AGC Construction Reporter April 8, 2020

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Projects Bidding




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April 8, 2020

The Voice of Construction






Our weekly digital publication delivers a review of details on projects bidding in the Southern California region. General Building and General Engineering Contractors, Subcontractors, Specialty Contractors, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Vendors and various other construction industry companies view this publication.

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April 8, 2020

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The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc. 6212 Ferris Square, San Diego, CA 92121 Phone (858) 558-7444 I Fax (858) 558-8444 I or

I Chartered in 1927

© 2020 AGC San Diego Chapter, Inc.

AGC Construction Reporter is a weekly digital publication published by The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc. Company must be an AGC San Diego Chapter or AGC Online Plan Room member to receive this publication. This publication may not be re-distributed unless prior written consent is provided by AGC San Diego Chapter, Inc. All rights reserved.


AGC Construction Reporter

April 8, 2020

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/09/2020 04/10/2020 04/10/2020 04/10/2020 04/10/2020 04/10/2020 04/10/2020 04/10/2020 04/10/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/13/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020

Citywide Bus Stop Improvements San Bernardino Long-Term Conservation Easement Mgmt Svcs - English Channel San Bernardino Accessible Pedestrian Signals Upgrade at 12 Signalized Intersections Orange Parking Lot Surface Maintenance & Repairs Orange $200,000 Painting Project Various School Sites San Diego $250,000 Old Navy - Falcon Ridge Town center (SUB BIDS ONLY) San Bernardino Bagdouma Pool Rehabilitation Riverside 2019-2020 Concrete Program San Bernardino $44,000 Tot Lot Wood Chip Replenishment Orange Const Svcs for Library Roof Replacement @ SBVC San Bernardino Asphalt Re-Seal & Replacement Various School Sites San Diego $200,000 Cuyamaca Rancho SP Residence 13 Siding Replacement San Diego $55,000 Fire Station No. 5 Tank Replacement FM 1920-5 San Bernardino $75,000 Site Improvements, Block Fence & Paving Replacement Imperial Walmart #2952 (Sub-Bids Only) Riverside On-Call Construction Services: Underground Piping & Facilities Mechanical Svcs Riverside Mech, Elect & Plmbg Repairs @ Various Seaport Village Bldgs San Diego $78,760 Agency Wide Chemical Containment Area, Rehab Ph 1 San Bernardino $240,000 National City Adult School Security Fencing Canceled San Diego $642,000 Various Parking Lot Improvements FY 2019-20 Orange $78,700 Overlook Street Improvements - Riverside Re-Roofing Project Meridian ES San Diego $250,000 Re-Roof TPO & Shingle @ Live Oak ES Re-Bid San Diego Trench and Pavement Restoration Services Orange Emergency Repairs &/or Const Svcs for Fiscal Yr 2020-2022 San Diego Civic Center Third Floor Server Room Upgrades Orange $350,000 Flooring @ 4 School Sites San Diego Engineering for Replacement of Fire Station Emergency Generator San Diego Acceptance Testing Services Access Improvements Imperial Valley Desert Imperial PC1168 Kingsley Asphalt Paving San Bernardino $150,000 Acceptance Testing Services: Heber Avenue Imperial OUSD Restroom Renovation at Multiple Sites: Canceled Orange HVAC Improvements at Santa Ana Senior Center Orange Interior Seismic Joints Covers Replacement - Terminal Floors Orange Cog Sci Building AH Renewal (Prequal Contractors) San Diego $580,000 OUSD Restroom Renovation at Multiple Sites: Canceled Orange Sewer & AC Water Group 1032 San Diego $13,630,000 Veterans Memorial Park Shade Structure CDBG PM 1920-4 San Bernardino $50,000 Drywood Termite Tent Fumigation Svc San Diego Steele Cyn Tennis Court Repair San Diego $125,000 Operations & Warehouse Relocation BP W1 - W6 San Diego State Minor B 12A1847 - Install an overhead guide sign and roadside signs Orange $310,000 Landscape Maintenance Area No 1 Riverside Maint & Ops of Distributed Antenna Sys (DAS) Canceled San Diego Sweetwater HS Facility PA System Installation Canceled San Diego Riverside County Citrus Tree Removal Riverside Traffic Signal Installation On Baker St at Randolph Ave Orange $220,000 Traffice Sign RFB 20-109 San Bernardino Monte Vista Bleacher Repair San Diego $120,000 Lindo Lake Improvements Ph1 (East Basin) San Diego Landscape Maintenance Area No 16 Riverside Citywide Parkway Maintenance (Zones 6 and 7) and New Sidewalk Construction Orange $2,820,205 San Bernardino County Tree Removal San Bernardino Middletown 9, 11 Overhead Catenary Sys (OCS) San Diego $431,000 Lakeside Equestrian Facility San Diego Upgrade of Carnegie Museum Project San Bernardino 2020 Unit Cost Carpet & Hard Floor Projects (Various Sites) Riverside Arches Storm Drain Dry Weather Diversions Orange $390,000 Art Installation Svcs San Diego


AGC Construction Reporter

April 8, 2020

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/14/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020

Local Street Preventative Maintenance FY 19/20 Radio System Enhancements On-Call Construction Management & Inspection Services Roll Up Door Inspection and Repair Request for Quote Slurry Seal Project for Arterial Streets: Serrano Rd; Ridge Route; Toledo Way Water System Automation Replacement Plan Rain Gutter Replacement @ Gen Svcs Bldg Green Valley Campground Valve Replacement Re-Bid Replacement of Windows for Orange HS -Canceled Grocery Outlet (SUB BIDS ONLY) Mesa Grande Generators As-Needed Tech Svcs for Long Range Planning On-Call Traffic Engineering, Traffic Signal Operations Support Citywide Concrete Repair FY 2019/2020 Roof Repair - Synthetic Felt Hazardous Waste Santiago Elementary Roofing Warehouse Replacement RP-4 Aeration Diffuser Replacement/Wall Reinforcement Graffiti Removal Services J-93 Environmental Building Interior Improvements Hazardous Waste Removal and Disposal Services RCTC - On-Call Maint & Repair for Commuter Rail & Toll Facilities Living Coast Discovery Ctr Roof Replacement P-312 PMO Facility Replacement at MCRD San Diego, PTO X023 Dollar Tree - San Jacinto (SUB BIDS ONLY) Norco - Crestview Drive Debris Basin, Stage 1 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Removal & Replacement Svcs Verizon on E Village Way - Orange Mission Beach Water & Sewer Replacement As-Needed Utility Locating Consulting Svcs FY 2021-2023 Misc Painting at Operations Center La Quinta Facility Asphalt Seal Coat and Restripe Doris Davies Park Pool Deck Pacific View Memorial Park Mausoleum (SUB BIDS ONLY) Sewer Root Control Svcs El Centro Generating Station Injection Wells IW-1 & IW-3 Wellbore Cleanout BNSF Maintenance Building (SUB BIDS ONLY) Landscape Maintenance Services for Public Works Agency-City Yard Facility Tennis Court Fence Repl at Estancia HS & Costa Mesa HS Powerhouse Park Community Ctr Deck Expansion El Toro 20 Acre RV Storage Landscape Maint City Properties Rehabilitation of Pressure Regulating Stations (PRS) Purchase of 25 Bus Stop Shelters Pest Management and Control Services Runway 17/35 Reconstruction Ph III Restroom Renovations at Sea Country Senior & Community Center

Orange San Bernardino Orange San Bernardino Orange Imperial San Diego San Diego Orange Riverside San Diego San Diego Orange San Bernardino Riverside Riverside Orange San Diego San Bernardino Orange Imperial Riverside Riverside San Diego San Diego Riverside Riverside San Bernardino Orange San Diego San Diego San Diego Riverside San Bernardino Orange San Diego Imperial San Bernardino Orange Orange San Diego Orange Riverside Orange Riverside Orange San Bernardino Orange

$2,200,000 $134,460 $1,500,000 $135,000 $47,000 $120,000 $525,000


$149,500 $9,645,000 $1,344,090 $295,000 $14,740,000 $600,000

$1,400,000 $425,000 $1,850,000 $2,875,000 $6,000,000 $180,000


AGC Construction Reporter

April 8, 2020

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/16/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/17/2020 04/18/2020 04/20/2020 04/20/2020 04/20/2020 04/20/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/21/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020

Canyon Springs HS Bldg. “B” Gymnasium Alterations BP 7 REBID Fairbrook Neighborhood Park Development PC1171 Ph II Roof Repair & Replacement 4181 North “E” St (Rebid) Katella Widening ( Chet F. Harritt School Learning Resource Ctr Classroom Addition One Time Ldscp Clean-Up & Ldscp Maint Svcs for the Fontana DLPC Office Air Stripper Project Wegeforth ES Security Fencing & Classroom Upgrades LLB Road Maint Pavement Seal - Countywide Annual Pavement at Various locations FY19-20 Provide Owners Advisor Services for Groundwater Treatment Plants San Marcos Boulevard Slope Stabilization Carpet Replacement Cameo Highlands Street Reconstruction 20R21 Vineyard JHS Modernization Summer 2020 Pump Station Demo 17th St & Benson Ave El Cerrito Parking Addition and Reconfiguration On-Call Soils Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Support Services SMHS Visitor Bleachers Solana Beach School District – District Office Exterior Paint Downtown Parking Garage - Parking Access & Revenue Control System Commercial Industrial Services Scaffolding, IDIQ Contract Annual Sewer Replacement/Maintenance FY19-20 Spinal Cord Injury and Community Living Center (SCI/CLC) Building New Briar Concrete Lining Roofing Replacement Project Butterfield ES Bus/Parent Drop-Off Design & Engineering Support Svcs San Luis Rey River Habitat Canceled Sam’s Club #6235-215 (Sub-Bids Only) Mini Storage Jamul (Sub-Bids Only) Potable Water Main Replacement Overland Dr & Margarita Rd Design of Otay 2nd Pipeline Ph 4 Sam’s Club (SUB BIDS ONLY) Moreno Valley Utilities MVU Emergency Stock (RFQ Request for Quote) Palomar Health Enterprise Lab Relocation Bus Wash Replacement 2020-2022 Cuyamaca Rancho SP Site Prep and Pre-Treatment Contract HVAC Improvements at the Police Admin Building CCTV Inspection & Cleaning Svcs - Spring Valley Small Diameter II IDIQ Roofing at Various Gov. Facilities Maint Building Ceiling Demo Temecula Valley Regional Water & Relocation Door Hardware Replacement at Senior Centers Design of AC Water & Sewer Grp 1033 Building & Safety Services Local Roadway Safety Plan Highland & Chinquapin Sewer Replacement Canceled Roofing Multiple Sites Cattle ES, Magnolia JHS & Ramona JHS - Concrete Alterations E-2579 CSL Plasma National City (SUB BIDS ONLY) Landscape Maintenance Parkways Street Sweeping & Infrastructure Cleaning New City Yard Site Grading (Wilson III Basin) Sewer Group 776A Canyon Hills & Townsend Junior HS Alterations Filterra® Biofiltration Cleaning UUP Curb Ramp Installation & Resurfacing Adelanto R3 Extension Project Mojave Water Agency Exterior Site Painting Job Order Contracting (JOC) General Building Services

Riverside San Diego San Bernardino Orange San Diego San Bernardino Riverside San Diego San Diego Orange Orange San Diego San Bernardino Orange San Bernardino San Bernardino Orange Orange San Diego San Diego Riverside San Diego Orange San Diego Imperial San Bernardino Riverside San Diego San Diego San Diego Riverside San Diego Orange Riverside San Diego San Diego San Diego Orange San Diego San Bernardino Riverside Orange San Diego San Diego Riverside San Diego San Diego San Bernardino San Diego San Bernardino Orange San Bernardino San Diego San Bernardino Orange San Diego San Bernardino Riverside Orange

$4,663,111 $3,750,000 $183,000 $2,406,535

$350,000 $3,600,000 $1,000,000 $2,671,000 $450,000

$250,000,000 $1,749,159

$1,900,000 $2,500,000

$125,000 $16,000,000 $75,000 $1,200,000 $80,000 $160,000 $1,400,000

$329,500 $3,820,000 $3,320,000


AGC Construction Reporter

April 8, 2020

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/22/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020 04/24/2020 04/24/2020 04/24/2020 04/24/2020 04/24/2020 04/24/2020 04/24/2020 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 04/27/2020 04/28/2020 04/28/2020 04/28/2020

