PYP Exhibition at the centre of the Primary Years Programme
PYPX and Action originating from it are the culminating learning experiences in the PYP. Inquiry and design drive learning and research in the PYPX.
We are Team PYPX! This newsletter is to give you a better idea of our PYPX experience and journey. It will showcase the people who helped us, our teams, their research questions and findings and, most importantly, the Action we took to make our world a better place. From March 28th to May 19th P5 and P6 students have been on a journey of self-discovery, self-efficacy, and extension of their learning and skills to be able to take responsible societal Action that will have direct impact on: 
Children use the framework of Kath Murdoch’s inquiry cycle and design cycle to organise their learning, reflections and creative Action components.
Our PYPX journey begins! PYP COORDINATOR’S REFLECTIONS March 27th we started our PYP Exhibition experience with excitement and anticipation. We knew that the work ahead of the children and support teachers and mentors would not be easy, but we were also certain that it would be extremely rewarding. 7 weeks later, I can admit, that we have all experienced laughter, joy and happiness, but we are no stranger to let down and difficulty either. In the end, the feeling we all share is PRIDE. We have seen our learners (your amazing children, dear Parents) strive to become the best, most knowledgeable, thoughtful and creative versions of themselves. We welcome you to participate in the final stage of the PYPX process.
“It is good people who make good places.�
Charles Proctor, P5 HT
Anna Sewell, Black Beauty.
Throughout the past six weeks we have visited and met with amazing and inspiring people who took the time to share their passions with us. On daily basis we were supported by our homeroom teachers and PYPX Mentors.Here is a brief overview of the key people and places that have influenced our inquiries and Action. Kable Mei, P5 Associate Homeroom Teacher, Team 4 Mentor
Adam Burnell, Makerspace, Art and Design Support
Melissa Burnell, P6 Homeroom Teacher Lindu Xu, P6 Associate Teacher, Team 10 Mentor
Kate Whelen, PYP Music Teacher, PYPX Performance Director
Jade Chen,
Xelena Gonzalez, Head Librarian, PYPX Research Support
MYP Chinese Teacher,
Serena Zheng, Chinese Teacher, Team 9 Mentor
Team 7 Mentor
Xochitl Gonzalez, MYP Humanities Teacher, Team 11 Mentor Kelly Wylde, MYP English Teacher, Team 6 Mentor
Ryan Morgan, P4 HT, Team 3 Mentor
Lainey Morgan, P1 HT, Team 8 Mentor
Christine Rhodes, MYP English Teacher, Team 5 Mentor
Fiona Wang, Chinese Teacher, Team 2 Mentor
Miranda Sun, EMGdotArt Curator
Steven West, P1 HT, Team 1 Mentor
Elaine Whelen, Head of School
Hadassah Jang, Art and Design Specialist and Support PYPX Media Designer
Ms Elaine has believed in us from day one and said yes to the most demanding of our ideas.
Throughout the past six weeks, we PLACES have visited museums, galleries, design studios and institutes, and met with amazing and inspiring people who took the time to share their passions with us. Here is a brief overview of the key people and places that have influenced our inquiries and Action.
“The problem is not the problem;
WE ARE....
the problem is your attitude about the problem.� Captain Jack
Sparrow PYP Exhibition is a perfect time to reflect on our attitudes and attributes of the learner profile. Working through our Approaches to Learning--the daily planning, collaborating, researching, organising and analysing of information, communicating with people face to face and online--we have shown and proven that we can be:
Team1:Sophia inquired into... Individual actions can have a positive and negative impact on the environment.
shelter or sanitation. And do you know about natural disasters? As a result of global warming t h e r e w i l l b e m a ny floods, hurricanes, and so on.
Dear Everyone, Yo u m ay t h i n k t h a t global warming is not so important, but I will say t o yo u t h at i t i s a n immense issue with potentially dire consequences for all of humanity! That’s us! You need to read this‌
Some people (children included) love animals. But do you know what global warming means for them? Global Warming = NO p o l a r b e a r s a nd N O penguins!
