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Volume Volume 125 123 No. No.48 20–22

July 1, 2017 - July 1, 2017, The Afro-American A1 $2.00


JULY 1, 2017 - JULY 7, 2017



New Healthcare Bill – the Wrong Choice for African Americans By Majorie Innicent



Wish We Were There

Broadway Vet Breaks Down Theater Etiquette

AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi

President Barack Obama and his family wrapped up their five-day vacation on Indonesia’s resort island of Bali and headed to the historic city of Yogyakarta on June 28 during a nostalgic trip to the country where Obama lived for several years as a child.

28 Maryland Lynchings Documented by New Report


By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO

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The fight moves to the Court’s next term, with both sides gathering their forces for a fierce legal battle.

New ‘Green Book’ App for Black Travelers

Join Host Sean Yoes Monday-Friday 5-7 p.m. on 88.9 WEAA FM, the Voice of the Community. 15

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Map of America depicting where lynchings took place, including in Maryland.

The U.S. Supreme Court is known to save its most controversial decisions for last, and the Court did not disappoint. On June 27 Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the opinion in two cases involving the Trump Administration’s travel ban. Although opponents are

Listen to Afro’s “First Edition”



By Gloria Browne-Marshall AANIC Supreme Court Correspondent

By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO

Starting in 1936, Victor Hugo Green, a letter carrier who lived in Manhattan, published the “Negro Motorist Green Book,” a listing of hotels, restaurants

Green Book App

Washington • Businesses Profit from Weed Legalization


By Lenore T. Adkins Special to the AFRO

Fight Over Travel Ban Taken Up By Supreme Court

• Walmart


New Orleans Mayor Offers Advice on Removing Va. Confederate Monuments

George Armwood died October 18, 1933. He was killed by a lynch mob. The mob of 1,000 knocked down the jailhouse doors with battering rams before seizing Armwood. He was dragged from the jail by a noose around his neck, stabbed beaten and then hanged until dead. His body was returned to the courthouse, where it was hanged from a telephone pole and burned. While the savagery of Continued on A3

• Jury Finds Officers Negligent in Death of Baltimore Woman

and other businesses where Blacks would be welcome and safe in the era of Jim Crow. The Green Book became enormously popular and was published until 1966. More than 80 years later, the South Carolina African American Heritage Continued on A3

disappointed, neither side of the case received a clear victory. In 2016, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised his constituents a ban on non-citizen Muslims travelling to the United States. Within 24 hours of his inauguration, Executive Order 13769 was signed, suspending for 90 days the “entry Continued on A3

“Stay the course,” New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu advised Charlottesville, Va. Mayor Mike Signer, as he faces resistance and ire from White supremacists over removing Confederate statues from that city. “If he believes that it’s the right thing to do and if he believes that it’s the just thing to do, then he ought to go ahead and do it because as my dad (former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu) said to us, ‘You know if you don’t spend your political capital, what the hell do you have it Continued on A5

The National Newspaper Publishers Association held their annual convention June 21-24 at the National Harbor in Prince George’s County, Md. The below story recounts how in 1945 the NNPA, then known as the Negro Newspaper Publishers’ Association, held their annual meeting in Washington, D.C. At the end of it, the group released a letter to President Harry S. Truman asking him to help pass the Fair Employment Practice bill, which would have outlawed employment discrimination nationwide.

AFRO Archived History

NNPA Committee Talks to Truman Support for FEPC, AntiPoll Tax Urged CONVENTION SET Group Also Confers With House Leaders June 2, 1945

WASHINGTON The executive committee of the Negro Newspaper Publishers’ Association met three days in Washington last week and chose New York for the July Annual Convention. Members conferred with the House Democratic Majority Leader John W. Continued on A3


Copyright © 2017 by the Afro-American Company


The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017

The Afro-American Newspapers

Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4602 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297


Cleveland agreed to pay $6 million last year to the family of Tamir Rice. The 12-year-old had an airsoft gun that shoots nonlethal plastic pellets when a White officer shot him in 2014. A grand jury did not charge the officer.

Three Chicago Police Officers Indicted in Laquan McDonald Case

Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Chairman of the Board/Publisher - John J. Oliver, Jr.

By The Associated Press

Executive Assistant - Sallie Brown - 410-554-8222 Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200 Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - 410-554-8271 - Advertising Account Executives Baltimore - Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 - Washington, D.C. - Vetta Ridgeway - 202-332-0080-ext. 1104 Director of Finance - Ronald W. Harrison - 410-554-8242 Assistant Archivist - Shelia Scott - 410-554-8265 Director, Community & Public Relations Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243 Editorial Managing Editor - Kamau High Baltimore Editor - Sean Yoes Washington, D.C. Editor - LaTrina Antoine Editorial Assistant - Takiea Hinton

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The parents of Michael Brown, Lezley McSpadden, left, and Michael Brown Sr. The city attorney in Ferguson, Missouri, that the city’s insurance company paid $1.5 million to settle a lawsuit filed by the family of Michael Brown.

How the Michael Brown $1.5 Million Settlement Compares with Other Wrongful Death-by-Cop Lawsuits By The Associated Press

The $1.5 million awarded last week to the parents of Michael Brown is the latest of several large settlements involving killings of Black people by police, but it’s far from the largest. A federal judge in St. Louis on June 20 approved the settlement Production Department - 410-554-8288 in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Michael Brown Sr. and Lezley Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager McSpadden. Their 18-year-old son was unarmed on Aug. 9, 2014, Sammy Graham - 410-554-8266 when he was fatally shot by White officer Darren Wilson during a street confrontation in Ferguson, Missouri. The shooting launched months of protests and led to a U.S. Washington Office Department of Justice investigation that found racial bias in 1816 12th Street, N.W. Ferguson’s police and court system. But a St. Louis County grand Washington, D.C. 20009-4422 jury and the Justice Department declined to prosecute Wilson, who 202-332-0080 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 resigned in November 2014. (Washington Publisher Emerita - Frances L. Murphy II) Brown’s parents sued the city, former Police Chief Tom Jackson General Manager and Wilson in 2015, citing a police culture hostile to black residents Washington Circulation/Distribution Manager and claiming Wilson used excessive force. Ferguson, Jackson and Edgar Brookins - 202-332-0080, ext. 106 Wilson denied the allegations. The case is among many in which settlements have been reached Director of Advertising out of court, including many in which officers, like Wilson, were Lenora Howze - ext. 119 - cleared of criminal wrongdoing. VOffice Administrator - Mia Aguilar - ext. 100 U.S. District Judge E. Richard Webber did not release the amount of the settlement, citing unspecified safety concerns. But Ferguson Customer Service, Home Delivery and Subscriptions: City Attorney Apollo Carey said in an email June 23 in response to 410-554-8234 • Customer an open records request from The Associated Press that the city’s insurance company paid out $1.5 million. Billing Inquiries: 410-554-8226 Settlements in some other recent high-profile cases have been Nights and Weekends: 410-554-8282 much higher than the amount awarded to Brown’s parents. In 2015, the city of North Charleston, South Carolina, paid ––– Sponsored Content ––– $6.5 million to the family of Walter Scott, an unarmed Black man who was killed by a White police officer while running from a traffic stop. The officer, Michael T. Slager, pleaded guilty in May to a civil rights violation. A month earlier, Baltimore he American Heart Association’s 2020 for blood pressure are less than 120/80 mmHg paid $6.4 million to the family Goal is to reduce death from cardiovascular based on AHA guidelines. Everyone can take of Freddie Gray, who suffered a fatal spinal injury in police disease and stroke by 20% and to improve control of their healthy and it can start at home.” custody. No officers were the cardiovascular health of all Americans by “Few severe health conditions are ignored convicted. 20%. Though there has been an overall reduction as much as high blood pressure,” said Dr. Athol New York City reached a in deaths from heart Morgan, cardiology $5.9 million settlement in July disease and stroke, specialist at Bon Sec2015 with the family of Eric Garner, an unarmed Black man we saw a decrease ours Baltimore Health who died after being put in a in life expectancy for System, clinical chokehold by a White police the first time since the assistant professor of officer. The officer was cleared 1990’s! medicine at the Uniby a grand jury.

Getting Blood Pressure Right with Check. Change. Control.


Untreated high blood pressure can damage and weaken your arteries which leads to a higher risk for heart attack and stroke. “In terms of blood pressure control, we need to ensure that 13.6 million adults in the US are able to bring their blood pressure to acceptable levels,” said American Heart Association Greater Washington Region Board president and associate medical director of the Comprehensive Stroke Center at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Dr. Richard Benson. “Acceptable levels

versity of Maryland School of Medicine and American Heart Association volunteer. “It is a symptomless disease, so the best way to combat it is to check it regularly to know if you need to start or change treatment.” The American Heart Association’s Check. Change. Control program empowers people to learn about, monitor and manage their blood pressure through a combination of resources. To get started, visit and use the code AFRAM.

Three Chicago police officers were indicted June 27 on felony charges that they conspired to cover up the actions of a White police officer who shot and killed 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, saying the officers lied when they alleged the Black teenager “aggressively” swung a knife at officers and attempted to get up from the ground still armed after he was shot. The indictment alleges that one current and two former officers lied about the events of Oct. 20, 2014, when Officer Jason Van Dyke shot the Black teenager 16 times. The officers’ narratives contradict what can be seen on police dashcam video, in which the teenager spins after he was shot and falls to the ground — seemingly incapacitated — as the officer continues to fire shot after shot into his body. The indictment further alleges that officers lied when they said McDonald ignored Van Dyke’s verbal commands and that one of the officers signed off on a report that claimed the other two officers were, in fact, victims of an attack by McDonald. “The co-conspirators created police reports in the critical early hours and days following the killing of Laquan McDonald that contained important false information,” says the indictment in which the three are charged with felony counts of obstruction of justice, official misconduct and conspiracy. The indictments mark the latest chapter in what has been one of the most troubling stories in the history of a police force dogged by allegations of racism, brutality and the protection of officers who brutalize African-Americans. The video sparked massive protests, Chicago Police Department via AP, File

Your History • Your Community • Your News

In this Oct. 20, 2014 file image taken from dash-cam video provided by the Chicago Police Department, Laquan McDonald, right, walks down the street moments before being fatally shot by Chicago Police officer Jason Van Dyke in Chicago. cost the police superintendent his job and left the city scrambling to implement reforms to regain shattered public trust. Patricia Brown Holmes — appointed special prosecutor last July to investigate officers at the scene and involved in the investigation of the shooting — said in a news release that the three — David March, Joseph Walsh and Thomas Gaffney — “coordinated their activities to protect each other and other members of the Chicago Police Department,” including by filing false police reports, ignoring contrary evidence and not even attempting to interview keys witnesses. “The indictment makes clear that these defendants did more than merely obey an unofficial ‘code of silence,” Holmes said in the statement. “It alleges that they lied about what occurred to prevent independent criminal investigators from learning the truth.” Kevin Graham, president of the officers’ union, said the union has not yet reviewed it and declined to comment because it’s an ongoing investigation. Van Dyke was charged more than a year after the shooting with first-degree murder on the same day that the city — under orders from a judge — made public the dashboard camera video. He has pleaded not guilty. If convicted, the men could face years in prison. The official misconduct charge alone carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $25,000 fine.

Once-Homeless Sisters Mingle with Track Stars at Nationals By The Associated Press The three once-homeless sisters recited all the athletes they met at nationals and the souvenirs they received as they slurped shaved ice. Nine-year-old Brooke Sheppard got pointers from high jumper Vashti Cunningham . Rainn, 11, showed off the shirt she picked out at the merchandise tent. And 12-year-old Tai, well, her family’s story moved Justin Gatlin so much that he gave her the first-place medal he won in the 100 meters at the U.S. track and field championships. The siblings from New York City were guests of USA track and field after their rise to prominence in the sport, with their exploits bringing them medals, TV appearances and a magazine cover. It also helped get them something more — a home. They and their mom moved out of a homeless shelter and into a twobedroom apartment in April. “A whole different world,” Brooke said, referring to all the paths that have opened up through track. For a few days at nationals, they were treated like royalty. The sisters were accompanied by their coach Jean Bell, their “track mom,” since their actual mother, Tonia Handy, couldn’t make the trip because of work. “Their lives have changed so much,” said Bell, who helped develop the talent of the sisters through the Jeuness Track Club in Brooklyn. “Track keeps them focused and positive. They’re good at it. They’re really good at it.” The trio earned medals at the AAU Junior Olympics in Houston last summer, with Rainn winning the 3,000 meters, Tai finishing runner-up in the 80-meter hurdles and Brooke taking second in the high jump. In December, the sisters appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated Kids . Gatlin was touched by all they’ve gone through. “I wanted them to take the medal as a symbol of believing in yourself,” Gatlin said. “People are going to say that you can’t or you’re too young or you don’t have the will to do so, but I wanted them to know they

can do it. If they believe in themselves, they can do it. That’s what that medal meant to me.” According to Bell, the Sheppard family had been homeless for around two years. They made an appearance on ABC’s “The View” in November, when co-host Whoopi Goldberg presented the family with $10,000, along with $40,000 to their track club.

AP Photo/Pat Graham

Decathlete Trey Hardee poses with the Sheppard sisters, Tai, 12, left, Brooke, 9, center and Rainn, 11, right, at the U.S. Track and Field Championships, in Sacramento, Calif. The once-homeless sisters were guests at the nationals, meeting their idols and given the gold medal Justin Gatlin earned in the 100 meters.


The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 1, 2017

Lynchings Continued from A1 the attack is familiar to students of racial terrorism in the Deep South, the setting of Armwood’s murder may not be. The lynching of George Armwood took place in Princess Anne, Somerset County, Maryland at the southern extreme of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Armwood’s demise is one of 300 stories to come from a new report by the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) that expands on its history of lynchings across the United States. The first report “Lynching in America:

July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American

Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror” published in 2015, as part of an ongoing investigation, has tallied over 4,000 such killings in 12 Deep South states from 1877 to 1950; but as the investigation follows fleeing Blacks, in addition to economic predation, physical violence met them in the West, Midwest and North. EJI is reporting 28 lynchings in Maryland alone. “We always knew that there were terrible and tragic violent incidents that occurred even in these places of refuge,” said Sia Sanneh, senior attorney at EJI, told the AFRO. “Where African Americans fled seeking some sort of respite from what has occurred in the South.

relationship is required.” Students attending university, workers who have accepted a job offer or a “lecturer invited to address an American

Ban Continued from A1 of foreign nationals from seven countries identified as presenting heightened terrorism risks, including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.” The order created chaos in airports around the U.S. lawyers and protesters filled the streets as members of those countries were detained and questioned. Many foreign nationals returned to their home countries. Lawsuits alleged the Executive Orders violated the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the Constitution because the seven nations were majority Muslim. The Establishment clause forbids Congress from establishing a specific belief of religion and the Free Exercise clause prohibits the government from interfering with a person’s right to exercise their religion. The Executive Order allowed immigration from those nations by anyone practicing a non-Muslim religion, such as Christianity. The first case against the Executive Order by Donald Trump was defeated in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Poorly argued by the Government, the Muslim ban was struck down. Trump administration vowed to amend the Order and to appeal the decision of the Ninth Circuit. On March 6, a second Executive Order amended the list of nations to exclude Iraq, an American ally. This Order sought 90 days to establish “adequate standards to prevent infiltration by foreign terrorists.” No information was given detailing how the country was threatened. This

Maryland, of course, was one of those states that people fled from places like Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina for.” Part of the investigation involved travelling to the eight states, including Oklahoma, Missouri and Illinois, added to the report. EJI visited over 150 sites in total, Sanneh said. “One of the things that struck us is how little the contemporary landscape reflects this history,” said Sanneh. “You go to almost all of these sites and there’s no mention-you would never know that a lynching occurred here. We think that hidden history is important to uncover.” As part of creating a new landscape, EJI plans to erect a “Memorial to Peace and

Green Book Continued from A1

AP Photo/Amr Nabi

Dozens of Sudanese activists living in Egypt as refugees, many of whom fled fundamentalist Islamic militias and were close to approval for resettlement in the United States, now face legal limbo in Egypt after the Supreme Court partially reinstated President Donald Trump’s travel ban. time a trial court in Hawaii found the ban violated the First Amendment. The Obama Administration created a policy to allow 50,000 Syrians fleeing civil war to enter the U.S. as refugees. The refugees were already subject to a vetting process and had begun the process of immigration. The Executive Order suspended that program as “detrimental to the interests of the United States.” The International Refugee Assistance Project sued Donald Trump arguing that the ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries violated the Establishment clause. Under Federal law,

NNPA Continued from A1 McCormick, and Republican minority leader Joe Martin, in the Capitol, urging both to use their influence to get the FEPC [Fair Employment Practice] bill passed. Talked to President The publishers also talked to the veterans’ administrator Brig. Gen. Frank T. Hines, urging the abolition of jim crow in veterans’ hospitals. Others to appear before the committee were William Pickens, Thurgood Marshall, NAACP, and John P. Davis. They wound up Friday with a brief visit to the White House at which John Sengstacke, Chicago Defender and association president, and Carl Murphy, president of the AFRO-

the President has the power to stop immigration if there is a known threat. But, that threat cannot be based on religion alone. The Supreme Court ruled that these Muslim-travel ban cases will have full arguments in October. However, until then, there is a partial ban on immigration from those nations that is applied to tourists and refugees from those six nations. The ban does not apply to visitors from those nations who have been invited to travel here. It does not apply to visitors who have family or relationships to people already residing in the United States. The Court stated that “a close familial


Justice” in Montgomery, Alabama in the spring of 2018, the organization said in a statement. “If you are a person of color who walks to school every day by seven statues of great Confederate heroes with no information about history of your own ancestors, that’s a message about your value in society today,” said Sanneh. While a bust of Roger B. Taney, the slaveholding Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Maryland native that wrote the Dredd Scott v. Sandford majority opinion, was removed from Frederick City Hall, statues of Taney remain in Mount Vernon and Annapolis.

audience” may enter. The government can ban certain refugees and tourists from those six nations. Visitors with a known

relationship can enter. The fight moves to the Court’s next term, with both sides gathering their forces for a fierce legal battle.

largely White spaces,” Abernathy said. “The history of ‘Sundown Towns,’ and open hostility towards outsiders is a reality even in 2017.” A Sundown Town was a location where Blacks were not welcome after the sun went down. Abernathy notes an experience with three college students traveling to the Bayou Classic, a football game played between two Louisiana HBCUs in New Orleans, and pulling over to the side of the road to look at, take pictures with and pick a handful of cotton from a field bordering the road. They were arrested

Commission has reintroduced the spirit of the original Green Book with the release of a free mobile travel guide app that highlights more than 300 cultural attractions, districts and markers within the state. The application uses geotags and interactive maps to show places located within 25 miles of a user’s location. “This is one of the first statewide mobile travel guides to African-American cultural destinations to be produced by a state anywhere in the U.S.,” South Carolina Sen. Vincent Sheheen said in a statement. “It is positioned to increase even further the $2.4 billion annual economic impact of African-American tourism in our state.” Floyd Abernathy, who offers low country and Gullah South Carolina Sen. Vincent Sheheen tours through his company UsTravel, told the AFRO for trespassing and stealing that handful of that the recreation of the Green Book could cotton. “They learned that there are still rules not come at a better time for travelers and to traveling in unfamiliar places and the Green vacationers uneasy about racial bias. “We are Book – even as an app, means that you stay on in a time where we seem to be going back course for fun, safety, and new experiences,” in time with race relations – especially with Abernathy said. Black people traveling through unfamiliar,

“This is one of the first statewide mobile travel guides to AfricanAmerican cultural destinations to be produced by a state anywhere in the U.S.” –

AMERICAN, were the spokesmen. The publishers were the guests of the Washington AFRO-AMERICAN at dinner at the Casbah Restaurant and Supper Club on U. St. Friday night. Ralph Matthews was toastmaster. The text of the NNPA statement to the President follows: Mr. President, we are not unaware of the many great problems, foreign and domestic, with which you are faced. We, ourselves, have no lag in our interest in the winning of ultimate and complete victory in the war, and in the establishment of permanent peace. We, like you, are concerned with and about the total problems of these United States. It is in the spirit of that total picture that we respectfully seek your active interest and support of four specific matters which are pressing at this time. Ask Strong FEPC

Identification Statements

Baltimore Afro-American – (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The Afro-American Newspapers, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Subscription Rate: Baltimore - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Checks for subscriptions should be made payable to: The Afro-American Newspaper Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Periodicals postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Afro-American Newspapers Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.

The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune – (0276-6523) is published weekly by the Afro-American Newspapers at 1816 12th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009-4422. Subscription Rate: Washington - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.

We respectfully urge, Mr. President, that you make the Fair Employment Practice bill, with enforcement powers, an administration measure. We urge, sir, that you direct the Attorney General to use all the powers of his office to carry out its full force and effect the decision of the Supreme Court in the Texas primary case affecting the rights of all American citizens to participate in all primary elections.




The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017


New Healthcare Bill – the Wrong Choice for African Americans In 1954, Thurgood Marshall and a team of NAACP attorneys argued the landmark civil rights case, Brown v. Board, before the Supreme Court. They demonstrated to the Justices that segregated schools violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause – that separate was and would always be unequal. Our representatives are on the brink of establishing a health care plan that epitomizes separate and unequal. Thirteen U.S. Senators – all White men – sat behind closed doors in Washington, D.C. and crafted a replacement to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Their proposed bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), based off of the House’s American Health Care Act (AHCA), would only benefit people like themselves – healthy, wealthy White men – and quarantine the rest of the country into the confines of high cost, low quality health care. The Senate’s inequitable protection plan would disproportionately hurt the sick, the poor, the elderly, women, and people of color. It would make healthcare more expensive for seniors and people, who are already sick, increase out-ofpocket costs for doctor’s visits, slash subsidies to help lowincome people pay for health insurance, and cut Medicaid support to states by nearly one trillion dollars. In more than twenty years as a health and social policy professional, I have witnessed the dire consequences of African Americans living without health care, and I have watched the ACA repair some of the most egregious inequities in our health care system. If the Senate bill passes, the impact will devastate, and, in many cases, be lethal. The current version of the Senate’s health care plan proposes to cut more than $834 billion from the Medicaid program over ten years and phase out additional funding for its expansion. At the same time, the bill proposes tax cuts of over $660 billion that will largely benefit high-income individuals and big businesses – with 40 percent profiting the top one percent of earners. In effect, cuts to Medicaid for the poor and to premium subsidies for low-income people will serve to refund the rich. The Senate’s plan grants several allowances to states that hold the potential for serious harm. The plan permits states to opt out of providing essential health benefits that made coverage under the ACA more comprehensive, such as

Marjorie Innicent

maternity and mental health care. States that opt out of providing these essential benefits would receive their share of $138 billion over ten years to help offset the states’ cost for covering those who need care most and thereby likely set up high-risk insurance groupings. This provision would incentivize states to mark up the cost of coverage for people with certain needs, ostracizing them to their own costly risk pool. But the sick are not the only ones that the AHCA puts at risk: under the new bill, low-income families and individuals would be significantly hurt by the cuts to Medicaid, which would kick 14 million enrollees out of the program. Proposed changes to Medicaid would mean that the Federal government would only fund 50 percent of the program (it funds 95 percent under the ACA) making it more unlikely for states to participate in the program. The increased costs would be hurtful to all elderly Americans, most of whom experience a decline in income, but they would be especially crippling to African-American seniors, who experience poverty at twice the rate of their White counterparts. The ACA cut the uninsured rate for African-American adults by almost half between 2010 to 2015 and eliminated the inequity in uninsured rates between African-American and White children. For the first time in history, thanks to the ACA, a Black child is no longer more likely to be uninsured than a White child. The new bill threatens to undo all of this progress. Suddenly, health care and insurance will once again be out of reach for many African Americans, nearly a quarter of whom were living below the poverty line in 2015. The BCRA is an assault on the health of women of all races. The bill would prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funding for one year, including Medicaid and Title X,

despite its status as a source of care for services that women need, such as contraception and screenings for cancers and STDs. Our nation does not need a new health reform law. The ACA is the most comprehensive legislative effort to improve and democratize health care access in our nation’s history. We need to bolster the ACA’s promises of progress, not regress to conditions that were unacceptable then and are indefensible now. We need Congress to develop policies that help prevent illness, better manage disease, and facilitate health and wellbeing in our society overall. Our government’s focus should be on repairing and strengthening the ACA, not replacing it-much less with a dangerous, divisive alternative. Join the NAACP on social media with the hashtag #BeInTheRoom. Dr. Marjorie Innocent is senior director, NAACP Health Programs.