Townwide Crack Seal Project Re-Bid Sale of North Orange County Community College District Property Roofing Job Order Contracting (JOC) for Electrical Services San Diego Unit HQ: Auto Shop & Warehouse Roof Repairs Job Order Contracting (JOC) Low Voltage, Lock & Security Equipment Services Job Order Contracting (JOC) Mechanical Services Lenwood Rd. & Serrano Ave. - Sewer Line Improvement City Owned & Operated Lighting Sys Maint Svc Agreement AV System Upgrade to City of Colton Council Chambers On-Call Consultant Svcs for Unsolicited Proposals & Public Private Partnership Job Order Contracting (JOC) for Roofing Services Architectural Services Replacement of Ped & Parking Lot Lights Chino Valley Adult School New Parking Lot Street Improvements for Westminster Blvd from Beach Blvd to Newland St Pre-Qual for General Contractors for Katella Range Facility Upgrade Pacific Self Storage Inglewood (Sub-Bids Only) Police Facility Concrete Mezzanine Waterproof Coating FY 2019-20 & 2020-21 Street Improvement Project Walker Elementary School – Interim Housing Mission Gorge Rd Streetlight Project Mt. San Jacinto Community College Menifee Valley Campus Stadium Constr K8 STEAM Academy, Increment 2 Family Dollar Rialto (SUB BIDS ONLY) Microwave System Lifecycle Replacement Installation of Shade Structures Cabling & Electrical Svcs for the Fontana DMV Field Office Consultant Services for Traffic and Intelligent Transportation Systems CIP Water Distribution Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition(SCADA) Metal Beam Guardrail Repair in San Diego & Imperial Counties Soccer Turf Traffic Signal Maint & Emergency On Call Svcs Council Chambers Remodel Project, Phase 2 Fluid Applied Roofing Restoration for Heritage & Paloma Valley HS I-805 / SR 94 Transit-Only Lane Project Bub Williamson Park Renovation Project School Area Streetlight Project Landscape Maintenance Services Walnut Avenue Street Improvement Demolition & Closure of an Abandoned Well Operations & Warehouse Relocation Project Increment-2 Alvarado Trunk Sewer Ph IV & TS Water Main Relocations Roof Replacement at El Toro HS Bldg 200 Water Group 968 Housing Element Update and Environmental Documents Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Support Services Roofing at Multiple Sites, Part 1 Arenoso Lane Sewer Line Rehab Site Work & Well Fitting for New Well 42 Roofing @ Multiple Sites, Part 2 P-1 Sewer Upsize Project for Sweetwater HS HVAC Maint & Repair Svcs Landscape Maint (Area 1) Jurupa MS - Increment 1A Sitework Bid Package Environmental Testing Svcs Central Union HS District Central HS STEM Building Job Order Contract # 19 CSUSB FY 19/20 Sewer Lining

San Bernardino Orange Riverside Orange San Diego Orange Orange San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Diego Orange San Diego San Diego San Bernardino Orange Orange Los Angeles San Bernardino San Bernardino Orange San Diego Riverside Riverside San Bernardino Imperial Riverside San Bernardino Orange San Bernardino Imperial,San Diego San Diego San Bernardino Orange Riverside San Diego San Diego San Diego Orange Orange San Diego San Diego San Diego Orange San Diego Orange Riverside San Diego Orange Riverside San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego Riverside San Diego Imperial San Bernardino Orange



$404,000 $625,000 $7,000,000

$1,000,000 $311,000

$1,500,000 $140,000

$2,009,512 $3,176,600 $480,000 $12,000 $59,800,000 $2,750,000

$150,000 $980,590 $1,200,000



AGC Construction Reporter

April 8, 2020

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 04/28/2020 04/28/2020 04/28/2020 04/28/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 04/30/2020 05/01/2020 05/01/2020 05/01/2020 05/04/2020 05/04/2020 05/04/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020

UNIQLO at Fashion Valley (Sub-Bids Only) Balboa Park Pipeline Replacement Ph III Palomar/Yucca Trail Signal Improvements Re-Bid Logan Heights FHCSD – Solar Panel Sys Monterey Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Job Order Contract (JOC) Pavement Maintenance Asphalt Patch & Repair CVESD Terrace Hills Middle School Parking Expansion Project Job Order Contracts (JOC) General Engineering Imperial Dam Concrete Repairs 2020 Integrated Mitigation Project Concrete & Grading CVESD Outer Highway Sidewalk Project Primary Disinfection Facility Sodium Hypochlorite Storage & Feed System Sewer Main Replacement La Sierra Avenue Reconstruction and Slurry Seal Chicago Avenue Reconstruction Project 2nd Street, Dool Avenue and Beach Avenue Water Pipeline Replacement Citywide Wastewater Master Plan Update Svcs General Landscape Maint Natural Gas Pipelines Replacement at Plant No. 1 & 2 Thermal Mutual Water Co. Oasis Gardens Mobile Home Park Water Sys Lindley Reservoir Replacement Orange Coast College (OCC) Rocket Sculpture Street Storm Drain Improvement, Cholla Ave. Drywell Install Re-Bid Fort Irwin Library Interim Campus Locker Room Addition Cooley Dr. Water Conservation Landscape Rehab Demo of 4004 Electric Ave. & 314 W. 40th St. 20-050 Asphalt Slurry Seal CM Svcs for the Clearwell Seismic Improvements Citywide Non-Potable/Recycled Water Master Plan Update Svcs As-Needed Culvert Materials Sewer Siphon Improvements Elder Canal Concrete Lining Delivery 108 to109 Palm View ES 150-2020FB Landscape Maintenance Services Marine View ES Modernization Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon on Cactus Ave at Woodland Park Citywide Water Master Plan Update Svcs Water Quality Monitoring & Reporting Svcs Methane Detection & Modernization @ “I” Street Maint Facility Off-Grid Photovoltaic Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station English Channel Mitigation - Native Ldscp & Maint Svcs Mountain Ave & Holt Blvd Intersection Widening Well Rehab Assessment & Repair Projects Const Contract for Cajon Air Ctr - Aircraft Transient Apron Bus Wrap Services As-Needed Arch, Eng, Planning & Related Pro Svcs for Fed Aviation Admin Concrete Repairs @ the West Valley Facility Quarterly Maintenance & Repair Services for Roll-Up Gates & Pedestrian Doors Markham Tank Interior Recoating District Office - Relocation of (7) Modular Buildings Fire Headquarters Station Replacement SBWRP Variable Frequency Drive Replace Field Improvements CTE Culinary Arts Landscape Diesel Fuel Sampling and Cleaning for Emergency Generators Heritage Fields K-8 No. 3 Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI) Implementation – Phase 1

San Diego San Diego San Bernardino San Diego Unknown Orange San Diego San Bernardino Orange Imperial Riverside San Diego San Bernardino Orange Imperial Riverside Riverside Imperial San Bernardino San Diego Orange Riverside San Diego Orange San Bernardino San Bernardino Orange San Bernardino San Bernardino Riverside San Diego San Bernardino San Diego Orange Imperial Riverside Riverside Orange Riverside San Bernardino San Diego San Bernardino San Diego San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino San Diego Orange San Diego San Bernardino Orange Riverside Imperial Imperial San Diego Imperial Orange Orange Orange

$5,020,000 $481,885 $4,980,000 $4,980,000

$5,900,000 $2,000,000

$607,000 $14,700,000 $45,000 $10,000,000


$15,535,000 $340,000 $986,000 $7,556,039 $8,100,000

$60,000 $6,700,000 $632,000


AGC Construction Reporter

April 8, 2020

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 05/06/2020 05/06/2020 05/06/2020 05/06/2020 05/07/2020 05/07/2020 05/07/2020 05/07/2020 05/07/2020 05/07/2020 05/07/2020 05/07/2020 05/08/2020 05/08/2020 05/11/2020 05/11/2020 05/12/2020 05/12/2020 05/12/2020 05/12/2020 05/12/2020 05/13/2020 05/13/2020 05/14/2020

Redhawk Reclaimed Water Pump Station LMD 4 Fence Replacement Godfrey Gym Fitness Center Modernization Underground Utility Assessment: Dist 111; Underground Utility Dist 22, Ph2 Const of Pipeline Project CIP20001 Conceptual Design Svcs forthe Station 178 Towne Ctr Orange County Region Pipelines - Right of Way Infrastructure Protection Ph 1 MV-Design San Luis Rey River Habitat Restoration Fire Station 66 Remodel Chiller Plant & Cooling Tower Svcs @ Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility Fall Arrest System RCTC - I-215/Placentia Ave Interchange Citrus II Tank Interior Recoating Well Pump Maintenance & Repair at Various Locations FY 2020-2021 Washwater Tank Seismic & Clearwell Seismic Improvements Pump Station Improvement Project Ph 1 Nimitz Bridge at NTC Rehabilitation Lone Pine Canyon Road On-Call Waste Water Engineering Design Service High Density Mobile Storage Sys Energy Partner - Energy Supply & Charge Management Services Fire Alarm System Handy ES Fire Alarm System Orange Pre-K CV Link On-Street Class IV and NEV Path Pine Ave. Extension to State Route 71 - Ramp Widening Design Svcs San Marcos Interceptor - Ph 2 Traffic Signal & ADA Improvements City Hall Trash Enclosure Modifications PIxie, Johnston and Soboba Waterline Installation Traffic Signal Cabinet Replacements CSA 59 Road Rehabilitation

Riverside San Bernardino Imperial Orange San Diego San Bernardino Orange San Diego San Bernardino San Diego Riverside Riverside Riverside Orange San Diego San Diego San Diego San Bernardino Riverside San Diego Orange Orange Orange Riverside San Diego San Diego Riverside San Diego Riverside Orange San Bernardino

$1,200,000 $175,000 $7,000,000 $2,700,000 $900,000 $140,000 $43,533,000 $4,500,000 $357,000

$5,000,000 $6,700,000 $2,500,000 $65,000 $180,000


AGC Construction Reporter

April 8, 2020

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 05/14/2020 05/14/2020 05/14/2020 05/14/2020 05/15/2020 05/15/2020 05/18/2020 05/19/2020 05/19/2020 05/19/2020 05/20/2020 05/20/2020 05/22/2020 05/26/2020 05/26/2020 05/27/2020 05/28/2020 05/29/2020 06/30/2020 12/30/2020

Police Carport Measure E Series 2 Improvements - Expansions at Bonita Canyon ES... Las Palmas Apartments Exterior Bldg Repairs & Painting Poinsettia Lift Station Hydraulic Surge Protection South Carlsbad Boulevard Climate Adaption Project Harrison Elementary School Paint Project Water System and Wastewater System Comprehensive Master Plan Updates Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements Parkway Dr. & Alvarado Rd. Trunk Sewer Ph. 3 Upgrade County Building 14 Package 3A (PreQualifications of Subs) Easement Cleaning Services On-Call Arch & Engineering Consulting & Staffing Support Svcs SBCMP00000544447 Task Order Construction Agreement MEA District Wide Construction Mgmt Svcs Installation & Disposal of Activated Carbon Plant 1 Thickening & Dewatering The East County Advanced Water Purification Project Pkg 3 OH Complex/M Remodel - Audio Visual Demo of Mount Etna Crime Lab CSU San Marcos - 19/20 Blanket Cap Advertisement ISO 18000 6C Compliant Transponders RFQ

San Bernardino Orange San Bernardino San Diego San Diego Riverside Riverside San Diego San Diego Orange Orange San Diego San Bernardino San Diego Orange San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego Orange

$72,638 $420,000 $45,000 $853,480 $5,200,000


$135,000 $4,200,000


AGC Construction Reporter

April 8, 2020


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Emergency Repairs &/or Const Svcs for Fiscal Yr 20202022

April 09, 2020

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

Cuyamaca Rancho SP Residence 13 Siding Replacement Bid Date: 4/9/2020

Cuyamaca Rancho SP Residence 13 Siding Replacement Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/25/20, 10 am, 15106 Highway 79, Julian, CA 92036

Owner: Department of Parks & Recreation 760-767-4037 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Mech, Elect & Plmbg Repairs @ Various Seaport Village Bldgs Bid Date: 4/9/2020

2:00 PM

Project Type: RFSQ

Addenda: 3 Ref#: 10104 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Rene LeLevier, 858-505-6545, Owner: County of San Diego

Addenda: 1 Ref#: C1943011 Est: $55,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Cherilyn Macadam, 760-767-4354,

Engineering for Replacement of Fire Station Emergency Generator Bid Date: 4/9/2020

3:00 PM

Addenda: 0

AGC #: 20-00808

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

Owner: San Diego Unified Port District (619) 686-6396 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Solana Beach

The City of Solana Beach is seeking assistance with the preparation of construction drawing and bid documents for the replacement of the emergency generator at the Solana Beach Fire Station.

