33 minute read

Profiles Encouraged People and Company Profiles


Anton Angelo

Research Data Coordinator University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch, New Zealand Phoner: 027 509 7905 <Anton.angelo@canterbury.ac.nz> Born and Lived: Gore, NZ. Lived in Dunedin, London, Amsterdam and Christchurch. Professional Career and Ac tivities: Digital Librarian. Have been an IT Trainer/Support, Web developer, Business Development Con sultant, Project Manager, Bookseller, Santa Claus. Favorite Books: Cryptonomicon, LOTR, The Thirteen Clocks. Pet Peeves: Leggings aren’t trousers. Phil osophy: Anarcho-syndicalist. Most memorabl e career achievement: Helping Douglas Ad ams get his email in 1994. How/where do you see the industry in 5 years: Libraries will be guardians and promoters of local unique data, available to the world.

Dr Anke Beck

CEO IntechOpen The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street London SE1 9SG Phone: 0044 20 3457 0462 <anke@intechopen.com> www.intechopen.com Born and l ived: I was born near the German university town of Göt tingen where Robert Bunsen was born, the Grimm brothers taught and Max Planck died. I left the area when I was 19 to work in Namibia, where I later taught. I started to study in Regensburg, then Mainz, and went with a scholarship to study at SOAS in London, had a little stop-over in Boulder, Colorado and through a collaboration with one of SOAS partner institutes I returned to Germany to do my PhD. With my previous publisher, who appointed me first as Vice President, and had branches in Boston, Beijing, Munich, Vienna, Basel, there was lots of moving around, but, much to my regret, I never had the chance to stay there for longer than a business trip. Now I’m in London again, hopefully permanently – inshallah – given Brexit. Asia is still on my list for the future. I am very curious to live there for longer. Professional career and activities: My first publishing experi ence was with Mouton. Given my academic background: the publisher of my dreams! Eventually, I oversaw the whole of the Humanities and STEM program of De Gruyter, Berlin, both HSS and STEM. In my years there I headed up the editorial side of the US office and we later expanded our publishing programmes into China. We grew through many mergers and acquisitions and by partnering with University Presses. When people began talking about open access I was immediately fascinated: this was what scholars always wanted: research at their fingertips, no boundaries, no limitations: free access to what is important to them. Endless access to content. I knew that the model risked cutting into traditional revenue streams but there was no other way. At De Gruyter, we bought Versita, a pure OA publishing house, grew the numbers of journals and expanded the model to OA books and programs. Open access makes so much sense in the academic world and it reflects what scholars want, though there are things I want to improve upon. Besides my day joy, I serve on the advisory board of the Rat für Informationsstruktur (RfII. German Council for Information structure) It is part of the German Ministry of Education and Research. We focus on the topic of Research Data – Sustainability – Internationality, in the area of digital data. http://www.stm-publishing.com/anke-beck-appointed-to-german-coun cil-for-information-infrastructure/. I also serve on the board of one university and one Centre for Advanced Studies. It is important for my work to keep one foot in academia, to moni tor changes but also the needs of today’s academic system. Famil y: One of each: one daughter and one husband In my spare time: …I like to see or listen to things which challenge what I saw or listened to before, be it the recent exhibit in the Tate Modern by Olafur Eliasson or music by John Adams “Harmonielehre.” Favorite books: Both the academic writings of Siri Hustvedt, and also her literature books. Pet peeves: People who say one thing but mean the other... Phil osophy: “Life is short – have dessert first.” Most memorabl e career achievement: The opening of the Bei jing office for my previous employer. This was quite a challenge. There were absolutely no resources to make it happen but an intern, the Chinese bureaucratic apparatus rejected the application again and again and again – and we had no idea why. At some point, I found out: it was because, as press, we belonged to the category “tendency operations.” Encouraged by Eleanor Roosevelt´s motto “do one thing every day that scares you,” I took a desperate step, invited myself to the Chinese Embas sy in Berlin, invited the (then) Cultural Attachée and invited him to see our “harmless 260 years-old publisher.” He and a whole delegation came to see us. And then like a miracle, papers finally got through and we could employ our first member of staff. I hope that I can do something similar for IntechOpen in the near future. Goal I hope to achieve five years from now: There are lots of things happening in open access but the key goals I have are to be a more active part of the transformation to a world of knowledge without bound aries, to include more geographical areas and institutions and give them visibility on the academic landscape without compromising on quality. AI offers so much potential that I can only imagine how that can support our systems and digital workflows. I am excited by the future and want to make sure we are agile enough to embrace new technologies quickly to support academia.

