Master of Science in Global Health program booklet

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Master of Science



Directors’ Message Duke’s Master of Science in Global Health was one of the first programs of its kind in the U.S. to formally capture the energy and passion students have for global health. Today, it remains one of the top global health programs. The MSc-GH is research-intensive, interdisciplinary and incorporates a funded field experience. We believe that this is the best model to equip graduate students to analyze the causes of disease and their relationship to the economy, policies, business, culture, and environment of communities and nations around the world and find solutions to improve health. Our students go on to do their part in advancing global health and health equity. We are looking for bright and dedicated students who seek to join the next generation of global health leaders. We hope you will join us for an educational experience that is unmatched. Melissa Watt, PhD Director Master of 2Science in Global Health

Nathan Thielman, MD, PhD Associate Director Master of Science in Global Health

contents #1

W hy S tud y G lob al Healt h?


Pro gr a m Det ails


Fu n d e d Field w ork


Fa c u l ty Mentorship


Du ke , i n Durham


C a re e r Pat h


F i n a n ce





Why Study Global Health?

Duke’s Master of Science in Global Health (MSc-GH) shares some of the same core subject areas offered in a traditional MPH program, but the MSc-GH approaches these subjects from intentionally interdisciplinary and global perspectives, with a focus on health disparities in low-and middle-income counties.

If you’re weighing the strengths of the MSc-GH vs. an MPH, consider this: Duke MSc-GH • Research emphasis in coursework and fieldwork • Focus on health disparities in local and global contexts • Bridges disciplines, connects population health and clinical care • Flexibility in elective coursework

MPH Core Subject Areas • Biostatistics • Population Health and Prevention • Health Systems • Epidemiology

• Focus in a specific discipline • US or regional perspective • Broad public health curriculum • Less flexibility in elective coursework

Global health is an area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Global health emphasizes transnational health issues, determinants, and solutions; involves many disciplines within and beyond the health sciences and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration; and is a synthesis of population-based prevention with individual-level clinical care. [Koplan J,4Bond TC, Merson MH Lancet 2009. 373: 1993-95]

#2 Program Details Distinguishing Characteristics • • • • • •

Access to expert, multidisciplinary faculty Funding for fieldwork Flexible, tailored curriculum Focus on applied, relevant research skills Small, diverse cohort of students Career advising and funding for professional development

Program Requirements • Minimum of 38 credits, including 6 core courses and 5 elective courses, typically completed in 3-4 full-time terms • Minimum 10-week fieldwork experience • Research-based master’s thesis

Dual Degree Options Collaboration and creativity are key values at Duke and in the MSc-GH. At Duke, you may have the opportunity to combine your global health studies with other disciplines and degree programs to create your own concurrent focus. For example, you can earn a dual MD/MSc-GH, including rigorous didactics and the opportunity for an applied field research experience, in five academic years.

DGHI gave me the tools to become a creative problem-solver in global health issues. I now know how to anticipate limitations of research and how to design a study so that I can accommodate or offset those limitations. Overall, I’m learning how to make a positive impact in global health issues. – Yujung Choi, 5 MSc-GH Class of 2017

#3 Fu n d e d F i e l d w o r k

Unlike many traditional public health programs, research training is a central component of the MSc-GH degree. All students develop and conduct an applied global health research project, typically in a global setting, under the mentorship of a Duke faculty member and are guaranteed funding for project costs and travel. To date, students have completed projects in more than 30 countries.

After learning about what global health research looks like in our classrooms and on campus, it was invigorating to go into the field and live in the research process, seeing that research in the real world is much messier but can still be done with important results. This experience has stayed with me after graduation, and it was probably one the biggest aids in beginning my career in global health. –Seth Zissette, MSc-GH Class of 2015


#4 Fa c u l t y M e n t o r s h i p

The faculty of the Duke Global Health Institute are among the best and most creative in their fields. Our faculty are committed to teaching, mentoring and helping students find their own path in global health. Our faculty are experts in their respective disciplines such as public policy, medicine, environment, engineering, psychology, anthropology and more, and provide a strong multidisciplinary educational experience.