My Experience with Holding D.C. Police Accountable It is undisputed that Blacks are racially profiled and discriminated against consistently by law enforcement, due to implicit bias stemming from the horrendous history of this nation. Blacks are pulled over by police, searched, and arrested at tremendously higher rates than Whites. In Washington, D.C., between 2009 and 2011, more than 8 out of 10 residents arrested were Black. The inmate population at the D.C. jail is 89.1 percent Black, but Blacks only make up 48.3 percent of the city’s population. These figures are shocking and demonstrate how Blacks must always be prepared to demand equal treatment under the law. I recently found myself in a situation where I would need to do so. My friends and I were passengers in a friend’s vehicle when we were pulled over by the D.C. police. We were followed by this officer for at least .25 miles prior to being stopped. We were told the reason for the stop was due to a call about a woman in distress. The officer also stated that my friend failed to signal. Both of these statements appeared

Melanie E. Bates

to be unfounded. After the officer collected my friend’s license and registration and returned to the vehicle, he stated that sometimes foxes are mistaken for a woman’s scream. He then issued a warning for failure to signal. My friends and I were outraged. The stop seemed to be an obvious act of racial profiling and a clear abuse of discretion. We were four young Blacks in a luxury vehicle, driving in an upper class neighborhood in the early morning hours. I shudder to imagine how this incident would have ended had my friend not indicated he lived in the neighborhood. Fortunately, D.C. established the Office of Police Complaints (OPC) as a mechanism for residents to hold law enforcement accountable. After submitting my complaint and speaking with an OPC investigator, my case was referred to mediation. The officer provided an extensive history of his background and thought process for the stop. He said hindsight is 20/20 and described what he would have done differently. He was clearly briefed and his statements seemed a bit rehearsed, but I think he was genuinely concerned and empathetic about my frustrations.

The officer’s body worn camera footage did not capture the alleged failure to signal so it was essentially his word against mine. In the end, I agreed to resolve the complaint. It was a transformative learning experience. I was able to hear directly from the officer about his perspective of the incident and he was able to identify what he could have done differently, hopefully leading him to make better choices in the future. I strongly encourage all residents to take advantage of the services OPC has to offer. The results are invaluable. You will feel empowered and motivated to help others fight for their rights. Let us come together and join forces to hold our government accountable to its citizens. Our collective action will effectuate movement towards a more fair and balanced justice system. Melanie E. Bates is an attorney based in Washington, D.C. She is on the Advisory Board of Free Minds Books Club and Writing Workshop, a nonprofit organization that uses books, creative writing, and peer support to awaken D.C. youth incarcerated as adults to develop their own potential.

What Does the District Owe Returning Citizens? The D.C. Council approved the city’s budget earlier this year. While many people were unhappy with the budget, one clear loser was the returning citizens community. Last year, the council unanimously passed the Incarceration to Incorporation Entrepreneurship Program (IIEP) but failed to appropriate funding for the legislation. The council followed the Mayor’s lead this year in refusing to fund the IIEP. The IIEP provides education, entrepreneurial training, apprenticeship, business mentorship and access to start-up capital for the District’s returning citizens. As background, fifty percent of the District’s returning citizens - people coming home from prison are unemployed. Fifty percent are back in prison within three years. This 50/50 dilemma speaks to the need for comprehensive smart reentry approaches in the District to address the despairing connection between unemployment and recidivism. We believe entrepreneurship should be a key component of these approaches. The IIEP, as originally passed by the D.C. Council, goes further than any other piece of returning citizen legislation passed by the Council in some time. Had the Council funded the IIEP, the program would have created an ecosystem of education, business training, investment and services that could give the District the

Kevin Smith and Kimberly A. Nelson

outcomes that similar programs throughout the country are experiencing. Programs such as Rising Tide Capital (New Jersey), Defy Ventures (New York) and Prison Entrepreneurship Program (Texas) demonstrate that the IIEP would have the potential to yield high returns on investment through low recidivism rates, job creation, reduced public assistance use, increased income and businesses with higher-than-average survival rates. Regrettably, the Mayor in her FY2018 proposed budget decided not to fund the IIEP; and the D.C. Council also failed to do the right thing during their budget mark-up. The magnitude of the despair and lack of opportunity for D.C.’s returning citizen population is clear. Studies cite more than 60,000 individuals living in the District with a prior conviction, and each year 2,000 to 8,000 return to the District after incarceration. In the Mayor’s response to the Council’s questions on her FY2018 budget proposal, she stated that there are “850 persons released a month from the Department of Corrections today” but they estimate “365 a month” they can serve. The IIEP model is structured to meet the needs of a larger number of individuals then any existing program of its kind in the District, and can help fill in the gap of 5,820 returning citizens the Mayor leaves to fend for themselves each year. These numbers are astounding and an embarrassment for the city. If the District is unable to provide viable and sustainable employment opportunities to our returning citizens, then why not provide them the skills and means to

create their own? The IIEP would provide comprehensive training to assist returning citizens in starting a business, creating a pathway to self-sufficiency via self-employment. The IIEP could have created a sustainable path to selfsufficiency for the District’s returning citizens. Was the council’s passing the act simply a political ploy to look progressive without having to live up to it? Bowser said that the returning-citizen community not only has a seat at the table, but it’s their table as well. Was that simply lip service? It is important to begin establishing effective coalitions with those in our community with similar interests. Those who are affected by the Council’s negligence must be willing to engage and advocate on their own behalves. There is no doubt that if the 67,000+ returning citizens in the District were mobilized, organized, and on one accord, their concerns could not be ignored. This type of movement would be able to effectuate real change in our government and its budget priorities. When growing up we remember hearing the older folks say, “closed mouths don’t get fed.” We call on those of like minds to collaborate with us, come to the table to lend voices about what is needed and hold our lawmakers accountable. Kevin Smith works for the D.C. Council. Kimberly A. Nelson is a life coach and nonprofit consultant. They are working with the DC Reentry Task Force to fund the Incarceration to Incorporation Entrepreneurship Program.

July July 1, 1, 2017 2017 -- July July 1, 7, 2017, 2017, The The Afro-American

Monuments Continued from A1 for?’” Landrieu said during a June 16 speech at Washington D.C.’s Center for American Progress. “That’s a good lesson because that’s why we serve, right?” Of course, Landrieu’s advice could also apply to Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh and her continuing efforts to remove four Confederate monuments from the city. The speech focused on his move to take down four Confederate statues in his city and the subsequent speech he delivered about it in May that got him national attention and has many wondering if he will run for president in 2020. When asked, Landrieu says he focusing on New Orleans at the moment although he does not rule it out. Landrieu started advocating for the statutes’ removal in 2015 after Dylann Roof, a self-avowed White supremacist, gunned down nine Black parishioners at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. Following the massacre, South Carolina legislators held an emotional debate over removing the Confederate flag that flew over its statehouse – the flag was eventually taken down. Since then, other Southern cities have been debating their own Confederate symbols. New Orleans City Council backed Landrieu’s request later that year. Meanwhile, ABC News reported that a temporary injunction has delayed the removal of a Gen. Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville for six months. Landrieu knows what the Charlottesville mayor

Courtesy photo

The Confederate Memorial on Court Square in Charlottesville, Va. is one of four monuments Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer is attempting to remove. is going through. The New Orleans mayor faced similar resistance and protests from White supremacists and death threats when he removed the

Confederate monuments, the last of which, a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee, came down in May. It got so bad that workers

had to wear bulletproof vests and cover their faces to conceal their identities to remove that statue. The other memorials were statues of Confederate States President Jefferson Davis, Confederate Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard and a monument commemorating a deadly White supremacist riot in 1874 against the biracial Reconstruction government installed in New Orleans after the Civil War. Confederate statues, Landrieu said, deliberately honor a fictionalized version of the Confederacy while ignoring the enslavement and the terror it endorsed. Erected after the Civil War, Confederate statues were a form of terrorism to remind everyone of who was in charge, Landrieu said. The searing speech Landrieu delivered in May defended his decision to take those statues down and questioned why there aren’t monuments or markers to remember the slaves, lynching, or slave ships.

The Center for American Progress invited Landrieu to speak shortly after he gave that speech, because it resonated with what many African Americans have said about the Confederacy all along – that it was about suppression, not state’s rights or preserving Southern heritage, said Danyelle Solomon director of Progress 2050 at the center. For Landrieu to take a stand as a White Southern mayor is powerful, she added. “He opens the door for more individuals to join and expose truths,” Solomon said in a statement. “The only way our country can truly move forward and heal is to understand where we came from. You can’t do that if you don’t tell the truth and Mayor Landrieu is telling the truth.” Blogs have speculated that Landrieu speaks eloquently on racial issues because he may have some Black ancestry. But the notion that a White man can only see the

A3 A5

humanity of Blacks because he might have Black ancestry is an insidious one, he said. “Nobody ever asked the question of well, ‘How much Italian blood do you have or how much Irish blood and does that make you more or less likely to drink beer?’” Landrieu said. “Or things of that nature. That whole line of questioning is designed to terrorize people into saying, ‘Oh my God if you have a taint of Black blood there must be something wrong with you.’ That’s the whole point of a lot of these discussions.” Landrieu said he doesn’t know if he has Black ancestry, but it wouldn’t surprise him if he does, given all the intermarriage in New Orleans. He’s willing to take a DNA test to find out for sure and would be honored if it determines he has Black ancestry. “I think the answer is probably yes, by the way if, you want to cut to the chase,” Landrieu said.

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The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017

Another Predominantly White Jury Deadlocks in White Ohio Cop’s Murder Retrial of Sam DuBose Numbers of Cops Killing Black Men without Reprisal Continues to Grow By The Associated Press A second mistrial was declared June 23 in the case of a White University of Cincinnati officer who killed an unarmed Black motorist during a traffic stop. It’s the latest racially charged police shooting case to show the reluctance of U.S. jurors to convict officers. Hamilton County Judge Leslie Ghiz declared a mistrial after more than 30 hours of jury deliberations over five days. The jurors had said earlier Friday that they were unable to reach a verdict in Officer Ray Tensing’s trial, but Ghiz had sent them back to try again on the counts of murder and voluntary manslaughter. Instead, they sent her

another note some three hours later, saying: “We are almost evenly split regarding our votes.” The note said they didn’t foresee reaching a unanimous verdict. Tensing looked down, his hand on his face, as the judge announced the mistrial over the death of 43-year-old Sam DuBose, who was shot in the head while driving away from the traffic stop on July 19, 2015. Tensing and his family left quickly without comment. The first trial against the 27-year-old Tensing also ended in a mistrial after the jury deliberated 25 hours over four days in November without reaching a verdict. The case is among several across the country in recent years that have raised attention

to how police deal with Blacks. Prosecutors will have to decide whether to try Tensing for a third time. A spokeswoman for the county prosecutor, Joe Deters, said he won’t comment until next week. This jury had nine Whites and three Blacks. His first trial had 10 Whites and two Blacks. The University of Cincinnati fired Tensing in 2015 after his indictment. It restructured its public safety department and made other policing reforms. The university reached a $5.3 million settlement with DuBose’s family, including free undergraduate tuition for DuBose’s 13 children.

Cara Owsley /The Cincinnati Enquirer via AP

Audrey DuBose, right, mother of Sam DuBose, looks at the jury as Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Leslie Ghiz declares a mistrial in the retrial of Ray Tensing in T:10.5” Cincinnati.


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July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American


‘A Tale of Two Cities’ Explained Over Breakfast The Paper Moon Diner in Remington arguably has the best blueberry pancakes in Baltimore Sean Yoes City. Baltimore AFRO And it Editor was the blueberry pancakes (sans powdered sugar), along with the addictive duck bacon that summoned me back to the eatery last Sunday for a very late breakfast. Years ago the restaurant was the choice of the late night, early morning clubbers, because it was open 24 hours; after a night of partying, it was a favorite pit stop to refuel and debrief with friends. So, Paper Moon with its eclectic (and bizarre) decor, tasty comfort food and insomniac hours of operation, consistently attracted the party people, various practitioners of “the life” as well as the garden variety weirdos Baltimore is infamous for. Nowadays, Paper Moon seems to attract a more mainstream clientele including, tourists, curious millennials and the ubiquitous Baltimore hipster (especially in neighborhoods like Remington). Last Sunday, as I ate my blueberry pancakes with my companion, we were exposed to two fascinating

Continued on B2

Jury Finds Officers Negligent in Death of Baltimore Woman

Following Fed Indictment

Should Sen. Oaks Continue to Serve? By Deborah Bailey Special to the AFRO Courtesy photo

By Stephen Janis Special to the AFRO When Baltimore resident Kendra Diggs called police to her Northeast Baltimore home on Parrish Street in May of 2013, she was desperate. Her face was bruised and bloodied, the result of a beating administered by her fiancé, James Smith. Her five-year-old son cowed in terror. The walls of an already strained relationship were closing in. Police arrived, but instead of removing Smith from the premises, they directed Diggs, who had fled the premises to stand next to a fence in the front yard. She told them Smith had

…police failed to protect Diggs, or take adequate steps to insure her safety, and failed to disarm her fiance who police knew had a gun. a gun. And then as one of the officers tried to talk to Smith, a shot rang out, striking Diggs in the head. That’s because Smith, a veteran Baltimore police officer and sharpshooter, had scurried to the second floor of their row home to shoot at Diggs. The police officers had placed her directly in the line of fire. As she laid splayed against the fence seriously wounded, witnesses testified, the officers took cover. And then Smith fired another shot, a fatal one, hitting Diggs in the head killing

Baltimore Area Church News By Baltimore AFRO Staff

the 37-year-old mother of two as neighbors looked on in horror. After releasing his son, Smith temporality barricaded himself inside the home. He was later arrested and charged with first degree murder. These are the facts which emerged during a wrongful death lawsuit filed on behalf of Diggs’ family against the two Baltimore city police officers who responded to the call. The case recounted a sequence of events that lawyer A. Dwight Pettit, who represents the family told the AFRO was “gut wrenching.” Courtesy photo “The officers left her by the James Smith, once a fence,” Pettit said. veteran Baltimore police Last week a circuit court officer, was charged with jury sided with the plaintiffs first degree murder in the and awarded $850,000 for shooting death of his fiancé negligence. The suit alleged Kendra Diggs. He later that police failed to protect committed suicide in his Diggs, or take adequate steps to insure her safety, and failed jail cell. to disarm her fiance who police knew had a gun. Pettit says the case hinged upon the implicit responsibility Continued on B2

Groups Hold Anti-Racism Rally in Annapolis By The Associated Press Civil rights groups held a rally in Annapolis June

25 to raise awareness of racial issues plaguing the city, the county and nation. The Capital Gazette

Pastor Sandy Johnson Dies

Pastor Sandy Johnson, of the Fresh Waters Ministries church in Parkville died suddenly, on June 23. She was 62. Pastor Johnson was ordained as a minister in 1999 and presided over Fresh Waters Ministries since 2001, according to her oldest daughter Ericka Johnson.

Pastor Ann Lightner-Fuller Retires

Rev. Dr. Ann Lightner-Fuller, Pastor of Mt. Calvary A.M.E. Church in Towson announced her retirement recently. Pastor Lightner-Fuller, a native of Raleigh, North Carolina, began Courtesy Photo her ministry in 1983 Rev. Dr. Ann Lightnerand she had presided Fuller over Mt. Calvary since 1986. During her tenure the church has grown from 150 to over 2,000 members according Mt. Cavalry’s website.

Pastor Lester McCorn to Lead S.C. Continued on B2

State Senator Nat Oaks (D-41) vows to maintain his duties as a member of the Maryland General Assembly during the upcoming 2018 General Assembly session, while fighting federal fraud charges, despite the objections of some of the constituents he is supposed to serve. Oaks, whose district is primarily in Northwest Baltimore, has pleaded not guilty to a nine-count indictment handed down by U.S. District Court at the end of May including wire fraud and violations of the U.S. Travel Act. The charges are based on assertions that Oaks accepted more than $10,000 in illegal cash payments in May and June of 2016. The indictment also charges Oaks with taking an additional $5,000 in September 2016 in exchange for a promise to file a $250,000 Bond Bill for a confidential source. The source turned out to be an FBI agent. The indictment indicates the transactions were recorded. Oaks is currently scheduled to appear before


A protester in Annapolis holds a sign with the name and picture of Kendrec McDade, a California college student who was killed by police.

reports that members of the NAACP, Caucus of African American Leaders and other groups gathered at the City Dock in Annapolis on Sunday, and wore billboards with the names and faces of African American men and women who have died after encounters with police. The rally was also in support of Councilman Pete Smith’s idea to declare a state of emergency to cure racial tension in Annapolis. At the rally, Smith said if we can put a person on the moon, “why can’t we end racism? Why can’t we end discrimination? It’s not outside of this world, it’s in this world.”


Past Seven Days

Courtesy Photo

State Senator Nat Oaks U.S. District Court Judge Richard D. Bennett for a two-week trial beginning in early March 2018. However, Stuart O. Simms, Oaks’ attorney asked Bennett to delay the trial until the close of the 2018 General Assembly session April 9, in order for Oaks to represent his district

Continued on B2

169 2017 Total

Data as of June 28

Race and Politics



The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017


Robbery Suspects Caught

Continued from B1

Courtesy Photos

By Michelle Richardson Special to AFRO According to police, 21 year- old Malik McCaffity of the 2000 block of Linden

Avenue and 18 year-old Maurice L. Allen Jr. of the 4800 block of Richard Avenue, were involved in a liquor robbery that turned into a police shoot out near the intersection of Moravia and Harford Roads on June 26.

outlined in the department’s internal rules that police officers must protect people in their custody. “It’s a progressive victory in terms of the law that police do have responsibility to protect you when they assume control of an incident,” Pettit said. “In this case they were on the scene and allegedly had control of the situation.” According to Pettit, the testimony from a neighbor of Diggs was critical to the case. She told jurors she watched Diggs cling to the fence after being wounded by the first shot, while officers took cover. Seconds later Smith delivered the fatal shot. Smith, 49, was jailed without bond. However, the 20-year veteran officer, who was assigned to the city’s

motorcade unit, was found unresponsive in his cell in August of 2013. Corrections officials later determined Smith committed suicide by

The $850,000 award will most likely be reduced, because state law caps municipal liability to $200,000 per victim for

“In this case they were on the scene and allegedly had control of the situation.” – A. Dwight Pettit hanging himself. The jury declined to award damages for the arrest of Diggs’ oldest son who was taken into custody shortly after he arrived on the scene the night his mother was murdered. He was released three hours later without charges. Police said the arrest was for his own protection.

lawsuits filed prior to 2016. Pettit filed the lawsuit on behalf of Diggs’ family in 2014. The limit has since been raised to $250,000. Pettit says he does not know if the city will appeal the verdict. The AFRO called city solicitor David Ralph for comment, but he did not respond by press time.

Race and Politics Continued from B1

conversations engaged by two pairs of women; one Black the other White. To be clear, the conversations weren’t very compelling independent of each other, they were remarkable because they were juxtaposed to each other. My friend sat closest to the young White women. She couldn’t hear precisely every word of their dialogue, but what she did hear apparently was about to make her, “head explode.” The inane babble of two millennial women -- something about a roommate’s transgression of leaving a door unlocked, among other trivial matters -- didn’t seem to go down well with my friend’s arugula salad. But, on a breezy Sunday afternoon, perhaps it is appropriate for a conversation between two 20-somethings to be light and airy. However, the dialogue between the two young Black women was decidedly heavier and infinitely more ominous. One of the women talked about, “a lot of shootings,” in her neighborhood, “but, only a few people got killed.” The other woman divulged matter of factly, that her brother had been jailed for murder, before she began to dig back into her meal. Two sets of women, approximately the same age, apparently living in the same city, but seemingly worlds apart. The divergent life experiences of these young women are in many ways the embodiment of Baltimore, a tale of two cities; rich and poor, Black and White, privileged and imperiled, gentrified and blighted. The reality is victims of the most inferior Baltimore City Public Schools are rarely White.

Targets of police intimidation, brutality and profiling are almost exclusively Black. The big money beneficiaries of Baltimore City Government largess, especially when it comes to downtown development, (see Port Covington and Harbor East), are all White. The names on, “the murder list,” the victims of homicide in 2017 (167 and counting as of June 28) are almost all Black. In 1911, Baltimore Mayor J. Barry Mahool crafted an ordinance to prevent, “conflict and ill feeling between the White and Colored races in Baltimore City, and promoting the general welfare of the city by providing...separate blocks by White and Colored people for residences, churches and schools,” stated Mahool’s ordinance, the first segregation law aimed specifically at Blacks in the United States. Indeed, Baltimore “invented” legal residential segregation and the city remains one of the most segregated cities in America more than 100 years later. In 2017, tools like gentrification, big money development, failing public schools (still) and law enforcement (still), have helped the city erect even higher walls around Black and White neighborhoods and the experiences of Black and White Baltimore almost always seem wildly disconnected and inequitable. This despite the fact we can eat a late breakfast in the same restaurant on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

The divergent life experiences of these young women are in many ways the embodiment of Baltimore, a tale of two cities; rich and poor, Black and White, privileged and imperiled, gentrified and blighted.

Church News


Continued from B1

Continued from B1


Pastor Lester McCorn of the Pennsylvania Avenue AME Zion Church of Baltimore, will be resigning as pastor and heading to South Carolina, where he has been named interim president of Clinton College, in Rock Hill. His last day at Pennsylvania Avenue AME Zion will be July 16, according to a source familiar with the church.

Sean Yoes is the AFRO’s Baltimore editor and host and executive producer of, “First Edition,” which airs Monday through Friday, 5-7 p.m. on WEAA, 88.9.

free from the encumbrance of legal proceedings. However, this is the second time Oaks has been charged with financial malfeasance while representing the 41st District. At the end of 1988 when he was a member of the House of Delegates, Oaks was convicted in Baltimore City Circuit Court for theft and misconduct in office. He was accused of stealing around $10,000 from a re-election fund (Oaks was appointed to his current seat in the Senate in February 2017, when he replaced Sen. Lisa Gladden due to illness). Some within the district expressed concerns about Oaks ability to lead given hias previous conviction and the current legal clouds hanging over his head. A West Baltimore real estate professional, who wished to remain anonymous told the AFRO, “Any public official who faces serious criminal charges should consider the overall needs of the – Eben Frederick district and be willing to step aside until the issues are resolved,” she said. Eben Frederick, president of the Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce, said that critical development discussions and decisions impacting West Baltimore should continue without interruption while Oaks prepares for a 2018 court date. “We’ll reserve any judgement while the legal process plays out,” Frederick told the AFRO, indicating that the Chamber does not weigh-in on open legal investigations. “West Baltimore is among the various communities within the city that need the continued support of all (of) the city’s elected officials, and we hope that economic development plans and other initiatives continue so that they, and all Baltimoreans receive the support to which they are entitled,” Frederick added. Residents of the 41st District at Reisterstown Road Plaza expressed more open support for Oaks. Gerald Atkins, whose family members have owned small businesses in the area for years said Oaks needs to connect directly to the people in his district. “He should let the people know what he stands for and that he’s still capable of doing his job. Over here, we believe in second chances,” Atkins said, in reference to the Reisterstown Road business district that has struggled in recent years. “He’s not been proven guilty of anything. He should just stay committed and remain true to the people.”

“We’ll reserve any judgement while the legal process plays out.”