Dr. Robin Burgess

Senior Research Data Librarian The University of New South Wales UNSW Library (level 5) Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Phone: 0293858161 <r.burgess@unsw.edu.au> Born and Lived: Born in the UK moved to Australia (Sydney) 4 years ago. Professional Career and Ac tivities: I have a First Class Hon ours degree in Environmental Biology and a PhD in Biosciences where I specialised in the management of research data both quantitative and qualitative to devise a mixed method approach to be able to analyse data and develop decision support systems. I undertook Postdoc research in

vestigating mapping performance culture in the city of Nottingham during the 1860s, developing an online mapping tool, database and website. I worked as a Research Information Manager at The Glasgow School of Art for 6 years. This is where my love and real interest in Non-Traditional research came about and how to manage non-traditional data and outputs. I designed and developed the repository for the school which was a very successful achievement. I then moved to Sydney and took up the post of Repository and Digitisation Manager at The University of Sydney. In this role I was responsible for the running of the repository and digitisation services and looking for new opportunities. I played an important role in the procurement of a new repository platform for the University. I then moved to UNSW and became their Senior Research Data Librarian. In this role I manage the publication of data sets to Research Data Australia and our data management platform for the development of research data management plans. From my career background and current state, it is clear I have a real interest in data and how it is managed, handled, presented and used. I’m currently interested in the application of FAIR and embedding this into the data management work I’m doing. Favorite Books: I love the author Kurt Vonnegut, his books Sirens of Titan and Breakfast of Champions are excellent. I’ve recently started reading and enjoying Jo Nesbo’s books, especially The Thirst and The Bat. And i’ve just finished reading Muriel’s Wedding and Picnic at Hanging Rock, two classic Australian books! Pet Peeves: Hmm... When my cat wakes me up at 2am, purring in my face! Phil osophy: “Your song you sing it into me, my hope you breathe in me” (Neilson Hubbard taken from the album ‘Sing into me’ and song of the same name) Most memorabl e career achievement: Becoming a Dr (getting my PhD) and having the opportunity to move across the world to Australia to continue doing a job I really enjoy, working with data and understand ing its management. And I probably should mention something a little different, I have written tunes on the guitar about data management which I have performed at conferences in the UK and internationally, these were well received and something a little different! How/where do you see the industry in 5 years: I think BOOKS will have a revival!! At the moment libraries are moving away from books and going digital for everything. I think books will have a come back, like with the music industry and the return of vinyl. It will be seen as “cool” again to read and use physical books.

Eleni Castro

OpenBU and ETD Program Librarian Boston University Libraries 771 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215 <elenic@bu.edu> Born and Lived: Born in Montreal, Canada. Lived in Montreal, San Diego, and Boston. Professional Career and Ac tivities: Worked on digital initia tives and libraries for over a decade. My work has included advocating for open and equal access of scholarly works, and curation of open research data as well as providing guidance on digitization, curation, preservation, and discovery of digital collections. Majored in History and received an MA in Library and Information Studies from McGill University.

Chris Erdmann

Library Carpentry Community & Development Director California Digital Library 302 Millsford Hill Pl Cary, NC 27518 Phone: (617) 817-2826 <Christopher.Erdmann@ucop.edu> Professional Career and Ac tivities: Christopher Erdmann is an author, developer, and experimenter in the areas of digital libraries, social networking, library UX, interactive technologies, bibliometrics, and data services in libraries. He is currently the Library Carpentry Commu nity and Development Director at The Carpentries and the California Digital Library. Chris will be working with the Library Carpentry community and The Carpentries to start mapping out the infrastructure for growing the community, formalizing lesson development processes, expanding its pool of instructors, and inspiring more instructor trainers to meet the demand for Library Carpentry workshops around the globe and thus reach new regions and communities. He has previously worked for organizations such as North Carolina State University, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, European Southern Observatory, Supreme Court of the US, United Nations, University of Washington, Smithsonian, and CNET. Chris holds an MLIS from the University of Washington iSchool and a BA from the University of California, Davis.

