Baltimore Washington 9-8-2017

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A1 www.afro.comSeptember 9, 2017 - September 9, 2017, The Afro-American $2.00 $1.00

Volume Volume 126 123 No. No.620–22

SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 - SEPTEMBER 15, 2017

Inside Commentary

Charter Schools Boost Education

A Trump Lobbyist? Not for Blacks Folks

By Ramona Edelin


Baltimore • Inner Harbor Arrest Still Haunts Baltimore Resident


Washington Howard Pulls Off Biggest Upset in College Football History


Shop Opens on HU Campus AP Photo/Susan Walsh File

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is joining a pro-Trump political action committee called America First Action. The move came after he reportedly failed to secure two jobs in the Trump administration, despite speaking in favor of Trump at the Republican National Convention in 2016.

Trump Cancels DACA, Throws Dreamer’s Fate to Congress By Hamil Harris Special to the AFRO


the over


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Josh Bachman/The Las Cruces Sun-News via AP

Supporters of DACA participate in a walk out and rally on the Campus of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, N.M. The walk out and rally are in response to the Trump administration’s announcement that it would dismantle the program that protected hundreds of thousands of young people from deportation.

By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO September opens with both an annual observation of National Childhood Obesity Month, as well as an urgent call by healthcare professionals across the nation to reduce the increase of overweight and obese Black children – which are at critically high numbers. Some data, including that offered by the Robert Continued on A3


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The day after the Labor Day holiday seemed like an ordinary day as people returned to work, but for thousands of undocumented residents, who were brought to the United States as children, it was as the day a door to working legally in U.S. began to close. In 2012 President Obama signed an executive order that allowed children of illegal immigrants to come out of the shadows to walk a path toward citizenship in the United States. While 800,000, mostly adult refugees, signed up for a

Studies Show High Obesity Rates Among Black Children

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Bahamas to Evacuate Islands in Path of ‘Irma’ By The Associated Press

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

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Report: Black Men Still Make Less Money Than Whites

By James Wright Special to the AFRO

The Brookings Institute, a leading think tank based in Washington D.C., released a study on Aug. 23 on the lack of economic mobility among Blacks, particularly males. Richard V. Reeves, a senior fellow for economic

studies and the co-director of the Brookings’ Center for Children and Families, worked on the study, “The Century Gap: Low Economic Mobility for Black Men, 150 Years After the Civil War” with Edward Rodrigue, a senior research assistant. The authors said their research indicates that the economic Continued on A3

Differed Action for Childhood Arrival Status, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Sept. 5 that President Trump was making good on his

campaign promise to abolish the program. “To target these young people is wrong – because Continued on A3

Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Minnis says his government has ordered a mandatory evacuation of islands in the southern part of the island chain because of Hurricane Irma. Minnis says the Category 5 storm poses a dire threat to the islands of Mayaguana, Inagua, Crooked Island, Acklins, Long Cay and Ragged Island. People who live on the islands will be flown Sept. 6 to Nassau on the island of New Providence. Minnis says it will be the largest hurricane evacuation in the history of the Bahamas. People who don’t evacuate will be at “great danger” from storm surge caused by what he called a “monster” hurricane. Minnis says Continued on A5

On Sept. 4 Simeon Wright, one of the witnesses to the abduction of Emmett Till in 1955, died at the age of 74. The below story is an account of the kidnapping from Till’s great aunt, Mrs. Moses Wright and Curtis Jones, a second cousin of Till’s. Simeon Wright is mentioned, although not named, as being in the room during the kidnapping.

AFRO Archived History

Details told of lynching of Emmett Continued on A2 Youth aroused from sleep to be executed Sept. 17, 1955 Chicago (NNPA) New details of the kidnapping preceding the murder of 14-yearold Emmett Till were told Friday after the body of the Chicago youth arrived to be buried. The accounts were given by Mrs. Moses Wright, 55, of Money, Miss., a great aunt of Emmett and Curtis Jones, 17, a Grane Tech senior and second cousin of Emmett. Both Continued on A5

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The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017

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3 Florida Teens Charged in MMA Fighter’s Shooting Death By The Associated Press

Three Florida teenagers are being held without bail after being charged with murdering a professional mixed martial arts fighter.

A judge in Palm Beach County denied bond Sept. 2 to a 16-year-old Summer Church and 18-year-olds Roberto Ortiz and Jace Swinton. All are charged as adults with firstdegree murder after the slaying of 25-year-old mixed martial arts fighter Aaron “The Matzoh Brawler” Rajman. The Palm Beach Post reports that while Church wasn’t at

White Alabama Officer’s Murder Trial Paused Due to Judge’s Facebook Post

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By The Associated Press

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the scene when Swinton was killed during a July 3 home invasion, police say she was the mastermind behind the slaying. The 11th-grader was arrested on her way to school Friday. Ortiz and Swinton are also charged with home invasion. Police say a fight broke out after they entered Rajman’s home and Rajman was fatally shot. Rajman had a 2-2 record since becoming a professional fighter.

Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office

Mug shots for Jace Swinton, 18, Summer Church, 16, and Roberto Ortiz, 18, charged with July murder of MMA’s Aaron Rajman in Florida.

The Alabama Supreme Court on Sept. 1 temporarily paused the murder trial of a White police officer accused of killing a Black man as it considers a defense request to remove the judge because of a social media post in which the

judge complained about being racially profiled by police. Justices issue a temporary stay on all proceedings in the case, which is scheduled to go to trial in October, as it considers the matter. Justices asked for briefs to be filed quickly. The defense is seeking the recusal of Montgomery County Circuit Judge Greg Griffin because of a past Facebook post in which Griffin complained about being stopped by police because he is Black. The defense appealed after Griffin declined to step aside following a contentious hearing. Montgomery Police Officer Aaron Smith faces murder charges in the 2016 shooting of 58-year-old Greg Gunn. The White officer stopped Gunn, who is Black, as Gunn was walking late at night. Friends said Gunn was walking home from a weekly card game and was shot near the home he shared with his mother. The defense has said Smith stopped Gunn because he thought he was acting suspiciously and that Gunn fought with the officer and swung something at him. In a Facebook post before he was assigned the case, the judge wrote that he had been stopped during his morning walk by officers who claimed he matched the description of someone who had been reported in the area with a crowbar. Griffin wrote that he showed them his judicial badge. The post, which did not mention Gunn’s death, said in part: “It was aggravating to be detained when the only thing I was guilty of was being a Black man walking down the street in his neighborhood with a stick in his hand.” Defense attorney Roianne Conner argued in a May hearing that she wasn’t claiming that Griffin was biased, only that judicial ethics rules require judges to avoid even “appearances of impropriety.” The Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals declined to force Griffin’s recusal.


The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 9, 2017

September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017, The Afro-American


DACA Continued from A1 they have done nothing wrong,” former President Barack Obama posted in a rare critical statement on Facebook. “It is selfdefeating – because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love. And it is cruel. What if our kid’s science teacher, or our friendly neighbor turns out to be a Dreamer? Where are we supposed to send her? To a country she doesn’t know or remember, with a language she may not even speak?” Obama wrote that the Trump administration’s action is not required legally and was a political decision. While Trump gave Congress six months to repeal and replace DACA, political observers are skeptical with a Congress that has debated this immigration measure longer than the healthcare bill. By Sept. 5 Trump was already hedging his bets, tweeting, “Congress now has

6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can’t, I will revisit this issue!” About the only thing that is certain is that Attorney General Jeff Sessions sparked a fire storm after his announcement. “Trump’s action on DACA is cruel — it threatens to tear families apart, puts our economy at risk, and will do nothing to unify America or make us more secure,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti in a statement released by the US Conference of Mayors. “The President should open his heart to the scores of families anguished by his decision, and reverse a course where he is so plainly on the wrong side of history and justice,” Garcetti said. “DACA recipients are all of us: teachers, students, business owners, young people thinking about starting families of their own in the only country they know: the United States.

They belong here. And we’ll fight for them to stay.” Several attorney generals have said that the Trump administration overreached its power and conducted an improper move to dismantle the program. According to several news outlets, Attorneys General Bob Ferguson of Washington and Eric Schneiderman of New York issued statements Sept. 4 that threatened to sue the administration if it ended DACA. “It is evident that the Trump Administration is determined to undermine this nation’s history of inclusion, tolerance and diversity toward immigrant communities,” Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker said in a statement. “From the Muslim travel ban to punishing local jurisdictions for not assisting with the federal government’s responsibility of deporting undocumented residents to, now, irreparably harming individuals who were

innocent children when brought to our country, it is clear that this administration is antiimmigrant and un-American.” While the vast majority of DACA recipients are from Mexico, according to government figures, countries such as Brazil, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Tobago are also represented. Despite passionate criticism, most critics are facing the reality of waiting to see what members of the Republican controlled Congress will do and reassure their constituents. “We are trying to ascertain if we have any students or “dreamers” on campus,” Morgan State University President David Wilson said in a message to students and faculty. “If we do, we’ll reach out to them directly to provide any guidance we are able to gather, and will update the campus community, as appropriate.”

Less Money Continued from A1 gap between Blacks and Whites in general is large with the median income for Blacks being $36,898 while for Whites it is $62,950. “The Black-White income gap obviously has many causes,” the authors said in a statement. “But one that received too little attention is the persistent race gap in rates relative to intergenerational mobility. This mobility gap means that much of the progress towards closing the race gap made by one generation is lost in the next and the result is a century-long delay in economic improvements for Black Americans.” The authors used the work of William Collins and Marianne Wanamaker in their research that goes back to the 19th century using tools such as census microfilm, World War II draft records and They studied linked pairs of fathers and sons from 1880 until the end of the 20th century. The Collins and Wanamaker work

culminated in the publication, “Up from Slavery? African American Intergenerational Economic Mobility Since 1880” that showed Black sons have historically been significantly less likely than their White peers from similar economic backgrounds to ascend the income ladder. More striking, Collins and Wanamaker were able to show that Black sons were less likely than their White peers to enjoy higherearning jobs than the ones their fathers had, so their incomes were lower, even during the present day. Reeves and Rodrigue don’t have a hard answer as to why there is this lack of Black male mobility, but they speculate that wealth in the form of homeownership may be part of the answer. However, they note that racism “could well be a big part of the answer.” “There has been, and remains, systemic racial discrimination in the justice system, housing market, and

AP Photo/John Amis

New research highlights the lack of economic mobility among Blacks, particularly males.

workplace,” they said. The authors noted that Blacks are four times more likely to be arrested for the possession of marijuana and that affects their employment prospects. They noted that White applicants for a job with a marijuana conviction have a much better chance for a second call back for a job than a Black in a similar situation. Reeves and Rodrigue also say that local and state governments spend less money on Black and Brown schools than affluent ones and as a result, the schools of color have higher teacher turnover and offer less in extracurricular activities. “Black Americans are at risk of continuing to lag behind Whites, in terms of economic resources, until and unless we can narrow the gaps in intergenerational mobility; and that means, above all, investments in education and skills,” the authors concluded.

Obesity Continued from A1 Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust of America’s Health, cite both an overall increase in overweight and obesity rates among Black children and faster and earlier rates of severe weight increases. From 1999 to 2012, for instance, 35.1 percent of Black children ages 2 to 19 were overweight, and another 20.2 percent diagnosed as obese. Equally troubling, while those in lower income brackets, with less access to affordable and nutritious foods were seen as examples of gaining weight, additional factors, including emotional upset, stress and physical trauma, are only now being assessed as contributing factors. Alison L. Miller, author of Early Life Stress and Childhood Obesity Risk, a study funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, reported early life stressors, including chronic poverty and adverse childhood experiences such as abuse or domestic violence exposure, are associated with obesity in adolescents and children. “Early life stress can have a powerful influence on the developing child. Overstimulation of biological stress responses can have profound negative effects on structure and function of the brain and other biological systems, which are developing rapidly in the early years,” Miller said in the report. “In addition to changes in biological systems, stress exposure in early life can affect children’s dietary, physical activity, and other health behaviors, increasing their risk of overweight and obesity.” Black families have earned $1 for every $2 earned by White families for the past 30 years,

said Miller, with more than 38 percent of Black children under the age 18 and 42.7 percent of children under the age five living below the poverty line. An additional one in four Black-families are food insecure (not having consistent access to adequate food due to lack of money or other resources), compared with 11 percent of White households. Ward 8 resident Doris Alsobrooks, a caregiver to two grandchildren, said she believes the data on stress could be extremely helpful in lowering the weight and raising the confidence of overweight children. She said

“I feed the grandchildren the same as I did my children, yet all of them could be considered overweight.”

– Doris Alsobrooks

Ward 7 and 8 carry the highest numbers of obesity, acknowledging that food deserts and lack of exercise are only part of the problem. “I feed the grandchildren the same as I did my children, yet all of them could be considered overweight,” Alsobrooks told the AFRO. “I believe that the emotional stress they feel living with me instead of their parents, and feeling disconnected or depressed about their father being incarcerated and their mother not being around.” The D.C. Department of Health documented that obesity East of the Anacostia river topped 72 percent among residents. This area is home to many marketing campaigns pushing highcalorie, low-nutrition foods and beverages on billboards and other forms of outdoor advertisements. Alsobrooks said the enticement for quick, cheap, and emotionally-comforting foods play a major factor. Identification Statements “We have to look at our Baltimore Afro-American – (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The Afro-American Newspapers, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Subscription kids’ overeating or gaining Rate: Baltimore - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) Checks for subscriptions should weight as emotional, as well be made payable to: The Afro-American Newspaper Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, as not having access or money Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Periodicals postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Afro-American Newspapers to purchase good food,” Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Alsobrooks told the AFRO. The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune – (0276-6523) is published “The problem is that by not weekly by the Afro-American Newspapers at 1816 12th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009-4422. Subscription Rate: Washington - 1 Year - $70.00(Price includes tax.) addressing the root causes of Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. weight gain sooner, it becomes POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Washington Afro-American really tough to get a fix later.” & Washington Tribune, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.