Firstly, the polar ice caps are starting to melt. T h i s m ay d i s p l a c e millions of people, and they will be without
If the poles continue to melt at current rates, it will only be a question of 12
WHEN they do, and this will cause habitat destruction for these cute little animals. (If you want to save such cute animals please S T O P wa r m i ng t h e EARTH!)
both OLD and very young animals!! I f yo u wa n t t o s ave people and animals in the future ACT NOW! ( I m e a n R I G H T n ow, when you finish reading this.☺)
Furthermore, life would be no fun for kids because some kids like to play in snow. So if we were without snow, kids would be very sad about it! Okay, let’s get to another serious point: DROUGHT. You can’t grow food, you can’t feed animals… in one word NOTHING to eat or drink!! Is it fun? What do you think? Temperature will rise and the rivers will dry but not all of it. Around it will be some mud, and animals will get stuck and sink slowly. If no one helps them, they will DIE in this mud, 13
contact them? Exactly, you would either use FaceTime or Skype or any other type of free calling app. However, if social media is not used in a moderate way it can become an addiction that you will acquire if you are on it 24/7.
Team 2: Shivani, Jorge, Lorenzo
What do you normally do when you are with friends? Do you play outside or do you play on
inquired into... Technology impacts society in positive and negative ways. Shivani’s reflections: Social media is a useful technical resource that helps us connect with people around the world.Now Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook are all sorts of social media apps that connect people around the world. When you are in China and your family is in Italy, how would you
your devices? Around 95% of you would be at home or your friend’s place on your device whilst 5% of people would be playing outside. Now the poor, for example, don't have 14
the luxury that we have, yet they are always so happy with what they have. They don't have any Macs, iPads or iPhones to play games on. Also, they might not even have board games, so they use their creativity and imagination to create their own games.
hours a day. It will only give you goodness and you will be able to do normal stuff better. Jorge’s persuasive essay: Did you know that using devices too much can give you brain damage? You have to use devices less and not game so much. You can go outside instead of being on your device, do normal activities, and reduce your screen time, improving friendships.
Technology is a beautiful tool made by man, so why not use it in a proper way? You can learn a lot with technology and also have your time on it. You can also be tech savvy and that is a good thing.
If you go outside instead of being on your device, you will get better physical exercise and you will not get brain damage (if you don't damage your head). You will not get so tired in a bad way because you will still be active. Your brain won't get any damage if you go outside.
Start reading to make yourself better. Give your brain a rest and don't do more than 2-3 15
a new language or new words if he speaks another language.
Do regular activities and reduce your screen time or improve friendship by reducing screen time or going outside. You can sleep better and you may get a gift if you help your parents clean the house. You can study better because you will not be thinking about your device for so long. You can understand your studies better because you will not be so tired.
Make sure you reduce your screen time. It will be good for you and your knowledge because you can be reading a book or studying. You can also be with friends and family or practice on your music. There is always something better to do than lying on a sofa playing games.
Improve friendships by reducing screen time. You can make new friends and have more fun playing outside rather than being by yourself at home playing games. You can interact with others better because you would know how it feels being with a partner. You can express things better to your friends and family because you might learn 16
Team 3: Seven, Rudy, Bill inquired into... Games affect children, not just how they think, but how they act.
Team 4: Hannah, Melody, Yemaya
for you to have a wonderful time. To the person that is reading this: I want to tell you that you should not support these places (zoos, aquariums, ocean parks and circuses), and here's why. Firstly, animals from the wild are captured by humans. They are born in the wild and when they are a few months old, we humans take them away from their families. After that they get caged in this small, dingy cage or tank. Sometimes these animals can get sick when they are getting transported since the trip can be really long. When they get to the destination, we humans
inquired into... To improve animal welfare, we must understand the effects of captivity on animals. Hana’s persuasive essay: Do you ever think zoos, aquariums, ocean parks and circuses are awesome? Well, these are places of horror for animals. Animals are getting captured just 18
will throw them in another confined, concrete cage or tank. The story of torture and captivity begins.
natural thing that tigers do. The tigers actually want to have the freedom to roam, but they are forced to jump through these fire loops!! And sometimes these tigers get burned or catch on fire and some unlucky tigers will eventually die.