Sven Fund

Managing Director Knowledge Unlatched Wartburgstrasse 25a 10825 Berlin Germany Phone: +491725114899 <sven@knowledgeunlatched.org> www.knowledgeunlatched.org Born and l ived: Born in the unpronounceable town of Georgsmarien huette, lived in the countryside in Lotte, the university city of Muenster, in St. Louis, MO, for a year, in Basle, Switzerland for four years. Happy citizen of Berlin since 2008. Earl y l ife: I was raised in the countryside, which made me a tree per son. I have very happy memories of growing up in a family that understood to give freedom and yet set ambitious goals, and I am trying to hand this on to my own children. Which makes me realize how difficult it can be at times to find the right balance. Professional career and activities: As a kid of the end of the Cold War, I studied Political Science and History – a great choice in the 1990s, since so much was going on! I started working in the wild days of the Internet, and some might even say in one of the (European) epicentres of developments at the time, in 2000. After seeing a lot of different portfolio companies from a corporate development perspective and in an opera tional role of the Bertelsmann Club, I left to become CEO of Birkhaeuser in the gorgeous city of Basle, Switzerland. I loved to work with a great team there, turning the business around. Subsequently, I held different roles within what is now SpringerNature and which Birkhaeuser was a part of. In 2008, I relocated to Berlin to become De Gruyter’s CEO. A completely different challenge in growing, digitizing and internationalizing a traditional publisher. After seven years and a very gratifying time there came the first dip in my career – I got laid off. Fortunately, that was early enough in my life and I got involved with Knowledge Unlatched soon thereafter. In 2016, the founder of KU, Frances Pinter, wanted to move on to other projects (and she has a lot of exciting projects!) and I bought Knowledge Unlatched from her. KU is what I always wanted to do, and I am working here with a very creative and dedicated team. Famil y: Patchwork family with two great teenagers continued on page 98

In my spare time: I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I also travel a lot. Favorite books: Changes almost every month – that’s the fate of working with librarians and publishers… Pet peeves: Oh, don’t get me started. I dislike narrowmindedness and ideological prejudice – in business, for sure in politics, and in everyday life. Phil osophy: Not wise enough for a philosophy. Most memorabl e career achievement: Only time will tell. Goal I hope to achieve five years from now: I am here to help make Open Access work, beyond real hurdles and ideologies. How/where do I see the industry in five years: Academic publishing has changed a lot over the past 20 years – and I am convinced it will do so even more in the next two decades. In addition to thriving new market entrants, we will see a lot of publishers not being able to adapt. But I see a “golden age” for researchers, with much more understanding of and control over their research output. All in the ecosystem need to actively safeguard freedom of speech and integrity.

Erin Jerome

Open Access & Institutional Repository Librarian University of Massachusetts Amherst/Du Bois Library Du Bois Library, Room 1967 54 Hicks Way, Amherst, MA 01003 Phone Number: (413) 545-2174 <ewjerome@library.umass.edu> Born and Lived: Born in Red Bank, NJ. I grew up in NJ, went to college in CT, did the required post-college year in NYC, and moved to Boston for graduate school in 2005. I’ve lived in MA since then, first in the Boston area and now in central MA. Professional Career and Ac tivities: I began working in librar ies as a graduate student employee while pursuing my Ph.D. in Musicology. I had the opportunity to be a part of the launch of Brandeis University institutional repository and that was my “eureka” moment – when I knew what I actually wanted to do with my career. I finished my Ph.D. in 2011 and began working as a full-time library employee at Brandeis in Access Services. I eventually became the manager of Brandeis’ IR, but left in May 2016 to join the Scholarly Communication department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst as their IR manager. I still occasionally perform as a chamber musician (I’m a pianist) and am a pretty serious knitter and baker. Favorite Books: Annihilation (the Southern Reach Trilogy), Posses sion, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Klay, The Bone Clocks. Most memorabl e career achievement: Getting the job offer for my current position!

