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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks

CHAPTER 13: CUSTOM SETUP TASKS Objectives The objectives are •

Introduce the legacy data migration process.

Introduce the process for setting up statutory reporting in the Payroll module.

Introduce the concepts and general process of setting up integration with other AX 2009 modules and third-party systems.

Introduce the procedures for setting up security roles and payroll processing locking parameters.

Introduction This course introduces the following custom setup tasks, which implementers must consider for each client: •

Legacy data migration

Statutory reporting setup

Integration with other Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2009 modules

Setting up of security policies

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Microsoft Dynamics速 AX Payroll

Legacy Data Migration Process As part of implementing Payroll for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, you will migrate data from the client's legacy payroll system to the Payroll module. This part of the implementation process is important to success; careful planning and preparation for data migration will avoid lengthy delays.


You can import this data into the Payroll module as comma-delimited files, by using the data import features in the Administration module of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. You must format the fields in each row in these commadelimited files in a specific sequence, with specific field contents. For example, some fields require enumerator values. In addition, rows in some tables must use unique IDs to refer to rows in other files. Data validation opportunities are limited at this stage, so you must prepare these files accurately. A utility is available at Partner Source that validates Excel spreadsheets and transforms them into comma-delimited files with a .CSV extension. To import legacy data into Payroll, you will: 1. Identify legacy data to import. 2. Populate Excel spreadsheets with data from the legacy system, as specified in the Payroll import file specifications file. 3. Use the utility to validate and transform the Excel spreadsheets into .CSV files. 4. Import the .CSV files into Microsoft Dynamics AX Payroll using the data import features in the Administration module.


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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks NOTE: If you are adding more employees to a company that already has some employees, ensure that no user adds an employee to that company between the time you generate the .CSV files and the time you import those files into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.

Identify Legacy Data to be Migrated The first step in data migration is to identify which data will migrate. Some of this data is easily identifiable, such as employee names and numbers, employee addresses, and bank account numbers for direct deposits. Other information is more complicated to identify and evaluate. The following types of data require special consideration when you identify data to migrate.

Employee Enrolled Generated Earnings You do not need to import generated earnings that are enrolled; these earnings are set up so that all employees in that earning rule group receive that generated earning. However, you must set up individual employees to receive enrolled generated earnings. You can do this by importing or by manually enrolling the employee. Most implementers prefer to import all employee-enrolled generated earnings, so that when corrections are needed, you can adjust the source data and replace the complete data set with a minimum of steps.

Employee Benefit/Deductions You must populate the benefit/deductions list for each employee. For each benefit/deduction that applies to an employee, you must specify the benefit/deduction, pay group, the enrollment, if there is one, the employee contribution, if there is one (either an amount or a calculation), and the employer contribution, if there is one (either an amount or a calculation). You also can supply other information, such as an employee-specific Accounts Payable vendor for a garnishment or child support payment recipient. •

Refer to the benefit/deduction rule group calculations to verify the standard list of benefit deductions for the employees in that rule group and the appropriate employee and employer calculations. The benefit/deduction rule group calculation does not provide default values for imported data; you must import all the required data.


Verify that you import the appropriate calculations for the employee's enrollment.

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Verify that you allocate employee and employer calculations to avoid importing an employee calculation as an employer calculation.

Review the legacy system for employee-specific benefit/deductions, such as garnishments, child support payments, loan repayments, voluntary additional tax withholding, and optional retirement savings plans, insurance coverage, credit union contributions, and share purchase plans.

You might assign employees a benefit/deduction that applies to all employees in a rule group without employee-specific enrollments using mass benefit/deduction assignment, but most implementers prefer to import all employee benefit/deductions, so that when corrections are needed, you can adjust the source data and replace the complete data set with a minimum of steps.

Historical Transactions Unless you are going live with Payroll at the start of the tax year and pay year, consider importing historical transaction summaries for two purposes: •

Year-to-date totals on pay stubs

Statutory reporting requirements

The year-to-date totals for individual benefit/deductions, earnings codes, and payment totals for an employee are based upon transactions associated with the current year. You can summarize those transactions into one total or several subtotals. The sum of the totals within a year must match the totals from your legacy system. You can summarize imported transactions in one of the following three ways: •


One year-to-date total for each employee for payments and one for each earning and benefit/deduction, as long as you are not implementing partway through a quarter or other statutory reporting period that is shorter than a year. To import these totals, use the Employee YTD Benefit/Deductions, Employee YTD Earnings, and Employee YTD Payments import spreadsheets.