Courtesy Photo

Pastor Lester McCorn

July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American

“There’s a time of the day when the sun is going down, that’s the golden time of day. It’s a time that the sun turns a gold all around, that’s the golden time of day. At the end of the day when the wind is soft and warm, don’t it make the flowers sway when the sun settles down and it takes a lovely form, that’s the golden time of day. People let me tell you there’s a time in your life when you find who you are, that’s the golden time of day. In your mind, you will find you’re a bright shining star, ooh that’s the golden time of day. When you feel deep inside all the love you’re lookin’ for, don’t it make you feel ok? Like the time of the day when the sun is going down, that’s the golden time of day.” – Frankie Beverly The Wednesday golfers, boaters and philosophers’ annual day trip in Cambridge, MD., at Great Marsh Park overlooking the Choptank River was an idyllic way to spend a lazy afternoon and the perfect way to kick off our summer Wednesdays. Our hosts, Cambridge residents Anthony Ennels, Alvin Jones, Gary Burkett, Nicky Henry and Tyrone Seymour greeted us with a bushel of Maryland steamed crabs, and corn on the cob from the Eastern Shore. After a day of barbequing, play cards, and enjoying the company of good friends it was time to leave, but not before stopping at the Cambridge Elks Home, where the local residents were waiting to welcome us back to Cambridge and wish us a safe journey home. “Until we meet again.” Congratulations to Delegate Antonio Hayes on a successful night out at Mt Vernon Marketplace. “It’s electric!” The food, music, and camaraderie among family, friends and political allies was the perfect combination. It was a political, who’s who in Maryland politics showing their support for this highly respected delegate from the 40th legislative district. Mt Vernon

Marketplace located at Park Ave. and Center Street is an ideal spot for lunch and dinner with diverse dining options and plenty of fun. “The boys are back in town!” Join The Friday Night Bunch and Miss Annie Hall’s Girls, on Friday July 14, 2017 at the Arch Social Club located at Pennsylvania and North. It is a celebration honoring Delegate Antonio Hayes in his Penn- North neighborhood, after a successful session in Annapolis. Valet parking will be available. “All of the people around us they say can they be that close. Just let me state for the record we’re giving love in a family dose! We are family!” –Sister Sledge The official celebration announcing the engagement of Jasmine Hampton and Adrian Brooks at Harborview was simply beautiful. Jasmine’s parents, Thomas Hampton and Sheila Dixon stood before more than 150 guests at the noon brunch catered by Martin’s West to announce the engagement of their daughter to Adrian Brooks of New York City. The beautiful future bride was elegant as she and her future husband strolled throughout the room greeting the guests. The joyful event was the perfect opportunity for both families to meet and greet new and old friends as they sipped specialty champagne cocktails selected personally by Martin’s sommelier. Guests enjoyed custom-made omelets, waffles with all the trimmings, fresh fruits, assorted meats and more for an ideal brunch. Among the guests wishing the engaged couple best wishes were: the future groom’s parents Dana Blocker and Adrienne Brooks, Anthony Jones, Martha McKenzie, Janice Dixon, Joshua Hampton, Councilwoman Rikki Spector, Dr. Oscar Brilliant, Brittani Wynn, Juan and Robyn Dixon, Delegate Antonio Hayes, Pierre and Valerie Stewart, Edward Anthony, Lisa


Shannon, Richard McClearn, Andy and and frequently travel to Maryland. SukHee Freeman and Jerome Fisher. Speaking of anniversaries, Del and “Where do I begin to tell the story Dan Henson celebrated their fifty plus of how great a love can be? The wedding anniversary while in Antigua sweet love story that is older than and happy anniversary Randy and the sea. The truth about the love Emily Tilghman. she brings to me where do I start… How long does it last? Can love be “If a picture paints a thousand measured by the hours in a day? I words…” –Bread have no answers now but this much I can say, I know I’ll need her ‘till Artist Sharon Attaway will host the stars all burn away and she’ll be her first solo art exhibit titled Resinthere.” Andy Williams Art Abstract Collection at the Aloft Hotel in Hanover, MD. The opening Guests travelled from Denmark, reception featuring complimentary England, Toronto and the United States drinks and hors d’oeuvres is July 12, at to witness Joyce and Paddy Benjamin 6:00 pm in the hotel lobby. renew their vows in celebration of Sending words of comfort to Janette their golden wedding anniversary at Little and Queen Carr and family the Catholic Cathedral in St. Johns on the death of your mother Ella M. in Antigua, with the Archbishop Hamilton and to Shirley Montgomery officiating. After the ceremony, guests on the death of her husband Thomas dined on a great assortment of local Montgomery. cuisine, at a reception at Sandals in Wishing Dr. Marian Davis-Foster Dickenson Bay. The three days of a marvelous 80th birthday and happy celebration included brunch and dinner birthday to my main man Bill Massey, at the Benjamin’s estate in Antigua. Nathaniel “Buzzy” Thomas, Del Father Peter Bramble of St. Peter’s and Henson, Luther Johnson, Ernestine St. Barnabas Anglican Churches of Shepherd, Jackie Brown, Carey Antigua, his wife Joy, and Danny and Edwards and Beverly Davis Del Henson were among the invited guests celebrating the magnificent What’s happening! couple. The Benjamins’ owner of The AFRO’s 125th anniversary gala several printing companies in Antigua August 12, contact Diane Hocker for have established lifelong friendships ticket information 410-554-8200. with the Brambles and the Hensons

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SABRE is holding a scholarship sweepstakes.

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The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017

Dr. Mohan Suntha, Honoree and Head of University of Maryland Medical Systems

The 2017 ABC Gala was held at Martin’s West, June 10. The splashy, fundraising event supports ABC’s vital work, advocating for workforce development, career advancement and health equity issues that affect Black Americans and the broader community.

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hargrave, Drew Hawkins & Carla Peck and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Scott

Jason Sander and Danielle Torrain

Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Scriber

Mayor Catherine Pugh

Mimi Roeder Vaughn, Gala Chair, Diane Bell McKoy, President / CEO Associated Black Charities, Chineta Kennedy, Gala Co-Chair

Patrice Harris, Sharon Butler, Dionne Joyner-Weems

Stacey Ullrich, Alicia Wilson, Shelonda Stokes and Tisha Edwards Robert Wallace and Wayne Fraizer

Diane Bell-McKoy and Marsha Jews

Stephan Pickett Guy Fieri’s Baltimore Kitchen and Bar Jeff Hargrave, Mahogony and Earl Scott, GymGo CoFounder/CEO

Jesse Bennett, Sheilah Davenport and Curtis McMicken

Terri Scott and James Scott, Penan & Scott Organic Sponsor

ABC Board

The American Cancer Society event, “A Taste for Life,” was held at The Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore, June 25. Cecil Flamer, of Brown Capital Management Group, was chairperson of the event. Tswana Sewell, of the American Cancer Society spoke on the importance of the Society and how the funds raised go a long way in the treatment of cancer patients. One of the guest speakers was Dr. Sumati Murli, director of Clinical Research for the Johns Hopkins Hospital. A variety of popular music was performed by the Secret Society Band. There was a silent auction as well as a live auction. Guests Dierdre Miller,Crystal feasted on food prepared by Horseshoe Casino Williams and Jose Rivera Johnny Sanchez Restaurant restaurants, and sipped on dozens of wines.

Joan Sloan and Tswana Sewell

Members of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter: Marcine Britton, Gwen Skillern, Landa McLaurin, President, Valerie Thomas, Kathy Robertson

Brian Phoenix and Mary Broadwater

Dr.Sumati Murli Director of Clinical Research The Johns Hopkins Hospital

Cecil Flamer, Event Chair

The sorority members of Baltimore Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. gathered on April 30 at the Delta Community Center for an afternoon of elegance to celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the chapter. As guests arrived, they were greeted by the sounds of a live jazz band and Lataysheia D. Lance, Joanne Mack, Elexis enjoyed scrumptious hors d’oeuvres with a champagne toast. Bond, Gladys Rice, Eleanor P. Matthews, The Legacy of Love and Service of Delta from 1922 through 2017 was Rev. Dr. Frances (Toni) Murphy Draper (2nd from right) and displayed through a historical walk down memory lane, “Echoes of the Past” her Delta sisters with a photo of her grandmother Vashti about “Women of Vision Who Dared to Venture.” Turley Murphy. Dr. Draper wrote a book , “No Ordinary Hookup”, which details the courtship of her grandmother and In addition to the vendors, the granddaughter of Vashti Turley Murphy, one grandfather, Dr. Carl Murphy. of the founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Murphy Draper held a book signing of “No Ordinary Hook Up.” The Honorary chair was Lydia Mussenden, a Amanda Morgan, Juanita Bellamy, Delta for more than 60 years. Bernadette Adams General chairs were Eleanor Matthews and Kathy Alexander. More than 400 members make up Long-time Delta sisters are Frances Honorary chair, Lydia the Baltimore Alumnae Gaines and Dr. Ruth King Pratt Mussenden with daughters, Dr. Chapter. Beverly Boston, Caryl Mussenden Ellis, Chris Mussenden Williams

Sabrina Bush

Goldie Wood, Doris Smith, Gloria Campbell

Kathy Alexander, Ann Branch, Helen McDonald, Mildred Harper, Allenette Valentine

Ebony Plowden, Bobbie Swann, Photos by Dr. A. Pamela Crawford Lois De Laine

Laura Phillips Byrd, Eleanor P. Matthews, chairperson, 95th Anniversary, Hon. Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore City States Attorney, Dr. Thelma T. Daley, 16th National President, Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc., Mary Demory, Lydia Mussenden, honorary chair

July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American



Broadway Vet Brenda Braxton Breaks Down Theater Etiquette in New Book Veteran Broadway actress and dancer Brenda Braxton was planning on writing her memoirs until a fateful encounter with an up and comer caused her to switch gears. “I was doing a show and sharing a dressing room with one of the younger leading ladies and I asked her about the traditional tipping of your dresser every week or every month and if she wanted to kind of go in together or if she wanted to do it by herself or what and she literally had no idea what I was talking about.” Shocked at the young woman’s ignorance about something so crucial to the long term success of someone who planned on having a career in the theater, she thought the book she was planning should provide the information that newcomers to the theater business obviously were not getting. She recalls thinking, “Hmm… perhaps this should be my first book.” That book ended up being The Little Black Book of Backstage Etiquette. A slim, easy to read volume, it is full of tidbits about surviving and thriving in the sometimes challenging circumstances of theater life. She talks about handling sensitive issues such as sweaty costumes, wigs, what to do if you must miss performances and sharing a bathroom with other performers. One of the most fascinating tips involves the lighting of matches. A native New Yorker, Braxton says “I always, always knew I wanted to be in theater in some kind of way. I knew I loved dancing. I always wanted to dance. Then I went to the High School for the Performing Arts and pretty much everything opened up to me.” The Tony Award nominated performer who has also appeared in feature films such as “Smokey Joe’s Café” and “Hurricane,” was born and raised in the Bronx and began taking dance lessons at age four at the Ruth Williams Dancing School. Even with all that extensive training she always had an attitude of humility. She says, “I never took anything for granted. I didn’t think ‘Oh I’ve got talent’. I knew I was funny, I knew I was attractive but I never took anything for granted. I’m still on that learning curve.” Braxton was lucky enough to have a mother who was always supportive of her aspirations. In fact, on the day she got her Tony nomination for her performance in “Chicago,”’ by the time she managed to call her mother to share the news she laughingly recalls her mother, had “already changed the message on her answering machine to say, ‘You have reached the mother of the Tony nominated Brenda Braxton.’” For Braxton, maintaining relationships is the bedrock of having a successful career in theater. She says, “If

you want to have longevity in this business, it’s very important not to burn any bridges. Not to slough off someone because you think they’re young, or don’t know anything or be rude. Longevity means that you have built bridges and not burned them.” Part of the reason why she believes there are so many younger people now who lack this very important knowledge is because they tend to feel more entitled than past generations. She explains, “This generation because of TV and reality TV and dance shows and what not they see people getting things at the drop of a hat so they’re coming into this business in a different way than my generation came into this business.” For the person who has already damaged their reputation, she believes it will be an uphill battle to reverse it. “I think if you go three years with a bad reputation, it’s gonna be really, really hard to turn it around. It also depends on

Courtesy phot o

By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO

Tony award winner Brenda Braxton offers advice to new theater performers in her new book.

what you’ve done. If you’ve done a lot of shows and have a bad reputation, that’s gonna be hard to fix. You’ve got to be willing to recognize and know where the problem is. You’ve got to really say to yourself, let me figure out why I’m not getting hired for these things.” For those who are bashful, it isn’t enough to sit on your laurels and say you can’t build relationships because you are shy. However, Braxton doesn’t feel that building relationships necessarily entail grand gestures. She says, “Take the first step of introducing yourself and just have a regular conversation. To say ‘hi’ sometimes is all you need. Or to remember that person’s name and say, ‘Hi Joe’. Just a simple acknowledgement of the people that you’re working with. You’d be surprised how far that will go. When I did Broadway, the musicians we had on stage with us, I would never go a day without saying ‘Hey guys, how’re y’all doing today?’ It made such a difference.” Brenda Braxton’s Little Black Book of Backstage Etiquette is available now.


New Black-Owned Family Restaurant, The BBQ, Opens on Greenmount Avenue

“THE BBQ Sandwich” Photos by Nakia Brown

By Nakia Brown Special to The AFRO

Six Pavilion, Verizon Center, Royal Farms Arena, and many others. The success of the lighting business allowed him to finance about $117,000 to open the family’s first restaurant business. It took about 1 year and 2 months to open the 900 sq ft restaurant due to zoning hurdles, Marcus said. Since opening earlier this year, the restaurant has served over 2,000 customers and has 13 employees. The restaurant is bringing back a sense of liveliness to Greenmount Avenue with a steady flow of patrons, outdoor seating, and a playlist of blues rockin’ from speaker to soul. Why Greenmount Avenue? “Convenience,” Marcus reasons as the lighting company is right next door. “It’s been a food dessert since I moved here.” His father, Maurice Sr., expands on why they chose this location, “I want to try to attract other businesses.” For Maurice Sr., the ritual of cookin’ BBQ started with his dad. “He is defiantly the same way. My father used to be a cook in the army. He was a cook for over 30 years,” said Maurice Sr. Maurice’s father died in 1995, but he said his father also

Smoked chicken, a fiery grill, and a soulful playlist—BBQ’s are one of the many delights of summer. The new Black-owned Harwood restaurant THE BBQ opened on May 27 and is bringing the smoky backyard tradition to 2602 Greenmount Avenue in Baltimore. The restaurant is bringing the BBQ trend to the area with the charcoal classics—wet or dry ribs, pulled pork, pit turkey, baked beans, THE BBQ Sandwich, and more. How did the marinated meats come to be? “It began with the idea of my dad. This is what he wanted to retire doing,” said owner Marcus Bradford, 32. “I want to take people back to when THE BBQ owners, Maurice Bradford Sr. (left) and his son families used to sit together in their Marcus Bradford Jr. grandmother’s house,” owner Maurice Bradford Sr., 59, told The AFRO. Maurice’s wanted to open up a restaurant. sons—Marcus Bradford and Maurice Bradford Jr., 34— used There may be more than one restaurant for the Bradford their backgrounds in business, photography, and graphic design to bring their father’s dream alive. However, since opening, Maurice family. Marcus said he’s been working so hard on the build Jr. has relocated to Florida, leaving Marcus and Maurice Sr. as the out of the restaurant—from the branding to standard operating procedure—for other locations. “I’m trying to lay it out for primary owners. franchise,” Marcus said. “I am accepting partnerships.” Originally from South Carolina, the Bradford family moved THE BBQ might just be the clearing the smoke for to Baltimore in the 1970’s. “I grew up on homemade pork rinds. I grew up on smokin’ whole hogs. My dad always did this stuff. He Greenmount Avenue and pioneering for other businesses to come to the area. This could be the beginning of a new Greenmount always had huge cookouts and gave it all away…that’s just what Avenue with thriving restaurants, bars, clubs, and theaters—can’t he did. He did that for the last 16-17 years,” said Marcus. we imagine? It’s all a process just like the tender meat at THE Prior to opening the restaurant, the family operated a wellBBQ. known light company, B&B Lighting Supply, for over 30 years. “We marinade it for about 24 hours and it has to smoke in the In the legacy of his family’s lighting business, Marcus then smoker for 10-12 hours. You can’t rush the process.” Maurice Sr. opened Max Supply about 4 years ago. “I do commercial and wholesale sales,” Marcus said. His company has worked with Pier nods humbly with a gentle smile. “Can’t rush the process.”

Young Baltimore Chess Player Focused Despite Adulation By Maliik Obee Special to the AFRO It’s been one month exactly since 12-year-old Cahree Myrick went undefeated in his division at the U.S. Chess Federation Super National Tournament in Nashville. In the weeks following, the pre-teen has become the pride of Baltimore, bombarded with interviews and gifts from far and wide. Yet, Myrick remains focused, a child simply taking life one chess-move at a time. The chess board at Reflection Eternal Barbershop is open to all in between haircuts, but its seats are often occupied by players of all ages. From barbers to elderly patrons, wits are traded over the battle for your opponent’s king. Myrick is a regular participant and patron at the shop, along with his mother, Yuana Spears and two younger brothers. The quartet makes the trip from the Herring Run area weekly for a fresh haircut and a game or two. That’s of course permitting that Spears can pencil in additional time. Before Myrick achieved a perfect score in Nashville, adorned in a casual Nike/ Under Armour ensemble, he was already a busy young man. The Roland Park Middle School seventh grader is not only a chess enthusiast, but also scholar, and quite the hurdler on the track. Chess first piqued Myrick’s interest in the first grade. “My teacher talked about it a little bit, like the King and the Queen, and I was like ooh I want to learn a game about kings and queens, and it just went on from there.” By the third grade, Myrick was entering tournaments across the Baltimore area. Now, he’s traveling across the nation for at least 12 tournaments per year.

Photo by Maliik Obee

Baltimore student Cahree Myrick wants to take his chess game to the next level. The passion Myrick possesses for the game is evident, from the high-pitched squeak in his pubescent voice every time he discusses strategies and his growth over the years. Yet he’s still a kid, one whose shyness is evident by tendency to avoid eye contact. Over the last month, Myrick’s seen his story go viral, gaining traction via social media. He’s been featured in articles from the likes of The Undefeated and NPR, and he’s even been invited to the Baltimore Orioles Clubhouse for a chess match with superstars like Manny Machado. But the grind doesn’t stop for Myrick, whose competitive edge is thriving him to pursue greater accolades. “I want to be a Grand Master one day, that’s the best that you can be.” said Myrick. But first he’s got to climb up the ranks of the chess hierarchy, in which he looks to graduate from the junior varsity level to varsity. With high school on the horizon,

Myrick and Spears are already looking to find a school that suits both of his favorite hobbies. “We have looked at [Baltimore Polytechnic Institute]” said Spears, with Myrick chiming in with schools like Calvert Hall Boys Catholic High School in nearby Towson. Myrick’s achievement has also taken a burden off of Spears’ back, as Morgan State University held a ceremony at Myrick’s school to offer him a future scholarship. Myrick’s younger brother Jaliel is following in his footsteps, playing on the Roland Park Elementary chess team, and participating in several tournaments. The baby of the bunch, Lohgan, is much more energetic than his older siblings, exhibiting a boisterous personality, bouncing from wall to wall around the barbershop. Somehow, Spears finds a way to cater to her boys, who all go to different schools miles apart. With all involved in sports of some kind, the Fire Department worker balances the busy schedule of her kids with the hectic one of her own. When asked how she manages to do it all, she chants “God,” and lets out a sigh followed by a laugh. Patrons of the shop shake Myrick’s hand, giving him pats on the back, commending him for his achievement that they surely seen, heard or read about in the media. The preteen lets out a low “Thank You”, absorbing his new fame with a cool, yet appreciative tone. A much older teen, Morgan, sits down to play with Myrick, and he instantly is focused on the black and white pieces of the board. Focused, to say the least, even if his competition is an ordinary person. It’s a metaphor for his premature success. With everything Myrick has going for him, it’s just a sign of much more to come.




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FOR THE BLUE PLAINS ADVANCED WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IFB 140100 TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:28:22 EDT 2017 The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) requests District of Columbia and real13. property 11. 12. amounts 14. 15. the submittal of Qualifications Statements for the performance of pro- of the Attn: Darlene Fields taxes due and owing on T H E Sagreement. UPERIOR fessional engineering and related services under theI Nproposed 441 4th Street, NW the aforementioned Real COURT The selected Provider will provide services expected to include, but are not Washington, DC 20001 Property, or answer the THE DISTRICT OF limited to, financing, planning, engineering, design,OFpermitting, procurecomplaint, or, thereafter, a TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:36:06 EDT 2017 COLUMBIA 16. 17. en19. 20. ment of materials and equipment, construction / installation, testing, startup And final judgment will CIVIL DIVISION and commissioning, operation, and decommissioning of the solar tered foreclosing the right Executors, AdministraCivil Action No. TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:28:49 2017These services All Unknown Owners of of redemption in the Real photovoltaic project facilities and EDT systems. will be procured tors, Grantees, Assigns or IN THE SUPERIOR 2017 CA 003334 L(RP) Successors in Right, Title, via Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Project with the system in- the Property described Property and vesting in COURT the Plaintiff a title in fee final judgment will Real be en- below, their Heirs, PerInterest, and Any and all stalled at the Authority’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment (Action Involving OF THE DISTRICT sonal Representatives, simple. All require Unknown Owners of totered foreclosing the 18 right IN THE SUPERIOR persons having or Property) Calendar OF Plant. These services will performance aredemption strict schedule for Executors, NAME: ________________________________________________ Administrathe Property described of in the Real claiming to have any interCOLUMBIA project COURT implementation and are primarily focused the Electrical En-in tors, Grantees, Assigns or Clerk of the Court below, their Heirs, Per- within Property and vesting est in the leasehold or fee OF THE DISTRICT OF CAPITOL HILL CIVIL DIVISION gineering discipline. ADDRESS: in Right, _____________________________________________ Title, sonal Representatives, the Plaintiff a title in fee Successors simple in the property and COLUMBIA COMMUNITY GARDEN simple. LAND TRUST