Colin Lukens

Repository Manager Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication Widener Library G-20, Harvard Yard Cambridge, MA 02138 <colin_lukens@harvard.edu> Born and Lived: Born in Green Bay; Lived in Minneapolis, London, Boston. Professional Career and Ac tivities: Prior to joining the Har vard Library Office for Scholarly Communication, he spent a decade at the Harvard University Archives in collection management, circulation, and preservation. He was recently President of the New England Archivists. How/where do you see the industry in 5 years: Far greater integration of and emphasis in open scholarship, infrastructure, and re sources!

Mikki Simon Macdonald

Collections Strategist for Institute Publications MIT Libraries 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 <mssimon@mit.edu> Professional Career and Ac tivities: I have been with the MIT Libraries for 13 years, first as a collections and processing Archivist, then as the Metadata Archivist, and now as a Collections Strategist.

Amanda Makula

Digital Initiatives Librarian Copley Library, University of San Diego 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110 <amakula@sandiego.edu> Born and Lived: I was born in Iowa City, Iowa, and graduated with my M.A. in Library and Information Science from the University of Iowa. The Midwest will always hold a special place in my heart, but my chosen home is San Diego, where I’ve lived for the past three years, and am in absolute love with the city! Professional Career and Ac tivities: I served as Research & Instruction Librarian at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, for twelve years. When the college adopted an institutional repository in 2015, I found a new calling: advancing open access and innovations in scholarly communication. I began working at the University of San Diego in De cember 2016 as Digital Initiatives Librarian, where I manage and promote the IR, liaise to the Ethnic Studies department, and spearhead the “Digi tal Initiatives Symposium,” an annual two-day event drawing international leaders and practitioners in open access and the scholarly communication revolution. Favorite Books: Everything by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Sherman Alexie; The Oxford Project by Peter Feldstein; Imagine Me Gone by Adam Hazlitt is haunting and exquisite. Truth and Beauty by Ann Patch ett is riveting and disturbing and I find myself thinking about it years later. Most recently I read How to Be Alone by Lane Moore. I loved its darkness, humor, honesty, and relatability. Pet Peeves: When people say “liberry” instead of “library.” Shudder! Phil osophy: It changes frequently, but right now I’m digging the wis dom of Jagger and Richards: “You can’t always get what you want / But if you try sometimes, well, you might find / You get what you need.” Most memorabl e career achievement: At Augustana: Author ing the application that won our library the ACRL “Excellence in Academic Libraries Award.” At USD: Launching the “San Diego Lowrider Archival Project,” which showcases and preserves the history of lowriding in San Diego and the surrounding borderlands from the mid-twentieth century to the present day: https://digital.sandiego.edu/lowriders/. How/where do you see the industry in 5 years: In a fas cinating presentation, “Radical Collaboration: Designing Libraries to Advance Open Scholarship” Greg Eow of MIT predicted a future in which scholarly communication issues are at the core of all library operations and values. Every aspect of library work – acquisitions and collections, instruction, service, etc. – will be tied in some way to advancing open

and interactive knowledge. Job descriptions will change to reflect these new priorities, with Eow going so far as to say that all units may report to the Scholarly Communication department! I agree that the work of librar ianship is changing dramatically; I expect it to look quite different in 5-10 years, with librarians being not so much in the library as all over campus, becoming more embedded at all stages of the knowledge production and dissemination processes.

