Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students

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Top List Of Android Projects Ideas For CSE, MCA And IT Engineering Students

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Introduction: ďƒ˜ This project provides Top List Of Android Projects For MCA And IT Engineering Students. We provide the project ideas that involve development of applications using android OS. In this era of the smartphone revolution, android-based applications find applications in a wide variety of areas and have become very familiar. ďƒ˜ Due to the popularity of android-based applications and their usage, many students are interested in building these applications for their academic projects.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Android-based Prescription Viewer Application:  This project is an electronic-based prescription format for the doctors. The usage of this application is very simple for the doctors as it allows them to enter patient’s name, drugs’ details, and dosage. Once the details of patient’s postal address and area code are fed into the application, it enables the patient to acquire medicines directly from any pharmacy store. This system also provides a facility to send instructions to the patients.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Children Tracking System Using Bluetooth MANET Composed of Android Mobile Terminals: ďƒ˜ With this application, parents can easily track the whereabouts of their children using Android mobiles. In this system, Android terminals communicate through a Bluetooth MANET. This application also facilitates the exchange of information through wireless LAN. ďƒ˜ We have been developing a New Generation Children Tracking System using Android terminals, based on experiences and findings of the field experiments for the Hiroshima City Tracking System executed in 2007.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students  In the developing system, android terminals communicate with each other with bluetooth and configure a bluetooth MANET. Also, they set clusters autonomously by exchanged information. Tags in the mesh network use wireless LAN to communicate with neighbor tags.  They communicate with each other using the ad hoc routing protocols. We implement secret sharing scheme for secure their end-to-end communication.  In atc2012, we plan to show the demonstration that android terminals configure clusters autonomously, and tags in the mesh network deliver group information to the server.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Authentication Schemes for Session Passwords using Color and Images by Android:  Textual passwords are the most common method used for authentication. But textual passwords are vulnerable to eavesdropping, dictionary attacks, social engineering, and shoulder surfing.  Graphical passwords are introduced as alternative techniques to textual passwords. Most of the graphical schemes are vulnerable to shoulder surfing. To address this problem, text can be combined with images or colors to generate session passwords for authentication.  Session passwords can be used only once and every time a new password is created. In this paper, two techniques are proposed to generate session passwords using text and colors which are resistant to shoulder surfing. These methods are suitable for Personal Digital Assistants.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students ďƒ˜ Many people often use text-based passwords for the security of the data stored in their mobiles. However, the use of text-based passwords is prone to dictionary attacks and eavesdropping. ďƒ˜ This project is proposed to develop high security by implementing passwords as colors and images.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Session Password Application:

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Android Suburban Railway Ticketing with GPS as Ticket Checker: ďƒ˜ This project eliminates the need to stand in the queue for buying tickets. This particular system enables any user to buy the suburban railway ticket on the smartphone itself, and also provides a reference code for the ticket. ďƒ˜

This project uses the GPS system on the smartphone to validate and delete the ticket automatically once the user reaches the destination point.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students  One of the biggest challenges in the current ticketing facility is “QUEUE” in buying our suburban railway tickets. In this fast growing world of technology we still stand in the queue or buy with Oyster and Octopus cards for our suburban tickets, which is more frustrating at times to stand in the line or if we forget our cards.  This paper Android Suburban Railway (ASR) ticketing is mainly to buy the suburban tickets which is the most challenging when compared to booking the long journey tickets through `M-ticket' which fails with suburban(local travel) tickets. Our ASR ticket can be bought with just a smart phone application, where you can carry your suburban railway tickets in your smartphone as a QR (Quick Response) code.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students  It uses the smartphones “GPS” facility to validate and delete your ticket automatically after a particular interval of time once the user reaches the destination. User's ticket information is stored in a CLOUD database for security purpose which is missing in the present suburban system.  Also, the ticket checker is provided with a controller application to search for the user's ticket with the ticket number in the cloud database for checking purposes.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Android System Design and Implementation for Telemetric Services: ďƒ˜ This application enables integration of android software with the network management functions and media-oriented system transport technologies to use multiple network access. Telemetric is an integration of both telecommunication and informatics. This method is applicable to traffic safety, road navigation, remote business, etc.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Automatic Brightness Control of the Hand-held Device Display with Low Illumination:  This project reduces the need to set up brightness of the smartphone based on the ambient light intensity. In this project, the intensity of a Smartphone is controlled particularly in low illumination places.  This application is based on using the image details of the user’s face and its background to estimate the contrast ratio and determine the brightness.  The automatic light control is a standard functionality on the smartphone. Either Android phones or iPhones enable this capability by using the light sensor which located on the front panel.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students ďƒ˜ Unfortunately, the automatic brightness control is unsatisfactory on these two types of smartphones where the user always struggles with the brightness setup to adapt to the ambient light with various intensities. In this paper, a novel automatic brightness control method which is suitable for low illumination is proposed. ďƒ˜ We take advantage of the front panel camera on the smartphone and face detection technics to capture the image of user's face and background. With low ambient brightness, the proposed scheme calculates the contrast ratio between user's face and background to determine the optimum screen brightness.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Android Based Brightness Control Application:

