for the market, in fields such as warehouse, express delivery, supply chain management, and more.
Entries for the Most Innovative Technology for Logistics category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words
Express Logistics Provider of the Year
This award category recognises the most efficient and respected Express Logistics Provider in the region. We will be looking at a consistent track record and strong client portfolio. Incorporation of recent trends such as e-commerce logistics, last mile delivery, and inclusion of technology will all be taken into consideration.
Entries for the Express Logistics Provider of the Year category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words
Warehouse Facility/Firm of the Year
Entries for the Warehouse Facility/Firm of the Year category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words
Digital Solutions Provider
The award will recognise a digital service provider in the logistics industry. Digital freight providers use automation to connect shippers and carriers to minimise human intervention and error while streamlining freight procurement.
Entries for the Digital Solutions Provider category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words
Integrated Logistics Service Company of the Year
Handling a variety of cargoes associated with capital projects, large and small, including bulk, break bulk, containerized, and special cargoes. Logistics companies that deliver professional people and certified equipment to make the transfers between ships, barges, marshalling areas, warehouses, and ground transportation while minimizing the risk of lost and damaged freight, as well as loss of production time.
This award aims to recognise such integrated logistics company, who provide services that not only imbibe technology, but also set the path for others to follow.
Cold Chain Service Provider of the Year
This award recognises companies that provide optimal temperature-controlled services, while balancing energy consumption, costs and efficiency.
Entries for the Cold Chain Service Provider category should support their nomination by providing the following information in no more than 500 words
Automotive Logistics Company of the Year
Seamless logistics is required to get everything from pre-assembled components down to the last screw to the right place at the right time. As automotive specialist, companies offer solutions for complex logistics requirements for in-bound production material and the distribution of spare parts.
This award aims to recognise such automotive logistics company, who provide services that not only imbibe technology, but also set the path for others to follow.
CEO of the Year
The award CEO of the Year will go to the senior executive of a leading logistics company who can demonstrate the greatest impact on his/ her logisticsrelated business in the last 12 months.
Entries for the CEO of the Year category should support their nomination in no more than 500 words.
Subsurface Locators
Subsurface Locators are helping geologists, engineers, geophysicists, archeologists and other professionals gather data from the surface of the ground. This is vital to them, because the condition of the ground affects many aspects of their research.
Geologists have to drill holes, remove soil to find and evaluate samples. This is risky and can create a lot of delays in their projects. Geophysicists must map the surface to determine what is below the ground. This can take days, weeks or even months depending on the size and detail of the site. As a result of the global crisis, these professionals are now turning to land surveyors for help. These professionals will also do any needed modifications or repairs on the land that is being surveyed.
A geologist sends out a subsurface surveyor in order to get an accurate evaluation of the land they have at their disposal. Once the land has been assessed, the land surveyor will then communicate with you to determine if purchasing this land would be beneficial or otherwise. If so they will help you determine which side of the land you should purchase.

Once all of the surveying has been completed and the land has been purchased, the land is committed under a contract for a certain period of time. This will allow the company to complete what they need to before you can focus on your land. You will find that most companies require that you locate the subsurface surveyors as soon as possible.
Once you have located the subsurface locators you wish to hire you will discuss the details with them. They will then go to work. In most cases the land surveyors send someone to locate the land for you and make any necessary repairs. In some instances you may not even need to have the land surveyed because they may have already done the process for you.
Subsurface Locators are very beneficial when it comes to buying or selling a property. The price is right and you have the professional you need to finish the job for you. These locators are great to have when things go wrong. When there is something wrong with your land, you want to have someone to look it over. In most cases the professional from the first company that you choose will come back to your location to assist you solve the problem at hand.