Nigel Newton

Founder and Chief Executive Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 50 Bedford Square London WC1B 3DP UK Phone: 020 7631 5600 <nigel.newton@bloomsbury.com> www.Bloomsbury.com Born and l ived: San Francisco, Cambridge, UK, and London. Earl y l ife: Schoolboy in San Francisco serving Mass as an Altar Boy at the Convent of The Sacred Heart whilst Haight-Ashbury raged around me, missing entirely the Summer of Love. Had a draft card number. Just missed Vietnam too. Professional career and activities: BA in English from Cam bridge University. Macmillan Graduate Trainee scheme. Sidgwick & Jackson Publishers. Started Bloomsbury in 1986. Famil y: Married Joanna, then advertisement manager of The Bookseller trade magazine, in 1981, one month before Charles and Diana. Family of Joanna and our children Catherine, William, Alice and Digby the dog. In my spare time: Family, reading, walking, music, wine, working with the disabled, and working for Cuckmere Haven SOS. Favorite books: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Fleming. The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje. The Anarchy by William Dalrymple (just pub lished – read it – best book ever). Pet peeves: “Moving forward” “a sandwich lunch will be served.” Phil osophy: Hope for the best. Most memorabl e career achievement: Career – starting Bloomsbury. Family – seeing our daughter Alice aged 11 singing Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat in the school play. Goal I hope to achieve five years from now: Keep on truckin’. Publish some books which shift world thinking on the big challenges: envi ronmental, social, political, personal. Publish some books which entertain or amuse people. How/where do I see the industry in five years: Technology will continue to provide new ways for us to deliver and package content to users in ways that better support research and instruction – we’re already seeing this to a certain extent but I believe that this will rapidly accelerate in the coming years, especially given the explosion of interest in and use of streaming. There will also be greater numbers of open access books and the mar ket infrastructure surrounding it will be more developed, standardised and sophisticated. The wider openness and discovery of research will in turn fuel a more networked and sharing ecology for information, with a greater sense of books being “without borders.”

Lisa Palmer

Institutional Repository Librarian University of Massachusetts Medical School Lamar Soutter Library 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655 Phone: (508) 856-4368 <lisa.palmer@umassmed.edu> Born and Lived: I grew up in Rhode Island and have lived in Massa chusetts most of my adult life. Professional Career and Ac tivities: I spent the earlier part of my career as a corporate librarian and cataloger for Digital Equipment Cor poration, Compaq Computer Corporation, and Hewlett-Packard. I started my position at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 2003 as a cataloger and have been the Institutional Repository Librarian since 2009. How/where do you see the industry in 5 years: The Open Access movement will continue to decrease the economic and legal bar riers between scholarly research and those who want to learn from it and expand upon it. Open access papers and open data will become increasingly prevalent in the biomedical literature and in repositories. Library subscriptions to toll access journals will decrease and pay-per-view access to journal articles will increase.

Natasha Simons

Associate Director Australian Research Data Commons AIBN Building 75 The University of Queensland St Lucia QLD 4070 Australia <natasha.simons@ardc.edu.au> Professional Career and Ac tivities: Natasha Simons is Asso ciate Director, Skilled Workforce, for the Australian Research Data Commons. With a background in libraries, IT and eResearch, Natasha has a history of developing policy, technical infrastructure (with a focus on per sistent identifiers) and skills to support research. She works with a variety of people and groups to improve data management skills, platforms, pol icies and practices. Based at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, Natasha is co-chair of the Research Data Alliance Interest Group on Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation, Deputy Chair of the Australian ORCID Advisory Group and co-chair of the DataCite Community Engagement Steering Group.

Micah Vandegrift

Open Knowledge Librarian North Carolina State University D. H Hill Library 2118 2 Broughton Dr., Campus Box 7111 Raleigh, NC 27695 Phone: (919) 515-2175 <mlvandeg@ncsu.edu> Professional Career and Ac tivities: Agitator and advocate for a more open scholarship and research ecosystem. Phil osophy: Access for all Most memorabl e career achievement: Fulbright-Schuman Re search Fellowship, 2018-2019. How/where do you see the industry in 5 years: Librarianship will continue to contend with and evolve toward open knowledge as a core part of what we do. We will be the catalyst for equitable change in the higher education industry and broadly in society.

Andrew Wesolek

Director, DiSC: Digital Scholarship and Commu nications Vanderbilt University 2209 Garland Ave. Office #109 Nashville, TN 37212 <andrew.j.wesolek@vanderbilt.edu> Professional Career and Ac tivities: Scholarly Communica tion Librarian Utah State University (2011-2013) Head of Digital Scholarship, Clemson University (2013-2015) Director, DiSC, Vanderbilt University (2018-present).

