INDECO TECHNICAL CATALOGUE 2014 as at 1 January 2014
PN-EN 1527:2000
ITB AT-15-7902/2009
BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE (ITB) PL 00-611 WARSAW, ul. FILTROWA 1 Member of Union Européenne pour L’Agrément Technique dans la construction - UEAtc Member of the European Organisation for Technical Approvals – EOTA Series:
ITB TECHNICAL APPROVAL AT-15-7902/2009 Pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 8th November 2004 on technical approvals and bodies authorised to issue such approvals (Journal of Laws No 249, item 2497) and upon completion of an approval procedure carried out by the Building Research Institute in Warsaw acting upon request of: INDECO S.A. ul. Bukowiecka 92, 03-893 Warsaw the following products are declared suitable for use in the building industry: ®
INDECO Sliding, Folding and Pivoted Doors WR WKH H[WHQW DQG XQGHU WKH FRQGLWLRQV VSHFL¿HG LQ WKH $SSHQGL[ IRUPLQJ DQ LQWHJUDO SDUW RI WKLV ITB Technical Approval. Expiry date: 30th January 2014
DIRECTOR Building Research Institute
Appendix: General and Technical Provisions Warsaw, 30th January 2009 ITB Technical Approval AT-15-7902/2009 is an amendment of Technical Approval AT-06-0482/2001 issued by COBR “Metalplast”. ITB Technical Approval AT-15-7902/2009 comprises 33 pages. The text of this document may be copied only in its entirety. Publication or dissemination of excerpts from the Technical Approval must be agreed in writing with the Building Research Institute.
Types of INDECO Door Systems
Bottom Roller Sliding Doors - Convenient access to the closet/wardrobe - A wide range of designs - Any front width, any number of door leaves - All leaves can be slid to one side in a multiple-track system
Bottom Roller Slant Sliding Doors - Full use of space in rooms with lowered, slant ceilings (attics, lofts) - Doors fitted to slant walls
Top Roller Sliding Doors - Suspended doors without the bottom track - Can also be used as pocket doors - Any front width, any number of door leaves - Excellent both for very wide and for very narrow doors - Can be easily trimmed at the bottom
Top and Bottom Roller Sliding Doors - The highest strength and durability - The door can be trimmed at the bottom - The door can be out-of-plumb - Special decorative effects can be obtained, such as inclined doors
Walk-through Sliding Doors without Thresholds - Full access to a walk-in closet - Can be used as pocket doors - No threshold
Pivoted Doors - Single and double, left-hand and right-hand doors - Access to the entire wardrobe content - A good solution for narrow doors
Folding Doors without Thresholds - Full access to the entire wardrobe content - Large wardrobe widths possible - Need half the space to open compared to pivoted doors with the same wardrobe width - No threshold
Boundary conditions: - maximum dimensions of the opening: 3000 mm in height; width up to 1200 mm (for two pivoted doors). - maximum dimensions of a pivoted door leaf: 3000 mm in height, 600 mm in width. - maximum weight of 35 kg. - panel thickness of 4 mm or 10 mm.
6/9.7 ‘
6/9.7 ‘
7.6 35.8
8.2 3. 5 P
P 4 . 5
P 5 . 5
pivoted doors
Basic Dimensions
4.5 P
P 3 . 8
INDECO A600 SERIES ALUMINIUM SYSTEM pivoted doors Components 20/2
28/3 28/2
18 24
2 14
11 20/5
26 13
27 3 - 10 74
28/1 20/1
16 21 23
Rysunek złożeniowy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
153152xx 153102xx 153205xx 153206xx 153203xx 153204xx 153204xx 153207xx 153207xx 153209xx 153352xx 153351xx 153353xx 156310xx 15630000 16000080 160000xx
Aluminium Rail, Wide Aluminium Rail, Narrow Aluminium Stile Aluminium Stile Aluminium Stile Aluminium Stile Aluminium Stile Aluminium Stile Aluminium Stile Aluminium Stile Aluminium Connector Rail Narrow Alu. Connector Rail 4 mm Alu. Connector Rail 18 mm Decorative Strip Aluminium Decorative Profile Cap Gasket
810000xx 811000xx 89500040 20/1 20/2 20/3 20/4 20/5
28 28/1 28/2 28/3
16000062A 88000310 16000090 16000085 880000xx 16000005 099249 099249A 89500043
PBuffer Strip Dust-stop Brush A600 Hardware Set - Bottom Pivot Socket - Top Pivot Socket - Top Pivot Pin Block - Bottom Pivot Pin Block - 4.8 x 25 Self-tapping Screw 4.8 x 25 Self-tapping Screw Magnetic Latch with Keeper Self-adhesive Cap INDECO Self-adhesive Cap Safety Backing Double-sided Self-adhesive Tape Buffer Strip Clip Buffer Strip Clip A600 Hardware Set - Pivot with Socket - Pivot Base - Pivot with Socket
INDECO A600 SERIES ALUMINIUM SYSTEM pivoted doors Fabrication Instructions 1
Calculate door front dimensions > see page 5
Define the number of door leaves > see page 21
profile Calculate door leaf dimensions Door leaf width: n = 1 (1 leaf ) DW = OW – 8
Cut components Based on door leaf dimensions, cut the components to the following dimensions: Panel width: board: PW = DW – 45 mm; mirror: PW = DW – 49 mm Panel length: board: PL = DH – 89 mm; mirror: PL = DH – 93 mm Rail length: RL = DW – 61 mm Stile length: SL = DH
n = 2 (2 leaves) DW = (OW – 10) / 2 Door leaf height: DH = OH – 26
Cut components Based on door leaf dimensions, cut the components to the following dimensions: Panel width: board: PW = DW – 45 mm; mirror: PW = DW – 49 mm Panel length: board: PL = DH – 22 mm; mirror: PL = DH – 26 mm Rail length: RL = DW – 61 mm Stile length: SL = DH
With the use of the narrow rail: n = 1 (1 leaf ) DW = OW – 8 n = 2 (2 leaves) DW = (OW – 10) / 2 Door leaf height: DH = OH – 25
Cut components Based on door leaf dimensions, cut the components to the following dimensions: Panel width: board: PW = DW – 34 mm; mirror: PW = DW – 38 mm Panel length: board: PL = DH – 89 mm; mirror: PL = DH – 93 mm Rail length: RL = DW – 50 mm Stile length: SL = DH
profile Calculate door leaf dimensions Door leaf width: n = 1 (1 leaf ) DW = OW – 8 n = 2 (2 leaves) DW = (OW – 10) / 2 Door leaf height: DH = OH – 26
Advice: For combination panels (board/board or board/mirror), make calculations in accordance with the “Combination panels” section in system A100.
With the use of the narrow rail: Cut components Based on door leaf dimensions, cut the components to the following dimensions: Panel width: board: PW = DW – 45 mm; mirror: PW = DW – 38 mm Panel length: board: PL = DH – 22 mm; mirror: PL = DH – 26 mm Rail length: RL = DW – 50 mm Stile length: SL = DH
n = 1 (1 leaf ) DW = OW – 8 n = 2 (2 leaves) DW = (OW – 10) / 2 Door leaf height: DH = OH – 25
Advice: In the case of combination panels (board/board or board/mirror), reduce the dimension by 5 mm for a board or by 8 mm for a mirror at each joint. Where buffer strips are used, reduce the door leaf width DW by 5 mm for each strip.
3 4 5 6 DH
4 RL
INDECO A600 SERIES ALUMINIUM SYSTEM pivoted doors Fabrication Instructions 5
profile Calculate door leaf dimensions Door leaf width: n = 1 (1 leaf ) DW = OW – 8 n = 2 (2 leaves) DW = (OW – 10) / 2 Door leaf height: DH = OH – 26
Cut components Based on door leaf dimensions, cut the components to the following dimensions: Panel width: board: PW = DW – 62 mm; mirror: PW = DW – 66 mm Panel length: board: PL = DH – 89 mm; mirror: PL = DH – 93 mm Rail length: RL = DW – 78 mm Stile length: SL = DH
With the use of the narrow rail: n = 1 (1 leaf ) DW = OW – 8 n = 2 (2 leaves) DW = (OW – 10) / 2 Door leaf height: DH = OH – 25
Cut components Based on door leaf dimensions, cut the components to the following dimensions: Panel width: board: PW = DW – 62 mm; mirror: PW = DW – 66 mm Panel length: board: PL = DH – 22 mm; mirror: PL = DH – 26 mm Rail length: RL = DW – 78 mm Stile length: SL = DH
profile Calculate door leaf dimensions Door leaf width: n = 1 (1 leaf ) DW = OW – 8 n = 2 (2 leaves) DW = (OW – 10) / 2 Door leaf height: DH = OH – 26 With the use of the narrow rail: n = 1 (1 leaf ) DW = OW – 8 n = 2 (2 leaves) DW = (OW – 10) / 2 Door leaf height: DH = OH – 25
Cut components Based on door leaf dimensions, cut the components to the following dimensions: Panel width: board: PW = DW – 52 mm; mirror: PW = DW – 56 mm Panel length: board: PL = DH – 89 mm; mirror: PL = DH – 93 mm Rail length: RL = DW – 68 mm Stile length: SL = DH Cut components Based on door leaf dimensions, cut the components to the following dimensions: Panel width: board: PW = DW – 52 mm; mirror: PW = DW – 56 mm Panel length: board: PL = DH – 22 mm; mirror: PL = DH – 26 mm Rail length: RL = DW – 68 mm Stile length: SL = DH
Combination panels > see page 27
Mirror protection > see page 6
Drill installation holes Prior to leaf assembly, drill 6/9.7 mm holes in each stile. They will be used to fix: profile > see page36 Hole B: theZamontuj bottom rail with ałączące self-tapping screw. Hole C: the block to the stile in suspended, pivoted and folding doors. profile pionowe > see drill page36 Preferably,Zamontuj drill the holes using the subland 16000052 and the drill jig for aluminium profiles 16000050 or 16000054. Zamontuj profile poziome > see page87
holes, ctd. 10 Drill installation Wzmocnienie konstrukcji > see page37
Drill jig 16000050 is intended for making holes with a hand-held drill, while drill jig 16000054 is designed for making holes by means of a bench drill. Both jigs are all-purpose devices, and can be used for drilling holes in all types of stiles. Uwaga > see page52 16000050
11 Install connector rails > see page 28 12 Install stiles > see page 28
hole B
13 Install rails > see page 28 14 Structural reinforcement B
hole C
INDECO A600 SERIES ALUMINIUM SYSTEM pivoted doors Installation Instructions 1
Install pivot sockets Insert and fix the bottom pivot bracket with screws at a distance “y” from the wall, offsetting it inwards from the door face by “x”: profiles х = 20 mm for the х = 27 mm for the profiles y = 45 mm for the profiles y = 39 mm for the profiles profiles y = 49 mm for the y = 54 mm for the profiles Advice: When fixing the pivot socket, set the screws at the centres of the oblong holes, which will enable you to adjust the position in both directions.
Set the door in place Rest the door on the bottom pivot socket, putting it upright, and turn the top pivot socket. Then unscrew the bottom pivot pin, so that the door rises and fits tightly against the top pivot socket. Use a level to plumb the door and reposition the top pivot socket if necessary. Advice: Exercise special care when setting the door in place. This operation should be performed by two persons.
3 Adjust the door Door-to-floor clearance can be adjusted between 10 and 20 mm by screwing the pivot pins in or out.
4 Fix the magnetic latch > see page 22 5 Fix the caps > see page 32 6 Fix the brush strips and buffer strips
To ensure good adhesion of the brush strips to the profiles, gently clean the profiles with alcohol or white spirit. Fix the strips, working your way from top to bottom. Cut off excess strip.
7 Fix the buffer strip clip > see page 10 8 Fix the decorative profiles> see page 32
INDECO A600 SERIES ALUMINIUM SYSTEM pivoted doors System Components 1 153152xx > see page 37 Wide Aluminium Rail.