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Network-Assisted Mobile Computing with Optimal Uplink Query Processing: ďƒ˜ Depending upon the queries of users, mobile applications often retrieve data from the remote servers. This affects the life of the batteries of the servers due to slow response time from the remote servers, and also due to a large number of queries. ďƒ˜ This application provides a solution by deploying mid-network systems with leasing capabilities. It helps reduce the consumption of the battery and also improves the performance of the system or response time.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students ďƒ˜ Many mobile applications retrieve content from remote servers via user generated queries. Processing these queries is often needed before the desired content can be identified. Processing the request on the mobile devices can quickly sap the limited battery resources. ďƒ˜ Conversely, processing user queries at remote servers can have slow response times due communication latency incurred during transmission of the potentially significant query. We evaluate a network-assisted mobile computing scenario where a service provider deploys mid network nodes with "leasing” capabilities. ďƒ˜ Leasing computation power can reduce battery usage on the mobile devices and improve response times. However, borrowing processing power from mid-network nodes comes at a rental cost which must be accounted for when making the decision of where processing should occur.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students ďƒ˜ We study the tradeoff between battery usage, processing and transmission latency, and mid-network leasing. We use the dynamic programming framework to solve for the optimal processing policies that suggest the amount of processing to be done at each mid-network node in order to minimize the processing and communication latency and processing costs. Through numerical studies, we examine the properties of the optimal processing policy and the core tradeoffs in such systems.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Network Assisted Mobile Computing:

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students A Personalized Mobile Search Engine (PMSE): ďƒ˜ This project is different from the conventional search engines as it provides the ease of searching based on user preferences. The user preferences are classified as content concepts and location concepts. The project involves arrangement of user preferences in ontology-based multifaceted user profile for rank adaption purpose. ďƒ˜ We propose a personalized mobile search engine (PMSE) that captures the users' preferences in the form of concepts by mining their click through data. Due to the importance of location information in mobile search, PMSE classifies these ideas into content concepts and area concepts.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students  In addition, users' locations (positioned by GPS) are used to supplement the area concepts in PMSE. The user preferences are organized in an ontology-based, multifaceted user profile, which are used to adapt a personalized ranking function for rank adaptation of future search results.  To characterize the diversity of the concepts associated with a query and their relevance’s to the user's need, four entropies are introduced to balance the weights between the content and location facets. Based on the client-server model, we also present a detailed architecture and design for implementation of PMSE.  In our design, the client collects and stores locally the click through data to protect privacy, whereas heavy tasks such as concept extraction, training, and retaking are performed at the PMSE server.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students ďƒ˜ Moreover, we address the privacy issue by restricting the information in the user profile exposed to the PMSE server with two privacy parameters. We prototype PMSE on the Google Android platform. Experimental results show that PMSE significantly improves the precision comparing to the baseline.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Personalized-Mobile-Service-Engine:

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Network Behavior Analysis For Android Malware Detection:  The rapid growth of smartphones has lead to a renaissance for mobile application services. Android and iOS now as the most popular smartphone platforms offer a public marketplace respectively, the Android Market and App Store- but operate with dramatically different approaches to preventing malware on their devices.  In Android platform, developer not only can directly deliver their apps on the Android market without strict review process, but also is capable to put the non-official verified apps marketplace (i.e., Applanet, AppBrain and so on).  In this study, we purpose an automatic Android malware detection mechanism based on the result from sandbox.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students  We leverage network spatial feature extraction of Android apps and independent component analysis (ICA) to find the intrinsic domain name resolution behavior of Android malware.  The proposed mechanism that identifies the Android malware can achieve in automatic way. For the evaluation the proposed approach, the public Android malware apps dataset and famous benign apps collected from Android Market are used for evaluating the effectiveness in analyzing the grouping ability and the effectiveness of identifying the Android malware.  The proposed approach successfully identifies malicious Android Apps close to 100% accuracy, precision and recall rate.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Distributed Web Systems Performance Forecasting Using Turning Bands Method: ďƒ˜ With the increasing development of distributed computer systems (DCSs) in networked industrial and manufacturing applications on the World Wide Web (WWW) platform, including service-oriented architecture and Web of Things QoS-aware systems, it has become essential to predict the Web performance. ďƒ˜ In this paper, we present Web performance prediction in time and space by making a forecast of a Web resource downloading using the Turning Bands (TB) geostatistical simulation method.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students ďƒ˜ Real-life data for the research were obtained in an active experiment conducted by our multi-agent measurement system MWING performing monitoring of a group of Web servers worldwide from agents localized in different geographical localizations in Poland. ďƒ˜ The results show good quality of Web performance prediction made by means of the TB method, especially in the case when European Web servers were monitored by an MWING agent localized in Gliwice, Poland.

Top List of Android Projects Ideas for CSE, MCA and IT Engineering Students Conclusion: ďƒ˜ These Android projects are implemented for Android OS and are recommended mostly for IT and MCA students as most of the projects require the development of software - based applications. ďƒ˜ We hope that our interesting and latest project ideas offer immense help to the students and make them select appropriate projects for their final year project work. We encourage and welcome queries, suggestions and comments from our readers.

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