Secondly, the captured animals are forced to do abnormal tricks. Now, we are not talking about fetch the ball or roll over. In ocean parks and zoos there are a lot of entertainment shows that attract people. Captured animals like orcas are forced to starve in order to be trained. When the orcas don't do the tricks right, the trainers will starve them. The starving orcas will then vomit out their digested food and then eat it back as their meaI. Do you know the tigers jumping through the fire loops? Cool, right! But, actually scary, this is not a
Thirdly, at zoos animals are living in the worst environment yet. In the wild they have 10x the space that they have in the zoos. Whales, dolphins and other ocean animals have to swim back and forth in their confined space. The same is true for land animals. They have to walk back and forth in the animals’ captured environment . Zoos like to breed the animals. They force the animals to breed and 19
they promise organisations that the babies will be released in the wild. But they don't! They actually sell these baby animals to other zoos or keep them for themselves as babies are cute and will attract more zoo visitors. Then they will earn more money.
scratching the glass window trying to get out while three other wolves were sniffing to find an exit to escape, but they couldn't. I felt so, so sorry for these snow wolves. And have you ever seen a walrus do sit-ups? Well, I have!! It was horrible when I saw it. I really wanted to shout at trainers to release the walrus and to let the walrus swim around like a normal walrus not like body builders doing situps! This is unnatural to this walrus.
Before this exhibition, I used to enjoy zoos and ocean parks, not thinking much of it other than just having fun with friends and family. But last week for research, we visited the Grandview Mall Aquarium. I had tears and I felt so angry, lost, sad and most of all I felt ashamed for being human. I witnessed horrible scenes. I saw two snow wolves
I am so convinced that animals should be free and that they should roam in the wild. We as humans should not exploit these animals but protect them, help them, and keep them from all dangers. 20
Animals have the same rights as humans.
Please share my passion towards #freeing animals from captivity.
Please support me. I can't sit around and allow all these innocent creatures to be captured and tortured. I believe in educating people to help these animals and stop captivity. If you want to help me there is one way you can help. That is to not support zoos, aquariums, circuses and Sea world/ Ocean parks. By doing this hopefully the demand of capturing animals will lessen. I believe government should play a better role in protecting animals and having stricter regulations on animal protections at the zoos, ocean world, parks and circuses. I also believe in hiring independent animal organisations to spot check these places.
INTERVEIW WITH MS.KRISTA by Yemaya Asking Ms. Krista Kearney’s opinion on animal captivity and welfare. On April 13th 2017 we interviewed Ms. Krista and she gave us some great information. The interview was held in the outdoor cafÊ area in ISA International School of GuangZhou. We asked her four questions and her answers were very detailed. Here is what she said: The first question we asked was: What is captivity like in your 21
country? She said, “Well, in the US they try really hard to copy the animals’ natural habitat. A lot of times they do that for endangered species. Some zoos only have the animals do things that are natural to them, and I think that makes them really happy”. According to the 2015 documentary Blackfish, they say that doing only things that are natural to them helps release stress and prevents the animal from hurting itself.
have a loving bond, it is proven that both human and animal will have a longer, happy, and healthier life span.
The third question we asked Ms. Krista was: What is your opinion on animals in captivity? “I don’t like seeing animals in captivity because it’s very unfair to the animals. If humans want to see animals, they should go out into the wild and enjoy them, not see them suffer in small cages at the zoo. My opinion of captivity is if people keep capturing these animals, they will fear us and turn against humans. Also, animals deserve to have a great life just as humans should have. We must treat animals equally as we should treat others.”
The second question we asked Ms. Krista was: How do you treat your animals if you had or have one? “We treat our dog at home like it’s one of us. Our dog is included in everything and we try to give it as much respect as we do to our family.” It is a scientific fact that if an animal and a human
Last but not least, the fourth question we 22
asked Ms. Krista was: How do you think animals are treated while in captivity? “I think animals are treated differently, it depends on the country. I think that people have their different beliefs and opinions about how they treat animals.� According to, if the animals do not do the tricks they will not be given their meals and often throw up then eat their own vomit. It can also lead to self torture.
Team 5: Celine, JintheÂ
past to get inspiration. The dictionary definition of inspiration is if something inspires, you are given confidence enthusiasm and new ideas, artist are always looking for new ideas. Different art forms such as dance, drawing, sculpture, fashion design architecture and many more rely on the skills technology and ideas from the past.
inquired into... Over time, art and perspectives change because of technology. Letter from Celine:
Many art forms from the past have been forgotten and buried, for example a Chinese mother discovers feather art, this lady has revived a art form from the Qing dynasty this art form has been forgotten for 2500 years. Technology
Dear Ms Elaine, I am extremely concerned about how people are not appreciating traditional art from the past. My argument is artist have to look back from the 24
used from this time was with feathers and ink, the same process was used now by Xu nan nan a master of this art form. So even though technology has changed the donkey carting stones for building has been replaced by modern transport and machines but the process remained the same.
Art for technology or technology for art? by Jinthe Before people lived in caves. They didn’t had the knowledge to build houses. This made their lives restricted to areas where natural caves could be used to live in.
