CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase Request for Proposals Fall 2010 Afterschool Partnership will be launching CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase in the Central City neighborhood this fall. Through the generous support of Hornets star point guard Chris Paul, CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase creates a neighborhood campus in which schools and afterschool program providers are connected via free, youth-friendly transportation. The transportation is staffed by trained drivers and monitors who accompany youth to program sites. Based on successful models in Providence, RI, and Nashville, TN, CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase model uses best practices for out-of-school-time programming. CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase offers youth and families a wide array of programs to choose from. This gives youth the opportunity to choose academic, creative, and athletic activities that best fit their wishes and needs. The success of the CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase in Central City depends on strong partnerships with schools, high quality afterschool programs, families and community members in order to provide youth with the best opportunities available. Grant Criteria: • Proposals must be submitted by public or charitable, non-profit (tax exempt) organizations or may be sponsored by such an organization. • Applications must be received via email attachment only. • All service providers or site locations must exist within the Central City neighborhood, with the exception of field trip sites. (Please visit www.myccra.org for a map of Central City). • Funding available is to be used for project coordination, administration and program support. Funds are not available for capital improvements. • Programming must be available daily, Monday through Thursday, until 6:00 p.m. • For purposes of this grant, services are to be provided to youth between the grades of K-4. • The CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase grants will cover costs for a period of service delivery from October 2010 through December 2010. (Note: A second RFP will be issued for programs who wish to participate in the spring semester.) • All grant applications are due by September 7, 2010 Please note: A technical assistance workshop (attendance is strongly encouraged) will be held at 9am on August 19, 2010 at: Mahalia Jackson Center 2405 Jackson Avenue New Orleans LA 70115 Questions? Email: Nadiyah Morris Coleman, AfterZone Project Director, ncoleman@gnoafterschool.org
Applications must be received by Afterschool Partnership by SEPTEMBER 7, 2010 Attention: Nadiyah Coleman Afterschool Partnership ncoleman@gnoafterschool.org Applications will only be received VIA EMAIL SUBMISSION. Partners will be notified of funding decisions by September 17, 2010 CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase will select programs based upon the criteria detailed in this RFP, and reserves the right to consider other factors so as to ensure a diverse array of highest-quality program partners. 1
CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase - Fall 2010 Agency Name: Tax Identification Number: Address:
Phone: Fax: Website:
AMOUNT REQUESTED: Program Director: Email: Site Director (if different from Program Director): Email: Please check what your role your program/location will play in the AfterZone (Check all that apply): ___ Serving as a Host Site ___ Providing programming at a CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase school site (Itinerant program provider) ___ Providing special event programming ___ Serving as a field trip destination
Site Location(s): Name of Site
Street Address
Please provide a brief description of your facilities:
Program Start Date Number of days program will operate per week Number of hours per day
Program End Date
TRANSPORTATION What transportation does your program currently provide, if any? Briefly describe your program’s drop-off and pick-up procedures. How will drop-offs and/or pick-ups fit into your program’s schedule? If drop-offs/pick-ups do not fit, will you be willing to change your schedule to accommodate CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase participants?
Participant Ages Indicate the total number of unduplicated youth projected to be served in each of the following age categories. Age 4-5
Age 6-8
Age 910
Total Served
Estimated number of youth that receive free or reduced lunch Estimated number of youth with disabilities (mental and/or physical) Estimated number of youth whose primary language is not English
Program Activity Example: African Drumming
Frequency 3 times week 2 hours per day
Staff:Child Ratio 2:15
Does your program provide: ___ Academic Support
___ Enrichment Activities
___ Both Academic and Enrichment
___ Family & Community Programming
Please describe the program’s Academic Support:
What curriculum, if any, will you use (homework support is an acceptable response)?
What is the structure of the class? (how is time spent?)
Describe expected outcomes:
Please describe the program’s Enrichment Activities:
What curriculum will you use?
What is the structure of the class? (How is time spent?)
Describe expected outcomes:
Program Staffing Staffing Full Time Paid Staff Part Time Paid Staff Volunteer Staff What is your Staff:Student ratio?
Number of Staff
Do you provide training for your program staff on the following? First Aid Training ___ Yes ___ No Child Abuse Identification and Reporting ___ Yes ___ No Appropriate Disciplinary Techniques ___ Yes ___ No Age and Developmentally Appropriate Activities ___ Yes ___ No Cultural Competency ___ Yes ___ No Disaster Preparedness ___ Yes ___ No Grief/trauma counseling, mental health awareness ___ Yes ___ No Do you run background checks on your staff? 4
___ Yes ___ No
Do you run background checks on your volunteers?
___ Yes ___ No
PROGRAM EVALUATION Is your program currently being evaluated? ___Yes ___ No If yes, is your program being evaluated by an external evaluator?
___ Yes ___No
Please describe your program evaluation protocol. If your program becomes a partner in the CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase, are you willing to share both program evaluation findings and raw data with CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase? ___ Yes ___ No PROGRAM PARTNERSHIPS Does your organization partner or collaborate with other organizations or entities? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, please describe the nature of your current partnerships: If your program becomes a partner in CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase, will you provide services to CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase participants only, or will the space be shared with other students? PROGRAM BUDGET
Budget Information for Organization Serving as Grantee of Record: Revenue/expense totals for most recent audited fiscal year 2010: Total Revenues Total Expenses
$_________ $_________
What is your program’s fee policy? Do you charge for enrollment? Enrollment plus special events such as field trips? Only for special events? No fees at all?
EXPENSES Salaries Transportation Rent and Utilities Equipment Program Supplies 5
Cash $ $ $ $ $
In-Kind $ $ $ $ $
Total $ $ $ $ $
Admission Fees for Field Trips Meals and Snacks Awards/Recognition Professional Development/Training Indirect Expenses (excluding Rent and Utilities) Other: Other: TOTAL *
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Please provide a budget narrative to support the costs listed above.
I confirm that this application is complete and accurate. I understand that an incomplete application may cause the submitted application to be ineligible for review. We are committed to the goals and strategies outlined in this proposal and will implement this project if awarded a grant by CP3 in the Afterschool Zone Presented by Chase, Signatures: _______________________________ Executive Director/CEO
___________ Date
_______________________________ Board Chair
___________ Date