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The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017


Charter Schools Boost Education

As public school students begin a new school year, they do so to an array of educational choice that is the strongest in decades—perhaps ever. Backed by the decision to increase the Uniform PerStudent Funding Formula, which funds public school operating costs this school year and last, District families continue to demonstrate increasing confidence in D.C. public schools and D.C. charter schools. The new school year will doubtless see a further increase in public school enrollment after eight consecutive increases, following decades of decline and the flight of those with the means to choose alternatives to the District’s public schools. A trend that began only with charters, enrollment which has grown steadily for over two decades, now extends also to DCPS, where enrollment has increased for six years in a row now. Charter schools, which educate nearly half of all District public school students, have been a key component in this educational renaissance. Charters are publicly-funded and tuition-free, like traditional public schools, but free to design and develop their school curriculum and culture, while being held accountable for improved student performance. When charters were first introduced 21 years ago, half of all public school students dropped out before graduating. Yet today, the on-time—within four years—high-school graduation rate is 73 percent for charters, and 69 percent for DCPS. Standardized test scores have significantly improved at both public charters and DCPS, with the strongest gains among D.C. charter schools serving our most disadvantaged communities, east of the Anacostia River. Just-released scores for last school year show that charter students in economically-disadvantaged Wards Seven and Eight are more than twice as likely to meet state college and career readiness standards as their peers in DCPS. Importantly, improved test scores in both charters and DCPS have been accompanied by an enriched curricula and a wider range of extra-curricular options. Bringing choice to our city’s least-advantaged residents has brought huge improvements, in terms of college and careerreadiness, for those whose need for a quality education is greatest. Accordingly, demand for these unique schools is such that

Ramona Edelin

nearly 10,000 students are on waiting lists to attend one or more charter campuses in the school year about to begin. Demand for traditional public schools in the out-of-boundary program also has increased. And choice for parents has been simplified by DCPS and D.C. charter participation in the common lottery, which allocates places when schools’ popularity causes them to be over-subscribed. Charters’ success also has been the catalyst for improvements in the traditional public school system, following the introduction of mayoralcontrol of DCPS and the appointment of three reforming School Chancellors. The District has replaced a vicious circle of declining standards and enrollment, and therefore a dwindling tax base, with a virtuous one of rising standards, increasing enrollment, and broader and deeper revenue sources. Of course, more could be done to support the improvements made possible by the District’s charter school innovation—for newcomers and existing residents. Not least among these is the fact that District law requires that D.C. charter school students receive the same city funding as their DCPS counterparts, at each grade and level of special education. Yet the city provides DCPS between $72 million to $121 million in extra funding annually—support that charters do not receive. Additionally, D.C.’s government spends about three times as much on DCPS students for facilities, compared to their siblings and neighbors in D.C. charters. Subject to annual budget wrangling in a super-hot real estate market where charter schools must find their own space to educate their students, charters’ facilities allowance is inadequate to their

students’ needs. The Mayor’s proposed 2.2 % increase in charters’ facilities funding – approved by the Council—locked in for four years is a welcome step toward narrowing funding inequity. A facilities fund floor of $3,500 per-student, indexed to increasing costs, adjusting accordingly each year would make up for some lost ground, and reflect economic realities. Leveling the playing field could enhance the choices that have created today’s confidence in education in the District. This—and continued adequate investment in operational and facilities funds—is required to build on the District’s education successes, fulfilling the potential of every child. Dr. Ramona Edelin is executive director of the D.C. Association of Chartered Public Schools.

Women Will Pave the Path to Democratic Gains In the past six months, congressional Republicans have illustrated just how little they consider the needs of the women and families they were elected to represent. Despite peddling a deeply unpopular repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a vast majority of Republicans in the House forced through a bill that would leave tens of millions without health coverage. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans came alarmingly close to passing an extreme and dangerous repeal plan doing the same, if not for the courage of three Republican Senators who put their constituents before partisanship. From town halls in their districts to the halls of the Capitol itself, Americans have been organizing, protesting, and holding their representatives accountable. But the only way to truly make change is at the ballot box. That’s why the 2018 election cycle is so critical — it’s how we can send a message to Washington. Recently, Emily’s List launched “On Notice” for the 2018 cycle, our largest-ever Republican opposition program. This list includes an initial 50 Republican incumbent members of Congress who have voted for legislation that is particularly cruel and damaging for women — and it goes far beyond this year’s health care votes. There’s no other way to say it: These Republicans continue to support an agenda that undermines women and families. Instead of empowering their constituents, they are

Stephanie Schriock

handicapping them by continuously voting to end Planned Parenthood funding and deny low-income patients access to essential health care. They have blocked workplace protections that would have clamped down on pay inequality and employment discrimination. They would cut coverage for maternity care and go back to the days when being a woman was a pre-existing condition.

From town halls in their districts to the halls of the Capitol itself, Americans have been organizing, protesting, and holding their representatives accountable. At Emily’s List, we believe that in order for women to be successful, we must have control over our own health care decisions. This is basic. Yet many of these members voted for a 20-week national abortion ban that would require rape victims to suffer through a cruel “waiting period” after deciding to get an abortion. Enough is enough. We’re letting these legislators know that we have our sights set on flipping their seats.

Paid Family Leave is Under Attack On Oct. 10, the D.C. Council is set to revisit the issue of Paid Family Leave, just 7 months after the Universal Paid Family Leave Act (UPFLA) became law in the District. Potentially replacing a greatly needed program before it has even had a chance to go fully into effect undermines trust between residents and the Council, and places the paid family leave protections in place at risk of being rolled back. As a former elected official, I understand the importance of keeping voters’ trust. Political accountability is one of the most important aspects of public service, and it has taken on new importance in the age of Trump. Residents trust us to make the hard decisions for the sake of bettering their lives. We cannot betray them by backtracking on universal paid family leave. Make no mistake, forcing the debate back open threatens the program in its entirety D.C. Working Families and the D.C. Paid Family Leave Coalition spent over a year advocating, fighting and ultimately accepting compromises demanded by the industry lobbyists to pass a comprehensive universal paid family leave proposal alongside Councilmembers Grosso and Silverman. Our goal was to create a holistic plan that is inclusive of working families, caretakers and businesses alike. Unfortunately, even after making concessions demanded by corporate lobbyists

Valerie Ervin

These Republicans are already lashing out, hiding from their constituents when they aren’t having them dragged out of their offices. They’re nervous — and rightly so. Women aren’t backing down or keeping quiet. In fact, it’s women who will flip the House and win back key Senate seats. Since November, Emily’s List has heard from more than 16,000 women who are interested in running for office. These women are ready to make change, and our organization stands ready to support them. Emily’s List will continue to expand its work of recruiting, training, and funding the next generation of progressive women. These candidates and their supporters are fighting to take back our most critical institutions and public offices to work for voters. Above all, they’re fighting for the idea that the priorities of women and families should never come second to the desires of corporations and right-wing special interests. That’s a fight we’re ready to win.

before we passed the program, big business is back again demanding we give up even more. Using a social insurance model, the current D.C. Paid Family Leave plan follows that all D.C. residents share the costs of the program and receive the benefits. This model is preferable to a private employer mandated model because employers and private insurance companies, who prioritize cutting costs, will deny leave benefits because they must pay leave benefits in full any time an employee takes leave. Privatized programs are also more likely to discriminate against workers they think would be most likely to take leave, i.e. women of childbearing age and low wage workers. In contract, D.C.’s paid leave plan focuses incentives on expanding paid leave access and covers all residents, including part-time, tipped and self-employed workers. The benefit honors up to six weeks of leave to support a loved one, two weeks of paid leave for personal health and 8 weeks of paid parental leave open to foster adoptive or birth parents. It is insulting to perpetuate the idea that the universal paid leave act is somehow too generous. Paid leave benefits actually provide less time off in comparison to other states across the nation. What the act does provide is up to 90 percent wage replacement for people who earn the least. Though all D.C. wards will benefit from universal paid leave, residents from

Stephanie Schriock is the president of EMILY’s List, a political action committee that works to elect women who are Democrats and pro-choice.

wards 7 and 8 will see the highest rate of wage replacement compared to elsewhere in the District. Ward 7 residents earning the median income of $615 a week will see a weekly benefit of $553 while ward 8 residents making $529 weekly will see a weekly benefit of $476, both recieving a wage replacement rate of 90%. These benefits of the UPFLA are critical to improving racial equity and combat economic inequality for our residents. Alternate paid family leave proposals in the council would require larger employers to give paid leave directly to their employees, while smaller businesses would be provided with some degree of support from the government. This corporate control mandate model places complete control of paid leave into the hands of profit-driven managers and big businesses, and would incentivize bosses to discriminate, deny leave, and retaliate against people who use their benefits. No one should have to choose between a job or caring for a sick child or loved one. This fall the D.C. council has an opportunity to keep the promise they made to residents by upholding and enforcing the universal paid family leave law. It is time the council pivot to other pressing matters facing the District and clear the way for paid leave to go into effect. Valerie Ervin is a D.C. resident and former elected official on the Montgomery County Council.

September September9, 9,2017 2017--September September15, 9, 2017, 2017, The Afro-American

A3 A5

Irma Continued from A1 emergency personnel may not be available to rescue them when the storm is at its height between Thursday and Friday. President Donald Trump has declared emergencies in Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands as Hurricane Irma prepares for landfall. The declarations authorize the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate disaster relief efforts in those places. The dangerous Category 5 storm is

wielding the most powerful winds ever recorded for a storm in the Atlantic Ocean. It is on a path that could take it toward Florida over the weekend. Irma’s size and strength put the entire state on notice Sept. 5. Residents and visitors prepared to leave in anticipation of catastrophic winds and floods. Puerto Rico’s governor is also warning that the effects of Hurricane Irma could be catastrophic and calling the storm more dangerous than Hurricane Harvey.

Lynching Continued from A1 returned from Mississippi for the funeral. “We knew they were out to mob the boy,” said Mrs. Wright. “They came and took the boy and killed him.” “When I heard the men at the door, I ran to Emmett’s room so I could get him out the back door into the cotton fields. But they were already in the front door before I could shake him awake.” Jones, who is a grandson of the Wrights, also recalled hearing his grandfather, Mose, make a futile plea to the kidnappers that they only whip Emmett. “My grandfather told them that he (Emmett) didn’t have good sense because he had polio when he was 3-yearsold and that his mind and speech had been affected,” Jones said. They placed the time of the kidnapping at 2 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 28. Wednesday,

Aug. 31, Emmett’s body was found weighted down in the Tallahatchie River. There was a bullet hole in the head and evidence of severe beating. Roy Bryant, 25, a grocer in Money, and a half brother, J.W. Milan, 40, have since been arrested on kidnapping charges. A charge of kidnapping has been issued against Mrs. Bryant, who has not been found by deputy sheriffs. Also in the house at the time were three boys, aged 12 to 16, of the Wrights, and Willard Parker, 16, of Argo, a Chicago suburb, another grandson there on a visit. After the elder Wright asked that the boy be given a whipping one of the men said: “He isn’t going no place if he ain’t the right one. We’ll bring him back and put him to bed.” Jones said his grandfather, Mose Wright, then went to the porch and heard a woman

in the car answer “yes” as the two men brought Emmett before her. Emmett was then placed in the car. It was the last time he was seen alive.

AP Photo/Johnny Jno-Baptiste

A homeowner makes last minute repairs to his roof in preparation for Hurricane Irma, in St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda. Irma grew into a dangerous Category 5 storm, the most powerful seen in the Atlantic in over a decade, and roared toward the islands in the northeast Caribbean on a path that could eventually take it to the United States.

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The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017

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September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017, The Afro-American


Power Player Stokes Puts Best Spin on Baltimore The 5th annual Baltimore Reunion Expo will take place Sept. 9, at the Reginald F. Lewis Sean Yoes Museum of Maryland Baltimore AFRO Editor African American History & Culture. One of the key players behind the success of the Expo and other Baltimore events is Shelonda Stokes, a Baltimore native who has used the grit she learned growing up to find success. This year’s Expo features performances by neo-soul diva Angie Stone, and Baltimore (specifically Park Heights) native Meshelle, “The Indie Mom of Comedy.” Also part of the line-up is fitness guru Charles “Chizel It” Harris and Marsha Jews, host of WEAA’s, “Keep It Moving,” is the Expo’s host. The Expo is being presented by Visit Baltimore and Greibo Media. Stokes is the owner of Greibo and she recently spoke exuberantly about her hometown on a breezy Sunday afternoon at the Mt. Vernon Marketplace. “Once people come to Baltimore, what we know is that they love’s just getting them here, with the negative media stories and all of that, people fear it,” Spokes said. “So, what the festival (African American Festival or AFRAM) did and what the Expo does... it gives people a reason to come and taste it and enjoy it and experience it...and their like, `Oh my God, it’s not what I thought, it’s even better.’” Stokes and her company Greibo, which she founded in 2001, have been the force behind the Baltimore Reunion

Continued on B2

Not Guilty

Inner Harbor Arrest Still Haunts Baltimore Resident


WEAA Hit By Massive Changes By Deborah Bailey Special to the AFRO On Sept. 5, Morgan State University’s radio station WEAA, 88.9 FM, known as “the Voice of the Community,” announced major changes, which essentially forced several of WEAA’s long-time radio personalities to sign off abruptly after providing decades of musical pleasure. The shift at WEAA, which began broadcasting in 1977, will impact the station’s evening line-up the most, effectively ending all current programing Monday through Friday from 7 p.m. to midnight in most cases. All the changes will take effect Oct. 2. On Monday, “Keep it Moving,” hosted by Marsha Jews, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. and “In the Tradition,” hosted by long-time jazz impresario George “Doc” Manning, 8 p.m. - midnight, will end. On Tuesday, “Wealthy Radio,” hosted by financial expert

Courtesy Photos

In 2014, Baltimore police forcefully push 25-year old Calvin Wilkes face into the pavement near Harborplace’s Pratt Street Pavilion at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The arrest was r ruled “excessive force” by the newly constituted Civilian Review Board. By Stephen Janis Special to the AFRO When Jennifer Bartley stopped her car next to the Pratt Street Pavilion in the spring of 2014, what she saw stunned her. On the sidewalk of Baltimore’s premier tourist spot 25-yearold Calvin Wilkes was bleeding from the mouth as a police officer pinned him to the ground. “There was no way to describe this other than a brutal attack,” Bartley told the AFRO. Wilkes had been thrown to the pavement after a friend got into a verbal dispute with an employee of a nearby business. But the violence of the arrest so troubled the resident of the Ritz Carlton, one of the city’s toniest addresses, that she filed a complaint with the Baltimore Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division. “I also know without any doubt that Calvin and his friends did not deserve to be arrested that day, not to mention beat up,” she added. Internal affairs investigators concluded the officers on the scene did nothing wrong. A finding which prompted the pair to

turn to the newly constituted Civilian Review Board. And there, the outcome was different. “I was happy, it was a relief they took my case seriously,” Wilkes said after the board released its findings that two officers involved in his arrest used excessive force. Wilkes was charged with several crimes connected to the arrest and found not guilty on all of the charges except the least serious charge of “failure to obey a lawful order.” “It gave me some sense of justice which I did not have before.” But what happens next, and what effect if any the independent body has on Wilke’s case and policing in the city in general, is a question both say concerns them. “I’m worried the officers will get a slap on the wrist,” said Wilkes. Particularly as the city struggles to reform a department that has suffered a series of high profile scandals over police misconduct and the fallout from scathing report by the

Courtesy Photo

James “Big Jim” Staton hosted, “Blues in the Night,” and “Turning Back the Hands of Time,” for 30 years at WEAA before abruptly parting ways with the station last month. Continued on B2

Continued on B2

First Day Of School at Excel Academy, Reflects BCPS Challenges

“We’re proud of the fact that arrests are down and that we’re getting student feedback and their school experiences. In a lot of ways our school police officers have already dug into this question of a healthy school environment has After a school year plagued with budget problems, declining enrollment, to be built on strong relationships,” she said. school closures and an unprecedented level of gun violence in Baltimore City While some Excel Academy Students were excited about the first day of school last year, Mayor Catherine Pugh joined Baltimore City Public Schools CEO visit by the Mayor and School CEO, others said there is much more work to do Sonya Santilesis at Excel Academy. On the first day of school, the pair Pugh and to make Baltimore Public Schools a safe and thriving environment for students. Santilesis wanted to communicate to students and their instructors their hopes While the Mayor and Santilesis addressed reporters and visited classrooms, a group for a new agenda for Baltimore City’s public of Excel Academy student leaders gathered to school students. provide the AFRO with a reality check on the Excel Academy, an alternative high school progress of BCPS. in West Baltimore, was the last of three planned “I like this school, I think they help us “first day of school” visits conducted by a lot,” said Shontia Crawford about Excel Pugh and Santelises. The pair were joined by Academy. However, Crawford said that she Senator Ben Cardin in the morning for school doesn’t have much faith in the school district as visits at Frederick Elementary and Mary E. a whole. “I think this school system is violent Rodman Elementary Schools. and crazy and they need to put a stop to it.” Courtesy Photo “I am not ignorant nor are young people “They’ve got to open up more resources Mayor Catherine Pugh joined Baltimore City Public unknowledgeable that there is a narrative and have more activities for kids. They need to Schools CEO Sonya Santilesis at Excel Academy on the around Baltimore Public School students that open more recreation in the schools and across first day of school. reinforces this idea that they are capable of the city,” said Diamante Gilliam. less, that they are somehow less deserving, “They are not teaching the right stuff,” said that they are more apt for underperformance and that our schools are not worth Asia Young. “For example history – they need to teach us the history that we the investment. That narrative that anything in Baltimore is dysfunctional is a need to know, what really happened,” she said. narrative that I will continue to reject,” Santilesis said in an interview with the “I think things are a little calmer than they used to be, said Melindy Carter, AFRO. 20. “There used to be a whole lot of fights, Excel Academy students experienced their share of tragedy during the 2016things are calming down” Carter said. 2017 school year. Five students died from gun violence. An additional student, When Pugh and Santelises entered the Rashad Parks, was killed this summer. Counseling support was added to the room, the students were all smiles and cordial. school as a result of the trauma students face. “I think these two women are authentic and Santilesis hopes to focus on social and emotional learning as well as partner really want to hear our concerns,” said Young with the Open Society Institute in Baltimore to formally adopt Restorative after their exchange with Pugh and Santelises. Justice practices to transform what many parents and students have criticized “The next step is theirs,” said one of the as a punitive environment within Baltimore City Public Schools. Restorative instructors who asked not to be identified. Justice focuses on rehabilitation of the offender rather than punishment. “These are the student leaders of Excel Santilesis, while recognizing that some parents are critical of the way Academy and are not afraid to speak up and discipline is handled at BCPS offered adefense of School Police Officers. speak out. Now it’s up to them to use this By Deborah Bailey Special to the AFRO


Past Seven Days


Last week we published a story with the headline, “‘Questionable’ Body Cam Video Released, Officer Cleared.” Although Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis was quoted in the story saying, “Nothing questionable. The recreation was captured on another officers body camera and it is not staging,” Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby informed the AFRO that the officer in question has not been officially cleared in the video body camera case and is currently under investigation by BPD internal affairs. The AFRO regrets the error.