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SE, AveREPRESENTATIVE been paid.Pursuant to the REDFIELD PERSONAL dependence Avenue SE, sachusetts Avenue SE, REDFIELD The complaint states, nue SE, 16th Street SE, And OF THE ESTATE OF PLAINTIFF Chief Judge’s Administrab. Real Property $ 200.00 Address Unknown REPRESENTATIVE Washington, DC AveORDER OF 02-11, 16th Street and that InADDINGTON among otherSE, things, and Independence FRANCES LOUISE REDtion Order Number OF THE ESTATE OF PUBLICATION dependence Avenue SE, Address Unkown the amounts necessary nue SE In Washington, FIELD ADDINGTON SUSAN ADDINGTON it is this 12th day of May, vs. ELSIE MARYETTE Defendants And Washington, DC.have not for redemption D.C. (the ”Real Property”). Address Unknown Address Unknown 2017, PERSONAL REDFIELD FAMILY COURT Defendants to the InORDERED accordance D. C. And been paid.Pursuant The complaint states, bywith the SuperREPRESENTATIVE Address Unknown ORDER OF EVA REDFIELD RUBIN Code §47-1375, the of Chief Judge’s Administraamong other things, that And ior Court of the District OF THE ESTATE OF 202-879-1212 PUBLICATION 42 Speyside Circle object of this proceeding CAROL WHITMAN tion Order Number 02-11, the amounts necessary And Columbia, that notice be ELSIE MARYETTE And Pittsboro, North Carolina ORDER OF of May, isgiven to secure the forecloAddress Unknown it is this 12th day for redemption have not ADDINGTON DOMESTIC RELATIONS by the insertion of a REDFIELD In accordance with toD.the C. BARBARA 27312 PUBLICATION sure 2017, been paid.Pursuant CAROL WHITMAN Address Unknown copy ofof the this right Orderofin rethe Address Unknown Code §47-1375, the EVA REDFIELD RUBIN In accordance with D. C. demption in the following And ORDERED by the Super202-879-0157 Chief Judge’s AdministraAddress Unknown W a s h i n g t o n A f ro object of this proceeding 42 Speyside Circle Code §47-1375, the real property located ior Court of the District of tion Order Number 02-11, And And American Newspaper,ina secure the of forecloPittsboro, North Carolina object of this proceeding the District of Columbia, SUSAN ADDINGTON Columbia, that notice be itisistothis 12th day May, And newspaper of general cirAnd Address Unknown sure of the right of re27312 JOHN ALDEN isgiven to secure the foreclosold by the Mayor by the insertion of a 2017, REBECCA ADDINGTON culation in the District ofof a. Absent Defendant $ and 150.00 demption inbythe REDFIELD sure the District ofonce Columbia to copy of of the this right Orderofin rethe ORDERED thefollowing SuperSUSAN ADDINGTON Address Unknown Columbia, a week EVA REDFIELD real property in AndAddress Unknown Address Unknown demption the Plaintiff(s) in this acAnd Wb. a sAbsolute h i ningthe t o following n Divorce Afro ior Court of the located District of $ 150.00 for three (3) successive RUBIN the District of Columbia, real property located ina tion described as Square American Newspaper, Columbia, that notice be And weeks, notifying all per42 Speyside Circle and sold by insertion the Mayor of And c.District Custody Divorce $150.00 the of general Columbia, 1087 38, whichinmay BARBARA ADDINGTON newspaper cirgiven by the of a And JOHN ALDEN sons Lot interested the Pittsboro, North Carolina the District of Columbia to REDFIELD and sold by the Mayor of also be known as a vacant Address Unknown culation in the District of copy of this Order in the JUANITA EVANS Real Property described 27312 thea sPlaintiff(s) AddressADDINGTON Unknown PERSONAL Ave- the District ofonce Columbia to lot in the center of a block Columbia, a week W h i n g t o in n this A f raco 1602 Massachusetts BARBARA above to appear in this TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:36:06 EDT 2017 And tion described as Square REPRESENTATIVE the this acbounded 17th for Plaintiff(s) three (3) in successive American Newspaper, a Address Unknown nue, SE To place your ad, call 1-800-237-6892, And ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 upStreet Court by by the& 13th day of 1087 Lot 0809, which may THE ESTATE OF tion described as Square SE, Massachusetts Aveweeks, notifying all pernewspaper of general cir- OF Washington, DC 20003 September, 2017, and reJOHN ALDEN also be known as a vacant Executors, AdministraAnd FRANCES LOUISE RED1087 Lot 0821, which may nue SE, 16th Street SE, REBECCA ADDINGTON sons interested in the depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. culation in the District of And deem the Real Property REDFIELD lot in the center block Clerk of the Court Avetors, Grantees, Assigns or and IN THE SUPERIOR FIELD ADDINGTON also be known as a vacant Independence Address Unknown Real Property described Columbia, once ofa aweek by payment of $821.59, Address bounded by 17th Street AndAddress Unknown Successors in Right, Title, nue 1-800 (AFRO) 892 Unknown PERSONAL COURT lot in thetocenter of ain block SE with in Washington, above appear this for three (3) successive REBECCA ADDINGTON together interest from SE, Massachusetts AveBy:(the Clerk Interest, and Any and all D.C. REPRESENTATIVE bounded ”Real Property”). THE DISTRICT And Court by by the 17th 13th Street day of of OF weeks, notifying all perAddress Unknown DAVID L. EVANS the date the Real Property For Proof Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 And nue SE, 16th Street SE, p e r s o n s h a v i n g o r OF THE ESTATE OF SE, Massachusetts AveThe complaint states, OF And September, 2017, and resons interested in the 1602 Massachusetts Avetax certificate was purPERSONAL and Independence AveJamesother D. McGinley claiming to have any inter- among FRANCES LOUISE RED- Real nue SE, 16th Street SE, things, THE DISTRICT deem the Real Property COLUMBIA Property described And nue, SE chased; court costs that and REPRESENTATIVE nue SE Washington, est inOF theCOLUMBIA leasehold or fee the FIELD ADDINGTON and Independence Aveamounts necessary by payment of $1,214.40 CAROL WHITMAN above to In appear in this CIVIL DIVISION Washington, DC 20003 attorney’s fees; expenses OF THE ESTATE D.C. (the ”Real Property”). simple in Mayor the property Address nue SE with in Washington, redemption have not Serve: of OF the and for together interest from Address Unknown Court by the 13th day of Civil Action No. C. TROYUnknown CLARK incurred in the publication FRANCES LOUISElying been The complaint 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 premises situate, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL D.C. (the the ”Real Property”). paid.Pursuant to the District ofNOTICES Columbia LEGAL NOTICES the date Real Property 2017 September, 2017, states, and re- And CA 003331 L (RP) 1613 Independence and service of process by REDFIELD amongthe other that And and being inBowser the District of Chief The complaint was states, Judge’sand AdministraMuriel tax certificate purdeem Realthings, Property Avenue SE publication for reaADDINGTON the amounts necessary Columbia described as: And among tion Order Number 02-11, Attn: Office of the chased;other courtthings, costs that and (Action Involving Real by payment of $1,769.28, Washington, DC 20003 THE DISTRICT OF fees for the title Address Unkown for redemption havefrom not Square 1087 Lot 0038. itsonable the amounts is this 12th day amounts of May, Secretary attorney’s fees;necessary expenses together with interest Property) SUSAN ADDINGTON COLUMBIA search; all other been paid.Pursuant to the May also be known as a 2017, for redemption have not 1350 Pennsylvania incurred in the publication the date the Real Property Calendar 18 Address Unknown AndCAROL WHITMAN Serve: Mayor of the Dispaid by the petitioner in And Chief Judge’s Administravacant Avenue, lot in the center ORDERED Address Unknown been paid.Pursuant to the by the Superand service of process by tax certificate was purtrict of Columbia accordance with the provition Order Number of a block by ior Chief Judge’sand AdministraCourtof of the of N.W., bounded #419 publication for reachased; court costs02-11, and And Muriel Bowser CAPITOL HILL THE DISTRICT OF sions D. District C. Code CAROL WHITMAN it is this 12th day of May, 17th Street SE, MasAnd COLUMBIA tion Orderfees Number 02-11, Columbia, that notice be Washington, DC 20001 sonable for the title attorney’s fees; expenses COMMUNITY Attn: Office of the § 4 7 1 3 6 1 a n d all Address Unknown 2017, sachusetts Avenue SE, it is this 12th day of May, given by the insertion of a search; all other amounts incurred in the publication BARBARA GARDEN LAND ADDINGTON Serve: Mayor of the DisSecretary outstanding municipal lien ORDERED byprocess the Super16th Street SE,General and In- copy SUSAN of this Order in the Serve: Attorney paid by the petitioner in and service of by 1350 TRUST Address UnknownAve- 2017, trict ofADDINGTON Columbia Pennsylvania amounts and real property And ior Court of the District of dependence Avenue SE, Address Unknown ORDERED thethe Supera s hdue i n gand t o nowing A f r on o of the District of Columbia W accordanceby with provipublication and for rea323 17th Street, SE Muriel Bowser nue, N.W., taxes Columbia, that be And Washington, DC. Courtofof D. the District of American Newspaper,Real a Attn: Darlene Fields sions C. Code sonable fees fornotice the title Washington, DC 20002 Attn: Office of the #419 Washington, DC ior the aforementioned SUSAN ADDINGTON given by the insertion of a Defendants. And Secretary Columbia, that notice be newspaper of general cir441 4th Street, NW § 4 7 1 3 6 1 a n d a l l search; all other amounts 20001 Property, or answer the Address Unknown copy by of the thisTue Order the given by the insertion a culation in the District of Washington, DC 20001 outstanding municipaloflien paid petitioner in 16:28:22 Junin 27 EDT 2017 REBECCA ADDINGTON 1350 Pennsylvania Ave- TYPESET: PLAINTIFF complaint, or, thereafter, a W a s h i n gwith t o the n proviAfro BARBARA ADDINGTON ORDER OF Columbia, oncewill a be week accordance Address Unknown nue, N.W., #419 Serve: Attorney General copy of this Order in the final judgment enAnd American Newspaper, Address DC Unknown a s h i nand g t real o n property A f r o vs. for three (3) successive And PUBLICATION sions of D. C. Codea of the District of Columbia W Washington, 20001 amounts tered foreclosing the right newspaper of general cirAmerican Newspaper, a weeks, notifying all per§N4 7T -H1E3 6S1U PaEnRd I OaRl l AndAttn: Darlene Fields taxes due and owing on PERSONAL of redemption in the Real I BARBARA ADDINGTON culation in municipal the District of And Attorney General In accordance with D. of C. sons interested in the newspaper of generalReal cirAll Unknown Owners outstanding lien Serve: 441 4th Street, NW the aforementioned REPRESENTATIVE Property and vesting in COURT Address Unknown Columbia, once a week Code §47-1375, the Real culation theanswer District the of Propertya described the Property described amounts and real property JUANITA EVANS of the District of Columbia Washington, DC 20001 Property,in or OF THE ESTATE OF the Plaintiff title in fee OF THE DISTRICT OF for three (3) successive REBECCA ADDINGTON object of this proceeding Columbia, once a weeka TYPESET: below, EDT their Heirs, Per- above taxes due and owing on 1602 Massachusetts AveAttn: Darlene Fields Tue Jun 27 16:36:06 2017 complaint, or, thereafter, ELSIE MARYETTE appear in this And COLUMBIA weeks, notifying all perAddress Unknown is to secure the foreclofor three (3) successive Court by the 13th day of sonal Representatives, the aforementioned Real And nue, SE 441 4th Street, NW final judgment will be enREDFIELD CIVIL DIVISION sons interested in the the Washington, DC 20003 sure of the right of re- September, 2017, and reweeks, notifying all TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:28:49 EDT DC 2017 Property, or answer Washington, 20001 tered foreclosing the perright Address Unknown Executors, REBECCA Civil Action No. Real Property described And demption ADDINGTON inAdministrathe following deem the Real Property interested in Real the complaint, or, thereafter, a All Unknown Owners of sons of redemption in the Clerk of the Court tors, Grantees, Assigns Address Unknown IN THE SUPERIOR above to appear in this 2017 CA 003334 L(RP) real property located orin by Real Property described payment of $821.59, And And final judgment will be enthe Property described Property and vesting in Successors inofRight, Title, COURT Court by the 13th day of C. TROY CLARK the District Columbia, above to appear in this together with interest from All Unknown Owners of tered foreclosing the right below, their Heirs, Perthe Plaintiff a title in fee IN THE SUPERIOR And By: Clerk Interest, and Any and all And OF THE DISTRICT September, 2017,Real and re(Action Involving 1613 Independence and sold by the Mayor of Court by the 13th day of the date the Real Property DAVID L. EVANS the Property described ofdeem redemption in the Real sonal Representatives, simple. COURT p e r s o n s h a v i n g o r the Real Property OF Property) Calendar 18 Avenue SE Perthe District of Columbia to tax certificate was purSeptember, 2017, and reMassachusetts Avebelow, their Heirs, Property andof vesting in 1602 Executors, Administraclaiming to have in any interEVA REDFIELD OF THE DISTRICT OF DISTRICT by payment $1,769.28, COLUMBIA Washington, DC 20003 the THE Plaintiff(s) this ac- James D. McGinley Real Property nue, SEAssigns or deem the sonal Representatives, the Plaintiff title in from fee tors, Grantees, Clerk of the Court est theCOLUMBIA leasehold or fee chased; court costs and RUBIN COLUMBIA together witha interest CIVIL DIVISION CAPITOL HILL tioninOF described as Square by payment of $1,214.40 attorney’s fees; expenses Washington,inDC 20003 Executors, Administrasimple. Successors Right, Title, simple in the property and 42 Speyside Circle CIVIL DIVISION Serve: Mayor of the the date the Real Property COMMUNITY GARDEN AndGrantees, Assigns or Civil Action No. 1087 Lot 38, which may incurred in the publication together with interest from tors, Interest, and Any and all By: James D. McGinley 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 premises situate, lying Pittsboro, North Carolina District of Columbia Civil Action No. tax certificate was purLAND TRUST also be known as a vacant and the date the Real Property 2017 CA 003331 L (RP) service of process by And Successors in Right, Title, Clerk of costs the Court and being inBowser the District of 27312 Muriel 2017 CA 003332 L(RP) chased; court 323 17th Street, SE and p e r s o n s h a v i n g o r THE DISTRICT OF all lot in the center of a block tax certificate was purpublication and for reaInterest, and Any and claiming to have any interColumbia described as: And Attn: Office of theStreet sonable fees for the title attorney’s fees; expenses Washington, DC 20002 COLUMBIA bounded by 17th (Action Involving Real chased; court costs and DISTRICT persons having or By: Clerk estTHE in the leaseholdOF or fee Square 1087 Lot 0038. 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 Secretary incurred in the publication (Action Involving Real Serve: Mayor theinterDisSE, Massachusetts Ave- search; all other amounts Property) claiming to haveofany simpleCOLUMBIA in the property and attorney’s fees; expenses May also be known a JOHN ALDEN 1350 Pennsylvania and service of process by Serve: Property) Calendar 18 of Columbia nue SE, 16th StreetasSE, Calendar 18 PLAINTIFF incurred in the publication paid by the petitioner in Mayor of the lying Disest in trict the leasehold or fee James D. McGinley premises situate, vacant lot in the center REDFIELD Avenue, publication and for reaMuriel Bowser and Independence Ave- accordance with the proviand service of process by trict of in Columbia simple in the property and and being the District of of a block bounded by Address Unknown N.W., #419 sonable fees for the title Attn: Office of the nue SE in Washington, CAPITOL HILL CAPITOL HILL publication and for reavs. Murieldescribed Bowser as: premises situate, lying Columbia 17th Street SE, Mas- sions of D. C. Code Washington, DC 20001 search; all other amounts D.C. (the ”Real Property”). COMMUNITY GARDEN TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:28:22 Attn: EDT Office of the0821. sonable fees for the title And COMMUNITY and beingSecretary in the District of Square 1087 2017 Lot 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 sachusetts Avenue SE, § 4 7 - 1 3 6 1 a n d a l l paid by the petitioner in 1350 Pennsylvania The complaint states, GARDEN LAND LAND TRUST PERSONAL Secretary Columbia described Aveas: May also be known as a search; all other amounts 16th Street SE, and In- outstanding municipal lien PERSONAL Serve: Attorney General accordance with the provinue, N.W., #419 among other things, that TRUST paid by the in 323 17th Street, SE REPRESENTATIVE 1350 AveSquare 1087 Lot 0809. of thePennsylvania District Columbia amounts andpetitioner real property lot in of the center Avenue SE, amounts and real property REPRESENTATIVE ofdependence the District of Columbia sions of ESTATE D. C. OF Code vacant Washington, DC 20001 the amounts necessary 323 17th Street, SE accordance with the provitaxes due and owing on OF THE Washington, DC 20002 nue, N.W., May also be known as a Darlene Fieldsby taxes due and owing on block bounded I§N4 7T -H1E3 6S1U PaEnRdI OaRl l of aAttn: Washington, DC. OF THE ESTATE OF Attn: Darlene Fields for redemption have not the aforementioned Real DC 20002 sions of D. C. Code ELSIECOURT MARYETTE #419 Washington, DC vacant lot in the center 4th Street, the aforementioned Real Washington, 17th441 Street SE, NW MasFRANCES LOUISE Defendants. 441 4th Street, NW outstanding municipal lien Serve: Attorney General been paid.Pursuant to the Property, or answer the Tue Jun 27 16:28:22 EDT 2017 4 7 - 1 3 6or 1 answer a n d a the ll REDFIELD PLAINTIFF 20001 of a block bounded by TYPESET: Washington, DC 20001 sachusetts Avenue SE, §Property, REDFIELD OF THE DISTRICT OF Washington, 20001 amounts and real property of theStreet District of Columbia Chief Judge’sDC Administramunicipal liena complaint, or, thereafter, a PLAINTIFF Address Unknown 17th SE, Mascomplaint, or, thereafter, 16th Street SE, and In- outstanding ADDINGTON ORDER OF 02-11, final judgment will be entaxes COLUMBIA due and owing on of Attn: Darlene Fields tion Order Number the District of Columbia amounts and real property Serve: Attorney General vs. sachusetts Avenue SE, And final judgment will be endependence Avenue SE, Address Unkown PUBLICATION And CIVIL DIVISION theT H aforementioned Real 441 4th Street, NW it is this 12th day of May, tered foreclosing the right vs. taxes due and owing on Attn: Darlene Fields And I N E S U P E R I O R 16th Street SE, and Intered foreclosing the right DC. Civil Action No. the Washington, Property, or answer Washington, Avenue DC 20001 2017, of redemption in the Real aforementioned 4th Street, NW of the PERSONAL COURT dependence All441 Unknown Owners of redemption in theReal Real And PERSONAL Defendants In accordance with D. C. TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:28:49 EDT 2017 SE, All Unknown Owners of 2017 CA 003334 L(RP) complaint, or, thereafter, a ORDERED by the SuperProperty and vesting in REPRESENTATIVE Property, answer thein TYPESET: Washington, 20001 EVA REDFIELD RUBIN REPRESENTATIVE Washington, DC OF THE DISTRICT OF the PropertyDCdescribed Property orand vesting Tue Jun 27 16:36:06 EDT 2017 Code §47-1375, the of the Plaintiff a title in fee the Property described And ior Court of the District OF THE ESTATE OF complaint, or, thereafter, a 42COLUMBIA Speyside Circle OF THE ESTATE OF below, their Heirs, Perthe Plaintiff a title in fee CAROL WHITMAN object of this proceeding below, their Heirs, Per-be simple. (Action Involving Real final judgment will be enColumbia, that notice ELSIE MARYETTE final judgment will be enAnd Pittsboro, North Carolina ELSIE MARYETTE Defendants sonal ORDER Representatives, simple. OF CIVIL DIVISION Address Unknown Executors, isgiven to secure the foreclosonal Representatives, Property) Calendar All Unknown Owners of tered foreclosing the18 right Executors, by theAdministrainsertion of a IN THE SUPERIOR REDFIELD 27312 REDFIELD Administra- tered foreclosing the right PUBLICATION Action No. tors, Grantees, Assigns sure ofof the ofin or reINAddress THE SUPERIOR the Property described ofCivil redemption in the Real Alltors, copy this right Order the Clerk of the Court COURT Unknown of redemption in the Real Unknown Owners of Address Unknown ORDER OF Grantees, Assigns or In accordance with D. C. Clerk of the Court 2017 CA 003334 L(RP) And Successors in Right, Title, demption in the following COURT CAPITOL HILL below, their Heirs, PerProperty and vesting in W a s h i n g t o n A f ro OF THE DISTRICT OF Property and vesting in the Property described And PUBLICATION Successors in Right, Title, Code §47-1375, the Interest, and Any and all real property located OF THE DISTRICT sonal Representatives, COMMUNITY the Plaintiff a GARDEN title in fee below, American Newspaper,ina By: Clerk Plaintiff a D. titleMcGinley in fee their Heirs, Per-all the By: Interest, and Any and And COLUMBIA object of this proceeding James SUSAN ADDINGTON p e r s o n s h a v i n g o r (Action Involving Real the District of Columbia, OF LAND TRUST simple. newspaper of general cirsimple. sonal CIVIL DIVISION And Address Unknown JOHN ALDEN 18 InExecutors, accordanceAdministrawith D. C. p eto r s secure oRepresentatives, n s h athe v i nforeclog or is claiming have inter-ofof James D. McGinley Property) Calendar and soldtoby theany Mayor 323REDFIELD 17th Street, SE tors, Grantees, Assigns COLUMBIA culation in the District Executors, AdministraActionRUBIN No. Code §47-1375, the or claiming to have anyofintersure of the right reEVACivil REDFIELD est inDistrict the leasehold feeto the ofonce Columbia Washington, DC 20002 Successors in Right, Title, Clerk of the Court CIVIL DIVISION Columbia, aor week tors, Grantees, Assigns or Clerk of 07/07/17 the Court EVA REDFIELD Address Unknown 2017 CA 003332 L(RP) object of this proceeding est in the leasehold or fee demption in the following 42 Speyside Circle 06/23, 06/30, And simple in the property and CAPITOL HILL the Plaintiff(s) in this acInterest, and Any and all for three (3) successive Civil Action No. Successors in Right, Title, RUBIN is to secure the foreclo- COMMUNITY GARDEN simple in the property real property locatedand in TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:52:09 Pittsboro, North Carolina premises situate, lying tion described as Square p e r sof o nthe s h right a v i n gof orer By: Clerk Interest, weeks, notifying all per- 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 PLAINTIFF 201742CA 003331Circle L (RP) and Any and all By: James D. McGinley Speyside sure And LAND (Action 27312 Involving Real premises situate, lying the District of Columbia, BARBARA ADDINGTON and being in38, thewhich District of TRUST 1087 Lot claiming to any intersons interested inmay the p e r s o n s h a v i n g o r Pittsboro, North Carolina demption in have the following and being in the District of and sold by the Mayor of Property) Calendar 18 Address Unknown Columbia described as: is to se 323 17th Street, SE also known asdescribed a vacant est inproperty the leasehold or fee James D. McGinley RealbeProperty (Action Involving Real vs. claiming to have any inter27312 real located in Columbia described as: PERSONAL the District of Columbia to And Square Lot sure of DC 20002 lot in the1087 center of a0038. block IN THE SUPERIOR simple in theofproperty and Washington, above to appear in this Property) est inPlaintiff(s) the leasehold or0821. fee And 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/07/17 the District Columbia, Square 1087 in Lot REPRESENTATIVE the this acCAPITOL HILL And TYPESET: Jun 27 16:36:06 EDT 2017 May also be known as a demptio bounded by 17th Street COURT premises situate, lying Court by the 13th day of Calendar 18 PERSONAL simple in the property and and sold by the Mayor of May also be known as a OF THE ESTATE OF tion described as Square JOHN ALDEN COMMUNITY GARDEN vacant lot in 2017, the center real pro SE, Massachusetts AvePLAINTIFF andDistrict being of in the Districttoof September, and re- OF THE DISTRICT OF 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 REPRESENTATIVE premises situate, lying JOHN ALDEN the Columbia vacant lot in the center FRANCES LOUISE RED1087 Lot 0821, which may REDFIELD REBECCA ADDINGTON of a block bounded by LAND TRUST the Dist nue SE,the 16th Street SE, Executors, AdministraCOLUMBIA Columbia described as: deem Real Property CAPITOL HILL OF THE ESTATE OF and being in the District ofby REDFIELD the Plaintiff(s) in this acof a block bounded FIELD ADDINGTON also be known as a vacant Address Address Unknown 17th Street SE, Masand sold 323 17thUnknown Street, SE and Independence AveClerk of the Court tors, Grantees, Assigns or by Square 1087 as Lot 0809. vs. ELSIE MARYETTE IN THE SUPERIOR CIVIL DIVISION payment of $821.59, COMMUNITY Columbia described as: Address Unknown described Square 17th Street SE, MasAddress Unknown lot in the center of a block sachusetts Avenue SE, the Distr nue SE in Washington, Washington, DC 20002 tion Successors in Right, Title, May Lot also be known as a COURT together with interest from Civil Action No. GARDEN LAND REDFIELD Square 1087 Lot 0821. 1087 0809, which may sachusetts Avenue SE, bounded by 17th Street And Street and Inthe Plain D.C. (the ”Real Property”). By:date Clerk Interest, and Any and all 16th PERSONAL vacant lot inas the center the theSE, Real Property OF THE DISTRICT 2017 CA 003333 L(RP) TRUST Address Unknown May also be known as a And also be known a vacant 16th Street SE, and InSE, Massachusetts AveAnd And dependence Avenue SE, tion des The complaint was states, p323 e r s17th o n sStreet, h a v i nSE g or PLAINTIFF REPRESENTATIVE ofinathe block bounded by tax certificate purOF vacant lot16th in the center PERSONAL lot center of a block dependence Avenue SE, nue SE, Street SE, THE DISTRICT Washington, DC. 1087 Lot among other things, that James D. McGinley claiming to have any inter- chased; OF THE ESTATE OF 17th Street SE,Street Mas- And court costs and Washington, DC 20002 (Action Involving Real COLUMBIA ofand a block bounded by REPRESENTATIVE bounded by 17th Washington, DC. AveIndependence CAROL WHITMAN OF COLUMBIA also be k Defendants. the amounts necessary est in the leasehold or fee vs. PERSONAL ELSIE MARYETTE sachusetts AvenueAveSE, attorney’s fees; expenses Property) Calendar 18 CIVIL DIVISION 17th Street SE, MasOF THE ESTATE OF SE, Massachusetts Defendants nue SE in Washington, REPRESENTATIVE Address Unknown Serve: of the and for lot in the redemption have not simple in Mayor the property 16thSE, Street andSE, Inincurred in the publication PLAINTIFF Avenue SE, Civil Action No. EVA REDFIELD REDFIELD RUBIN sachusetts FRANCES LOUISE nue 16th SE, Street D.C. (the ”Real Property”). OF THE ESTATE OF District of Columbia bounded paid.Pursuant to the ORDER 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 premises situate, lying been PERSONAL Address Unknown dependence Avenue SE, and service ofOF process by CAPITOL HILL 16th Street SE, and In2017 CA 003331 L (RP) 42 Speyside Circle REDFIELD and Independence AveThe complaint states, FRANCES LOUISE REDMuriel Bowser SE, Mas And Chief Judge’s AdministraPUBLICATION being in the District of publication and for rea- COMMUNITY GARDEN REPRESENTATIVE Washington, DC vs.andAttn: Pittsboro, North Carolina dependence ADDINGTON nue SE In Washington, OF SE, among ORDER otherAvenue things, that FIELD ADDINGTON Office of the nue SE, tion Order Number 02-11, Columbia described as: OF THE ESTATE OF sonable fees for the title Washington, DC. PERSONAL (Action Involving Real 27312 LAND TRUST Address Unkown D.C. (the ”Real Property”). And PUBLICATION the amounts necessary Address Unknown Secretary and Ind is this 12th day ofD.May, SUSAN ADDINGTON accordance withamounts C. Square 1087 Lot 0038. Initsearch; ELSIE MARYETTE Defendants all other Defendants REPRESENTATIVE Property) 323 17th Street, SE The complaint states, In accordance with D. C. for redemption have not 1350 Pennsylvania nue SE 2017, Address Unknown §47-1375, the in MayTHE alsoESTATE be known REDFIELD paid by the petitioner OF OF as a Code Calendar 18 And REDFIELD RUBIN And Washington, DC 20002 among other things, that EVA Code §47-1375, the been paid.Pursuant to the Avenue, D.C. (the ORDERED by the Superobject of this proceeding vacant lot in the center accordance with the proviAddress Unknown ORDERnecessary OF 42 Speyside Circle ELSIEN.W., MARYETTE the amounts objectJudge’s of this Administraproceeding Chief And #419 The co ior Court of the District of And is to secure the forecloof a block bounded by PUBLICATION sions of D. C. Code North Carolina ORDER OF forecloREDFIELD CAPITOL HILL JOHN ALDEN CAROL WHITMAN for redemption have not Pittsboro, is toOrder secure the PLAINTIFF tion Number 02-11, CIVIL DIVISION