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

London offce: Bloombury Publishing Plc. 50 Bedford Square London WC1B 3DP UK New York Office: Bloomsbury Publishing 1385 Broadway, 5th Floor New York, NY 10018 USA Phone: London Office: +44 (0)20 7631 5600 New York Office: +1 (212) 419 5300 Websites: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/ https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/ Officers: Nigel Newton, Founder and Chief Execuitve. Association memb erships, etc.: Association of American Pub lishers, UK Publishers Association. Key products and services: Academic monographs, scholarly general interest titles, digital resources, textbooks, in addition to providing sales, marketing, and “white label” services for client publishers; quality consumer fiction and nonfiction. Core markets/cl ientel e: Academic libraries, researchers, stu dents, and consumers on the trade side. Numb er of empl oyees: 700 open acc ess, etc.): c. 1400

Total numb er of books on your backl ist (print, el ec

tronic, etc.): 30,000+

History and brief description of your comp any/publ ish

ing prog ram: Bloomsbury Publishing is a leading independent publishing house, established in 1986, with authors who have won the Nobel, Pulitzer and Booker Prizes, and is the originating publisher of Harry Potter. Bloomsbury Academic and Bloomsbury Digital Resources publish books and online products in the humanities, social sciences, law, and visual arts. Imprints include Methuen Drama, The Arden Shakespeare, T&T Clark, Fairchild Books and The British Film Institute. Bloomsbury’s adult trade division was shortlisted for Trade Publisher of the Year in the IPG Independent Publishing Awards (2018) and, alongside our special interest list, shortlisted for the British Book Awards’ Publisher of the Year, 2018. The division includes the imprints Bloomsbury Publishing, Bloomsbury Circus, Raven Books and Absolute Press. Bloomsbury publish in the UK Favorite Books: Right now: The Age of Surveilance Capitalism (Zuboff) and Stoner (Williams). Pet Peeves: Cities constructed around cars as the primary mode of transportation. Most memorabl e career achievement: Publishing Making In stitutional Repositories Work with Burton Callicott and Dave Scherer. How/where do you see the industry in 5 years: Increasingly open and as a result, increasingly focused on critical evaluation of informa


Numb er of books publ ished annuall

y (print, el ectronic,

tion (in scholarship and media). Khaled Hosseini, Margaret Atwood, Elizabeth Gilbert, William Dalrymple, Lisa Taddeo and Ann Patchett. Our Children’s Division was shortlisted for Children’s Publisher of the Year 2018 for both the Independent Publishing Group Award and the British Book Awards, our children’s consumer division includes the bestselling authors J.K. Rowling, Michael Rosen, Sarah J. Maas, Debi Gliori, Sarah Crossan, Lucy Worsley, Sibeal Pounder, Louis Sachar and Neil Gaiman.

Is there anything el se that you think woul d be of in

terest to our readers? Bloomsbury Digital Resources now offers nearly twenty online products covering a range of disciplines including visual art and architecture, fashion, drama, philosophy, education, history, religion, film studies, and more.

IntechOpen Limited

The Shard, 25th floor, 32 London Bridge Street London SE19SG UK Janeza Trdine 9 51000 Rijeka Croatia EU Phone: +44 (0) 20 3457 0462 https://www.intechopen.com/ Officers: Dr. Anke Beck, CEO; Dr. Sara Uhac, COO; and Dan Brooker, CFO.

Association memb erships, etc.:

Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)

International Association of STM Publishers

Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP)

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) – https://publicationethics. org/become-member

Creative Commons (CC) – https://network.creativecommons.org/signup/

International DOI Foundation (IDF) – https://www.doi.org/

Crossref – https://www.crossref.org/membership/

CLOCKSS – https://clockss.org/community/participating-publishers/


COUNTER – https://www.projectcounter.org/become-a-member/ – https://www.projectcounter.org/members-section/?action=private

ORCHID – https://orcid.org/about/membership

Key products and services: Open Access Book Publishing Core markets/cl ientel e: The scientific community of editors, au thors, readers from the Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Life Sciences, Health Sciences and HSS areas. Numb er of empl oyees: Not all of them are Full Time Equivalants — Croatia - 75; London - 10; Spain - 2; Berlin - 1.

Numb er of books publ ished annuall

open acc ess, etc.): 900-1,000

y (print, el ectronic,

Total numb er of books on your backl ist (print, el ec

tronic, etc.): 4,272 Open Access Books (based on data collected Aug20th 2019)

History and brief description of your comp any/publ ish

ing prog ram: IntechOpen is the world’s leading publisher of Open Access books founded in the year 2004 by scientists to provide a collabo rative environment for peer-reviewed content and book publishing of academic research for other scientists. IntechOpen is a scientific community comprising of 116,000 authors and academic editors and a publisher of more than 4,200 Open Access books.

