PG County 9-22-2017

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November 12, 2016 - November 12, 2016, The Afro-American A1 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY EDITION

Volume 126 No. 8

SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 - SEPTEMBER 29, 2017



Senior Guide A8

• Key’s Statue Will Remain, Despite Tarnished Legacy


Prince George’s

Ashleigh Murray Brings Heat to ‘Riverdale’


Welcome to Middle-America Photo Courtesy Kelsey Bardwell via AP

Two racially charged billboard signs have been removed at the request of a north Arkansas property owner. Carrie Myers says that when she leased the billboards three years ago she didn’t imagine they would have messages such as “Diversity is a code word for white genocide.” The signs were taken down after Attorney Cathy Golden and colleague Kelsey Bardwell found the permits for the signage had expired.

• Remembering

Dick Gregory


Annual Black Caucus Conference Pushes Black Progress


the over


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By Hamil Harris Special to the AFRO Using the theme “And Still I Rise,” which notes that despite racial inequalities Blacks continue to advance in the United States and around the world, thousands are expected to attend the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 47th Annual Legislative Conference, which runs until Sept. 24 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Northwest D.C.

At one time there were only a few Blacks among the 435 members of Congress and for many years there were only about two dozen. But On Jan. 2, 2017, 49 Black lawmakers, which include three United States Senators, were sworn into the 115th Congress, marking a political milestone for the descendants of slaves who occupy seats in the Senate and the House as Democrats and Republicans. “The ALC is a central platform which aims to

Md. Rep. Brown Takes On Confederate ‘Symbol of Hate’ By Kristin Gray Special to the AFRO

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Md. Rep. Anthony Brown

Nearly 150 years after his death, confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee remains a polarizing figure in America’s prolonged discussion about race. The nationwide rush to purge statues of the Army commander have intensified since White neo-Nazis

Continued on A3

CBC Embraces New SinglePayer Health Care Bills By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Bills by U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) that would create a single-payer health care system in the United States are supported by most Congressional Black Caucus members.

While the Republicandriven debate focuses on dismantling the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, most members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) support the program initiated by President Barack Obama, but some would like to take it one step further. On Sept. 17, Conyers

Courtesy photo

Political analyst Angela Rye interviewed Sen. Corey Booker (D-NJ) on stage at the start of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 47th Annual Legislative Conference.

address the challenging realities facing African Americans by fostering debate, innovative thinking and forging consensus on ways forward for those who historically have not been well served in our communities,” said CBCF president and CEO A. Shuanise Washington in a statement. Indeed, the politicians who represent Black America will be among the more than 10,000 people who are in the nation’s capitol for numerous issue forums, gatherings and parties, including the conference’s annual prayer breakfast and Phoenix Awards Dinner on Sept. 23. And after eight years with President Barack Obama, Continued on A3

The National Museum of African American History and Culture celebrates its one-year anniversary in Washington, D.C. Sept. 23–24. The idea of a national African American museum in Washington was first proposed by Black Civil War veterans in 1915. In 1929, President Calvin Coolidge would sign legislation paving the way for museum to be built. It took many stops and starts before the process of putting a museum together finally began in 2003. The below article relays a letter President Coolidge sent to a Harlem church praising African American’s historic progress since the end of slavery.

AFRO Archived History

Tribute by Coolidge to Our Progress Continued on A2 Letter Read in Harlem Church Says Race Has Right to Feel Proud Jan. 24, 1924 New York, Jan. 3—“The marvelous progress which the colored race in America has made since it achieved liberty” brought the congratulations of President Coolidge in a letter read Sunday at an Emancipation Day celebration in the Salem Methodist Episcopal Church. The letter, addressed to Cleveland G. Allen Continued on A3

Continued on A4

Copyright © 2017 by the Afro-American Company


The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017

NATION & WORLD Convicted Church Killer Dylann Roof Wants to Fire Jewish, Indian Lawyers

Grace Beahm/The Post And Courier via AP

Dylann Roof, a White supremacist who was sentenced to death in the 2015 massacre of nine Black worshippers, has told a federal appeals court he wants to fire his appellate attorneys because one of them is Jewish and the other is Indian. By The Associated Press A White supremacist who was sentenced to death in the 2015 massacre of nine Black worshippers has told a federal appeals court he wants to fire his appellate attorneys because one of them is Jewish and the other is Indian. In a handwritten request filed Monday with the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, Dylann Roof wrote that his attorneys’ backgrounds are “a barrier to effective communication.” Given their ethnicities, Roof wrote, “it is therefore quite literally impossible that they and I could have the same interests relating to my case.” “Because of my political views, which are arguably religious, it will be impossible for me to trust two attorneys that are my political and biological enemies,” he added. Roof, 23, has been on federal death row since earlier this year, after a jury convicted him of dozens of charges including federal hate crimes and obstruction of the practice of religion in the shooting deaths of nine Bible study attendees at Charleston’s Emanuel AME, one of the oldest Black churches in the South.

Roof told authorities he wanted to start a race war with the June 2015 massacre, and handwritten journals featuring symbols associated with Nazis and Roof’s personal musings about the genetic supremacy of the White race were presented during his trial. A focal point of Roof’s trial was his request to drop his defense team and represent himself. After closed-door hearings, a judge determined Roof was competent to act as his own attorney during the sentencing phase of his trial, provided his legal team stay on as standby counsel. In the Sept. 18 filing, Roof also noted that David Isaac Bruck — a noted death penalty lawyer who was his primary attorney during the federal trial — was also Jewish, saying Bruck’s “ethnicity was a constant source of conflict even with my constant efforts to look past it.” As his own lawyer, Roof called no witnesses and put up no evidence in his own defense. In brief closing arguments, Roof told jurors he didn’t expect their mercy. “I have the right to ask you to give me a life sentence, but I’m not sure what good it would do anyway,” Roof said. “I still feel like I had to do it.”

player Colin Kaepernick. The Brooklyn rapper kicked off the first of three days of the Meadows Music and Arts Festival at Citi Field in Queens, performing a 90-minute set that included his well-known songs as well as political moments. “I want to dedicate this song to Colin Kaepernick tonight,” Jay-Z said of “The Story of O.J.,” a song about Blackness and managing money that also references O.J. Simpson. “I want to dedicate this to Dick Gregory. I want to dedicate this song to anyone that was held back and you overcame,” he added about the song from his personal and revealing album, “4:44.” Kaepernick became a polarizing figure among NFL fans for his decision to sit, and then kneel, during the national anthem last season to protest police brutality. Gregory, who died last month, was a comedian and activist who broke racial barriers in the 1960s and used his humor to spread messages of social justice and nutritional health.

Jay-Z Dedicates Song to Colin Kaepernick at NYC Concert

By The Associated Press President Donald Trump on Sept. 19 named a lawyer and former NFL player as executive director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, as the administration faces criticism from those institutions of promises unkept. Jonathan Holifield, who also writes and consults on the topics of innovation and inclusiveness, told leaders and students that HBCUs must contribute more to the American economy. “There is no path to sustain new job creation, shared prosperity and enduring national competition without the current and increased contributions of historical Black colleges and universities,” Holifield told students at the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House. His appointment answers one complaint from the leaders HBCUs, who are making their second visit to the White House this year amid strains with the Trump administration over unfulfilled promises. Trump has said he would move the office of historically Black colleges and universities from the Education Department to the White House. He promised support for the schools during his presidential campaign and Black History Month meetings, when college presidents posed for pictures with Trump in the White House. But the annual gathering in the nation’s capital for those schools has been reduced to a two-day summit, further aggravating college officials. And Trump was not in Washington to receive the visitors Monday. Instead, he was in New York for the U.N. General Assembly. “Everyone’s uptight in this day and age with our current president and with what’s going on,” said Ty Couey, president of the National HBCU Alumni Associations. “Things are out of control.”

By The Associated Press

Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP

Jay Z performs during The Meadows Music and Arts Festival at Citi Field on in New York. Jay-Z performed his first headlining concert in three years in his hometown of New York City on Sept. 15, a show that featured his popular hits and a dedication to outspoken NFL

White House, Black College Heads Meet Amid Strained Ties

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AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, file

An annual gathering in the nation’s capital for the nation’s HBCUs has been reduced to a two-day summit, further aggravating college officials who are already frustrated with the White House’s slow pace on its promises to them.

Advocates for the schools say there has been little to no action from the Trump administration. The institutions have not seen increases in their funding in Trump’s proposed budget, and they had to beat back a White House push to call construction money for historically Black colleges and universities unconstitutional. All that followed the backlash after school presidents posed with Trump for a photo in the Oval Office. The White House is not the only game in town, Couey said. “A lot of our time is not spent on Trump. He’s just one individual,” he said. “We have many friends in Congress that we interact with; we have many friends within the federal government. These are the people we’re dealing with, the people who actually get things done.” Adams now plans to hold an inaugural “HBCU Brain Trust” meeting during the Congressional Black Caucus’ annual meeting.


The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American


Conference Continued from A1 the first Black president in the United States, leading the helm, the event this year offers the first opportunity for Black leaders to take time out to think, talk and plan strategies in working with a Republican House, Senate and White House. Rep. Robin Kelly (D) of Illinois and Rep. Marc Veasey (D) of Texas will serve as honorary co-chairs of this year’s conference. They said now more than ever there is the need for members and their constituents to come together and grapple with major issues impacting the Black community. “ALC has been a pillar for the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and the CBCF to engage today’s African American

policy makers, activists, and community leaders on overcoming racial inequities and economic challenges,” said Kelly in a

personalities, faith leaders and industry executives to talk about what is needed for Blacks to rise above their disparities.

“ALC ‘17 will be provocative, instructive, and inspiring for all of those who participate in the many legislative sessions and braintrusts.” – Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee statement. CBC members say the goal of annual conference is to bring together celebrated

“It is critical that we come together to address the systematic issues plaguing our community,” Veasey said in a statement.

“ALC provides the platform for civically engaged citizens to gain the tools needed to increase economic opportunities, safeguard voting rights and alleviate poverty in our communities.” The caucus is well known for being a time to network, party and learn. Special events include the Exhibit Showcase with an on-site employment fair and free health screenings, the prayer breakfast, the Phoenix Awards Dinner, the National Town Hall, the Gospel Extravaganza, and the Annual Celebration of Leadership in the Fine Arts, which honors the contributions of individuals in the performing and visual arts who have influenced history and inspired generations.

Brown Continued from A1 protested the removal of Lee’s statue in Charlottesville, Va. in August. Several bloody clashes at the march led to a 32-year-old woman’s death. Locally, Baltimore City Mayor Catherine Pugh ordered removal of confederate statues in the city earlier this year amid tense racial climates exacerbated by the Charlottesville demonstration. Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md.), has joined Pugh and throngs of legislators in cities like Chicago, Dallas, Lexington, Ky., and New York who are spearheading efforts to remove statues

commemorates a man that owned and beat African Americans, and fought to preserve the institution of slavery. The statue is historically inaccurate and offensive, and I am looking forward to its timely removal.” Rep. John K. Delaney (D-Md.) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) co-sponsored the bill. “Park visitors and taxpayers deserve a battlefield site that actually gives an accurate representation of the battle,” Delaney said. Lee’s image generates complex discussions about the country’s nefarious

“Public land should not be home to symbols of hate and bigotry that memorialize leaders of the pro-slavery, traitorous Confederate South.”

Similarly, officials from the Gettysburg National Military Park said they will not remove any of the symbols of Lee or the Confederacy, in a statement. Yale University professor and author of “Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, David W. Blight,” says many Americans still cling to the idea of Lee and other confederate leader as valiant trailblazers. This may be a driving force behind the fervent support Lee, a documented slave owner, receives from some Americans who staunchly oppose eradicating confederate icons. “It began right at the end of the Civil War as Southerners tried to explain their own defeat to themselves,” Blight told the History channel. “Writers,

journalists, and former soldiers began to fashion this series of ideas, one of which was their belief that they were never truly defeated on the battlefield; that they were only overwhelmed.”

Blight said the narrative around the confederacy’s defeat continued to evolve and had become “racial ideology” by the 1890s and also justifications for White supremacy. “The idea that

slavery had been a gentle institution that benefitted both masters and slaves, and that freedmen could not handle their emancipation, was a foundation upon which Jim Crow laws were built.”

Coolidge Continued from A1 of the Harlem Home News read: “This occasion is a most appropriate one for a survey of the marvelous progress which the colored race in America has made in the historically very brief time since it achieved liberty. It has been said often, but is so true that it is worth repeating many more times, that there is no historic record of such accomplishment by a race of people in so brief a period. “Measured by their material achievement in the acquisition of property and substance; or by their advance in education and equipment for the full duties of citizenship; or by their participation in the great task of building and defending the Nation of which they are a part, the colored people of the United States have made a record which they may well regard with profound satisfaction and the utmost gratitude.” T:7.625”

–Rep. Anthony Brown history of slavery and the value Americans should place on the former confederate South’s enduring culture. President Donald Trump used his political platform to oppose legislation aiming to remove confederate plaques, statues and monuments. During a press conference, President Donald Trump said removing monuments of Lee and other confederate leaders is “changing history.” “I wonder, is it George Washington next week?” Trump quipped. “George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? ... Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner.” Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey told CNN affiliate KTVK he has no plans to remove confederate monuments or memorials in the state.


bearing the confederate Army leader’s likeness. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu spearheaded the removal of four of the city’s confederate statues in 2015. On Sept. 15, Brown introduced H.R. 3779 to remove the statue of Lee from Antietam National Battlefield in Sharpsburg, Md. According to Brown’s office, the Robert E. Lee Statue Removal Act requires the Secretary of the Interior to develop a plan for removal within 90 days of the enactment of the legislation, while submitting a report to Congress detailing the plan of action and timeline for removal within 120 days. “Public land should not be home to symbols of hate and bigotry that memorialize leaders of the pro-slavery, traitorous Confederate South,” Brown said in a statement. “Statues and monuments ought to celebrate the brave individuals who have fought and died for our country and true American values. The statue of Lee



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The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017

September 23, 2017 - September 23, 2017, The Afro-American


Obama: GOP’s Efforts to Repeal Health Care ‘Aggravating’ By The Associated Press Former President Barack Obama speaks during the Goalkeepers Conference hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in New York.

AP Photo/Julio Cortez

Former President Barack Obama on Sept. 20 called repeated Republican efforts to repeal his signature health care law “aggravating” as he urged people not to be discouraged by unsteady progress as they work on pressing global issues. Speaking at a summit hosted by billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates to coincide with the United Nations General Assembly, the Democrat said the real problems facing the world “can’t discourage any of us from the belief that individually and collectively, we can make a difference.” He alluded to some of his own frustrations, including the battle over the Affordable Care Act. Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate are again pushing to repeal central elements of the law after repeated failures. A vote is possible next week. “When I see people trying to undo that hard-won progress for the 50th or 60th time with bills that would raise costs or reduce coverage ... it is aggravating,” Obama said. “It’s certainly frustrating to have to mobilize every couple of months to keep our leaders from inflicting real human suffering on our constituents.” Opponents of the Obama-era

health law to expand coverage for more Americans have assailed it as costly and ineffective. They also say people shouldn’t be forced to buy health insurance. On climate change, Obama said the federal government isn’t “as engaged in these efforts as I would like.” Republican President Donald Trump has said he will pull the U.S. out of the Paris accord, an agreement the Obama administration worked with other countries to help fashion. But the response to setbacks, Obama said, has to be “to reject cynicism and reject pessimism and push forward.” He said, “Rather than be daunted by those challenges, those challenges should inspire us and excite us because it gives us an opportunity to make our mark on the world.” The summit wasn’t the only event to have a high-profile speaker. The General Assembly brings together leaders from all over the world and has become a prime time for gatherings touching on the world’s concerns. For years until its final event last year, the most well-known of the corollary events was the Clinton Global Initiative, created by former President Bill Clinton as a way to raise attention and money for causes worldwide. This year’s offerings include the Bloomberg Global Business Forum, hosted by billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The speakers included Clinton and a raft of business and political leaders.

Single-Payer Continued from A1 re-introduced “The Expanded and Improved Medicare For All Act” that would expand that Medicare program for the elderly to all Americans. The Conyers bill would be paid for by a payroll tax on employers and employees, a financial transaction tax, and higher taxes on the wealthy. “I have introduced the bill in each Congress since 2003 and I will continue to do so until the bill is passed,” Conyers, the member with the most seniority in the House, said. “Many Americans are frustrated with high out-of-pocket costs, skyrocketing premium, and many other serious problems that are part and parcel of a health care system dependent on private health insurance plans.” Conyers supports Obamacare but says that the single-payer system is much better. “It is my opinion and the belief of many leading health care practitioners and experts that establishing a non-profit universal single-payer system would be the best way to effectively contain health care costs and provide quality health care for all Americans,” he said. A 2013 Kaiser Family Foundation study revealed that Blacks are significantly more likely than Whites to be uninsured because of the limited access to employer-sponsored insurance and a lack of income to pay for private health insurance out of their own pocket. The Kaiser study stated that Medicaid, the health care program for the poor, filled some gaps for Blacks but still left 21 percent of all Blacks uninsured as opposed to 13 percent for Whites. Sanders stated during the 2016 campaign that under the single-payer system, every resident regardless of race, ethnicity, or income would have access to quality health care. The Conyers bill is supported by the NAACP and 37 of 49 CBC members including D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) and Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), Anthony Brown (D-Md.), and Bobby Scott (D-Va.), and overall 77 House members. On Sept. 13, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders

relatively high cost of insurance for those who are poor. Seventeen senators support Sanders’s bill, including Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kamala Harris of California. Harris said that the single-payer system is just what is needed. “Healthcare should not be thought of as a partisan issue – it’s a nonpartisan issue,” she said. “Cancer, diabete, and high blood pressure affect folks around

“I have introduced the bill in each Congress since 2003 and I will continue to do so until the bill is passed.” – John Conyers

Courtesy photo

Rep. John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, along with Rep. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) have bills in Congress that call for a single-payer health care system. (I-Vt.) introduced “The Medicare for All Act of 2017” that is essentially the same bill that Conyers introduced. “Today, we begin the long and difficult struggle to end the international embarrassment of the United States being the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all its people,” Sanders, who ran for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, said at the time. “At a time when millions of Americans do not have access to affordable health care, the Republicans, funded by the Koch brothers, are trying to take away health care from up to 32 million more. We have a better idea: guarantee health care to all people as a right,

not a privilege, through a Medicare for all, single-payer health care program.” The Koch brothers are billionaire businessmen and owners of America Koch Industries, the second largest privately run business in the U.S. The bill establishes a national health insurance program called the Universal Medicare Program. Under the program, every U.S. resident will receive health insurance through an expanded Medicare program with improved and comprehensive benefits. Sanders made it clear that he supports Obamacare but said it has left 28 million uninsured for a variety of reasons such asnthe

the country regardless of whether they are in a red state or a blue state, regardless of their income and regardless of their status. We should not differentiate in the way that we do public health policy and we should understand that everyone should receive the health care they need regardless of where they live, their income, or their zip code. “That is what this bill is about and I’m proud to co-sponsor the Medicare for All Act. It is about saying that health care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few.” Harris notes that the Sanders bill should be embraced by employers. “Under this bill, Americans will benefit from the freedom and security that comes with finally separating health insurance from employment,” she said. “As in the case in every other major country, employers would be free to focus on running their businesses rather than spending an enormous amount of time, energ, and money trying to provide health insurance to their employees.”