The work shall include, but is not limited to, the following as shown on the Plans and described in these Specifications. a. Demolish and remove existing mechanical units, thermostats, and electrical conduits and cables associated with mechanical units;b. Replace and install new outdoor heat pumps, associated indoor fan coils, refrigerant lines, condensate pumps, thermostats, and electrical fused connections and filler plates on panels;c. Install new ladders;d. Other Incidental items of work;e. A project sign is required.3. The work must comply with California Building Standards Code Title 24. Contractor will be required to secure a building permit for this project from the City of San Diego.

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 2019-30 Est: $78,760 Misc. Notes: Change all references to Questions Due By date to March 19, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.


BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

San Diego AGC #: 20-00968

Project Type: Engineering

San Diego

Emergency Repairs &/or Const Svcs for Fiscal Yr 2020-2022

Julian AGC #: 20-00863

3:00 PM

AGC #: 20-00737

4:00 PM

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: 1030320-0115

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Dan Goldberg, Tel:(858) 720-2474 Fax:(858) 755-1782, Owner: City of Solana Beach (858) 720-2474 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Acceptance Testing Services: Heber Avenue Improvements From Correll Road to Fawcett Road 4:00 PM


Acceptance Testing Services/Independent Assurance Program Verification Services: Heber Avenue Improvements From Correll Road to Fawcett Road In Imperial County AGC #: 20-01055

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 6278 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Direct inquiries to . Owner: County of Imperial (442) 265-1818 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Re-Roofing Project Meridian ES

April 09, 2020

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

Site Improvements, Block Fence & Paving Replacement Bid Date: 4/9/2020

11:00 AM


Removal and replacement of concrete block walls, removal and replacement ofconcrete paving’s, roof framing at dwelling unit entrances, replacement of entrance and security doors at (25) dwelling units located in the City of Calexico, California, County of Imperial as indicated on the drawings. AGC #: 20-01132

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0

12:00 PM

El Cajon

Re-Roofing Project Meridian ES AGC #: 20-01207 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Building

Ref#: 1539

Est: $250,000

Misc. Notes: Due to school closures, bids being hand delivered will ONLY be accepted on April 9, 2020 (day of bid opening) after 7:30 a.m. and no later than 12:00:00 p.m. Bids may be delivered via FedEx or other courier services any time prior to the bid deadline. However, hand delivery is encouraged as delivery services may be unreliable at this time.

Ref#: IV28-2019-Portion 1 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, work to be completed within (180) consecutive calendar days, Direct All Inquiries to Javier Diaz Architects, (Tech inquiries must be submitted in writing), Phone: 760-427-7587

Acceptance Testing Services Access Improvements to the Imperial Valley Desert Museum

Owner: Imperial Valley Housing Authority (760) 351-7000

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Assurance Program Verification Services: Access Improvements to the ImperialValley Desert Museum Along Imperial Highway From Interstate 8 to State Route98 in Imperial County; Federal Aid Project

Painting Project Various School Sites Bid Date: 4/9/2020

El Cajon

Painting Project Various School Sites

Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 1537

Est: $250,000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-33, painting - Direct Inquires to Sharon Clay, Director, Purchasing & Logistics, (619) 588-3266,

Asphalt Re-Seal & Replacement Various School Sites El Cajon

Asphalt Re-Seal & Replacement Various School Sites AGC #: 20-01206 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 1538

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: FERPL16- 5958(104) Misc. Notes: Project bids to owner, Direct contact to Jose Castaneda Owner: Imperial County Department of Public Works (442) 2651818 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

10:00 AM


Flooring @ 4 School Sites

Owner: Cajon Valley Union School District-Purchasing Department (619) 588-3266

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

4:00 PM

AGC #: 20-01241

2:00 PM

AGC #: 20-01205

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

3:00 PM



Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Job walk will be conducted on April 3, at 3:00 PM, start at Potter Jr High School & proceed to additional sites, 1743 Reche Rd, Fallbrook, CA 92028.

Est: $200,000

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 384-19-20 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A, Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C15 General Engineering or C-12 Earthwork & Paving - Direct Inquires Direct Inquires to or call 760-731-5452 to Sharon Clay, Owner: Fallbrook Union Elementary School District (760) 7315452 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Drywood Termite Tent Fumigation Svc

April 09, 2020

Bid Date: 4/10/2020

2:00 PM


Re-Roof TPO & Shingle @ Live Oak ES AGC #: 20-01274

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/3/20, 2 pm, Live Oak Elementary, 1978 Reche Rd, Fallbrook, CA 92028 Addenda: 0

San Diego

Drywood Termite Tent Fumigation Svc

Re-Roof TPO & Shingle @ Live Oak ES Re-Bid Bid Date: 4/9/2020

5:00 PM

Ref#: 383-19-20

AGC #: 20-01294

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 3 Ref#: RFQ 10222 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Victoria Barboza, 858-505-6361, Owner: County of San Diego

(858) 505-6361

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Cog Sci Building AH Renewal (Prequal Contractors)

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Required C-39 Bid Date: 4/10/2020 10:00 AM La Jolla For further information, contact: Kirsten Martin, 760-731-5452, Replace three (3) air handling units: one in basement, two on roof. AHU-1 serves lecture space on the ground floor. AHU-2 and 3 serve BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be small office spaces. automatically directed to the project online. AGC #: 20-01302

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/31/20, 8 am, Participants shall meet at Cognitive Science Building Southside entrance. For further information, contact University's Representative Aaron Cooley, at 619.550.7136. UC San Diego maps Sewer & AC Water Group 1032 can be found at Attendees should plan to arrive Bid Date: 4/10/2020 2:00 PM San Diego in ample time to secure parking prior to the scheduled meeting time. Construction of approximately 11,763 lf (2.23 miles) of Polyvinyl Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1000804580/P4S-877 Est: $580,000 Chloride (PVC) sewer mains to replace existing 6-inch, 8-inch, 10Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-20 inch and 12-inch diameter Vitrified Clay (VC) sewer Mains, Direct Inquires to Hiroko Wilson, (858) 822-4470, including associated laterals manholes, cleanouts and all other, appurtenances. This project also includes replacement of Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program approximate 200 Lf of existing 10-inch PVC sewer main using Management (858) 822-4470 trenchless method. Construction of approximately 16,819 Lf (3.19 miles) of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) water mains to replace existing 4 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be -inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch, 12-inch, 16-inch, and 20-inch automatically directed to the project online. Asbestos Cement (AC) Water Mains, including all associated water services and fire hydrants. This project also includes replacement of approximately 200 Lf of existing 12 inch AC water main using trenchless method and abandonment of a total of 5,599 Lf April 13, 2020 (1.06 miles) of existing AC water mains. Improvement of curb ramps, resurfacing, etc and construction of storm water permanent BMP Operations & Warehouse Relocation BP W1 - W6 (Best Management Practice). Bid Date: 4/13/2020 2:00 PM Chula Vista AGC #: 20-01043 Project Type: Engineering Operations & Warehouse Relocation BP BP W1 – Site SetupBP W2 – SurveyBP W3 – Demolition and EarthworkBP W4 – Site Concrete and Addenda: 1 Ref#: K-20-1933-DBB-3 Est: $13,630,000 AsphaltBP W5 – Wet UtilitiesBP W6 – Dry Utilities Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 460 Working Days Project Type: Engineering - Contractor License Required A or C-34 - Direct Inquires to Juan AGC #: 20-00571 E. Espindola - 619-533-4491, Prebid Conf: MANDATORY

April 10, 2020

Owner: City of San Diego-PWC-Construction (619) 533-4491 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2/26/20, 10 am, Southwestern Community College Bldg 98A, 900 Otay Lakes Rd., Chula Vista, 91910 Addenda: 3

Ref#: 1920-2038Z

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class - Direct Inquires to Vani Aulicino, by 3/11/20 no later than 2 pm Owner: Southwestern Community College District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Lakeside Equestrian Facility

April 13, 2020

Bid Date: 4/13/2020

10:00 AM

San Diego

Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: PWL307.0-20

Est: $431,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Required A Direct Inquires to Troy Girard - 619-557-4572 Owner: MTS Procurement Dept. (619) 557-4572 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Lindo Lake Improvements Ph1 (East Basin) Bid Date: 4/13/2020

2:00 PM


Lindo Lake Improvements Phase 1 (East Basin)Improvements include dewatering the east basin, if needed, and excavation of approx. 100,000 CY of sediment per grading plans; temporary stockpiling of excavated material at a site(s) identified by the County; final reuse/disposal of excess excavated material; installation of bentonite clay liner on deepened lakebed with grouted cobble perimeter; installation of lake aeration system; installation of fish habitat structures; grading along basin perimeter; and initial (capped) installation of concrete culverts in the existing earthen causeway between the east and west basins. Site and civil improvements include grading; drainage; installation of a sediment basin; installation of erosion control and storm water Best Management Practices; installation of two (2) wells with pump systems; installation of stabilized decomposed granite paths; and installation of ADA accessible pedestrian curb ramps. Utility improvements include installation of temporary high line for lake water fill; water; wells; electric; air compressor and tubing for aeration system; and other as required for improvements. Landscape and amenity improvements include tree removal and tree protection;installation of planting and irrigation; installation of decorative boulders; installation of a fishing pier;installation of bird watching stations; installation of viewing areas; installation of site furnishings; andinstallation of protection fencing. Contractor shall follow and meet all regulations required by agencies having jurisdiction. AGC #: 20-00836 Addenda: 3

AGC #: 20-00838 Addenda: 7

Middletown 9, 11 Overhead Catenary Sys (OCS) AGC #: 20-00816


Lakeside Equestrian Facility

Middletown 9, 11 Overhead Catenary Sys (OCS) Bid Date: 4/13/2020

2:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 10161

Misc. Notes: The County will conduct bid openings through a video feed using the WebEx platform instead of in person attendance. Bid abstracts will be posted to BuyNet after bid opening. The link for the virtual bid opening for this bid is: MTID=maebeff5e54d6ddd2dee70e11059530d7 The County’s decision about the timeliness or responsiveness of any emailed bid shall be final, and the County Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting (858) 505-6385 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Steele Cyn Tennis Court Repair Bid Date: 4/13/2020

2:00 PM

La Mesa

Prep, repair, and resurface the six upper asphalt tennis courts. Resurface the lowersix concrete tennis courts. AGC #: 20-01185

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY March 23, 2020 at 10:00 am for the purpose of acquainting all prospective bidders with the bid documents and the work site. Attendance is mandatory, and any bidder that does not attend will be disqualified from work on the Project. The pre-bid conference(s) will begin at the Steele Canyon Tennis Courts, 12440 Campo Road, 91978. Addenda: 0

Ref#: CN-2099 Est: $125,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or B - Direct Inquires to District Contact: Rian Pinson, Director of Purchasing, Owner: Grossmont Union High School District (619) 644-8051 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 10153

: : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES J-93 Environmental Building Interior Improvements

April 13, 2020

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

Monte Vista Bleacher Repair Bid Date: 4/13/2020

2:00 PM

Spring Valley

Structural repairs to CMU stem walls, staircases and railing bases at the bleachers. AGC #: 20-01188

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY on March 24, 2020 at 10:30 am for the purpose of acquainting all prospective bidders with the bid documents and the work site. Attendance is mandatory, and any bidder that does not attend will be disqualified from work on the Project. The pre-bid conference(s) will begin at the Monte Vista Stadium, 3230 Sweetwater Springs Blvd, 91977. Addenda: 0

Ref#: CN-2100 Est: $120,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required B Direct Inquires to District Contact: Rian Pinson, Director of Purchasing, BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

April 14, 2020 Water System Automation Replacement Plan Bid Date: 4/14/2020

Review, analyze, and update the SCADA Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Future Cost Assessment and Financial Plan implemented to support automation of the irrigation system installed in the early 1990’s. The Water System Automation Capital Replacement Plan shall include:Conduct an on-site review of the existing SCADA system and recommend expansion or upgrade plan.Identify and categorize the main components of SCADA system, except microwave systemEvaluate expected useful life for SCADA system componentsThe information collected shall be analyzed and summarized in a draft Technical Manual for staff review and commentCreate a replacement schedule at 5 year intervals, based upon the IID/MWD agreement with an end date of 2041Develop replacement costs with inflation escalators (escalation factor determined by IID)Develop cash flow analysisPresentation of final document (Water System Automation Capital Replacement Plan) to management AGC #: 20-00790


Provide labor, equipment, materials, and transportation for carpentry services for the interior remodel of J93 located at 420 E. Barioni Blvd, Imperial. AGC #: 20-00922

Project Type: RFP

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3-5-20 8am at IID’s J-93 Environmental Building, 420 E. Barioni Boulevard, Imperial, CA. 92251 Addenda: 3 Ref#: PRFP 1389 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class “B” California Contractor’s License or an “A”, Direct inquiries to Mr. Marty P. Holbrook (Questions due Tuesday, March 24, 2020 by 5:00 p.m., reference PRFP 1389) : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Rain Gutter Replacement @ Gen Svcs Bldg Bid Date: 4/14/2020

10:00 AM

San Diego

The project will remove and dispose of approximately 1,400 lineal feet of galvanized steel gutter and approximately 800 lineal feet of downspouts including fittings, sleeve and steel plate flanges; fabrication and installation of new 24-gauge, Type 316 stainless steel gutters and 20-gauge stainless steel, Type 316, seamless downspouts; 16-gauge, Type 316 stainless steel downspout sleeves, and other work as shown on the drawings and as specified.