20 89500040
2 153102xx > see page 37 Narrow Aluminium Rail. 3 153205xx > see page 37 Aluminium Stile. 4 153206xx > see page 37 Aluminium Stile. 5 153203xx > see page 37 Aluminium Stile. 6 153204xx > see page 37 7 Aluminium Stile. 8 153207xx > see page 37 9 Aluminium Stile. 10 153209xx > see page 38 Aluminium Stile. 11 153352xx > see page 38 10 mm Aluminium Connector Rail.
21 16000062A > see page 39 4.8 x 25 Allen-head Self-tapping Screw.
14 156310xx > see page 38 18 mm Decorative Strip.
22 88000310 > see page 23 Magnetic Latch. 23 16000090 > see page 40 16000085 Self-adhesive Cap. 24 880000xx > see page 40 Self-adhesive Safety Backing. 25 16000005 > see page 41 Double-sided Self-adhesive Tape.
15 156300xx > see page 38 Aluminium Decorative Profile.
26 099249 > see page 41 Buffer Strip Clip.
12 153351xx > see page 38 10 mm Aluminium Connector Rail. 78
A600 Hardware Set for aluminium systems with A600 hinged doors. For wide rails. Accessories: 13 mm spanner 89500091. Packaging: 1 set. Weight: ~0.13/set. Availability: continuous.
13 153353xx > see page 38 4 mm Aluminium Connector Rail.
16 16000080 > see page 38 Transparent Plug for Aluminium Profiles.
27 099249A > see page 41 Buffer Strip Clip.
17 160000xx > see page 39 Gasket. 18 810000xx > see page 39 Self-adhesive Buffer Strip. 204811000xx > see page 39 19 Self-adhesive Dust-stop Brush, 6.7 x 8.
28 89500043 A600 Hardware Set for aluminium systems with A600 hinged doors. For narrow rails. Packaging: 1 set. Weight: ~0.05 kg/set. Availability: continuous.
INDECO Aluminium profiles
INDECO aluminium profiles are extruded from refined aluminium. This ensures excellent physical properties of profiles – better rigidity and strength. Printed simulated wood decorative film Decorative film adhesive layer Satin anodized layer Anodized layer Conversion layer Aluminium Conversion layer Anodized layer
Properties that ensure corrosion resistance and colour fastness over the useful life of the product. - Corrosion protection – anodized layer. - Resistance to UV radiation. Surface finish
The profiles have a coloured anodized surface. The anodizing process hardens the profile surface, which makes INDECO aluminium profiles highly resistant to mechanical damage. Four surface finish techniques are offered: 1. Anodizing. Formation of an oxide protective layer by galvanizing. A double satin finish provides attractive appearance. 2. Brushed anodizing. Surface brushing followed by anodizing, which produces a special decorative effect by adding a “third dimension” to the surface. 3. Laminating. Simulated wood finish is obtained by applying high-impact decorative film hot-applied with the use of thermosetting polymer adhesive. 4. Painting. A special technique of stoving paint powder coating produces the highest quality simulated wood finish. Colours, colour abbreviations The following colours / finish types are available on standing offer:
Anodized, double satin: AS - Natural Anodized ASZ - Champagne
Brushed anode: ASSZ – Natural Anodized ASZSZ – Champagne
AO -Olive AZ - Gold
Simulated wood paint: DB – White SRP - Polished Silver SRM - Metallic Silver GRP - Polished Graphite
Any other colour/pattern is available to order. Compliance: The anodized coat is anodized to Grade 15 in accordance with EN 12373-1:2001 and has a minimum average thickness of 15 μm.
Aluminium Profile Colour Range
AS Natural Anodized AZ Gold ASZ Champagne AO Olive ASSZ Brushed Anodized ASZSZ Brushed Champagne
Note: The profile lengths stated in the catalogue represent usable lengths. In fact, the profiles are 10 cm longer for manufacturing reasons.
DB White SRP Polished Silver SRM Silver metallic GRP Polished Graphite XX any colour/pattern available to order
Indeco S.A. ul. Kaczorowa 37, 03-046 Warsaw, tel. (0-22) 313 0 313, fax (0-22) 313 0 314 e-mail: Helpline 022 313 0 313 (Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00)