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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks •

Totals for each quarter or other reporting period for each employee for payments and one for each earning and benefit/deduction. If you are going live partway through a quarter, the most recent quarter will contain the quarter-to-date totals. To import totals by quarter, use the Employee PPd Benefit/Deductions, Employee PPd Earnings, and Employee PPd Payments import spreadsheets. Import each quarter's total into one pay period that falls within that quarter. For example, you might import quarter 1 totals into pay period 1, quarter 2 totals into pay period 14, and quarter 3 totals into pay period 27. Because you will be using these totals for statutory reporting, remember to use statutory reporting criteria to decide into which pay period a particular payment should fall. In jurisdictions where statutory reports are based on statement date, import your quarterly totals into pay periods whose statement dates fall in that quarter. Also remember that payments in a pay period might belong to two different statutory reporting periods. For example, all the regular payments in pay period 1 might be paid on January 2, and therefore belong in quarter 1 of the current year, but in jurisdictions where statutory reporting is based on statement date, if you were to issue a pay period 1 payment on December 31, that payment should be reported in quarter 4 of the previous year, not in quarter 1 of the current year. You must ensure that payments whose statement date are in a different reporting period than the pay period's default import into a pay period whose default statement date is in the appropriate reporting period. For the sample payment above, ensure that its earnings and benefit/deductions are included in the last pay period of the previous year, not the first pay period of the current year.

Totals for each pay period. To import totals by pay period, use the Employee PPd Benefit/Deductions, Employee PPd Earnings, and Employee PPd Payments import spreadsheets. If you are going live partway through a quarter, you will be using these totals for statutory reporting. You must use statutory reporting criteria to decide into which pay period a particular payment should fall for the pay periods that surround the quarter boundary. For example, all the regular payments in pay period 1 might be paid on January 2, and therefore belong in quarter 1 of the current year, but in jurisdictions where statutory reporting is based on statement date, if you were to issue a pay period 1 payment on December 31, that payment should be reported to the government as part of the last pay period of the previous year, not the first pay period of the current year. This is the most desirable method, as it means that you can use Set initial accumulator values at any time in the future. If you put totals in just one pay period, then those totals will not be included in accumulators for employees who were either hired after or terminated before that pay period.

If you are going live partway through a tax year, tax quarter, or other time period subject to statutory reporting in your jurisdiction, you must review the tax requirements for that jurisdiction carefully to ensure you import the correct data.

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Microsoft Dynamics® AX Payroll •

Import earning totals for each employee. Ideally, you would import a total for each earning code. It is strongly recommended that you import a total for each earning code that is exempt from tax. If your legacy system does not make it easy to extract earnings by earning code, you can satisfy statutory reporting requirements by importing a total of all taxable earnings using a single taxable earning code, and all tax exempt earnings using a single tax-exempt earning code, but advise your staff that their year-to-date totals on pay stubs will not be earning-code-specific.

Import each benefit/deduction that increases or reduces taxable income as a separate total for statutory reporting purposes. Historical totals for other benefit/deductions do not need to be imported unless you want the year-to-date totals on pay stubs.

Review the setup instructions for your statutory reports and the company's past statutory report submissions to ensure that all the data the company reports is going to import, and to verify that the accumulator values and eligibilities are set up to accumulate data for the appropriate earnings and benefit/deductions.

After you have imported your transactional data, set initial accumulator values (click Setup, then Periodic, then Other, then Set initial accumulator values) for all the accumulators used in your statutory reports. Verify that the totals in the accumulators are correct for all your statutory reports. If your legacy system allows it, generate the same statutory reports in the legacy system and compare its results with the Microsoft Dynamics AX Payroll results to ensure that all the data has been migrated, the accumulators are set up correctly, and the statutory reports are set up correctly.

Accumulated Totals You can import accumulator totals into Payroll, but the recommended approach is to import transactions, as described above, then use the Set initial accumulator values function, not the import function, to populate the accumulators. The reasons are:


Auditability; particularly for year-to-date and quarter-to-date accumulators that will start with an imported value, then be added to by ongoing transactions. You can see all the transactional data, including the totals from the legacy system, the accumulator is based on.

Early error detection. If the accumulator is set up incorrectly, you will probably notice right away.

Ability to re-initialize later. If an error is made months later (for instance, a new earning code was not associated with an accumulator before it was used), then when the error is detected, you can correct it, and clear and re-calculate the accumulator from transaction data.

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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks Transform Excel files into .CSV files After you have populated Payroll import spreadsheets as specified in the Payroll import file specifications file, you are ready to use the utility (available at Partner Source) to transform those files into .CSV format, which you then can import into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Payroll. Detailed instructions for the use of the utility are available in a white paper on Partner Source. The following describes the process you must follow to successfully transform the Excel files.

Preparation 1. Ensure you have downloaded the utility for transforming Excel files into .CSV files. This utility will be a .EXE file called CreateAX. 2. Before you start, ensure that your populated Payroll import spreadsheets are all in one directory. 3. To validate your data against your Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 database, or to add more employees to a company that already has employees, then you must have an ODBC data source set up for that database (Start > Programs > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC); a system DSN is recommended). 4. Identify an effective date to use in all entries - it should be a date that comes before any payroll transactions you will be processing, such as 1/1/2005. The expiry date to place on all entries should be 12/31/2154. 5. The date format to use on all entries must be the short date format of the machine that will import the files generated by the utility. Identify the machine that will be used, and make a note of the short date format you find in its regional and language control panel. 6. Note the Axapta database that the .CSV files will import into. You will need the ODBC data source name, a SQL user ID with read access to the database, the password for that user ID, and the database schema.

Transformation Process 1. Open the utility. To open it from Windows Explorer, double-click CreateAX.exe. 2. Log in using the Axapta Login dialog. Some features of the utility use this ID when creating temporary tables. Decide whether to validate your data against your Microsoft Dynamics AX database. 3. Identify the Axapta database that the .CSV files will import into.

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4. Using the Create Import files option in the utility's Imports menu, select the directory containing the Excel spreadsheets you prepared. You can choose to validate your data against data already in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 database. The utility allows you to specify whether you plan to add more employees to a company that already contains employees; if so, then the utility will refer to the existing data and ensure that any new employees subsequently imported are given unique internal IDs. It also ensures that employees whose employee ID matches an employee ID in the database are associated with that existing employee. 5. Select the correct version of Payroll that you will be importing into, and identify how many general ledger dimension codes you have licensed in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. 6. Import the files (click Import Spreadsheet Files). The utility transforms the spreadsheet files from the directory you selected into .CSV files. The new .CSV files are stored in the same directory as the source spreadsheet files. 7. When the process is complete, review (using the Review Import Log feature) how many rows imported. If you requested validation, review any validation errors and decide how to resolve them. 8. If you need to correct the source data, do so and then repeat the above process. When you are satisfied with the transformed data, you are ready to import it into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.

Define Data Import/Export Definition Group To be able to import the .CSV files that the utility creates into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, you must first set up a definition group. Detailed procedures are available on Partner Source. Follow these steps to define a group. 1. Create a new definition group in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 (Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Definition groups). 2. Set up the table for the new definition group (open the Table setup form from within the Definition group form). When you select the CSV files that you generated with the utility, note that all their names begin with PHR. You will find them in the directory that contained the Excel spreadsheets you prepared. 3. When you set up the tables, ensure that you select the PHR table name that matches the file you selected. 4. Confirm that the field numbers and Active checkboxes in the Field setup form exactly match the settings appropriate to your version of Payroll (you can find these settings in the detailed procedures for importing legacy data, provided at Partner Source). 5. Verify that the data in the .CSV file associates with the correct field (using the Definition group form).


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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks

6. If the field name correctly corresponds to the data in the Value column, then the setup for this table is complete. If the field name does not correspond to the data in the Value column: a. double-check your field setup b. ensure that the name of the file you selected matches the name of the table you selected c. ensure that the Payroll version you selected when generating the CSV file matches your version of Payroll 7. Repeat the process for as many .CSV files you have to import.

NOTE: Do not run the import until you have previewed all your CSV files and confirmed that they are mapped correctly.

Import .CSV Files into Payroll Module Follow these steps to import the .CSV files into the Payroll module. 1. Back up your company data. 2. Using the Data export/import feature in the Administration module, select the payroll definition group that you created and click Table setup. 3. Confirm that the import status is set correctly for all of your tables: • Delete and import replaces existing data with data from the import files. •

Add to existing data requires careful thought, because the import does not validate the data. If you add employees, be certain that you have changed the PersonID fields in the PHREmpl.csv and PHRPersons.cav files to ensure that they do not overlap with IDs that have been used already.

4. Import the data, then (in the Payroll module), inspect the data that imported. If it did not import correctly, determine whether the problem was in the original XLS files or in the field setup for the definition group, and then restore your company data, correct the problem, and repeat the above process.

Post-Migration Tasks You must complete the following tasks after you import the .CSV files in the Payroll module: •

Generate standard employee benefit/deductions that did not import.

Set up and schedule employees for any generated earnings that did not import.

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Set up individual employee benefit/deductions such as child support payments, garnishments, and loans.

Verify employee pay register.

Procedures for performing all these tasks are available in other courses within this collection.

Statutory Reporting Setup You can set up the Payroll module to provide data for statutory deductions reports to meet government reporting requirements for a jurisdiction. Typically, a company in a particular jurisdiction might find that they are required to report: •

to one or more levels of government

on a quarterly and annual basis

A company might also find that they must produce reports on data, such as: •

tax deductions

annual wage and tax statements for employees

unemployment deductions

Combined, these requirements can lead to quarterly and annual reports on similar data to more than one level of government. Payroll implementers must ensure that the Payroll module is set up to produce all of these reports. In some locations, a third party produces these reports, but the Dynamics AX 2009 Payroll module must collect the data for the reports and pass it to the thirdparty software. Within the Payroll module, data collection is primarily accomplished using accumulators, but it also draws from employee-related data and job-related data. The forms to use may also be available in your jurisdiction, but you may have to set them up, as well. Once you set up the form, implementers use the Format fields forms to manage the data needed for the reports. You will enter some of the data in these forms directly, while in others you will identify the appropriate accumulators that are tracking the required data. During every implementation, there are setup tasks to perform, which ensure the required data is available for statutory reports. Even if you are implementing Payroll in a jurisdiction for which pre-determined accumulators and format fields data are provided, you still must perform basic setup tasks in the Payroll module.


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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks Preparation To prepare to set up statutory reporting, identify: •

the reports required for the jurisdiction.

the data required in the reports.

where and how the data can be obtained within Payroll

the accumulators that need to be used or set up in order to collect required data.

Setup Process Follow these steps to set up statutory reporting. 1. Unless provided for your jurisdiction, create the required forms in the Payroll module (this also will require you to set up the necessary export formats). 2. Create the required accumulators, accumulator eligibilities, and accumulator values. 3. Create the required calculations. 4. Use the Format fields forms to manage the data needed for each report.

NOTE: if pre-determined reporting accumulators, calculations, and form setup are available in your jurisdiction, then detailed setup procedure documents are also available on Partner Source.

Set Initial Accumulator Values This function allows you to create accumulators and set their initial values based on past payroll transactions. To run this function, you must have already created the accumulator, defined the accumulator values, and defined the accumulator eligibility. Follow these steps to set up initial accumulator values. 1. In the Payroll area page, click Periodic > Other > Set initial accumulator values. 2. Select the pay group to create the accumulator for. 3. Select the accumulator to create values for. 4. Select the date range of the transactional data to include when you calculate the initial values of the accumulator.

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Microsoft Dynamics® AX Payroll

5. Set the initial values by clicking OK. 6. To review the amounts that were placed in the accumulator, click Inquiries > Accumulators in the Payroll area page, and select the accumulator level that applies to the accumulator you have just set the values for. Use the Search functionality to search for the specific accumulator values to view.

Integration with Other AX2009 Modules This section describes the Payroll Import application programming interface (API) for Microsoft Dynamics AX®. The API is an X++ interface. You can use it to extend Microsoft Dynamics AX modules, usually Project, to write time and earnings entries into Payroll tables. A typical Dynamics AX customization using this API would: •

Provide a user interface for recording time, earnings, or both.

Validate those entries, present error messages, and ensure the entries are valid before saving them.

Provide a user interface for posting those entries to a module such as Project, as well as Payroll. At that time, your custom code would validate them again, in case anything has changed, and then either transmit them to Payroll or provide feedback about errors.

This section introduces the API, describes how you can use it to import time and earnings, and describes the basic method used by the API for integration with other modules. A brief introduction to Payroll integration with Project is also provided. Detailed procedures are available in the API white paper at Partner Source. The white paper will guide you in: •

Transmitting time and earnings records to Payroll

Managing data validation

Verifying that your code is working

Set Up Time and/or Earnings Import You can import time records, earning records, or both into Payroll via the Payroll Import API. Time or earnings records being imported via this API must include: •


Pay group. All processing in the Payroll module is done within the context of a pay group. A pay group has a currency. All earnings transactions in a pay group share its currency. A pay group also has a current pay period. All transactions must be dated on or before the end date of that current pay period.