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American


Man’s Path from Eagle Scout to Alleged Killer Baffles Family By The Associated Press An Eagle Scout at age 18, Kenneth Gleason graduated with honors from one of Baton Rouge’s most elite high schools and enrolled at Louisiana State University. Five years later, the 23-year-old White man was jailed on charges he gunned down two Black men and shot up a Black family’s home last week in a string of attacks that police say may have been racially motivated. Gleason’s arrest shocked and baffled relatives. Kerrie Highley, a maternal aunt who lives in Galveston, Texas, said she never heard her nephew express any racist views. “His family didn’t teach him that,” Highley said Wednesday. “None of us feel that way.” Gleason wore a T-shirt bearing the name of a Boys Scouts ranch in New Mexico when police officers led him in handcuffs past a bank of reporters Sept. 19 outside Louisiana State Police headquarters. “We were shocked to learn about the allegations against this individual. This behavior runs counter to everything for which the BSA (Boy Scouts of America) stands,” said Gary Mertz, a local Scout official. He could face a possible death sentence if he’s convicted in the killings of a homeless man and a dishwasher walking to work. In each case, the killer opened fire from his car, then walked up to the victim as he lay on the ground and fired again repeatedly, police said. He also is charged with firing gunshots into the home of a Black family that lives three houses down from him and his parents. Investigators said surveillance footage and DNA on a shell casing linked him to the crimes. Authorities found a handwritten copy of an Adolf Hitler speech at Gleason’s home, a law-enforcement official said. Highley said she hasn’t seen Gleason since a family trip to Thailand nearly two years ago. She described him as a quiet, polite person who “didn’t fit anything violent.” “None of this makes sense to me at all,” she said. Gleason graduated cum laude from Baton Rouge Magnet High School in 2012 and became an Eagle Scout later that same year, a distinction he earned after building choir risers for a local church, according to The Advocate newspaper’s report at the time. Gleason attended LSU from the fall of 2012 to fall of 2013. He had transferred to LSU from Baton Rouge Community College. Gleason faces first-degree murder charges in the shooting deaths of 59-year-old Bruce Cofield and 49-year-old Donald Smart. Cofield, who was homeless, was gunned down on a

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

Kenneth James Gleason is charged with two counts of first degree murder and other charges, for three shootings in the Baton Rouge area throughout the past week that resulted in the death of two Black men. street corner on Sept. 12. Smart was shot Sept. 14 on his way to his job at a cafe popular with LSU students. “I feel confident that this killer would have killed again,” interim Police Chief Jonny Dunnam said. Gleason’s attorney, J. Christopher Alexander, said his client “vehemently denies guilt, and we look forward to complete vindication.” Gleason had a brief court hearing Sept. 20 and was ordered held without bond, according to a video of the proceeding obtained by WBRZ-TV through a public records request. The video showed Gleason asking Judge Trudy White if he will be taken off suicide watch. “Do you want us to contact your lawyer and let him know that you’re on suicide watch?” the judge said. “I haven’t talked to him since I’ve been brought here,” Gleason said. “We’ll give him a call or a text,” the judge said. “He’ll come and handle it.” Neighbors said they occasionally saw Gleason sleeping in

a car parked outside his parents’ Baton Rouge home, where he was living after a trip to Arizona late last year. It’s not clear why he went to Arizona, but while he was in Phoenix last December, Gleason was arrested on charges of shoplifting wine and razors. Police said he was homeless at the time. The case was dismissed after he completed a diversion program. Tonya Stephens, a Black woman who lives three houses down from Gleason’s parents, said she never interacted with him before the shooting at her home. Stephens said her two adult sons were home — and she was away at her nurse’s job — when three bullets pierced the front door and struck furniture. Nobody was hurt. “I never paid him any mind,” Stephens said. Authorities said ballistics tests determined the same gun was used in all three shootings. Also, they said DNA found on one of the shell casings matched genetic material on a swab they took from Gleason. Investigators have not found the 9 mm gun but said Gleason bought such a weapon last November.


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The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017


The Coalition Speaks: A Tribute to the AFRO As the AFRO-American Newspaper celebrates its 125th birthday, it is time for the public to say, “Thank you to the nation’s number one African American Newspaper.” A society advances through its modes of communication as history has noted the value of hieroglyphics, smoke signals, the Morse Code, and today’s social media innovations. Today, Black The Baltimore Americans are fortunate Metropolitan to have a communication Chapter National vehicle started by John Coalition of 100 Henry Murphy in 1892 that forcefully continues on into Black Women the digital age. The paper has chronicled the movements, struggles, the achievements, the heroes and sheroes and the regularly published articles from the company’s bountiful archives refresh memories and portray a profound history. The AFRO may be labeled by some as the Black conscience of America because it increased awareness during the Civil Rights days and brought to light the emergence of Black Power, SNCC and SLCC. Today it continues to highlight the many futuristic endeavors in the current socio-political era. It is the steady vehicle that brings to the forefront the achievements of great Black Americans, young and old. Entertainers, politicians, schools, universities, churches, organizations, clubs, workers and the man and

woman on the street are given a spot in the pages of the AFRO. Read any of today’s issues and note the many relevant provocative commentaries, the voluminous pictorial captions of local events, the plea to curtail crime, support for the HBCUs and public education, political announcements, spotlight on businesses and honorees and news of the nation and the world. Check the daily e-mail blasts. Many run to get a paper to see if they are mentioned in either Rambling Rose or the Living for the Weekend column. If not, they are disappointed; if so, they get busy calling others to alert them to look and see. The AFRO is catalyst for change. Its respected and sustained voice heightens awareness, shapes directions and stimulates action to promote a wholesome living environment in this complicated era. Maybe it is time for you to visit the AFRO and talk to the publisher, Jake Oliver; maybe it is time for you to buy a copy of the AFRO; maybe it is time for you to give a subscription to a young girl or boy to illuminate their horizons. Maybe it is time for you to realize how fortunate we are to have a great newspaper that has lasted and grown for 125 years. Maybe it

is time for all of us to just stop and wish the newspaper board and staff a Happy Birthday and bountiful thanks. The mission of the Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter National Coalition of 100 Black Women is to advocate on behalf of Black women and girls to promote leadership development and gender equity in the areas of health, education and economic empowerment.

After 10 Years, Still No Trial for Kharon Davis “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed...” - US Constitution 1789 (rev. 1992) Unlike either the First Amendment that protects our right to free speech or the Second Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms, the Sixth Amendment, rarely if ever garners the national spotlight relative to its value to people of color or our democracy. While our Constitution guarantees the right to a “speedy and public trial,” Kharon Torchee Davis-imprisoned in Dothan, Alabama, has yet to experience either a trial or an opportunity for bail. Tears building in her eyes, his mother Chrycynthia Davis asks unabashedly “Is this America?” Her tears are more normal than rare in parts of the South, where local law and customs built on centuries of racism and the clandestine yet invisible chains used by racists to undermine the equal application of law. America with over 2 million people locked up in a variety of ways, remains the world’s leading prison nation. On any given day, nearly half a million are being held in limbo - in pretrial detention where they are neither guilty or innocent, simply held without a trial due to court inefficiencies, inability to pay bail or times as a strategy to affect their eventual trial. Of those two million people locked up, nearly three-fourths are held in state and local jails and 60 percent have not been convicted of anything. How the world’s greatest democracy exists as the world’s greatest prison nation, remains an enigma wrapped within a quandary. The supporters of Kharon Davis are hopeful that after a decade of being incarcerated without a trial, he’ll finally receive a fair trial sometime in mid-September. Accused

Benard Simelton

of capital murder - a crime which he vehemently claims innocence – Davis, like many individuals held for years without a trial, waits for the simple opportunity to exercise the rights guaranteed him by our nation’s constitution. For 23 hours, a day he is held in solitary confinement at the Houston County Jail in Dothan, Alabama. His own mother has been banned from visiting him. Every day he is mentally tortured and forced to live in conditions that are unthinkably horrific. The intimidation tactics go as far as this: Davis was forced to move to the cell where Martez Dozier was hanged on Halloween 2015 - the placement happened just one day after Dozier’s death.

“…the system has turned a blind eye to the cruelty and terrorization he is forced to endure.” After the NAACP intervened and tried to facilitate a meeting between him and his mother, Davis was punished and told that the NAACP did not run the jail. Prosecutors want him to succumb to a plea bargain, therefore, the system has turned a blind eye to the cruelty and terrorization he is forced to endure. Conflicts of interest from both the arresting officer and Davis’ former attorney coupled with failed attempts to gather evidence are cited as reasons as to why Davis’ chances at a fair trial have been stalled for so long. However, those familiar with the case know that the Dothan Police Department and the Houston County criminal justice system are both notorious

for their blatant disregard of human and civil rights. It is widely known in the area, both by victims and by the officials themselves, that the constitution does not apply in Dothan. This August, we witnessed yet another on-screen adaptation of our broken criminal justice system in the feature length movie, “Crown Heights.” The film tells the story of Trinidadian immigrant, Colin Warner, who served 21 years in jail (four of which were in solitary confinement) for the murder of a teenage boy - a person he’d never even met. Sentenced to a maximum-security prison for a minimum of 15 years, together he and his childhood friend studied the law and made several failed attempts to appeal the case until they finally succeed in exonerating Warner. But must it take the showmanship of Hollywood to draw attention to the defunct legal system that is decimating the futures of our Black and brown communities? We can no longer wait for our men of color to turn into hashtags or movie before we start to speak up. Neither can we depend on President Trump nor U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to help clean up the judicial system. Despite Dothan being in Sessions’ own back yard, it appears he is more concerned with eliminating consent decrees, ignoring voter suppression or providing military-weaponry to police and pulling back on civil rights protections, than to address the failures of the system. The NAACP is not here to determine guilt or innocence, but is committed to ensuring that Kharon Davis receives a fair trial by a jury of his peers. This case is merely the tip of the iceberg of injustices that disproportionately impact people of color in Alabama and the nation. We say stay woke, pay attention and take action. Benard Simelton is the President of the NAACP’s Alabama State Conference.

Why We Must Fight the Effort to Repeal D.C.’s Death with Dignity Act I watched a close friend and native Washingtonian, Pam, battle and beat breast cancer twice. She was a brave, strong, God-fearing woman who inspired me. Unfortunately, the cancer came back a third time and I watched her suffer at the end of her life. The doctors did all they could and gave her copious amounts of pain medication. Yet, sometimes when Pam was in an almost comatose state, she would hold her head and moan because the pain was overwhelming. Pam should have had the option of medical aid in dying. It would have enabled her to get a doctor’s prescription for medication she could have decided to take to peacefully end her suffering and die gently in her sleep. I do not know if she would have chosen medical aid in dying, but I would have given anything for her to have this option. She is the reason why I fight -- and will continue to do so -- for those who deserve to have this option at their end of their lives and do not want to suffer unnecessarily. Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed an appropriations bill that included an amendment by Maryland

Donna Smith

Congressman Andy Harris to repeal the D.C. Death with Dignity Act that authorizes medical aid in dying for terminally ill adults in D.C. The D.C Council passed the law by an overwhelming 11-2 vote, including five of the six African-American councilmembers, last November. The law took effect in February. I spent two years lobbying the D.C. Council to pass this law. The Council took the time to get educated on the facts. They studied the six states (California, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, Washington) where medical aid in dying is authorized, which have a combined 40 years of experience with this option and no evidence of misuse. The D.C. Council did their due diligence before they passed this very important law. Congress did not. If Rep. Harris and his allies succeed in repealing D.C.’s law, it may inspire them to seek a nationwide ban on medical aid in dying, voiding the laws in six states and legislation introduced this year in 26 states, including Maryland. Polling in Maryland shows 59 percent of African-Americans support this end-of-life care option. African-Americans tend to suffer more than other communities at life’s end because we do not have access to or do not utilize

end-of-life care options that minimize suffering. For example, our rates of hospice and palliative care use are extremely low. We represent more than 13 percent of our nation’s population, but account for only 8 percent of hospice use. We are also less likely to complete advance directives or have conversations with our families and healthcare providers about our end-of-life care goals, preference and values. Medical aid in dying is an opportunity for our community to engage in these conversations and ensure we receive the end-of-life care we want. The legislative fight now moves to the U.S. Senate. It’s our responsibility to tell our Maryland senators, Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin, to stop this congressional overreach and stand with D.C. residents. Whether or not you would use this law is not the issue. The issue is whether we continue to let others make decisions for us without us. D.C.’s elected officials have spoken on behalf of their constituents. Now it is time for us to support them and let our voices be heard as well. Donna Smith lives in Laurel, Md. She is the D.C. Access Campaign Public Outreach Manager for Compassion & Choices, a non-profit that works with patients as they approach the end of their life.

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American





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The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017


‘60 Minutes’ Turns 50, Gets Oprah as Present By The Associated Press

CBS’ “60 Minutes,” the newsmagazine that can credit consistency for much of its success as it enters its 50th anniversary year, is about to see a major change with the addition of Oprah Winfrey. Winfrey will debut Sept. 24, reporting on a story about America’s political divisions. It’s a testament to the power of the Sundaynight newsmagazine that it seeks to absorb one of television’s biggest stars into its fabric instead of the other way around. One of the medium’s best-known celebrity interviewers will do some, but will largely work against type in reporting stories, said Jeff Fager, the show’s executive producer. “She wants to do stories with impact,” he said. “She’s driven by that and so are we. That’s part of why this is such a good fit for her.” Many of the names that made “60 Minutes” great — Mike Wallace, Morley Safer, Ed Bradley, Don Hewitt — are gone now. But the stopwatch keeps ticking every Sunday at 7 p.m. While everything in media seems to have changed around it, the show’s mix of investigations, newsmaking interviews, esoteric and entertaining features timed to the length of founding executive producer Hewitt’s attention span remains remarkably unchanged. “It’s a miracle,” correspondent Lesley Stahl said. When she joined in 1991, Hewitt told Stahl that he wanted correspondents to be like actors in a repertory troupe who could play all the roles, and that’s still the philosophy she uses to plan stories she

on the air.” Fager, who just completed a book on the show to mark the anniversary, talks now about how hard it was to replace Hewitt 15 years ago. Colleagues say his status as an insider at CBS News and “60 Minutes” helped him, along with the absence of an ego-driven need to make changes for change’s sake. “60 Minutes” has made high-profile mistakes; the reliance on a bad source in a 2014 Benghazi story was a major blemish. If the show has a weakness, it is that story length can simplify some stories too much, said Tom Bettag, a longtime television news producer who now teaches at the University of Maryland. Yet the storytelling and writing put the show far ahead of the competition. Unlike newsmagazines like “Dateline NBC” and ABC’s “20/20” that have chased after trends and lost their identity, “what ‘60 Minutes’ did was stay consistent to its brand, to its vision, year in and year out,” he said. “60 Minutes” has a rich tradition of principals who hold on to their jobs well past retirement age. The 72-year-old Kroft, who has cut back on stories and recently signed a two-year contract, doesn’t want to be one of them. Stahl, 75, said she wants to continue as long as she can do the job. She went to Fager a few years ago and said she didn’t want to fade on television and would tell him if she could sense herself slipping. “He looked at me and said, ‘No, you won’t. Nobody ever does that.’ And he very kindly offered to do it for me,” she said with a laugh.

Oprah Winfrey is joining “60 Minutes” for its 50th anniversary year, with her first story due in a week. She will debut Sept. 24 reporting on a story about America’s political divisions. Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP

pursues. Gone, too, are the volatile days of throwing coffee cups, shouting matches and feuds, of Wallace peeking at colleagues’ notebooks to steal stories. But it’s still keenly competitive. Newcomer Bill Whitaker told Fager he dreamed of screening a story that his bosses found so perfect it merited no changes. Fager leaned in and told him, “that’s not going to happen.” There’s a different pressure from the daily deadlines of the evening news, Whitaker said. At “60 Minutes,” correspondents have time,

“60 Minutes” has a rich tradition of principals who hold on to their jobs well past retirement age.

talented producers and travel budgets. So they’d better deliver. Scott Pelley, Stahl, Steve Kroft, Whitaker and Anderson Cooper make up the show’s core. Charlie Rose, Winfrey, Sharyn Alfonsi, Lara Logan, David Martin, Norah O’Donnell and Jon Wertheim are among the contributors who also do stories. “There are a lot of people who are contributors who have other jobs, and that has changed the feel of the place,” Kroft said. “I don’t think the show has changed very much

New Mom Serena Williams Thanks Mother for Being a Role Model Oracene Price, bottom, mother of Serena, top, and Venus Williams was the recipient of a heartfelt letter from Serena. Williams praised her mother for being a role model in an open letter posted to Reddit on Sept. 19.

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New mom Serena Williams is thanking her own mother for being the role model she says she needed. In an open letter to her mother posted to Reddit , Williams calls mom Oracene Price “one of the strongest women I know.” Williams mentions some of the criticisms she’s endured about her muscular body, before telling Price she’s proud that “we were able to show them what some women look like.” She adds “we are curvy, strong, muscular, tall, small, just to name a few, and all the same: we are women and proud!” Williams says she hopes to “have the same fortitude” in raising her own daughter, Alexis Olympia, who was born on Sept. 1. She signed the letter: “your youngest of five.” Williams is engaged to Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian.