243 2017 Total

Data as of Sept. 6.

Race and Politics



The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017

Race and Politics Continued from B1

Expo for the last five years and AFRAM from 2010 to 2016. Yet, they are just two impressive clients among a sparkling phalanx of companies that have utilized Stokes’ media acumen that include: Under Armour, Columbia Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures, Discovery Channel, BWI Airport, the Smithsonian Institution, Morgan State University, Royal Caribbean International and the USDA, among others. Her ever burgeoning list of successes over the last several years has placed the charismatic Stokes in the rarified air of some of Baltimore’s very exclusive rooms. She sits on the boards of some of the city’s most prestigious and powerful organizations including the Downtown Partnership and Morgan State University’s Board of Regents. “Being on some of these boards has opened up doors...but how do we expand it?” asked Stokes who graduated from Polytechnic High School in 1990 and Morgan State University in 1995. The former electrical engineer worked for major companies like Hewlett Packard and General Electric, before she started Greibo and experienced what she described as “exponential growth” of her company. However, there seems to be an untraversable gulf between her current reality and Stokes’ hardscrabble, transient East Baltimore childhood.

“So, for me I grew up... I was that poor but fun (kid)...and you didn’t really realize that you were that poor. But, it was at times... my brother and I would watch, and we’re sitting at the table and my mom is not eating and I’m trying to figure out why she’s not eating

“Being on some of these boards has opened up doors...but how do we expand it?” –Shelonda Stokes and she’s like, `Oh no, I’m not hungry.’ But, you know that she has to be, because we’ve been together that whole day. And it’s not until you get older that you realize that you didn’t have enough, so she was making sure her kids were good,” Stokes added before talking about the demise of her father. “My father and four of his brothers have died from a heroin overdose. So, when you talk about that kind of background...when I talk about that grit and that resilience it’s also one of those things that I believe, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” Stokes said.

One harrowing night in 1991, during her freshman year at Morgan State University, truly put that philosophy to the test. After a dispute with a male classmate in her dorm room, a physical altercation between the two led to Stokes being dangled from a balcony by her ankles, until several classmates from her all female honors dorm rescued her. However, it was men from Stokes’ old neighborhood who later came to Morgan’s campus determined to make sure the young man that attacked her would never attack anyone else. Ultimately, because of intervention by Morgan’s administration the young man who attacked Stokes was not harmed. “To my community, I was that chick,” Stokes said. “And my community rallied around me.” More than twenty-five years later, that seemingly outsized display of community continues to connect Stokes to the disenfranchised community she emerged from and never forgot. “What I love about Baltimore and our we have like this fighting grit and resilience. We’re going to make it happen and what it is, is who your are.” Sean Yoes is the AFRO’s Baltimore editor and host and executive producer of AFRO First Edition, which airs Monday through Friday 5 p.m.-7 p.m. on WEAA, 88.9.


Continued from B1 Department of the Justice that concluded its tactics were unconstitutional and discriminate against African-Americans. Former State Delegate Jill P. Carter, who took over the city’s Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement office earlier this year, which oversees the board, says she is working to make the body more effective. “I want to insure not only that we can sustain but also substantiate grievances,” Carter told the AFRO. Carter notes that the board has sustained charges against officers in roughly half a dozen cases that Internal Affairs had cleared. The findings have been forwarded to the police department’s legal counsel. From that point, it’s up to the commissioner to accept the recommendations or stick with his investigator’s findings. Which is one of the criticisms that has dogged the Civilian Review Board since its inception nearly two decades ago, that it is essentially powerless. “We really want to bring hope for the people of Baltimore,” said Carter. Still, for Wilkes the arrest was a life changing event that would have otherwise been overlooked had it not been for the board’s ruling

“I lost my job, and I even lost a few friends over this, it had big impact on my life.” He was charged with assaulting an officer and was found not guilty by a Baltimore city judge. But piecing his life back together has proven difficult. “I don’t go downtown or to the harbor, there are certain things I just don’t do anymore because I don’t’ want to have an altercation of that manner.” Bartley also had sobering experiences tied to the case which has changed her perspective on law enforcement, and the city. She had to present a $15,000 cashier’s check to get Wilkes, whom she had never met prior to the incident, out of Central Booking after a judge gave him a punitive “cash” only bail. And then there was a late-night visit by police officers to her condominium to serve a subpoena compelling her to testify in Wilkes’ criminal trial that she says was meant to intimidate her. “There must be some good people in their department, however in my 9 years living in the city I have yet to encounter one.” In the end Bartley says she has learned that the criminal justice system in Baltimore needs a systemic overhaul, and that the city’s process

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of crime and punishment may be only making things worse. “The saddest part for me has been to realize

that Calvin and kids like him are victims of their situation and that our city seems to be working against them instead of for them.”


Continued from B1 Deborah Owens, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and “Fiesta Musical,” a latin music program hosted by Guillermo Brown, 8 p.m. - 8 p.m., will be eliminated. On Wednesday, “The Relation Shift Experience,” hosted by wellness, yoga and mindfullness practitioner Changa Bell 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. and “Jazz Straight Ahead,” hosted by brothers Jan and Eric Tegler (whose father Jon Tegler hosted the show for decades) 8 p.m. - midnight is over. On Thursday, “Blues in the Night,” hosted by James “Big Jim” Staton for 30 years 8 p.m.- midnight is no more (Staton parted ways with the station prior to the announced changes). Friday evening, “Listen Up!”, hosted by Faraji Muhammad 7 p.m. - 8 p.m., and the, “Friday Night Jazz Club,” hosted by Angela “The Duchess” Thorpe will end. “I’m numb from this,” said Thorpe on Sept. 6. The WEAA radio personality began her stint on the air at the station as an intern in 1996, when she was a student at Morgan State University. Marcellus “Bass Man” Shepard who for many years presented a mix of “smooth jazz,” and Rhythm and Blues in the afternoon, will shift to weekday evenings 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. “First Edition,” hosted by Baltimore AFRO editor Sean Yoes Monday through Friday, 5 p.m.- 7 p.m., will be cut to 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Other changes to the weekday evening line-up have yet to be announced, but are expected. Prior to this week’s shake-up, a 30 year radio veteran at WEAA suddenly left the station, perhaps foreshadowing the major changes to come. Early Saturday morning and late Thursday night “Big” Jim Staton was on the airwaves of WEAA radio, for more than a generation. Whether you were getting a head start on Saturday chores or perhaps recovering from a Friday night on the town, you could count on Big Jim to wake you up at 5:00 a.m. sharp every Saturday with his “Turning Back the Hands of Time” show cranking out the oldies that you or your parents listened to. On Thursday nights, Staton’s show, “Blues in the Night,” presented straight ahead blues; popular artists known universally like Ray Charles and BB King, along with artists more familiar to blues aficionados; Bobby “Blue” Bland, John Lee Hooker and Koko Taylor. “Big Jim” as he is known to his WEAA listeners, may have one of the most extensive collection of oldies on the East Coast and counted his service to WEAA as a labor of love. But last month, Jim’s 30-year labor of love with WEAA ended with an unexpected resignation from the station. “I’ve been working with Big Jim for the last 11 years. I consider him as an uncle. As a professional I am going to miss his camaraderie,” said Walter Berry II, a fellow WEAA music host better known to his listeners as “Papa WaBe.” “Me and Big Jim go way back to the Al Stuart and Mary Carter Smith Days. Big Jim has always been a faithful friend. I could count on him because he is a man of his word,” said friend and colleague, Ernestine Jones, long time host of the Gospel Grace Brunch, which airs on WEAA Sundays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Staton said he and other hosts at the station recently discovered that while they earned slightly above minimum wage or worked for free, WEAA had been paying more than $100,000 to Marc Steiner, host of a weekday morning news show. Steiner’s relationship with the station ended July 31st after his contract was not renewed. “More money in one year than I made in 30 do the math,” Staton said in a statement. “My first 11 years, I volunteered my service...then $11.50 per hour.” Morgan State University School of Global Journalism Dean DeWayne Wickham would not comment on Staton’s departure, and insisted that the station is on firm footing, referring to an editorial Wickham wrote that was published in the AFRO about WEAA’s future in July. Staton believes the station had lost its close connection with the campus and its strong connection with the community. “I’ve been around and here for my listeners and the Morgan State community for 30 years I remember when the station was connected to the community. We’ve lost some of that and it takes leadership to get it back,” Staton told the AFRO. WEAA-FM Station Interim Manager Mireille Grangenois did not return calls by the AFRO.

September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017, The Afro-American

Summer 2017 was a celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and, sadly, funerals. Living for the Weekend is dedicating this column to my dear friend Corrogan Vaughn, an avid reader of this paper and column who died so unexpectedly. Corrogan was a political leader who represented the city and State of Maryland with pride, although he never held an elected position. The last time I saw my friend he said “Val I’m going to call you. I’m opening my campaign headquarters.” Well, my friend I know you have opened your campaign headquarters, it has been relocated in heaven. How ironic that you and your friend Dick Gregory transitioned the same week? What a reunion when you saw our friend Dr. Levi Watkins, I know the three of you are already planning a strategy session. Rest peacefully in paradise my Republican. Aleut Continua (the struggle continues) Labor Day weekend is fast becoming a celebration of love and happiness as couples begin their life together. Congratulations to Renita Mingo and Brad Cleaver on their nuptial at Ruth’s Chris Pier Five. They met when Renita was the first African-American general manager at Ruth’s Chris and Brad the executive chef. Kristi France, daughter of Pete and Donna France married the love of her life Rashein Gibbs at an evening ceremony at Martin’s West officiated by Bishop Walter Thomas. Celebrating their Labor Day weekend anniversaries are John and Zoey WashingtonSheff, Dr. Kit and Adele Adams, Jerome and Paula Stephens and Tylanvis and Cimmon Burris. In the words of Gloria Lynn, “I wish you bluebirds in the spring a cozy fire to keep you warm; but more than this I wish you love.” Family and friends surrounded Jenette Young when she was one of the honorees at the annual Spirited Woman award luncheon at the Inner Harbor Pier Five Hotel. The award recognizes individuals and their contribution to the community through their business or volunteer activities. Guests in attendance were: The AFRO’s Lois de Laine, Wanda Pearson and Takiea Hinton, Tracee Strum Gilliam, Charles Young Sr, Charles Young II, Emma Barnes, Cattie Ambrose, Arianna Matthews, Patty Haw, Victoria Matthews, Sherri Holt, Carissa Matthews and Janet Kurland. What time is it? It’s Virgo time and Virgos are celebrating in grand fashion. Everlon Moulton hosted a mystery party bus for twenty five women to a local winery with a tour and luncheon. Mildred

Harper shut down Colin’s Restaurant for a private birthday party for her husband Billy Harper’s 75th birthday. And Virgo Sara “Sadie” Smalley hosted approximately 60 women for jazz in the afternoon at Mt. Washington’s Tavern, featuring Rae Bernard’s jazz ensemble.. I’ll be celebrating my birthday with my Virgo friends and guests at my nephew David Couser’s Virgo party at the Columbus Center, at the Inner Harbor on September 16, 8:30pm-midnight. Contact David at 443-801-2600 for tickets. Virgos celebrating birthdays include Auvea Fortune, Barrington Branch, Beta Dotson, Miss Shirley Ball, Billy Harper, Tina “Tee Tee” Jolivet, Carlos Hutchins, Eunice Robinson, Delores Chambers, Pat Stokes Phil Strambler, Brenda Wright, Freddie Vaughn, Mildred Battle, Margaret Johnson, Frances Tilghman, Bennie Thomas, Freddie Vaughn, my son-in-law Gregory Packer, Mario and restaurateur Dante Daniels. The dancing twins Doris and Vivian celebrated their 90 plus birthday and Thelma Evans celebrated her 95th birthday. Sending condolences to the family of Sheila Gibson Taylor-Caldwell on her death; to Stephanie Farmer and family on the death of her grandmother and my longtime friend Katherine “Ann” Bush former owner of The Place and sister of Grace Grant. Keeping our families in the path of Hurricane Harvey and Irma in our thoughts. “Soldier Boy oh my little soldier boy” The Shirelles Asim Scipio, son of Robert and Sherry Scipio and the grandson of Shirley “Big Shirley” Belton, is adjusting well to military life in the United States Air Force stationed in Texas. Let us continue to keep our military personnel in our prayers. What’s Happening! Shirley Belton has hosted a series of happy hours this summer throughout the city. If you missed the previous happy hours, mark your calendar for tSept. 13 and 20. Complimentary food and music by DJ Lil Joe. Promoter Carlos Hutchins is hosting his 22nd customer appreciation September 30at Gentleman 10 Banquet Hall on Edmondson Avenue. Call Carlos at 443-963-5711 Kevin Brown is hosting “Dining out for Life” at Nancy’s 131 W. North Avenue on Thursday Sept 14 from 5-9pm featuring dinner and desserts. Call 410-685-0039 for more information. November 16, Suited to Succeed and the Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training (MCVET) will host their fall

fundraiser featuring Baltimore’s Grammy nominated Maysa, live entertainment, silent auction, specialty vendors, and gourmet food at the Radisson Hotel. U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen and Mayor Catherine Pugh are the honorary chairs for this elegant evening. Suited to Succeed is celebrating its 20th anniversary committed to improving the lives of women and

MCVET’s 23rd anniversary providing service to homeless veterans across the United States. For tickets visit: https://suitedandmcvetfundraiser. For more information about the organizations: and

investing in

Good neighbors know that the whole community shares responsibility for the education of its children. As the new school year begins, we’re reminded of the great potential in Baltimore’s students, and we want to do our part to make their futures even brighter. That’s why we’ve formed partnerships with several Baltimore City Public Schools—supporting teachers and principals, enhancing programming, funding innovations, and adding high-tech tools for learning. Sharing resources with our youngest neighbors is important to us because when Baltimore thrives, we all do.