So Ms Elaine I hope you’re convinced that artist need to look back at/to other artist like Leonardo Davinci and Michelangelo to appreciate their skill and to continue the tradition from the past from a 21st perspective.
The primitive people developed a new skill, their technology was called bricks. Bricks to build houses wherever they could and where it was more convenient for them to live like for example close to the river because then getting water was easier and the ground was more easy to cultivate.
Yours sincerely, Celine
The techniques get better and better resulting in more beautiful buildings, advanced architecture and astonishing sculptures. However, the original purpose to develop building innovations was because they needed stronger houses. They didn’t really care about beautiful architectures. It was more important that the roof wouldn’t fall on their heads. Once people found themselves protected under the roof, they could use the same skills to make their lives
survival not art. The same also counts for example lasers. Doug Aitken put a laser on a train to project lines of lights that created lines that changed with the rails of the train creating laser echoes of its surroundings. The artist also experimented with projecting laser poems on the rails and combining the laser lights with music. Although laser shows attract lots of people, their origin was in the science world because with lasers engineers could easily detect small defects in steel or plastics, and doctors could perform a more precise surgery. It was only after their practical use, that the artists discovered the beauty of the technology. The precision the surgeon
more beautiful with expressions of art. Still, we need to remember that the original purpose of the technology was 26
needs, is the precision the artist can uses to create his masterpiece. Rieland gives as an example of digital laser art revolution “petting zoo” where the visitors in stead of rubbing a cute furry rabbits , are hugging snake-like tubes who changes in colours based on the movements, sounds and the way you touch the tubes. It makes art interactive. The visitors become part of the art installation thanks to technology. Simply watching hanging light tubes would have been boring. But because these snakes can read our moods, every visitors experiences the lasers project in a different way. It is not always easy to see how to use the technology in the art projects. Sometimes the artist needs training to understand the technics
and to evaluate the dangers and possibilities. To go back to the lasers example; there are dangerous lasers and lasers that don’t harm us. It is important for the artist to understand the new technology. But when the artist and technology meet, a beautiful mixture can be
created. Andy Warhol would have never been THE Andy Warhol without screen printing. Screen printing is a fancy word to define the technique of templates and stamps used to colour with one colour at the time a layered pattern. It gives the 27
artist a new way to express himself. Technology created a new way to experience art. There is now the possibility of interaction and expressing a vision in different types of media. Technology made art differently, more interesting, and kept the audience interested with his new concepts. Bibliography: Randy Rieland , ’7 Ways Technology is Changing How Art is Made’, http:// m/arts-culture/7-waystechnology-is-changinghow-art-ismade-180952472/
Team 6: Amr, Gary
relieve the pressure and enhance your thought. But there are many people playing many games per day. Is that good for them? No, that h a r m s them.
inquired into... Technology isn’t only
There are m a n y examples: T h e r e was a Chinese p e r s o n called Lin Gang. His learning was good, but he liked to play video games a lot. So his learning became bad. He just depended on selling weapons in a game to get money. When he was 32 years old, he was died because he was playing too many video games. On his deathbed, he still didn’t want to tell
changing the world, it is changing us and how we see the world. Letter from Gary: Dear Mr. Charlie, Did you know games can be really useful? Games have many uses. They can let you relax, 29
people what his game’s account was. So if you play games in a good way, you will be safe and happy. But if you play games in the wrong way, you will get hurt like this person. Games can be good or bad, it depends on how you use them. Gary
Team 7: Enoch, Kence, Leo
wasted dirt, and it will become a disaster. I will tell you what will happen if we keep wasting, it will make our
inquired into... As society and population changes, we also need to change the way we use and share our resources.
Kence’s Article: Did you know w a s t i n g electricity will impact humans? Yes, because if you waste electricity, it will take more energy and use more resources. It also impacts the air that we are breathing. We are very angry about p e o p l e c u t t i ng t r e e s . T h i s i s wa s t i n g t h e natural resource and making our home (earth) more dirty with less green land. We have l o s t m a ny t r e e s a nd
life more terrible. The water is getting more terrible and at the end, it will impact human's health. It is not just a health problem, it is also a social issue. My goal is not to waste. Sometimes people waste and people think it is only a little waste. But if people waste things like food, water, etc., every day the number of dead 31
people might increase g r a d u a l l y. We c a n ' t shower or drink without water.
peaceful and happy environment. We should start out small to achieve the goal.