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September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American


Recent Renaissance Grad Makes Best Case For School This week, members of the Baltimore Ravens organization, including team president Sean Yoes Dick Cass, Baltimore AFRO tight end Editor Benjamin Watson and Ravens Ring of Honor member (and surefire NFL Hall of Famer), Ed Reed, as well as Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh and Baltimore City Public Schools CEO, Dr. Sonja Brookins Santelises, gathered at Renaissance Academy High School in West Baltimore to officially unveil the recently completed $1.5 million renovation of the school financed by Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti. Renaissance, a school located in Druid Heights, is one of the most impoverished and violent communities in the city, near the epicenter of the uprising of 2015, and faced imminent closure last year. Allegedly, when Bisciotti got wind of Renaissance’s plight

“…we are humbled by the leap of faith taken by the entire Ravens organization.” – Nikkia Rowe his reaction was something to the effect of, `That school can’t close.’ “The Ravens decided to fund the restoration after multiple news stories highlighted the students’ and community’s dedication to the school, amid fears it would be forced to close,” the Ravens organization said in a statement. “Thanks to the courageous investment from the Baltimore Ravens, there is no doubt that the children in this school and in this beloved community will deliver equal returns,” said Nikkia Rowe, the school’s principal said during a press conference. “At Renaissance, we always speak to ‘changing the outcome’ and we are humbled by the leap of faith taken by the entire Ravens organization.” There is no doubt, Rowe is an indefatigable advocate for the young people that attend her school. Most people outside of Renaissance and Druid Heights will never fully know how hard she has fought for them and the wider community. Perhaps the best case for Renaissance’s survival can be made by young people like Christopher Streeter, 18, a young brother who just graduated from the school in June. I first met Streeter when he was with other Renaissance

Baltimore Book Festival Returns

Key’s Statue Will Remain, Despite Tarnished Legacy

Here’s What to Check Out By Jennifer Wright Special to the AFRO The Baltimore Book Festival, the city’s annual celebration of the literary arts, returns to the Inner Harbor this weekend. This year’s festival will feature more than 500 authors, presentations on 11 stages, over 90 literary exhibitors as well as more than 3,000 books available for purchase. Some of the distinguished authors presenting at this year’s festival include Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, author of, “Tears We Cannot Stop,” and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author of, “Purple Hibiscus.”

Photos by Sean Yoes

Recently, the statue honoring Francis Scott Key, author of the, “Star Spangled Banner,” was defaced with red paint and the words, “racist anthem,” scrawled at the base of the statue, which city crews have attempted to erase. Mayor Catherine Pugh said the statue will be cleaned up and remain at its location in Bolton Hill. By J. K. Schmid Special to the AFRO The Francis Scott Key Fountain at the intersection of Eutaw Place and West Lanvale Street was vandalized Sept. 13 by parties unknown. The depiction of Key and the base at the fountain’s center were doused in red paint and the phrase “Racist Anthem” was repeatedly spray painted on it and around the fountain’s rim. Baltimore Mayor Catherine

E. Pugh has committed to restoring and preserving the Key statue. This stands in contrast to other Baltimore monuments to White supremacists such as Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and Roger B. Taney which were taken down August 16. Additional graffiti on the pavement surrounding the fountain of the Key statue read “No refuge could save hireling or slave/From the terror of flight or gloom of the grave.” This last passage is a verse from the often unsung and almost unknown third stanza – Ira Berlin Continued on B2

“Francis Scott Key was a slaveholder and an outspoken defender of slavery.”

Coutesy photo

Devin Allen, the photographer whose photo of the uprising was featured on the cover of Time magazine, will be one of the many speakers at the Baltimore Book Festival. In addition to these author appearances and book signings, the festival will feature cooking

Continued on B2

Baltimore Church News 18 Year Old Arrested For Rape,

Murder of Homeless Woman

By AFRO Staff United Baptist Missionary Convention Hosts Holy Convocation The United Baptist Missionary Convention of Maryland will host its Holy Convocation Sept. 20-22 at 7:00 p.m. each night. The theme is The Way of Holiness and the guest preacher will be Dr. Anthony Chandler, pastor of Virginia’s Cedar Street Baptist Church of God. The event will be held at Perkins Square Baptist Church, 2500 Edmondson Avenue, Baltimore, Md. 21223. For more information contact Dr. Cleveland T. A. Mason II at 410-523-2950. Bethel’s Rev. Clayborn Celebrates One Year Anniversary In late Aug. of 2016 Bishop Frank Reid delivered his final sermon as pastor at storied Bethel AME in Owings Mills, Md. He left Bethel after 28 years to become a bishop in the AME Church. His replacement, the Rev. Patrick D. Clayborn, celebrated his one year anniversary on Sept. 10. Congratulations. students, faculty members and community leaders during a segment on The AFRO’s First Edition. They were fighting for the school to remain open, when its fate was still in doubt in 2016. “North Avenue...or whoever makes the decision to close these schools down has to understand...these mentors, these administrators, they are the ones who are going to have to deal with the bloodshed after

they allow all of these schools to combine into one school and let kids from different parts of the city in,” Streeter said in 2016, revealing wisdom that eludes many at least twice his age. Once I spent some time with him, it didn’t take long for me to recognize the resilience I’ve written about and spoken about so many times over the years. But, what seems to set young Streeter apart is his

Continued on B2

By Michelle Richardson Special to the AFRO An 18-year-old Baltimore man has been arrested and charged with the rape and murder of a homeless woman last week according to Baltimore Police. James Arthur House, of the 400 block of East Lorraine Avenue in the Harwood neighborhood in East Baltimore, confessed to the rape and murder during a police interrogation according to Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis during a media briefing Sept. 18. Jessica Gibson, 35, who was allegedly homeless, was found behind wooden palettes on a road between Baltimore and Lombard Streets behind Power Plant Live and Port Discovery last Wednesday morning according to detectives. Video surveillance from the area shows Gibson and House interacting before the crimes occurred. “Nothing appeared volatile” said T.J. Smith, Baltimore City Police

Chief Spokesman of the surveillance.

Courtesy Photo

18-year old James Arthur House is charged with the rape and murder of Jessica Gibson, 35, who police say was homeless.


Past Seven Days

Police had previously released a portion of that surveillance video asking the public to identify, “the last person to have seen Gibson alive.” Davis said a resident called police and identified House. House is charged with 12 criminal counts including first and second degree murder, first and second degree rape, among other charges. According to Maryland Case Search, House has no prior criminal history before the crimes he has been charged with. A review of court records show that House was denied bail and no attorney was listed as representing the suspect.

253 2017 Total

Data as of Sept. 20

Race and Politics



The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017

Race and Politics Continued from B1

ability to endure the virulent cruelties reserved almost exclusively for Baltimore’s Black and poor communities, yet remain relentlessly optimistic. He has witnessed the aftermath of bloodshed in abundance already; he entered Renaissance in 2014 and in 2015 and 2016 four students, four young Black men like himself who attended the school, were murdered. One of them, Ananias Jolley, who was stabbed to death by a classmate inside the school, Streeter was particularly close with. In fact, it was Jolley’s grandmother who helped Streeter get a job less than a month after he graduated. Streeter currently lives in Northwest Baltimore however, he spent most of his childhood in Yale Heights in Southwest Baltimore, which has experienced more than its share of murders over the last several years. As he reflected on his time there, he offered a searing critique of his generation and ultimately the

plight of urban America. “In Baltimore it’s a whole different ballgame. You have people that envy you, who you hang around’ve got to watch who you hang around with. I try to stay positive, because there is a lot of negativity out here...I don’t want that to be my downfall,� Streeter said. “My generation really don’t have any morals and principles that we live by...that’s why we get killed. It’s our environment.� He saved his harshest indictment for the power structure, which enables and sometimes fuels pathology. During a recent trip to Annapolis he was supposed to address a hearing convened by Sen. Bobby Zirkin, chair of the Judicial Proceedings Committee, focused on Baltimore violence. That did not happen. “They know what they are doing...they waited to push everybody back to talk,� Streeter said. “The people who actually

live in B-More, they didn’t get to talk...the people who really know what’s going on. There’s a difference between B-More and Baltimore, it’s two different worlds,� Streeter added. Still, Streeter is determined to transcend “B-More.� He is enrolled at Catonsville Community College where he is scheduled to begin studying Information Technology in January. “I want to get paid good money working in information technology. With my information technology money, I want to invest in real estate in Baltimore. There’s so much I want to do, it’s just how I’m going to get there,� he said. “I just want to take it one step at a time.�

“Slaves were fleeing to Great Britain lines and volunteering for Great Britain service to gain their freedom, which some did,� Berlin wrote. “In short, while he was celebrating White American liberty, he was condemning Blacks who were trying to gain the same.� While Berlin “sadly� teaches in Francis Scott Key Hall at Maryland, he remains, “opposed to the defacing of any public property.� Key purchased his first slave at the turn of the 19th Century. As a lawyer, he represented both slaves and masters in court. Later in life, Key became a founding member of the American Colonization Society, an organization “committed to sending Black people, especially free black people, back to Africa or almost anyplace not in the US,� Berlin said. When the society changed to an abolitionist policy, Key was removed from the board. He remained anti-abolition until his death, once taking a case as prosecutor of Reuben Crandall for the crime of being in possession of abolitionist literature. Key referred to it as “seditious libel.� The statue itself has a peculiar provenance. Key, in bronze, beholds a golden depiction of Columbia,

the female personification of the New World, America and the United States. Columbia, like Uncle Sam, or the ladies Justice and Liberty, has often stood in for the collective spirit of the advancement of the American cause. During western expansion, she personified the ideology of Manifest Destiny. She has been depicted as bringing enlightenment and industry to the newly claimed territories while simultaneously driving Native Americans west and out of sight. Columbia, like America, is named for Amerigo Vespucci, and another Italian explorer: Christopher Columbus. The latter sits amid a growing controversy over his history of hagiography and the reality that he was eager to enslave the natives of land he is credited with discovering. An obelisk erected as “Sacred to the memory of Chris Columbus,â€? according to its inscription had it message obliterated August 20 in another act of vandalism. The statue was sculpted by French artist Antonin MerciĂŠ in 1911. MerciĂŠ was known at the time for his statue of the Marquis de Lafayette, erected in Washington D.C. and the Robert E. Lee Monument erected in Richmond, Virginia, the former capital of the Confederacy.

Sean Yoes is the AFRO’s Baltimore editor and host and executive producer of The AFRO’s First Edition, which airs Monday through Friday, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on WEAA 88.9.

Key Statue Continued from B1

of Key’s “The Star-Spangled Banner,� the nation’s National Anthem, which was originally written about Baltimore’s Fort McHenry. “Francis Scott Key was a slaveholder and an outspoken defender of slavery,� Ira Berlin, Distinguished University Professor in the University of Maryland’s Department of History, told the AFRO via email. The verse is an open condemnation of slaves and freed Blacks taking up arms against the United States, Berlin wrote.




Continued from B1

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demonstrations, workshops, panel discussions, live music, children’s activities and a story book parade. Here are some of the other events happening at the Baltimore Book Festival this weekend: Black Existentialism Lends to Dystopian Afrofuturism: Authors Olu Butterfly, Jordannah Elizabeth, Jason Harris and Kaila Philo will discuss the almost nonexistent Black consciousness and existentialism in writing, and how it lends itself to dystopian stories and plot lines in Afrofuturism. Sept. 22, 5 p.m. at the CityLit stage.

Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color: An examination of the violence unleashed on Black women and other women of color by a law enforcement system built around gendered White supremacy and a striking call for that system’s abolishment. Sept. 23, 2 p.m. at the Radical Bookfair Pavilion The Revolution Has Come: Power, Gender and the Black Panther Party: Author Robyn Spencer will discuss her re-telling of the history of the Black Panther Party from the perspective of the women in its rank-and-file, focusing questions of gender in the struggle for Black liberation. Sept.

23, 3 p.m. at the Radical Bookfair Pavilion. Strong in the Broken Places: A Memoir of Addiction and Redemption through Wellness: Author Quentin Vennie will share his story of addiction, depression and anxiety and the journey to healing himself which led to his memoir, “Strong in the Broken Places.� His story has inspired people who are currently struggling with addiction and mental illness worldwide. This is just a small snippet of what the three-day festival holds. The festival will be open all three days from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information go to: A Touch of Literati Baltimore photographer Devin Allen, whose photo of the uprising was featured on the cover of Time magazine will speak about his career and life after the picture catapulted him to national prominence. Sept. 22, 6 p.m. CityLit Stage.

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September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American

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Healthy people living, working and playing in Baltimore County Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz and the Baltimore County Council O C AT E



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“I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side, spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until; at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then, someone at my side says, “There, she is gone” gone where? Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast, hull and spar as she was when she left my side. And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And, just at the moment when someone says, “There, she is gone,” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, “Here she comes!” And, that is dying... death comes in its own time, in its own way. Death is as unique as the individual experiencing it.” Henry Jackson Van Dyke “Ah, the magic of music, with it, all things are possible.” E.A. Bucchianeri Sending bouquets of flowers to my “Southern Girl” song stylist and pianist Ora Reed, on her induction into the Mississippi Musicians Hall of Fame, as they celebrate Mississippi’s music, musicians and musical heritage. The honorees are selected based on the distinguished global impact they made in their musical arenas. Ora, has performed nationally and internationally most recently residing in Dubai and Kyoto, Japan where she performed nightly. Other 2017 inductees include R&B, Motown artist G.C.Cameron, classical pianist Bruce Levingston, Pop, Hip Hop, R&B artist Brandy Norwood, and music producer and Malaco vice president Gerald “Wolf” Stephenson. Inducted posthumously were Bluegrass and Country artist Pete Pyle and Jazz trumpeter Dalton Smith. Ora is currently on her way to the 2017 Global WIN Conference in Oslo Norway where she has been invited to be a participant before heading to Baltimore to spend a few days with friends, then back home to her beloved Mississippi. Celebration time come on! Cleve Brister’s block birthday party was an old school reunion with more than 200 friends and former classmates in attendance to celebrate a Baltimore legend. The party stretched through three family homes with tons of food located throughout. Among the guests in attendance were Hattie Fields, Vivian Braxton, Shawn Braxton, Frances Tilghman, Louise Wylie, Gwen and Nathaniel Trader, Mildred and Billy Harper, Dwight Pettit, Donald “Duck” Welling, Rosa and William “Shorty” Trusty. Special thanks to Cleve’s wife Nancy and his daughter and grandson for such an amazing evening. Happy birthday Billie Garner-Brown, Claudia McKee, Beta Dotson, Miss Shirley Ball, Glenda McKinney, Vashtied Battle, LaVerne Gaither, Phil Allen, Susan Parker, Brenda Wright, Dave Couser and my grandson Damien Lee on his 30th birthday. “Only those who truly love and who are truly strong can sustain their lives as a dream. You dwell in your own enchantment. Life throws stones at you, but your love and your dream change those stones into the flowers of discovery. Even if you lose, or are defeated by things, your triumph will always be exemplary. And if no one knows it, then there are places that do. People like you enrich the dreams of the worlds, and it is dreams that create history. People like you are unknowing transformers of things, protected by your own fairytale, by love.” Ben Okri Sending happy anniversary wishes to Rorye and Dominic Jordan, Sandi and Jai Matthews and Joshua and Lindsey HillEldridge may you always dance the anniversary waltz. “Wishing you were somehow here again. Knowing we must say goodbye. Try to forgive, teach me to live, give me the strength to try. No more memories, no more silent tear. No more gazing across the wasted years. Help me say goodbye help me say goodbye” Andrew Lloyd Webber Phantom of the Opera September has always brought me joy, a time to celebrate my birth and reflect on new beginnings. This month I faced the reality of just how precious the life we live is, and why it should not be taken lightly. The death of Christopher James at age 30, the son of my friends Linda and Ken “Stromie” James and the death of Gregory Hill Jr. at the age of 26, son of my friends Greg and Karen Hill, leave us dumbfounded of what might have been had they lived. They were both so full of life and promise. The deaths were not the result of street violence so, it was not newsworthy except to the family and friends who mourn them. Then I rejoice the death of my longtime friend, attorney Stanley Morstein at the age of 87, a renaissance man who lived life fully as a husband, father, grandfather, attorney, an actor and an adventurer who started bicycling down the California coastline and jetted around town in his red sports car in later years. I knew these three men well, but I mourn the loss of Christopher and Gregory, because we will never know where their later years would have led. Two young men with the future and promise of old age gone too soon. You’re a winner! Baltimore’s sportswoman Betty Greene, an avid golfer and bowler is super proud of her sons and their accomplishments in the sports arena. Son Andrew Chatmon, Jr., is the bowling coach at Alabama State University. He guided the women’s bowling team in the 2017 SWAC tournament beating their biggest competitor Texas Southern University. Another son Ronnie Brown, Jr., is competing in the Golf Channel’s Amateur Tournament in Palm Springs. Their grandparents Robert and Doris Tarter, won tournament trophies in both golf and bowling.



Gregory Wm. Branch, M.D., MBA, CPE, FACP - Director, Health and Human Services Funding made possible by a grant from the Maryand Department of Agriculture REV. 2/10/17

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The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017

Balto. Co Exec. Kevin Kamenetz honors Karen Outlaw with Tanya Williams-Harris

After 7 performed.

Del Adrienne A. Jones with the Festival Honorees

Del. Benjamin Brooks, U.S. Rep. C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger, Del. Adrienne A. Jones and Del. Dana Stein

The annual Baltimore County African American Cultural Fesival, which was started by Del. Adrienne A. Jones, was held in Towson, Md., Sept. 16. The well attended event included musical performances by After 7, L.A. Young, UpSyde Down, Kyla Waters (the daughter of popular saxophonist Kim Waters) and Eric Roberson. WOLB radio personality Larry Young greeted fans. There were also displays by The Buffalo Soldiers, historian and author Louis Diggs, The Baltimore County Corvette Club, The Assoc. for the Study of African American Life and History and a photo display of 40 historically recognized African American neighborhoods.

Buffalo Soldier Exhibit

“Sen.” Larry Young (WOLB Radio)

Vendor Benadette J. Mayo from Washington, D.C.

Michael Allen, Wanda Pearson and Clarence Massey of The AFRO American Newspapers

Photos by Anderson R. Ward The Flip Flop Festivus, a benefit to support the Life And Breath Foundation, was held Sept. 15 at the Four Seasons Hotel, in Baltimore’s Harbor East district.The Life and Breath Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness throughout our community about Sarcoidosis, a debilitating inflammatory disease that can attack the lungs, heart, liver and the

brain. Sean Hull is the founder of the Life and Breath Foundation and Pete Gilbert (WBAL TV) was the M.C. A live auction was held to raise money. Guests were able to bid on sports packages, vacation trips and memorabilia. Music was provided by the Affirmative Groove from Richmond, Va.

Flip Flop Festivus Event Committee

The Affirmative Groove Band

Master Of Ceremonies Pete Gilbert (WBAL TV), Ed Norris (Former BPD Commissioner) and Gia Colanero

Volunteers working to construct a new sliding board

The McCulloh Homes Community with KaBOOM

Harvey Grant (Former NBA player) and Sean Hull (Founder, Life and Breath Foundation)

Winnie Ryans and dad S. Rodney Hull

Walt Williams (Former NBA Takiea Hinton, Valerie Fraling, player), Vivian Armstrong, Marama Nengel (Four Seasons Vonda Sykes and Harvey Grant Concierge Supervisor) and (Former NBA player) Diane Hocker (Afro Comm. Relations Dir.) Photos by Anderson R. Ward

McCullough Homes residents and McCulloh Homes volunteers

Over a 200 volunteers from the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC), Resident Services, Inc., organizers from KaBOOM! and members of the community joined forces on Aug. 26, to give area children the safe

play environment they deserve by building a new playground at McCulloh Homes. The design is based on children’s drawings created at a special design event in June. The new playground will serve more than 500 children in neighborhoods surrounding McCulloh Homes.

