Know The Correct Path Of Your Life With The Psychological Counselling Dermatoglyphic Testing is called as the Scientific study of the Fingerprints and so we The Healing Touch provide such services at cost-effective rates with an accuracy in the obtained results that provide all the information of every aspirant typically at an ease.
As per the concerns of Dermatoglyphic Test, it is performed in a maximum of 2-3 sessions where the premier session is done with 10 fingerprints which are scanned with some special software with an analyzation of the trained professionals who are responsible in generating an accurate report. Another session constitutes almost the same with a help of a well-trained counsellor who provides a report depending on the premier session.
Additionally, the services of the Dermatoglyphic Testing In Mumbai provided by Afshan Nafis are always up to the mark who is responsible in delivering the end to end results abreast with an attainment of complete customer satisfaction. Thankfully, with an innovation in the science and technology, the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test easily scans all the 10 fingerprints, analyzed it, and an accurate report is prepared. This obtained report gives the following information:
Inborn personality Potential The best career suited for his/her and much more.
Multiple bits of intelligence Interests of the child
On the contrary, the best counsellor Mrs Afshan Nafis is also well-reckoned in the deliverance of varied Reiki practices too. She has also been in the services of the Psychological Counseling Services In Kandivali since 1991 via which she has been able to generate a vast differentiate by reflecting the practical life experience which also helps in changing the thought process as well as the life of the people that how one can live much and more better after experiencing the counselling.
About The Company: The Healing Touch : Mrs Afshan Nafis, a well-reckoned therapist is able to perform a varied form of energy practices in different areas and aspects of the life. Some of the practices are listed as follows: ďƒź Reiki ďƒź Spiritual & Depression Counseling
Dermatoglyphic testing Psychological counselling
And a lot more by working in close coordination with the clients for a sake of more betterment in their life. She also organizes the day workshop for the students who are attuned towards the symbol " KORIKI" which means a happiness symbol.
Comapny Details: Address: EMP 1, 101, Thakur Village, Near Federal Bank, Kandivali (East), Mumbai 400101. Phone: +91 9820074221 / 9757364939, 022 28670941 / 28844293 Email: