Pro Web 2.0 Mashups
1. Looking at APIs and web applications (eg Flicr, Google Maps) as end-user tools.- 2. Tagging and folksonomies.- 3. RSS and Atom syndication: integration with new readers.- 4. Integration with weblogs and wikis.- 5. Consuming XML web service APIs through Flickr.- 6. Other XML web service APIs.- 7. Using Ajax/JavaScript widgets and APIs.- 8. Dissecting mashups and remixes.- 9. Creating Mashups between several services.- 10. Service compposition frameworks.- 11. The quality and remixability of APIs.- 12. Online maps and Google Earth.- 13. Social bookmarking and bibliographic systems.- 14. Online calendars and event aggregators.- 15. Online storage facilities.- 16. Office suites (ODF versus Microsoft Open XML).- 17. XML, RDF, and Microformats.- 18. Search APIs. EAN/ISBN : 9781430202868 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, APress Discussed keywords: Mashups Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Yee, Raymond
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