City Council President, Bernard “Jack” Young (center right), Rev. Dr. Alvin Hathaway, Sr. Pastor of Union Baptist Church with KaBOOM volunteers

Home Depot Volunteers

Michele Kiley, asst. mgr., McCulloh Homes (center) with Camar Williams, Jermaine Downing, II, Joshua Johnson, Jr.

Resident volunteers of The McCulloh Homes Play Ground Project

Game board painting

Photos by DeVone Marshall

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American



Ashleigh Murray Brings Heat to ‘Riverdale’ of Riverdale’s Mayor, played by actress Robin Givens (“Head of The Class” “Head of State”). Murray describes Givens as “The sweetest, kindest person. She’s so lovely and she’s very very helpful. She’s a mom herself and she brings that energy.” Audiences didn’t get to see very much of the dynamic between the two last season but Murray shares that, “You will be able to see a little more about Josie and her inner life and her relationship with her mother.” Murray indicates that we might be treated to a closer relationship between Josie and one of the jocks central to Riverdale’s narrative, Reggie Mantle.

By Nadine Matthews Special to the AFRO We all have our quirky little obsessions and singer/actress Ashleigh Murray of the CW’s Riverdale is no different. She has fallen in love with a somewhat popular sport that originated in eighteenth century England. Murray gushes that she currently spends much of her free time on roller skates. “I really just spend my downtime if I don’t have the ability to fly back home to New York or even sometimes down to L.A., I fill my time with personal care stuff,” Murray tells the AFRO. “I just recently fell in love with roller skating and I happen to be a natural at it so I’m obsessed. I just bought my first pair of roller skates. They should be arriving after next weekend so I’m geeking out over it.” Kansas City born and Oakland raised, Murray also loves spending time with her fellow CW network actress and co-star of her latest film, Danielle Nicolette. Nicolette is one of the stars of “The Flash” and played Murray’s mother in the offbeat family comedy “Deidra and Laney Rob A Train.” They, along with Rachel Crow, who played Murray’s character’s sister, became friends on the set of the movie. “We all actually are still very, very close.” She says. “It was wonderful working with Dani. She is so much fun. I couldn’t wait to work with her. I think she was actually shooting “The Flash” and she may have shooting “Central Intelligence” at the time. She was in and out of Utah [where they filmed the movie] and I was very, very excited. It wasn’t until the very end of production that that we were able to shoot that big scene between me and her at the jail and I was looking forward to that the most. She is just amazing.” Murray’s petite, perfectly proportioned frame, smooth milk chocolatey skin and big brown Betty Davis eyes give her the appearance

Courtesy photo

Singing was part of the audition process for the part of Josie. Murray, whose singing idol was the legendary vocalist Whitney Houston, came to the art in a roundabout manner. She recalls, “My mom started to teach me how to sing when I was very young. But I was always very shy and hated singing in front of people. I had a very difficult experience as a child which freaked me out so I had a lot of stage fright when I was singing.” Things began to change as her performing arts horizons opened up. She explains, “As I got older and started acting, I found out that musicals were a thing and I always loved musical movies so I started auditioning for those at school and then outside of school.” Josie, so far written as sort of an alpha female, isn’t just the leader of the band. She is also the daughter

Black Owned D.C. Wine and Spirits Festival

Chanel Turner Is Back for Another Round By Kristin Gray Special to the AFRO While Blacks are a powerful force in the economic prosperity of the liquor industry, White men represent the overwhelming majority of liquor franchise ownership in the U.S. But, a growing number of Black entrepreneurs are shifting the landscape and carving out their own niche in the industry. The second annual Black Owned Wine and Spirits Festival is attempting to drive efforts to increase the visibility of these burgeoning manufacturers. Founded in 2016 by entrepreneur Chanel Turner, founder of Fou-Dré Vodka, the expo piques the interest of spirit connoisseurs who are eager to support Black-owned brands. On Sept. 30 from 2-8 p.m., revelers will gather at The Showroom D.C., 1099 14th Street, in the Northwest quadrant of the city for hours of drink sampling, networking and conversation. There are more than 40 participating vendors, including P. Harrell Wines, d’lish dish Catering, Roux Catering Company and Suite Four. “This year we moved our festival…The Showroom D.C. is one of D.C.’s newest venues and located in the heart of the city. Chic, clean design, large windows letting in plenty of sunlight, rooftop views and more will be the backdrop for this year’s festival,” Turner told the AFRO. “This year we can offer larger sample sizes to the attendees as well as attendees have the ability to purchase a product they sample right there on site, which we were unable to do last year. Our wine and spirit vendor list is double what it was last year, which allows the attendees to have a lot more variety to choose from.” Turner is an industry game-changer and innovator. She is the youngest woman to own her own spirit brand

Riverdale’s new season premieres October 11th at 8PM on the CW network.

Black CEO Reflects on Growth of Start-Up Company

Ashleigh Murray plays Josie, of Josie and the Pussycats fame, in the CW’s ‘Riverdale.’

of a living doll. She reveals that home base is in New York City but doesn’t get more specific than, “I stay between Brooklyn or Manhattan.” However, she lives most of the year in Vancouver, Canada where Riverdale shoots. The show is, of course, loosely based on the popular Archie comic books of the seventies through nineties that chronicled the young, restless, bold, beautiful lives of teens Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead and of course Josie and The Pussycats. Josie and The Pussycats is the most sought after band in Riverdale and their music often punctuates the mood of the decidedly dark, enigmatic series. It was crucial that the actresses who play the school’s heralded chanteuses be able to mimic in song the fictional town’s brooding, mercurial yet magical qualities.

The role was originated by Ross Butler (“13 Reasons Why”) but will be taken over by Charles Melton (“American Horror Story”) this season. She also says, “We’re also going to be building out more of her friendship with Cheryl.” Cheryl is Cheryl Blossom from the richest, snobbiest, and scariest family in Riverdale. Both Josie and Cheryl have strong personalities so it will be intriguing to see how this turns out. It might be Dominique Deveraux and Alexis Carrington 2.0.

and the first Black woman vodka proprietor. Fou-Dré emerged on the spirits scene in 2009 when Turner, then 25, sought a vodka brand that “you could just drink straight and not be too heavy, no chaser…just neat over ice.” The vodka boasts 100 percent fruit flavors and an amalgam of pomegranate and ginger notes. She says the brand continues to expand its footprint throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, Georgia and Singapore. Just as Turner sought liquor with more savory tastes than traditionally harsh vodkas, she said she believes people of all generations have developed more discerning palates and higher expectations for their drinking experience. Although trends indicate millennials and the 40-andunder generation have a penchant for premium spirits, Turner said she finds more brand allegiance with mature audiences. “Actually, I’ve noticed just with my brand alone that 35-and-up [drinkers] have more loyalty to a brand than the younger generation,” Turner said. “They look for quality spirits versus what’s popular or mainstream.” Alice Gaines, 37, agrees that today’s wine and spirit drinkers have more stringent requirements. Liquor preferences are no longer limited to bar fodder, but have transcended into symbols of class and lifestyle. She recently hosted a wine tasting at her Laurel, Md., home, where a group of 15 20-and 30-somethings gathered on a balmy evening to sip, socialize and enjoy a spirited round of karaoke. Gaines noted her guests’ fondness for the highest quality selections. “People 40 and under are looking for quality beverages that taste great and relaxes them at the same time. Cost isn’t an issue if those two things are present,” she said.

A Baltimore start-up company is offering a solution to the problem that every person with a smartphone has faced: how to avoid paying cell phone companies an arm and a leg to fix a crack in your screen. Fixt was founded by Luke Cooper in 2013 to provide “ondemand mobile device and repair replacement” in just a few hours. Cooper’s motivations for starting Fixt are deeply personal, and his dedication to its success was fueled by his young daughter’s cancer diagnosis in 2014. Cooper was raised in Bridgeport, Conn., and said that to call it an “underprivileged environment” is “putting it lightly.” Though he acquired a great deal of experience in other business ventures, Fixt is a relatively new endeavor for him— and one he embarked on alone, after an initial group of co-founders backed out. “Ultimately, it was the best thing possible,” Cooper said. “We could not be where we are today if I had not shed some of those people. That’s part of life lessons. You gotta learn as an entrepreneur, as an early adult or young professional, whoever you are, to shed people quickly who are not meant to be part of your future.” The launch of Fixt was an enormous project that overlapped with a family crisis. “The year that we were shedding founders, my daughter, she was four then, got stage-four cancer,” Cooper recalls. “She’s all better now, but that was certainly difficult. I made a conscious decision at that point that the best thing I could do for my daughter was to be as successful as I possibly could.” During the 10 months that his daughter successfully battled cancer, Cooper traveled between Boulder, Co., where Fixt was acquiring resources, and his family in Baltimore. The resiliency he found during that time has fueled his company’s upward progression. Cooper had the opportunity to attend a Jesuit prep school before attending Adelphi University on a basketball scholarship and earning a law degree from Syracuse University and an MBA from Babson College. The diverse experience helped him build perspective as he became an entrepreneur. “There are lots of obstacles I certainly faced as an AfricanAmerican entrepreneur,” he said. “Many of them deal with perception. You can’t allow that to stop you. You hear ‘no’ quite a bit. Sometimes you just don’t know whether you’re hearing ‘no,’ not necessarily because people are discriminatory or they don’t like you because you’re Black … but because they’ve formed an opinion of you and are not willing to be patient enough to understand the context (around) which you are building a company…because they just don’t see themselves in you.”

Courtesy photo

Luke Cooper, CEO and founder of Fixt, is offering a revolutionary tech service in Baltimore. Cooper’s employees include White, Latinx and LGBTQ individuals, but few brown faces. He is open about the lack of diversity in his company, but said he has had a hard time attracting Black workers, engineers, and intellectuals in Baltimore due to racial and economic disparities. “I’m proud of the group that we have here,” Cooper said. “I’m the only African American in the company, that’s a true statement, however, you can’t control outcomes. Our job is to make sure that we invite as many candidates into the [application] process as possible.” Cooper hopes to create opportunities at his company for Black job-seekers by posting openings at HBCUs such as Morgan State and Coppin State, and spending some of his own time visiting and speaking with Black student groups at other universities, including Towson University’s Black Student Union. He also worked with Coppin State to help launch a new entrepreneurial accelerator program. The experience of helming a start-up company has granted Cooper a depth of perspective, and he advises other new companies to be ready to adjust. “I’ve learned that you just can’t control the bad things that are going to happen,” he said. “When you go into start-up life, and you’re starting the very early stages of building something, understand that a world of possible outcomes is unknowable. There is no such thing as a straight line to success. Be flexible, be adaptive, and be compassionate.” Cooper said he hopes Fixt’s growth, and his own path through the world of business, can serve as an example to other entrepreneurs looking for a model for their own success. “My job is to find a way to broadcast as loud as I can my story,” he said, “and what I’ve been through and how it’s led me to my success as a way to encourage others to do the same thing. The next big story is in West Baltimore, East Baltimore, tucked away.”


The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017


Playing the Maryland Lottery is fun, but please play within your limits. For confidential help with gambling problems, please visit or call 1-800-GAMBLER. You must be 18 to play.

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American



From the Desk of the AFRO Sports Editor

Shout-Out to the Black News Correspondents for Standing Behind ESPN’s Jemele Hill By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor You know the old saying, “Not all superheroes wear capes.” Well, it certainly applies to several Black members of the sports press corps, who came together like Voltron in defense of Black sports journalist Jemele Hill amid the controversy over her Twitter comments about Donald Trump. Hill, currently an anchor for ESPN’s flagship program “SportsCenter,” drew criticism when she described Trump as a “White supremacist” during a casual Twitter debate on Sept. 11 with some of her Twitter followers. “Donald Trump is a White supremacist who has largely surrounded himself [with] other White supremacists,” Hill tweeted from her personal Twitter account. “Trump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime. His rise is a direct result of White supremacy. Period.” Her comments prompted ESPN to issue a statement denouncing the tweets, saying they “do not represent the position of ESPN. We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.” Some would argue that ESPN’s statement was unnecessary, as Hill said nothing inappropriate. I personally believe everything she said in describing President Trump was completely accurate and factual. She didn’t use offensive language, or make offensive jokes. She merely described Trump’s extreme racially offensive behavior since he first began his campaign for the presidency years ago. So I’ve had a hard time understanding

Twitter Photo @jemelehill

Sept. 13th photo of Jemele Hill posing with five Black sports commentators (Chris Haynes, Michael C. Wright, Marc J. Spears, Micheal Evans, and Galen G. Gordon) who also work for ESPN

“So regardless of what ESPN may admit, I know in my heart that Hill’s job really was in danger, and the only thing that saved her was her brothers and sisters from the sports press corps.”

exactly what ESPN was referring to when it labeled Hill’s actions as inappropriate. But it appears things may have gotten far worse for Hill than just a statement from her employer, had it not been for the heroic actions taken by some of her peers at ESPN. According to ThinkProgress, ESPN initially attempted to keep Hill from appearing on SportsCenter on Sept. 13, but her co-anchor, Michael Smith refused to appear without her. ThinkProgress reported

that ESPN then reached out to Michael Eves and Elle Duncan, two other Black anchors of the network, to replace both Hill and Smith on the show, but Eves and Duncan also refused. Faced with the possibility of having to replace Hill and Smith with White anchors, ESPN reversed course and allowed Hill to do the show. Of course, ESPN refuted ThinkProgress’ report, calling its claims false. But you can’t help but believe it’s true, especially given the network’s history of terminating employees who make politically controversial statements. When White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she considered Hill’s comments “a fireable offense by ESPN,” I honestly feared for Hill’s job. Why would anyone be surprised to see her lose her job, considering we’ve all just witnessed Colin Kaepernick get ousted from the NFL for essentially doing the same thing Hill did: piss off White America. So regardless of what ESPN may admit, I know in my heart that Hill’s job really was in danger, and the only thing that saved her was her brothers and sisters from the sports press corps. Hill hasn’t confirmed the rumors that Eves and Duncan refused to sit in for her, but she did post a photo on Twitter on Sept. 13 of her posing with five Black sports commentators who also work for ESPN and, like Hill, are also members of the National Association of Black Journalists. Hill captioned the photo, saying “Love that my NABJ brothers came to a check on me.” I love it, too, Jemele. But what I love even more is how they showed that as long as we stick together, nothing can break us.

AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff

Do Politics and Sports Mix? By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Desk

every facet of our lives, even when we’re trying to entertain ourselves. There is no rest for the weary.

Popular ESPN journalist/anchor Jemele Hill came under fire this week after her Tweet called Donald Trump a White Supremacist, drawing the ire of America’s 45th president and his supporters. On Sept. 11, Hill tweeted: “Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself with other white supremacists.” Hill has since deleted the Tweet but nonetheless faced an explosive week in which Trump demanded Hill be fired, and ESPN was forced to release a statement apologizing for her remarks. Actions from the White House have come under heavy scrutiny from several professional athletes since Trump’s 2016 election, directly combining politics and sports into one big news story. Hill’s statements further tighten the link between the two topics. But should it? Do sports and politics mix? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley of the AFRO Sports Desk debate.

Riley: I don’t buy into the theory that people should just be drones and stick to their day jobs. Everyone is opinionated now and those opinions, beliefs and suggestions will continue to be exposed as long as there are outlets in place that provide for that type of broadcast. It might not be fair to everyone, but this is what’s going on. Unless somebody shuts the Internet down tomorrow, athletes along with everybody else will continue to have lanes to express themselves.

Green: The Internet doesn’t have to be shut down, but athletes as well as sports journalists should make sure they’re as socially aware as possible. I’d prefer we all educate ourselves as much as possible on monumental situations that are occurring in our society before speaking publicly on them. Hill did that when she spoke on Trump. She wasn’t just mouthing off on a subject she didn’t do her homework on. There are instances, though, where other high-profile sports figures really don’t know what they’re talking about, and ultimately end up using their fame to broadcast foolish thoughts. That’s where mixing both worlds can get dangerous.

Riley: Muhammad Ali immediately comes to mind when I think of sports and politics. His arrest for refusing to submit to the draft eventually made him a crossover star and forever merged sports and politics into the same blend. We use sports as outlets from dizzying news. It’s okay for athletes and the journalists who comment on them to give us reminders that life is bigger than scoring points. I admire that Hill expressed her opinion despite the conflict that ensued. ESPN released a statement suggesting that the company keep sports and politics separate—but how? Green: Society would rather the two stay separate, but athletes are so much more expressive than they used to be, especially now that they have social media platforms. Riley, you suggested that sports is used as an outlet from real news, but it’ll never be that way in actuality. The pro sports industry is just a reflection of society. Sure, some of us would love for sports to serve simply as a getaway from reality, but you can never escape reality. If we have serious problems in our society, it’s going to show up in

AP Photos/John Salangsang/Invision and Evan Vucci

ESPN “Sportscenter” host Jemele Hill; and President Donald Trump.






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DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY INVITATION TO BID INVITATION NO.: 160020 Small Diameter Water Main Replacement 13a The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) is soliciting bids for Invitation No. 160020: ”Small Diameter Water Main Replacement 13a”.The following listing enumerates the major items of work included in the contract: *Approximately 1.3 miles of water mains and associated valves and appurtenances. *Copper water services 2 inch and smaller in public and private space.

NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ (Room, Apt., House, etc.) INSERTION DATE:_________________

WASHINGTON AFRO-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER Legal Advertising Rates Effective October 1, 2008

*Curb stop /curb stop box, meter box and penetration through building wall and connection to first fitting inside the building including installation of a shut-off valve and pressure reducing valve. *Permanent pavement and surface restoration. The project requires completion within 310 consecutive calendar days. TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 18:04:20 EDT 2017 This project is estimated to cost between $4,000,000.00 and $6,000,000.00 DC Water will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., local standard time on November Superior Court of 01, 2017.

the District of Columbia A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted on October 17, 2017. PROBATE DIVISION The Conference will begin at 11:00 a.m. and end at 1:00 p.m. in the Washington, D.C. Conference Room at DC Water’s Blue Plains Visitor Center20001-2131 located at 5000 Overlook Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20032. All attendees are required Administration make reservations for this Conference by submitting to dets-construction. 2017ADM979 the name, title and firm name of the attendee(s), James Frederick Morby 3:00 p.m. on October 16, 2017. ris Jr. Decedent Jamison B Taylor This project may be funded in part by the U. S. Environmental Protection 1218 11th St. NW Agency (EPA). A Fair Share Objective for Minority and Women’s Business Washington, DC 20001 Enterprises (M/WBEs) participation in this work of 32% and 6%, respecAttorney tively, has been established. Participation by M/WBEs at the 32% and 6% NOTICE OF level, respectively, is a contract goal. The contract requires bidders to APPOINTMENT, conduct directed outreach to M/WBEs. The program requirements are fully NOTICE TO defined in USEPA’s ”Participation by Disadvantaged Enterprises in ProCREDITORS curement under EPA Financial Assistant AgreementsAND - May 27, 2008.” NOTICE TO Please be aware that program participation requires UNKNOWN M/WBEs are made HEIRS aware of contracting opportunities to the fullest extent practicable Anna B Murray through , whose address 1520 dedicated outreach and recruitment activities. That is, biddersisfor DCUpshur Water NW, Washington, DC construction contracts must make prescribed ”goodSt. faith efforts” to ensure 20011, was funded appointed that M/WBEs receive a ”fair share” of procurement opportunities by personal representative EPA. For further guidance, please refer to 40 C.F.R.§ 33.301, or contact DC of the estate of James Water Grants Coordinator Rhonda Green at 202-787-2276. Frederick Morris Jr., who died on February 16, The Davis-Bacon wage determinations shall apply. 2017 without a will, and will serve without Court DC Water Owner Controlled Insurance Program willsupervision. provide insurance. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are5000 unBid documents are available at the Department of Procurement, known shallDocuments enter their Overlook Avenue, SW, Washington, Sets of Bidding TYPESET: DC Tue20032. Sep 19 18:04:20 EDT 2017 a p pprice e a r aeach, n c e payable in this can be procured for a non-refundable $50.00 purchase proceeding. Objections to DC Water. Payment must be in the form of a money order, certified check to such appointment or a company check. Documents canCourt be shipped to Bidders providing(or a Superior of to the probate of deFederal Express account number. the cedent´s will) shall be District of Columbia filed with the Register of The DC Water Blue PlainsPROBATE Advanced WastewaterWills, Treatment DIVISION D.C., Plant 515 is 5tha secured facility. Persons intending to pick-up Documents to Washington, D.C. Bidding Street, N.W., 3rdare Floor 20001-2131at 202 787 contact the Department of Procurement W2020 a s h i nfor g t oaccess n , D . Cau. Administration No. thorization. 20001, on or before 2017ADM979 March 18, 2018. Claims James Frederick Moragainst the Dept. decedent For procurement information contact DC Water Procurement via ris Jr. shall be presented email; ProcurementConstructionInquiry@dcwater.comFor technicalto the inDecedent undersigned with a copy formation contact: Jamison B Taylor to the Register of Wills or 1218 11th St. NW filed with the Register of Please insert the IFB No.Washington, in the Subject DC website at DCLine.View 20001 WillsWater’s with a copy to the for current and up coming solicitations. Attorney undersigned, on or beTYPESET: Tue Sep 19 18:01:13 EDT 2017 NOTICE OF fore March 18, 2018, or APPOINTMENT, be forever barred. PerNOTICE TO sons believed to be heirs MBE/SLBE CREDITORS or legatees of the deAND NOTICE TO Subcontractors and Suppliers cedent who do not reUNKNOWN HEIRS US CDM Smith Joint Venture is interested in receiving expressions of ceive a copy of this notice Anna B Murray , whose mail within 25 for days of interest from qualified MBE/SLBE subcontractors by and suppliers the address is 1520 Upshur its first publication shall Piscataway WWTP Bio-Energy Project for the Washington Suburban SaniNW, Washington, DCwill potentially so inform the of tary Commission (WSSC).St. Opportunities to bid beRegister available 20011, was appointed including name, for all construction trades.personal If interested, please Fax aWills, statement expressing representative address and relationinterest to 703-434-3714. of Contact telephone 703-972-6053. the estate of James ship. Ulliman Schutte Frederick Morris Jr., who Date of Publication: Construction, died onLLC14420 February Albemarle 16, September 8, 2017 Pointwithout Place, aSuite 2017 will, 110 and Name of newspaper: will serve without Court Chantilly. VA 20151 Afro-American supervision. All unknown Washington heirs and heirs whose Equal Opportunity Employer Law Reporter whereabouts are unAnna R Murray known shall enter their Personal a p p e a rEDT a n c e 2017 in this TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 18:04:20 Representative proceeding. Objections LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES to such appointment (or TRUE TEST COPY to the probate of deSuperior Court of REGISTER OF WILLS cedent´s will) shall be the filed with the Register of District of Columbia 09/8, 09/15,Tue 09/22/17 TYPESET: Sep 19 Wills, D.C., 515 5th PROBATE DIVISION Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001-2131 Superior Court of 20001, on or before Administration No. the March 18, 2018. Claims 2017ADM979 District of Columbia against the decedent James Frederick MorPROBATE DIVISION shall be presented to the ris Jr. Washington, D.C. undersigned with a copy Decedent 20001-2131 to the Register of Wills or Jamison B Taylor Administration No. filed with the Register of 1218 11th St. NW 2017ADM0105 Wills with a copy to the Washington, DC 20001 undersigned, on or be- Annie E Barnes Attorney fore March 18, 2018, or AKA NOTICE OF be forever barred. Per- Annie Barnes APPOINTMENT, sons believed to be heirs Decedent NOTICE TO NOTICE OF or legatees of the deCREDITORS APPOINTMENT, cedent who do not reAND NOTICE TO NOTICE TO ceive a copy of this notice UNKNOWN HEIRS CREDITORS by mail within 25 days of Anna B Murray , whose AND NOTICE TO its first publication shall address is 1520 Upshur UNKNOWN HEIRS so inform the Register of St. NW, Washington, DC Dellas G Wilson, whose Wills, including name, 20011, was appointed address and relation- address is 3406 10th personal representative Street, NE, Washington, ship. of the estate of James DC 20017, was apDate of Publication: Frederick Morris Jr., who pointed personal repreSeptember 8, 2017 died on February 16, sentative of the estate of Name of newspaper: 2017 without a will, and Annie E Barnes AKA AnAfro-American will serve without Court nie Barnes , who died on Washington supervision. All unknown December 3, 2016 with a Law Reporter heirs and heirs whose Anna R Murray will, and will serve withwhereabouts are unPersonal out Court supervision. All known shall enter their Representative unknown heirs and heirs appearance in this whose whereabouts are proceeding. Objections unknown shall enter their TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment (or appearance in this REGISTER OF WILLS to the probate of deproceeding. Objections cedent´s will) shall be to such appointment (or 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 filed with the Register of to the probate of deWills, D.C., 515 5th cedent´s will) shall be


a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion c. Notice to Creditors 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion e. Standard Probates

TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 18:05:28 EDT 2017

CIVIL NOTICES Superior of a. NameCourt Changes 202-879-1133 the b. Real Property District of Columbia

$180.00 per 3 weeks $180.00 per 3 weeks $180.00 per 3 weeks $360.00 per 6 weeks $125.00

$ 80.00 $ 200.00

PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 FAMILY COURT Administration No. TYPESET: Tue 202-879-1212 Sep 19 18:04:41 EDT 2017 2017ADM0105 Annie E Barnes DOMESTIC RELATIONS AKA Superior Court of Annie Barnes 202-879-0157 the District of Decedent District of Columbia NOTICE OF PROBATE DIVISION a.APPOINTMENT, Absent Defendant $ 150.00 Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO 20001-2131 b. CREDITORS Absolute Divorce 150.00EDT 2017 TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 $18:02:34 Administration No. AND NOTICE TO 2017ADM982 c. Custody Divorce $150.00 UNKNOWN HEIRS Robert L Murray Dellas G Wilson, whose Superior Court of Decedent address is 3406 10th F Harvey Street, Washington, ToNE, place your ad,Stephenson call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262,ofthe Public Notices $50.00 & up District Columbia Jr. Esq DC 20017, was apPROBATE DIVISION P.O.size, Box Baltimore 434, depending on Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. pointed personal repreWashington, D.C. Dunkirk MD 20754 sentative of the estate of 1-800 (AFRO) 892 20001-2131 Attorney Annie E Barnes AKA AnAdministration No. NOTICE OF For Proof 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 nie Barnes , who died on of Publication, please call2017ADM986 APPOINTMENT, December 3, 2016 with a Genoveva Eugenia NOTICE TO will, and will serve withStano CREDITORS out Court supervision. All Decedent AND NOTICE TO Tue Sep 19 18:02:54 unknown heirs and heirs LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES TYPESET: LEGAL NOTICES Phillip E Stano UNKNOWN HEIRS whose whereabouts are C h a r l e s A M u r r a y , Eversheds Sutherland unknown shall enter their whose address is 1232 E (US) LLP Superior Court of appearance in this St. NE, Washington, DC 700 Sixth Street NW, the District of proceeding. Objections Suite 700 20002 was, appointed District of Columbia to such appointment (or Washington, DC 20001 personalrepresentative PROBATE DIVISION to the probate of deAttorney Washington, D.C. cedent´s will) shall be of the estate of Robert L NOTICE OF 20001-2131 filed with the Register of Murray, who died on July APPOINTMENT, 11, 2007 without a will, Administration No. Wills, D.C., 515 5th NOTICE TO and will serve with Court 2017ADM001001 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor CREDITORS supervision. All unknown Herman C Zeigler Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . AND NOTICE TO heirs and heirs whose Decedent 20001, on or before UNKNOWN HEIRS March 8, 2018. Claims whereabouts are un- Philip E Stano, whose Law Office Of against the decedent known shall enter their address is 13311 Deer- Frederick E Woods 1629 K Street, NW Suite shall be presented to the a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s brook Drive, Potomac, 300 undersigned with a copy proceeding. Objections MD 20854, was apto such appointment Washington, DC 20006 to the Register of Wills or pointed personal represhall be filed with the Attorney filed with the Register of sentative of the estate of Register of Wills, D.C., NOTICE OF Wills with a copy to the Genoveva Eugenia APPOINTMENT, undersigned, on or be- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Stano, who died on April Floor Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO fore March 8, 2018, or be 6, 2017 without a will, CREDITORS forever barred. Persons 20001, on or before and will serve without March 8, 2018. Claims AND NOTICE TO believed to be heirs or Court supervision. All unUNKNOWN HEIRS legatees of the decedent against the decedent known heirs and heirs shall be presented to the Joan M Hallstalk , whose who do not receive a whose whereabouts are copy of this notice by mail undersigned with a copy unknown shall enter their address is 5800 Hickory to the Register of Wills or Ridge Road Spotswithin 25 days of its first appearance in this publication shall so in- filed with the Register of proceeding. Objections ylvania, VA 22551 , was Wills with a copy to the form the Register of to such appointment (or appointed personal reWills, including name, undersigned, on or be- to the probate of de- presentative of the estate address and relation- fore March 8, 2018, or be cedent´s will) shall be of Herman C Zeigler , forever barred. Persons who died on June 21, ship. believed to be heirs or filed with the Register of 2017 with a will, and will Date of Publication: Wills, D.C., 515 5th legatees of the decedent serve without Court suSeptember 8, 2017 who do not receive a Street, N.W., 3rd Floor pervision. All unknown Name of newspaper: Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . copy of this notice by mail heirs and heirs whose 18:05:28 EDT 2017 Afro-American within 25 days of its first 20001, on or before where-abouts are unWashington March 8, 2018. Claims publication shall so inLaw Reporter against the decedent known shall enter their Dellas G Wilson form the Register of shall be presented to the a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Wills, including name, Personal undersigned with a copy proceeding. Objections address and relationRepresentative to the Register of Wills or to such appointment (or ship. filed with the Register of to the probate of deDate of Publication: TRUE TEST COPY Wills with a copy to the cedent´s will) shall be September 8, 2017 REGISTER OF WILLS undersigned, on or be- filed with the Register of Name of newspaper: fore March 8, 2018, or be Wills, D.C., 515 5th Afro-American 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 18:04:41 EDT 2017 forever barred. Persons Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington believed to be heirs or W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Law Reporter 20001, on or before Charles A Murray legatees of the decedent March 8, 2018. Claims Superior Court of Personal who do not receive a against the decedent the District of Representative copy of this notice by mail shall be presented to the District of Columbia within 25 days of its first PROBATE DIVISION publication shall so in- undersigned with a copy TRUE TEST COPY to the Register of Wills or Washington, D.C. form the Register of REGISTER OF WILLS 20001-2131 Wills, including name, filed with the Register of TYPESET: Sep 19 18:02:34 Administration No. address EDT and 2017 relation- Wills with a copy to the 09/8, 09/15, Tue 09/22/17 undersigned, on or be2017ADM982 ship. fore March 8, 2018, or be Robert L Murray Date of Publication: forever barred. Persons Decedent Superior Court of September 8, 2017 believed to be heirs or Stephenson F Harvey the Name of newspaper: legatees of the decedent Jr. Esq District of Columbia Afro-American who do not receive a P.O. Box 434, PROBATE DIVISION Washington copy of this notice by mail Dunkirk MD 20754 Washington, D.C. Law Reporter Attorney 20001-2131 Phillip E Stano within 25 days of its first NOTICE OF Administration No. Personal publication shall so inAPPOINTMENT, 2017ADM986 Representative form the Register of Wills, including name, NOTICE TO Genoveva Eugenia address and relationCREDITORS Stano TRUE TEST COPY ship. AND NOTICE TO Decedent REGISTER OF WILLS Date of Publication: UNKNOWN HEIRS Phillip E Stano September 8, 2017 C h a r l e s A M u r r a y , Eversheds Sutherland 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 Name of newspaper: whose address is 1232 E (US) LLP Afro-American St. NE, Washington, DC 700 Sixth Street NW, Washington 20002 was, appointed Suite 700 Law Reporter personalrepresentative Washington, DC 20001 Joan M Hallstalk of the estate of Robert L Attorney

forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. LEGAL NOTICES Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Joan M Hallstalk Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM944 Sabrina Renee Turner AKA Sabrina R Turner Decedent William A Bland Esq 80 M Street SE #330 Washington, DC 20003 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Jasmine N Turner , whose addressis 622 Southern Ave, SE, Washington, DC 20032 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Sabrina Renee Turner AKA Sabrina R Turner , who died on June 8, 2017 without a will, and will serve with/ without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter September 8, 2017 Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM000310 Gedell Weathers Decedent Jeanne K Aelion Esq 6915 Laurel Bowie Road St 201 Bowie, MD 20715 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Jeanne K Aelion, whose address is 6915 Laurel Bowie Road, Ste 201, Bowie, MD 20715 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Gedell Weathers , who died on December 5, 2009 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Jeanne K Aelion Personal Representative

AND NOTICE TO TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 18:01:49 EDT 2017 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM001003 LEGAL NOTICES Yvonne M Pitts AKA Yvonne Marie Price Pitts Decedent Constance G Starks Esq 7053 Western Avenue NW Washington, DC 20015 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, TO 18:02:10NOTICE EDT 2017 CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Ronald G. Pitts , whose address is 601 E Tantallon Drive, Fort Washington, MD 20744 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Yvonne M Pitts AKA Yvonne Marie Price Pitts, who died on July 12, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Ronald G Pitts Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Sep 19 09/08, 09/15,Tue 09/22/17 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM620 Joseph Dawson Jr. Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Karen D. Dawson and Sherry L. Dawson , whose addresses are 7959 Riggs Rd#10 18:03:14 EDT 2017Adelphi MD 20783 10810 B l a c k s t o n e Av e n u e , Cheltenham MD 20623 were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Joseph Dawson Jr., who died on May 6, 2017 with a will, and will serve without, Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Karen D Dawson Sherry L Dawson Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM366 Alberta C Colson AKA Alberta Colson Decedent Vickey a Wright-Smith 1629 K Street NW#300 Washington, DC 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE TO REGISTER OF WILLS CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO TYPESET: Sep 19 18:01:49 EDT 2017 09/08, 09/15,Tue 09/22/17 UNKNOWN HEIRS Vickey A Wright Smith , whose address is 1629 K Superior Court of ST NW #300 , Washingthe ton, DC 20006, was apDistrict of Columbia pointed personal reprePROBATE DIVISION sentative of the estate of Washington, D.C. Alberta C Colson AKA 20001-2131 Alberta Colson , who Administration No. died on August 24, 2012 2017ADM001003 with a will, and will serve Yvonne M Pitts with Court supervision. AKA All unknown heirs and Yvonne Marie Price h e i r s w h o s e Pitts whereabouts are unDecedent known shall enter their Constance G Starks appearance in this Esq

UNKNOWN HEIRS Vickey A Wright Smith , whose address is 1629 K ST NW #300 , Washington, DC 20006, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Alberta C Colson AKA Alberta Colson , who died on August 24, 2012 LEGAL NOTICES with a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and h e i r s w h o s e whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 15, 2018 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 15, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 15, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Vickey A Wright-Smith Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Sep 19 09/15, 09/22,Tue 09/29/17 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM1016 James E King AKA James Edward King Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Anthony E King , whose address is 16016 Macedonia Drive, Woodbrige Virginia 22191 was appointed personal representative the estate 18:05:03 EDTof 2017 of James E King AKA James Edward King , who died on June 16, 1996 without a will, and will serve withCourt supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 15, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 15, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 15, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Anthony E King Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 09/15, 09/22,Tue 09/29/17 TYPESET: Sep 19 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2011ADM1027 Ernestine Whiting Decedent Erick R Tyrone Esq; The Tyrone Law Group LLC 9701 Apollo Drive Suite 100 Largo, MD 20774 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS 17:58:30 EDT 2017 Steven Whiting , whose address is 10514 Nast Drive, Cheltenham, MD 20623, was appointed personal representative of the estate of May 26, 2008, who died on May 26, 2008 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name,

March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed be heirs or LEGALtoNOTICES legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Steven Whiting Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM966 Reginald Brown Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Jacqueline Brown , whose address is 6309 Longfellow Street, Riverdale, MD 20737, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Reginald Brown, who on July 18:00:31 EDTdied 2017 24, 2017 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 8, 2017. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2017, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Jacqueline Brown Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17

TYPESET: Tue Sep 19

2017ADM575 Ronald K Ballard Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Donald G. Ballard , LEGAL NOTICES whose address is 306 Grenadie Dr., Ruther Glen, VA 22546, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ronald K Ballard, who died on March 11, 2016 with a will, and will servewithout Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before 18:06:18 2017 March 8,EDT 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 8, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Donald G Ballard Personal Representative

