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The Afro-American, July 2, 2016 - July 8, 2016
Past Grand Master John T. Doles Sr. and Prostate Cancer Chair Stephen L. Jefferson
Howard University Cancer Center Outreach Director Clinton Burnside
In celebration of Prostate Cancer Month, The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, under the leadership of Norman L. Campbell, Most Worshipful Grand Master, held its third Annual 5K Prostate Cancer Walk at Haines Point in East Potomac Park in Washington, D.C. on March 19. The Walk was also supported by the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter under Worthy Matron Asya Heatley, Worthy Matron Renata the leadership Clinton, Worthy Matron Tanya of Grand Worthy Slaughter, Grand Worthy Patron Albert Pope, Princess Matron Venecia Matron Alaina Wheeler, C. Bessellieu. Grand Worthy Patron Albert Pope, Associate Grand Associate Grand Matron The event is the Matron Patricia L. Young, Most Worshipful Grand Patricia L. Young, Worthy Master Norman L. Campbell, (right) Worshipful Matron Michelle Coates, only 5K Walk Associate Grand Matron Patricia L. Deputy Grand Master Phillip David and Right Worthy Patron Patrick Coates, Young, Howard University Cancer that focuses on Worshipful Senior Grand Warden Quincy G. Gant and Worthy Matron Hackney Center Outreach Director Clinton Prostate Cancer Burnside and Most Worshipful awareness in the Grand Master Norman L. Campbell United States. Approximately 100 walkers and runners participated in this event. All proceeds will go to the Members of Electa Chapter #6 and Howard University Victory Lodge #23: Past Matron Shari L. McCoy, Past Matron Andrea Johnson, Cancer Center for Past Master Ulysses Barnes, Past Matron prostate cancer Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett, Susan Travers and Masonic Family walkers Worshipful Masterresearch. Jeffrey Johnson Photos by Shari L. McCoy
The National PanHellenic Council of Northern Virginia hosted its annual Black Scholars Awards program May 15 at George Mason University in Fairfax, Jeryl Payne, president, NPHC, Virginia. The program Northern Va.; Shawn Lacey, president, NPHC, Loudon County provides a platform to and Kim Vamer, president, NPHC, recognize and support Washington D.C. Black high school graduating students from the Northern Virginia community for their academic achievements. To date, over 5000 Black students have been honored.
Deborah Foreman, NOVAC DST NPHC representative; Norman Jones III, guest speaker and Jeryl Payne, president, NoVA NPHC
Photos by Rob Roberts
Margueria Taylor and Kimberly Higsmith, AKA Sorority and Tameka Tunsil, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Recipients from Osbourn Park High School: David Annan, Dove-Anna Johnson, Caleb Howard, Taylor Cason, Alexis Moton, Joslin Davidson, Kasey Thomas, Matthew Seymour and Aaron Lugo
Recipient from Wakefield High School: Nia Brockman
Recipients from C. D. Hylton High School: Bruce Clark, II, Brendan Harrington, Kelsey Langham, Michelle Abban, Brandon Gibson, Brea Williams, Kennison Vanhook, Rashawn Sanders and Gabrielle Huckaby
Recipients from Manassas Park High School: Maraucz Mallijham, Samyra Barbour, Afsani Moore, Kayla Washington and Mikayal Brook
Recipients from Patriot High School: Tremain Young, McKenzie Hill, Sarah Goode, Gregory Pickett and Joshua Cauthen
Recipients from T.C. Williams High School: Adiga Karam, Auvareeon Dyson, Iesha Kenney, Daizha Brown, Destine Hooker and Shayla Brown
Marvin Chisolm, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Dale Warfield, Kappa Alpha Psi; Darryl Sharps, president, Alpha Lambda Chapter, Prince Williams County Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; Moultrie T. Gloven, Jr., Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Cedric Howard, Ista Phi Theta Fraternity
Members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia
Recipients from Edison High School: Bintou Doumbia, Keiron Fontaine, Ammar Idris and Judy Beauvais
Hess Moore and Jace Moore
For these pictures and more go to afro.com/slideshows.
The Afro-American, July 2, 2016 - July 8, 2016
The American Cancer Society sponsored a fundraiser event on June 26 at the Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore to highlight the significant support that the organization provides in making a difference in saving lives by helping people stay well and get
Tony Anderson and Ballarie Wadlington
well, by finding cures, and by fighting back against cancer. The program included live and silent auctions,
entertainment by the Secret Society Band, and red and white wine tasting stations throughout the room.
Dr. Jelani Zarif, postdoctoral Research Fellow from Johns Hopkins Brady Urological Institute, discussed the importance of men making doctor visits regularly to check their prostate. Cecil Flamer was event chair.
Blanche and Theo Rodgers
Sheilah Davenport and Denard Smith
Marsha Logan, Jesse Bennett, Debbie Parker and Nina Hopkins
Cecil Flamer, event chair
Aileen Taylor, Lydia McCargo-Redd, Yvonne Frye and LaVerne Gaither Yvonne Harrison, Dr. Jelani Zarif and Dr. Jennifer Dobbins
Walter and Alice Cole
Brenda Tranchida, Maria Howell and Frances Silva
George Clayton, Ovetta Moore, Beneak Hargrave and Jeffrey Hargrave
Barrington Branch, Nishan Gugsa, Marcel Umphery, Karlo G. Young, Ryan Galloway, Jamilla Espy, Koretta Skelton, Alex Weldon and Elaina Weldon
Mildred Brown and Ruby Brooks
Antoinette Williams and George Wilson
Kara Bess, Pat Roberts and Pamela Beckham
Martin KIng, Steward Beckham and Ricardo Kimbers
Yvonne McKInney, Stephanie Stevenson, Curtis McMeekins and Evelyn Cordin
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
Jaylin Summers, vocalist from the School for the Arts sings “Summertime”
A reception honoring community partners was hosted by BGE (Baltimore Gas and Electric) on June 24 at the Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore. The event was a celebration of BGE’s bicentennial. Calvin G. Butler Jr., BGE’s Chief Executive Officer, expressed appreciation to the many partners who were present to share this milestone of BGE’s 200th anniversary. Entertainment, among others, was provided by the Baltimore School for the Arts, the Baltimore Choral Arts Society, the Muse 360 Arts, and the Young Audiences of Maryland.
Frank Kelly and Tony Hill
Anita Jackson, Everett Jackson and Beneak Hargrave
Debra Jenkins-Kearney, Dr. Sheila Brooks and Joanna Jenkins
Dwight Taylor and Darryl Stokes
Donna Richardson, Joan Pratt, Baltimore City Comptroller and Linda Foy
Michael Cryor presents a framed photograph of early days of BGE to Calvin Butler.
Diane Bell-McKoy, CEO of Associated Black Charities and Garland Williamson
Marcia Henson-Coakley, Taylor Currie, Janet Currie and Christina Fitts
Frank Coakley and Jeffrey Hargrave
Michael Hawkins, Gloria Braddock and Terry Hawkins
Calvin Butler, Chief Executive Officer, BGE, Erica and Michael Cryor, Board member
Nicole Kirby, Luwanda Jenkins, Pat Roberts, Diane Hocker and Lenora Howze Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
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