Is there anything el se that you think woul d be of inter

est to our readers? The company was set up by scientists, who faced problems accessing research that was behind paywalls, hence the slogan we use: by scientists for scientists.

Knowledge Unlatched GmbH

Wartburgstrasse 25A 10825 Berlin Germany www.knowledgeunlatched.org Officers: Dr. Sven Fund (Managing Director), Catherine Anderson (Sales), Max Mosterd (Analytics & Operations), Philipp Hess (Publisher Relations). Association memb erships, etc.: OASPA, ALPSP Key products and services: KU Select, 15 partner Projects, KU Open Funding, KU Open Analytics. Core markets/cl ientel e: Academic libraries, researchers, aca demic publishers (STEM/HSS). Numb er of empl oyees: 15

Numb er of books publ ished annuall y (print, el ectronic,

open acc ess, etc.): We don’t publish books, instead we help our partners publish books Open Access, on average 1,000 titles per year.

Numb er of journal s publ ished annuall y (print, el ec

tronic, open acc ess, etc.): 19 journals have been made open access already, 14 more are in pledging for 2019.

History and brief description of your comp any/publ ish

ing prog ram: KU was founded in 2013 as a initative to create a link between libraries that want to support OA and publishers that want to transform their publishing programs into Open Access.

Is there anything el se that you think woul d be of inter

est to our readers? More information about KU’s core service for libraries, KU Select, is available at knowledgeunlatched.org/ku-select. More information about KU partner projects is available at knowledgeunlatched.org/ku-partners-quick-overview.

Back Talk

from page 102

first night and day after the explosion — all of whom died shortly after the exposure.

Twenty kilometers further north looms a half-completed cooling tower in the familiar shape. The reactor that blew was the fourth to go into operation on the site, with two more under construction and six more beyond that on the plans. Now the two unfinished reactors and their cooling tower sit rusting in the sunlight. By contrast, Reactor Four, the culprit, looks surprisingly normal. A giant half-cylinder containment structure has recently been built over the reactor and its original concrete containment. The nuclear material below these structures will take another 24,000 years to cool itself into innocuousness. Work continues around it to manage containment and further cleanup — those are the workers who spend about three months a year right there.

Two miles further on is the ghost town of Pripyat. At its peak, 50,000 people lived there, people with good jobs, careers, and prospects. The growth of the reactor complex meant that promotion and good pay were all but guaranteed. The hulks of a hotel, another cultural center, and an amusement park with its iconic still-standing Ferris wheel are all to be seen. One building has a partly collapsing

sign on the roof: “The atom should be for the workers, not for the soldiers.” It was hard not to be both sad and confused. All is so quiet, nature is so powerful (wildlife is returning to the area in abundance, secure from human predators), and everything looked so normal on a summer’s day — still, one couldn’t help but imagine the inferno and the tragedies of that time.

And then it was on to Athens and IFLA-WLIC. Lessons learned? Our modern societies depend absolutely on the huge complexity of scientific learning that we capture in libraries; and at the same time depend on the currency of that information to deal with situations where human ambitions outrun current technology. Racing ahead to expand our knowledge is essential to avoiding disasters.

But one is also forced to meditate on the long term. Chernobyl is a microcosmic example of what we can fear from other planetary disasters. It’s a reminder that the preservation of what humankind knows and the accessibility of the information that we preserve must not be taken for granted. As we go about our daily chores and deeds, we should remember that the seemingly less urgent tasks of preservation are not ones to be allowed to drift down our to-do lists. The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone will be a toxic waste dump for another 24,000 years — can we hope in libraries to be sources of enlightenment for an equally long period? When will there once again be a library in the Exclusion Zone of Chernobyl?

Back Talk — When Spooky is Normal: Lessons Learned while Visiting Chernobyl

Column Editor: Ann Okerson (Center for Research Libraries) <aokerson@gmail.com>

There are no libraries in the Exclusion Zone of Chernobyl. The 30-kilometer radius area to which access is allowed only with considerable precautions is cut off from all the realities of our profession still, nearly 35 years after the disaster. So what’s a librarian to learn from going there?