Imperial AGC #: 20-01048

5:00 PM

5:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1

Ref#: Est: $135,000 Misc. Notes: In Light of the recent circumstances, the District Will conduct a Pre-Bid Meeting 3/19/20 @ 10 am, via dial-in option ONLY, Toll Number: +1 (619-) 535-7686, (Dial-in Number) Conference ID: 547427352 Owner: San Diego Unified Port District 619-686-6427 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3-16-20 10:00am at IID’s Water Control Conference Room, 333 East Barioni Boulevard, Imperial, CA 92251 Addenda: 3 Ref#: SRFP 378 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Direct inquiries to Marty P. Holbrook Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (IID) (760) 339-9253 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 14, 2020 As-Needed Tech Svcs for Long Range Planning

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

2:00 PM

La Mesa

Demolition of W1 & W2 along with new construction of a 8650 sq ft warehouse.

Project Type: Engineering San Diego AGC #: 20-01172 The District’s Planning Department seeks qualifications for on-call, as- Prebid Conf: MANDATORY March 30, 2020 at 10:00 am The pre-bid conference(s) will begin at needed consulting services for projects and initiatives on District the District Warehouse, 9600 Milden St, 91942 tidelands, submerged lands, and uplands in and around San Diego Bay. The firm(s) selected will be expected to provide as-needed Addenda: 1 Ref#: CN-2101 Est: $2,800,000 consulting services to support the District’s Planning Department. The Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or B Planning Department performs a variety of environmental and land - Direct Inquires to Rian Pinson, use planning research, analyses, and regulatory document Owner: Grossmont Union High School District (619) 644-8051 preparation for District initiated projects, plans, policies, and studies. The Planning Department develops long-range and master planning BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be programs and work projects. The Scope of Services is divided into automatically directed to the project online. eleven (11) service groups.

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

11:00 AM

AGC #: 20-01085

Project Type: RFQ

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/19/20, 11 am, Dial-In Meeting Only, Those interested in attending the Dial-In Meeting shall RSVP by sending an email to with the following info by 3/18/20, 11 am, a. Full Name b. Company Name c. Contract Phone number d. email e. list all that apply to your firm Addenda: 2

Ref#: 20-20KC(A)

Green Valley Campground Valve Replacement Re-Bid

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

3:00 PM


The contractor shall supply all labor, materials and tools to; Complete the valve replacement located at the Green Valley Campground, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, San Diego County, California, as described in job walk by State Representative. AGC #: 20-01234

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Misc. Notes: Dial-In information: Toll Number: 1 + (619) 535-7686, A Mandatory Conference call will be held on Tuesday April 7, 2020 @ Conference ID: 4006, Email Contact is preferred at this time. Any 10:00 AM. The Conference call # is (877) 966-4144 - participant code call may have a delay in reponse. # 8471499. Contractors are required to participate in the conference call in order to Bid on this project. Owner: Port of San Diego (619) 686-7244

Ref#: C1943023 Est: $47,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A, C36 - Direct Inquires to Cherilyn MacAdam, Contracts Art Installation Svcs Administrator (760) 767-4354 or e-mailing Bid Date: 4/14/2020 5:00 PM Carlsbad Owner: Department of Parks & Recreation (760) 767-4354 The City of Carlsbad is seeking a contractor to assist the City in the installation of artwork at the William D. Cannon Art Gallery located at BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA, support temporary art installations automatically directed to the project online. within the City limits of Carlsbad and provide installation support at Mesa Grande Generators other City facilities on an as needed basis. Contractor shall not perform any construction or electrical work that would require any Bid Date: 4/14/2020 2:00 PM Santa Ysabel permit or inspection. The City of Carlsbad has issued this request to Procuremnet & installation of minimum 60kW propane standby solicit proposals from contractors who can provide these services. generator & appurtennaces for the Black Canyon water system, Depending on the performance of the contractor, there is the opportunity, by mutual agreement, to extend the contract for up to four including generator, concrete pad, auto-transfer switch, all piping, wiring, & connections to propane gas & electric systems. Work may (4) additional one-year periods. also include purchase of minium 12kW portable gasoline generator & AGC #: 20-01162 Project Type: RFP associated appurtenances for the Tract 2 water system, depending on pricing. Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP 20-16 AGC #: 20-01243 Project Type: Engineering Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires Shea Sainz - 760BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

602-2467 Owner: City of Carlsbad - Finance (760) 602-2467 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 0

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 19-E84 Est: $120,000 Misc. Notes: Contact Josh Sims directly for bid pkg O(760)7356882 C(760) 317-8161 Owner: Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians 760-782-3818 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES El Centro Generating Station Injection Wells IW-1 & IW-3 Wellbore Cleanout

April 15, 2020

Bid Date: 4/15/2020

5:00 PM

El Centro

The Respondent scope of services should include minimum 1-3/4” Living Coast Discovery Ctr Roof Replacement coiled tubing equipment, sufficient nitrogen to be mixed with IID Bid Date: 4/15/2020 2:00 PM Chula Vista supplied water to create a power fluid mixture for tubular and wellbore cleaning, coiled tubing water pump, flow tee, flow lines and valve The furnishing of all labor, material, tools and equipment to replace manifold between well head and gas buster as required to perform the existing roof systems at the Living Coast Discovery Center. work. AGC #: 20-00609 Project Type: Engineering AGC #: 20-00912 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/3/20, 10 am, Living Coast Discovery Ctr (Parking Lot) 1000 3-18 9am at the El Centro Generating Station Maintenance Training Gunpowder Point Dr., Chula Vista, 91910 Room, 485 East Villa Road, El Centro CA 92243 Addenda: 2 Ref#: GGV0234 Est: $149,500 Addenda: 4 Ref#: SRFP 376 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - 45 Working Days - Contractor License Required C-39 - Direct Inquires to Silvia Cosio - 619-397- Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class D-9” California Specialty Classification License or an “A”, Direct 6048, inquiries to Owner: City of Chula Vista (619) 397-6048 Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (760) 339-9706 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

P-312 PMO Facility Replacement at MCRD San Diego, PTO X023 Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM

Mission Beach Water & Sewer Replacement

San Diego Bid Date: 4/15/2020

P-312 PMO Facility Replacement at MCRD San Diego, PTO X023The intention of this solicitation is to obtain all services, labor, materials, and equipment necessary to provide design and construction services for P312 PMO Facility Replacement at Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD), San Diego, CA.Completion date is 615 calendar days after task order award. AGC #: 20-00871

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Building

Ref#: N62473-15-D-2485, Est: $9,645,000 PTO X023 Misc. Notes: Sub bids to Selected Bidders - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER, MILITARY, DESIGN TEAM... -

Addenda: 6

: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2:00 PM

San Diego

Construction of Mission Beach Water and Sewer consists of the installation of2,350.43 linear feet of sewer mains, and 18,153.01 linear feet of water mains, water services, firehydrants, sewer laterals and manholes, curb/ramps, resurfacing, traffic control and otherappurtenaces . AGC #: 20-01017

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1

Ref#: K-20-1931-DBB-3 Est: $14,740,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 700 Working Days - Contractor License Required A or C-34 - Direct Inquires to Rosa Riego - 619-533-3426 Owner: City of San Diego (619) 533-3426 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Powerhouse Park Community Ctr Deck Expansion Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM

Del Mar

The City of Del Mar seeks a bid from qualified contractor for construction of the COMMUNITY CENTER DECK EXPANSION. The WORK generally consists of the construction of an open air second story deck connected to the existing Powerhouse Park Community Center, including lighting and area drains. AGC #: 20-01025

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: Est: $425,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A Direct Inquires to Owner: City of Del Mar, (858) 704-3681 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES As-Needed Utility Locating Consulting Svcs FY 2021-2023

April 15, 2020

Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM

Spring Valley

The Otay Water District (District) will require the services of a utility locating consulting firm (Consultant) to provide professional services to support the District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP), USA Bid Date: 4/15/2020 4:00 PM Ontario Mark-out Program, and the Right-of-Way Management Program for a period of three fiscal years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) on an as-needed The City of Ontario is seeking proposals from qualified firms that are basis interested in providing the City with maintenance services to control sewer line root intrusion. AGC #: 20-01366 Project Type: SOQ

Sewer Root Control Svcs

AGC #: 20-01264

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0

Addenda: 0

Ref#: 1283 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Project Duration 5 years Contractor License Required License w/California Dept of Pesticide Regulation - Direct Inquires to Owner: City of Ontario

(909) 395-2012

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc Painting at Operations Center Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM

Chula Vista

Est: $600,000

Misc. Notes: Interested candidates are required to e-mail a Letter of Interest (LOI) and a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to Michael O’Donnell, P.L.S., at If a firm has submitted a SOQ to the District within the calendar year and the qualifications remain current and accurate, then only a LOI is required. Owner: Otay Water District 619-670-2793 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

This Request for Quote (RFQ) is issued to cover the cost to Sweetwater Authority (Authority) forMiscellaneous painting to be completed at the Authority’s Operations Center Building.Location: Sweetwater AuthorityDistribution Center744 F StreetChula Vista, CA 91910 AGC #: 20-01332


Project Type: RFQ

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/6/20, 9 am, Sweetwater Authority Operations Center 744 F Street Chula Vista, CA 91910 Addenda: 1 Ref#: S2019-96 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Sylvia McCain Phone (619) 409-6872 , Owner: Sweetwater Authority BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES New Briar Concrete Lining (Alamitos Check to the Flume Crossing the All-American Canal)

April 16, 2020

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

5:00 PM


Spinal Cord Injury and Community Living Center (SCI/CLC) Replace the existing concrete lining of the New Briar Canal from the Alamitos Check to the flume crossing the All-American Canal (AAC). Building & Parking Structure

The project is located approximately 3.5 miles east of the city of San Diego Calexico, CA; north of Anza Road, west of Barbara Worth Road in the southeast ¼ of Section 16, T.17S.-R.15E., SBM. (See Attachment “D” (Design-Bid-Build Unrestricted Best Value Trade Off) Spinal Cord Project Site Location Map). Injury and Community Living Center (SCI/CLC) Building and Parking Structure, Veterans' Affairs Healthcare System, San Diego, AGC #: 20-00757 Project Type: Building California:Work will include the construction of a new SCI/CLC Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Building of approximately 197,000 SF expansion to the VA San Diego 3-3-20 8am at IID’s Bell Building, 2151 W. Adams Avenue, El Centro, Campus consisting of a 50-bed SCI Center, 33-bed CLC, outpatient California 92243 clinic, physical/occupational therapy and aquatic therapy. In addition, the project includes central plan, site infrastructural upgrades and a Addenda: 3 Ref#: SRFP 374 new 800-car parking structure. Work also includes general building Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class A, Direct construction, clearing and grubbing, site preparation, erosion controls, inquiries to Marty P. Holbrook, roads, paving and sidewalks, grading, drainage and sewer, Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (IID) (760) 339-9253 landscaping, site lighting, fire suppression, site utilities, mechanical, electrical, telecommunications and associated work. The new BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be expansion project is located on the VA San Diego Healthcare system automatically directed to the project online. campus located at 3350 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, CA 92161. The main hospital is to remain fully operational during the construction Fairbrook Neighborhood Park Development