If people stop wasting, everything will be better. Cherish will also be better. If there is a lot of food in China, then Chinese food can be very expensive and Chinese will be rich. With money to make weapons, China will get stronger then the world will be stronger.
Our Responsibility. by Enoch I want no wasting in China, even all the earth, even all the solar system, even all the Galaxy. I am killing all the of the earth and all the Galaxy. If we keeping waste, there will be no food and no water, no electricity. And very fast, there will be no biology.
Without waste, people can s u r v ive e a s i ly b e c a u s e t h ey h ave enough things to survive. Why do people want money? Because they want to survive? If everyone has food and water, nobody will steal and rob because they can survive. People may commit without food. Only if people all value everything useful can people live in a clear,
First, we will just talk about food. Chinese people waste 2000 hundred million tons of food for one year. And it can feed 500,000,000 people in the world for one year. Think about humans having 170,000,000 year history, and let me tell you, we waste 32
8,500,000,000,000,000,00 0 tons food. And we waste 2,550,000,000,000,000,00 0,000 tons of people’s food for one year. If we keeping wasting, more people will die and people will get less and less and all the humans will die. If it sounds fun, then you can keep wasting and you will die and make other people die also. There will be no biology and we will all going to the nether. Only the people who did not waste will go to a much better place. We need to save the world, it is our responsibility.
Team 8: Emad, Isaac, Pablo inquired into... Technology is changing the way we live, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.
Blind to the Dangers!
less creative and lazier.
By: Pablo Navarro and Emad Al-qadasi
In addition, it gets too addictive and makes us not do sports. We create more games second by s e c o nd . T h e r e i s n o creativity in any of these games because you just play for fun.
Dear Everyone, Do you know what technology does to you? Well, I guess the answer will be NO! We recommend you all STOP staring at your device all day long.
Furthermore, everyone eats junk food because people think it is the fastest way to finish food so they can go back to using their devices. That’s just ridiculous.
Firstly, it is changing your brain by affecting sleep and making you 34
Other people are becoming too sedate and expecting everything to be done for them. That’s what technology is doing. So try to stop it from controlling you or you will become very unhealthy.
We are using technology to have a better life, but we are not slaves to our devices. We allow technology to be in front of our faces, using Wi-Fi and making the way we live better. Also, remember who the boss is and act like the boss.
Some more reasons why we shouldn’t use too much TECHNOLOGY is because sometimes you c a n g e t myo p i a ( a sickness where you can only see close distances). You also may get micro waves into your body t h at w i l l m a ke yo u shake every minute— creepy.
When technology is taking over so much time of your day, then you need to know that it’s time to change and enjoy life. Unplug from your devices and live life! In addition, i nd iv i d u a l s at e ve r y stage of living are now (over) exposed to technological gadgets. iPads unashamedly are used to block kids from nature and exercise. We are not smart at all. In fact, we are dumb.
Technology is good if yo u g uy s c a n u s e i t responsibly! Make sure you control it and it doesn’t control you!
Team 9: Bill, Vincent, JacksonÂ
Q: Why do people keep destroying the forest? T: Because they want to make money so they break the tree. They want to make a house so they break the tree. They want to make good gear so they take all the old trees.
inquired into...
We went to another class in P6 and we asked the teacher: Q: How can we stop people from destroying the forest? T: We can stop by knowing things about trees, and we can use other things to make pear to stay. So we can not waste trees.
Taking responsibility for our own behaviour can result in positive environmental change. Interview by Vincent We interviewed our three teachers, so we had three people to ask. The first person we asked was the P5 teacher:
The last question was about what happened if people broke the 36
animals’ home, so we went to the P4 classroom teacher: Q: If we don't want animals to break their homes, they will die. T: We can not eat the animals and we can use other things to use for sleep or sit or eat. What we need to do is save the animals.
Protect the Victory by Jackson Do you know that cutting trees can make ground become sand? The tree can clean the air but if we cut so many trees, the air cannot be clean. Also, the tree can help us to block the water and soil loss. If we don't cut trees, this will not happen, so don't cut so many trees to help our world.
Ok, this is all we asked. In my research, I found my three questions. The first one was about why people keep destroying the forest. And how can we stop people from destroying the forest? And what can happen to animals if people keep destroying the forest? So before we started the interviews, I had lots of information about what we needed to do about the interviews.