Johns Hopkins. Investing in our community.


Students work in Barclay Elementary/Middle School’s engineering and science lab. The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering has partnered with Baltimore City Public Schools and Barclay to create the city’s first pre-K through 8th grade school focused on engineering and computer science.


The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017

Rev. Dr. A.C.D. Vaughn, Samuel Redd, Funeral Director, Dr. Lillian Vaughn

Sharon Baptist Church in West Baltimore

Hundreds gathered at Sharon Baptist Church, including many of the city’s most prominent and political leaders for the funeral of Corrogan R. Vaughn, son of the Rev. Dr. A.C.D. Vaughn, on Aug. 28.

Corrogan R. Vaughn

Rev. Dr. A.C.D. Vaughn

Rev. Dr. Harold Carter Jr., Senior Pastor of New Shiloh Baptist Church Bishop John R. Bryant, African Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper, Senior Pastor, Freedom Temple AME Zion Church

The Vaughn Family: Dr. Lillian Vaughn, Caleel Fox, Rev. Dr. A.C.C. Vaughn, Cassandra Vaughn, Crystal Fox, Lauren Fox, Dr. Lynette Vaughn

Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Senior Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church

Celeste James, Kaiser Permanente DC & Southern Maryland director of community health; and Destiny-Simone Ramjohn, Kaiser Permanente Greater Baltimore director of community health

Janelle Holt, Vanity Salon owner/operator; Troy Staton, New Beginnings Barbershop owner; and Tony Brown, Kaiser Permanente Thrive ambassador

Alma Roberts, Kaiser Permanente senior program manager; Kevin Brown, Baltimore restaurateur; and Leslie King Hammond, Baltimore Arts Realty Corporation (BARCO) senior advisor

James Mack, JMack Studio stylist/barber/ educator; and “Dexter the Groomer” Fields, Millenium Salon groomer

Nelson Malden, personal barber of Martin Luther King, Jr.; and Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields, Fades & Fellowship executive producer

Michael Cryor, The Cryor Group president; Noah Hardrick, 7; Erica Cryor, retired attorney; and Maritha Gay, Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit executive director

Nessa McClain, Ernest Bland Associate architect; and Lenora Howze, The Afro director of advertising

Tonya Williams-Mayo, Kaiser Permanente account manager; Carla Bradford, Kaiser Permanente senior account manager; and Roxy Umphery, RoxyWrites ghost fundraising strategist

Kaiser Permanente hosted a reception at Baltimore’s MotorHouse for “Fades and Fellowship,” a theatrical commentary set in a barbershop, created by educator and author, Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields. The event was the kickoff of Kaiser Permanente’s 2nd annual Baltimore Barbershop and Beauty Salon Community Health Program, Aug. 28.

Jeanette Jeffrey, Kaiser Permanente senior health educator; and Willie Flowers, Park Heights Community Health Alliance executive director

Photos courtesy

September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017, The Afro-American



D.C. DJ Tests Resolve by Taking Show Overseas opportunities, self-employment at 22 and world travel. “I’m definitely not the same person from last year. I learned about my values so much,” he said, referencing that he found a greater connection to the spiritual by respecting other’s perspectives, listening and asking questions. Elizaire is now 23-years-old and within less than two years he has not only hosted music and art showcases in D.C. with music groups such as Last Niight, but also performed at the South by Southwest (SXSW) 2016 film festival and opened for Atlanta-based rapper 21 Savage. Elizaire said he continues to travel nationally. “I’m going where the gigs are,” he said. Elizaire’s first stop is in London. He said his mission while on tour is to land three or more gigs during each stop. So far, he has a gig lined up in Rotterdam and Japan. “I’ve been going insane since I quit my job at Urban Outfitters,” he said. “Like doing my best to figure things out because I don’t know what I’m doing…It’s so scattered. The only way I can get a gig is if I show up and show out. I’m putting a limit on myself. It’s going to be very hard.” Similar to his first tour, Elizaire also started a Go Fund Me page to pay for basic essentials such as housing and food while he is on tour. According to the page, he is trying to raise $4,000.As of Sept. 5 he has raised $2,609.

By Charise Wallace Special to the AFRO A Washington D.C.-area artist is exploring new heights and embarking on a journey that will not only test his talent, but also his survival skills. Koleco Elizaire, better known as DJ Knoimnot, is a local R&B artist in the metropolitan area who is headed for his first world tour, appropriately called, “I DNT KNOW WAT IM DOIN.” “It’s a huge leap of faith, but I feel like it’s worth it,” Elizaire told the AFRO. “I’m probably like one of the first out of this area to really do this.” For the record, multiple D.C. based artists have been on world tours including, Wale, EU and the Chuck Brown Band among others. From Sept. 18-Nov. 8, Elizaire is scheduled to travel to London, Brussels, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Berlin, Milan, Barcelona, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul and Los Angeles. “I’ve never been overseas,” he said. “I’m going out to

“It’s a huge leap of faith, but I feel like it’s worth it.” – Koleco Elizaire different countries and surviving. It’s only two ways out of this tour, you’re either alive or you die. I’m testing this.” The Maryland native said he is no stranger to getting things done on his own. After completing a tour in the United States in October of 2016, he said he had specific goals in mind to advance himself and his music, which lead to more networking

“People are paying attention a lot more,” he said. Elizaire paid for his trip abroad by himself. “I could’ve gotten sponsorships, I could’ve gotten people to pay for my whole way, but that would ruin the concept of the tour,” he said. “People think that this tour is a DJ’ing tour….I’ll be DJ’ing, but it’s not just that.” Instead, Elizaire said his goal is for the tour to teach him how to communicate more efficiently in order to express his true character. “This tour is very important to me because I’m at a stage in my life where I want to learn how to speak to people without using words, without any form of verbal communication,” he said. “This will be the last year of Knoimnot. What I’ve done in two years as Knoimnot would define who Koleco is.” On Sept. 14, Elizaire is scheduled to host a going away party called “Would You Vibe With Me” at Velvet Lounge, 915 U Street, NW. He will be performing with local artists, including Last Niight, Odd Mojo, The Experience and Courtesy photo Arif Omari. Washington D.C. artist Koleco “I’m putting everyone in the Elizaire, aka DJ Knoimnot, is middle of the floor to perform,” planning an international tour for he said. “I don’t want no one on mid-September through November. the stage except the crowd.”

SPORTS The Riley Sports Analysis

Washington’s Cravens Should Become the Latest to Buck Trend pro football players that have departed the league early, putting their health before their wallets. Washington linebacker Su’a Cravens After a standout prep career and hasn’t been around the NFL for long, but successful stint at USC, Cravens added perhaps he’s had enough already. speed and versatility to Washington’s front Cravens reportedly had to be talked seven last season and was expected to be out of retirement by team officials while an even bigger part of the defensive unit his teammates took the field for morning this year. During the offseason Washington practice on Sept. 3. ESPN reported that moved Cravens to the safety position at his Cravens informed a handful of teammates request, but now he may never play another the prior day that he intended to notify the down with the team. The wear and tear of the team of his retirement. Washington drafted linebacker position on the smaller Cravens Cravens in the second round of the 2016 may have influenced his desire to move to NFL draft. safety. But perhaps the injuries wrought The 22-year-old hybrid linebacker/ more psychological damage than physical. safety’s reasons for wanting to bow out of a Football has always been a dangerous four-year, $4.4 million contract are unclear, sport, but recent research has provided but whatever his reasons, he should follow insight into how life-threatening the game through on them. can be. Players Washington have taken notice, placed Cravens and several have on the team’s retired on their exempt list, own instead of which will give playing out yearshim a few weeks long careers. to resolve his The money and personal matters. lifestyle of a But unless professional there’s something football player is malicious clearly enticing, clouding his but credit Cravens judgment, then he for considering should walk away his life over a if he has concerns lavish living. about his health Fans might be or lacks a passion let down and his for the game. teammates might Cravens despise him, but dealt with a it’s clear what knee injury, Cravens wants concussion and to do. Hopefully, a biceps injury he’s bold enough last season and to buck the trend that could be a of past footballers focal point of his AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta who have traded sudden decision. their health and Washington NFL Team’s safety Su’a Cravens had If he does retire, well-being for big to be talked out of retiring on Sept. 3 during a then he’ll join a meeting with team president Bruce Allen, and his houses and fast growing list of cars. future with the team is in doubt. By Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports

Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP

Howard’s Jordan Scott (13) and Cody Williams Jr. (86) celebrate with teammates after Howard defeated UNLV 43-40 in an NCAA college football game at Sam Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas.

From the Desk of the Sports Editor:

Howard Pulls Off Biggest Upset in College Football History By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor The Howard University Bison pulled off the greatest upset in college football history by edging out the University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV) Rebels, 43-40, on Sept. 2 in Las Vegas. No one gave Howard a chance to win the game, especially college football odds makers. According to reports, some sportsbooks gave Howard just a 600-to-1 chance of winning, and favored the Rebels by as many as 45.5 points—and for good reason. Not only is UNLV an FBS, or Division I-A, team compared to Howard’s lower-tiered FCS, or Division I-AA status, but Howard’s football team has generally been awful over the last decade or two. They’ve recorded just two winning seasons in the past 20 years. Things may be on the upswing for Howard with freshman quarterback Caylin Newton under center. Newton is a three-star recruit from Atlanta and the younger brother of NFL MVP quarterback Cam Newton. Caylin totaled more than 300 yards with three touchdowns in Howard’s historic victory over UNLV. Newton’s 52-yard touchdown run gave Howard a 7-0 lead just minutes into the first quarter. He later tossed a short touchdown pass to Kyle Anthony to put Howard ahead, 14-6, in the second quarter, and also scored the game-winning touchdown on a four-yard run late in the fourth quarter. He finished with 190 yards rushing and 140 yards passing. The win marked the first time Howard defeated a Division I-A opponent. It was also the first time in more than 10 years that Howard won a season-opening game, and the Bison win spoiled UNLV’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of its football program. The win was the first for new Howard head coach Mike London, who made his debut Saturday. London took over Howard’s head coaching job this summer after serving as associate head coach for University of Maryland last year.

