c/o Katina Strauch Post Office Box 799 Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482
ANNUAL REPORT, PLA issue volume 32, number 1
ISSN: 1043-2094
“Linking Publishers, Vendors and Librarians”
Moving Forward with Analytics by Kathleen McEvoy (EBSCO Information Services) <kmcevoy@ebsco.com> and John McDonald (EBSCO Information Services) <johnmcdonald@ebsco.com>
n the two years since John McDonald and I started editing a column on analytics and the role they play in the future of libraries, we have had librarians and library vendors weigh in on studies, test cases, and new resources. These efforts are designed to help libraries better understand their holdings, highlight the value and impact of libraries, and showcase how analytics can promote evidence based decision making. With this special issue, we are looking to continue to reveal the
data-driven library and provide librarians a window into how their peers are leveraging analytics to adjust collections and services at their libraries. The first two articles are fascinating case studies on how librarians have analyzed data to make operational changes to their book approval plans. In the first, Adam Beauchamp at Florida State University describes their process to evaluate monographic ordering by combining a variety of demand-based metrics (ILL, Circ, Resource Sharing) and use
of ratios to normalize values across subject groups with vastly different numbers of observations. In the second article, Jennifer Mezick and Louis Becker from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville share their method to evaluate and revise their approval plan using analytics. Their approach features the combination of data from the ILS and COUNTER combined with demographic data about overall book publishing to evaluate the appropriate print to eBook ratios for their approval plan. The differing approaches each offer interesting insight into new methods of collection development. continued on page 8
If Rumors Were Horses
What To Look For In This Issue:
hock!! OhioLINK’s incredible Executive Director Gwen Evans. has resigned and Deputy Director Amy Pawlowski has been named Interim Executive Director, effective February 28, 2020. Gwen’s last day was February 28. She will assume the role of Vice President, Global Library relations at Elsevier where she will serve as a liaison to and advocate for, the academic library community. “There are big questions leading us all into the next generation of scholarly communication, specifically in the realms of data and technology,” Gwen says, “which are two of my greatest interests and intellectual drivers professionally. The answers will undoubtedly change the way both publishers and libraries conduct
Jane Burke..................................... 48 Carol Tenopir.................................. 50
business and offer services in the higher education industry. As a leader with a deep passion for, and loyalty to, the library’s crucial role at the table — especially amid great change — this is a logical next step in my career. I’m excited at the opportunity to serve as a fully representative voice of the library, and I’m driven by being in organizations where I can affect change and foster true collaboration and partnership.” Gwen will still be based in Columbus. Details surrounding the search process for the Executive Director role will be announced at the discretion and timing of the Ohio Department of Higher Education. https:// against-the-grain.com/2020/02/atg-newsflash-gwen-evans-leaves-ohiolink/ continued on page 6
Holding Funders Accountable....... 30 Blackbeard Case Challenges States’ Rights on Infringement.................. 42 Amazon Audible Settles With Publishers....................................... 44 Two and a Half Cheers for A&I Services........................................... 52 Booksellers Real and Fictional...... 61 On Institutional Repositories......... 70 Interviews
Profiles Encouraged
People, Library and Company Profiles............................................ 75 Plus more............................See inside