The Afro-American, February 25, 2017 - March 3, 2017
Will Stewart and Ken Plummer
Coaches Allen Meacham Sr. and Allen Meacham Jr.
1977 Mustangs Team
Photos by Anderson R. Ward
Clay Troy and Junie Myers
The James Mosher Baseball Association Reunion was held on Feb. 18. The event, organized by Ken Plummer, was held at Colin’s Seafood Grill in Randallstown, Md. The James Mosher Baseball Association was formed in 1959 as a league for youth between the ages of 4 and 18. The Association is named after noted Baltimorean and Revolutionary War colonel James Mosher. This was the first reunion in over 40 years. Over 300 kids participate in the league. Coaches Allen Meacham Jr., Delmar Harrod and Association President William H. Neal were honored. Coach Allen Meacham Sr. (90 yrs old) was present. The James Mosher Baseball League has produced some of the best ballplayers in the city.
Red Dress Sunday was celebrated on Feb. 12 at Gillis Memorial Christian Community Church in Baltimore, Md. The Baltimore Fire department came out to check blood
Junie Myers, Alvin Campbell, Angelo Hicks, Allen Meacham Jr., Delmar Harrod, Milton Boone, Stanton Wilson, William H. Neal, Kevin Beckett and Ken Plummer
Red Dress Committee 2017, Gillis Memorial C.C. Church
Jackie Lipscomb being instructed on hands on C.P.R.
Mrs. L. Dickerson gave invitation to after church service
Baltimore’s Public Servants at their best
Photos by DeVone Marshal
pressure and gave information to promote good heart health. Red Dress Sunday was started as a way to raise awareness about the impact of heart disease on women.
The Red Dress Committee of Gillis Memorial Community Church and members of the Baltimore City Fire Department
Nu SigmaAlumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
Choir of Gillis Memorial
The Nu Sigma Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity hosted their founders’ day on Jan. 7 at the Doubletree Hotel in Pikeville, Md. I Am My Brother’s Keeper was the theme. The honorable Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., 34th International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, served as the keynote speaker.
Blood brothers and fraternity brothers, Keith Price and Kevin Price, chapter vice president
Courtesy Photos
Fraternity members pinning Sigma Beta Club members
Brother Keith Harvey pictured with his son, Alex, scholarship recipient and engineering student at Morgan State University
Guest speaker the Honorable Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., 34thInternational President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity delivers an inspiring keynote speech
Brothers Maynard Minor, Joe Phillips, Darryl Gould, Gary Johnson, Eric Holmes and Phil Thompson take a group picture
Brother Duane Johnson presents Karen Barnes, principal of the Southwest Academy with the Community Partnership Award
To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.
Don Basilio, president of Nu Sigma Sigma Alumni Chapter with wife, Danielle
Randallstown High School honor guard
The Afro-American, February 25, 2017 - March 3, 2017
Dr. Glenda Newell Harris (center), 16th national president of the Links is joined by Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, (right) national vice president of the Links
Nurses from Marymount University provide on-site blood pressure screenings.
The Links (Arlington, Va. Chapter) held its 9th Annual Red Dress event “To Fight Women’s Heart Disease,” on Feb. 3 at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Va. The event was held in collaboration with 12 Links chapters in the DMV (D.C., Maryland, Va.), promoted knowledge about heart healthy lifestyles, heart treatment procedures and nutrition to an audience of more than 400 people. Local health institutions presented exhibits with brochures and information packets with healthy heart information. Participating institutions were Inova Hospital, Howard University Hospital, Virginia Hospital Center, AARP, American Heart Association, The Heart Truth and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Media Veteran & Red Dress Emcee Jennifer Donelan (far left) moderates a panel on women’s heart health.
Dr. Nicole Martin, chair of the Red Dress Event (Arlington Va. Links), addresses the group.
Evie Brown (front right), president of the Arlington (VA) Links, takes notes during the discussion.
Danielle Turnipseed, cochair, Capital City Links Health Committee; Jeanie Carr, member, Capital City Links Health Committee; Samantha Duke, Inova CVIR nurse manager; Rebecca Weisz, cardio-invasive specialist, Inova; Dr. Kelly C. Epps, cardiologist, Inova; Stephanie E. Myers, PhD, member, Capital City Links Health Committee; Akilah Jefferson, co-chair, Capital City Links Health Committee; Ellen Wells, Capital City Links; Phyllis Green, co-chair, Arts Committee, Capital City Links. Not Pictured: Gloria Lawlah-Walker, president, Capital City Links
Courtesy photos
Grand Conductress Sheila Smith, Grand Master Phillip David, Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young, Grand Worthy Patron Riccardo Montague, Associate Grand Matron Eunice J. Dingle, Associate Grand Patron Joseph A. Dingle and Associate Grand Conductress Angela Tyson Worthy Matron Asya Heatley, Worthy Patron Alan Castor and members of Datcher Chapter #7
Past Grand Worthy Patron Thomas L. Coleman and Past Grand Worthy Matrons Margaret E. Anderson, Bettie C. V. Reed, Jane Robison and Audrey Robinson Underwood
Worthy Matron Stephanie E. Thorne, Worthy Patron Leslie Thornton and members of Thrift Chapter #12
On Jan. 28, the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter (GTGC), Order of the Eastern Star Prince Hall Affiliation (PHA) held its annual Charity Ball at the Bethesda Marriott in Maryland. Approximately 400 guests were in attendance to witness Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young, Grand Worthy Patron Riccardo Montague and 15 subordinate chapter Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons make their public debut to the Washington metropolitan community. The Honorable Phillip David, the 85th Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia was also in attendance. Proceeds of the evening will go toward Grand Worthy Matron Young’s charities which include the Margaret E. Anderson Breast Cancer 5K Walk to benefit the Howard University Cancer Center and St. Jude’s Hospital.
Grand Conductress Shelia A. Smith, Grand Matron Patricia L. Young, Associate Grand Matron Eunice J. Dingle and Associate Grand Conductress Angela B. Tyson
Grand Worthy Matron Young and the 2017 Worthy Matrons, The Kiras - Women Moving Forward in Kindness Worthy Matron Tamia Powell and Worthy Patron James Berry and members of Audrey Robinson Underwood Military Chapter #15 Chairs of the GTGC Charity Ball Grand Financial Secretary Patricia Tutt and Past Matron Barbara Wells
Grand Worthy Matron Patricia L. Young pictures with Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Charitable Foundation Board members Shari L. McCoy (secretary) and Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett (president)
Worthy Matron Tonya C. Fadis, Worthy Patron Corey M. Satterwhite and Members of Electa Chapter #6
Photos by Shari L. McCoy