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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks •

The employee time or earnings information is being sent for

Time and earnings recorded against the employee's primary job - for employees with more than one job, unless you specify otherwise

The date of the time or earnings record

Time records, which can be expressed as one of: o o o

hours start and end time units produced and piece information

Earnings records, which can be expressed as one of: o o o o

Amount earned Amount rate and hours Amount rate and units Salary grid and step

In one call, you must pass all time for all employees in a pay group before you pass time entries for another pay group. You must pass all time for all employees before you pass earnings. You must pass all earnings for all employees in a pay group before you pass entries for another pay group. You cannot mix time and earnings for the same employee, nor can you mix pay groups. Time and earnings entries imported via the API are committed automatically and approved within Payroll. Records that fail validation do not import into Payroll. Typically, you will import time records into Payroll and let Payroll use current wages and salaries to calculate the appropriate earnings. You usually will import only earnings where the amount is ad hoc, as in the case of reimbursable expenses. For more detailed information on how to use the API, for example, how to specify the type of import information (time or earnings), how to change the pay group, how to derive an employee's pay group, and so on, see the API white paper available on Partner Source.

Setting Up API-Based Integration The API name is PHRImport, and its type is Base class. The methods that the API uses are as follows, and are typically called in the order they appear here: •

construct - constructs the import object and specifies whether time or earnings are being imported

getJobs - returns an employee's jobs

getPayGroup - returns an employee's pay group

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init - specifies the pay group being imported and which fields are being imported

validateAndInsert - validates the data being imported and, if valid, inserts it into Payroll tables

getNumOfExceptions - returns the number of exceptions identified in a validateAndInsert call

getExceptions - returns the exception messages generated in a validateAndInsert call

commit - commits validateAndInsert transactions that did not generate exceptions

finalize - completes the API call. Any validateAndInsert calls that have not been committed roll back

These API methods use parameters, method types, and return values - all of which are described in detail in the API white paper on Partner Source.

Payroll Integration with Project The Payroll Import API complements the Payroll integration to Project, and provides a mechanism for transmitting time and earnings data to Payroll.



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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks

The Payroll integration to Project, in turn, updates Project expense journals with actual Payroll expense amounts: •

The Project posting functionality in Payroll transmits actual earning plus employer benefits costs to a Project expense journal. These actual amounts can either update the original journal entries that were transmitted to Payroll or appear as new Project journal entries. A Payroll parameter determines whether new entries represent a maximum of one day or one pay period.

If the Project posting functionality in Payroll creates new journal entries in Project, it can also create reversal entries for the time and earnings journal entries that were originally transmitted to Payroll. This means that you can accrue estimated expenses as they are entered in Project, then reverse them when the actual expenses, including benefits costs, are posted from Payroll at the end of the pay period.

NOTE: The Project and Category fields from Project are required for the Payroll integration to Project. The Journal and Line fields are required if you configure Payroll to update the original Project journal entries with actual Payroll costs. The Journal, Line and Reversal Category are required if you configure Payroll to reverse the original Project journal entries when adding actual Payroll costs as new journal entries.

For details about what the Payroll integration to Project does, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX Payroll Integration with Project White Paper.

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Microsoft Dynamics® AX Payroll

Set Up Security Policies Implementers must set up the security roles for users and groups of users, and also set pay-processing locking parameters.

Set Up Security Roles Implementers will set up security roles for the Payroll module in the Administration module. Follow these steps to set up security roles. 1. In the Administration area page, click User Groups in the Setup area. 2. Select or create (CTRL + N) a user group. 3. Click the Users tab and select users for the group by moving them from the Remaining users column to the Selected user column. 4. Click the Permissions button, then click the Permissions tab, and verify that Security is selected in the Viewing field. 5. To assign Payroll permissions to the user group, find the Payroll node in the Dynamics AX tree. Assign permissions by selecting the Payroll nodes and using the radio buttons to define the kind of access to grant. See the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Help system for more information on using the User group permission form.

Set Up Pay Processing Locking Parameters Follow these steps to set up Payroll module parameters. 1. In the Payroll area page, click Parameters in the Setup area. 2. Click the Overview tab. Scroll down to the four Pay processing general definition codes: • Pay processing lock override user ID - for users who are allowed to override pay-processing locks. •

Pay processing lock override user group - for groups of users who are allowed to override pay-processing locks.

Pay processing locking option - the option that determines whether you use locking to control pay processing. You can lock users out completely, simply warn them, or use no locking.

Pay processing locking type - pay-processing locks that you can set on accumulator updates for payments or payment generation only.

3. Select the pay processing code to set up, and click the General tab. 4. Select the three lock out options from the String value field. 5. For more assistance with the General definitions form, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Help system.


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Chapter 13: Custom Setup Tasks

Summary Each client will have individual custom setup needs, and implementers must plan carefully to address them. This section introduced three main areas of custom setup tasks; detailed procedures for each can be found in white papers on the Partner Source web site.

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Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned Take a moment and write down three key points you have learned from this chapter 1.




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