Accordingly, it is this 12th serve with Court superviday of June, 2017, hereby ORDERED by the Super- sion. All unknown heirs And ior Court of the District of a n d h e i r s w h o s e Columbia, that service whereabouts are unUNKNOWN PERSONAL upon Defendants Frits known shall enter their REPRESENTATIVE Jacobse Levitan, the Un- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s OF THE ESTATE OF known Personal Repre- proceeding. Objections THOMAS J. LANE, JR. sentative of the Estate of to such appointment Address Unknown Thomas J. Lane, Jr., and shall be filed with the the Unknown Heirs and Register of Wills, D.C., And Legatees of Thomas J. 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Lane, Jr., be made by Floor Washington, D.C. UNKNOWN HEIRS insertion of a copy of this 20001, on or before AND o r d e r i n T h e A f r o November 12, 2017. LEGATEES OF American Newspaper and Claims against the deTHOMAS J. LANE, JR. the Daily Washington Law cedent shall be preAddress Unknown Reporter, newspapers sented to the underhaving a general circula- signed with a copy to the And tion in the District of Register of Wills or filed Columbia, twice a month with the Register of Wills 22nd LP for three consecutive with a copy to the under2401 Cedarwood Drive months, notifying any and signed, on or before Bloomington, IN 47401 all persons interested in the above described real November 12, 2017, or And property to appear in this be forever barred. PerCourt on or before the 4th sons believed to be heirs OF advertisements. Payment PolicyTHE for DISTRICT legal notice day of October, 2017, and or legatees of the deCOLUMBIA redeem the real property cedent who do not reEffective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require ofceive all legal a copynotices. of this notice Serve: Mayor of the prepayment b y p a y for m epublication nt of District of Columbia by mail within 25 days of together withchecks Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, credit card or money$12,434.63, order. Any returned will be subject interest from the date the its first publication shall Bowser so inform the Register of realfuture property tax certif-at our to a $25.00 processing fee and may result inMuriel the suspension of any advertising discretion. Attn: Office of the icate was purchased; Wills, including name, Secretary court costs; reasonable address and relation1350 Pennsylvania Ave-06 14:52:11 TYPESET: Wed Sep 2017 attorney’s EDT fees; expenses ship. nue, N.W., #419 in the publication Date of Publication: LEGAL NOTICES incurred LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES AD NETWORK AD NETWORK Washington, DC 20001 and service of process; wall located between May 12, 2017 and all other amounts in Name of newspaper: improved real propIN THE SUPERIOR AUTOMOBILE Attorney General accordance with the SERVS./MISC. ofServe: erties known asprovi1333 Afro-American COURT DONATIONS the District of Columbia sions Official 22ndof D.C. Street NWCode and Washington OF THE Attn: Darlene Fields §§ 47-1361 through 1377, 1335 22nd Street, NW in Law Reporter DISTRICT DONATE AUTOS, Increase your cus441 4th Street, NW et seq., or answer the Washington, D.C. Barbara A Thompson OF COLUMBIA Washington, DC 20001 TRUCKS, RV’S. tomer base and get great Amended Complaint, or, Defendants Personal CIVIL DIVISION thereafter, a final judgLUTHERAN MISSION results by placing your Representative And Civil Action No. ment willORDER be entered OF foreSOCIETY. Your donaads in the MDDC – 2012 CA 006633 L(RP) closing the right of re- TRUE TEST COPY PUBLICATION (Action All Unknown Owners of tion helps local families Classified Advertising demption in the real Involving the Property described property and vesting the REGISTER OF WILLS In accordance within D.C. with food, clothing, network! Call today below,Real theirProperty) Heirs, PerPlaintiff a title in fee simSep 06 Code §§ 47-1375 and TYPESET: 05/12, 05/19,Wed 05/26/17 shelter, counseling. 410-212-0616 Ask for sonal Representatives, ple. 13-341, the object of this Executors, AdministraTax deductible. MVA Multi-Media Specialist proceeding is to secure tors,DEBRA Grantees, M. Assigns OLSEN,or Magistrate Judge Renee the foreclosure of the right Superior Court of License #W1044. -Wanda & watch your Successors in Right, Title, TRUSTEE OF THE of redemption Raymond in the real the District of Interest, and OLSEN Any and all 410-636-0123 or www. results grow. KURT (Signed in chambers) property, described as District of Columbia p e r sGIFT o n s TRUST h a v i n g2012 or LutheranMissionSociSquare: 0069, Lot: 0829, PROBATE DIVISION claiming to have any inter13317 Drews Lane which property may also SAVE loads of money Washington, D.C. est in the leasehold or fee Potomac, MD 20854 07/7, 07/21, TYPESET: Sep 06 14:51:39 EDT 2017 be known asWed a lot compris20001-2131 simple in the property and with your advertising ing part of a wall located Administration No. premises situate, lying And between improved real BUDGETS; CON2017ADM1350 and being in the District of BUSINESS properties known as 1333 Superior Court of NECT with the MultiMary E Gordon Columbia described KURT OLSEN, as: 22ndthe Street NW and District of 1335 SERVICES Square 0069 Lot 0829. TRUSTEE OF THE Media Specialists of 2District 2 n d S of t r eColumbia e t , N W i n Decedent MayDEBRA also beM. known as a OLSEN Washington, D.C., which Kimberly Fahrenholz the MDDC Advertising lot comprising Bulk advertising at its PROBATE DIVISION part of a GIFT TRUST 2012 property was sold by the Esquire Washington, D.C. Networks; GET Bulk 13317 Drews Lane best: advertise in over Mayor20001-2131 of the District of 1801-18th St. NW, Ste 9 Potomac, MD 20854 Columbia to the Plaintiff in Washington, DC 20009 70 newspapers and reach Advertising OpporAdministration No. Attorney this action. tunities NOW;CALL millions of readers with Substitute Plaintiffs NOTICE OF The 2017ADM691 Amended Complaint Levance Dickey ONE call. Broaden your TODAY; With One Call; APPOINTMENT, states, among other Decedent vs NOTICE TO things, that the amounts With One Ad Placereach and get results for Thecia Bethel, CREDITORS necessary for redemption pennies per reader. Call ment & One Bill; You’ll FRITS JACOBSE AND NOTICE TO have not been paid. LEVITAN Reach the Entire MidAttorney Wanda at 410-212-0616 Accordingly, it is this 12th UNKNOWN HEIRS Address Unknown NOTICE OF day of June, 2017, hereby Kimberly Fahrenholz EsAtlantic Region; Call or email wsmith@mdAPPOINTMENT, ORDERED by the Super- quire, whose address is 410-212-0616 And NOTICE ior Court of theTO District of 1801 18th Street, NW, CREDITORS Columbia, that service Ste 9, Washington, DC UNKNOWN PERSONAL ANDDefendants NOTICE TOFrits 20009 was appointed upon Place a business card ad Place a business card REPRESENTATIVE Jacobse Levitan, the Un- personal representative UNKNOWN HEIRS in the Regional Small ad in the Regional OF THE ESTATE OF known Bethel Personal Repre- of the estate of Mary E Thecia , whose THOMAS J. LANE, JR. sentativeisof3321 the Estate Display 2x2/2x4 AdverSmall Display 2x2/2x4 address Toledoof Gordon , who died on Address Unknown Thomas Suite J. Lane, Jr.,Hyand October 23, 2016 without Terrace, 203, tising Network - Reach Advertising Network the Unknown Heirswas and a will, and will serve withattsville MD 20782 3.6 Million readers with And – Let MDDC help you Legatees of Thomas appointed personal re-J. out Court supervision. All Lane, Jr., be made by grow your business! Call just one call, one bill presentative of the estate UNKNOWN HEIRS of Dickey, a copy ofwho this unknown heirs and heirs ofinsertion Levance TODAY at 410-212-0616 and one ad placement whose whereabouts are AND o r d e r i n T h e A f r died on October 4, 2005o unknown shall enter their LEGATEES OF to increase your customer in 71 newspapers in American and without a Newspaper will, and will THOMAS J. LANE, JR. the Daily Law a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Maryland, Delaware base and get results. serve withWashington Court superviAddress Unknown Reporter, newspapers proceeding. Objections sion. Allaunknown heirs to such appointment (or and DC TODAY! For having general circulaation n d in h ethe i r s District w h o s eof to the probate of deAnd just $1450.00, Get the Place your ad on whereabouts are un- cedent´s will) shall be Columbia, twice a month reach, Get the results Facebook;Twitter; known shall consecutive enter their filed with the Register of 22nd LP for three amonths, p p e a r anotifying n c e i nany t h and is and for Just Pennies on 2401 Cedarwood Drive LinkedIN and Google Wills, D.C., 515 5th proceeding. Objectionsin Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Bloomington, IN 47401 all persons interested the Dollars Ads Words through tothesuch appointment above described real W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 1-855-721-6332 x 6 or MDDC’s Social Media And shall be to filed withinthe property appear this 20001, on or before email Wanda Smith @ Register Wills, the D.C., Ad Network; Call today Court on of or before 4th March 2, 2018. Claims THE DISTRICT OF 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd day of October, 2017, and against the decedent to find out maximize COLUMBIA Floor Washington, D.C. shall be presented to the redeem the real property your presence on Social Serve: Mayor of the 20001, b y p a on y m or e n before t of undersigned with a copy District of Columbia J$12,434.63, a n u a r y 2together 8 , 2 0 1with 8 . to the Register of Wills or Media; 410-212-0616; VACATION interest from the date the Claims against the defiled with the Register of or email Wanda Smith @ Muriel Bowser real property RENTALS cedent shall tax be certifpre- Wills with a copy to the Attn: Office of the icate was purchased; sented to the under- undersigned, on or beSecretary OCEAN CITY, MARYcourt with costs; reasonable signed a copy to the fore March 2, 2018, or be 1350 Pennsylvania Ave- Register attorney’s offees; Willsexpenses or filed forever barred. Persons LAND. Best selection nue, N.W., #419 EDUCATION/CAREER incurred in the publication with the Register of Wills believed to be heirs or of affordable rentals. Washington, DC 20001 anda service TRAINING with copy to of theprocess; under- legatees of the decedent Full/partial weeks. Call and all other amounts signed, on or beforein who do not receive a Serve: Attorney General accordance theorproviAIRLINE MECHANIC for FREE brochure. 28, with 2018, be of the District of Columbia January sions ofbarred. D.C. Official Code copy of this notice by mail forever Persons Open daily. Holiday TRAINING – Get Attn: Darlene Fields §§ 47-1361 through 1377, within 25 days of its first believed to be heirs or publication shall so in441 4th Street, NW et seq., or answer the Resort Servoces. FAA certification to fix legatees of the decedent Washington, DC 20001 Amended Complaint, or, form the Register of 1-800-638-2102. Online planes. Financial Aid if who do nota receive a Wills, including name, thereafter, final judgcopy of this notice by mail And reservations: www. qualified. Approved for ment will be entered fore- address and relationwithin 25 the daysright of itsoffirst closing re- ship. 5% base military benefits.Call so real in- Date of Publication: All Unknown Owners of publication demption shall in the rent discount-use code Aviation Institute of the Register of the Property described form property and vesting in the August 31, 2017 below, their Heirs, Per- Wills, name, NYPS17.Ends Oct Maintenance 866-823Plaintiffincluding a title in fee sim- Name of newspaper: sonal Representatives, address and relation- Afro-American ple. -01-2017 6729 Executors, Administraship. Washington tors, Grantees, Assigns or Date of Publication: Magistrate Judge Renee Law Reporter Successors in Right, Title, July 28, 2017 Raymond Kimberly Fahrenholz Looking for a great afInterest, and Any and all Name(Signed in chambers) of newspaper: Esq terschool/weekend propersons having or Afro-American Personal claiming to have any intergram targeted towards Washington Representative est in the leasehold or fee Law 07/7, 07/21, Reporter computer training-Call simple in the property and Thecia Bethel TRUE TEST COPY Stanford Tech 240-882premises situate, lying Personal REGISTER OF WILLS and being in the District of 1673; Enroll NowRepresentative Columbia described as: Receive backpack with TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:52:11 09/1, 09/8, 09/15/17 Square 0069 EDT Lot 20170829. TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 school supplies. www. May also be known as a TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS lot comprising part of a wall located between improved real prop- TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:51:13 IN THE SUPERIOR EDT 2017 OF SUPERIOR COURT erties known as 1333 07/28, 08/4, 08/11/17 COURT THE DISTRICT OF 22nd Street NW and OF THE COLUMBIA HELP WANTED 1335 22nd Street, NW in DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION Superior Court of Washington, D.C. OF COLUMBIA Washington, D.C. the District of Defendants EARN $500 A DAY: CIVIL DIVISION 20001-2131 District of Columbia Civil Action No. Lincoln Heritage Foreign No. PROBATE DIVISION ORDER OF 2012 CA 006633 L(RP) 2017FEP77 Washington, D.C. Life Insurance Wants PUBLICATION (Action Date of Death 20001-2131 Insurance Agents* Involving July 8, 2006 Administration No. In accordance with D.C. Real Property) Leads, No Cold Lawrence P Jones 2017ADM259 Code §§ 47-1375 and Decedent Ruth W Powell Calls*Commissions 13-341, the object of this NOTICE OF proceeding is to secure Decedent Paid Daily*Agency DEBRA M. OLSEN, APPOINTMENT the foreclosure of the right Elizabeth Victoria Noel, TRUSTEE OF THE Training*Life Insurance OF FOREIGN of redemption in the real Esq KURT OLSEN PERSONAL property, described as 43 Randolph Rd #207 Required. Call 1-888GIFT TRUST 2012 Square: 0069, Lot: 0829, REPRESENTATIVE Silver Spring, MD 713-6020 13317 Drews Lane which property may also 20904 AND Potomac, MD 20854 be known as a lot compris- Attorney NOTICE TO ing part of a wall located CREDITORS NOTICE OF And MOUNTAIN between improved real Lydia Jones-Nunn and APPOINTMENT, properties known as 1333 PROPERTY Laureen Mullins whose NOTICE TO KURT OLSEN, 22nd Street NW and 1335 address is 6200 Targon CREDITORS TRUSTEE OF THE 22nd Street, NW in Court Ft., Washington, AND NOTICE TO MOUNT LAND BARDEBRA M. OLSEN Washington, D.C., which MD 20744 was apUNKNOWN HEIRS GIFT TRUST 2012 GAIN. 14+ ACRES property was sold by the Barbara A Thompson , pointed personal repre13317 Drews Lane Mayor of the District of whose address is 185 sentative of the estate of only $58,345 BREAKPotomac, MD 20854 Columbia to the Plaintiff in TAKING VIEWS. Occoneechee Trail, Hol- L a w r e n c e P J o n e s , this action. Substitute Plaintiffs EASY DRIVE DC. The Amended Complaint lister NC, 27844 , was decease by the Orphan’s Court for Prince appointed personal restates, among other Rare! Level mounvs things, that the amounts presentative of the estate George’s County, State tain acreage mature necessary for redemption of Ruth W Powell, who of Maryland, on May 18, FRITS JACOBSE died on January 6, 2008 2017, hardwoods, easy access have not been paid. LEVITAN Accordingly, it is this 12th without a will, and will Service of process may 5 mins to quiet country Address Unknown serve with Court supervi- be made upon Philip J day of June, 2017, hereby town w/everything! ORDERED by the Super- sion. All unknown heirs Mullins, 4538 Eads And ior Court of the District of a n d h e i r s w h o s e Place, NE, Washington, Abundant wildlife. Columbia, that service whereabouts are un- DC 20019 whose desPublic river fishing & UNKNOWN PERSONAL upon Defendants Frits known shall enter their ignation as District of REPRESENTATIVE canoeing await! One of Jacobse Levitan, the Un- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Columbia agent has OF THE ESTATE OF known Personal Repre- proceeding. Objections been filed with the Regisa kind. Perc approved. THOMAS J. LANE, JR. sentative of the Estate of to such appointment ter of Wills, D.C. Ready to build when Address Unknown Thomas J. Lane, Jr., and shall be filed with the The decedent owned the you are! Low down the Unknown Heirs and Register of Wills, D.C., f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f And Legatees of Thomas J. 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Colombia real property: payment Call now 304Lane, Jr., be made by Floor Washington, D.C. U n d e v e l o p e d L o t , 901-4931. UNKNOWN HEIRS insertion of a copy of this 20001, on or before Square 5132, Lot 30, in AND o r d e r i n T h e A f r o November 12, 2017. NE LEGATEES OF American Newspaper and Claims against the de- Claims against the deREAL ESTATE THOMAS J. LANE, JR. the Daily Washington Law cedent shall be pre- cedent may be preAddress Unknown Reporter, newspapers FOR SALE sented to the underhaving a general circula- sented to the underDelaware New Move-In And tion in the District of signed with a copy to the signed and filed with the Register of Wills for the Register of Wills or filed Columbia, twice a month Ready Homes! Low 22nd LP for three consecutive with the Register of Wills District of Columbia, Taxes! Close to Beaches, 2401 Cedarwood Drive months, notifying any and with a copy to the under- Building A, 515 5th Bloomington, IN 47401 all persons interested in signed, on or before Street, NW, 3rd FloorGated, Olympic pool. the above described real November 12, 2017, or Washington, D.C. 20001 New Homes from low And property to appear in this be forever barred. Per- within 6 months from the $100’s. No HOA Fees. Court on or before the 4th sons believed to be heirs date of first publication of THE DISTRICT OF day of October, 2017, and or legatees of the de- this notice. Brochures Available COLUMBIA Laureen J. Mullins redeem the real property cedent who do not re1-866-629-0770 or Serve: Mayor of the Lydia C. Jones-Nunn ceive a copy of this notice by payment of District of Columbia $12,434.63, together with by mail within 25 days of Personal interest from the date the its first publication shall Representative(s) Muriel Bowser real property tax certif- so inform the Register of TRUE TEST COPY Attn: Office of the icate was purchased; Wills, including name, REGISTER OF WILLS Secretary court costs; reasonable address and relation- Date of first publication: 1350 Pennsylvania Aveattorney’s fees; expenses ship. September 1, 2017 nue, N.W., #419 incurred in the publication Date of Publication: Name of newspapers Washington, DC 20001 and service of process; May 12, 2017 and/or periodical: and all other amounts in Name of newspaper: The Daily Washington Serve: Attorney General accordance with the provi- Afro-American Law Reporter of the District of Columbia sions of D.C. Official Code Washington The Afro-American Attn: Darlene Fields §§ 47-1361 through 1377, 441 4th Street, NW et seq., or answer the Law Reporter Barbara A Thompson Address Unknown




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14:47:54 EDT 2017

NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONECOURT NO.:____________________________________________ SUPERIOR OF THE DISTRICT OF CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION (Room, Apt., House, etc.) Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 INSERTION DATE:_________________ TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:50:00 EDT 2017 Foreign No.

TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:50:22 EDT 2017

2017FEP77 Date of Death Superior Court of July 8, 2006 the Lawrence P Jones District of Columbia Decedent PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE OF Legal Advertising Rates Washington, D.C. APPOINTMENT 20001-2131 Effective October 1, 2008 OF FOREIGN Administration No. PERSONAL TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:49:33 EDT 2017 2017ADM929 REPRESENTATIVE Sadie Vivian Johnson AND PROBATE DIVISION Decedent NOTICE TO Superior Court of (Estates) Thomas P Hartnett, CREDITORS the District of Lydia Jones-Nunn and Esq 202-332-0080 Columbia Laureen Mullins whose 209 Pennsylvania Ave. PROBATE DIVISION SE address is 6200 Targon PROBATE NOTICES Washington, D.C. Court Ft., Washington, Washington, DC 20001-2131 Attorney MD 20744 was apNo. $180.00 per 3 weeks NOTICE OF $ 60 per Administration pointed personal reprea. Order Nisi insertion 2017ADM944 APPOINTMENT, sentative of the estate of b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion Sarina Renee Turner NOTICE TO Lawrence P Jones, AKA CREDITORS decease by the c. Notice toOrphan’s Creditors Sabrina R Turner AND NOTICE TO Court for Prince TYPESET: Sep 06 14:50:46 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3Wed weeks Decedent UNKNOWN HEIRS George’s County, State William A Bland of Maryland, on May 18, Donald Johnson, whose 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks address is 2942 E Cap- 80 M Street SE# 330 2017, d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion DC 20003 $360.00 per 6COURT weeksOF SUPERIOR Washington, Service of process may tive Drive, Douglasville, THE DISTRICT OF GA, 30135 wasappoin- Attorney bee.made upon Philip J Standard Probates $125.00 COLUMBIA NOTICE OF ted personal representaMullins, 4538 Eads PROBATE DIVISION APPOINTMENT, Place, NE, Washington, tive of the estate of Sadie Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO whoNOTICES DC 20019 whose des- Vivian Johnson, CIVIL 20001-2131 CREDITORS ignation as District of died on August 14, 2016 Foreign No. AND NOTICE TO without a will, and will a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 $ 80.00 Columbia agent has 2017FEP98 UNKNOWN HEIRS been filed with the Regis- serve with Court superviProperty Date of Death sion. All unknown heirs J a s m i n e N T u r n e r, $ 200.00 terb. of Real Wills, D.C. March 14, 2013 The decedent owned the a n d h e i r s w h o s e whose address is 622 Jonathan D Watts f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f whereabouts are un- S o u t h e r n A v e . S E , Decedent Washington, DC 20032, FAMILY COURT Colombia real property: known shall enter their NOTICE OF was appointed personal appearance in this Undeveloped Lot, 202-879-1212 APPOINTMENT Square 5132, Lot 30, in proceeding. Objections representative of the OF FOREIGN estate of Sabrina Renee to suchDOMESTIC appointment RELATIONS NE PERSONAL Claims against the de- shall be filed with the Turner AKA Sabrina R 202-879-0157 REPRESENTATIVE cedent may be pre- Register of Wills, D.C., Turnee , who died on AND June 8, 2017 with a will, sented to the under- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd NOTICE TO signed and filed with the Floor Washington, D.C. and will serve without CREDITORS Register of Wills for the 20001, on or before Court supervision. All un- $ 150.00 a. Absent Defendant Cheryl Maxwell whose March 1, 2018. Claims known heirs and heirs District of Columbia, b. Absolute Divorce $ 150.00 address is 5604 Linwood against the decedent whose whereabouts are Building A, 515 5th Court , Lanham MD Street, NW, 3rdDivorce Floor- shall be presented to the unknown shall enter their $150.00 c. Custody 20706 was appointed a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s undersigned with a copy Washington, D.C. 20001 personal representative within 6 months from the to the Register of Wills or proceeding. Objections of the estate of Johdate of first publication of filed with the Register of to such appointment (or To place your ad, call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & up, denathan D Watts Wills with a copy to the to the probate of dethis notice. ceased by the Orphan’s cedent´s will) are shall$24.84 be undersigned, on or beLaureen J. Mullins on depending size, Baltimore Legal Notices per inch. Court for Prince Georges Lydia C. Jones-Nunn fore March 1, 2018, or be filed with the Register of C o u n t y, S t a t e o f Wills, 892 D.C., 515 5th Persons (AFRO) Personal forever barred.1-800 Maryland, on October Representative(s) believed to be heirs or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor For Proof of Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 10, 2013 TRUE TEST COPY legatees of the decedent W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Service of process may REGISTER OF WILLS who do not receive a 20001, on or before 14:50:22 EDT 2017 be made upon Lawrence copy of this notice by mail March 1, 2018. Claims Date of first publication: Ward 3447 24th Street, within 25 days of its first against the decedent September 1, 2017 SE, Washington, DC shall be presented to the publication shall so inLEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Name of NOTICES newspapers LEGAL whose designation as undersigned with a copy form the Register of and/or periodical: District of Columbia The Daily Washington Wills, including name, to the Register of Wills or agent has been filed with address and relation- filed with the Register of Law Reporter Wills with a copy to the the Register of Wills, ship. The Afro-American undersigned, on or beD.C. Date of Publication: fore March 1, 2018, or be The decedent owned the September 1, 2017 TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:50:00 EDT 2017 forever barred. Persons following District of Name of newspaper: 09/1, 09/8, 09/15/17 believed to be heirs or Colombia real property: Afro-American legatees of the decedent 3428 24th Street, SE, Washington who do not receive a Washington, DC Superior Court of Law Reporter Claims against the dethe Donald Johnson copy of this notice by mail cedent may be preDistrict of Columbia Personal within 25 days of its first sented to the underPROBATE DIVISION Representative publication shall so inform the Register of signed and filed with the Washington, D.C. Wills, including name, Register of Wills for the 20001-2131 TRUE TEST COPY address and relationDistrict of Columbia, Administration No. REGISTER OF WILLS TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:49:33 EDT 2017 ship. Building A, 515 5th 2017ADM929 Date of Publication: Street, NW, 3rd FloorSadie Vivian Johnson 09/1, 09/8, 09/15/17 September 1, 2017 Washington, D.C. 20001 Decedent Name of newspaper: within 6 months from the Thomas P Hartnett, Superior Court of Afro-American date of first publication of Esq the District of Washington this notice. 209 Pennsylvania Ave. Columbia Law Reporter Cheryl Maxwell SE PROBATE DIVISION Jasmine N Turner Personal Washington, DC Washington, D.C. Personal Representative(s) Attorney 20001-2131 Representative TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE OF Administration No. REGISTER OF WILLS APPOINTMENT, 2017ADM944 TRUE TEST COPY Date of first publication: NOTICE TO Sarina Renee Turner REGISTER OF WILLS September 1, 2017 CREDITORS AKA Name of newspapers AND NOTICE TO Sabrina R Turner TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:50:46 EDT 2017 09/1, 09/8, 09/15/17 and/or periodical: UNKNOWN HEIRS Decedent The Daily Washington Donald Johnson, whose William A Bland Law Reporter address is 2942 E Cap- 80 M Street SE# 330 The Afro-American tive Drive, Douglasville, Washington, DC 20003 SUPERIOR COURT OF 09/1/, 09/8/, 09/15/17 GA, 30135 wasappoin- Attorney THE DISTRICT OF ted personal representaCOLUMBIA NOTICE OF tive of the estate of Sadie PROBATE DIVISION APPOINTMENT, Vivian Johnson, who Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO died on August 14, 2016 20001-2131 CREDITORS without a will, and will Foreign No. AND NOTICE TO serve with Court supervi2017FEP98 UNKNOWN HEIRS sion. All unknown heirs J a s m i n e N T u r n e r, Date of Death a n d h e i r s w h o s e whose address is 622 March 14, 2013 whereabouts are un- S o u t h e r n A v e . S E , Jonathan D Watts known shall enter their Washington, DC 20032, Decedent appearance in this NOTICE OF was appointed personal proceeding. Objections representative of the APPOINTMENT to such appointment estate of Sabrina Renee OF FOREIGN shall be filed with the Turner AKA Sabrina R PERSONAL Register of Wills, D.C., Turnee , who died on REPRESENTATIVE 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd June 8, 2017 with a will, AND Floor Washington, D.C. and will serve without NOTICE TO 20001, on or before Court supervision. All unCREDITORS March 1, 2018. Claims known heirs and heirs Cheryl Maxwell whose against the decedent whose whereabouts are address is 5604 Linwood shall be presented to the unknown shall enter their Court , Lanham MD undersigned with a copy a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s 20706 was appointed to the Register of Wills or proceeding. Objections personal representative filed with the Register of to such appointment (or of the estate of JohWills with a copy to the to the probate of de- nathan D Watts , deundersigned, on or be- cedent´s will) shall be ceased by the Orphan’s fore March 1, 2018, or be filed with the Register of Court for Prince Georges forever barred. Persons Wills, D.C., 515 5th C o u n t y, S t a t e o f believed to be heirs or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Maryland, on October legatees of the decedent W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 10, 2013 who do not receive a 20001, on or before Service of process may copy of this notice by mail March 1, 2018. Claims be made upon Lawrence within 25 days of its first against the decedent Ward 3447 24th Street, publication shall so in- shall be presented to the SE, Washington, DC form the Register of undersigned with a copy whose designation as Wills, including name, to the Register of Wills or District of Columbia address and relation- filed with the Register of agent has been filed with ship. Wills with a copy to the the Register of Wills, Date of Publication: undersigned, on or be- D.C. September 1, 2017 fore March 1, 2018, or be The decedent owned the



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The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017



William A Bland Esq 80 M Street SE #330 Washington, DC 20003 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:40:19 EDT HEIRS 2017 LEGAL NOTICES Jasmine N Turner , LEGAL NOTICES whose addressis 622 Southern Ave, SE, Superior Court of Washington, DC 20032 , the was appointed personal District of Columbia representative of the PROBATE DIVISION estate of Sabrina Renee Washington, D.C. Turner AKA Sabrina R 20001-2131 Turner , who died on Administration No. June 8, 2017 without a 2017ADM001003 will, and will serve with/ Yvonne M Pitts without Court superviAKA Yvonne Marie Price sion. All unknown heirs and heirs whose Pitts whereabouts are unDecedent Constance G Starks known shall enter their appearance in this Esq 7053 Western Avenue proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or NW Washington, DC 20015 to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be Attorney filed with the Register of NOTICE OF Wills, D.C., 515 5th APPOINTMENT, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor NOTICE TO Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . CREDITORS 20001, on or before AND NOTICE TO March 8, 2018. Claims UNKNOWN HEIRS Ronald G. Pitts , whose against the decedent address is 601 E Tan- shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy tallon Drive, Fort Washington, MD 20744 to the Register of Wills or was appointed personal filed with the Register of representative of the Wills with a copy to the estate of Yvonne M Pitts undersigned, on or beAKA Yvonne Marie Price fore March 8, 2018, or be Pitts, who died on July forever barred. Persons 12, 2017 with a will, and believed to be heirs or will serve without Court legatees of the decedent supervision. All unknown who do not receive a heirs and heirs whose copy of this notice by mail whereabouts are un- within 25 days of its first known shall enter their publication shall so ina p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s form the Register of proceeding. Objections Wills, including name, to such appointment (or address and relationto the probate of de- ship. cedent´s will) shall be Date of Publication: filed with the Register of September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Afro-American Washington Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before Law Reporter September 8, 2017 March 8, 2018. Claims Personal against the decedent Representative shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or TRUE TEST COPY filed with the Register of REGISTER OF WILLS Wills with a copy to the TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 undersigned, on or be- 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 fore March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons Superior Court of believed to be heirs or the legatees of the decedent District of Columbia who do not receive a PROBATE DIVISION copy of this notice by mail Washington, D.C. within 25 days of its first 20001-2131 publication shall so inAdministration No. form the Register of 2017ADM986 Wills, including name, G e n o v e v a E u g e n i a address and relation- Stano ship. Decedent Date of Publication: Phillip E Stano September 8, 2017 Eversheds Sutherland Name of newspaper: (US) LLP Afro-American 700 Sixth Street NW, Washington Suite 700 Law Reporter Washington, DC 20001 Ronald G Pitts Attorney Personal NOTICE OF Representative APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO TRUE TEST COPY CREDITORS REGISTER OF WILLS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN TYPESET: Sep 06 14:42:00 EDT HEIRS 2017 09/08, 09/15,Wed 09/22/17 Philip E Stano, whose address is 13311 Deerbrook Drive, Potomac, Superior Court of MD 20854, was apthe pointed personal repreDistrict of Columbia sentative of the estate of PROBATE DIVISION Genoveva Eugenia Washington, D.C. Stano, who died on April 20001-2131 6, 2017 without a will, Administration No. and will serve without 2017ADM000310 Court supervision. All unGedell Weathers known heirs and heirs Decedent whose whereabouts are Jeanne K Aelion Esq unknown shall enter their 6915 Laurel Bowie appearance in this Road St 201 proceeding. Objections Bowie, MD 20715 to such appointment (or Attorney to the probate of deNOTICE OF cedent´s will) shall be APPOINTMENT, filed with the Register of NOTICE TO Wills, D.C., 515 5th CREDITORS Street, N.W., 3rd Floor AND NOTICE TO Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . UNKNOWN HEIRS 20001, on or before Jeanne K Aelion, whose March 8, 2018. Claims address is 6915 Laurel against the decedent Bowie Road, Ste 201, shall be presented to the Bowie, MD 20715 was undersigned with a copy appointed personal reto the Register of Wills or presentative of the estate filed with the Register of of Gedell Weathers , who Wills with a copy to the died on December 5, undersigned, on or be2009 without a will, and fore March 8, 2018, or be will serve with Court suforever barred. Persons pervision. All unknown believed to be heirs or heirs and heirs whose legatees of the decedent where-abouts are unwho do not receive a known shall enter their copy of this notice by mail appearance in this within 25 days of its first proceeding. Objections publication shall so into such appointment (or form the Register of to the probate of deWills, including name, cedent´s will) shall be address and relationfiled with the Register of ship. Wills, D.C., 515 5th Date of Publication: Street, N.W., 3rd Floor September 8, 2017 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Name of newspaper: 20001, on or before Afro-American March 8, 2018. Claims Washington against the decedent Law Reporter shall be presented to the Phillip E Stano undersigned with a copy Personal to the Register of Wills or Representative filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the TRUE TEST COPY undersigned, on or beREGISTER OF WILLS fore March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a Superior Court of copy of this notice by mail the District of within 25 days of its first District of Columbia publication shall so inPROBATE DIVISION form the Register of Washington, D.C. Wills, including name, 20001-2131 address and relationAdministration No. ship. 2017ADM982 Date of Publication: Robert L Murray September 8, 2017 Decedent Name of newspaper: Stephenson F Harvey Afro-American Jr. Esq Washington P.O. Box 434, Law Reporter Dunkirk MD 20754 Jeanne K Aelion Attorney Personal NOTICE OF Representative APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO TRUE TEST COPY CREDITORS REGISTER OF WILLS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:40:44 EDT HEIRS 2017 09/08, 09/15, 09/22/17 Charles A Murray , whose address is 1232 E St. NE, Washington, DC Superior Court of 20002 was, appointed the District of personalrepresentative District of Columbia of the estate of Robert L PROBATE DIVISION Murray, who died on July Washington, D.C. 11, 2007 without a will, 20001-2131 and will serve with Court Administration No. supervision. All unknown 2017ADM944 heirs and heirs whose Sabrina Renee Turner whereabouts are unAKA known shall enter their Sabrina R Turner appearance in this Decedent proceeding. Objections William A Bland Esq to such appointment 80 M Street SE #330 shall be filed with the Washington, DC 20003 Register of Wills, D.C., Attorney 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd NOTICE OF Floor Washington, D.C. APPOINTMENT, 20001, on or before NOTICE TO March 8, 2018. Claims CREDITORS against the decedent AND NOTICE TO shall be presented to the UNKNOWN HEIRS Jasmine N Turner , undersigned with a copy whose addressis 622 to the Register of Wills or S o u t h e r n A v e , S E , filed with the Register of Washington, DC 20032 , Wills with a copy to the was appointed personal undersigned, on or berepresentative of the fore March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons

proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the LEGAL NOTICES undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Charles A Murray Personal Representative

