Meaning of Healing Crystal | Healing Crystal Suppliers

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Since time immemorial the Kings, Queens, Priests across almost all religions of the world have used gemstones and crystals in their day to day affairs. Some have used for the prestige it brings as a part of the royal family; others have used it for their magical and therapeutic powers. There are many historical evidences which prove that the role of certain Gemstones and Crystals was more than just fancy jewellery. Certain stones when worn on correct astrological and planetary positions have the power to either make your life abundant or creating chaos in your life.

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Crystals are mineral deposits formed in the mineral cavities of the earth under an immense pressure over a period of millions of years. Their internal structure is a highly ordered arrangements of atoms and molecules, which repeats over its lattice again and again giving them precise shapes like Hexagons, tetragons etc.

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You might not believe it but now with the advancements in science and technology, it has crossed the frontiers of being just a belief. It is now considered as a science as most of the modern day gadgets like Computers, Radios, Watches etc. use ‘Quartz crystal’ as its one of the main component. Quartz has the power to absorb, amplify, resonate and radiate any electromagnetic signal fed into it, so no wonder it was also used in transistors to help you tune into a particular radio frequency of a radio station.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; Please Visit: www.

Quantum physics now states that ‘Everything in this universe is energy vibrating at various levels of frequency which is the reason all things around you have a different physical appearance but at its core is just the same energy vibrating at various speeds’. Consider the example of Water. You put it and slowly you see the water changing its form from liquid (which you could see and touch) to a vapour state (which you can feel but NOT SEE) and further if you condense it again it will turn into ice (which is a denser state of vibration). So practically, all physical matter is energy condensed into form. This was proven by the world renowned scientists Sir Albert Einstein in his equation E= MC(2) which means Energy and Matter are inter-convertible.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; Please Visit: www.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; Please Visit: www.

So these Crystals can be viewed as not just rocks or stones but actually a store house of energy which is highly precise in terms of its vibration and which can be harnessed for our own benefit, provided we know how to work with them. Like everything in this universe is energy, even our thoughts and emotions are energy which vibrates all around us creating an aura or energy field. This can now be measured and even seen on a digital screen using Aura imaging systems like Resonant field imaging etc.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; Please Visit: www.

Some scientists and researchers have actually gone to the extent of mapping out the frequencies of various physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states of the mind. For example: The universal frequency of love is 432hz, the moment our mind and body drops lower to this frequency we feel lack of love and disharmony in our relationships with everyone including our own self.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; Please Visit: www.

Now if we can use a tool like a crystal which has a precise frequency of say around the frequency of love, we can use its energy to let it transfer its power to us and in this way the crystal slowly transfers its energy to our mind and body to bring it back to its vital level (432hz in this case) and we begin to see the changes in our mind set and also in our physical relationship with people around.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; Please Visit: www.

To the lay man, its magic but to scientists it is simply the principle of ‘Sympathetic Resonance’. The crystal creates an energy field which interacts with your energy field and as a result you feel better and healed. This is the reason why the crystals and stones need a regular cleansing and energizing for best results.

To Buy 100% Natural Crystals & Gemstones; Please Visit: www.

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