Executors, Administra-

tors, Grantees, Assigns or Proposers are hereby notified that the Contract resulting procureCivil Action No. 323from 17ththis Street, SE in Right, Title, forWashington, Clerk of Women the Court mentCA will003332 be subject Fair Share Objective Minority and 2017 L(RP)to aSuccessors DC 20002 Interest, and Any andofall Business Enterprises program participation 28% and 4%, respectively, p e component, r s o n s h a v i nand g o32% r By: Clerk for the professional services and 6%,PLAINTIFF respectively, for (Action Involving Real claiming to have any interProperty) Calendar 18 the construction component. The are fullyD. defined in est in theprogram leaseholdrequirements or fee James McGinley vs. Enterprises in Prothe USEPA’s Participationsimple by Disadvantaged Business in the property and CAPITOL HILL curement under USEPA Financial Agreements - May 27, 2008. premisesAssistance situate, lying

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The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017



COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Action No. 2017 CA 003333 L(RP) (Action Involving Real Property) Calendar 18

LEGAL NOTICES CAPITOL HILL COMMUNITY GARDEN LAND TRUST 323 17th Street, SE Washington, DC 20002 PLAINTIFF vs. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF ELSIE POWERS HAYES WEAVER Address Unknown And SUSAN LEE JOHNSON Address Unknown And MARIA S. LACORTE Address Unknown And MELVIN AUBREY WEAVER Address Unknown And THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Serve: Mayor of the District of Columbia Muriel Bowser Attn: Office of the Secretary 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., #419 Washington, DC 20001 Serve: Attorney General of the District of Columbia Attn: Darlene Fields 441 4th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 And All Unknown Owners of the Property described below, their Heirs, Personal Representatives, Executors, Administrators, Grantees, Assigns or Successors in Right, Title, Interest, and Any and all persons having or claiming to have any interest in the leasehold or fee simple in the property and premises situate, lying and being in the District of Columbia described as: Square 1087 Lot 0815. May also be known as a vacant lot in the center of a block bounded by 17th Street SE, Massachusetts Avenue SE, 16th Street SE, and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC. Defendants ORDER OF PUBLICATION In accordance with D. C. Code §47-1375, the

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is to secure the foreclosure of the right of redemption in the following real property located in the District of Columbia, and sold by the Mayor of the District of Columbia to the Plaintiff(s) in this action described as Square 1087 Lot 0815, which may also be known as a vacant lot in the center of a block bounded by 17th Street SE, Massachusetts Avenue SE, 16th Street SE, and Independence Avenue SE in Washington, D.C. (the ”Real Property”). The complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemption have not been paid.Pursuant to the Chief Judge’s Administration Order Number 02-11, it is this 12th day of May, 2017, ORDERED by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in the Washington Afro American Newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, notifying all persons interested in the Real Property described above to appear in this Court by the 13th day of September, 2017, and redeem the Real Property by payment of $1,016.97 together with interest from the date the Real Property tax certificate was purchased; court costs and attorney’s fees; expenses incurred in the publication and service of process by publication and for reasonable fees for the title search; all other amounts paid by the petitioner in accordance with the provisions of D. C. Code §47-1361 and all outstanding municipal lien amounts and real property taxes due and owing on the aforementioned Real Property, or answer the complaint, or, thereafter, a final judgment will be entered foreclosing the right of redemption in the Real Property and vesting in the Plaintiff a title in fee simple. Clerk of the Court By: Clerk James D. McGinley

TYPESET: Jun 27 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/07/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM616 Bernice P. Hughes Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Cassandra Hughes Grant , whose address is 1111 Elkhart Street, Oxon Hill, MD, 20745 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Bernice P. Hughes, who died on February 13, 2017 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their

