Sophisticated Settings - Lifestyle August 27, 2016

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The Afro-American, August 27, 2016 - September 2, 2016

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) John R. Hawkin III, Jake Oliver, AFRO CEO and publisher and Michelle R. Hawkins

Michelle Bailey, BET

Debra Thomas, president, Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta

Prince George’s County Deltas: Miriam Brewer, 1st vice president; Greta Wiggins-Lewis, president; Kathleen Driver, journalist; Alicia Young-Hardy, member and Norma Hatot-King, member

D.C. Supporters

George and Bernadette Lambert, GWUL

The AFRO Newspapers board members, staff, and supporters from the D.C. and Baltimore metropolitan areas began the celebration of 125 years of excellence with a kickoff reception on Aug. 13 at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum in Baltimore. As guests dined on scrumptious cuisine, and enjoyed soft jazz by Guy Bragg, members of various organizations and community leaders were given commemorative ceramic tile artwork titled, “AFRO 125—A Benjamin and a Quarter” Celebrating the AFRO American Newspaper from the Robert Blount Collection. Board member Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper and Jake Oliver, CEO and publisher, honored the many supporters and sponsors who formed partnerships and made the journey with the AFRO throughout its existence and into the future.

Renee Allen, radio host for Renee Allen and Friends and her son, Chase Allen

Kevin Davis, Baltimore Police Commissioner; George Lacy, president, Prince Hall Freemason and Eastern Star Foundation; and Jake Oliver

See photos of Baltimore supporters on B4.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority members Jo Ann Otis, president, Baltimore Metro Alumnae Chapter; Debra Thomas, president, Potomac Valley Alumna Chapter; LaTonyia Wade, president, Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter; Thelma T. Daley, 16th national president, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Monica Watkins, president, Baltimore Alumnae Chapter and M. Greta Wiggins-Lewis, president, Prince George’s County Alumnae Chapter

Ben Phillips, AFRO D.C. General Manager Edgar Brookins and Jake Oliver with Black Women for Positive Change members Carolyn Eaves and Karen Carrington-Washington

Ibrahim Mumin

Ben Phillips, AFRO president, AKAs Janet LaValle and Stacey Mangham, Montgomery County chapter president; and Jake Oliver

Ben Phillips; Annette Fisher; BWI Thurgood Marshall - sponsors of the Kickoff Reception - Gregory Lawrence; Alice Howard, National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Prince William’s County chapter; Jake Oliver and Dannie Huntley

D.C. Continentals with Jake Oliver and Ben Phillips

AFRO Baltimore Advertising Manager Robert Blount and Vetta Ridgeway, AFRO D.C. advertising consultant with attendees

Joyce Ward and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William “Kip” Ward

NCNW, Montgomery County chapter members with Jake Oliver and Ben Phillips

AFRO Staff and Supporters

Toni Robinson, Venus Jackson, Samantha McCoy, Edgar Brookins, Michelle Bailey, Ben Phillips, Cara Paige and Tiffany Way Photos by A. Lois De Laine

To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.


The Afro-American, August 27, 2016 - September 2, 2016

Baltimore Supporters

Members of The Links with Jake Oliver, AFRO CEO and publisher

Ben Phillips, AFRO president (far left), Jake Oliver and Diane Hocker, AFRO director, community and public relations (far right) with Kappa Silhouettes

The AFRO Newspapers board members, staff, and supporters from the Baltimore and D.C. metropolitan areas began their celebration of 125 years of excellence with a kickoff reception on Aug. 13 at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum in Baltimore. As the guests dined on scrumptious cuisine, and enjoyed soft jazz by Guy Bragg, members of various organizations and community leaders were given a Kevin Davis, Baltimore City Police commissioner accepts a gift from Jake Oliver commemorative ceramic tile artwork titled, “ARFO 125—A Benjamin and a Quarter” Celebrating the AFRO American Newspaper from the Robert Blount Collection. Board member Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper and Jake Oliver, CEO and publisher, honored the many supporters and sponsors who formed partnerships and made the journey with the Members of the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter, AFRO throughout its Delta Sigma Theta Sorority - Monica Watkins, existence and into president, accepts an original hand painted the future. ceramic tile See photos of D.C. supporters on D4.

Members of Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority - Joe Ann Oatis, president

BWI Thurgood Marshall - sponsors of the Kickoff Reception - Gregory Lawrence, Ben Phillips, Annette Fisher, Jake Oliver and Dannie Huntley

Joyce Ward and William “Kip” Ward, Lt. Gen (Ret.)

Lenora Howze, director of advertising served as mistress of ceremonies

National Coalition 100 Black Women (Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter) Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper, Larry Young, WOLB 1010 Live Talk, Jake Oliver, Ben Phillips IV, Diane Hocker

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority

Angela Coates, Robert Blount, Vetta Ridgeway, Barbara Ridgeway

Kevin Davis Baltimore City Police Commissioner and Thelma T. Daley, 16th National President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

Murphy descendants , Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper and Jake Oliver

Phyllis Reese

Baltimore Alpha Wives

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

AFRO Staff and Supporters Baltimore Chapter, CHUMS Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.

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