The Mind/Body Prescription (FUll)
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Author : John Sarno Pages : 210 pages Publisher : Little, Brown and Company 1999-11-01 Language : English ISBN-10 : 0446675156 ISBN-13 : 9780446675154
Description Paperback. Pub Date: October 1999 Pages: 240 in Publisher: Grand Central Publishing Pain disorders have reached epidemic proportion in the United States. At the same time pioneering is physicians like Dr. Sarno. have identified the primary role emotions play in causing illness. As a result. we stand on the ink of beign able to understand and treat many disorders withou drugs. physical therapy. or sugery. The Mindbody Prescription teaches you: How emotions stimulate the ain to produce physical symptions How TMS - Tension Myositis Syndrome - - aa major cause of back. neck. shoulder. and limb pain How repressed emotions can lead to petpic ulcers. colitis. tension and migraine headaches. hay fever. and a host of other ailments How new. sometimes disabling pain conditioins like RSD - Repetitive Stress Disorders - carpal
tunnel syndrome. fiomyalgia. andpost-polio syndrome are all ...