Washington, DC 20001 search; all other amounts sions of D. C. Code personal representative so inform the Register of Donella J Mathews the Secretary AND NOTICE TO with the Register of Wills demption in the following paid by the petitioner in § 4 7 - 1 3 6 1 a n d a l l of the estate of Rhoda Wills, including name, Decedent 1350 Pennsylvania UNKNOWN real property HEIRS located in with a copy to the underServe: Attorney General accordance with the provi- outstanding municipal lien Shaw Ping deceased by address and relation- Wesley L Clarke Avenue, N.W., #419 Cthe ass a n d r aof H ughes signed, on or before District Columbia, 1629 K Street NW, of the District sions of D.of Columbia C. Code amounts and real property the General Court of Jus- ship. Washington, DC 20001 and sold by the Mayor isof December 16, 2017 , or Grant , whose address Ste 300 tice - Superior Attn: § 4 7Darlene - 1 3 6 1Fields a n d a l l TYPESET: taxes due and on 17:04:43 Tue owing Jun 27 EDT Court 2017 Div , Date of Publication: the District of Columbia 1111 Elkhart Street,to be forever barred. PerWashington, DC 20006 4th Street, NW outstanding municipal lien the aforementioned Real Court for New Hanover June 16, 2017 Serve: Attorney General 441 the Plaintiff(s) this acOxon Hill, MD,in20745 , sons believed to be heirs of the District of Columbia Washington, DC 20001 Attorney amounts and real property Property, or answer the County, State of New Name of newspaper: tion appointed described as Square or legatees of the dewas personal NOTICE OF taxes due and owing on Afro-American complaint, or, thereafter, a Hanover on February 15, 1087 Lot 0815, which may cedent who do not re- Attn: Darlene Fields Superior Court of en- 2017 , representative of the And the aforementioned Real final judgment will be APPOINTMENT, Washington 441 4th Street, NW also be known as a vacant the District of estate of Bernice P. ceive a copy of this notice Washington, DC 20001 Property, or answer the tered foreclosing the right Service of process may Law Reporter NOTICE TO lot in the center of a block District of Columbia Hughes, who died on by mail within 25 days of All Unknown Owners ofa of complaint, or, thereafter, redemption in the Real b e m a d e u p o n CREDITORS Cassandra Hughes bounded by 17th Street LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES the LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE DIVISION LEGAL13, NOTICES February 2017 withits first publication shall And Property described final judgment will be enProperty and vesting in AND NOTICE TO Grant Christopher B Darby Esq SE,a Massachusetts Ave- so inform the Register of D.C. out will, and will serve below, their Heirs, tered foreclosing the Perright theWashington, Plaintiff a title in fee , 4400 Jenifer Street, UNKNOWN HEIRS Personal nue SE, 16th Street SE, 20001-2131 without Court superviWills, including name, sonal Representatives, of redemption in the Real simple. Representative Clinton Wilburn and NW, Suite 2 Washington, and Independence Ave- address and relation- All Unknown Owners of Executors, Administration No. Administrasion. All unknown heirs Property and vesting in the Property described Doris Brown, whose ad20037 whose designanue SE in Washington, tors, Grantees, Assigns or 2017ADM666 the Plaintiff a title in fee ship. aD.C. n d (the h e”Real i r s Property”). whose below, their Heirs, Perdress(es) are 2031 Raytion as District of Colum- TRUE TEST COPY Successors in Right, Title, Esther Mae Wardrick simple. TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:39:15 EDT 2017 Date of Publication: whereabouts are unsonal Representatives, Clerk of the Court conda Rd., Fayetville, bia agent has been filed REGISTER OF WILLS The complaint states, Interest, and Any and all Decedent Executors, AdministraJune 16, 2017 known shall enter their NC and 3630 NW 9th Ct., with the Register of Wills, among other things, that NOTICE OF Name of newspaper: athe p p eamounts a r a n c e necessary in this By Clerk: D.C. tors, Grantees, Assigns or p e r s o n s h a v i n g o r Laurderhill, FL, 33311 06/16, 06/23, 06/30/17 to have interTYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:09:34 EDT 2017 APPOINTMENT, proceeding. Objections Successors in Right, Title, claimingClerk of any the Court IN THE SUPERIOR were appointed personal for redemption have not Afro-American The decedent owned the est in the leasehold or fee NOTICE TO Washington to such appointment Interest, and Any and all James D.McGinley f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f COURT been paid.Pursuant to the representative of the simple in the property and CREDITORS persons having or LawTHE Reporter shall filed Administrawith the OF By Clerk DISTRICT OF Chief be Judge’s estate of Donella J MathColombia real property: AND06/30, NOTICE TO Sharon Katrina Lilly claiming to have any inter- premises situate, lying Superior Court of Register Wills, 02-11, D.C., 06/23, 07/07/17 COLUMBIA tion OrderofNumber ews, who died on 700 7th Street, SW, Unit in the of UNKNOWN HEIRS Joyner est in the leasehold or fee and being the District of 515 N.W., 3rd James D. District McGinley it is 5th thisStreet, 12th day of May, CIVIL DIVISION January 7, 2017 with a 322, Washington, DC Personal simple in the property and Columbia described as: F e l i c i a J Wa r d r i c k , 2 0 0 2 4 a n d P a r k i n g District of Columbia Floor 2017, Washington, D.C. Civil Action No. will, and will serve with1087 07/07/17 Lot 0822. whose address is 635 premises situate, lying Square 06/23, 06/30, Representative PROBATE DIVISION 20001, on byorthebefore ORDERED Super- 2017 CA 003340 L(RP) out Court supervision. All Space May also be known as a and being in the District of Franklin Street, NE, Claims against the deWashington, D.C. December 16,District 2017.of ior Court of the unknown heirs and heirs vacant lot in the center Columbia described as: Washington, DC 20017 , Columbia, that notice be (Action TRUE TEST COPY 20001-2131 Claims against the deInvolving Real whose whereabouts are TYPESET: Tue 27 16:44:02 EDTbounded 2017 by cedent may be preof a block Square 1087 LotJun 0811. was appointed personal given by shall the insertion of a REGISTER OF WILLS Administration No. cedent be preProperty) Calendar 18 unknown shall enter their May also be known as a 17th Street SE, Mas- representative of the sented to the undercopy of to this the Order in the 2017ADM630 sented underappearance in this signed and filed with the sachusetts Avenue SE, vacant lot in the center W a s hwith i n ga tcopy o n to A the f r o TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:10:50 EDT 2017 estate of Esther Mae Register of Wills for the Beatrice F Whitaker 06/16, 06/23, 06/30/17 signed CAPITOL HILL proceeding. Objections 16th Street SE, and InIN THE SUPERIOR of a block bounded by American Newspaper, a Wardrick, who died on Register of Wills or filed COMMUNITY GARDEN to such appointment (or dependence Avenue SE, District of Columbia, 500 Decedent COURT 17th Street SE, Masnewspaper of general cirDecember 12, 2016 withThomas H. Queen Esq with the Register of Wills LAND TRUST Washington, DC. to the probate of deIndiana Avenue, N.W., sachusetts Avenue OF SE, OF THE DISTRICT culation in to thethe District out a will, and will serve 7961 Eastern Ave with a copy under-of 323 17th Street, Superior CourtSE of Defendants cedent´s will) shall be Washington, D.C. 20001 16th Street SE, and InCOLUMBIA Columbia,ononce a week Washington, without Court superviSuite 304 signed, or before DC 20002 the District of filed with the Register of within 6 months from the dependence Avenue SE, CIVIL DIVISION for three (3) sion. All unknown heirs Silver Spring, 20910 December 16, successive 2017 , or District of Columbia Wills, D.C., 515 5th Washington, DC.No. date of first publication of Civil Action weeks, notifying pera n d h e i r s w h o s e this notice. Attorney be forever barred.allPerPLAINTIFF PROBATE DIVISION ORDER OF Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 2017 CA 003335 L(RP) sons interested in the whereabouts are unNOTICE OF sons believed to be heirs PUBLICATION Washington, D.C. Defendants Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Carroll Shaw Whitney Real Property known shall enter their APPOINTMENT, or legatees of described the de- vs. 20001-2131 20001, on or before Personal (Action Involving Real above to appear in this a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s In accordance with D. C. NOTICE TO cedent who do not reAdministration No. ORDER OF 18 December 23, 2017. Representative(s) Property) Calendar Court by the 13th day of proceeding. Objections Code §47-1375, the PERSONAL CREDITORS ceive a copy of this notice 2017ADM340 PUBLICATION Claims against the deTRUE TEST COPY September, 2017, and reobject of this proceeding to such appointment (or REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO by mail the within 25 Property days of Mildred B. Morgan cedent shall be preCAPITOL HILL REGISTER OF WILLS deem Real is to secure the foreclo- to the probate of de- Date of first publication: OF THE ESTATE OF UNKNOWN HEIRS its publication shall Decedent In accordance with D. C. COMMUNITY GARDEN sented to the underby first payment of $1,016.97 sure of the right of reELSIE MARYETTE cedent´s will) shall be K a t i e D A n d e r s o n , so inform the Register of CodeLAND §47-1375, NOTICE OF TRUST the together with interest from signed with a copy to the June 6, 2017 demption in the following REDFIELD filed with the Register of object of this proceeding whose address is 26 Wills, including name, APPOINTMENT, 323 17th Street, SE the date the Real Property Register of Wills or filed Name of newspapers real property located in Wills, D.C., 515 5th Address Unknown is to secureDC the20002 forecloBrandywine Street, SW, address and relationNOTICE TO Washington, tax certificate was purwith the Register of Wills the District of Columbia, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor and/or periodical: sure of the right of reWashington, DC 20032, ship. CREDITORS chased; court costs and with a copy to the underThe Daily Washington and sold by the Mayor of W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . demption in the following was appointed personal signed, on or before Date of Publication: attorney’s fees; expenses And AND NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF Law Reporter the District of Columbia to 20001, on or before EVA REDFIELD real property located in representative of the December 23, 2017, or June 16, 2017 incurred in the publication UNKNOWN HEIRS The Afro-American the Plaintiff(s) in this ac- December 23, 2017. the District of Columbia, estate of Beatrice F. be forever barred. PerName of newspaper: and service of process by Jesse ERUBIN Morgan Jr. & vs. tion described as Square Claims against the deSpeyside Circlewhose Pittand sold by the Mayor of publication and for rea- 42 Whitaker , who died on sons believed to be heirs Afro-American Queen Faison, 6/16, 06/23, 06/30/17 1087 Lot 0822, which may sboro, North of Columbia to cedent shall be pre- TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:13:27 sonable fees for the title addresses are 150 W St. the District April 25,EDT 2017 2017 with a will, or legatees of the deWashington PERSONAL also be known as a vacant Carolina 27312 the Plaintiff(s) in this acsearch; all other amounts NW, Washington, DC sented to the underand will serve without cedent who do not reLaw Reporter REPRESENTATIVE lot in the center of a block described as Square paid by the petitioner in 20001 and 174 Bryant St. tion Court supervision. All un- ceive a copy of this notice OF THE ESTATE OF bounded by 17th Street signed with a copy to the 1087 Lot 0811, which may ELSIE POWERS HAYES known heirs and heirs by mail within 25 days of Caccordance a s s a n d r awithHthe u gprovih e s And NW Washington, DC SE, Massachusetts Ave- Register of Wills or filed SUPERIOR COURT OF as a vacant sions of D. C. Grant Code 20001,were appointed also be known WEAVER with the Register of Wills whose where-abouts are its first publication shall nue SE, 16th Street SE, THE DISTRICT OF lot in the center of a block JOHN ALDEN §47-1361 a n d a l l personal Address Unknown with a copy to the underunknown shall enter their so inform the Register of Personal representative and Independence AveCOLUMBIA bounded by 17th Street REDFIELD outstanding municipal lien appearance in this Representative of the estateUnknown of Mildred B SE, Massachusetts Avenue SE in Washington, signed, on or before Wills, including name, PROBATE DIVISION Address amounts and real property Morgan, proceeding. Objections address and relationwho died on And D.C. (the ”Real Property”). December 23, 2017, or nue SE, 16th Street SE, Washington, D.C. taxes due and owing on be forever barred. Perto such appointment (or ship. TRUE TEST COPY December 16, 2016 with The complaint states, and Independence AveAnd 20001-2131 the aforementioned Real SUSAN JOHNSON to the probate of de- Date of Publication: REGISTER OF WILLS among other things, that sons believed to be heirs SE LEE in Washington, Foreign No. Property, or answer the a will, and will serve with- nueAddress Unknown cedent´s will) shall be June 23, 2017 the amounts necessary or legatees of the deout Court supervision. TYPESET: Jun 27a 17:10:26 EDT 2017 All D.C. (the ”Real Property”). PERSONAL 2017FEP067 complaint, or,Tue thereafter, cedent who do not refiled with the Register of Name of newspaper: 06/16, 06/23, 06/30/17 for redemption have not unknown heirs and heirs The complaint states, REPRESENTATIVE Date of Death final judgment will be enAnd been paid.Pursuant to the ceive a copy of this notice Wills, D.C., 515 5th whereabouts OF THE ESTATE OFare among other things, that Afro-American October 23, 2016 tered foreclosing the right whose Chief Judge’s Administra- by mail within 25 days of Ruby M Richardson Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington shall enter their the amounts necessary FRANCES LOUISE Court of Superior redemption in theofReal unknown MARIA S. LACORTE tion Order Number 02-11, its first publication shall Decedent Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . for redemption have not rance in this REDFIELD Law Reporter Property and vesting in a p p e a the District of Address Unknown it is this 12th day of May, so inform the Register of 20001, on or before ADDINGTON Objections been paid.Pursuant to the the Plaintiff a title in fee proceeding. District of Columbia NOTICE OF 2017, Wills, including name, Chief Judge’s AdministraDecember 16, 2017. Address Unknown to such appointment (or simple. Clinton Wilburn PROBATE DIVISION APPOINTMENT And ORDERED by the Super- address and relationClaims against the deto the probate of de- tion Order Number 02-11, Doris Brown Washington, D.C. OF FOREIGN ior Court of the District of ship. it is this 12th day of May, And cedent shall be precedent´s will) shall be Clerk of the Court Personal 20001-2131 PERSONAL MELVIN AUBREY Columbia, that notice be Date of Publication: sented to the underfiled with the Register of 2017, WEAVER Representative Administration No. REPRESENTATIVE given by the insertion of a ORDERED by the SuperCAROL WHITMAN June 23, 2017 signed with a copy to the By: Clerk Wills, D.C., 515 5th 2017ADM620 Address Unknown AND copy of this Order in the Name of newspaper: Address Unknown Register of Wills or filed TRUE TEST COPY Street, N.W., 3rd Floor ior Court of the District of Joseph Dawson Jr. NOTICE TO W a s h i n g t o n A f r o Afro-American Columbia, that notice be with the Register of Wills REGISTER OF WILLS James D. McGinley W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . And Decedent CREDITORS American Newspaper, a Washington with a copy to the under20001, on or before given by the insertion of a NOTICE OF Darryl Richardson newspaper of general cir- Law Reporter copy of this Order in the And signed, on or before TYPESET: Jun 27 16:58:17 October 28, 2017. JUANITA EVANS 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/7/17 APPOINTMENT, whose address is 4006 culation in the District of W a s h i n g t o n A f r o Felicia J Wardrick Cleary Court, MitchellDecember 16, 2017, or 06/23,NOTICE 06/30, 07/07/17 Claims against the de- 1602 Massachusetts Ave-a TO Columbia, once a week American Newspaper, SUSAN ADDINGTON Personal be forever barred. Pernue, cedent shall be pre- newspaper for three (3) successive CREDITORS ville, MD 20721 was apofSE general cirAddress Unknown Representative pointed personal represons believed to be heirs Washington, 20003of sented to the under- culation Superior Court of weeks, notifying all perAND NOTICE TO in theDC District or legatees of the designed with a copy to the the District of sons interested in the UNKNOWN HEIRS sentative of the estate of Columbia, once a week And TRUE TEST COPY And cedent who do not reRegister of Wills or filed District of Columbia Real Property described Karen D. Dawson and Ruby M Richardson , defor three (3) successive REGISTER OF WILLS ceive a copy of this notice with the Register of Wills above to appear in this PROBATE DIVISION Sherry L. Dawson , BARBARA weeks, notifying all perceased by the Register of ADDINGTON DAVID L. EVANS by mail within 25 days of a copy Unknown to the under- sons Court by the 13th day of Washington, D.C. interested in the whose addresses are with Wills Court for Prince Address 1602 Massachusetts Ave06/23, 06/30, 7/7/17 its first publication shall September, 2017, and re20001-2131 7959 Riggs Rd., #10 signed, on or before Real Property described Georges County, State of SE in this EDT 2017 so inform the Register of deem the Real Property TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:14:00 Administration No. above tonue, appear Adelphi, MD, 10810 October 28, 2017, or be Washington, Maryland on November DC 20003 Wills, including name, by payment of $774.09 toforever barred. Persons 2017ADM627 Court by the 13th day of B l a c k s t o n e Av e n u e , And 15, 2016, gether with interest from address and relation- Ryland M Braxton Sr. September, 2017, and reCheltenham, MD , were believed to be heirs or And Service of process may the date the Real Property SUPERIOR COURT OF ship. legatees ofADDINGTON the decedent deem the Real Property Decedent appointed personal re- REBECCA be made upon Kia Dentax certificate was purDate of Publication: THE DISTRICT OF do not receive a by payment of $498.76, Address Unknown NOTICE OF presentatives of the who nis Georgetown THE DISTRICT OF chased; court costs and June 16, 2017 with interest from COLUMBIA APPOINTMENT, estate of Joseph Dawson copy of this notice by mail together Universty Law Center, COLUMBIA attorney’s fees; expenses the date the Real Property Name of newspaper: And PROBATE DIVISION within 25 days of its first NOTICE TO Jr., , who died on May 6, O ff i c e o f G r a d u a t e Serve: Mayor ofwas the Disincurred in the publication tax certificate purAfro-American Washington, D.C. CREDITORS 2017 with a will, and will publication shall so in- trict Programs- 600 New Jerof Columbia and service of process by chased; court costs and THE DISTRICT OF Washington 20001-2131 form the Register of AND NOTICE TO serve without Court susey Ave., NW, WashingMuriel Bowser publication and for reaattorney’s fees; expenses Law Reporter Foreign No. including name, Attn: UNKNOWN HEIRS pervision. All unknown Wills, COLUMBIA ton, DC 20001 whose Office of publication the Secsonable fees for the title incurred in the Serve: Mayor of the DisKatie D Anderson Ryland M Braxton Jr. , 2017FEP69 heirs and heirs whose address and relation- retary designation as District of search; all other amounts and service of process by of Columbia Personal whose address is 410 Date of Death ship. whereabouts are un- trict Columbia agent has 1350 Pennsylvania paid by the petitioner in publication and for AvereaMuriel Bowser Representative Carriage Gate Trail, AtNovember 6, 2009 Date of Publication: known shall enter their been filed with the Regisnue, N.W., #419 accordance with the provisonable fees for the title Attn:2017 Office of lanta GA 30331, was apa p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s April 28, Washington, DC 20001 sions of D. C. Code Oliver Edgar thomas ter of Wills, D.C. search; all other amounts the TRUE TEST COPY of Secretary newspaper: pointed personal repreproceeding. Objections Name The decedent owned the § 4 7 - 1 3 6 1 a n d a l l Washington paid by the petitioner in 1350 Pennsylvania REGISTER OF WILLS sentative of the estate of Serve: Attorney General to such appointment (or Afro-American following District of outstanding municipal lien AKA accordance with the proviAvenue, N.W., #419 Ryland M Braxton, Sr. , of the District Columbia to the probate of de- Washington amounts and real property Oliver E. T. Washington Colombia real property: sions of D.of C. Code Washington, DC 20001 TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:11:15 2017 12, 06/16, 06/23, 06/30/17 who died EDT on February Attn: taxes due and owing on Decedent cedent´s will) shall be Law Reporter 1713 Newton St. NE, § 4 7Darlene - 1 3 6 1Fields and all NOTICE OF Jesse E Morgan Jr. 441 4th Street, NW 2016 without a will, and the aforementioned Real filed with the Register of Serve: Attorney General Washington, DC 20018 outstanding municipal lien APPOINTMENT Queen Faison Washington, will serve without Court Property, or answer the Wills, D.C., 515 5th of the District Claims against the deamounts andDC real20001 property of Columbia OF FOREIGN Personal taxes due and owing on Superior Court of complaint, or, thereafter, a supervision. All unknown Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Attn: Darlene Fields cedent may be preAnd PERSONAL Representatives the District of final judgment will be enheirs and heirs whose the aforementioned Real Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . sented to the under441 4th Street, NW REPRESENTATIVE tered foreclosing the right District of Columbia whereabouts are unProperty, or answer the 20001, on or before Washington, DC 20001 signed and filed with the All Unknown Owners of of redemption in the Real AND TRUE TEST COPY PROBATE DIVISION known shall enter their complaint, or, thereafter, a December 16, 2017. Register of Wills for the the Property described Property and vesting in NOTICE TO REGISTER OF WILLS Washington, D.C. appearance in this final judgment will be enClaims against the de- And Building A, District of below, their Heirs, Perthe Plaintiff a title in fee CREDITORS 20001-2131 tered foreclosing the right proceeding. Objections cedent shall be pre- TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:39:15 EDT 2017 Columbia, 515 5th sonal Representatives, simple. Jeremiah Washington Street, NW, 3rd Floor 04/28, 05/5, 05/12/17 Administration No. of redemption in the Real to such appointment (or Unknown Owners of sented to the under- All Executors, Administrawhose address is 3311 Washington, D.C. 20001 Property and vesting inor 2017ADM654 the Property described to the probate of designed withTue a copy the16:39:15 TYPESET: Junto27 EDT 2017 tors, Grantees, Assigns tors, Grantees, Assigns or the Plaintiff aintitle in Title, fee Wilton Council their Heirs, Percedent´s will) shall be Register of Wills or filed below, Successors Right, Clerkofofthe theCourt Court 2 2 n d S t r e e t , N E , within 6 months from the IN THE SUPERIOR Successors in Right, Title, Clerk simple. Washington, DC 20018 sonal Representatives, Decedent filed with the Register of with the Register of Wills tors, Grantees, date of first publication of Interest,and andAny Anyand andallall Assigns or Interest, COURT Executors, Administrawas appointed personal B Marian Chou Wills, D.C., 515 5th with a copy to the under- Successors this notice. (Strike p resros n oClerk hof ig n gCourt in Right, Title, By Clerk the OF THE DISTRICT OF p e IN THE SUPERIOR sn s h a vaivn o ro r By Clerk: representative of the 419 7th Street NW #406 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor signed, on or before Interest,COLUMBIA claiming have any interpreceding sentence if no and Any and all claiming toto have any interCOURT Washington, DC 20004 W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . estininthe theleasehold leasehold orfee fee December 16, 2017 , or p e r s CIVIL o n s hDIVISION aving or JamesD.McGinley D. McGinley estate of Oliver Edgar real estate.) Byor Clerk est OF THE DISTRICT OF James Thomas Washington, Attorney 20001, on or before simpleininthe theproperty propertyand and be forever barred. Per- claiming to Action have any inter- simple Civil No. COLUMBIA deceased by the SurNOTICE OF December 23, 2017. premises situate, lying sons believed to be heirs est in the or fee premises Darryl Richardson 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 situate, lying James D. McGinley 2017 CAleasehold 003340 L(RP) CIVIL DIVISION 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 r o g a t e ’ s C o u r t f o r APPOINTMENT, Claims against the deandbeing beingininthe theDistrict Districtofof TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:07:24 EDT 2017 or Civil legatees of No. the de- simple in the property and and Personal Action Queens County, State of NOTICE TO Columbia described as: cedent shall be presituate, lying cedent who doL(RP) not re- premises Representative(s) described 06/23, 06/30, 07/07/17 TYPESET: Tue Jun as: 27 16:44:02 EDT 2017 (Action Involving Real Columbia 2017 CA 003340 Maryland ., on March 24, Square1087 1087Lot Lot0822. 0811. CREDITORS sented to the underbeing in Calendar the District18of Square ceive a copy of this notice andProperty) TRUE TEST COPY Mayalso alsobebeknown knownasasa a AND NOTICE TO signed with a copy to the by mail Involving within 25 days REGISTER OF WILLS Superior Court of SE, 2017, (Action Realof Columbia described as: May sachusetts Avenue vacantlot lotininthe thecenter center Service of process may Date of first publication: UNKNOWN HEIRS 1087 Lot 0811. vacant Register of Wills or filed its first publication shall Square District CAPITOL HILL Property) Calendar 18 16ththe Street SE, of and InIN THE SUPERIOR of a block bounded by be made upon Jeremiah also be known as a of a block bounded by Mary Council , whose ad- with the Register of Wills so inform the Register of May June 16, 2017 District of Columbia COMMUNITY GARDEN Avenue SE, COURTSE, Mas- dependence 17th Street vacant lot in the center Washington, 3311 22nd dress is 3546 A St., SE with a copy to the under17th Street SE, MasWills, including Name of newspapers PROBATE DIVISION DC. LAND TRUST CAPITOL HILLname, OF THE DISTRICT sachusetts AvenueOF SE, Washington, block bounded by Street, NE, Washington and/or periodical: #203, Washington, DC , signed, on or before address andGARDEN relation- of a Washington, D.C. Defendants 323Street 17th Street, SE COMMUNITY 16th COLUMBIA Street SE, and In17th SE, MasDC 20018 whose deswas appointed personal December 23, 2017, or ship. The Daily Washington 20001-2131 Washington, DC 20002 LAND TRUST CIVIL DIVISION dependence Avenue SE, sachusetts Avenue SE, ignation as District of Law Reporter representative of the be forever barred. PerDate of Publication: Administration No. 323 17th Street, SE Civil Action No. Washington, DC. 16th Street SE, and InColumbia agent has The Afro-American estate of Wilton Council, sons believed to be heirs ORDER OF June 16, 2017 2017ADM158 PLAINTIFF Washington, DC 20002 2017 CA 003335 L(RP) TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:12:07 2017 dependence Avenue SE, been filed with the Regis- 06/16, who diedEDT on December or legatees of the dePUBLICATION Name of newspaper: 06/23, 06/30/17 Loretta Carter Hanes Defendants Washington, DC. ter of Wills, D.C. 13, 2016 without a will, cedent who do not reAfro-American Decedent vs. PLAINTIFF (Action Involving Real The decedent owned the and will serve without ceive a copy of this notice In accordance with D. C. Washington NOTICE OF Property) Calendar ORDER OF 18 Defendants Superior Court of Court supervision. All un- by mail within 25 days of Code §47-1375, the f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f Law Reporter PERSONAL APPOINTMENT, vs. PUBLICATION the District of Colombia real property: objectNOTICE of this proceeding known heirs and heirs its first publication shall Karen D Dawson REPRESENTATIVE TO CAPITOL HILL ORDER OF District of Columbia secure the foreclo- 1/3 interest in 3311 22nd whose whereabouts are so inform the Register of OF THE ESTATE OF Sherry L. Lawson PERSONAL COMMUNITY In accordance GARDEN with D. C. is to CREDITORS PUBLICATION PROBATE DIVISION sure of the right of reStreet, NE, Washington, unknown shall enter their Wills, including name, ELSIE MARYETTE Personal REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO LAND TRUST the Code §47-1375, Washington, D.C. demption in the following DC 20018 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s address and relationREDFIELD Representative OF THE ESTATE OF 323 17th Street, SE object of this proceeding UNKNOWN HEIRS In accordance with D. C. property located in Claims against the de20001-2131 proceeding. Objections ship. Address Unknown ELSIE MARYETTE Washington, is to secureDC the20002 foreclo- Dreal o r e n e H a n e y E s q , Code §47-1375, the the District of Columbia, cedent may be preAdministration No. to such appointment Date of Publication: sure of the right of re- whose TRUEREDFIELD TEST COPY address is 209 object of this proceeding and sold by the Mayor of 2017ADM616 shall be filed with the June 23, 2017 Address Unknown demption in the following K e n n e d y S t . , N W , sented to the underREGISTER OF WILLS PLAINTIFF isAnd to secure the foreclothe District of Columbia to Bernice P. Hughes Register of Wills, D.C., Name of newspaper: REDFIELD real property located in Washington, DC 20011, signed and filed with the sure EVA of the right of rethe Plaintiff(s) in this acDecedent Register of Wills for the TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:12:37 EDT 2017 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Afro-American RUBIN the District of Columbia, was appointed personal And demption in the following 06/16, 06/23, 06/30/17 vs. tion described as Square District of Columbia, NOTICE OF 42 Speyside Circle PittFloor Washington, D.C. Washington and sold by the Mayor of EVA REDFIELD real property located in representative of may the 1087 Lot 0822, which APPOINTMENT, sboro, 20001, on or before Law Reporter the District of Columbia to estate of Loretta Carter Building A, 515 5th RUBIN the District of North Columbia, PERSONAL also be known as a vacant NOTICE TO Carolina the Plaintiff(s) in this ac- Hanes, who died on Au- Street, NE, Washington, 42 Speyside December 16, 2017. and sold by the27312 Mayor of Ryland M Braxton Jr. REPRESENTATIVE Superior Circle Court Pittof lot in the center of a block CREDITORS tion as Square sboro, North of Claims against the dethe District of Columbia to Personal OFdescribed THE ESTATE OF the District gust 21, 2016 without a DC 20018within 6 bounded by 17th Street AND NOTICE TO 1087 Lot 0811, which may And Carolina 27312 months from the date of the Plaintiff(s) in this accedent shall be preELSIE POWERS HAYES will, Representative District of Columbia will serve with SE, and Massachusetts AveUNKNOWN HEIRS also be known as a vacant tion described as Square first publication of this nosented to the underWEAVER PROBATE DIVISION Court supervision. All unlot Address in the center of a block nue SE, 16th Street SE, tice. Cassandra Hughes JOHN ALDEN 1087 Lot 0811, which may And Washington, D.C. Unknown signed with a copy to the TRUE TEST COPY heirs and heirs and Independence Avebounded by 17th Street known REDFIELD Grant, whose address is Register of Wills or filed REGISTER OF WILLS also be known as a vacant Jeremiah Washington 20001-2131 nue SE in Washington, whose whereabouts are SE, Massachusetts AveAddress Unknown lot in the center of a block 1111 Elkhart Street, with the Register of Wills JOHN ALDEN No. And Personal Administration D.C. (the ”Real Property”). shall enter their TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:08:28 nue SE, 16th Street SE, unknown bounded by 17th Street REDFIELD Oxon Hill, MD 20745, with a copy to the under- 06/23, Representative(s) 06/30, 07/7/17 2017ADM610 complaint ppea r a n c e i nstates, this and Independence Ave- aThe AndMassachusetts AveSE, Address Unknown was appointed personal signed, on or before SUSAN LEE JOHNSON TRUE TEST COPY Steven Durrell among other things, that proceeding. Objections nueAddress SE inUnknown Washington, nue SE, 16th Street SE, representative of the REGISTER OF WILLS December 16, 2017 , or thesuch amounts necessary Washington appointment D.C. (the ”Real Property”). to PERSONAL Aveand Independence And estate of Bernice P. be forever barred. Per- SUPERIOR COURT OF for redemption have the not Date of first publication: Decedent be filed with The complaint states, shall THE DISTRICT OF nueREPRESENTATIVE SE in Washington, And Hughes , who died on sons believed to be heirs June 16, 2017 been paid.Pursuant to the NOTICE OF among other things, that Register of Wills, D.C., OF THE ESTATE OF D.C. (the ”Real Property”). COLUMBIA PERSONAL February 13, 2017 with- or legatees of the deName of newspapers Chief Judge’s AdministraAPPOINTMENT, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd the amounts necessary TheFRANCES complaintLOUISE states, REPRESENTATIVE PROBATE DIVISION MARIA S. LACORTE out a will, and will serve cedent who do not retion Order Number 02-11, and/or periodical: NOTICE TO Floor Washington, D.C. for redemption have not REDFIELD among other things, that OF THE ESTATE OF Washington, D.C. Address Unknown without Court supervi- ceive a copy of this notice it is this 12th daybefore of May, The Daily Washington CREDITORS on or been paid.Pursuant to the 20001, ADDINGTON the amounts necessary FRANCES LOUISE 20001-2131 sion. All unknown heirs by mail within 25 days of 2017, AND NOTICE TO Chief Judge’s Administra- December 23, 2017. Law Reporter Address Unknown for redemption have not REDFIELD And Administration No. and heirs whose where- its first publication shall ORDERED by the SuperUNKNOWN HEIRS tion Order Number 02-11, Claims against the de- The Afro-American been paid.Pursuant to the ADDINGTON 2017ADM720 ior Court of the District of 06/17, 06/23, 06/30 abouts are unknown so inform the Register of Sharon Katrina Lillyit is this 12th day of May, And cedent shall be preChief Judge’s AdministraAddress Unknown MELVIN AUBREY Columbia, that notice be TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:14:30 shall enter their appear- Wills, including name, Estate of EDT 2017 Joyner , whose address tion Order Number 02-11, 2017, WEAVER sented undergiven by to the the insertion of a ance in this proceeding. address and relation- Richard G Kreinsen ORDERED by the Super- signed is 4736 Benning Road, it is CAROL this 12thWHITMAN day of May, And with a copy to the Address Unknown Deceased copy of this Order in the Objections to such ship. ior Court of the District of Register SE, #103, Washington, 2017,Address Unknown NOTICE OF W a s h i of n gWills t o n orAfiled fro appointment (or to the Date of Publication: Columbia, that notice be with DC 20019WHITMAN was appointed ORDERED by the SuperCAROL the Register of Willsa SUPERIOR COURT OF And American Newspaper, STANDARD probate of decedent´s June 16, 2017 given by the insertion of a with a copy to the underior Court of the District of personal Address representative Unknown THE DISTRICT OF newspaper of general cirPROBATE will) shall be filed with the Name of newspaper: copy of this EVANS Order in the signed, And that notice be of the estate of Steven Columbia, COLUMBIA JUANITA ontheorDistrict before culation in of Notice is hereby given Register of Wills, D.C., Afro-American W a Massachusetts s h i n g t o n AAvef r o December Durrell Washington , who given by the insertion of a PROBATE DIVISION 1602 23, 2017, or Columbia, once a week that a petition has been 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Washington American Newspaper, a be SUSAN of thisADDINGTON Order in the And died on April 17, 2017 copy nue, SE Washington, D.C. barred. Perfor forever three (3) successive filed in this Court by Floor Washington, D.C. Law Reporter newspaper general h i n g tUnknown on Afro Washington,ofDC 20003cir- sons without a will, and will W a sAddress 20001-2131 believed to be heirs weeks, notifying all perculation in the District of 20001, on or before Mary Council Laura Marie Beatty for SUSAN ADDINGTON serve without Court su- American Newspaper, a Foreign No. or legatees of the desons interested in the Columbia, once a week December 16, 2017. And of general cirAddress Unknown Personal standard probate, includAnd pervision. All unknown newspaper 2017FEP70 Real Property who dodescribed not refor three (3) successive cedent Claims against the de17:13:02 EDT 2017 Representative ing the appoint-ment of heirs and heirs whose culation in the District of Date of Death above to appear in this ceive a copy of this notice one or more personal reweeks, notifying all perBARBARAonce ADDINGTON a week cedent shall be preAnd DAVID L. EVANS whereabouts are un- Columbia, January 22, 2017 Court the 13th day of of mailby within 25 days presentative. Unless a sonsMassachusetts interested inAvethe by Address (3) Unknown successive sented to the under- TRUE TEST COPY 1602 known shall enter their for three September, 2017, and reRhoda Shaw Ping its first publication shall Real Property complaint or an objection BARBARA signed with a copy to the REGISTER OF WILLS nue, SE described so deem thethe Real Property a p p e a r a ADDINGTON n c e i n t h i s weeks, notifying all perDecedent inform Register of above to appear in this in accordance with sons interested in the Address Unknown Register of Wills or filed Washington, DC 20003 by payment of $774.09 toproceeding. Objections Real NOTICE OF including name, Court by the 13th day of Wills, And Property described Superior EDT Court2017 Probate with the Register of Wills 06/16, TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:52:35 06/23, 06/30/17 gether with interest from to such appointment above to appear in this APPOINTMENT September, 2017, and re- address and relationDivision Rule 407 is filed with a copy to the underAnd the date the Real Property shall be filed with the OF FOREIGN ship. deem the Real Property REBECCA Court by theADDINGTON 13th day of in this Court within 30 And signed, on or before tax certificate was purRegister of Wills, D.C., September, PERSONAL Date of Publication: byTHE payment of $498.76, Address2017, Unknown and redays from the date of first December 16, 2017, or DISTRICT OF chased; court costs and Superior Court of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd deem the Real Property REPRESENTATIVE June 23, 2017 together with interest from REBECCA ADDINGTON publication of this notice, COLUMBIA be forever barred. Perattorney’s fees; expenses the District of Floor Washington, AND Name of newspaper: the date the Real Property And payment of $498.76, Address Unknown D.C. by the Court may take the Serve: Mayor of the Dissons believed to be heirs incurred in the publication District of Columbia 20001, on or before together with interest from NOTICE TO tax ofcertificate was pur- Afro-American action hereinafter set trict Columbia and service of process by or legatees of the dePROBATE DIVISION December 16, 2017 . CREDITORS chased; court costs and Washington THE DISTRICT OF the date the Real Property And forth. Muriel Bowser publication and for rea- Carroll Shaw Whitney cedent who do not reWashington, D.C. Claims against the de- tax certificate attorney’s fees; expenses 0 COLUMBIA was purLaw Reporter Admit to probate the will Attn: Office of the Secfees for the title ceive a copy of this notice 20001-2131 incurred in the publication sonable cedent shall be whose address is 2004 Serve: Mayor of the and Dis- retary court costs Dorene Haney Esq THE DISTRICT OFpre- chased; dated August 11, 2012 amounts by mail within 25 days of and service of process by search; all otherPersonal Administration No. sented to the under- attorney’s trict of Columbia Hamrick Drive., Raleigh, fees; expenses COLUMBIA 1350 Pennsylvania Aveexhibited with the petition petitioner in its first publication shall publication and for rea- paid by the 2017ADM658 Muriel Bowser signedMayor with aofcopy the incurred in the publication Serve: the to DisRepresentative nue, N.W., #419 accordance with the provi- NC 27615 was appointed so inform the Register of upon proof satisfactory to sonable fees for the title Attn: of Office of by process Donella J Mathews Register of Wills or filed and service personal representative trict of Columbia Washington, DC 20001 sions of D. C. Code the Court of due execuWills, including name, search; all other amounts TRUE the Secretary and for reawith the Register of Wills publication Muriel Bowser § 4 7 - TEST 1 3 6 1COPY a n d a l l of the estate of Rhoda address and relation- Decedent tion by affidavit of witpaid byAttorney the petitioner 1350fees Pennsylvania for the title Office of under- sonable Wesley L Clarke with Attn: a copy to the Shaw Ping deceased by OF WILLS Serve: Generalin REGISTER nesses or otherwise the provi- outstanding municipal lien the General Court of Jus- ship. Avenue, N.W., #419 all other amounts the Secretary 1629 K Street NW, signed, on or before search; ofaccordance the Districtwith of Columbia amounts and real property sions of D. C. Code 06/23, 06/30, 07/7/17 Washington, DC 20001 by the petitioner in 1350 Pennsylvania Ste 300 December 16, 2017 , or paid tice - Superior Court Div , Date of Publication: Attn: Darlene Fields taxes due and owing on Register of Wills EDT 2017 § 4 4th 7 - 1Street, 3 6 1 NW a n d a l l TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:04:43 June 16, 2017 Avenue, #419Per- accordance with the proviWashington, DC 20006 be foreverN.W., barred. 441 the aforementioned Real Court for New Hanover Clerk of the outstanding DC municipal Serve: ofAttorney D. C. General Code Washington, DC Attorney sons believed to20001 be heirs sions Washington, 20001lien Property, or answer the County, State of New Name of newspaper: Probate Division amounts and real property 7 - 1District 3 6 1 ofa Columbia nd all NOTICE OF or legatees of the de- §of4 the Hanover on February 15, Afro-American complaint, or, thereafter, a Date of First Publication taxes due and owing on Attn: Darlene Fields lien municipal Washington Serve: Superior Court And APPOINTMENT, cedentAttorney who doGeneral not re- outstanding judgment will of be en- 2017 , June 23, 2017 the aforementioned Real finalthe 441 4th Street, and realNW property Law Reporter ofceive the District District of NOTICE TO a copyof ofColumbia this notice amounts tered foreclosing the right Service of process may Names of Newspapers: Property, or Owners answer the Washington, 20001on due andDCowing Attn: Darlene Fields Cassandra Hughes District of Columbia All Unknown of of redemption in the Real b e m a d e u p o n CREDITORS by mail within 25 days of taxes complaint, or, thereafter, a Washington 441 NW shall the aforementioned Real Grant PROBATE DIVISION the Property described Property and vesting in Christopher B Darby Esq AND NOTICE TO its 4th firstStreet, publication final judgment will be enLaw Reporter And Property, or answer the Washington, DC 20001 Personal Washington, D.C. below, their Heirs, Perthe Plaintiff a title in fee UNKNOWN HEIRS so inform the Register of complaint, or, thereafter, a , 4400 Jenifer Street, Continued on C4 tered foreclosing the right Representative Clinton Wilburn and Washington sonal Representatives, 20001-2131 simple. Wills, including name, final NW, Suite 2 Washington, of redemption in the Real All Unknown Owners judgment will be en-of Executors, AFRO-AMERICAN And AdministraAdministration No. Doris Brown, whose ad- William R Voltz address and relation- tered 20037 whose designaProperty and Assigns vesting orin the Property foreclosingdescribed the right tors, Grantees, 2017ADM666 dress(es) are 2031 Ray- 2120 L Street NW tion as District of Colum- TRUE TEST COPY the PlaintiffinaRight, title in fee their in Heirs, Per- Successors ofbelow, redemption the Real Allship. Unknown Owners of Title, REGISTER OF WILLS Esther Mae Wardrick Clerk of the Court conda Rd., Fayetville, Suite 700 Date of Publication: bia agent has been filed simple. sonal Representatives, Property and vesting in the Property described Interest, and Any and all Decedent NC and 3630 NW 9th Ct., June 16, 2017 with the Register of Wills,

July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American


upon proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution by affidavit of witnesses or otherwise


Register of Wills Clerk of the Probate Division Date of First Publication June 23, 2017 Names of Newspapers: LEGAL NOTICES Washington Law Reporter Washington AFRO-AMERICAN William R Voltz 2120 L Street NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20037 Signature of Petitioners/Attorney

District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM667 Jeanette C Russell Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Malcolm Douglas, whose address is #30 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20001, was, appointed personal representative of the estate of Jeanette C. Russell, who died on FebruaryEDT 12, 2017 16:54:18 2017 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Jeanette C Russell Personal Representative

cedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with NOTICES a copy to the LEGAL Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Eileen Tolson Personal Representative

TYPESET: The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017

TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 06/23, 06/30/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM669 Alfredia M Marshall Decedent William C King Esq 5039 Connecticut Ave. NW Building One Washington, DC 20008 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Keith T. Marshall, whose address is 1802 Sycamore Heights Court, Mitchellville, Maryland, 20721 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Alfredia M. Marshall who died on March 11, 2017 witha will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Keith T. Marshall Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/7/17 TYPESET: Jun 27 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM677 Bertha Osekre Decedent D. Greer 1350 Leegate Road NW Washington, DC 20012 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Adjorkor Osekre, whose address is 917 Perry Place NE, Washington, DC 20017, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Bertha Osekre, who died on December 2, 2016 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Adjorkor Osekre Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Jun 27 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/7/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM667 Jeanette C Russell Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Malcolm Douglas, whose address is #30 N Street NW, Washington, DC


TYPESET: Jun 27 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/7/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM668 Frances H Gilliam Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Eric Gilliam, whose address is 1611 A Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Frances H. Gilliam, who died on August 16, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknownEDT shall enter 17:10:01 2017 their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Eric Gilliam Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/23, 0630, 07/7/17

TYPESET: Tue Jun 27

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM23 Eileen Jenkins Decedent Michael Forster 2007 Vermont Ave. NW Washington, DC 20001 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Eileen Tolson , whose address is 6205 Runnymead Ave., Clinton, MD 20735, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Eileen Jenkins, who died on November 27, 2016 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknownEDT shall enter 17:05:06 2017 their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs

TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/7/17 TYPESET: Jun 27 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM511 Estate of William Boyd Powell Deceased NOTICE OF STANDARD PROBATE Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this Court by Shirley Bethea for standard probate, including the appointment of one or more personal representative. Unless a complaint or an objection in accordance with Superior Court Probate Division Rule 107 is filed in this Court within 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice, the 17:05:52 EDT 2017 Court may take the action hereinafter set forth. 0 Upon proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution by affidavit of the witnesses to the will, the Court will enter an order admitting the will to probate and appointing one or more personal representatives. In the absence of a will or proof satisfactory to the court of due execution, the court will enter an order determining that the decedent died intestate and appointing one or more personal representatives. Register of Wills Clerk of the Probate Division Date of First Publication June 23, 2017 Names of Newspapers: Washington Law Reporter Washington AFRO-AMERICAN Rachell Long 1404 Half St. SW Washington, DC 20024 Signature of Petitioners/Attorney

TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 06/23, 06/30/17

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM641 Nicolai Cikovsky AKA Nicolai Cikovsky Jr. Decedent David Booth Beers, Esq Goodwin Procter, LLP, 901 New York Ave., NW 9E Washington, DC 20001 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Sarah Eden Greenough, whose address is 5313 Broad Branch Rd, NW, Washington, DC 20015 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Nicolai Cikovsky AKA Nicolai Cikovsky Jr. , who died on May 1, 2016 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs 16:56:01 EDT 2017 are whose where-abouts unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Sarah Eden Greenough Personal Representative

Tue Jun 27

Superior Court of

LEGAL NOTICES the District of

District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM642 Marie W Gable Decedent Clark J Hymes Esq 1030 15th St., NW, Suite 1050B Washington, DC 20005 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Renee Gable Sears, whose address is 2515 R Street, #121, Washington, DC 20020, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Marie W Gable, who died on January 16, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All 17:07:52 unknownEDT heirs2017 and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Renee Gable Sears Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Jun 27 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/7/17 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM666 Esther Mae Wardrick Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS F e l i c i a J Wa r d r i c k , whose address is 635 17:09:09 EDT 2017 NE, Franklin Street, Washington, DC 20017, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Esther Mae Wardrick, who died on December 12, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Felicia J Wardrick Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 06/23, 06/30, 07/7/17

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM652 Catherine Barber Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS James L Barber Jr. , whose address is 14006 old Brandywine Rd., Brandywine, MD 20613 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Catherine Barber, who died on January 30, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unTRUE TEST COPY known heirs and heirs REGISTER OF WILLS whose whereabouts are unknownEDT shall enter TYPESET: Jun 27 16:55:36 2017 their 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/7/17 appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment Superior Court of shall be filed with the the District of Register of Wills, D.C., District of Columbia 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd PROBATE DIVISION Floor Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before 20001-2131 December 23, 2017. Administration No. Claims against the de2017ADM642 cedent shall be preMarie W Gable

30, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their a p p e a r EDT a n c e 2017 in this 16:55:36 proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register Wills, D.C., LEGALofNOTICES 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before December 23, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 23, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 23, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Catherine Barber Personal Representative


PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM685 Cora Bryant Decedent Maynard T. Curry Attorney at Law 4521 Eads Place NE 16:00:37 EDT 2017 LEGAL NOTICES Washington, DC 20019 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Kathy B Gaines , whose address is 5613 Gist Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Cora Bryant, who died on August 31, 2005 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 30, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 30, 2017 , or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 30, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Kathy B Gaines Personal Representative

shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before December 30, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register Wills or filed LEGALofNOTICES with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 30, 2017 , or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 30, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Sandra Owusu-Ansah Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/30, 07/7, 07/14/17 TYPESET: Tue Jun 27

TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:27:29 E


Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM619 Evelyn H Gibson Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Constance G Simenton, whose address is 3350 C Street, SE, Washington, DC 20019 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Evelyn H Gibson who died on February 26, 2012 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All2017 unknown 16:19:23 EDT heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before December 16, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 16, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 16, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Constance G. Simenton Personal Representative

Superior Court of the District of Within the time limited by District of Columbia law (see note below) you TRUE TEST COPY PROBATE DIVISION are hereby required to apREGISTER OF WILLS Washington, D.C. pear before this Court and 20001-2131 answer to a complaint TYPESET: Jun 27 17:05:30 EDT 2017 06/23, 06/30,Tue 07/7/17 Administration No. filed against you in this ac2017ADM710 tion and in case of your Clinton Edward Golden failure to appear or anSuperior Court of Jr. swer, judgment by default the District of Decedent will be taken against you District of Columbia Arthur L Wharton as demanded in the First PROBATE DIVISION 3011 O Street SE Amended Complaint, for Washington, D.C. Washingron, DC 20020 20001-2131 Attorney PARTITION AND Administration No. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 2017ADM583 APPOINTMENT, OF JUDGMENT LIEN. Abebe Zewdie NOTICE TO Decedent CREDITORS SO ORDERED this 3rd NOTICE OF AND NOTICE TO day of May, 2017. APPOINTMENT, UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE TO Arthur L Wharton III , CREDITORS whose address is 3011 O ROBERT A. MOLLOY AND NOTICE TO Street, SE, Washington, Judge of the UNKNOWN HEIRS Superior Court DC 20020 , was apHewan Abebe , whose pointed personal reprea d d r e s s i s 1 8 4 0 N Richard H. Dollison, Esq. sentative of the estate of Edgemont St. #1, Los Attorney for Plaintiff Clinton Edward Golden Angeles, CA 90027 was LPP Mortgage, Ltd. Jr. , who died on April 10, The Law Offices of Richappointed personal re1993 without a will, and ard H. Dollison, P.C. presentative of the estate will serve with Court suTRUE TEST COPY of Abebe Zewdie, who 48 Dronningens Gade, REGISTER OF WILLS pervision. All unknown died on May 4, 2017 with- Ste. 2C heirs and heirs whose out a will, and will serve P.O. Box 6135 whereabouts are unTYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:26:54 EDT 2017 06/30, 07/7, 07/14/17 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Iswithout Court superviknown shall enter their lands 00804-6135 sion. All unknown heirs appearance in this a n d h e i r s w h o s e NOTE: This defendant, if proceeding. Objections Superior Court of whereabouts are un- served personally, is reto such appointment the District of known shall enter their quired to file his answer or shall be filed with the District of Columbia a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s other defenses with the Register of Wills, D.C., TRUE TEST COPY PROBATE DIVISION proceeding. Objections Clerk of this Court, and to 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd REGISTER OF WILLS Washington, D.C. to such appointment (or serve a copy thereof upon Floor Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 to the probate of de- the plain-tiff´s attorney 20001, on or before 06/16, 07/7, 07/14/17 Administration No. cedent´s will) shall be within twenty (20) days December 30, 2017 . TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:27:57 2017ADM687 filed with the Register of after service of this sum- Kevin O Edison Claims against the deWills, D.C., 515 5th mons, excluding the date Decedent cedent shall be pre17:06:55 EDT 2017 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor of service. The defendant, sented to the under- SUPERIOR COURT OF NOTICE OF THE DISTRICT OF Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . if served by publication or signed with a copy to the APPOINTMENT, COLUMBIA by personal service out20001, on or before Register of Wills or filed NOTICE TO PROBATE DIVISION December 23, 2017. side of the jurisdiction, is with the Register of Wills CREDITORS Washington, D.C. Claims against the de- required to file his answer with a copy to the underAND NOTICE TO 20001-2131 cedent shall be pre- or other defense with the signed, on or before UNKNOWN HEIRS Clerk of this Court, and to Administration No. sented to the underKaren D Lowe , whose December 30, 2017 , or serve a copy thereof upon 2016ADM001138 signed with a copy to the address is 2025 Savan- be forever barred. PerRegister of Wills or filed the attorney for the plaintiff nah Place SE, Washing- sons believed to be heirs Estate of with the Register of Wills within thirty (30) days after ton, DC 20020 , was ap- or legatees of the de- Pamela Bridgewater with a copy to the under- the completion of the pe- p o i n t e d p e r s o n a l cedent who do not re- Toure signed, on or before riod of publication or per- representative of the ceive a copy of this notice Deceased sonal service outside of NOTICE OF December 23, 2017, or estate of Kevin O Edison, by mail within 25 days of the jurisdiction. STANDARD be forever barred. Perwho died on May 18, its first publication shall PROBATE sons believed to be heirs so inform the Register of 2017 without a will, and or legatees of the de- 0 7 / 1 , 0 7 / 7 , 0 7 / 1 4 , will serve without Court Wills, including name, Notice is hereby given cedent who do not resupervision. unknown address and relation- that a petition has been 07/21/17 EDTAll2017 filed in this Court by ceive a copy of this notice TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:22:58 heirs and heirs whose ship. Kweku Toure for stanby mail within 25 days of whereabouts are un- Date of Publication: dard probate, including its first publication shall known shall enter their June 30, 2017 Superior Court of the appointment of one so inform the Register of Name of newspaper: a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s the District of or more personal repreWills, including name, Afro-American proceeding. Objections District of Columbia sentative. Unless a comaddress and relationto such appointment (or Washington PROBATE DIVISION plaint or an objection in ship. to the probate of de- Law Reporter Washington, D.C. Date of Publication: Arthur L Wharton III accordance with Supercedent´s will) shall be 20001-2131 June 23, 2017 Personal ior Court Probate Difiled with the Register of Administration No. Name of newspaper: Representative vision Rule 407 is filed in Wills, D.C., 515 5th 2017ADM598 this Court within 30 days Afro-American Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Evelyn Hunter Armfrom the date of first pubWashington TRUE TEST COPY Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . strong lication of this notice, the Law Reporter 20001, on or before REGISTER OF WILLS Decedent Court may take the acHewan Abebe December 30, 2017 . NOTICE OF tion hereinafter set forth. Personal 06/30, 07/7, 07/14/17 TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:02:19 EDT 2017 Claims against the de0 APPOINTMENT, In the absence of a will Representative cedent shall be preNOTICE TO or proof satisfactory to sented to the underCREDITORS the Court of due execuTRUE TEST COPY signed with a copy to the Superior Court of AND NOTICE TO tion, enter an order deterREGISTER OF WILLS Register of Wills or filed the District of UNKNOWN HEIRS mining that the decedent District of Columbia Dora D EDT Hunter2017 , whose with the Register of Wills TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 17:03:41 died intestate 06/23, 06/30, 07/7/17 with a copy to the underPROBATE DIVISION 0 address is 5111 Astor appoint an unsusigned, on or before Washington, D.C. Place, SE, Washington, pervised personal repreDecember 30, 2017, or 20001-2131 DC 20019, was apsentative Superior Court of Administration No. pointed personal repre- be forever barred. Perthe District of sons believed to be heirs 2017ADM94 sentative of the estate of Register of Wills District of Columbia or legatees of the de- Leoner Norwood Evelyn Hunter ArmClerk of the PROBATE DIVISION cedent who do not reDecedent strong , who died on April Probate Division Washington, D.C. ceive a copy of this notice Yvonne Davis Smith 10, 2017 with a will, and Date of First Publication 20001-2131 will serve without Court by mail within 25 days of Esq Administration No. its first publication shall 2501 NorthHampton June 30, 2017 supervision. All unknown Names of Newspapers: 2017ADM657 heirs and heirs whose so inform the Register of Street NW Washington Raynell Goodwine Wills, including name, Washington, DC 20015 where-abouts are unLaw Reporter Decedent address and relationAttorney known shall enter their Washington NOTICE OF ship. NOTICE OF appearance in this AFRO-AMERICAN APPOINTMENT, Date of Publication: APPOINTMENT, proceeding. Objections Rikki Drykerman NOTICE TO June 30, 2017 NOTICE TO to such appointment (or Noel Law Firm CREDITORS Name of newspaper: CREDITORS to the probate of de43 Randolph Rd #207 AND NOTICE TO Afro-American AND NOTICE TO cedent´s will) shall be Silver Spring, MD 20904 UNKNOWN HEIRS Washington UNKNOWN HEIRS Signature of Janet E Smith, whose filed with the Register of Law Reporter Lloyd Norwood , whose Petitioners/Attorney Wills, D.C., 515 5th address is 8500 New Karen D Lowe address is 415 Farragut Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Hampshire, # 404, Silver Personal Street, NW, Washington, TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:01:56 Spring, MD, 20903 , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Representative DC 20011 was appointed 06/30, 07/7/17 wasappointed personal 20001, on or before personal representative representative of the December 30, 2017 . TRUE TEST COPY of the estate of Leoner Superior Court of e s t a t e o f R a y n e l l Claims against the de- REGISTER OF WILLS Norwood, who died on the District of Goodwine, who died on cedent shall be preOctober 2, 2016 with a sented to the underDistrict of Columbia August 28, 2016 with a TYPESET: Jun 27 16:25:38 2017 with06/30, 07/7, Tue 07/14/17 will, andEDT will serve signed with a copy to the PROBATE DIVISION will, and will serve without Court supervision. All Washington, D.C. out Court supervision. All Register of Wills or filed unknown heirs and heirs 20001-2131 unknown heirs and heirs with the Register of Wills Superior Court of whose whereabouts are Administration No. whose where-abouts are with a copy to the underthe District of unknown shall enter their signed, on or before 2017ADM646 unknown shall enter their District of Columbia appearance in this December 30, 2017, or Cassaundra appearance in this PROBATE DIVISION proceeding. Objections be forever barred. PerDonaldson Williams proceeding. Objections Washington, D.C. to such appointment (or Decedent to such appointment (or sons believed to be heirs 20001-2131 to the probate of deCharles T Tucker Jr to the probate of de- or legatees of the deAdministration No. cedent´s will) shall be Esq cedent´s will) shall be cedent who do not re2017ADM711 filed with the Register of 17:06:24 EDT 2017 ceive a copy of this notice 16009 Lavender Dream filed with the Register of Laverne E Montgomery Wills, D.C., 515 5th by mail within 25 days of Lane Wills, D.C., 515 5th Decedent Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Brandywine,MD Street, N.W., 3rd Floor its first publication shall NOTICE OF Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . so inform the Register of 20613-8003 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . APPOINTMENT, 20001, on or before Attorney 20001, on or before Wills, including name, NOTICE TO December 30, 2017. address and relationNOTICE OF December 23, 2017. CREDITORS Claims against the deship. APPOINTMENT, Claims against the deAND NOTICE TO cedent shall be preNOTICE TO cedent shall be pre- Date of Publication: UNKNOWN HEIRS sented to the underCREDITORS sented to the under- June 30, 2017 Sandra Owusu-Ansah , signed with a copy to the AND NOTICE TO signed with a copy to the Name of newspaper: whose address is 105 Register of Wills or filed UNKNOWN HEIRS Register of Wills or filed Afro-American North Summit Ave #1, with the Register of Wills Washington David Williams , whose with the Register of Wills Gaithersburg MD 20877 with a copy to the underaddress is 222 Adams with a copy to the under- Law Reporter was appointed personal signed, on or before Dora D Hunter Street, NE, Washington, signed, on or before representative of the December 30, 2017, or Personal DC 20002, was apDecember 23, 2017, or estate of LaVerne E be forever barred. PerRepresentative pointed personal reprebe forever barred. PerMontgomery , who died sons believed to be heirs sentative of the estate of sons believed to be heirs on September 2, 2015 or legatees of the deTRUE TEST COPY Cassaundra Donaldson or legatees of the dewithout a will, and will cedent who do not reREGISTER OF WILLS Williams , who died on cedent who do not reserve without Court su- ceive a copy of this notice June 9, 2013 without a ceive a copy of this notice pervision. All unknown by mail within 25 days of 07/7, 07/14/17 will, and will serve withby mail within 25 days of 06/30, heirs and heirs whose its first publication shall TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:18:26 EDT 2017 out Court supervision. All its first publication shall whereabouts are un- so inform the Register of unknown heirs and heirs so inform the Register of known shall enter their Wills, including name, whose where-abouts are Wills, including name, appearance in this address and relationSuperior Court of unknown shall enter their address and relationproceeding. Objections ship. the District of appearance in this ship. to such appointment Date of Publication: District of Columbia proceeding. Objections Date of Publication: shall be filed with the June 30, 2017 PROBATE DIVISION to such appointment June 23, 2017 Register of Wills, D.C., Name of newspaper: Washington, D.C. shall be filed with the Name of newspaper: 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Afro-American 20001-2131 Register of Wills, D.C., Afro-American Floor Washington, D.C. Washington Administration No. 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Washington 20001, on or before Law Reporter 2017ADM685 Floor Washington, D.C. Law Reporter December 30, 2017. Lloyd Norwood Cora Bryant 20001, on or before Janet Smith Decedent Claims against the dePersonal December 30, 2017. Personal Maynard T. Curry cedent shall be preRepresentative Claims against the deRepresentative Attorney at Law sented to the undercedent shall be presigned with a copy to the TRUE TEST COPY 4521 Eads Place NE sented to the underTRUE TEST COPY Washington, DC 20019 Register of Wills or filed REGISTER OF WILLS signed with a copy to the REGISTER OF WILLS with the Register of Wills Attorney Register of Wills or filed with a copy to the under- 06/30, 07/7, 07/14/17 NOTICE OF with the Register of Wills 06/23, 06/30, 07/7/17 signed, on or before APPOINTMENT, with a copy to the underDecember 30, 2017 , or NOTICE TO signed, on or before be forever barred. PerCREDITORS December 30, 2017, or sons believed to be heirs AND NOTICE TO be forever barred. Peror legatees of the deUNKNOWN HEIRS

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AFRO Classified minimum ad rate is $26.54 per col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 words). Mail in your ad on form below along with CHECK or MONEY ORDER to: BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN CO. 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Md. 21218-4602 Attn: Clsf. Adv. Dept.

IFB NUMBER: B-1843-17






The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (”HABC”) will issue an Invitation for Bids (”IFB”) for qualified and interested vendors to submit sealed bids to provide ”on-call” electrical services at various HABC properties as requested by HABC.






BIDS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, July 27, 2017.






A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., at the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202.






HABC has established a minimum goal of twenty percent (20%) of the total dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business Enterprise (”MBE”) utilization, applicable to all minority and non-minority businesses proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No goal has been established for participation of Women-owned businesses (”WBEs”), however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively promotes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. Responders shall also comply with all applicable requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section 1701u.The IFB may be obtained on or after Wednesday, July 5, 2017, at the following location: Housing Authority of Baltimore City Division of Fiscal Operations, Purchasing Department 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Attention: John Airey, Chief of Contracting Services Tel: (410) 396-3261 Fax: (410) 962-1586

NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ (Room, Apt., House, etc.) INSERTION DATE:_________________


RFQ NUMBER: B-1844-17 The Housing Authority of Baltimore City, hereinafter (”HABC”), is requesting proposals from interested and qualified Microsoft Gold Partner or Silver Enterprise Resource Planning firms to provide custom software modifications and technical assistance to HABC’s current SharePoint environment, CRM, Microsoft Dynamics GP Financial system, which includes Microsoft Dynamics GP requisition, Payroll Labor Distribution, ADP Payroll Portal Time Sheets, Management Reporter, eRequisition and Stored Procedures and Triggers associated with GP financial module. The Microsoft Gold Partner or Silver Enterprise Resource Planning will also be requested to provide services to 1) integrate additional Microsoft modules already purchased or to be purchased by HABC into the customized Microsoft Dynamics GP Financial system and 2) provide services to design and develop new software that is compatible with Microsoft Dynamics GP and integrates with CRM and SharePoint. PROPOSALS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, July 28, 2017. A non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., at the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. HABC has established a minimum threshold of twenty percent (20%) of the total dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business Enterprise (”MBE”) utilization, applicable to all minority and non-minority businesses proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No threshold has been established for participation of Womenowned businesses (”WBEs”), however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively promotes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. Responders shall also comply with all applicable requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section 1701u. The RFP and all supporting documents may be examined and obtained on or after Wednesday, July 5, 2017, at the following location:

Housing Authority of Baltimore City Division of Fiscal Operations, Procurement Department 28 13:26:57 EDT 2017 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Attention: John Airey, Chief of Contracting Services Tel: (410) 396-3261 Fax: (410) 962-1586 Questions regarding the RFP should be directed in writing to the address and individual indicated above, and must include the reference: HABC RFP Number B-1844-17. TYPESET: Wed Jun 28 13:29:10 EDT 2017 CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for FAP NO. NHPP-83-1(179)E; SHA NO. BC420006; BALTIMORE CITY NO. TR13301; INSTALLATION OF I-83 MEDIAN GATE NORTH OF COLD SPRING LANE AND BRIDGE JOINT REPAIRS will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. August 23, 2017. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of June 16, 2017 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $300.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project are C03300 (Concrete Construction) and C05100 (Structural Steel Erection). Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $3,000,000.00 to $6,000,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on June 30, 2017 at 417 E. Fayette Street, Charles L. Benton Building, 724. Principal Items of work for this project are Type II Deck Repair - 10,000 SF, Replace Exist. Joint Extrusions - 1,000 LF, and Reset Exist. Joint Extrusions - 1,000 LF. The DBE goal is 16%. APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor, Clerk Board of Estimates TYPESET: Wed Jun 28 13:28:21 EDT 2017 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITYI NVITATION FOR BIDS ROLL-OFF DUMPSTER SERVICE IFB NUMBER: B-1845-17 The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (”HABC”) will issue an Invitation for Bids (”IFB”) for qualified and interested vendors to submit sealed bids to provide roll-off dumpster service at various sites within Baltimore City.BIDS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, July 27, 2017. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 11:00 a.m., at the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202.

Effective October 1, 2008


Questions regarding the IFB should be directed in writing to the address and individual indicated above, and must include the reference: HABC IFB Number B-1843-17. TYPESET: Wed Jun 28 13:27:57 EDT 2017 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS MICROSOFT DYNAMICS GP FINANCIAL SYSTEM SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNICAL SERVICES


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July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American

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FAMILY COURT • 202-879-1212 DOMESTIC RELATIONS • 202-879-0157 a. Absent Defendant b. Absolute Divorce TYPESET: Wed Jun 28 13:28:21 EDT 2017 c. Custody Divorce HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITYI

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FOR BIDS ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & up To place your ad,NVITATION call 1-800-237-6892, ROLL-OFF DUMPSTER SERVICE depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. IFB NUMBER:1-800 B-1845-17 (AFRO) 6892 For Proof of Publication, please callissue 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (”HABC”) will an Invitation for Bids (”IFB”) for qualified and interested vendors to submit sealed bids to provide roll-off dumpster service at various sites within Baltimore City.BIDS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, July 27, LEGAL NOTICES 2017. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 11:00 a.m., at the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. HABC has established a minimum goal of twenty percent (20%) of the total dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business Enterprise (”MBE”) utilization, applicable to all minority and non-minority businesses proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No goal has been established for participation of Women-owned businesses (”WBEs”), however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively promotes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. Responders shall also comply with all applicable requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section 1701u. The IFB may be obtained on or after Wednesday, July 5, 2017, at the following location: Housing Authority of Baltimore City Division of Fiscal Operations, Purchasing Department 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Attention: John Airey, Chief of Contracting Services Tel: (410) 396-3261 Fax: (410) 962-1586 Questions regarding the IFB should be directed in writing to the address and individual indicated and must include the reference: HABC IFB TYPESET: Wed Jun above, 28 13:27:33 EDT 2017 Number B-1845-17. City of Baltimore Department of Finance Bureau of Purchases Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore will be received until, but not later than 11:00a.m. local time on the following date(s) for the stated requirements: June 19, 2017 *INNER HARBOR WATER SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS B50005066 *AIR SEALING AND INSULATION SERVICES FOR CITY LOCATIONS B50005072 July 26, 2017 *LOAD PACKERS B50005061 *ALTOZ TRX 660i ZERO TURN RIDING LAWN MOWERS B50005073 August 9, 2017 *SLEC MODEL 18 TYPE HEAVY DUTY MOBILE VEHICLE LIFTS B50005062 THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION DOCUMENT CAN BE VIEWED AND DOWN LOADED BY VISITING THE CITY’S WEB SITE:



The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017


NBA Finals and Draft Show Off Top Local Basketball Talent By Mark F. Gray Special to the AFRO For years one of the great basketball debates that raged from sports bars to barber shops is the question of which part of the country produces the best basketball players. With the most recent NBA Finals most valuable player Kevin Durant of the Golden State Warriors, the top pick in the 2017 NBA Draft Markelle Fultz who was cut from his DeMatha High team as a junior, and a year removed from an NCAA championship game winning shot by Upper Marlboro native and Gonzaga graduate Kris Jenkins for Villanova, there is no doubt that the best basketball in America is being played in the District, Maryland and Virginia. This is not a recent phenomenon. D.C., Maryland and Virginia have been well regarded by scouts as one of the most fertile recruiting hotbeds for talent for nearly 50 years. While the pipeline from New York to the deep South during the integration of major colleges during the 1960’s and early 70’s gives New York ballers their credibility, there has been a seismic shift in the impact on the game by players hailing from regions surrounding Baltimore, Washington, and northern Virginia into the Tidewater region. However, D.C. is the genesis of the elite basketball culture and is home of the only high school to produce multiple players on the NBA’s Top 50 list of all time. Hall of Famers Dave Bing and Elgin Baylor went from Spingarn High School in northeast to become transcendent figures in basketball’s emergence from the shadows in America’s mainstream conscious during polarizing racial times. Spingarn, which closed in 2013, also produced Earl Jones who led the University of the District of Columbia to the 1982 NCAA Division II national championship. “It’s a [basketball] culture around here,” Keith Stevens, the manager of Team Takeover, an elite AAU national championship winning basketball program based in Prince George’s County told the AFRO. “There’s no doubt this is the best area for producing talent these days because coaches are developing fundamentally sound players at an early age who can blend their game to play any style of ball.” Team Takeover has been a pipeline for elite players to step into major college programs and make an immediate impact on

campus before turning pro. According to Stevens, seven former Takeover players have become NBA draft picks since 2013 and they have been represented on each of the last three NCAA Division I national championship teams as well. The changing socioeconomic dynamic can’t be understated anymore either. Upper middle class families in Prince AP Photo/Matt Slocum George’s County, the The Philadelphia 76ers’ chose Markelle most affluent African Fultz, who played at Maryland’s American county in DeMatha High School, with the the United States, have number one draft pick. more disposable income and are investing in their young player’s development. Full time trainers are being retained to develop bodies while former players and coaches have become tutors who focus on improving individual skills. However, the coaching acumen in this area is second to none when it comes to developing the overall player. Prospects from this region are universally regarded as being far more cerebral than other players around the country. Most players, regardless of position, are extensions of their coaches on the floor resulting in the ability to make an immediate impact as freshmen and become leaders at programs on every level. The NCAA took notice and designated the DMV as a target area for resources so that parents have greater accessibility to information on recruiting and eligibility to make informed decisions. Today Durant and Fultz are the current face and perhaps the future of the NBA. Jenkins hopes to make his mark with the Wizards as the spotlight continues to shine on players from the basketball’s hallowed grounds of the District, Maryland and Virginia.