We were on our way to the IFLA World Congress, meeting this year in Athens, Greece. IFLA, as I’ve written before on these pages, is a wonderful organization in many ways, best of all for bringing together serious professionals from — genuinely — all over the world (this year 140 countries). There are plenty of Euro-Americans in attendance, of course, but the halls are filled as well with colleagues (and by the time you’ve gone to a few of these conferences, friends) from Sub-Saharan Africa, the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, East and Southeast Asia, and all the lands beyond. The great benefit of attendance is the way it reminds one to think of our profession and its issues in a context beyond the great privileges we enjoy as rich Westerners.

And, I like to use the IFLA trips to look even further than the rooms full of professional colleagues. How can I use this couple of weeks in the late summer to expand my field of vision further? Well, why not go to Chernobyl (Ukraine is three hours flying time from Greece)? Let me tell a little story.

Chernobyl is the name of the town 20 kilometers south of the reactor complex near the Ukraine-Belarus border where extraordinarily bad Soviet management led to the worst nuclear disaster the planet has yet seen. The recent HBO series tells the story powerfully: a stress test on a new reactor went badly, steam built up and blew the lid off the reactor, and the consequent exposure to oxygen ignited an explosion and fire that scattered incredibly toxic debris to the atmosphere, where winds from south and east carried the debris to western Europe and (especially) north into neighboring Belarus. Over 100 villages (or hamlets) had to be abandoned completely and the “company town” of Pripyat, a couple of miles from the reactor, was evacuated and now left to deteriorate slowly. It will be some 24 millennia before humans can permanently live and thrive again in this area.

Since 2010, one can visit the sites. I hasten to say that it’s perfectly safe to do so — in the sense that the continuing levels of radiation are now low enough that the exposure one receives from going there for a day tour is trivial. All who enter carry radiation detectors and dosimeters as a precaution, and those are examined when one leaves the area. Upon departure, we learned that the radiation picked up that day was about a quarter of what one would get from spending two days in Denver, Colorado. (Higher altitude brings one closer to the largest nuclear reaction in the solar system — the sun

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For Advertising Information Contact: Toni Nix, Ads Manager, <justwrite@lowcountry.com>, Phone: 843-835-8604, Fax: 843-835-5892. — which is why one also gets radiation from airplane flights.) That’s not to say the Chernobyl area is 100% safe in every way. Workers who continue to spend their days very close to the reactor (gathering data, working on core-cooling, doing routine maintenance as well) are carefully monitored and usually manage about three months in a calendar year working before being pulled away for having reached the normal limit of one year’s safe exposure — it’s vastly better than the situation in the days and months after the explosion and safe enough for tourism. About 6,000 service providers live in Chernobyl village, providing basic services like food and medical care — 3,000 stay for 15 days, return home to Kyiv, as the next 3,000 return for their next 15-day shift. And so on. Our tour guide and driver is a dentist in Chernobyl. Having gone to dental school on a government scholarship, he was obligated to work for three years as assigned by the State, but he liked Chernobyl so much (peaceful, quiet, lots of verdant growth) that he’s stayed for 7.5 years so far.

What does one see? The drive is about 2.5 hours from Kyiv — where my only relatives live — on increasingly bumpy roads. (The drive, especially with poor suspension, may be more dangerous than the lingering radiation!) At a checkpoint at the 30-kilometer mark, visitors and workers register their ID or passport details, tourists collect radiation devices, and we drive on.

The first stop is the site of one of the abandoned villages, where a “cultural center” built in 1959 is being swallowed up in forest the way temples around Siem Reap (Cambodia) yield to the jungle. Then in a few kilometers comes the town of Chernobyl itself. The town was spared the worst of the disaster and is now the headquarters and residence for the people who work on site, such as our tour guide dentist. He too stopped to get his personal radiation-recording device, part of the usual routine for all workers. Chernobyl itself looks like a western military base: boring, cheap architecture, spread out, Soviet bureaucracy style. The one striking stop was at a newly refurbished Orthodox church (in Ukraine as in Russia, there is money for churches these days) with a memorial to the dead of the disaster. The number of official victims is tiny — mainly the firemen who were stationed a few hundred yards from the reactor and who scrambled to put out the fire on the

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