estate of Charles P. Robison, Sr., deceased by the Orphan’s Court for Montgomery County, State of Maryland, on August 15, 2017. Service of process may be made upon Aaron E Price Sr. Esq, 717 D St., TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:42:47 EDT 2017 NW, #300 Washington LEGAL NOTICES DC LEGAL 20004 NOTICES whose designation as District of Columbia agent has Superior Court of been filed with the Registhe ter of Wills, D.C. District of Columbia The decedent owned the PROBATE DIVISION following District of Washington, D.C. Colombia real property: 20001-2131 3017 Otis St. , NE, Administration No. Washington., DC 20018 2017ADM387 Claims against the deLucille Tolliver cedent may be preDecedent sented to the underMarquita Moye 504 Brummel Court, signed and filed with the Register of Wills for the NW District of Columbia, 500 Washington, DC 20012 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Attorney Washington, D.C. 20001 NOTICE OF within 6 months from the APPOINTMENT, date of first publication of NOTICE TO this notice. CREDITORS Jane R. L. Robinson AND NOTICE TO Personal UNKNOWN HEIRS Representative Marquita Moye , whose TRUE TEST COPY address is 504 Brummel REGISTER OF WILLS Court, NW, Washington, Date of first publication: DC 20012 , was apTRUE TEST COPY pointed personal repre- September 8, 2017 REGISTER OF WILLS sentative of the estate of Name of newspapers Lucille Tolliver, who died and/or periodical: TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:44:43 EDT 10, 2017 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 on February 2016 The Daily Washington (with, without) a will, and Law Reporter will serve (with, without) The Afro-American TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:46:36 EDT 2017 Superior Court of Court supervision. All un- 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 the known heirs and heirs District of Columbia whose whereabouts are Superior Court of PROBATE DIVISION unknown shall enter their the District of Washington, D.C. appearance in this District of Columbia 20001-2131 proceeding. Objections PROBATE DIVISION Administration No. to such appointment (or Washington, D.C. 2017ADM0105 to the probate of de20001-2131 Annie E Barnes cedent´s will) shall be Administration No. AKA filed with the Register of 2017ADM966 Annie Barnes Wills, D.C., 515 5th Decedent Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Reginald Brown Decedent NOTICE OF Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, 20001, on or before APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO March 8, 2018. Claims NOTICE TO CREDITORS against the decedent CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO shall be presented to the AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS undersigned with a copy UNKNOWN HEIRS Dellas G Wilson, whose to the Register of Wills or J a c queline Brown , address is 3406 10th filed with the Register of Street, NE, Washington, Wills with a copy to the whose address is 6309 DC 20017, was apundersigned, on or be- L o n g f e l l o w S t r e e t , pointed personal repre- fore March 8, 2018, or be Riverdale, MD 20737, sentative of the estate of forever barred. Persons was appointed personal Annie E Barnes AKA An- believed to be heirs or representative of the nie Barnes , who died on legatees of the decedent e s t a t e o f R e g i n a l d 14:41:09 EDT 2017 December 3, 2016 with a who do not receive a Brown, who died on July will, and will serve with- copy of this notice by mail 24, 2017 without a will, out Court supervision. All within 25 days of its first and will serve without unknown heirs and heirs publication shall so in- Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are form the Register of unknown shall enter their Wills, including name, whose whereabouts are appearance in this address and relation- unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections ship. proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or Date of Publication: to such appointment to the probate of de- XXXX shall be filed with the cedent´s will) shall be Name of newspaper: Register of Wills, D.C., filed with the Register of Afro-American 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Wills, D.C., 515 5th Washington Law ReFloor Washington, D.C. Street, N.W., 3rd Floor porter Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . XXXX 20001, on or before 20001, on or before Personal Representative March 8, 2017. Claims against the decedent March 8, 2018. Claims shall be presented to the against the decedent TRUE TEST COPY undersigned with a copy shall be presented to the REGISTER TYPESET: OF Wed Sep 06 14:46:14 EDT 2017 WILLS to the Register of Wills or undersigned with a copy filed with the Register of to the Register of Wills or Wills with a copy to the filed with the Register of Superior Court of undersigned, on or beWills with a copy to the the fore March 8, 2017, or be undersigned, on or beDistrict of Columbia forever barred. Persons fore March 8, 2018, or be PROBATE DIVISION believed to be heirs or forever barred. Persons Washington, D.C. legatees of the decedent believed to be heirs or 20001-2131 who do not receive a legatees of the decedent Administration No. copy of this notice by mail who do not receive a 2017ADM575 within 25 days of its first copy of this notice by mail Ronald K Ballard publication shall so inwithin 25 days of its first Decedent form the Register of publication shall so inNOTICE OF Wills, including name, form the Register of APPOINTMENT, address and relationWills, including name, NOTICE TO ship. address and relationCREDITORS Date of Publication: ship. AND NOTICE TO September 8, 2017 Date of Publication: UNKNOWN HEIRS September 8, 2017 Donald G. Ballard , Name of newspaper: Name of newspaper: whose address is 306 Afro-American Washington Afro-American Grenadie Dr., Ruther Washington Glen, VA 22546, was ap- Law Reporter Jacqueline Brown Law Reporter pointed personal reprePersonal Dellas G Wilson sentative of the estate of Representative Personal Ronald K Ballard, who Representative died on March 11, 2016 with a will, and will ser- TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY vewithout Court supervi- REGISTER OF WILLS REGISTER OF WILLS sion. All unknown heirs Sep 06 14:42:23 EDT 2017 09/8, 09/15, Wed 09/22/17 a n d h e i r s w h o s e TYPESET: TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:43:13 EDT 2017 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 whereabouts are unknown shall enter their Superior Court of appearance in this the Superior Court of proceeding. Objections District of Columbia the to such appointment (or PROBATE DIVISION District of Columbia to the probate of deWashington, D.C. PROBATE DIVISION cedent´s will) shall be 20001-2131 Washington, D.C. filed with the Register of Administration No. 20001-2131 Wills, D.C., 515 5th 2011ADM1027 Administration No. Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Ernestine Whiting 2017ADM979 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . James Frederick Mor- 20001, on or before Decedent ris Jr. March 8, 2018. Claims Erick R Tyrone Esq; Decedent against the decedent The Tyrone Law Group Jamison B Taylor shall be presented to the LLC 1218 11th St. NW undersigned with a copy 9701 Apollo Drive Suite Washington, DC 20001 to the Register of Wills or 100 Attorney filed with the Register of Largo, MD 20774 NOTICE OF Wills with a copy to the Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, undersigned, on or beAPPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO fore March 8, 2018, or be NOTICE TO CREDITORS forever barred. Persons CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO believed to be heirs or AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS legatees of the decedent UNKNOWN HEIRS Anna B Murray , whose who do not receive a Steven Whiting , whose address is 1520 Upshur copy of this notice by mail St. NW, Washington, DC within 25 days of its first address is 10514 Nast 20011, was appointed publication shall so in- Drive, Cheltenham, MD 20623, was appointed personal representative form the Register of of the estate of James Wills, including name, personal representative Frederick Morris Jr., who address and relation- of the estate of May 26, 2008, who died on May died on February 16, ship. 26, 2008 without a will, 2017 without a will, and Date of Publication: and will serve without will serve without Court September 8, 2017 Court supervision. All unsupervision. All unknown 14:44:03 EDT 2017 Name of newspaper: known heirs and heirs heirs and heirs whose Afro-American whose whereabouts are whereabouts are un- Washington unknown shall enter their known shall enter their Law Reporter appearance in this Donald G Ballard a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s proceeding. Objections Personal proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or Representative to such appointment (or to the probate of deto the probate of decedent´s will) shall be cedent´s will) shall be TRUE TEST COPY filed with the Register of filed with the Register of REGISTER OF WILLS Wills, D.C., Wills, D.C., 515 5th TYPESET: Wed Sep 06 14:47:26 EDT 515 20175th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before SUPERIOR COURT OF 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims March 18, 2018. Claims THE DISTRICT OF against the decedent against the decedent COLUMBIA shall be presented to the shall be presented to the PROBATE DIVISION undersigned with a copy undersigned with a copy Washington, D.C. to the Register of Wills or to the Register of Wills or 20001-2131 filed with the Register of filed with the Register of Foreign No. Wills with a copy to the Wills with a copy to the 2017FEP000099 undersigned, on or beundersigned, on or beDate of Death fore March 8, 2018, or be fore March 18, 2018, or June 16, 2017 forever barred. Persons be forever barred. Per- Charles P Robison Sr. believed to be heirs or sons believed to be heirs Decedent legatees of the decedent or legatees of the deNOTICE OF who do not receive a cedent who do not reAPPOINTMENT copy of this notice by mail ceive a copy of this notice OF FOREIGN within 25 days of its first by mail within 25 days of PERSONAL publication shall so inits first publication shall REPRESENTATIVE form the Register of so inform the Register of AND Wills, including name, Wills, including name, NOTICE TO address and relationaddress and relationCREDITORS ship. J a n e R . L R o b i s o n ship. Date of Publication: whose address is 11200 Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Lockwood Dr. Apt. 1110 September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: was appointed personal Name of newspaper: Afro-American representative of the Afro-American Washington estate of Charles P. Washington Law Reporter Robison, Sr., deceased Law Reporter Steven Whiting Anna R Murray by the Orphan’s Court for Personal Personal Montgomery County, Representative Representative State of Maryland, on August 15, 2017. TRUE TEST COPY Service of process may TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS be made upon Aaron E REGISTER OF WILLS Price Sr. Esq, 717 D St., 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 NW, #300 Washington 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17

September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017, The Afro-American

DC 20004 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of










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September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017, The Afro-American



The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017

categories: lifestyle and fitness, talent, evening gown and on-stage questions and answers. Daphne Lee, a contestant from New Jersey, was crowned Miss Black USA 2017.

Troy A. LeMaileStovall, COO, University of the District of Columbia

The 2017 Miss Black USA Scholarship Pageant was held on Aug. 20 at the University of the District of Columbia Performing Arts Theater in Northwest, Washington, D.C. Twentythree young ladies from across the United States competed in four

Madison Sampson, Miss Black North Carolina US;, Nalini Jones, Miss Black Arizona USA, pageant winner; Daphne Lee, Miss Black New Jersey USA; Allison Knox, Miss Black Illinois USA and Shaunii Rawls, Miss Black Georgia USA

Kennetra Searcy, Mrs. Black USA 2017; Daphne Lee, winner, Miss Black USA 2017; Tonille Watkins, Miss Black USA 2016 and Angela Pierre-Louis, Miss Black USA Talented Teen 2017

Emcees: Madison Gibbs, Miss Black USA 2015 and Landau Eugene Murphy Jr., winner, America Got Talent

The judges: Alpha Tyler, Steve Bagges, Daphne Lee, Miss Black USA 2017, Thomas Dortch, Dr. Myla Bennett and Ociella Gibson, Miss Black USA 2011

Question competition with Miaori Amae, Miss Black Virginia 2017 contestant

Tonille Watkins, Miss Black USA 2016 saying farewell

Karen Arrington, founder and CEO, Miss Black USA Scholarship Pageant and Demitrea Kelley

Photos by Rob Roberts

Frances Curtis Johnson, Miss Senior D.C. 2017; Vene’ LaGon, American Classic Woman of the Year 2016 and Robin Riddick, American Classic Woman of the Year 2017

TV One hosted the D.C. premiere of their original movie, “When Love Kills: The Felicia Blakely Story” on Aug. 14 at the Newton White Mansion in Mitchellville, Md. There was a red carpet arrival followed by a screening and a Q&A with cast members Niatia “Lil’ Mama” Kirkland, Tami Roman and the movie’s Director Tasha Smith. The movie focused on domestic violence, prostitution and crime.

Tasha Smith, cast member and director of the movie, “When Love Kills” and actor, director and producer, Charles Dutton

Teresa Marie, Majic 102.3FM, Urban One

Rev. Dr. George Holmes and Alfred Liggins Sia Finch, Maryland of House of Delegates candidate; Raoul Dennis, Prince George’s Suite Magazine and James Dula

Diana Norfleet and Barry Macon, TV One Photos by Rob Roberts

Jessica Lane; Tia Smith, senior director of programming and production, TV One; and Lori Hall, TV One

Angela Alsobrooks, Prince George’s County state’s attorney and Alfred Liggins, CEO and President of Urban One

LaTanya Butler, senior director, Affiliate Marketing, TV One

Cast members of “When Love Kills:” Tasha Smith, Niatia “Lil Mama” Kirkland and Tami Roman

To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.

September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017, The Afro-American


WASHINGTON-AREA HU Gets First Free Campus Barbershop

Calvin Coolidge H.S. Finally Set for Upgrade

Black Women Impacting D.C.’s Legal Weed Industry

By James Wright Special to the AFRO

By Micha Green Special to the AFRO

One of the District of Columbia’s storied high schools will be upgraded after waiting several years for other institutions to go through the process. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), D.C. Council members Robert White (DAt Large) and Brandon Todd (D-Ward 4) joined D.C. Schools Chancellor Antwan Wilson, community leaders, alumni and students at the groundbreaking of Calvin Coolidge Senior High School on Sept. 1 at the institution’s Northwest campus.

“We’re going to get a brand new Coolidge.”

-D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser

“We’re going to get a brand new Coolidge,” the mayor shouted with a full smile to the applause of 40 people at the school’s front entrance. “When we invest in education, we are investing in the future of our community,” she said. “We heard loud and clear from our Ward 4 students, families, educators and community members that they want a Continued on D2

Courtesy photo

Howard University’s President Wayne A.I. Frederick gets a haircut at the new barbershop located in Charles Drew Hall by Nelson Malden, the former barber to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO Nicholas Gentry said he knows all too well about the challenges of being a broke college student. Gentry, from Odessa, Texas, became a Howard Bison three years ago, and says he has become intimately familiar with ramen noodle recipes, 2-for-1 restaurant specials, and borrowing his roommates’ books to stay on budget. One thing Gentry will not have to forego in future, though, is a fresh . . . and free haircut. On Aug. 25, Howard’s Charles Drew Hall cut the ribbon on a new barbershop, installed to provide free haircuts to students whose budgets occasionally fail to cover grooming. The facility, which will open for 15 hours each week, also provides a mentorship program for aspiring entrepreneurs from Howard alumnus LaMont Russell.

“Howard University remains committed to providing exceptional services and experiences to its students,” Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick said in a statement. “This barbershop is an excellent amenity and we appreciate the work Corvias has done to meet our expectations.” In addition to mentorships, the barbershop, along with Corvias, an East Greenwich, R.I.-based organization that partners with higher education and government institutions nationwide to solve their most essential systemic problems, is scheduled to host “Barbershop Talks” on modern issues, informational sessions, and special programs throughout the academic year. “The shop creates a small community within the dormitory that would strengthen ties between students – especially those of us from out of state who don’t meet new people easily,” Gentry told the AFRO. “It is also convenient and free, which Continued on D3

D.C. Leaders Remember Ex-Chief Fulwood By James Wright Special to the AFRO Courtesy of the US District Court for D.C.

The chart breaks down the number of affordable housing units that the DCHA is slating for the redevelopment of Barry Farms as opposed to what was originally there.