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pointed personal representative of the estate of Cassaundra Donaldson Williams , who died on June 9, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections Washington to such appointment Classifieds shall be filed with the Register of Wills, continued from D.C., C4 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before December 30, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 30, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 30, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter David Williams Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 06/30, 07/7, 07/14/17

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM585 Henrietta Ann Daniels AKA Henrietta A. Daniels AKA Henrietta D. Daniels AKA Henriett D. Daniels Decedent Morton A. Faller, Esquire 12505 Park Potomac Avenue, 6th Floor Potomac, MD 20854 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Gregory S. Daniels , whose address is 1707 Brown Station Road, Upper Marlboro, MD, 20854 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Henrietta Ann Daniels AKA Henrietta A. Daniels AKA Henrietta D. Daniels AKA Henriett D. Daniels , who died on April 18, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 30, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 30, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 30, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Gregory S Daniels Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/30, 07/7, 07/14/17

Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Betty J Cintron , whose address is 1923 Park Road , NW., Washington, DC 20010 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Isidoro Cintron Jr. who died on March 19, 2017 with, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 9, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 9, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationTRUE TEST COPY ship. REGISTER WILLS 16:01:07 EDTOF2017 Date of Publication: TYPESET: Tue Jun 27 16:01:32 EDT 2017 June 9, 2017 06/30, 07/7, 07/14/17 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Superior Court of Washington the District of Law Reporter District of Columbia Betty J. Cintron PROBATE DIVISION Personal Washington, D.C. Representative 20001-2131 Administration No. TRUE TEST COPY 2017ADM618 REGISTER OF WILLS Isidoro Cintron Jr. Decedent 06/9, 06/16, 06/23/17 Edward T. Love, Esq Ortman, Love & Huckabay 4816 Moorland Lane Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Betty J Cintron , whose address is 1923 Park Road , NW., Washington, DC 20010 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Isidoro Cintron Jr. who died on TYPESET: 28 11:46:13 EDT 2017 March 19, Wed 2017Jun with, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs whose Pump Station Greatand Millsheirs Wastewater whereabouts un- Construction is Replacement.are Gradient known enter theirDBE Subcontractors for lookingshall for qualified atrucking, p p e a r a n chauling, e i n t h i scast-in-place concrete, proceeding. Objections HVAC, paving and aggregate supply. Details to such appointment (or for the project can be obtained at to the probate of cedent´s will) shall This be project is in St. Mary´s filed with theCounty, RegisterMD. of Bids are due July 25, 2017. Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 9, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 9, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 9, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Betty J. Cintron Personal Representative Henrietta D. Daniels AKA Henriett D. Daniels , who died on April 18, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 30, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 30, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 30, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Gregory S Daniels Personal Representative



TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/9, 06/16, 06/23/17

July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American


WASHINGTON-AREA Residents Uneasy About Stalled Senate Health Care Bill By James Wright Special to the AFRO District of Columbia leaders and residents aren’t supportive about the Senate health care bill that was recently delayed for further consideration. On June 27, U.S. Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced that he was postponing the consideration of “The Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” until after the July 4 recess and District residents such as Ambrose Lane, chairman of the Ward 7 Health Alliance Network told the AFRO that he is glad because he doesn’t support the bill. “The bill is absolutely

Black Press Needed Now, More Than Ever D.C. Businesses Profit from Weed Legalization By Micha Green Special to the AFRO

Photo by Rob Roberts

NNPA President and CEO Ben Chavis, past Chairman Denise Rolark Barnes, Martin Luther King III, and new Chairman Dorothy Leavell during the National Legacy Awards Black Tie Gala on June 23. See more photos from the NNPA 2017 Convention on D3. press is covering and sharing information in a way that our communities understand,” King told the AFRO. “Then we understand we’ve got to respond and react to it.” After a week of fellowship, panels, lectures and dinners at The conference included a town hall on parenting and the National Newspaper Publishers Association Convention education, a “Millennials Matter” panel focused on promoting 2017, most guests agree the Black press is alive and needed positive narratives in the Black communities and discussions more than ever. on making improvements to the way news is relayed. Throughout the convention, “Accessibility is important held in Washington D.C., because we like things quick, speakers stressed the so the more accessible it is, the importance of the press more we’ll be willing to pick it addressing issues integral to up and read it,” Brown said. bettering the Black community. “In terms of creativity, Each National Newspaper one of the panelists for the Publisher Association, or Millenials Panel, brought up, NNPA, event was geared if you’re teaching elementary toward making the Black – Martin Luther King III kids, like why aren’t you using press stronger, particularly more colors, vibrant colors to considering the current political get their attention, putting more and racial climate. puzzles and coloring things into Some people are counting on the Black press to help these publications so after they read they can color,” Brown improve matters in the Black community, among them Martin told the AFRO. “So definitely being creative is the way the Luther King III, an activist and the son and namesake of the Black press comes across, and the themes and topics, is a big famous slain civil rights leader. The younger King was the thing.” recipient of the NNPA’s 2017 Lifetime Legacy Award. “Visibility is important,” she added. “It’s important to “Our communities, along with other, like minded always remain visible. I think sometimes the Black press gets communities, must build coalitions, and the reality is the lost where one day we’re visible, one day we’re not. How [can] impetus, for that kind of movement, can come from the African we be visible to our community and other people? How [can] American press, virtually by the fact that the African American Continued on D2 By Micha Green Special to the AFRO

Courtesy Photo

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton says the Senate GOP health care bill would hurt many District residents.

terrible,” Lane said. “This is another attempt to disenfranchise and impoverish people who are poor.” The GOP bill would functionally repeal Obamacare with its deep cuts in Medicaid, end the individual mandate that every American must have health insurance and create a new system of federal tax credits to help people buy insurance instead of marketplaces and exchanges that some states have. The bill would also give states the option of dropping coverage of benefits such as maternity leave, emergency

“The bill is absolutely terrible.” –Ambrose Lane room services and mental health treatment. Other anti-Obamacare measures include repealing tax increases on the wealthy and cutting the capital gains tax. The Congressional Budget Office on June 26 released a score stating 22 million Americans could lose their health care coverage if the GOP bill becomes law. While the District has no representation in the Senate, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), who serves in the U.S. House of Representatives, made it clear that she dislikes the bill. Medicaid provides health insurance for 74,000 low-income children in the District of Columbia, Continued on D2

“The African American press is covering and sharing information in a way that our communities understand . . . ”

White Proposes Early Child Development Bill On June 27, D.C. Council member Robert White announced his bill, “ The Bolstering Early Growth Investment Amendment Act of 2017” (BEGIn Act) that would create a comprehensive system of early childhood development and quality education centers for toddlers in the city regardless of family income. “I have a daughter, Madison, who will turn oneyear-old next week,” White said at a news conference at the Community Educational Research Group in Ward 8. “Madison is learning things every day and we want to provide a strong educational foundation for her at this time. My wife Christy stays with Madison for now but soon she will have to go back to work. It has been a difficult to find reasonably [priced] child care but we have done that. However, many families in the District cannot do that and the child suffers.”

White pointed out a wellknown statistic that by the age of three, 85 percent of the brain’s core capacity will be formed. The council member said those early years of life are critical to the academic achievements of children. He noted that by the time a child reaches junior and senior high schools, those who weren’t educated early experience an achievement gap that lags far behind their peers that were instructed. While White didn’t talk about race, Black students are far behind their White peers academically in the District’s school system according to the 2016 Partnership for Assessment Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) test results. Blacks had a 17 percent proficiency in both math and English while Whites had 79 percent proficiency in English and 70 percent in math. There is also the cost for quality early childhood education. White said that on average, it costs $1,800 per month to afford quality childhood education and “that

Continued on D2

D.C. Leaders Outline Plans to Combat Summer Crime

D.C. City Council

By James Wright Special to the AFRO

With the legalization of recreational and medicinal marijuana use in Washington, D.C., entrepreneurs have found ways to make money, despite the law’s limitations on selling the product. Digital devices, like smartphones, are enabling food delivery services to connect with the weed business. The devices help delivery services, like Black-owned Mystic Morsels, create unique mechanisms to distribute marijuana to Washingtonians, legally. “That’s why I stayed here [D.C.] with this idea,” Ben Savage, owner of Mystic Morsels, told the AFRO. “When I came up with this idea I wasn’t even down here. I was in Texas . . . I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do or if I even wanted to be here [D.C.]. I studied the laws. I studied what I was able to do, what I wasn’t able to do, and I came back with a plan to make Mystic Morsels great.” Savage, 30, used to be illegally involved in the weed business, but now that he is a dad, his approach to the

By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Courtesy photo

Council member Robert White recently introduced a bill that would create quality child development and eduction centers for toddlers. figure is inaccessible for many residents.” White made his announcement in Ward 8, the poorest ward in the city based on median income. The unemployment rate in Ward 8 is the highest in the city with 11.6 percent of its residents jobless according to May 2017 data released by the District’s Department of Employment Services, and it has the highest percentage of children in the city, according to District statistics.

Continued on D2

D.C. Council member Charles Allen (D-Ward 6), the chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, held a public roundtable June 26 at the John A. Wilson Building. “The District’s Crime Prevention Strategies for Summer 2017” roundtable was informational in structure and while legislation is sometimes discussed during a roundtable session, none is offered for a vote. “We know that the summer months can be a particularly challenging time. It’s hot, schools out, and neighborhood beefs can reach their breaking points,” Allen said. “So, that’s why we’re having today’s roundtable, to hear from the executive (mayor’s office) about how they’re bringing District agencies together in advance of the summer to prevent crime before it occurs, and to offer an opportunity for our residents to engage with our public safety leaders on these issues.” Kevin Donahue, District’s Deputy City Administrator and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice, served as the primary voice for the administration of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D). Donahue, joined by Director of the District’s Park and Recreation Departments Keith Anderson and Metropolitan Police Department Patrol Chief Lamar Greene, noted a reduction of crime in the city as it goes into the summer months. “In particular, overall violent crime is down 26 percent this year, with robberies down 33 percent, assaults with a dangerous weapon down 22 percent, and homicides down 15 percent,” he said. “In addition, MPD has launched the Summer Crime Prevention Initiative which provides additional resources to several specific neighborhoods that have historically had challenges with crime during the summer.” Some of those neighborhoods are represented by D.C. Council member Kenyan McDuffie (D-Ward 5). McDuffie, who isn’t a member of the committee, still attended the Continued on D2


The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017


Continued from D1 we be visible not just with our African American communities but other demographics . . . because there are other types of minorities that we can be helpful to. So definitely making sure we remain visible and use all our tools to do that.” The panelists said that millennials have a lot to offer such as their comfort with social media and new trends, and want their talents to be utilized. “Ask us for our help. We need things to do and we will help you,” said Noni Marshall, a Howard University student, and a recipient of the NNPA’s Discover The Unexpected fellowship currently working at The Washington Informer. Besides the knowledge they possess, and to dispel the myth

that all millennials are know-it-alls, the panelists said they are eager to learn as much as they can from the older generation of the Black press. “We are very hungry to learn. We want to know what you guys want to share with us,” Marshall told the group of Black press members, primarily from the baby boomer generation. The NNPA’s Merit Awards Dinner on June 22 honored the achievements made by the Black press in the past year. Among the award-winners were The St. Louis American, who won a host of awards throughout the night, including the “Russworm/ Sengstacke Trophy for General Excellence.” The “Best Publisher” award went to dinner host and NNPA

At-Large representative Jackie Hampton of The Mississippi Link. Dorothy Leavell, publisher of the Chicago Crusader, was elected as the next chairman of the group. She replaces Denise Rolark Barnes, publisher of the Washington Informer. Before the conference’s final celebration, the Legacy Award Black Tie Gala, Martin Luther King III told the AFRO that the Black press is still important in shining a light on disparities, police brutality, and poverty affecting the African American community. “In this time there are probably more stories than ever available, because our communities are impacted the worst,” he said.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) and D.C. Council member Vincent Gray (D-Ward 7) haven’t publicly talked about the Senate bill. However, Bowser sent a letter to House Republicans in January criticizing their efforts to repeal Obamacare and took issue with the anti-Obamacare House vote that took place in May. Mendelson and Gray, progressive Democrats, are unlikely to support the Senate bill. When Gray was mayor from 20112015, he made sure that the District was one of the first to set up its own healthcare exchange, D.C. Health Link, in compliance with Obamacare and had the support of Mendelson and Bowser, who was on the council at that time. On March 17, 2016 the D.C. Health Link reported that the District had the highest percentage of its residents in the nation enrolled in health insurance-74 percent.

Patrick Mara, executive director of the D.C. Republican Party, told the AFRO that his fellow District Republicans are aware of the health care debate but are trying to focus on local issues. “We try to stay away from national discussions,” Mara said. “As a party we haven’t taken a position on the Senate health care bill. However, I am confident that local Republicansprobably in the high 90s, want to repeal Obamacare.” Lane said access to health care is essential to living in the country. “I believe that health care is a fundamental right that is as dear as the right to free speech,” he told the AFRO. “With the Senate bill, you have White men who are punishing poor people and people of color to enrich themselves. Shame on them.”

Health Care Bill Continued from D1

comprising 34.5 percent of D.C.’s Medicaid population according to city statistics. “Medicaid provides life-saving health insurance to our most vulnerable citizens, and particularly ensures low-income children and children with disabilities have access to essential healthcare,” Norton said in a statement. “The deep cuts in Medicaid would have a devastating impact on children’s hospitals like Children’s National Medical Center. If the Senate’s version of Trumpcare passes, millions of people in the D.C. area and across the country will never receive healthcare because, for the first time, this bill would limit Medicaid, regardless of the number in need, a long-held goal of Republicans.” Norton visited the medical center on June 26 with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).


Continued from D1 industry is professional and deliberate. His edible products are by donation. Clients are paying for the delivery service and Mystic Morsels buttons. With a lot of people legally and illegally selling and purchasing marijuana, Savage said it is all about one’s mindset when going into the business. “People sell weed everywhere. You got the little dude on the corner. You got the established people who are selling buds with the grow clubs and dispensaries, but D.C. as a business, as a machine, is still [an] infant. People are scared and we live in the . . . capital, so people are still leery. My idea, how I’m going to make money? Your idea can’t be about making money. You have to have a passion for whatever you’re doing first. My idea is not to make the most money, [it] is that I can... execute it precisely. I can execute it well with quality, consistently,” Savage said. Savage said his business

does more for residents than just getting them high. “My company isn’t just about catering and giving you food that’s infused and getting you really high because people like to enjoy having that feeling. The company really wants to get behind the pharmaceutical component… The reason why they haven’t legalized it now is because the market, that is the U.S. government, knows that,” Savage said. According to a 2016 blog post from Harvard Health Publications, a product of the Harvard Medical School, marijuana contains delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is used in FDA-approved medications like an appetite stimulants for AIDS patients and to suppress chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting. The chemical is also used in other countries to treat multiple sclerosis, muscle spasticity, and cancerrelated pain. The blog states that other components found in marijuana also hold a

Homicide Count 2017 Total


Past Seven Days


Data as of June 28

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Edible treats from Mystic Morsels. promise to treat other medical conditions. “Early research shows cannabidiol and its derivatives hold potential promise in additional conditions like drug-resistant epilepsy and some psychiatric disorders (e.g., anxiety, substance use disorders, schizophrenia, and

psychosis),” the blog post stated. Marijuana’s medicinal benefits mean a lot to Savage. “I have people in my family who have survived cancer. I have people in my family who really have insomnia. I have people in my family who really suffer from

depression,” he said. Savage has been cooking since he was 9 years old, and officially began working at a restaurant in Newport News, Va. when he was 13. He said he attended the Art Institute of Roslyn for formal training. “If we need anything in this life, if it could be delivered to us, it’ll be beneficial. It’s something to help our health, to help our life,” he said. “It’s levels . . . You’re vaping it or you’re making it a wax now, that’s minimum . . . The next level is telling you how the same THC, CBD that I really broke down, and that I cooked, I manufactured into something you can eat and drink, and can physically help you.” Savage said his clientele varies and that is one of his favorite aspects of the nation’s capital. “That’s what

I love about DC. It’s a big melting pot,” he said. “I’ve sold cookies to people who live in Southeast and who live on 16th Street.” Savage believes marijuana is for everyone and wants to really emphasize how beneficial it can be for people. “Let me get my brand and my following up to a point where they know that my real mission is to show you how you can use these different products to help your life. To improve your well being, like vitamins, like going to exercise on a daily basis, because weed isn’t harmful to people,” he said. “Especially if we don’t choose to smoke it, because we know smoking in itself is bad for you, but you can cook it. You can break it down. You can make it wholesome. You can make it good.”


Continued from D1 Neighboring Ward 7, which is the ward with the highest percentage of Blacks in the city, wasn’t far behind Ward 8 in the above mentioned indicators. White said his bill would add more high quality child development centers, increase the reimbursement rate for lowincome family vouchers, make it easier for early childhood development providers to open and operate their businesses, and stabilize the early care workforce. “In my research on this bill, I found that many dedicated child development center workers want to stay in the profession but they are making slightly more than minimum wage,” he said. “That’s why they move on and we want to pay people who want to work with children.” Keesha Blythe, executive director of the National Children’s Center (NCC), supports White’s legislation. “My center is located in Ward 8,” Blythe said. “We have the greatest concentration of poverty in D.C. This bill impacts where I am because one-third of the infants in the city live in either Wards 7 or 8.” Blythe, whose childhood development center has been around for 30 years, understands well that infants who have access to quality childhood education have a good start on their

lives. “Those years 0-3 are critical because they are ready to learn and can process reading, language, and math,” Blythe said. “Children need access to quality child care at that age.” One of Blythe’s clients is Aliscia Jackson, a resident of Ward 7 with a son enrolled in her program. Jackson is the president of the Parent-Teacher Association at NCC and said White’s bill is needed. “There is a general lack of child care in Wards 7 and 8 and it is harder if you have a child with special needs,” she said. “The NCC is the greatest resource for my son and me.” White’s bill has the support of D.C. Council members – Keesha Blythe Charles Allen (D-Ward 6), Mary Cheh (D-Ward 3), Brianne Nadeau (D-Ward 1), Brandon Todd (D-Ward 4), Trayon White (D-Ward 8), and Elissa Silverman (I-At Large) as co-introducers and David Grosso (I-At Large) as a co-sponsor. White formally introduced the bill on June 27 on the council dais, and D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) referred the bill to the Committees on Education, Finance and Revenue with comments from Nadeau, the chairman of the Committee on Health and Human Services. As of June 28, a hearing date has not been set for White’s bill.

“Those years 0-3 are critical because they are ready to learn and can process reading, language and math.”

Summer Crime Continued from D1

roundtable to express his concerns. “I understand that violence increases when there is warm weather,” he said. “People are outside enjoying the weather and we want to try to prevent crime as much as we can.” McDuffie expressed anxiety about Langston Terrace, the playground near Taft School, and neighborhoods such as Trinidad, Brentwood, Saratoga, and Montana Avenue in Northeast D.C. He would like to see more cross-collaboration between the police, the recreation department, and other agencies. “We have the resources to fight crime,” he said. “We just have to put them on the ground.”

D.C. Council member Vincent Gray (D-Ward 7) is a member of Allen’s committee and voiced his worry. “Summer is the time that crime goes up historically,” Gray said. He noted that in his ward, the homicide rate was 31 in 2015 and in 2016 it was 39, with much of the killing taking place in the summer. He expressed apprehension about Lincoln Heights, Richardson, and Stoddard housing projects. Greene told Gray that the police are aware of his concerns. “We are partnering with the D.C. Housing police to fight crime in public housing,” Greene said. “We are really focusing on gun recovery and getting guns off of the street.”

July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017, The Afro-American


The National Newspapers Publishers Association held its 2017 convention in Washington D.C. Speakers stressed the importance of the press addressing issues integral to bettering the Black community. Along with several panel discussions, the convention included a town hall meeting on the Every Student Succeeds Act, a Merit Awards Dinner and a National Legacy Awards Black Tie Gala.

NNPA President and CEO Ben Chavis

Philadelphia Tribune: Allen T. Warlina, Stacy Brown, Robert W. Bogle, publisher and Vincent Faust

Dorothy Leavell Kerri Watkins, Afro Times, Donna Clark, Philadelphia Tribune; John R. Holmes, CFO, Philadelphia Tribune

Denise Rolark Barnes makes her farewell speech as Dorothy Leavell steps into the office of Chairman

Marcus Mitchell

Lt. Col. Roger M. Cabiness II, 2nd Lt. Alexander J. Tzomides and 2nd Lt. Benjamin McKnight

Recipient of the NNPA’s Legacy Award, Martin Luther King III and Micha Green

Miami Times are Carolyn Guniss and Garth Reeves AFRO Director, Community and Public Relations Diane Hocker; AFRO Director of Advertising Lenora Howze; Lon Walls and AFRO Publisher and Chairman Jake Oliver

Kevin McNair, Editor Washington Informer; Brian Welburn, Carol H. Williams Advertising and Amirah S. Salaam, National School Board Association

Patricia McDougall, Guy Lambert and Denise Mitchem

Tamara Weston , Claudette Perry, NNPA national events manager, Linda K. Brown, Fran Farrer and Edgar Brookins, AFRO D.C. General Manager Members of Nisson Martin Luther King III and family

Photos by Rob Roberts

Negro League Legends Hall of Fame(NLLHOF) Corvette 495 Beltway Charity Run was held on April 29 in Prince George’s County, Md. Several corvette clubs convoyed down the 495 beltway

with local police and state trooper escorts to raise funds for the Capital Area Food Bank. They event raised $3,700, which is equal to 9,250 meals. The event also collected 2,956 lbs of food for a total of 11,713 meals for needy children, seniors and families.

Northwestern High School Air Force ROTC Color Guard Capital Food Bank

Southern Soul Corvette Club

Capital Area Food Bank Truck with donations from Southern Soul Corvette Club, Baltimore County Corvette Club, Top Flight Corvette Club, Metro Vette Corvette Club and Elite Stylz Corvette Club

CAFB Lavette S. Sims head of the partnership receives a check from the Metro Vette Club

Motor Cycle Escort

Courtesy Photos

To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.

NLLHOF Founder Dwayne Renal Sims


The Afro-American, July 1, 2017 - July 7, 2017


2017 DTU Fellows: Noni Marshall (Howard University), Alexa Spencer (Howard University), Darrell Williams (Morehouse College), Tiana Hunt (Clark Atlanta University), Ayron Lewallen (Morehouse College), Taylor Burris (Spelman College), Jordan Fisher (Clark Atlanta University), Kelsey Jones (Spelman College)

Our DTU Fellows are busy connecting and collecting amazing stories from the African American community! This year, Discover the Unexpected presented by the all-new 2018 Chevrolet Equinox in partnership with the National Newspaper Publishers Association includes students from Howard University, Spelman College, Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University. Check out the inspirational stories and exciting videos from our 8 DTU Fellows from Atlanta, Washington D.C., Raleigh and New Orleans.



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