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM

AGC #: 19-04389

Project Type: RFP

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

Addenda: 8 Ref#: W912PL-20-R-0004 Est: $250,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Attn: CESPL-CT-E - Primary Point of Contact: Tracey Daggy, Contract Specialist,, Phone: (213) 452-3239, Secondary Point of Contact: Sandra Oquita, Contracting Officer,, Phone: 213 452-3249, Fax: 213 452-4184 Owner: US Army Corps of Engineers USACE BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

San Marcos Boulevard Slope Stabilization Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM

San Marcos

2:00 PM


Construction of Fairbrook Neighborhood Park Development shall include,and not limited to demolition, shade structure, play area structures and safety surfacing, sitefurnishings, drinking fountain, paving, sidewalk, planting, establishment of irrigation systems,drainage system, prefabricated comfort station, stormwater treatment basins, safety lighting,half court basketball, pickleball court, pedestrian faux bridge and other park amenities. AGC #: 20-01111

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1

Ref#: K-20-1936-DBB-3 Est: $3,750,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 330 Working Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Ron McMinn 619-533-4618 Owner: City of San Diego PWC (619) 533-4618 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be

San Marcos Boulevard Slope Stabilization:Furnishing all materials, automatically directed to the project online. equipment, tools, labor and incidentals to perform the work as required by the plans. The general scope of work includes the installation of piles (shear pins) at the top of an existing slope in order to stabilize the existing slope adjacent to San Marcos Boulevard. This project will also include the removal and replacement of sidewalk, street lights, fire hydrants, curb and gutter, irrigation improvements, slope planting, and the temporary relocation of water meters and valves. AGC #: 20-00688 Addenda: 2

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: CONBID 20-02

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Direct Inquiries to Ramona Edwards, 760-744-1050 x3267, Owner: City of San Marcos BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Chet F. Harritt School Learning Resource Ctr Classroom Addition

April 16, 2020

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM


Project consists of construction of a new approximately 17,000 s.f. Road Maint Pavement Seal - Countywide single-story wood framedLearning Resource Center and Classroom Bid Date: 4/16/2020 2:00 PM San Diego Addition, and associated site work on an existing school campus. Work includes, but is not limited to demolition, hazardous abatement, Consists in general of pavement seal road resurfacing. The project will also include, butnot limited to localized pavement repair, roadway grading,landscaping, slab on grade, concrete, rough carpentry, steel, preparation, traffic striping and delineation.The project is in the vicinity roofing, sheet metal, doors, framesand hardware, glazing, interior finishes, suspended ceilings, specialties, plumbing, mechanicalHVAC of Supervisorial Districts 2 and 5 of the unincorporated areas of and electrical. theCounty of San Diego, State of California. AGC #: 20-01148

Project Type: Engineering

AGC #: 20-01230

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFB 10204 Est: $3,600,000 Misc. Notes: Project Manager, Louise Adamson - (406) 212-6476 Misc. Notes: The County will conduct bid openings through a video feed using the WebEx platform instead of in person Project Superintendent, John Roach - (858) 228-7924 attendance. Bid abstracts will be posted to BuyNet after bid opening. The link Project Executive, Michelle Reiner- (858) 231-3029 for the virtual bid opening for this bid is: MTID=m2edcb4c9c5d3fba1ea75d76927a637a0 Construction Manager: Balfour Beatty (858) 635-7400 Owner: County of San Diego (858) 505-6474 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Wegeforth ES Security Fencing & Classroom Upgrades LLB

automatically directed to the project online.

Commercial Industrial Services Scaffolding, IDIQ Contract Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM

San Diego

Commercial Industrial Services (CIS) Scaffolding, Indefinite Delivery, San Diego Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract Create a “Single Point of Entry” at the CDC on the East side of the AGC #: 20-01256 Project Type: Supplier Wegeforthcampus. Upgrade security fencing including the installation of one pedestrian gatewith access control and two double Addenda: 1 Ref#: N5523619R0017 maintenance gates. Monitoring stations tobe placed inside the two : classroom buildings. Lighting retrofitting and finish workincluding Owner: Southwest Regional Maintenance Center flooring, paint and signage to be performed in all three existing buildings. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

AGC #: 20-01210 Addenda: 0


2:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering Est: $350,000

Misc. Notes: RFI DEADLINE: RFI’s to be issued to Swinerton via email to the contacts below by no later than April 9 th , 2020 @ 2:00PM. RFI’s received after this deadline will not be responded to. Construction Manager: Swinerton (949) 299-4801 Owner: San Diego Unified School District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

automatically directed to the project online.

SMHS Visitor Bleachers Bid Date: 4/16/2020

10:00 AM

San Marcos

Demo & replace San Marcos HS football field visitor bleachers. Includes accessibility site upgrades as required by DSA to ADA site signage, site gate access, add van parking stall & minor site electrical revisions to accommodate bleacher accessibility. AGC #: 20-01386

Project Type: Sub-Bid Request

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 3490 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Zac Zander, (760) 505-8539, Construction Manager: Lusardi Construction (760) 505-8539 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Palomar Health Enterprise Lab Relocation

April 16, 2020

Bid Date: 4/17/2020

Solana Beach School District – District Office Exterior Paint Bid Date: 4/16/2020

Solana Beach School District – District Office Exterior Paint Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY MANDATORY PRE-BID "WALK" is scheduled for Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 7:30 am at Solana Beach School District Office 309 North Rios Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-0330 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-33 or B - Direct Inquires to owner Owner: Solana Beach School District 858-794-7149 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

April 17, 2020 Bus Wash Replacement Bid Date: 4/17/2020

2:00 PM



Provide turnkey construction services for Lab build out of City of Escondido approved drawings. This will be a prevailing wage project

Solana Beach AGC #: 20-01244

2:00 PM

AGC #: 20-01390

2:00 PM

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 126625 Misc. Notes: Responses to RFI’s will be provided in an amendment by Friday April 10, 2020 by 5:00 pm Owner: Palomar Health Const Dept BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

CCTV Inspection & Cleaning Svcs - Spring Valley Small Diameter II Bid Date: 4/17/2020

11:00 AM

Spring Valley

CCTV Inspection & Cleaning Svcs - Spring Valley Small Diameter II AGC #: 20-01267

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFP 10215 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Michael Bautista, 858-505-6352, Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing and Contracting (858) 505-6352 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be

North County Transit District seeks bids for the replacement of the Bus automatically directed to the project online. Wash Systems at BREEZE Maintenance Facilities - West and East Sam's Club #6235-215 (Sub-Bids Only) Division. AGC #: 20-00851

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 7

Ref#: 29072 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - 360 days after NTP - Contractor License Required A or B - Direct Inquires to Joanne Cook - 760966-6682 Owner: North County Transit District (760) 966-6682 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Design of Otay 2nd Pipeline Ph 4 Bid Date: 4/17/2020

4:00 PM

Addenda: 0

12:00 PM

San Diego

Facility Upgrade: Interior and exterior demolition, new roof equipment, new exterior CC2 Tank cabinet, New Exterior bollard layout, new shop -in produce cooler, new shop-in dairy cooler, new and remodeled refrigerated cases, remodeled produce prep, new and remodeled signage, remodeled restrooms, remodeled sales area. AGC #: 20-01301 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Commercial


Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team

San Diego :

Design of Otay 2nd Pipeline Ph 4 AGC #: 20-01047

Bid Date: 4/17/2020

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: H207169

Est: $2,500,000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Direct Inquires to Owner Benjamin Almario - 619-533-4495 Owner: City of San Diego (619) 533-4495 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Mini Storage Jamul (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 4/17/2020

5:00 PM


Build new MINI Storage and its site. AGC #: 20-01316 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Commercial


Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Building & Safety Services

April 17, 2020

Bid Date: 4/20/2020

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2020-2022 Cuyamaca Rancho SP Site Prep and PreTreatment Contract Bid Date: 4/17/2020

4:30 PM

Del Mar

The City of Del Mar (City) is requesting proposals from qualified consulting professionals (Consultant) to provide building and safety services (Building Services), including Building Services administration, permit issuance, plan check, inspections, public counter services, and as-needed support for code enforcement and Building code and fee updates for the City of Del Mar.

5:00 PM

Julian AGC #: 20-01251 Project Type: RFP 2020-2022 Cuyamaca Rancho SP Site Prep and Pre-Treatment Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFP2020-02 Contract Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Joseph D. Smith, AGC #: 20-01326 Project Type: Engineering 858-704-3642, Addenda: 0 Ref#: C1943022 Owner: City of Del Mar, (858) 704-3642 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required Direct Inquires to Cherilyn Macadam, 760/767-4354,

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: Department of Parks & Recreation (760) 767-4354

April 21, 2020

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Sewer Group 776A Bid Date: 4/21/2020

April 20, 2020

2:00 PM

San Diego

Construction of Sewer Group 776A consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, services and construction of 2,352 LF of 10”,12” Design of AC Water & Sewer Grp 1033 and 15” sewer main, 1,375 LF of 6” and 8” sewer main rehabilitation, Bid Date: 4/20/2020 2:00 PM San Diego sewer manholes, sewer laterals, installation of curb ramps, pavement, resurfacing, abandonment of existing sewer mains, and all other work The City of San Diego (City) is soliciting proposals for the design, and appurtenances.1.1. The Work shall be performed in contract specifications, and the construction support of the AC Water & accordance with: Sewer Group 1033 project. The AC Water & Sewer Group 1033 AGC #: 20-01021 Project Type: Engineering includes the replacement, rehabilitation, and installation of approximately 21,270 LF of water and 12,900 LF of sewer pipeline Addenda: 0 Ref#: K-20-1920-DBB-3 Est: $3,820,000 improvements. Additionally, replacements of three existing Pressure Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 362 Working Days Regulating Stations (PRS) with SCADA. All intersections affected by - Contractor License Required A or C-34 or C-42 - Direct Inquires this pipeline project will require ADA upgrades to out of compliance curb ramps, street crossings, and parking requirements. The proposed to Taylor Cox - 619-533-3033 scope is within the University Heights 390 and Principal Downtown 231 hydraulic grade line (HGL), pressure zone supplied water from Owner: City of San Diego University Heights Reservoir and pressure regulating stations, and is BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be located in Council District 3, within Downtown and Uptown automatically directed to the project online. communities. AGC #: 20-00966 Addenda: 1

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: H207152

Est: $1,200,000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Benjamin Almario - 619-533-4495 Owner: City of San Diego (619) 533-4495 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 22, 2020

Roofing Multiple Sites Bid Date: 4/21/2020

2:00 PM

Replacement of Ped & Parking Lot Lights La Mesa Bid Date: 4/22/2020

Demo existing roof on all buildings listen in scope. Make repairs to existing roof asneeded and install PVC 60 mil single ply roofing material. AGC #: 20-01186

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY April 1, 2020 at 7:30 am Attendance at all schools is mandatory, and any bidder that does not attend may be disqualified from work on the Project. The pre-bid conference(s) will begin at the Helix Charter Front of School, 7323 University Ave, 91942 Addenda: 1

2:00 PM

Chula Vista

The scope of work consists of the removal and replacement of pedestrian walkway and parking lot lighting at Windingwalk Park located at 1675 Exploration Falls Drive and Veterans Park and Recreation Center located at 785 East Palomar. AGC #: 20-00810 Addenda: 2

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: PRK0326

Est: $404,000

Misc. Notes: ONLINE Q&A DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED to Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

Ref#: CN-2102 Est: $1,400,000 Owner: City of Chula Vista (619) 397-6048 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-39 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Direct Inquires to District Contact: Rian Pinson, Director of automatically directed to the project online. Purchasing, Owner: Grossmont Union High School District (619) 644-8051 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

On-Call Consultant Svcs for Unsolicited Proposals & Public Private Partnership Bid Date: 4/22/2020