Displaced Barry Farm’s Residents Sue DCHA for Loss of Housing By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO Residents of the historic Barry Farm Public Housing development filed a lawsuit against the District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) Aug. 29 in U.S. District Court. The suit alleges the private developers under contract with the Housing Authority have significantly reduced space allotments in redevelopment plans that would effectively displace the complex’s mostly Black tenants. According to a copy of the filing, many residents would “stand to lose their housing because the number of two-, three-, four-, and six-bedroom units that accommodate them will be significantly reduced as part of the planned redevelopment of Barry Farm. Additionally, the tenants say they were led to believe that 1,400 units would be built – with 444 units of varying sizes set aside as public housing – but now are told only 344 public housing units will be built, a loss of 163 (2-, 3-, 4-, and

6)-bedroom units, according to the Washington Lawyers’ Committee. The lawsuit also alleges that “once conditions in a particular unit deteriorated to the point that the unit was uninhabitable, DCHA often pressured tenants to move, without assurances that they would have an enforceable right to return, rather than repair the unit. In the event where residents moved out of their units, DCHA additionally adopted a practice of keeping such units vacant, which allowed a significant number of units at Barry Farm to remain vacant months before HUD approved the demolition. The Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs and Foley & Lardner are representing the tenants. “Now, with redevelopment at hand, families with children stand to be left behind in a manner that is discriminatory and illegal,” Joseph Edmondson, a partner at Foley & Lardner, said in a release. “It appears Barry Farm residents are being written off by the very public Continued on D2

Political and community leaders in the District of Columbia remembered the late Issac Fulwood Jr., a former chief of the city’s police department, as a man who approached his job professionally and loved his hometown and its people. Fulwood died on Sept. 1 of undisclosed causes at the age of 77. D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham tweeted on Sept. 1 about Fulwood’s death. “On behalf of all of the men and women of MPD (Metropolitan Police Department) our heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of Chief Fulwood,” Newsham said. Funeral arrangements weren’t available by press time. Fulwood was born in the Photo courtesy of MPD District on April 28, 1940 and Issac Fulwood Jr. served as graduated from Eastern Senior the District’s police chief High School in 1959. He from 1989-1992. joined the police department in 1964, an institution that was then majority White even though the city had become majority Black nine years earlier. Fulwood started off as a beat cop and worked his way to becoming assistant chief of field operations in 1986. D.C. Mayor Marion Barry appointed Fulwood as the District’s third Black police chief in 1989. Fulwood had an eventful three-year term with a homicide rate in triple digits, the crack epidemic peaking and the arrest of Barry smoking crack in the Vista Hotel on Jan. 18, 1990. Former D.C. Council member Sandy Allen (D-Ward 8) told the AFRO that Fulwood handled a difficult job well.

Continued on D2

As Blacks are trying to pave a way for themselves in the medical cannabis industry, women of color are standing out as significant players in the budding business. “The industry is inundated with White men who profit from the very business that turned Black men into police targets for decades,” Caroline Phillips, founder and steering committee chair of the National Cannabis Festival, told the AFRO. She and Chanda Macias are standouts in the predominantly White industry. “It’s also the war on drugs, as we know, was not about drugs as much as it was about controlling people of color, which has been the internal U.S. war since its establishment by Europeans on foreign land, this land, which belongs to Indigenous people,” said Tattiana Aqeel, a manager at District Growers, a Black

owned marijuana dispensary in Northeast D.C. At 29, Aqeel has worked in the cannabis industry in various capacities in both California and Washington D.C. She said she has found the strength and freedom that comes with working in cannabis. “I want to see more of us in plant medicine as much as I want us to be free,” Ageel told the AFRO. “We have power here, and it is in our innate connection to healing and providing for people to be healed. Growing

“I want to see more of us in plant medicine as much as I want us to be free.” – Tattiana Aqeel and cultivating cannabis is more than profit for us. It’s a lifestyle, it’s a justice, it’s peace.” Kriyyah Abdul, who lives in Southeast D.C., is the owner of We Build U Grow, which assists with indoor and outdoor gardening needs and provides cannibis themed events, such as “Puff and Paint” parties, said she entered the industry after noticing the deficit of Black women in the industry. “That’s partially one of the reasons I wanted to start Continued on D2


The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017


Continued from D1 modernized school that offers rigorous academics and specialized programming. We are confident that when this project is finished, the modernized Coolidge will go above and beyond the expectations of the community.” Coolidge will undergo a full $160 million modernization and as a part of that process, a new middle school will be built on the campus. The facility will reopen in the school year 20192020 and is designed to serve more than 1,100 middle and high school students. Coolidge is named for President Calvin Coolidge

and opened its doors in 1940. Coolidge was predominantly White when it opened and stayed that way until the 1960s, when Blacks began to move into the Takoma neighborhood that it is located in. Coolidge is presently 87 percent Black, 12 percent Latino and one percent White, according to District public school data. Prominent alumni include Washington Informer Publisher Denise Rolark Barnes, former NBA basketball player Kermit Washington, sportscaster Warner Wolf and former Montgomery County Executive Sid Kramer.

The upgrade of Coolidge will include state-of-theart spaces for a new Health Sciences Academy and mass media programs, a child care center, a health center and a new outdoor garden. During the construction, students will be housed in modular units located on the campus. “Through this modernization, we will ensure that our students have access to a safe and welcoming learning environment, expose our students to careers in the medical field and increase opportunities for middle school students,” Wilson said. “I’m thrilled for this investment that will allow

DCPS to continue to expand options to meet the needs of students and families in every corner of our city.” During her speech, Bowser credited Coolidge alum and D.C. resident Terry Goings for his advocacy in modernizing Coolidge. Goings is a 1977 graduate of the school and two of his children are also graduates of the 2006 and 2009 classes. “Terry Goings is worldclass alum and he was singularly focused on modernization,” the mayor said. Goings, in his remarks to the gathering, said it was a tougher-than expected fight

Courtesy photo

Calvin Coolidge Senior High School is slated to be upgraded by 2019. for Coolidge to reach this point. “We have been working on this for the last 15 years,” he said. “This is the last school to be modernized. I honestly don’t know why that is given that this school is located

in a high-medium income neighborhood.” Goings credited the school’s PTA for its activism and the community for its input. He said that Bowser “stuck her neck out there and got the money for us.” Goings told the AFRO that Coolidge was last on the line for modernization because of politics and other schools were in more dire need of renovation. Scot Knickerbocker, an advisory neighborhood commissioner in Ward 4 told the AFRO “the new Coolidge High School means a whole new era for the neighborhood.”

Barry Farm


Continued from D1

Continued from D1 this company, not only because I was a woman, but, of course, African American women, they just aren’t out in this industry like the way that they should be,” Abdul said. Abdul operates her business from her home. Since her spring 2017 opening, Abdul said she found success in helping people start growing marijuana and other plants. She said she noticed, despite their lack of representation, her female clientele tend to be most successful. “A lot of women know how to grow, and they’re actually really good at it. Females are a lot more detail oriented than males so it kind of helps them grow more. I know my customers that grow the best weed are actually women because they listen and they want to read and do other things,” Abdul said.

The 28 year-old gardener and entrepreneur was able to increase her business to making edibles and drinks infused with cannabis by “using every piece of the plant,” she said. Taking Abdul’s lead, many of the women who have come to We Build U Grow, have found ways to expand beyond simply growing marijuana. “And then they’re super clever. They can find different ways to play with marijuana. – Kriyyah Abdul It’s a lot of ladies here that have a lot of edible companies and everything,” Abdul told the AFRO. “For me, Black people have to go harder in anything they do. Period. And because you’re Black and a woman, it just adds an extra element to it. They’re going to go harder than anybody else, so that’s why Black women in this industry do such an amazing job.

“A lot of women know how to grow, and they’re actually really good at it.”

housing administrators with responsibility for providing them with safe and habitable housing in an attempt to clear the property and squelch dissent.” The historic Barry Farm neighborhood is located East of the Anacostia river in – Joseph Edmondson Southeast D.C., along Suitland Parkway. The community dates back to the postbellum period when emancipated Blacks settled there. “The lawsuit seeks the tenants’ rights to return after redevelopment and to ensure unit sizes measure in terms of bedrooms,” said Edmondson. “We allege that this is discriminatory against families with children.” DCHA has not released a response to the lawsuit. On Sept. 6, residents in Ward 8 are holding a press conference and rally to outline steps D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and the city’s government could take to protect lower-income residents against slumlords and displacement.

“Now, with redevelopment at hand, families with children stand to be left behind in a manner that is discriminatory and illegal.”


Continued from D1 “He was first of all a humanitarian,” Allen said. “He really cared about the people and understood the laws and the culture of the District of Columbia. Washington, D.C. was predominantly Black and known as ‘Chocolate City’ at that time. “He was able to guide the police department in a manner that was professional. Plus, he was one of the people he was policing.” Fulwood stepped down in September 1992. After that, he served as an adjunct professor at the University of the District of Columbia, led a youth initiative on behalf of

then D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly and was appointed to the U.S. Parole Commission in 2004 and became its chairman in 2009 before stepping down in 2015.

consummate professional who cared deeply for the city he was raised in. Chief Fulwood made an enormous contribution to the safety of the city during a challenging time, at the height of the crack epidemic.” Anise Jenkins, a D.C. statehood activist and longtime resident of the District said Fulwood was a steady force in the city. “He kept things –Sandy Allen going, “she told the AFRO. “We had trying times in the city at that Fulwood was a resident of time. I had a lot of respect for Ward 7 when he passed away. him, because he was for the “I am saddened to hear people.” of the death of former MPD Ward 8 advisory Chief Isaac Fulwood and neighborhood commissioner extend my condolences to Mary Cuthbert, who also his family,” Ward 7 Council serves as the chairman of the member Vincent Gray said Ward 7 Advisory Council to in a statement. “He was a the MPD, was in office during Fulwood’s term as chief and called him “one of our good police chiefs.” “He will definitely be missed,” Cuthbert told the AFRO. Cuthbert said Fulwood’s credibility in the city was so high that many Blacks didn’t blame him for the arrest of Barry. “People must remember that it was the FBI and the U.S. Attorney who were responsible for that, not Ike,” Data as of Sept. 6 she said. The investigation of Barry started with U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova and the mayor was arrested while Jay Stephens, the man who succeeded DiGenova, was in office. David Clark worked for the MPD for over 26 years before retiring in 2016. He remembered working for Fulwood and said the chief was “a great guy who was very strong and direct.” “He didn’t play around,” Clark told the AFRO. “You knew what you had to do. He wanted you to do your job.”

“He really cared about the people and understood the laws and the culture of the District of Columbia.”




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Past Seven Days


September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017, The Afro-American




The Yards Park, 355 Water Street SE D.C. Kidney Action Day Kidney Action Day will be on Sept. 9, where free health screenings, community resources, live entertainment and family fun will be provided at the Yards Park, 355 Water Street SE, from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. for. Kidney Action Day is free and open to the public. Healthy cooking, fitness demonstrations, kids’ activities and healthy food samples will also be offered at the event along with the KIDNEYNATION Walk. For more information, visit or contact: Chad Stewart at cstewart@ or 301-984-6644. MedStar, Suite 1A-19, 110 Irving Street, NW MedStar and Washington National Eye Center Hosts Eye Care Event One in six Americans over the age of 65 have a vision impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses. Learn about the signs and symptoms of vision loss, as well as steps to help take care of sight at a Low Vision Support Group, sponsored by the Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington and The Washington National Eye Center at MedStar Washington Hospital Center on Sept. 12 from 11 a.m.-12:45 p.m. The event will take place at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Eye Center Conference Room, Suite 1A-19, 110 Irving Street, NW . Dr. Noreen Shaikh, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident, MedStar Washington Hospital will address participants on eye care. To register, call 202-234-1010.

CHURCH EVENTS Washington, D.C.

New Bethel Baptist Church, 1739 9th Street, NW “New Bethel: Extending Grace and Glory”, 115th Anniversary Celebration As part of its 115th anniversary, New Bethel Baptist Church will be holding its “New Bethel: Extending Grace and Glory” celebration from Sept. 7-Sept. 16. The celebration will include sermons by the Rev. Terry Streeter, pastor at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church at noon and the Rev. Matthew Watley, executive minister at Reid Temple D.C. at 7 p.m. on Sept. 7. The sermon is scheduled to take place at New Bethel, located at 1739 9th Street, NW. On Sept. 8 a teen worship service, Even U, is scheduled to take place at 7:30 p.m. Homecoming celebration services with musical guest Tonya Baker are scheduled to be held on Sept. 10 at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. On Sept. 16, The Second Annual Light Point Charity Golf Classic Tournament is scheduled to take place at 7:30 a.m. at Oak Creek Golf, 600 Bowieville Manor Lane in Upper Marlboro, Md. For more information, visit

Alexandria, Va.

909 Queen St. Keep It Real Fridays - Back 2 School Edition Ebenezer Baptist Church, located at 909 Queen St., is scheduled to host “Keep It Real Fridays - Back 2 School Edition” on Sept. 8 from 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Special guests include the CHOP Band and Ebenezer Baptist Church of Baltimore Mime Ministry. School supplies will also be given away.

Landover, Md.

First Baptist Church of Highland Park, 6801 Sheriff Rd. Album Release Concert Gospel artist Charles Butler & Trinity will host an album release concert at First Baptist Church of Highland Park, located at 6801 Sheriff Rd., on Sept. 8 from 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Special guests for the free event include: Sam Roberts & The Levites Assembly, Vincent Bohanan & The Sound of Victory and host JJ Hairston.

Barbershop Continued from D1

helps me immensely.” The total cost of the barbershop, according to a statement from Howard University, was approximately $25,000, with constructions costs covered through institutional investors as part of the University’s partnership with Corvias. Other funding was provided by Rob’s Barbershop Community Foundation (RBCF) – a charitable non-profit for public benefit – which in 2016, operated four grooming projects at agencies in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel County. The projects produced a combined total of 380 haircuts, seven hairstyles, and 39 other

“The shop creates a small community within the dormitory that would strengthen ties between students – especially those of us from out of state who don’t meet new people easily.” – Nicholas Gentry

Riverdale, Md.

6200 Riverdale Rd. Refreshing Spring Church of God in Christ 22nd Pastoral Anniversary Refreshing Spring Church of God in Christ (COGIC), located at 6200 Riverdale Rd., is scheduled to hold the 22nd Pastoral Anniversary from Sept. 13 – 17. The event will honor Bishop Designee James E. Jordan Jr. and First Lady Wilhelmenia Irene Joy Jordan. With over two decades of proven and true leadership, Pastor and First Lady Jordan continue to serve more than 5,000 members and devote their time to bettering the surrounding community. As the political climate continues to plague hearts and minds, Pastor Jordan’s consistent leadership continues to instill steadfast knowledge and purpose for God’s work. In celebration, Refreshing Spring COGIC will host a 3-day commemorative event recognizing his 22year pastoral legacy. This event will also feature Grammy nominated gospel singer Vanessa Bell Armstrong on Sept 17.

hygienic services to a total of 284 individuals. “We discovered that accessibility to ongoing grooming services has been a long-standing concern for students who live on campus,” said Cradle, managing director of RBCF. “Addressing grooming related barriers in our communities is a part of our mission and we are very proud to play a role in providing this service to the student residents at Howard University.” Evan Ellen, community management director with Corvias, said the barbershop constitutes more than mere grooming for students, but a place of learning and fellowship. “The installation of this barbershop goes beyond providing haircuts and grooming services to students,” says Evan Allen, community management director with Corvias. “Historically, barbershops have played an essential role in promoting unity and tradition in our communities, all characteristics that we want to continue to uphold with the residents in Drew and Cook Hall.” The barbershop is only one of several grooming services launched by Howard students and graduates. HausCall – created by Howard graduates Morgan Winbush, Killian Lewis, and Crystal Allen-Washington – allows busy customers to download their app, and book either on-demand or scheduled appointments for haircuts. Lauded as the Uber of Black male hair grooming, users can track their barber to their locations, make payments and leave tips through the app.


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The Afro-American, September 9, 2017 - September 15, 2017



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