I appreciate the incredible synergy between research and teaching that DGHI cultivates. I’m able to involve all levels of students in my research, and their contributions strengthen my research program. In turn, students get hands-on experience with the research process, which helps them appreciate all aspects of research and develop a strong foundation for future global health work. – Melissa Watt, Director of the Master of Science in Global Health program

V i s i t Globalhea lth.du ke .e du/MScGH to meet th e ou ts ta n d i n g fa cu l ty7 yo u will w or k w ith at Duke G loba l Hea l th In s ti tu te.

#5 Duke, in Durham Duke University is located in Durham, the heart of North Carolina’s Research Triangle region, an ideal location to study global health. You’ll be in the center of a dynamic global health hub, with resources like the Triangle Global Health Consortium, and employers such as RTI International and FHI 360, universities engaged in global health research and education, private sector giants such as Merck and Quintiles, a strong start-up community and more. Duke MSc-GH students are involved in a variety of campus and community activities, from participating in campus events like the Global Health Film Festival to competing in regional case competitions.

Learn more about life in Durham at

Durham also offers a vibrant food scene and rich arts community. Or head out of town - you’ll be at the beach or in the mountains in less than three hours.


My fieldwork in Cambodia gave me the opportunity to interact with the child protection system, work with government officials, and balance my project goals with the needs of research participants. All in all, it was the perfect preparation for my future career in strengthening health systems in eastern and central Africa. – Dorothy Mangale MSc-GH Class of 2015

Du ke , A ro u n d t h e Wo r l d DGHI collaborates with partners in many areas of the world to host faculty research, student projects, and education and training opportunities. Our priority partners include Leogane, Haiti; Kampala, Uganda; Eldoret, Kenya; Moshi, Tanzania; Delhi, India; Galle, Sri Lanka; Singapore; Cape Town, South Africa; Lima, Peru; Kunshan, China; Beijing, China; and Shanghai, China.

Visit to see the research our students and faculty are conducting around the world.


#6 Career Path Earn your MSc-GH at Duke and countless opportunities await you, at home or abroad. At Duke University, staff in the Career Center along with Duke Global Health Institute faculty and dedicated advising staff are here to help and support you whether you are interested in pursuing an additional degree or seeking employment in public health, global health, the public sector, NGOs, or health care organizations. Our graduates go on to further their education and work around the world in a variety of fields.



3% 5%

17% 16% 18%

Further Education (MD, PhD, JD, Government (local, state, federal) Hospital / Health Care Facility Non-Profit / NGO Proprietary Organization / For-Profit University / Academic Other Duke MSc-GH graduates through September 2015

Many Duke MSc-GH alumni go on to pursue further education at prestigious medical schools and PhD programs. Others have started their careers at institutions and organizations like: • FHI360 • RTI International • US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • National Institutes of Health • Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves 10 • Direct Relief • Innovations in Health Care

• PwC • PATH • Harvard SPH • UnitedHealth Group/Optum • Duke University • United Nations Population Fund • Duke Kunshan University • Google Life Sciences

Financing your education


Your education is an investment in your future. At Duke, we strive to make global health education accessible for students, regardless of financial means, • Merit-based scholarships for both international and US students. You are automatically considered for scholarships based on your Graduate School application. • Graduate teaching and research assistantship positions available to MScGH students. • Funding to undertake field research, which is an integral component of the degree. • Funding to support professional development. • A tuition-free fourth semester. Tuition and fees are determined by Duke’s Graduate School and can be found at Most students finish the program in three to four on-campus semesters at a total cost comparable to other top graduate public health programs.

How to Apply Apply through the Duke University Graduate School:


Applications are available in September of the year preceding entry to the program. The priority deadline for scholarship consideration is January 31. The final deadline is March 1.


m i s s i o n The Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) works to reduce health disparities in our local community and worldwide. Recognizing that many global health problems stem from economic, social, environmental, political and health care inequalities, DGHI brings together interdisciplinary teams to solve complex health problems and to train the next generation of global health leaders. 12

G L O B A L H E A LT H . D U K E . E D U / M S C G H

Trent Hall 310 Trent Drive Durham, North Carolina 27710 T: 919.681.7760

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