5:00 PM

San Diego

The selected Consultants will be awarded an Agreement in the following service categories:Comprehensive A - Program Management E-2579 CSL Plasma National City (SUB BIDS ONLY) Consultant (PMC) ServicesComprehensive B - Financial Advisory Bid Date: 4/21/2020 5:00 PM National City ServicesNiche C - Market Sounding ServicesNiche D - Programmatic Development Support Niche E - Public Agency Capital Projects Description: The project work includes interior demolition and Strategic Advising ServicesNiche F - Urban Master Plan Design and complete renovation of the existing tenant space for a blood plasma collection facility, group B, business use. The existing tenant space is Advising ServicesNiche G - Federal Advising ServicesNiche H Alternative Funding Advising ServicesNiche I - Military Expertise and part of an existing multi-tenant building. The new use is assumed to Advising ServicesNiche J - Public Agency Project Office Development comply with existing adjacent occupancies with regard to separation Privacy Impacts Associated requirements. Prior use was group B, business use.The project scope Consulting ServicesNiche K with Data Sharing Consulting ServicesNiche L Joint Powers includes, but is not limited to:Final CleanInspections & Authority/Non-Profit Corporations Consulting Services TestingDemolitionConcreteMasonryStructural & Misc. SteelRough CarpentryInsulationOH DoorGlass & GlazingFraming & AGC #: 20-01086 Project Type: RFP DrywallAcoustical CeilingsFlooringPaintingDiv. 10 SpecialtiesAppliancesPlumbingHVACElectricalLow Voltage Addenda: 2 Ref#: SOL590188 AGC #: 20-01323 Misc. Notes: Register Now Link for Webinar Project Type: Commercial Addenda: 0 Ref#: oeidk=a07egy87urp78fd0e40&oseq=&c=a3dbf656-685c-11ea-9160 -d4ae52733d3a&ch=a3fd4626-685c-11ea-9160-d4ae52733d3a Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE Owner: SANDAG (619) 699-6952 OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be us from (Barker Contracting, Inc. ) , there may be other GC’s automatically directed to the project online. bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

April 22, 2020 UUP Curb Ramp Installation & Resurfacing Bid Date: 4/22/2020

2:00 PM

April 23, 2020

San Diego

The project consists of curb ramp installations, street resurfacing (overlay, slurry seal and concrete pavement), and all other work and appurtenances necessary to complete the work for the Underground Utilities Program for UUP Fanuel St Phase III, San Vincente St, Golfcrest Dr, Hilltop Dr Phase I, Wightman St, Howard Ave Phase I & II and Mission Blvd. The curb ramp installation is proposed to improve safety and accessibility for persons who use wheelchairs and those who have low vision and/or are blind, and includes replacement of old curb ramps, installation of new curbramps, sidewalk installation in curb ramp boundary, replacement or relocation of pedestrian push button poles to meet current standards, adjusting utility boxes to grade, as well as the relocation of signs and historic sidewalk stamps (45 years or older).

Bub Williamson Park Renovation Project Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM


Bub Williamson Park Renovation Project:The Work generally consists of stormwater pollution prevention and erosion control, survey monument preservation, traffic control and construction staging, clearing and grubbing, site grading and subgrade preparation, aggregate base, PCC curb & gutter, PCC cross gutter and spandrel, PCC curb ramp, PCC driveway, PCC sidewalk,asphalt concrete paving for street structural section repair, parking lot reconstruction, signing and striping,installation of playgrounds/play equipment/protective surfacing, water fountains, bike racks, gazebos, fitnessstations, remodeling of existing restroom building, landscape and irrigation installation, installation of low voltagepower and AGC #: 20-01135 Project Type: Engineering underground electrical runs, control devices, panel boards and lighting poles, bioretention basins, backflow preventer, water reconnect, Addenda: 1 Ref#: K-20-1929-DBB-3 Est: $3,320,000 retaining walls, fencing, grind and pave, signing and striping, and Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 200 Working Days temporary erosion control and BMPs and other related work - Contractor License Required A or C-12 - Direct Inquires to AGC #: 20-00684 Project Type: Engineering Brittany Friedenreich - 619-533-3104 Prebid Conf: MANDATORY March 16 at 2:00 PM Dial In Conference, 760-643-5401, Meeting # Owner: City of San Diego (619) 533-3104 5208# Access Code 5051# BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 3 Ref#: Est: $3,176,600 Misc. Notes: Due to COVID-19 health restrictions, the Civic Architectural Services Center is not open to the public and the bids Bid Date: 4/22/2020 2:00 PM Lemon Grove will be opened via live stream video in the Council Chambers at the City of Vista Civic Center, Architectural Services 200 Civic Center Drive, Vista, CA 92084-6275, on THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2020, at 4pm, at AGC #: 20-01297 Project Type: RFPQ which time the bids will be opened via live stream on the City’s website by going to the following Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP 2019-20-08 link: Misc. Notes: Last Day to Submit Questions (by email) April 1, 2020 Owner: Lemon Grove School District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Vista (760) 643-1334

San Diego Unit HQ: Auto Shop & Warehouse Roof Repairs

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 4/22/2020

2:00 PM

El Cajon

The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) is soliciting services for a roof repairs. Services will be located at CAL FIRE's San Diego Unit Headquarters (MVU HQ). AGC #: 20-01358

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/13/20, 10 am, 2249 Jamacha Rd., El Cajon, 92020 Addenda: 0

Ref#: IFB_3CA04649

Misc. Notes: To ensure your participation in Pre-Bid Walk, please notify Sarah Best no later than April 12, 2020, by email: Owner: Department of Forestry & Fire Protection

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

April 23, 2020

Microwave System Lifecycle Replacement

I-805 / SR 94 Transit-Only Lane Project Bid Date: 4/23/2020

Bid Date: 4/23/2020

5:00 PM


2:30 PM

San Diego Replace the current microwave communications system that comprises eighteen (18) hops of Harris Constellation and TRuepoint The work consists, in general, of highway and ramp meter improvements along Interstate 805 and State Route 94 between Plaza TDM microwave equipment throughout the Northern, Eastern, and Central Valley microwave backbones. Five (5) additional microwave Boulevard and downtown San Diego. The work includes four ramp meter improvements along northbound I-805, ramp meter for the NB I hops will be constructed to support the installation of a new remedial action scheme (RAS) for the Energy protection system.Replace nine 805 to WB SR-94 connector, shoulder pavement improvements, and (9) hops at the Northern microwave backboneReplace four (4) hops at replacement of the SR 94 median barrier at overhead sign structures and where barrier signage is proposed. Work features include median the Eastern microwave backboneReplace five (5) hops at the Central concrete barrier, asphalt pavement cold plane and overlay for shoulder Valley backboneBuild five (5) new hops at the RAS communication network and ramp gores, barrier steel plates at structure columns, pavement modifications approaching inlets within the I-805 shoulder, pull boxes, cabinets, conduit, cable pulls, camera poles and foundation, traffic loop detectors, installation of traffic monitoring and communications devices, signing and striping along NB I-805 (between Plaza Blvd. and SR 94), WB SR-94 (between I-15 and I-5) and EB SR-94 (between Home Avenue and SB I-805). For the SWPPP, this project is a Risk Level 2.

AGC #: 20-00789 Addenda: 4

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: SOL548186

Est: $2,009,512

AGC #: 20-00910

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3-9-20 7:30 at IID’s Water Control Conference Room, 333 East Barioni Boulevard, Imperial, CA 92251 Addenda: 4 Ref#: SRFP 375 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class “B” California Contractor’s License with a “C7”or a “B” California Contractor’s License with a “C10” or an “A” California Contractor’s License will be considered for this work. Direct inquiries to Mr. Marty P. Holbrook

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - 135 Working Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Brittany Salbato - 619-595 Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (760) 339-9706 -5369, BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Owner: SANDAG (619) 595-5369 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

School Area Streetlight Project

Soccer Turf Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM


The project shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and Santee equipment necessary to remove and legally dispose of existing turf on two indoor arenas, and install all new synthetic turf. Work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, Project Type: Engineering and incidentals necessary for the installation of (insert work items) and AGC #: 20-00924 all related work complete and in place. Addenda: 2 Ref#: 1030520-0056 Est: $140,000 AGC #: 20-00803 Project Type: Engineering Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - 20 Working Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Jeff Wyner, Tel:(760) 839Addenda: 1 Ref#: CIP 2017-03 Est: $480,000 4379 Fax:(760) 839-4597 Misc. Notes: The federally funded project is subject to Title 49 CFR2613(b) and has a DBE goal of 7.94%. Owner: City of Escondido, City Clerk (760) 839-4379 Owner: City of Santee (619) 258-4100 Bid Date: 4/23/2020

11:00 AM

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Mission Gorge Rd Streetlight Project Bid Date: 4/23/2020

10:00 AM


Work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the installation of (insert work items) and all related work complete and in place. AGC #: 20-00804

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: CIP 2017-02 Est: $311,000 Misc. Notes: The federally funded project is subject to Title 49 CFR2613(b) and has a DBE goal of 7.69%.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 24, 2020

Bid Date: 4/24/2020

San Diego AGC #: 20-01229

5:00 PM

The Department of Parks and Recreation is soliciting quotations for demolition and closure of anabandoned well. AGC #: 20-00878

San Diego

Construction of Water Group 968 consists of the installation of 7927 Linear Feetof 8”, 12” and 16” of water mains, fire hydrants.

Demolition & Closure of an Abandoned Well Bid Date: 4/24/2020

2:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 4 Ref#: RFQ 10176 Est: $12,000 Misc. Notes: QUESTIONS AND REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION RELATED TO DEFINITION OR INTERPRETATION OF THIS RFQ SHALL BE REQUESTED IN WRITING TO WILLIAM.EAMES@SDCOUNTY.CA.GOV BY 5:00 PM ON MARCH 19, 2020. THOSE RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE MAY NOT BE ANSWERED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE COUNTY Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting (858) 505-6333 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1

Ref#: K-20-1935-DBB-3 Est: $2,750,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 260 Working Days - Contractor License Required A or C-34 - Direct Inquires to Ron McMinn - 619-533-4618 Owner: City of San Diego-PWC-Construction (619) 533-4618 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Operations & Warehouse Relocation Project Increment-2 Bid Date: 4/24/2020

2:00 PM

Chula Vista

SWCCD Operations and Warehouse Relocation Increment-2 Prequalification AGC #: 20-01350

Project Type: Prequalification

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1920-301Z-2 Misc. Notes: Please forward any questions to Balfour Beatty, Bid Date: 4/24/2020 2:00 PM San Diego Owner: Southwestern Community College District Construction of the Alvarado Trunk Sewer Phase IV consists of installing approximately 25,004 ft. of new sewer pipe, abandonment of Construction Manager: Balfour Beatty existing trunk sewer and manholes, groundwater dewatering, and BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be discharge, bypass pumping, laterals reconnections, traffic control, automatically directed to the project online. revegetation areas, signal loop replacement and curb ramp installation. Construction of Alvarado TS Water Main Relocations consists of the replacement of approximately 7,288 ft. of existing 6”, 8",12" and 16" AC water mains and all appurtenances in accordance April 27, 2020 with the specification and drawings. Per the plans: Construction of Alvarado Trunk Sewer Phase IV consists of, installing approximately Landscape Maint (Area 1) 25,004 new linear feet (LF) of sewer pipe as follows: 6810 of open cut Bid Date: 4/27/2020 5:00 PM Santee 30-inch, 4748 LF of open cut 36-inch, 2870 LF of open cut 42-inch, 7562 LF of tunneling/trenchless construction, 8832 LF of The City of Santee seeking a professional firm to develop and abandonment of existing sewer 12” main and replacement of junction implement a comprehensive LANDSCAPE AND HORTICULTURAL structure existing manhole no. 271 at the instersection of Twain MANAGEMENT PLAN for CITY PARKS AND FACILITIES throughout Avenue and Fairmount Avenue. the City. AGC #: 20-00989 Project Type: Engineering AGC #: 20-01116 Project Type: RFP

Alvarado Trunk Sewer Ph IV & TS Water Main Relocations

Addenda: 1

Ref#: K-20-1927-DBB-3

Est: $59,800,000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner -Electronic Only - Project Duration 1056 Working Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Taylor Cox - 619-533-3033, Owner: City of San Diego BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Monday, March 30, 2020 beginning 1:00 PM on at Santee City Hall Council Chambers, 10601 Magnolia Avenue, Building 2, Santee, CA 92071. Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP 20/21-40018 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to: All inquiries or requests for interpretation relative to this RFP must be submitted in writing by 4:00 PM on April 1, 2020, to Jan Sherar, Procurement Specialist, at 10601 Magnolia Avenue, Santee, CA 92071; or facsimile (619) 562-1046 to be considered. Owner: City of Santee (619) 562-1046 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Roofing @ Multiple Sites, Part 2