2017ADM001021 Kevin B Barnes AKA Kevin Bernard Barnes Sr. Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO LEGAL NOTICES UNKNOWN HEIRS Kimberly Patrice Barnes , whose address is 709 Adrian St. SE, Washington, DC 20019, wasappointed personal representative of the estate of Kevin B Barnes Sr. AKA Kevin Bernard Barnes Sr., who died on February 8, 2017 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . TRUE TEST COPY 20001, on or before REGISTER OF WILLS March 15, 2018 . Claims against EDT the decedent TYPESET: Sep 19 17:54:57 2017 09/15, 09/22,Tue 09/30/17 shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or Superior Court of filed with the Register of the Wills with a copy to the District of Columbia undersigned, on or bePROBATE DIVISION fore March 15, 2018, or Washington, D.C. be forever barred. Per20001-2131 sons believed to be heirs Administration No. or legatees of the de2017ADM000994 Sylvester Charles Ha- cedent who do not receive a copy of this notice zel Jr. by mail within 25 days of Decedent its first publication shall Jamison B Taylor so inform the Register of 1218 11th St. NW Wills, including name, Washington, DC 20001 address and relationAttorney ship. NOTICE OF Date of Publication: APPOINTMENT, September 15, 2017 NOTICE TO Name of newspaper: CREDITORS Afro-American AND NOTICE TO Washington UNKNOWN HEIRS Law Reporter Anthony McDuffle, whose address is 2401 Kimberly Patrice Barnes Personal Martin Luther King Ave., Representative 18:03:56 EDT 2017 DC, SE, Washington 20020 wasappointed TRUE TEST COPY personal representative REGISTER OF WILLS of the estate of Sylvester TYPESET: Sep 19 09/22,Tue 09/30/17 Charles Hazel Jr., who 09/15, died on November 4, 2015 without a will, and Superior Court of will serve with Court suthe pervision. All unknown District of Columbia heirs and heirs whose PROBATE DIVISION whereabouts are unWashington, D.C. known shall enter their 20001-2131 appearance in this Administration No. proceeding. Objections 2017ADM776 to such appointment shall be filed with the Timothy Lionel Williams Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Decedent Floor Washington, D.C. Dawn Jackson Esq 20001, on or before 1300 Caraway Court March 22, 2018. Claims Suite 100 against the decedent LArgo shall be presented to the Attorney NOTICE OF undersigned with a copy APPOINTMENT, to the Register of Wills or NOTICE TO filed with the Register of CREDITORS Wills with a copy to the AND NOTICE TO undersigned, on or beUNKNOWN HEIRS fore March 22, 2018, or be forever barred. Per- Eleanor McKoy, whose sons believed to be heirs a d d r e s s i s 1 8 3 0 or legatees of the de- Maryland Ave., NE #3, cedent who do not re- Washington, DC 20002, ceive a copy of this notice was appointed personal by mail within 25 days of representatives of the its first publication shall estate of Timothy Lionel so inform the Register of Williams, who died on Wills, including name, February 23, 2017 withaddress and relation- out a will, and will serve without Court superviship. sion. All unknown heirs Date of Publication: and heirs whose September 22, 2017 whereabouts are unName of newspaper: known shall enter their Afro-American appearance in this Washington proceeding. Objections Law Reporter Anthony McDuffie to such appointment (or Personal to the probate of deRepresentative cedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th TRUE TEST COPY Street, N.W., 3rd Floor REGISTER OF WILLS Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before 09/22, 09/29, 10/6/17 TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 18:00:51 J a n u a r EDT y 1 42017 , 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the underSUPERIOR COURT OF signed with a copy to the THE DISTRICT OF Register of Wills or filed COLUMBIA with the Register of Wills PROBATE DIVISION with a copy to the underWashington, D.C. signed, on or before 20001-2131 January 14, 2018, or be Administration No. forever barred. Persons 2017ADM001090 believed to be heirs or Estate of legatees of the decedent Jestine L Key who do not receive a Deceased copy of this notice by mail NOTICE OF within 25 days of its first STANDARD publication shall so inPROBATE Notice is hereby given form the Register of that a petition has been Wills, including name, filed in this Court by address and relationLemeka M Keys Short for ship. standard probate, includ- Date of Publication: ing the appoint-ment of July 14, 2017 one or more personal re- Name of newspaper: presentative. Unless a Afro-American 17:57:46 EDT 2017 complaint or an objection Washington Law Reporter in accordance with Eleanor McKoy Superior Court Probate Personal Division Rule 407 is filed Representative in this Court within 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice, TRUE TEST COPY the Court may take the REGISTER OF WILLS action hereinafter set forth. 0 07/14, 07/21,Tue 07/28/17 In the absence of a will TYPESET: Sep 19 or proof satisfactory to the court of due execution, enter an order determining that decedent SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF died intestate. COLUMBIA appoint an unsupervised PROBATE DIVISION personal representative Washington, D.C. Register of Wills 20001-2131 Clerk of Foreign No. the Probate Division 2017FEP000110 Date of First Publication Date of Death September 15, 2017 June 19, 2017 Names of Newspapers: Jaqueline Carlan HarWashington vey Law Reporter Decedent Washington NOTICE OF AFRO-AMERICAN APPOINTMENT John F Mowry OF FOREIGN 1629 K Street NW Suite PERSONAL 300 REPRESENTATIVE Washington, DC 20006 AND Signature of NOTICE TO Petitioners/Attorney CREDITORS TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 17:59:10 EDT 2017 Tony Woodson whose 09/15, 09/22, 09/30/17 address is 13316 Fort Washington Road, Fort Superior Court of Washington, MD 20744 the District of was appointed personal District of Columbia representative of the PROBATE DIVISION estate of Jaqueline CarWashington, D.C. lan , deceased by the Or20001-2131 phan’s Court for Prince Administration No. Georges County, State of 2017ADM001021 Maryland , on September Kevin B Barnes 12, 2017, AKA Service of process may Kevin Bernard Barnes be made upon Manuel Sr. Geraldo, 1316 PennDecedent sylvania Ave SE, NOTICE OF Washington, DC 20003 APPOINTMENT, whose designation as NOTICE TO District of Columbia CREDITORS agent has been filed with AND NOTICE TO the Register of Wills, UNKNOWN HEIRS D.C. Kimberly Patrice Barnes The decedent owned the , whose address is 709 f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f Adrian St. SE, Washing- Colombia real property: ton, DC 20019, wasap- 5 1 5 E S t r e e t , S E , pointed personal repre- Washington, DC 20003 sentative of the estate of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 15, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of LEGAL Wills with aNOTICES copy to the undersigned, on or before March 15, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 15, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Ronald D Turner Charles A Turner Personal Representative

Maryland , on September 12, 2017, Service of process may be made upon Manuel Geraldo, 1316 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with LEGAL NOTICES the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 515 E Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003 Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice.

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American

TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 09/8, 09/15, Tue 09/22/17 TYPESET: Sep 19 Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM387 Lucille Tolliver Decedent Marquita Moye 504 Brummel Court, NW Washington, DC 20012 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Marquita Moye , whose address is 504 Brummel Court, NW, Washington, DC 20012 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lucille Tolliver, who died on February 10, 2016 (with, without) a will, and will serve (with, without) Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of de18:06:40 cedent´sEDT will) 2017 shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 8, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 8, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: XXXX Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter XXXX Personal Representative

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2017FEP000099 Date of Death June 16, 2017 Charles P Robison Sr. Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jane R. L Robison whose address is 11200 Lockwood Dr. Apt. 1110 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Charles P. Robison, Sr., deceased by the Orphan’s Court for Montgomery County, State of Maryland, on Au18:03:35 EDT 2017 gust 15, 2017. Service of process may be made upon Aaron E TRUE TEST COPY Price Sr. Esq, 717 D St., TYPESET: REGISTER OF TueWILLS Sep 19 NW, #300 Washington DC 20004 whose designation as District of Superior Court of Columbia agent has the District of been filed with the RegisDistrict of Columbia ter of Wills, D.C. PROBATE DIVISION The decedent owned the Washington, D.C. following District of 20001-2131 Colombia real property: Administration No. 3017 Otis St. , NE, 2017ADM001011 Washington., DC 20018 Mary A Turner Claims against the deAKA cedent may be preMary Ann Turner sented to the underDecedent signed and filed with the NOTICE OF Register of Wills for the APPOINTMENT, District of Columbia, 500 NOTICE TO Indiana Avenue, N.W., CREDITORS Washington, D.C. 20001 AND NOTICE TO within 6 months from the UNKNOWN HEIRS date of first publication of R o n a l d D Tu r n e r , this notice. Charles A Turner , whose Jane R. L. Robinson addresses are 6352 Personal South Lake Ct., Bryans Representative Rd., MD 20616, 315 UpTRUE TEST COPY shur St. NW, WashingREGISTER OF WILLS ton, DC 20011 were apDate of first publication: pointed personal September 8, 2017 representatives of the Name of newspapers estate of Mary A Turner and/or periodical: AKA Mary Ann Turner , The Daily Washington who died on July 21, Law Reporter 2016 without a will, and The Afro-American will serve without Court 09/8, 09/15, 09/22/17 TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 18:05:48 EDT supervision. All2017 unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unSuperior Court of known shall enter their the appearance in this District of Columbia proceeding. Objections PROBATE DIVISION to such appointment (or Washington, D.C. to the probate of de20001-2131 cedent´s will) shall be Administration No. filed with the Register of 2017ADM575 Wills, D.C., 515 5th Ronald K Ballard Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Decedent Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . NOTICE OF 20001, on or before APPOINTMENT, March 15, 2018. Claims NOTICE TO against the decedent CREDITORS shall be presented to the AND NOTICE TO undersigned with a copy UNKNOWN HEIRS to the Register of Wills or Donald G. Ballard , filed with the Register of whose address is 306 Wills with a copy to the Grenadie Dr., Ruther undersigned, on or beGlen, VA 22546, was ap- fore March 15, 2018, or pointed personal repre- be forever barred. Persentative of the estate of sons believed to be heirs Ronald K Ballard, who or legatees of the dedied on March 11, 2016 cedent who do not rewith a will, and will ser-

Tony Woodson Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: September 22, 2017 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 09/22, 09/30, 10/6/17

TYPESET: Tue Sep 19


TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 17:56:14 LEGAL NOTICES Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2017ADM387 Lucille Tolliver Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Marquita Moye, whose address is 504 Brummel Court, NW, Washington, DC 20012 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lucille Tolliver, who died on February 10, 2016 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this 17:57:23 EDTObjections 2017 proceeding. to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before March 15, 2018. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 15, 2018, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: September 15, 2017 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Marquita Moye Personal Representative

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2017FEP000109 Date of Death July 30, 2017 Victor C Wright Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Alexis A Wright-Portis whose address is 1332 30th Street SE, Washington, DC 20020 17:58:07 EDT 2017 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Victor C Wright , deceased by the Orphan’s Court for Montgomery County, State of Masryland, on August 24, 2017, Service of process may be made upon JoAnn J Wright, 6418 5th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20012 whose designa- TRUE TEST COPY tion as District of Colum- REGISTER OF WILLS bia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, 09/15, 09/22, 09/30/17 D.C. TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 17:54:32 The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: Superior Court of 1332 30th Street., SE, the Washington, DC 20020 District of Columbia Claims against the dePROBATE DIVISION cedent may be preWashington, D.C. sented to the under20001-2131 signed and filed with the Administration No. Register of Wills for the 2017ADM001040 District of Columbia,515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Patricia A Evans Washington, D.C. 20001 Decedent within 6 months from the William A Bland Bland, date of first publication of Esq 80 M Street, Ste 330 NW this notice. Alexis A Wright-Portis Washington, DC 20003 Personal Attorney NOTICE OF Representative(s) APPOINTMENT, TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE TO REGISTER OF WILLS CREDITORS Date of first publication: AND NOTICE TO September 22, 2017 UNKNOWN HEIRS Name of newspapers Marc A Evans and Lori A and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Evans, whose address is 5512 Smita Place, LanLaw Reporter ham, MD 20706 and The Afro-American 4016 Edmonton Court 09/22, 09/30,Tue 10/6/17 TYPESET: Sep 19 17:56:37 EDT Plains 2017 MD North, White 20695, was appointed personal representative Superior Court of of the estate of Patricia the Ann Evans AKA Patricia District of Columbia A Evans, who died on PROBATE DIVISION August 22, 2016 without Washington, D.C. a will, and will serve with20001-2131 out Court supervision. All Administration No. unknown heirs and heirs 2017ADM001036 whose where-abouts are Katie L Johnson unknown shall enter their Decedent appearance in this NOTICE OF proceeding. Objections APPOINTMENT, to such appointment NOTICE TO shall be filed with the CREDITORS Register of Wills, D.C., AND NOTICE TO 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd UNKNOWN HEIRS Floor Washington, D.C. Sibyl A Johnson, whose 20001, on or before address is 231 Lastner March 22, 2018. Claims Lane, Greenbelt, MD against the decedent 20770 was appointed shall be presented to the personal representative undersigned with a copy of the estate of Katie L to the Register of Wills or Johnson, who died on filed with the Register of July 3, 2017 without a Wills with a copy to the will, and will serve withundersigned, on or beout Court supervision. All fore March 22, 2018, or unknown heirs and heirs be forever barred. Perwhose where-abouts are sons believed to be heirs unknown shall enter their or legatees of the deappearance in this cedent who do not reproceeding. Objections ceive a copy of this notice to such appointment by mail within 25 days of shall be filed with the its first publication shall Register of Wills, D.C., so inform the Register of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Wills, including name, Floor Washington, D.C. address and relation20001, on or before ship. 17:57:01 EDT 2017 March 22, 2017. Claims Date of Publication: against the decedent September 22, 2017 shall be presented to the Name of newspaper: undersigned with a copy Afro-American to the Register of Wills or Washington filed with the Register of Law Reporter Wills with a copy to the Marc A Evans undersigned, on or beLori A Evans fore March 22, 2017, or Personal be forever barred. PerRepresentative sons believed to be heirs or legatees of the deTRUE TEST COPY cedent who do not reREGISTER OF WILLS ceive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of 09/22, 09/30, 10/6/17 its first publication shall TYPESET: Tue Sep 19 17:55:52 so inform the Register of Wills, including name, Superior Court of address and relationthe ship. District of Columbia Date of Publication: PROBATE DIVISION September 22, 2017 Washington, D.C. Name of newspaper: 20001-2131 Afro-American Administration No. Washington 2017ADM000306 Law Reporter Sibyl A Johnson Jessie W Prince Decedent Personal Representative Diann Dawson 2101 Steuben Way Silver Spring , MD TRUE TEST COPY Attorney REGISTER OF WILLS NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, 09/22, 09/30, 10/6/17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Diann Dawson Attorneyat-Law, whose address is 2101 Steuben Way, Silver Spring, MD 20905 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Jessie W Prince, who died on November 14, 2010 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are un-

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TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 13:31:42 2017 LEGALEDT NOTICES CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for BALTIMORE CITY NO. TR18001; RECONSTRUCTION OF FOOTWAYS CITYWIDE will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. October 18, 2017. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of September 22, 2017 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $75.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is A02601 (Portland Cement Concrete Paving). Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $500,000.00 to $900,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on October 6, 2017 at 417 E. Fayette Street, Charles L. Benton Building, 702. Principal Items of work for this project are 5” Concrete Sidewalk - 39,500 SF, 5” Concrete Sidewalk Damaged by Tree Roots ” 50,000 SF, and Emergency Repairs for 5” Conc. Sidewalk by Tree Roots ” 4,000 SF. The MBE goal is 37% and WBE goal is 12%. APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor, Clerk Board of Estimates TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 13:32:22 EDT 2017 CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for BALTIMORE CITY NO. TR18004; RECONSTRUCTION OF ALLEYS CITYWIDE will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. October 18, 2017. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of September 22, 2017 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $75.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is A02601 (Portland Cement Concrete Paving). Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $500,000.00 to $900,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 11:00 A.M. on October 6, 2017 at 417 E. Fayette Street, Charles L. Benton Building, 702. Principal Items of work for this project are Class I Excavation-3,500 CY, 5” Sub-Base Using Crusher-Run 10,500 SY, and 7” Plain Cement Concrete Pavement Mix No. 7 ” 10,500 SY.The MBE goal is 25% and WBE goal is 13%. APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor, Clerk Board of Estimates TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 13:31:02 EDT 2017 CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for Sanitary Contract No. 930R-Clinton Street Sewerage System Improvements will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, October 25, 2017. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, in Room 6 located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of Friday, September 22, 2017 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $100.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call 410-396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is B02552Sewer Construction Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $5,000,000.01 to $10,000,000.00 A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at the 3rd Floor Conference Room of the Office of Engineering & Construction, Abel Wolman Municipal Building on October 3, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. Principal Item of work include, but are not limited to: Construction of 1,620 LF of 8” DIP sanitary sewers, 915 LF of 6” DIP sanitary force main, 1500 LF of bore-jack casing pipe, a 360 GPM pumping station, site improvements and other appurtenant work. The MBE goal is 21% The WBE goal is 6% SANITARY CONTRACT NO. 930R APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor Clerk, Board of Estimates APPROVED: Rudolph S. Chow, P.E. Director of Public Works TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 13:31:23 EDT 2017 CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES NOTICE OF LETTING


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The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017




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AFRO Classified minimum ad rate is $26.54 per col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 words). Mail in your ad on form below along with CHECK or MONEY ORDER to: BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN CO. 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Md. 21218-4602 Attn: Clsf. Adv. Dept.





















NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ (Room, Apt., House, etc.) INSERTION DATE:_________________


Effective October 1, 2008

PROBATE DIVISION (Estates) 202-332-0080 PROBATE NOTICES a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion c. Notice to Creditors 1. Domestic TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 13:31:23 EDT 2017$ 60 per insertion 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion CITY OF BALTIMORE e. StandardDEPARTMENT Probates OF GENERAL SERVICES NOTICE OF LETTING


Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate, addressed to the Board of Estimates a. Name 202-879-1133 of the Mayor Changes and City Council of Baltimore and marked for GS 15823 Courthouse East Roof Replacement will be received at the Office of the b. Real Property Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, November 1, 2017. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. The bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in FAMILY COURT • 202-879-1212 Room 215, City Hall at Noon.

$180.00 per 3 weeks $180.00 per 3 weeks $180.00 per 3 weeks $360.00 per 6 weeks $125.00

$ 80.00 $ 200.00


The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, in Room 6 located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 a. Absent Holliday Street,Defendant Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of Friday, September 22, $ 150.00 2017 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $100.00. b. Absolute Divorce $ 150.00 Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. c. Custodybidding Divorce All contractors on this Contract must first be pre-qualified by the City $150.00 of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested contractors should call 410 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick To4th place your ad, call ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & Street, Floor, Baltimore, MD1-800-237-6892, 21202. If a bid is submitted by a Joint Venture (”JV”), then in that event,Baltimore the documents that establish the JV depending on size, Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The 6892 is E13004 Prequalification Category required for1-800 bidding(AFRO) on this project Rehabilitation of Proof Structures. For of Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 The Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $2,000,000.01 to $3,000,000.00 A” Pre-Bidding information” session will be conducted at The Site: 111 North Calvert St., Baltimore MD 21202 on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. Principal Items of work for this project are: 1.General requirements 2.Roof 3.HVAC & ELECTRICAL


The MBE goal is 36% The WBE goal is 13% CONTRACT NO. GS 15823 APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor Clerk, Board of Estimates APPROVED: Steve Sharkey Director, Department of General Services


UNIFORMS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT (PPE) SERVICES The District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) requires Uniform and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Services. SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS will be available at the Issuing Office at 1133 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 300, Office of Administrative Services/Contracts and Procurement, Washington, DC 20002-7599, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, beginning Monday, September 18, 2017 and on DCHA’s website at SEALED PROPOSAL RESPONSES ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 11:00 PM. Contact Lolita Washington, Contract Specialist at (202) 535-1212 or by email at with copy to for additional information.

Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate, addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for GS 15823 Courthouse East Roof Replacement will be received at the Office of the TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 13:33:23 EDT 2017 Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, November 1, 2017. Positively no bids will be received after MBE/SLBE 11:00 A.M. The bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Subcontractors and Suppliers Room 215, City Hall at Noon. US CDM Smith Joint Venture is interested in receiving expressions of The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, in Room 6 interest from qualified MBE/SLBE subcontractors and suppliers for the located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 Piscataway WWTP Bio-Energy Project for the Washington Suburban SaniHolliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of Friday, September 22, tary Commission (WSSC). Opportunities to bid will potentially be available for all construction trades. If interested, please Fax a statement expressing 2017 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $100.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. interest to 703-434-3714. Contact telephone 703-972-6053. Ulliman Schutte All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be pre-qualified by the City Construction, LLC14420 Albemarle of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested contractors Point Place, Suite 110 should call 410 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick Chantilly. VA 20151 Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202. If a bid is submitted by a Joint Venture (”JV”), then in that event, the documents that establish the JV Equal Opportunity Employer shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is E13004 Rehabilitation of Structures. The Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $2,000,000.01 to $3,000,000.00 A” Pre-Bidding information” session will be conducted at The Site: 111 North Calvert St., Baltimore MD 21202 on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. Principal Items of work for this project are: 1.General requirements 2.Roof 3.HVAC & ELECTRICAL

Baltimore Classifieds

continue on C7

known shall enter their NOTICE OF appearance in this APPOINTMENT, proceeding. Objections NOTICE TO to such appointment (or CREDITORS to the probate of deTYPESET: Tue Sep 19 17:55:52 EDT 2017 AND NOTICE TO cedent´s will) shall be UNKNOWN HEIRS filed with the Register of Diann Dawson Attorney- Wills, D.C., 515 5th at-Law, whose address is Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Superior Court of 2101 Steuben Way, Sil- W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . the ver Spring, MD 20905 20001, on or before District of Columbia was appointed personal March 22, 2018. Claims PROBATE DIVISION representative of the against the decedent Washington, D.C. e s t a t e o f J e s s i e W shall be presented to the 20001-2131 Prince, who died on undersigned with a copy Administration No. November 14, 2010 with- to the Register of Wills or 2017ADM000306 out a will, and will serve filed with the Register of Jessie W Prince without Court supervi- Wills with a copy to the Decedent Diann Dawson from C5 sion. All unknown heirs undersigned, on or beContinued a n d h e i r s w h o s e fore March 22, 2018, or 2101 Steuben Way whereabouts are un- be forever barred. PerSilver Spring , MD known shall enter their sons believed to be heirs Attorney aLEGAL p p e a r a n NOTICES ce in this NOTICE OF or legatees of the deproceeding. Objections cedent who do not reAPPOINTMENT, to such appointment (or ceive a copy of this notice NOTICE TO to the probate of de- by mail within 25 days of CREDITORS cedent´s will) shall be its first publication shall AND NOTICE TO filed with the Register of so inform the Register of UNKNOWN HEIRS Diann Dawson Attorney- Wills, D.C., 515 5th Wills, including name, at-Law, whose address is Street, N.W., 3rd Floor address and relation2101 Steuben Way, Sil- W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . ship. ver Spring, MD 20905 20001, on or before Date of Publication: was appointed personal March 22, 2018. Claims September 22, 2017 representative of the against the decedent Name of newspaper: e s t a t e o f J e s s i e W shall be presented to the Afro-American Prince, who died on undersigned with a copy Washington November 14, 2010 with- to the Register of Wills or Law Reporter out a will, and will serve filed with the Register of Diann Dawson, Esq without Court supervi- Wills with a copy to the Personal sion. All unknown heirs undersigned, on or beRepresentative fore March 22, 2018, or and heirs whose whereabouts are un- be forever barred. Per- TRUE TEST COPY known shall enter their sons believed to be heirs REGISTER OF WILLS a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s or legatees of the decedent who not re- 09/22, 09/30, 10/6/17 proceeding. Objections TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 16:50:53 EDTdo2017 to such appointment (or ceive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be its first publication shall DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY filed with the Register of so inform the Register of INVITATION BID Wills, includingTOname, Wills, D.C., 515 5th 140110 address andNO. relationStreet, N.W., 3rd Floor INVITATION ship. Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Date of Publication: REHABILITATION OF SEWER STRUCTURES 24B, 24C, 35A & 35B 20001, on or before March 22, 2018. Claims September 22, 2017 Nameand of newspaper: against theofdecedent The District Columbia Water Sewer Authority (DC Water) is soliciting Afro-American shall be Invitation presented No. to the bids for 140110: Rehabilitation of Sewer Structures 24B, 24C, undersigned with a copy Washington 35A & 35B. to the Register of Wills or Law Reporter Diann Dawson, Esq filed with the Register of Personal Wills with a copy to the The following listing enumerates the major items of work included in the Representative undersigned, on or becontract: fore March 22, 2018, or be forever barred. Per- TRUE TEST COPY WILLS *Replace oneto(1) flap gate inOF Sewer Structure 24B. sons believed be48-inch heirs REGISTER or legatees the de- sluice gates in Sewer Structure 24C. *Replace twoof(2) 72-inch 09/30, 10/6/17 cedent who do notmanhole re- 09/22, *Replace existing steps in Sewer Structure 24C. ceive a copyupgrades of this notice *Electrical in Structure 24C. by mail within of gates from Sewer Structure 35A. *Remove two25 (2)days sluice its first one publication shall in Sewer Structure 35A. *Install (1) bulkhead so inform the Register of *Replace existing Sewer Structure 35A access plates with a concrete slab Wills, including name, and manhole address and cover. relation*Replace two (2) existing 24-inch manhole covers and frames at Sewer ship. Structure 35A. Date of Publication: *Replace two (2) existing 40-inch manhole covers and frames at Sewer September 22, 2017 Structure 35A. Name of newspaper: Afro-American *Install two (2) stop logs in Sewer Structure 35B. Washington *Demolish existing weir in Sewer Structure 35B. Law Reporter *Install one (1) flow splitting weir in Sewer Structure 35B. Diann Esqdoors at Sewer Structure 35B. *Install twoDawson, (2) access Personal *Associated paving, sidewalk, and concrete repairs. Representative

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American

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Washington Classifieds

The project TRUE TEST requires COPY completion within 270 consecutive calendar days. REGISTER OF WILLS This project is estimated to cost between $1,000,000 and $1,500,000.

09/22, 09/30, 10/6/17

DC Water will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., local standard time on November 1, 2017.

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The Davis-Bacon wage determinations shall apply. Bid documents are available at the Department of Procurement, 5000 Overlook Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20032. Sets of Bidding Documents can be procured for a non-refundable $50.00 purchase price each, payable to DC Water. Payment must be in the form of a money order, certified check or a company check. Documents can be shipped to Bidders providing a Federal Express account number. The DC Water Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant is a secured facility. Persons intending to pick-up Bidding Documents are to contact the Department of Procurement at 202 787 2020 for access authorization. For procurement information contact DC Water Procurement Dept. via email; ProcurementConstructionInquiry@dcwater.comFor technical information contact: Please insert the IFB No. in the Subject Line. View DC Water’s website at for current and up coming solicitations.

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A Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted on October 16, 2017. The Conference will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room at DC Water’s Blue Plains Visitor Center located at 5000 Overlook Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20032. All attendees are required to make reservations for this Conference by submitting to the name, title and firm name of the attendee(s), by 3:00 p.m. on October 13, 2017. This project may be funded in part by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A Fair Share Objective for Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) participation in this work of 32% and 6%, respectively, has been established. Participation by M/WBEs at the 32% and 6% level, respectively, is a contract goal. The contract requires bidders to conduct directed outreach to M/WBEs. The program requirements are fully defined in USEPA’s ”Participation by Disadvantaged Enterprises in Procurement under EPA Financial Assistant Agreements - May 27, 2008. Please be aware that program participation requires M/WBEs are made aware of contracting opportunities to the fullest extent practicable through dedicated outreach and recruitment activities. That is, bidders for DC Water construction contracts must make prescribed ”good faith efforts” to ensure that M/WBEs receive a ”fair share” of procurement opportunities funded by EPA. For further guidance, please refer to 40 C.F.R. § 33.301, or contact DC Water Grants Coordinator Rhonda Green at 202-787-2276.


Baltimore Classifieds



TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 17:12:00 EDT 2017

Continued from C6

HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM (EMCS) MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT RFP NUMBER: B-1854-17 The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (”HABC”) is requesting proposals from interested and qualified entities to provide routine and emergency maintenance and support for its energy management control system (EMCS) at various HABC properties. PROPOSALS WILL BE DUE no later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, October 27, 2017. A non-mandatory pre-proposals conference will be held on Wednesday, October 11, 2017, at 10:00 a.m., at 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 416, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. HABC has established a minimum goal of twenty percent (20%) of the total dollar amount of the proposed contract for Minority Business Enterprise (”MBE”) utilization, applicable to all minority and non-minority businesses proposing to provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No goal has been established for participation of Women-owned businesses (”WBE”s), however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively promotes the use of WBEs in all HABC contracts. Responders shall also comply with all applicable requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. Section 1701u. The RFP may be obtained on or after Monday, October 2, 2017, at the following location: Housing Authority of Baltimore City Division of Fiscal Operations, Purchasing Department 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 414 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Attention: John Airey, Chief of Contracting Services Tel: (410) 396-3261 Fax: (410) 962-1586 Questions regarding the RFP should be directed in writing to the address and individual indicated above, and must include the reference: HABC RFP Number B-1854-17.

TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 13:32:58 EDT 2017


City of Baltimore Department of Finance Bureau of Purchases Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore will be received until, but not later than 11:00a.m. local time on the following date(s) for the stated requirements: October 18, 2017 *LOCK BOX SERVICES B50005149 THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION DOCUMENT CAN BE VIEWED AND DOWNLOADED BY VISITING THE CITY’S WEBSITE:

Call 410-554-8200


To advertise in the Baltimore AFRO

TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 17:09:18 EDT 2017

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Animal Control Technician Deputy Sheriff, Lateral Detention Officer Facilities Maintenance Mechanic II Instrumentation Technician I & II Secretary III Visit our website at for additional information and to apply on-line. You may use the Internet at any Anne Arundel County library, or visit our office at 2660 Riva Road in Annapolis. Deadlines to apply posted on website. AEO/DF/SFE

TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 13:34:15 EDT 2017 TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 17:08:15 EDT 2017 TYPESET: Wed Sep 20 17:07:46 EDT 2017


**House For Rent** 1119 ElbankAve Renting For $1300.00. 3 bedrooms 1 1/2 Bathrooms Refrigerator, Range, Washer/Dryer, Ceiling Fans, Central Air Partially Finished Basement Gas Heat Large Fenced Yard Section 8 is welcomed If interested contact BJR Associates at 410-542-8118

**House For Rent** 1015 Wildwood Pkwy Renting For $975 3 Bedrooms 1 1/2 Bathrooms Partially Finished Basement Front Porch Fenced Back Yard Gas Heat Interested contact BJR Associates at 410-542-8118

**House For Rent** 6109 Marlora Rd Renting For $1400.00 3 Bedrooms 1 1/2 Bathrooms Refrigerator, Range, Washer/Dryer, Ceiling Fans, Central Air Partially Finished Basement Gas Heat Fenced Yard Section 8 is Welcomed If interested contact BJR Associates at 410-542-8118

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The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017

Thousands attended Dick Gregory’s funeral, held Sept. 16 at the City of Praise Family Ministries Church in Landover, Md. Rep. Maxine Waters

Master of Ceremonies Rev. Mark Thompson

Musical tribute by India Arie

Musical tribute by Ayanna Gregory and Stevie Wonder

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton Michele Gregory, oldest child Malcolm X and Medgar Evers’ daughters: Ilyasah Shabazz and Reena Evers

Joe Morton

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser Ronald Gregory, brother

Christian Gregory Richard Pryor’s daughter , Rain Pryor and Martin Luther King Jr.’s son, Martin Luther King III

The Honorable Min. Louis Farrakhan

Morgan State University Choir Photos by Rob Roberts

The Ubiquitous Beauty, Hair and Health Expo was held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in D.C. on Aug. 27 and 28. The 2-day

event featured exhibitors with cutting edge brands in The Beauty, Hair and Health industries; star-studded entertainment; dynamic workshops

and product demonstrations; and panel discussions on topics that would help improve and revitalize the mind, body, and soul. Photos by Rob Roberts

Panel discussion: “Black Wall Street...At Its Best” moderated by Doni Glover and Marsha Jews with Richelieu Dennis, Janelle Stephens, April Richardson, Vicki Irvin and Jamyla Bennu

Micheline Bowman, Germaine Leftridge with honorees Nelson Madden and Jory Luster

Micheline Bowman interviewing actress, Pam Grier

Bianca Damionne, Africa Miranda and Shaynna Vee

Angie Gates, executive director, Office of cable television, film, music and entertainment

R&B artist and stylist Raheem DeVaughan

Glynn Jackson’s princesses

ORS hair styling booth

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Bree Newsome, 2018 Human Rights Honoree and Germaine Leftridge

AARP Vendors sell retiree services

To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American


PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY-AREA Miller’s Prodigies Vie for Council Seats

Thousands Say Goodbye to Dick Gregory

By Byron Scott Special to the AFRO After seven years as president of the Prince George’s County NAACP, Bob Ross announced his decision to run for the president of the Maryland state chapter, which is located in Arnold, Md. near Annapolis. He told the AFRO Sept. 12 that his vision is “to move the state [chapter] into the 21st Century.” Ross said his four-point platform includes sustaining a growing membership; modernizing communications between branches, members and the public; building more unity within the branches; and supporting the national

By Bruce W. Branch Special to the AFRO

Maryland State Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller (D), who has been accused of controlling Black elected officials, made a rare appearance at SOBE’s Lounge for the birthday party and campaign announcement of County Clerk Sydney Harrison (D), who is running to replace term limited Mel Franklin (D) as the District 9 representative on the county council. Harrison, according to several political insiders, originally intended to run for one of two at-large seats, but allegedly cut a deal with Maryland Del. Michael Jackson (D-27) that provides a stronger path to victory for Franklin, who currently is carrying a lot of criticism because of his recent DUI arrest. “Since my heart has always been in Southern Prince George’s County, I have decided to run for County Council in District 9,” Harrison said during a Facebook live stream of the event. “In order to be successful, I will need your continued prayers, support and involvement. After spending the past three years and one year remaining serving as Prince George’s County Clerk of the Circuit Continued on D2

Bob Ross Bids to Head Maryland NAACP

Photo by Hamil Harris

Thousands of mourners attended Dick Gregory’s funeral on Sept. 16 at City of Praise Family Ministries in Landover, Md. See more photos of Gregory’s funeral service on D4. By Hamil R. Harris Special to the AFRO While he was alive, Dick Gregory exchanged a milliondollar comedic career for decades of unrepentant social activism and advocacy for health and wellness among the Black community. After his death, people throughout the world celebrated the icon’s legacy as an urban prophet whose passion for all people never ceased. “It means so incredibly much to have all of you here today as we pay tribute to my

father,” Christian Gregory, the activist’s son, told mourners at the service. “We thank him for a life of sacrifice . . . while we celebrate his life, we acknowledge all of the suffering, all of the pain, but then all of the glory.” The funeral, held Sept. 16 at the City of Praise Family Ministries in Landover, Md., began with a musical tribute by the Morgan State University Choir. Other musical tributes included songs from India the City of Praise Choir, – Christian Gregory Arie, Sweet Honey and the Rock and concluded with Stevie Wonder singing his hit “I Will Love Continued on D2

“It means so incredibly much to have all of you here today as we pay tribute to my father.”

Prince George’s County Competes for New Amazon HQ 50,000 employees, an 8.1 million-square-foot landscape, and proximity to multiple higher education institutions. Proposals are due on Internet retail behemoth Amazon recently Oct. 19. announced plans to establish a second Winning the bid would bring corporate campus, sending cities nationwide unprecedented development and job into a clamor for the Seattle-based company’s opportunities to the county, whose largest favor. Prince George’s County is among the business operations – the University System anticipated throng of Maryland of regions and cities and Joint Base who will respond Andrews Naval Air to Amazon’s Facility – employ request for proposal 18,726 and 17,500, and according to respectively. County Executive “We expect Rushern L. Baker HQ2 to be a full III, the county is equal to our Seattle poised to make a headquarters,” competitive bid. Amazon CEO “Companies Jeff Bezos said like 2U and Kaiser in a statement. Permanente realize “Amazon HQ2 that Prince George’s will bring billions County is the of dollars in upplace to be. We are front and ongoing ‘Primed’ and ready investments, and to bring a company tens of thousands of like Amazon to the high-paying jobs.” National Capital Although cities Region and I am – County Executive Rushern Baker like Mitchellville, very excited about Bowie and Fort this opportunity,” Washington boast Baker said in a median family statement. incomes that exceed $100,000 annually, the Amazon promises to invest $5 billion into latest Census Bureau estimate indicates 9.3 whichever city or region it selects. And while percent of county resident live below the the incentive is attractive, requirements for poverty line. In 2016, Blacks accounted for 75 the project are specific and rigorous. Amazon percent of the unemployed in Prince George’s demands an infrastructure that supports Continued on D3 By Kristin Gray Special to the AFRO

“Companies like 2U and Kaiser Permanente realize that Prince George’s County is the place to be. We are ‘Primed’ and ready to bring a company like Amazon to the National Capital Region and I am very excited about this opportunity.”

Md. Lobbyist Charged in Liquor Board Investigation By The Associated Press GREENBELT, Md. (AP) — A Maryland lobbyist has been charged with bribery as part of an investigation into the Prince George’s County liquor board. Federal court records show that Matthew Gorman has been accused of giving former state Del. William Campos at least $1,000 for action on official matters. An arraignment for Gorman has been scheduled for Sept. 22 in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt. He was charged last week. Ty Kelly, Gorman’s attorney, did not immediately return a phone call or email seeking comment. Campos pleaded guilty in January to accepting $40,000 to $50,000 from people in exchange for official action while he was on the Prince George’s County Council. Eight people have been charged in the probe, including former Del. Michael Vaughn of Prince George’s County.

