3 minute read
1. A good educator does not judge a person, but describes their actions – in this way it strengthens the person's sense of value. It is especially important in case of activities related to the body, i.e. selfpresentation, recitation, singing, voice emission, etc. 2. A good educator praises – he/she points out to the positive sides of created activities and other effects of the training created by his/her student, so that the learner can also rely on the example of their own activity, thus being able to deepen and develop it more easily. 3. A good educator listens to his/her student to choose the right key or a way of learning beneficial for that person. 4. A good educator knows his/her own limitations and ignorance, and if necessary, he/she can talk about them openly. 5. A good educator respects every student. 6. A good educator does not favor. 7. A good educator stimulates creativity, does not just give ready-made recipes. 8. A good educator learns throughout his/her entire life 9. Professionalism – this is a competence that determines effectiveness. The educator should have knowledge that is a guarantee of quality, continuous improvement of his/her competences. An uneducated educator does not fulfill his/her duties and thus negatively affects the image of the educational process. Continuous improvement is necessary and is motivated by the progress of life or the specialization of professional life. 10. Honesty – is a feature especially required from educators. Often, while working with older people, the educator faces dilemmas whether his/her help does not do harm, or if, by pushing through the educational process, he/she really responds to the needs of the participants. 11. Impartiality – this is a desirable feature, especially for those working with Seniors. A social group is a network of interdependencies. The educator, when positively motivating participants, must at the same time be sensitive to bias and different treatment of individual members of the community. The bias of the educator is unacceptable. 12. Dignity – is a feature that allows you to maintain the right distance from the participants. In Maslow's pyramid, dignity is listed as one of the most important human needs. The educator should ensure that participants are treated subjectively. Regardless of their views, emotional and psychological development, intellect or declared faith, the educator should treat people using his/her resources with due dignity.
Expert knowledge / know-how A crucial skill of any teacher / trainer / coach is to “know your stuff”. They should be experts in their field and be well prepared for each class. Additionally the willingness to learn and up-date the expert knowledge is of outermost importance
Methods skills A good educator should be able to prepare understandable presentation of the teaching content and know/be able to use various learning techniques (which need to be updated). This requires also the ability to choose the adequate methods for the specific learner target group(s).
Teaching style A good teacher should provide transparent evaluation criteria and be consistent in all levels of his/her work. He/she should have a structured approach and be goal and result-oriented, in order to achieve / stimulate responsible action from the pupils/learners
Personal skills • empathy (but knowing your boundaries is very important!!!); • justice and fairness; • patience; • dialogue and criticism skills; • enthusiasm and open-mindedness; • sensitive communication of norms and values.
Intercultural competence: In more and more diverse classrooms a “good” educator/teacher should have intercultural competences in order to dealing with cultural diversity and to provide intercultural learning. • physical, cultural and ethnic diversity • culture, cultural diversity and intercultural competence • awareness of your own intercultural “programming” as a teacher/trainer • Delivering definition on interculturality, diversity, intercultural diversity, culture etc. • Understanding the key concepts of diversity, equality, discrimination • Understanding the need for and the advantage of developing /improving social/intercultural competence and getting a social/intercultural competence profile.
The trainer needs to be encouraged to realize, that his/her way of programming, organizing and providing training is (inevitably, and most of the time unconsciously) influenced by the interaction of different cultural, religious, ethical and moral heritages. Understanding the cultural norm(s) which cause our learning-styles and way of comprehending knowledge etc. can facilitate learning and enhance personal growth, interpersonal relations and intercultural interactions.