The tree can store water so the water can't go other places, so will not have soil and water loss. But if we cut trees, the tree's root will be damaged. So cutting trees can make a lot of things happen. The tree can help with purification. The air we breathe out is carbon dioxide to make clean air. If we don't have trees, our carbon dioxide 37
can not be purified. We will breathe in the carbon dioxide. We need trees to help us clean the air.
People destroy forests for development and money. Some people try to stop deforestation. For the first line of inquiry we found a lot of information like: we can not really stop people from destroying the forest because we still need wood products to help us in life to eat, drink and cook. So the only thing we can do is stop using wood products and use the seeds for more trees and plants.
The forest can help us to stop the sand. If we didn't have trees, the sand will cover over. This is forest desertification. So we need trees. So just don't cut the tree. If you cut a tree, it just needs 10 seconds, but to plant a tree needs 10 years. We just have one earth.
For the second line of inquiry we still found much information: people have to cut the tree down to get money and develop that we can not change it, because that is how the world works. So I have to think about some ways to help people. Those who cut the trees can cut and plant seeds at the same
Reflection. by Bill Until now it is already the week 3 and we already found a lot of information that was very helpful. Our three lines of inquiry are: Humans are responsible for stopping people from destroying forests. 38
time, like cut one and seed one. For the third line of inquiry for us we did not find so much information, but we thought it was enough: there are a lot of people fighting for stopping deforestation and a lot of organizations are fight for it too, like TNC (The Nature Conservancy). A lot of people know the WWF, and if you are interested about it you can search it in google. That is most of the information we found for the third line of inquiry, but we still found a ton of information for deforestation.
Team 10: Claire, Corrine, Isabella
be vegan people or eat less meat. The reasons are that eating meat costs too much water. We know on the Earth there isn’t much clear water left! Eating meat will break the ecological balance. Eating vegetables could help us save this poor Earth!
inquired into... Our desire for food affects not just our lives, but those of animals. Eating Meat Affects Our World in a Bad Way by:Claire He
Eating meat costs too much water, and we
Did you know our home Earth’s environment is getting worse and worse? There is a huge problem with our environment because of animals we raise for our food, and no one wants to talk about it. We want all humans to be vegetarians, and it’s better if we could all
don’t have much water to waste! The things you have to know is in the video “畜牧业的真 40
相” (It’s an English video but because of some reason the title is in Chinese.)It says that 1 pound of beef costs 2500 gallons of water\H2O, 1 quarter pound hamburger cost 660 gallons of water\H2O! This data is huge, and yet if we don’t stop wasting much more water than before, in a few years there won’t be any water left on the Earth!
FACTS|,” the water consumption of one pound of beef = the water consumption of a water-saving person taking a shower all year! Eating meat will break the ecological balance, it’s not a small problem! The video “The Most Shocking 1.5 Min. Video the World Must See!” says that 3/4 of all fisheries are depleted from overfishing. As we know, fish are a very important link in the biological chain, so the earth can’t lose fish! If there are no fish anymore, what could dolphins eat?
The video “The Most Shocking 1.5 Min. Video the World Must See!” shows the data 1/3 fresh water on Earth is used by animal agriculture and livestock, and now many countries have severe drought! Animal agriculture is when some companies raise animals for us to eat. According to the video “Animal Agriculture and Climate Change |THE
A hundred species go extinct everyday because animal agriculture needs land to put animals and because humans have destroyed their habitat! 91% of AMAZON DESTRUCTION 41
has been done because of animal agriculture. Lots and lots of animals have lost their habitat! Dr. Will Tuttle (Environmental and Ethics Author) said that ten thousand years ago, wild animals accounted for about 99% of the total biomass. Animals that humans eat were only 1%. Ten thousand years later, only 2% of wild animals are left. Animals that humans eat are 98%! In the past ten thousand years we basically stole them from the world!
are hungry everyday, and it’s now! Eating vegetables produces 50% less emission than eating meat. As we know, producing too much emission is not a good thing for the environment and us! The video “畜牧业的真相” gave us the data that eating vegetables can save our rain forest: 4047 square meters of forest is being cleared every second because we need space for the animals we raise for food! As we know, the rainforest is the Earth’s lung, so we can’t lose it! And eating vegetables costs way less than eating meat!