Homicide Count 2017 Total


Past Seven Days


Data as of Sept. 20

Courtesy photo

Bob Ross, the current president of the Prince George’s County NAACP, is running to be the president of the organization’s Maryland State chapter. chapter and its vision for the future. Ross wants to increase membership by recruiting the next generation of leaders. He said membership was at about 500 when he took over the Prince George’s chapter. As of Sept. 12, the chapter has about 900 members. When Ross took over the helm of the Prince George’s County chapter the nation was in the throes of the great recession. Prince George’s County currently leads the state in the number of foreclosed properties. “We led the charge,” Ross said, “At the time there were 8,000 foreclosures here in [Prince George’s] County, and we recognized there was a problem, so we started working with the banks and lending institutions. We’re still working on it. We’re able to save some homes but not all.” Ross said they helped homeowners by assisting them with documents, working as a liaison with banks “. . . and we’ve been successful in probably about 10 percent of cases, maybe.” He said community and police relations have gotten better during his tenure, which he attributes to the work of many grassroots groups that meet and talk with police officials on a regular basis. “Now, do we still have issues, yes, we do,” he said. Ross was among the voices who called for the ouster of county schools CEO Kevin Maxwell. The NAACP chapter also condemned school volunteer Deonte Carraway after Continued on D3


The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017

Prince George’s County HS Football

DeMatha Defeats McDonogh By Daniel Kucin Jr. Special to the AFRO Hyattsville, Md.-based DeMatha High School, took down McDonogh High School, located in Baltimore, 17-14 on Sept. 15 in a highly anticipated matchup that featured two of the best high school football programs in the state. DeMatha senior quarterback Ty Lenhart had a solid performance and went 10-of-16 for 82 yards and a touchdown. The Stags relied on their running game behind the efforts of junior running back Myles Miree and senior DeMarcco Hellams. Both players accounted for 70 yards on the ground and Hellams also hauled in three receptions for 33 yards and a touchdown. DeMatha is now 3-1, and they are currently riding a three-game winning streak as the Stags look forward to facing undefeated Washington D.C.-based Friendship Collegiate Academy on Sept. 22. National Christian Academy defeated Annapolis Area Christian located in Severn, Md. 21-16 on Sept. 15. National Christian wide receiver Jayshawn Hardy pulled down five receptions for 134 yards and two touchdowns. The team is currently undefeated (4-0). The squad will gear up to take on Maryland Christian High School in Bel Air, Md. on Sept. 23.

Oxon Hill High School completely dismantled Hyattsville, Md.-basedNorthwestern 33-12 on Sept. 16. Oxon Hill senior quarterback Dajuan Rollins accumulated 342 yards, throwing four touchdowns and two interceptions against the Wildcats. One of Rollins’ favorite targets was senior wideout Deonte Hill who hauled in seven balls for 126 yards and two touchdowns. Northwestern senior running backs Binson Mondestin and Shaka Victor accounted for 325 yards of yardage on the ground while Mondestin found the end zone twice. Oxon Hill (2-1) looks forward to facing Surrattsville High School, located in Clinton, Md., on Sept. 23 and Northwestern will do battle against Charles H. Flowers High School, located in Springdale, Md., on Sept. 23 as well. Upper Marlboro, Md.-based Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High School remains undefeated after shutting out Bladensburg 46-0 on Sept. 16. Pumas junior quarterback Quinton Williams completed 9-of-13 of his passing attempts for 103 yards and two touchdowns. Another top performer for the Pumas was senior running back John Oliver. Oliver gashed the Mustangs defensive unit after he rushed for 75 yards and a touchdown on only 11 carries.

Photo by Daniel Kucin Jr.

DeMatha High School Head Coach Elijah Brooks addresses his team after the Stags defeated McDonogh 17-14 on Sept. 15. Wise is now 3-0, and they will go on to face Laurel High School on Sept. 22. Bladensburg High School will look to regroup as they take on Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine, Md., on Sept. 23. The Mustangs are searching for their first win of the season. Lanham, MD based-DuVal High School, dominated Urbana High School, located in Ijamsville, Md., 26-6 on Sept. 15 behind the efforts of senior running back David Dupree. Dupree rushed for 236 yards and three

touchdowns on 32 carries. The Tigers bounced back after being shut out by Gwynn Park 42-0 just a week ago and are now 2-1. DuVal will look to consecutively string wins together for the first time this season as they gear up to take on Parkdale High School, located in Riverdale, Md., on Sept. 23.


Continued from D1 Court, I feel it is the appropriate time to further expand my commitment to serve the citizens of South Prince George’s County.” Franklin and Harrison make it no secret that they are political prodigy’s of Miller, who recently came under fire in the Black community for his support of the Roger Taney statue which Republican Gov. Larry Hogan had removed last month. Sen. C. Anthony Muse (D) also called for his censure in the state senate. At the event, Harrison praised Miller for his support. David Billings, Harrison’s chief political strategists, said people shouldn’t make too much of Miller’s appearance at SOBE’s. Miller’s appearance at SOBE’s, a popular Black nightclub and restaurant, shocked many people in the room. No one could remember the last time Miller had shown up in support of another candidate at a similar event in the county, but it is well-known that he has guided the elections of State Sens. Joanne Benson (D-24) and Ulysses Currie (D-25) and maintains a strong influence on their political decisions. “Sydney (Harrison) is in the 27th and Miller’s district as a member of the Democratic Central Committee,” Billings told the {AFRO}. “Miller is the state senator so you would want his support. I sent invitations of Sydney’s announcement to all the senators in the county. You are going to get some connection (between Harrison and Miller).” In light of Harrison’s decision, many political insiders speculate that Miller needs to maintain support on the council in light of the growing support for Muse, who is running a strong campaign against Angela Alsobrooks to replace current County Executive Rushern L. Baker III, who is running for governor of Maryland. While Harrison has not made a public endorsement, Billings said

he is personally supporting Muse and he added that the Harrison campaign would not be endorsing Franklin, who is running for an at-large County seat, in spite of Miller’s support, because of his recent DUI. “We feel as though once he announces the media is going to kill him,” Billings said. “He hit somebody and ran in the woods. We know the people that he hit.” Franklin pleaded guilty to driving while impaired earlier this year and received probation. – Del. Gerron Levi The loser in all this may be Jackson, who also had his eye on one of the two at-large council seats available, but has decided to remain in his current seat for one more term. Jackson had hoped to be the heir apparent to Miller, but things have changed. “We have been sitting down with Michael Jackson and we just kept waiting and waiting for him to make a decision,” Billings told the {AFRO}. “We wanted to run at large, but we decided to run in Council District 9 and recently Jackson told us he was going to stay as a delegate. He wants to replace Miller as senator, but we have been told that Miller wants his daughter to replace him. He (Jackson) felt Miller was trying to push him out.” For now, Miller is expected to be challenged in the primary

“We are planning to run a strong campaign that is focused on the needs of the people of Prince George’s County.”

and the general election by candidates hoping to unseat him and he may need Jackson’s help to win. With Jackson out of the race for at-large county council seat, Karen Toles is said to be eying Harrison’s position as Clerk of the Court instead of the at-large race for the council. However, Billings said the Harrison campaign would be supporting Clerk of the Court Chief Deputy Benita Rabalais. Mahasin S. El-Amin, who works in Miller’s law firm and is the daughter of Prince George’s County District Court Judge Hassan A. ElAmin, is reportedly considering running for the seat although no announcement has been made. However, former Del. Gerron Levi, who has strong union support, told the {AFRO} she is readying a campaign to run for an at-large Council seat. Levi, who also ran for county executive in 2010, finished second to current District 6 Council Member Derrick Leon Davis in 2014. Baker aide Calvin Hawkins will probably be a strong contender in the race given his name recognition and experience. “We are planning to run a strong campaign that is focused on the needs of the people of Prince George’s County,” Levi told the {AFRO}. “We believe that we can make a difference in this current political climate.”

Dick Gregory Continued from D1

You Always.” The church also featured two large photos of Gregory by the front door and in the foyer. “What an absolute pleasure it was to have a man who gave so much to live to be 84-years-old,” Christian said. “Very few of his friends are still here. We know the stories. The fact that he was here to cut up for so long we kind of understand it. Martin, Malcom, Medgar, if they all got to live to be 84 years

old we can kind of imagine from Dick Gregory what those lives would have been like. We know many of their children are still here and we want to say from the Gregory family thank you for your sacrifice.” Bishop Joel Peebles, pastor of City of Praise, welcomed people to a “celebration,” that was filled with more laughter than tears. The Rev. William Barber used his booming voice to

“He wasn’t looking for a purpose he was born with a purpose.” – Louis Farrakhan

talk about how Gregory is helping God write jokes. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), a native of Saint Louis, drew laughs when she spoke about trying to get into see Gregory to perform in his hometown and despite being a member of Congress, people were not going to let her cut the line. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, said, during the service, that even Malcolm X couldn’t out talk Gregory. “I love to talk but when Dick is around you better be prepared to listen. He always came with a suitcase of things because he sought the truth,” Farrakhan said. In terms of faith, Farrakhan said that Gregory never joined a church because, “He was far beyond dogma and rituals,” and in terms of his life’s work, “He wasn’t looking for a purpose he was born with a purpose.” Outside the Landover church people passed a line of food trucks, tee shirt vendors, and hundreds of members of the Nation of Islam posted in protection of Farrakhan. Guest speakers included D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton; D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser; Martin Luther King III; Drs. Rosalind and Leonard Jeffries, founders of Kwanza; Rain Pryor, daughter of Richard Pryor; Reena Evers, daughter of Medgar Evers; civil rights activist the Rev. C.T. Vivian; and E. Faye Williams, president, National Congress of Black Women, among others. Master of Ceremonies the Rev. Mark Thompson, host of Sirius XM radio program “Make It Plain,” struggled to trim tributes from several guest speakers. Continued on D3

September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017, The Afro-American


Prince George’s County

Williams Seeks County Del. Seat By James Wright Special to the AFRO



Nicole Williams has been an active volunteer with the Prince George’s County Young Democrats and the county’s Democratic Party for several years and she recently announced that she will take the next step and run for the Maryland House of Delegates seat Courtesy photo from District 22. Williams, who Nicole Williams is a real estate works as a real attorney who is seeking a seat in the estate attorney, told House of Delegates. the {AFRO} of her plans to represent county residents in Annapolis, Md. “I chose not to run for the board of education because while I genuinely care about kids, I have been involved in partisan politics and the board is not politicized by party,” she said. “I was asked by some political leaders to run for county council because of my background as a real estate attorney and I understand zoning and development issues well. I decided to run for delegate because I care about women, children and housing and I think my skill set is a better fit for that office.” Williams is a native of the District of Columbia and received her bachelor’s degree in history and communications in 1999 from the University of Pittsburgh and a juris doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in 2002. She is a past president of the Prince George’s County Young Democrats, which has served as a launching pad for the political careers of U.S. House of Representatives Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Maryland State Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller (D-27). She is the current president of the Eleanor & Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club based in Greenbelt, Md. Blacks consist of 53. 4 percent of the 22nd District while Whites make up 22.8 percent, Latinos comprise 16.4 percent and Asians account for five percent of the population. The northern Prince George’s County district includes Greenbelt and Beltsville in the north; Landover in the south; eastern areas such as Lanham and Mitchellville and western parts such as Chillum, Hyattsville and East Riverdale and Riverdale. There are approximately 128,549 people in the district. The senator for the district is Paul Pinsky. In the Nov. 6, 2018 general election, Williams will be competing for one of three delegate positions. All the delegates, Alonzo Washington (D), Anne Healey (D), and Tawanna Gaines (D) have either announced they are running or are leaning toward running again. Williams was an unsuccessful candidate for delegate in 2010. Williams represents District 22 on the Prince George’s Central Democratic Committee, winning election to that position in 2014.


Athleta, 3229 M. St, NW Athleta’s Style Evolution Fashion Show Athleta is hosting its first annual Style Evolution Fashion Show on Sept, 24, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at 3229 M. St., NW. The fashion show will give audience members an insider’s look into the life of being a stylist. Audience members will receive the full VIP treatment as they are given detailed insight into fall fashion looks and receive their very own Style Evolution book at the end of the program. An outfit give-a-way will also be given to a lucky winner of their social media contest as well. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit Waterfront- SEU Station 375 and 425 M. St., SW D.C. State Fair The eighth annual D.C. State Fair will be on Sept. 24 located at 375 and 425 M. St., SW from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The event is free and highlights the District’s traditions of growing and gardening and various foods. The D.C. State Fair will also include competitions to find the perfect mumbo sauce, challenge the best Double dutch jumpers, pet parades, and more. Food, clothing, and art vendors will be available as well throughout the day. The state fair collaborates with numerous local organizations and

CHURCH EVENTS Alexandria, Va.

5775 Barclays Dr., Suite 7 Agape Embassy Ministries hosts Annual Community Fair Agape Embassy Ministries, 5775 Barclays Dr., Suite 7, is scheduled to host their annual community fair on Sept. 23 from noon - 4 p.m. The fair will feature food, music, rides and games for the Kingstowne community. The event is free and open to all ages.

businesses committed to the enrichment and growth of the city. For more information, visit Anacostia Arts Center, 1231 Good Hope Road SE ‘All the Way Live’ Season Finale The season finale of All the Way Live Tuesdays is scheduled to be held on Sept. 26, at 7 p.m. at the Anacostia Arts Center, located on 1231 Good Hope Rd., SE. This weekly cypher will include some of D.C.’s most popular artists performing live, such as WPGC’s Joe Clair, Uptown XO, Head Roc, and more. The event is free and local vendors will be accessible throughout the night.

Bob Ross

Continued from D1 he was arrested on child pornography charges, decried the loss of $6.4 million in federal Head Start money due to the district’s failure to correct issues involving allegations of staff and child abuse and called for an investigation after allegations of grade fixing aimed at boosting graduation rates surfaced. And while Maxwell remains on the job, Ross continues to push for Maxwell’s departure “to put confidence back into the system,” he said. Ross said he was involved in activism early on and was mentored by the leaders of the day, namely Cecil B. Moore, the lawyer/civil rights activist and NAACP head, who Ross calls his hero. Born in Philadelphia, Penn. on July 3, 1944, Ross came to Prince George’s in 2001 for a

“We got to work on the 2018 [midterm] election, we got to work on the 2020 presidential election, and we go to work on the 2020 census.” – Bob Ross two-year stint with a local transportation company and decided to stay. He faces incumbent Gerald Stansbury in the upcoming election. Ross was clear to point out that the two are friends. “This isn’t about infighting. It’s about looking at going in a different direction,” he said. The election is scheduled for Oct. 28 at the NAACP’s State Conference Convention at the Sheraton Hotel in Columbia, Md. Delegates from the

state’s 24 branches are expected to vote on who they think is best to lead the organization. “We got to work on the 2018 [midterm] election, we got to work on the 2020 presidential election, and we go to work on the 2020 census,” Ross said. The census determines the number of seats each state has in Congress, as well as the allocation of federal dollars.

Dick Gregory Continued from D2

“I decided to run for delegate because I care about women, children, and housing, and I think my skill set is a better fit for that office.” – Nicole Williams

She said classroom sizes are too large in Prince George’s County and wants to address that if elected to the House of Delegates. “Many classrooms in Prince George’s have 32-35 children with one teacher and that is too many,” she said. “It is tough to teach in a class that large. We have some overcrowded schools in my district. I want to make sure that the school construction backlog is reduced and our schools are updated and improved.” Williams said she will work to help Marylanders pay off their student loans and make college more affordable. She also wants to make housing more affordable across the state. “I want to make sure that there is housing for the average worker,” Williams said. “The D.C. metro area is expensive and it is tough for anyone who is making $50,000-$60,000 a year.” As a legislator, Williams wants to be a positive force for women by supporting paid sick leave and living wage policies. “Women still make less than men doing the same work,” she said. Williams plans to knock on doors and listen to the concerns of her neighbors. Maurice Simpson Jr., a candidate for delegate in District 24, is happy to see Williams run again for the House of Delegates. “I am excited about all of the young people running, particularly Nicole and Alonzo,” Simpson told the {AFRO}.

“So much more than a comedian,” said Myrlie Evershis wife, Lillian, and the mother of his 10 children, was located Williams, who called Gregory a man in Plymouth, Mass.; D.C. was his second who was a champion for “justice and home, according to Bowser and Norton. equality.” Actor Joe Morton performed excerpts Ilasah Shabazz, daughter of from the off Broadway production “Turn Malcom X, said: “Let us never forget Me Loose,” which was about Gregory. the indelible mark this man made in - Myrlie Evers-Williams “What’s great is because of all of the the world.” things Dick said I wanted to say,” he told Several stars attended the funeral, the AFRO. “He talks about us and the including Bill and Camille Cosby. Ayanna Gregory sang world, politics, and racism, things that mean something to me.” “Ballad for My Father” in honor of Gregory. The service was On Sept. 17, Gregory’s hand crafted gold casket was paraded broadcast live on D.C. radio station WPFW-FM (89.3). from the Howard Theatre along U Street to Ben’s Chili Bowl. Though Gregory was a native of Saint Louis, his home, with

“So much more than a comedian."


Continued from D1

County, according to research conducted by the Brookings Institution. The windfall of high-salary job opportunities will perhaps be the greatest benefit local Blacks will see, according to Latanya Brown-Robertson, associate professor in the Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics at Bowie State University. “With Amazon coming to the area it would create new jobs, mainly in the highly skilled area,” she said. “We’re dealing with the increase of additional, more professional services industry, which is one of the highest represented industries we have in the area.” Should Prince George’s County win the bid for Amazon’s second headquarters, Brown says policymakers should consider using funds from the company’s $5 billion investment to promote advancement for lower-income county residents with programs designed to advance education and housing opportunities. “Programs could be things like universal pre-K, investment in K-12 education, affordable housing and different types of scholarships for students that come from low-income communities and that are part of the 9.3 percent on the poverty line,” Brown said. In recent years, the county has welcomed numerous development projects that have netted billions of dollars. The $1.4-billion MGM National Harbor Resort is one of Prince

George’s County’s latest economic conquests, along with the Regional Medical Center in Largo, Md., the FBI headquarters, and the Purple Line. In the past six years alone, the county has garnered nearly $10 billion in economic development opportunities, according to statistics released by the Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation. According to a statement released by his office, Baker has already harnessed state and municipal partners to analyze locations that will make the county a probable competitor in the bidding process. Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser also announced on Sept. 14 that the city would also submit a proposal for Amazon’s second headquarters. The announcement was made through a video that highlights D.C. as a thriving tech sector with vibrant and creative neighborhoods and a growing and expanding business community. “For many reasons – the same reasons that nearly 1,000 people choose to move to our city each month – Washington, D.C. is an ideal location for Amazon HQ2,” Bowser said in a statement. “With our growing tech scene, talented and diverse workforce, and inclusive environment, Washington, D.C. is well-positioned to welcome Amazon.”


The Afro-American, September 23, 2017 - September 29, 2017



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