Workshop Innovacion Social

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2011 Tongji-­‐Aalto -­‐ DuocUC University Design Summer Camp

Towards Crea<vity And Innovación

2011 Tongji-­‐Aalto-­‐DuocUC University Design Summer Camp Time: 2011.8.25-­‐2011.9.6 Loca<on: Tongji Aalto Design Factory XianQiao village in Shuxin Town, Chongming Island



Towards Crea<vity And Innovación

SUPPORTER: Sino-­‐Finnish Center, Tongji University hLp:// DESIS-­‐China hLp://www.desis-­‐ Studio-­‐TAO of TEKTAO hLp:// TUTORS Tongji University Lou Yongqi DuocUC Melzer Soto, Pablo Angelo Gonzalo Garay Ramos Aalto University Simo Yrjö Juhani Puin_la Studio TAO Francesca Valsecchi Serena Pollastri ZhuMingJie Guest Lecturer Wang Bin, Senior Project Manager of Nokia Richard Hsu, founder and crea_ve director at h+ branding Pius leuba, Professor,Design and Innova_on college of Tongji Unviersity

Par<cipants: China College of Design and Innova_on, Tongji University School of Design, Hongkong PolyU School of Design, JiangNan University School of Art & Design, Hunan University Finland Aalto University Chile Catholic University DuocUC Design Ins_tute

Results of the workshop: Design solu_ons (presenta_on and booklet, poster, prototypes, model, mul_-­‐media, etc.)

Exhib<on Planned: •  Exhibit in 2011 Shanghai interna_onal crea_ve industry week •  Exhibit in 2012 Helsinki Cumulus conference (2012.5.24-­‐26) •  Exhibit in 2012 San_ago Cumulus conference (2012.11.14-­‐18,DuocUC University)

Guest Lecturer Wang Bin, Senior Project Manager of Nokia Richard Hsu, founder and crea_ve director at h+ branding Pius Leuba, Professor,Design and Innova_on college of Tongji Unviersity Chris Hosmer, Managing Director Design Con_nuum

INTRODUCTION The DESIGN Harvest project explores new ways of developments, considering the rural and the urban as a complementary yin yang rela_onship to maintain iden_ty but promote exchange of resources. As a collabora_ve social innova_on process the project gathers commiLed crea_ve individual to form a growing community that can act as an innova_ve hub connected and interac_ng with the large scale social-­‐economic system in an “acupunctural” way: star_ng with specific points to regulate the system holis_cally towards a sustainable direc_on. The workshop, that will involve students from Aalto University, DuocUC and Tongji, has to be considered a part of this broader framework project.

BACKGROUND Since the _me of China’s reforms and economic opening 30 years of rapid urbaniza_on have followed, characterized by strong growth as well as a strong imbalance between urban and rural development. Chongming Island has a typical rural environment and share the main challenges of common rural areas: the unbalance of social structure, scarcity of public life, weakness in culture,low salaries, poor infrastructures, etc. As a general consequence and social impact, the tradi_onal rural ways of living and producing are considered less and less aLrac_ve, and the rural areas do not benefit from urban development.




The of a balance between rural and urban towards a sustainable society is needed; the advantages of rural area should be explored and turn into opportuni_es for further development through collabora_ons of locals and crea_ve communi_es. This is a new but broad area for social sustainable design research and prac_ce

Using design to promote exchanges and interac_ons between urban and rural areas, including exchanges of people, resource, knowledge, capital, job opportuni_es and etc.

OUR WORK Par_cipants will spend five days on the islands conduc_ng field and desk

research; then a concept design ac_vity will follow, that will be host for the rest of the days at Design factory inside Tongji University. The student are required to prepare intermediate and final presenta_ons of their progress and results, as well to deliver a project folder included all the design ar_facts created during the workshop, as well as the results of research and adequate mul_media documenta_on. Three presenta_ons have been scheduled according to the calendar. The expected outcomes of the projects are prototypes, models and mul_media representa_ons of product-­‐service system solu_ons. Final exhibi_on of the works will be organized (Exhibit in 2011 Shanghai interna_onal crea_ve industry week, Exhibit in 2012 Helsinki Cumulus conference May 2012, Exhibit in 2012 San_ago Cumulus conference, November 2012) and will cover the dissemina_on of the workshop results in the industry and academic community. Especially remarkable research results will eventually be included also in further research and academic publica_ons.


The outcomes of the projects are prototypes, models and mul_media representa_ons of product-­‐service system solu_ons. Final exhibi_on of the works will be organized (Exhibit in 2011 Shanghai interna_onal crea_ve industry week, Exhibit in 2012 Helsinki Cumulus conference May 2012, Exhibit in 2012 San_ago Cumulus conference, November 2012) and will cover the dissemina_on of the workshop results in the industry and academic community. Especially remarkable research results will eventually be included also in further research and academic publica_ons.

WORKSHOP SUB-­‐TOPICS Three different sub-­‐projects will be developed by interna_onal teams, and the horizontal connec_ons among them will be iden_fied and explained in a common

introduc_on that will be drated by the three teams together. The students will be divided into the three themes and then will work in small group of 2 to 4 people.

1.-­‐ Designing mobile services for

rural users to enhance the communica<on between the rural and urban areas. Farmers do not normally used sophis_cated mobile phones or advanced services. Their educa_on level is very low, it is hard for them to understand new technology and its poten_al, and some_mes they even have l a n g u a g e p r o b l e m . T h e w o r k s h o p inves_gates how to create an integrated solu_on (device+service) to enable the connec_on, on a communica_on level, between the city and the countryside, a i m e d t o g e n e r a t e s i m p l e and applicable business ideas for local farmers.


Reusable design for rural family idle space The extension of houses and the transfer of surplus labor power from countryside into city result in a plenty of idle space in rural families. The workshop aims to think about how to reac_ve the unused space and social-­‐economic life through the design of space, func_on, service, etc. Poten_al sub-­‐themes: *The typologies of using empty houses based on the research of XianQiao village Base on the research both of exsi_ng empty housing space and different uers’ needs, conclude the typologies of poten_al usage mode. *Reuse empty houses in rural area for rural tourism Rural tourism could be one major func_on of rural empty housing space. Students are hope to design for this and present a complete plan from spa_al paLern to business mode.Students will be provided with a local unused house and design for it. *Service design for the unused housing space How to revitalize the rural unused housing space in a service design-­‐oriented way? Think about give more inputs for the local community and rebuilt public life for villagers.

3.-­‐ Product and branding design inspired by rural life style

Cratsmenship and local techniques belong to the immaterial cultural heritage of the place, and represent a system of values for the communi_es that produce and use the ar_facts. Immaterial heritage is func_onal, prac_cal, and entwines a story that comes from the local place. Knowledge and techniques are dissappearing _me by _me due to the lack of aLrac_veness of countryside lifestyle. The workshop aims to explore ways to preserve and input new value to the local produc_on of crats, star_ng from a direct interac_on with the people in the villages Poten<al sub-­‐themes: * Branding and distribu_on strategy of local products How give values to local produc_on? How to show off the knowledge of the place? How to fold in products the values and the spirit of the place? (Communica_on and network oriented) * Market services between city and rural Exchange of resources between rural and urban can enhance and facilitate dialogue, avoiding exploita_on. How to manage the local products as networking resources with the city? (Product-­‐service system oriented) * Local products design Through direct interac_on with local cratsmen, how the design skill and crea_vity can learn and inspire the crats techniques? (product oriented)















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