Eating vegetables and stopping animal agriculture could help us save our poor Earth! The video “The Most Shocking 1.5 Min. Video the World Must See!” says eating vegetables uses 16x less land, 13x less water, 11x less oil than eating meat. Yet almost 1 billion people
Those reasons show why eating meat affects our world in a bad way. Please stop eating more and more meat. Please be a vegan or a vegetarian. Do this for yourself, for saving the 42
Earth’s environment and for our descendants! Thank you for reading my essay and I hope it will change you life!
something into the head to kill it instantly. With chickens, I saw a video where they squeezed the chicken’s head into a device and then twisted the chicken’s bottom to break his neck. Another thing I saw in a video is where they put the animals that will be killed all together, and they don’t let them see the others that have been killed so that they will be more calm.
An interview about animal agriculture with Miss Melissa by Corrine We interviewed our teacher Miss Melissa. These are our questions and her answers… Q: Are you a vegetarian?
Q: Do you know some things about animal agriculture’s effects on the world?
Miss Melissa: I used to be. Q: Do you know anything about animal agriculture?
Miss Melissa: I know people are eating more and more meat. And all of these animals need to go somewhere, so you’ve got trees being cut down, trees being removed and not cleaning the air very well. So then animal agriculture has become
Miss Melissa: I knew that it involved killing the animal, like in the video where they cut the cow’s neck. But sometimes they also use a kind of gun to shoot 43
the biggest cause for global warming. Q: Do you want to see changes in animal agriculture? And how?
Q: Do you eat meat more then vegetables or vegetables more than meat?
Miss Melissa: Yes, well I believe things can be way better if people didn’t eat meet. That could change the world.
Miss Melissa: I think I eat vegetables more than meat, and now I am trying to eat vegetables 100%.
Q: Do you want to be a vegetarian?
Those are the questions and the answers, which connect to the things that we researched. For example, animal agriculture was the most important factor for global warming, according to a specialist on the website We also found this information on the YouTube video “The truth of the animal agriculture.�
Miss Melissa: Yes, I think it is very healthy. I have tried before not to eat meat for like 30 days, and it feels very good. But in China, it can be very hard to find some things to eat that do not include meat. But I will try to be a vegetarian. Q: What is your opinion on animal agriculture? Miss Melissa: I think it is an awful problem, and it must be fixed! And some things need to change. 44
Mr.Asher’s interview By Corrine
Mr. Asher: One, for the earth and the environment. Two, for the animals. Three, for our health. Four, for humanitarian reasons. It is also important to mention: vegetarian and vegan is not the same. Vegetarians consume dairy products as well eggs. As we saw today, those industries are part of the animal agriculture.
Mr. Asher, founder and owner of the restaurant Go Vegan, was our guest speaker on 4.27. We asked a lot about animal agriculture, and we also learned a lot of things. This is our interview… Q: Why did you open this restaurant? Mr. Asher: The reason I opened it is because a lot of people thought that this type of food was very boring and tasteless! I had to take a step forward and show them that they were wrong. You can make so many delicious dishes and drinks and snacks with plants. It’s very yummy as well as very healthy.
Q: Do you know anything more about animal agriculture? Mr. Asher: I knew a lot of things about animal agriculture and I’m always learning more. Knowledge is power. Q: What is your opinion on animal agriculture? Mr. Asher: My opinion about animal agriculture is very simple: it has to stop for
Q: What makes you a good vegetarian? 45
the animals, for the environment, and for humans’ health, body, and soul. It is possible to stop it together. We as individuals have the power to change things in this world with the choices that we make.
after ten thousand years humans will be 98% and the animal will be 2% of this world.
We found information about animal agriculture and its impact on the environment on There is also a movie about animal agriculture called “Cow spiracy� that talks about the animal agriculture. On YouTube there is a video comparing humans and animals: Ten thousand years ago humans were 1% and the animal were 99%, but 46
Team 11: Kephas inquired into... As we change technology, technology changes us. Positive and Negative effects of technology. Technology has affected many people because people are not exercising enough. This has led to insomnia and obesity.
they're playing a game that other people invented and never use their own creativity.
There have been several incidents of children getting kidnapped because someone posted a picture of them. Pictures can expose where a child lives.
Children can also lose their ability to empathize because when they are playing video games they don't know how other people feel, and they are not communicating
There has been lots of confusion because of auto correct or a poorly written comment.
Multiple simulators can lead to decreased memory.
Children can lose their creativity from playing video games because 47
Children who are good at finding information may not be good at remembering.
driving or while eating, and can even prevent sleeping! There has been lots of development of technology, but how is it changing our development?
Overuse of technology can affect a child's own mood. A report from the United Kingdom revealed that kids who used computer games and their home internet for more than four hours do not have the same sense of well-being as those who used technology for less than an hour. !
