Welcome To Wholesale Crystal Skulls Store
Kabeeragate offers the largest selection in the world of high quality real crystal skulls in all sizes, in a wide variety of stones - from Amethyst to Zebra Jasper and everything in between.
What Is A Crystal Skull?
Basically crystals skulls are pieces of crystal that have been fashioned by workers of stone into a shape that resembles the human skull. This may be a close resemblance to the average human head, or it may be a more stylized representation of the human form.
Buy Crystal Skulls By Stone
Amber good luck; longevity; vitality; sensuality; magnetism; memory; decisiveness; healing; pain; stress; calming; grounding
Amethyst opens crown & third eye; guidance; intuition; protection; communion with guides and higher consciousness; detoxifying
Ametrine (amethyst & citrine) money; intuition; psychic awareness; spiritual enlightenment; protection; transmutes negativity; joy
Aquamarine calms; soothes; uplifts; confidence; purpose; creativity; communication; releases anxiety & fear: restlessness; peace
Aventurine supports healing; well-being; peace; calms anger; dissolves negativity; decisiveness; perseverance; prosperity
Black Obsidian purification; transformation; fulfillment; manifestation; psychic ability; power; protection; shields from negativity
Black Tourmaline protection from negativity, radiation and psychic attack; grounding; balancing; purifying; health and wellbeing
Blue Lace Agate peace; patience; calming; intuition; knowing; protection; angelic communion; supports the throat; self-expression
Carnelian self-esteem; attain goals; focus; creativity; problem-solving; peace; courage; success; positive life choices; grants wishes
Charoite power; transformation; transmutes negativity; intuition; opens third eye; inspiration; creativity; spiritual growth; healing
Charoite power; transformation; transmutes negativity; intuition; opens third eye; inspiration; creativity; spiritual growth; healing
Chevron Amethyst relaxation; peace of mind; inner strength; courage; self-discovery; release stress; diminish addictive tendencies
Citrine manifesting success; financial prosperity; clears negativity; centering; empowerment; self-esteem; confidence; willpower
Fluorite genius stone; supports creativity; clear thinking; concentration; discernment; truth; decision-making; higher consciousness
Garnet ignites passion; romance; heals relationships; self-confidence; creativity; vitality; life force; calms anxiety; protection
Golden Obsidian develops clairvoyance; shields negativity; grounding; overcome habits; attracts wealth; prosperity; manifestation
Goldstone master healer; confidence; attain goals; calming; balancing; uplifting; vitality; courage; protection; grounding; conduit
Hematite protection; deflects negativity; courage; strength; vitality; self-esteem; confidence; willpower; compulsions; calms stress
Jade all-purpose healer; relaxation; stress; serenity; fidelity; realization of potential; accomplishment; good luck; wisdom; long life
Jasper protection; courage; strength; survival; justice; health; healing; calm; balance; energizing; stabilizing; motivating; aligns chakras; promotes beauty; inspires joy
Labradorite transformation; strength; enhances intuition; eliminates illusions; goals; good luck; intuitive wisdom; discernment
Lapis Lazuli insight; intuition; wisdom; protection; psychic attacks; stress & anxiety; harmony; expression; depression; fatigue
success; growth; transformation; calm; soothing; EMF; depression; anxiety; insomnia; addiction; compulsions; self-love; patience; optimism; relieves pain; protection
attracts love; new beginnings; soothes soul; releases stress; clears chakras; spiritual guidance; vision; protection
Moonstone brings good fortune; grants wishes; manifests desires; increases affection in relationships; transforms negativity; uplifts
Pyrite abundance; prosperity; stability; intelligence; memory; psychic development; creativity; action; psychic shield; protection
all-purpose healer; amplifies thought, energy, intention; raises vibration & consciousness; intuition; guidance; opens crown
Rainbow Obsidian scrying; clairvoyance/psychic abilities; protection; deflects negativity; calms fear; grounding; joy; love; truth
Red Dolomite
stamina; stops energy leaks; aligns and balances chakras; removes blockages; supports blood & adrenal glands
Rose Quartz attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
Smoky Quartz
grounding; protection; transforms negativity; elevates moods; stress; depression; abundance; prosperity; good luck
Sodalite self-trust; self-acceptance; self-expression; unites logic & intuition; deepens meditation; calms the mind; harmony; balance
Tiger Eye brings money; luck; confidence; courage; willpower; patience; determination; psychic protection; attracts helpful people
Turquoise master healer; balances all chakras; detoxifies; luck; happiness; wealth; success; attracts love; repels negativity; power
White Dolomite inspiration; manifestation; creativity; spontaneity; generosity; receiving; relieves sorrow, hurt, loneliness, anxiety
Zebra Jasper courage to deal with problems; determination to succeed; completion; avoid over-thinking; enjoy life in the now
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