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The Afro-American, May 6, 2017 - May 12, 2017

The Greater Baltimore Urban League hosted its 60th annual Whitney M. Young Gala on April 28 at the Baltimore Hilton. Marcus Washington, news anchor with WJZ TV, was the MC. The Growing Griots gave a spoken word and drumming performance. Valisha Andrus was the “Rising Star” honoree. Lisa Phillips was the “Raymond V. Haysbert Sr.” honoree, Brett Kelly and Ben Zandi of Airmall accepted the corporate award. Whitney M. Young Jr. Awardees were Elder C. W. Harris, Kirby Fowler, Keion

Marcus Washington, J. Howard Henderson, Honoree Lisa Phillips, Nikita Haysbert and William Honablew

Carpenter and April Ryan. Valerie Jarrett, former senior advisor to President Barack Obama, was the keynote speaker. J. Howard Henderson is the CEO for GBUL.

Accepting the award for Keion Carpenter, his mother and aunt

Honoree Brett Kelly, vice president, Airmall

Photos by Anderson R. Ward

Dr. Charlene Cooper Boston, Honoree Valerie Jarrett and Afro Columnist Valerie Fraling

Keynote Speaker Valerie Jarrett and J. Howard Henderson, CEO GBUL

Beautillion Scholars: Tajr Coleman, Nassir Holden, Tyrone Figg Jr., Anthony Evans, Travis Jones, Taon Price and Jelani Hipps

The President’s Roundtable, in conjunction with PRT Reach Foundation, sponsored a briefing

on TRUMPONOMICS at the Hotel at Arundel Preserve in Hanover, Md. on April 18.

Doni Glover, Bmore News, Honoree April Ryan, Andrea McDaniels and Zachary McDaniels

Gerald Stansbury, president of Maryland State NAACP and Wandra Ashley-Williams Vice President Maryland State NAACP

and Jem Pagan, director, Technology Strategy JNK Securities. Discussion focused on how businesses might have to operate under the Trump Administration.

Robert L.Wallace, chairman of The President’s Roundtable and CEO of BITHGROUP Technologies welcomed CEO’s and businesses leaders. The panelist were August J.Chiasera,

regional president M&T Bank, Mike Gill, Maryland Department of Commerce, Larry N. McKenney, president of LNM Innovative Healthcare Solutions

Larry N.McKenney, August J. Chiasera, Robert Wallace, Jen Pagan

Jeff Hargrave President/CEO Mahogany and Coretta L.Bennett, Leed AP BD+C Chief Operating Officer

Jake Oliver, CEO and Publisher of the Afro American Newspapers and Stanley W. Tucker President Meridan Management Group

John R. Brown, JR Brown & Associates LLC and Norman Farooqi, Vice President Sr. Banking Capital One Bank

Keynote Speaker Valerie Jarrett and Jake Oliver,AFRO CEO and Publisher

Alonza E. Williams, the Maryland House of Delegates, Cheryl G. Williams Lutheran World Relief, Floyd Smith Assistant Vice President Business Banking M&T Bank and Mike Gill Maryland Department of Commerce

Cora H. Williams, President & CEO Ideal Electric and Sheila Brooks, CEO SRB Communications

Photos by James Fields Sr.

Honoree Valisha Andrus and Charles Jackson

Charles R. Conner III, Baltimore Regional Director Chris Van Hollen Office

Rajan Natarajan,PhD.,MBA President Technogen Inc. and Robert Wallace Chair,The President’s Round Table

John R. Brown President & CEO JR Brown & Associates, Robert Wallace and Douglas E. Moore TDMG,LLC

To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.


The Afro-American, May 6, 2017 - May 12, 2017

Brenda AtkinsonWilloughby, David Smith, eighth grade first place winner from School Without Walls at Francis Stevens

Brenda Atkinson-Willoughby and Simone J. Frederick present flowers to Keynote speaker Morowa Yejide

Jacqueline Dunmore-Griffith (far left) and Morowa Yejide (center) with award winners: Nathaniel Potts, Juwan Young, Troy Johnson, David Smith, Donshanay Brown and Karina Turner

Members of the Metropolitan District of Columbia Chapter of The Links

On April 8, six young writers were recognized by the Metropolitan D.C. Chapter of the Links during its 35th Maliik and Eunice Annual Dr. Jean Mosee – Young Writers Awards Turner with their daughter, Karina, 2nd Luncheon at Howard University’s place eighth Blackburn Center. Each winner grade winner received a prize package that included cash scholarships ranging up to $400. More than 2,000 students have participated over the life of the program, which was created in 1982 to encourage Anthony and Patricia Potts with their son Nathaniel (center), first place winner from writing among Sidwell Friends High School middle and high school students, especially students of color, and to publicly recognize their literary Jacqueline Jana Le’Madry talents. Dunmore-Griffith, Taylor, emcee

Scholarship Committee with scholarship winners

Photos by Rob Roberts

Eloise Foster

Links chapter president

Wanda Rogers, Kathy McElroy, Terry Rogers and Maya Mann

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s Gamma Pi chapter held its annual Mardi Gras Extravaganza at the Gaylord National Hotel and Conference Center at the National Harbor in Maryland. on March 25. More than 1,000 brothers and their friends and families attended. The function raised funds for social action programs in conjunction with the Friendship Charities Foundation. It also provided an opportunity to award retiring Bowie State University President Mickey Burnim – a brother -- with a proclamation of his service to Bowie State University, the Prince George’s County community and higher education.

Mardi Gras Costume Parade

Lucien Cox and Anthony Lee present award to Mickley L. Burnim, president, Bowie State University John Robinson and his wife Audrey, Best Quette costume winner

Omega stepping

Kirk and Kay Weems with Kym Howard and Trevor Hamilton

Stephanie Lock, Kathy Boykins and Kim Blaney Bivings

(L to R) Anthony Lee, chapter basileus, Robert Swann, event chair and Rodney Beverly, event co-chair with Prince George’s County Council Chair Derrick Leon Davis

Cynthia Martin and Donna White Fowler

Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Foy

Calvin Hawkins, candidate for Prince George’s County Council, Prince George’s County States Attorney Angela Alsobrooks and Edgar Brookins, D.C. general manager Afro American Newspapers

Just friend’s Band Roland Jones, Andrea L. Royal, and Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, III

Photos by Rob Roberts

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