The amount of time most people spend being sedentary increased, and time spent in physical activity dropped.
你知道技术可以导致肥胖吗? 通常你会认为肥胖是由垃圾⾷食品 造成的,但是由于技术上我们不 会锻炼太多。 这只是⼀一个缺点,但这是你的幸 运⽇日,因为你会听到技术的积极 影响。
The sound of a new email being received has distracted many workers from their jobs.
⾸首先,技术可以提供更好的沟 通,因为我们可以在⼏几秒钟内给 某⼈人发短信,过去需要⼏几个星期
New text messages can lead people to text while 48
甚⾄至⼏几个⽉月。技术也可以让我们 有更好的教育,因为研究更快更 有效率,我们可以为学校获得更 多的资源。
nǐ zhīdào jìshù kěyǐ dǎozhì féipàng ma? Tōngcháng nǐ huì rènwéi féipàng shì yóu lèsè shípǐn zàochéng de, dànshì yóuyú jìshù shàng wǒmen bù huì duànliàn tài duō. Zhè zhǐshì yīgè quēdiǎn, dàn zhè shì nǐ de xìngyùn rì, yīnwèi nǐ huì tīng dào jìshù de jījí yǐngxiǎng.
但是,有⼏几个负⾯面影响。 另外,技术可以给我们虚假的信 息和技术也会影响⼤大脑。你知 道,如果⼀一个孩⼦子玩太多的游戏 可能会失去他们的创造⼒力,因为 他们玩游戏,其他⼈人使⽤用他们的 创造⼒力? 孩⼦子们也可能失去⾃自⼰己的能⼒力, 因为如果你玩游戏,你没有沟 通,你不知道别⼈人在玩的时候感 觉如何。
Shǒuxiān, jìshù kěyǐ tígōng gèng hǎo de gōutōng, yīnwèi wǒmen kěyǐ zài jǐ miǎo zhōng nèi gěi mǒu rén fà duǎnxìn, guòqù xūyào jǐ gè xīngqí shènzhì jǐ gè yuè. Jìshù yě kěyǐ ràng wǒmen yǒu gèng hǎo de jiàoyù, yīnwèi yánjiū gèng kuài gèng yǒu xiàolǜ, wǒmen kěyǐ wéi xuéxiào huòdé gèng duō de zīyuán.
我们仍然可以通过减少我们玩游 戏和找到可信赖的例⼦子, 如.gov,.org或.edu来改变,我们 也可以锻炼更多,因为这可以降 低肥胖的机会。我们也可以坐在 地板上,因为我们保持在地板上 移动,我们的⾝身体不会习惯于⼀一 种姿势。
Dànshì, yǒu jǐ gè fùmiàn yǐngxiǎng. Lìngwài, jìshù kěyǐ gěi wǒmen xūjiǎ de xìnxī hé jìshù yě huì yǐngxiǎng dànǎo. Nǐ zhīdào, rúguǒ yīgè hái zǐ wán tài duō de yóuxì kěnéng huì shīqù tāmen de chuàngzào lì, yīnwèi tāmen wán yóuxì, qítā rén shǐyòng tāmen de chuàngzào lì? Háizi men yě kěnéng shīqù zìjǐ de nénglì, yīnwèi rúguǒ nǐ wán yóuxì, nǐ méiyǒu gōutōng, nǐ bù zhīdào biérén zài wán de shíhou gǎnjué rúhé.
在改变我们之前,我们需要改变 我们使⽤用技术的⽅方式,现在我不 认为我知道这⼀一点。 Qīn'ài de dàjiā 49
Wǒmen réngrán kěyǐ tōngguò jiǎnshǎo wǒmen wán yóuxì hé zhǎodào kě xìnlài de lìzi, rú.Gov,.Org huò.Edu lái gǎibiàn, wǒmen yě kěyǐ duànliàn gèng duō, yīnwèi zhè kěyǐ jiàngdī féipàng de jīhuì. Wǒmen yě kěyǐ zuò zài dìbǎn shàng, yīnwèi wǒmen bǎochí zài dìbǎn shàng yídòng, wǒmen de shēntǐ bù huì xíguàn yú yī zhǒng zīshì. Zài gǎibiàn wǒmen zhīqián, wǒmen xūyào gǎibiàn wǒmen shǐyòng jìshù de fāngshì, xiànzài wǒ bù rènwéi wǒ zhīdào zhè yīdiǎn.