April 27, 2020

Bid Date: 4/27/2020

2:00 PM

San Diego

Addenda: 2

AGC #: 20-01348

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: V19200737PWB Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-39 Direct Inquires to Kevin Lesko,

HVAC Maint & Repair Svcs AGC #: 20-01275


Roofing @ Multiple Sites, Part 2

HVAC Maint & Repair Svcs Bid Date: 4/27/2020

2:30 PM

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: PM-20-50

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Direct Inquires to Kevin Lam - 619-578-7539 Owner: San Diego Housing Commission (619) 578-7539

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

P-1 Sewer Upsize Project for Sweetwater HS Bid Date: 4/27/2020

2:00 PM

National City

The proposed work consists on open trench construction to remove BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be and replace approximately 1490 lineal feet of 8 inch diameter VCP automatically directed to the project online. with 12 inch diameter of PVC sewer main, manholes, laterals including pavement restoration, and placing a new sewer access road Environmental Testing Svcs west of D Avenue. The work commences approximately 750 feet west Bid Date: 4/27/2020 11:00 AM San Diego of D Avenue and proceeds east for approximately 1500 feet through Sweetwater High School property and ends at F Avenue. The general SDHC is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide scope of work is to provide all labor, materials, equipment, services, Environmental Testing Services. This firm will provide services as an and other incidental works and appurtenances, and other items not independent contractor to provide environmental consulting services and conduct environmental testing. Contractor will be responsible for mentioned above but required by the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents. ensuring all testing services are done in accordance with any and all regulatory requirements mandated through local, state, federal, or any AGC #: 20-01383 Project Type: Engineering other governing agency. Prebid Conf: MANDATORY AGC #: 20-01319 Project Type: RFP 4/13/20, 10:30 am, Sweetwater HS, 2900 Highland Ave., National City. Meet by school entrance on F Ave., south of E. 26th St. Addenda: 0 Ref#: PM-20-54 Addenda: 0 Ref#: CIP 19-43 Est: $980,590 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Direct Inquires to Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 110 Working Anthony Griffin - 619-578-7517 Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Alex Preciado - 858-634-8180 Owner: San Diego Housing Commission 619-578-7517 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Roofing at Multiple Sites, Part 1 Bid Date: 4/27/2020

2:00 PM

Owner: City of National City (858) 634-8180 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


Roofing at Multiple Sites, Part 1 AGC #: 20-01347

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/15/20, 9 am, Site #1: Grapevine ES : 630 Grapevine Rd, Vista, 92083 Check-in: Outside, Front Parking Lot, Job Walk #2: 04/15/20, 11:00 am Site #2: Vista Academy of Visual & Performing Arts: 600 N Santa Fe Ave, Vista, 92083 Check-in: Outside, Front Parking Lot Addenda: 0 Ref#: V19200736PWB Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-39 Direct Inquires to Kevin Lesko, Owner: Vista Unified School District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES UNIQLO at Fashion Valley (Sub-Bids Only)

April 28, 2020

Bid Date: 4/28/2020

2:00 PM

San Diego

Construction consists of approximate 6,502 LF replacement, realignment and installation of new water mains, abandonment of 5,392 LF water main, along with replacement and rehabilitation of 2,923 LF of sewer main. Abandonment of 1,228 LF of sewer main. 8 abandoned manholes and installation of 13 new manholes. Associated improvements will include water services, fire hydrants, and sewer laterals.1.1. The Work shall be performed in accordance with:1.1.1. The Notice Inviting Bids and Plans numbered 40598-01-D through40598-24-D, inclusive. Traffic Control Plans 40598-T01-D trough 40598-T08-D. AGC #: 20-01063

San Diego

Retail interior Tenant Improvement

Balboa Park Pipeline Replacement Ph III Bid Date: 4/28/2020

2:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0

Ref#: K-20-19-11-DBB-3 Est: $5,020,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 400 Working Days - Contractor License Required A or C-34 & C-42 - Direct Inquires to Ron McMinn - 619-533-4618

AGC #: 20-01331 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Commercial


Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

April 29, 2020 Imperial Dam Concrete Repairs 2020 Bid Date: 4/29/2020

5:00 PM


BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

The project is being created to repair concrete structures on different areas of the Imperial Dam and All American Structures. The areas and repairs are listed below:California SluicewayBridge deck repairs AAC Section 1 (Basins)Bridge decks & WingwallsAAC Section 2 (Bridges) Mission Bridge, Unnamed Bridge, & Picacho Bridge.Gila HeadworksBridge deck repairs, & Unused GatesAAC Section 4 (Bridge)Carballo Bridge.AAC Section 5East Highline Turnout Structure

Logan Heights FHCSD – Solar Panel Sys

AGC #: 20-00920

Owner: City of San Diego PWC (619) 533-4618

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Bid Date: 4/28/2020 1:00 PM San Diego March 17, 2020 at 10:00 a.m., Mountain Standard Time, at IID’s Logan Heights FHCSD – Solar Panel Sys Imperial Dam Village Conference Room, 2400 Imperial Road, Winterhaven, CA 92283 AGC #: 20-01113 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 3 Ref#: PRFP 1400 Addenda: 4 Ref#: Est: $481,885 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class “C-8” California Specialty Contractor’s License and “C-9” Arizona Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Specialty Contractor’s License OR an “A” California Contractor’s License and an “A” AZ Contractors License - Direct inquiries to Owner: Family Health Centers of San Diego (619) 876-4428 Mr. Marty P. Holbrook, in writing, no later BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be than 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time, Tuesday, March 31, 2020 automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (760) 339-9706

Central Union HS District Central HS STEM Building Bid Date: 4/28/2020

2:00 PM

El Centro

Central Union HS District Central HS STEM Building:Bid Package 13: Communications AGC #: 20-01216 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Building


: : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Sewer Main Replacement Bid Date: 4/29/2020

2:00 PM


The work shall include sewer bypass pumping, replacing/rehabilitating sewer manholes, replacement of existing 8" gravity pipelines, and installing and connecting each existing sewer service laterals along the new pipeline alignment. AGC #: 20-01147 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Building


: Owner: City of Calexico BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 30, 2020

Concrete & Grading CVESD Bid Date: 4/29/2020

10:00 AM

Chula Vista

Perform repairs or installations of concrete work & minor grading to multiple school sites including but not limited to walks, curbs, ramps, driveways & gutters.

Off-Grid Photovoltaic Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station Bid Date: 4/30/2020

4:00 PM


The City of Carlsbad, Environmental Management Department is requesting information regarding the design and installation of off-grid solar powered electric vehicle charging stations. THIS IS A REQUEST AGC #: 20-01333 Project Type: Engineering FOR INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY. This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes; it does not constitute a Request Addenda: 0 Ref#: 19/20-14 for Proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future. This Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required B or request for information does not commit the City of Carlsbad to C-8 - Direct Inquires to Rudy Valdez-Romero contract for any supply or service whatsoever. Further, the City of Carlsbad is not at this time seeking proposals and will not accept and John Heredia unsolicited proposals. Responders are advised that the City of Carlsbad will not pay for any information or administrative costs Owner: Chula Vista Elementary School District incurred in response to this RFI; all costs associated with responding BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be to this RFI will be solely at the interested party’s expense. Not automatically directed to the project online. responding to this RFI does not preclude participation in any future RFP, if any is issued. If a solicitation is released, it will be posted on Asphalt Patch & Repair CVESD the city’s online bid board at PlanetBids. It is the responsibility of the Bid Date: 4/29/2020 11:00 AM Chula Vista potential offerors to monitor this site for additional information pertaining to this RFI and any future RFP. Perform repairs to asphalt playground, parking and drive areas included but not limited to asphaltpatching, seal coating, striping, AGC #: 20-00756 Project Type: RFI grinding and replacement of damaged areas Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFI20-1036ENV AGC #: 20-01334 Project Type: Building Addenda: 0

Ref#: 19/20-13 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-12 Direct Inquires to Rudy Valdez-Romero and John Heredia BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Janean Hawney 760-602-2795 Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration (760) 6022795 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

As-Needed Culvert Materials Bid Date: 4/30/2020

11:00 AM

San Diego

As-Needed Culvert Materials AGC #: 20-00928

Project Type: Supplier

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 10189 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to William Eames (858) 505-6333, Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting (858) 505-6333 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


CM Svcs for the Clearwell Seismic Improvements & the Washwater Tank Seismic Improvements Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM

Rancho Santa Fe

SFID is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to provide Lindley Reservoir Replacement Construction Management (CM) and Inspection Services for the Bid Date: 4/30/2020 2:00 PM Escondido Clearwell Seismic Improvements and Washwater Tank Seismic Improvements Projects (J-1750/1751).This RFP is for Construction The work consists generally of construction including: The Management and Inspection Services for two separate construction of twonew 1.5 million gallon below-grade prestressed structures/facilities within REB Plant and identified as two Capital concrete reservoirs, constructionof a new vault structure, associated Improvement Projects. For economies of scale the projects will be site piping, approximately 1,400 linear feet of18-inch welded steel constructed under one construction contract. A brief summary of each pipeline, earthwork to clear the area for the new project is provided below:Clearwell Seismic Improvements Project (Jreservoirs,landscaping, and electrical and instrumentation work in 1750): The Clearwell was constructed in 1968 and is a 13-million support of the facilities described. gallon buried concrete tank located at REB Plant site. The Clearwell AGC #: 20-00937 Project Type: Engineering stores treated potable water for the SFID and SDWD. The tank is 252feet by 329-feet and its depth varies between 16 and 25 feet. The Prebid Conf: MANDATORY project includes the construction of structure improvements to Canceled March 26, 2020 at 9:00am. Meet at the Hale Avenue enhance the facilities ability to withstand seismic events.Washwater Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF) in the Tom Foley Conference Seismic Improvements Project (J-1751): The Washwater Tank is a 1Room at the following address: 1521 S. Hale Ave., Escondido, CA million gallon above ground steel tank located at the REB Plant. Built 92029. Immediately after the meeting we will drive to the project site in 1968, the washwater tank has a diameter of 46-feet and is 82.5-feet located near the intersection of Ash Street and Hubbard Avenue. tall to store water used for backwashing the treated water filters. This Addenda: 2 Ref#: 1030520-0078 Est: $14,700,000 project includes the construction of structure improvements to Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Project Duration: 730 enhance the Washwater Tank’s ability to withstand seismic events. Calendar Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires AGC #: 20-01064 Project Type: RFP to Nelson Nuezca, Tel:(760) 839-6290 x7034 Fax:(760) 738-5168

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/15/20 , 9 am, 5920 Linea del Cielo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

Owner: City of Escondido, City Clerk (760) 839-6290

Addenda: 1

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Ref#: J-1750 & J-1751 Misc. Notes: Consultants are encouraged to schedule an independent project site visit prior to questions/ proposal deadline. Requests can be emailed to Marissa Potter at Owner: Santa Fe Irrigation District (858) 227-5792 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2nd Street, Dool Avenue and Beach Avenue Water Pipeline Replacement Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM


The work shall include the procurement of materials and the installation of a new 8 inch diameter water main pipeline along 2nd Street from Blair Avenue to Andrade Avenue. The project also includes the installation of 8 inch diameter water main pipelines along Dool Avenue and Beach Avenue between 2nd Street and 7th Street. The project also includes connecting existing water services and fire hydrants to the new water main pipelines.The project will also include traffic control implementation and erosion control. AGC #: 20-01151 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Building


: Owner: City of Calexico 760-768-2100 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 30, 2020

Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM

San Marcos

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (hereafter called RFP) is for California State University San Marcos, hereafter called the University, to enter into an Agreement with a fully qualified and experienced Bid Date: 4/30/2020 5:00 PM Imperial Landscape Maintenance company (hereafter called Proposer) to The project will use the IID design and shall include concrete lining of provide General Landscape Maintenance. approximately 2,780 linear feet of the Elder Canal. Located West of AGC #: 20-01318 Project Type: Engineering Imperial, within Section 25, T.15 S., R.12 E in the County of Imperial.The existing concrete Elder Canal between Delivery Gate No. Addenda: 0 Ref#: 205633 108 and Delivery Gate No. 109 will require removal of vegetation, Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Project Duration 5 debris & unsuitable material from the channel, removal of abandoned Years - Contractor License Required C-27 - Direct Inquires to delivery gates, re-grade and an approximate import of 2,620 cubic Kerry Stein - 760-750-4487 yards of fill material in order to be concrete lined. The new concrete lining section will have a 2-foot bottom, 1.25:1 Side Slope and 56-inch Owner: California State University San Marcos (760) 750-4487 overall deph canal.

Elder Canal Concrete Lining Delivery 108 to109

AGC #: 20-01171

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY In compliance with Governor Newsome’s Executive Order N-33-20 (Stay at Home Order), the mandatory meeting will now be conducted via conference call on Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Local Time, there will be NO jobwalk. Firms calling in for the mandatory conference call must confirm their attendance with to

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

May 01, 2020 Const Contract for Cajon Air Ctr - Aircraft Transient Apron

Bid Date: 5/1/2020 5:00 PM El Cajon Addenda: 3 Ref#: 1402 Misc. Notes: Project bids to owner, Direct contact to Mr. Marty P. Const Contract for Cajon Air Ctr - Aircraft Transient Apron Holbrook, purchasing agent, via email to: AGC #: 20-01376 Project Type: Engineering Owner: County of Imperial (442) 265-1818 Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFB 10234 Est: $8,100,000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Water Quality Monitoring & Reporting Svcs Bid Date: 4/30/2020

3:00 PM

Water Quality Monitoring & Reporting Svcs AGC #: 20-01291

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A Direct Inquires to William Eames (858) 505-6333,

San Diego Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting (858) 505-6333

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 2 Ref#: RFP 10195 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Veronica Ford, 858-505-6385, Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting (858) 505-6385 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

May 04, 2020 As-Needed Arch, Engineering, Planning & Related Pro Svcs for Fed Aviation Admin (FAA)Funded Projects Bid Date: 5/4/2020

2:00 PM

San Diego

The County of San Diego is seeking Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified firms to provide AsNeededArchitectural, Engineering, Planning and related Professional services for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funded projects in the County of San Diego, as described in Exhibit A. A list of pre-qualified firms will be establishedby the County. It is anticipated up tofour (4) firms will be short listed. AGC #: 20-01364 Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFSQ 9931 Misc. Notes: Questions Due April 17, 2020 by 3:00 pm

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email

Project Type: RFSQ


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES SBWRP Variable Frequency Drive Replace

May 04, 2020

Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM

San Diego

South South Bay Water Reclamation Plant (SBWRP) is seeking to remove and replace 3 variable frequency drives (VFDs). There are two Toshiba 600HP variable frequency drives for the reclaiming pumps and one 200 HP. One is used for normal operation and the other one is for a back-up. The 200HP VFD, is not working and needed to be replaced. Upon replacing the VFDs the contractor shall asses the May 05, 2020 condition of the existing wiring and ensure they are usable and have no damages that would otherwise reduce their life expectancy or Const of Pipeline Project CIP20001 operations; if they are found to be deficient they shall be replaced with Bid Date: 5/5/2020 2:00 PM El Cajon VFD rated cable. The installation of the new VFDs shall include the existing Data collection and possible new parameters that should be The project consists of replacing approximately 6,600 linear feet of 12- coordinated with facility upon the start of the project. Data collection inch and 8-inch diameter,1940s and 1950s vintage cast-iron pipe in shall use Modbus/Ethernet data collection that is compatible with the Broadway, Second, Grape and Third with 6,600 linearfeet of 12-inch City’s DCS system. The contractor should also verify that the existing and 8-inch diameter PVC pipe within the city of El Cajon. motors are rated for the new VFDs and are in optimal condition for continual use. All plans and work should be fully coordinated with a AGC #: 20-00952 Project Type: Engineering professional electrical engineer to include a full set of updated electrical drawings and should also include fault and arc flash Addenda: 1 Ref#: CIP20001 Est: $2,700,000 mitigation where required. Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or C34 - Direct Inquires to Sarah Sample, 619-667-6225, AGC #: 20-01317 Project Type: Engineering Sarah.Sample@HELIXWATER.ORG Addenda: 0 Ref#: K-20-1807-DBB-3 Est: $632,000 Owner: Helix Water District (619) 667-6225 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Project Duration BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be 203 Calendar Days - Contractor License Required C-10- Direct automatically directed to the project online. Inquires to Celina Suarez - 619-533-6678 Fire Headquarters Station Replacement BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM


Fire Headquarters Station Replacement Project:This Project Proposes the Demolition of The Existing Fire Station #1 And Select Site ComponentsTo Accommodate the New Site and Building Improvements. Demolition Will Involve the SeparationOf Building Systems (Including Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, And Communications) From the Existing Adjacent Police Station Which Is to Remain in Place. The Existing Radio Tower And Antennas Are to Remain Operational Until New Radio Tower and Antennas Are in Place. Contractor To Coordinate the Installation of New Conduit and Service for Domestic Power (IID) And Phone (AT&T) Prior To The Demolition of Existing Services. AGC #: 20-01013 Addenda: 2


Project Type: Building Est: $6,700,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B Prevailing Wage - Bid Package, Contract Requirements, General Conditions and Requirements, and Technical Specifications are available electronically from the from the Architect: Ten Over Studio, Inc. Candice Wong Ten Over Studio, Inc. (805) 541.1010

Owner: City of San Diego (619) 533-6678 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Field Improvements CTE Culinary Arts Landscape Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM


Field Improvements CTE Culinary Arts Landscape Improvements: Improvements to landscape, hardscape and fencing. Improvements to CTE Culinary / Arts Building including landscape and hardscape. AGC #: 20-01351

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY April 14, 11:00 A.M. Addenda: 0


Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Prevailing Wage Owner: Calexico Unified School District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Calexico BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES MV-Design San Luis Rey River Habitat Restoration

May 05, 2020

Bid Date: 5/6/2020

2:00 PM


Modernization of existing Gym to Fitness Center, New architectural finishes, new electrical and data to support new fitness equipment. AGC #: 20-01352

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY April 14, at 10:00am Addenda: 0

AGC #: 20-01328 Addenda: 0

Project Type: RFP


Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required Direct Inquires to Mike Vanoli, Fax 858-268-7802, Owner: San Diego County Water Authority (858) 522-6824 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Prevailing Wage BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

District Office - Relocation of (7) Modular Buildings, Site Improvements & Modular Building Improvements Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM


Relocation of (7) modular buildings from Calexico High School to District Office AGC #: 20-01353

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY April 14th 9:00am Addenda: 0

San Diego

MV-Design San Luis Rey River Habitat Restoration

Godfrey Gym Fitness Center Modernization Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM


Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Prevailing Wage Owner: Calexico Unified School District (760) 768-3888 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

May 06, 2020

May 07, 2020 Washwater Tank Seismic & Clearwell Seismic Improvements Bid Date: 5/7/2020

2:00 PM

Rancho Santa Fe

The work generally consists of the construction of the following:(i) Construction of improvements and rehabilitation to the Filter Washwater Tank improvements including the installation and maintenance of the temporary backwash system, including but not limited to: the replacement of the existing ring-wall foundation with a grade beam and micro-piles, replacement of anchors and chairs, installation of vertical stiffeners, piping modifications, safety improvements, roof vent replacement, removal of exterior lead based coating and interior coal-tar coating, and re-coating of the exterior and interior.(ii)Construction of improvements to the concrete Clearwell improvements including the construction of the concrete curb around the Clearwell, relocation of the existing fiber optics line, demolition of the existing building, and removal of approximately one foot of soil from the entirety of the Clearwell roof. AGC #: 20-00893

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/14/20, 9 am, Dist's office @ 5920 Linea del Cielo, Rancho Santa Fe, 92067, Prospective Bidders are encouraged to schedule an Bid Date: 5/6/2020 2:00 PM San Diego independent site visit, at the RE Badger Filtration plant at 18535 Aliso Canyon Rd, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091, prior to questions/bid This is an agreement in which Contractor shall provide regularly deadline. Requests can be emailed to Marissa Potter at scheduled preventative maintenance and repair services on Chiller Plant Systems and Cooling Towers for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), Richard J. Donovan Addenda: 1 Ref#: J-1750 & J-1751 Est: $4,500,000 Correctional Facility (RJD), located at 480 Alta Road, San Diego, CA Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Required A 92179. Direct Inquires to Marissa Potter, 858-227-5792, Fax 858-756-0450,

Chiller Plant & Cooling Tower Svcs @ Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility

AGC #: 20-00733

Project Type: Engineering

Owner: Santa Fe Irrigation District (858) 227-5792 Ref#: C5609273-D Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-20 - BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Direct Inquires to TRACEY MORRISON, (916) 2556197,, California Relay Service 1-800 -735-2929

Addenda: 1

Owner: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation 916-255-6197 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 12, 2020

Pump Station Improvement Project Ph 1 Bid Date: 5/7/2020

3:00 PM

City Hall Trash Enclosure Modifications San Diego Bid Date: 5/12/2020

Padre Dam Municipal Water District (District) is requesting proposals from qualified professional engineering firms to design the Pump Station Improvements Project (PSIP) Phase 1. This project is part of the District’s Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 20182022 that sufficiently funds the maintenance and replacement of aging infrastructure and facilities ensuring the District will continue to provide reliable potable water services to our customers. AGC #: 20-01295

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: JN 219004 Misc. Notes: Last Day to Submit Written Inquiries April 30, 2020

10:00 AM


Work to be done includes the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the removal of two existing trash enclosures, the modification of the roof of two trash enclosures and all related work complete and in place. AGC #: 20-01042

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2

Ref#: CIP 2018-52 Est: $65,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - 25 Working Days - Contractor License Required A, B - Direct Inquires to Toby Espinola at (619) 258-4100 ext. 174, or via email at Owner: City of Santee (619) 258-4100

Owner: Padre Dam Municipal Water District (619) 258-4635 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Nimitz Bridge at NTC Rehabilitation

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

San Marcos Interceptor - Ph 2

Bid Date: 5/12/2020 2:00 PM San Marcos San Diego Construction of Phase 2 of the San Marcos Interceptor Replacement Nimitz Bridge at NTC RehabilitationThe Project will perform Project consisting of approximately 4,000 feet of 42-inch diameter rehabilitation work on the existing Nimitz Pedestrian Bridge, including sewer pipeline located in San Marcos, CA the replacement of bridge expansion joints and minor concrete repairs. AGC #: 20-01260 Project Type: Engineering The project will also address accessibility needs on the bridge, Prebid Conf: MANDATORY including the installation of pedestrianramps, replacement of handrail 4/21/20, 1:30 pm, The meeting will be held at the office of the District and guardrail, and improvements to the existing lighting system. located at 201 Vallecitos de Oro, San Marcos, California, 92069. AGC #: 20-01363 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $6,700,000 Addenda: 0 Ref#: K-20-1901-DBB-2 Est: $357,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - 270 Calendar Days - Contractor Bid Date: 5/7/2020

2:00 PM

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Electronic Bids - Prevailing Wage Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquires to Juan E. Espindola Owner: City of San Diego-PWC-Construction (619) 533-4491 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

May 08, 2020 High Density Mobile Storage Sys Bid Date: 5/8/2020

2:00 PM

License Required A - Direct Inquires to Ryan Morgan, 760-7440460, Direct 760-752-7132, Owner: Vallecitos Water District (760) 744-0460 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Pine Ave. Extension to State Route 71 - Ramp Widening Design Svcs Bid Date: 5/12/2020

10:00 AM


The City of Chino is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide design services for the Pine Avenue Extension to State Route 71 Ramp Widening Design Services in accordance with the attached RFP San Diego documents.

High Density Mobile Storage Sys SDCCD

AGC #: 20-01370

AGC #: 20-01388

Addenda: 0

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFB 20-07 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required B Direct Inquires to Kellie Silva (619) 388-6562, Owner: San Diego Community College District (619) 388-6562 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: RFP 20207009-PW

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Daniel Vest - 909334-3367 Owner: City of Chino Public Works Dept (909) 334-3367 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 19, 2020

Poinsettia Lift Station Hydraulic Surge Protection Bid Date: 5/14/2020

11:00 AM

Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements Carlsbad Bid Date: 5/19/2020

Installation of hydraulic surge protection equipment including a pneumatic surge tank system at the Poinsettia Lift Station. AGC #: 20-01037

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1

11:00 AM

All labor, materials, equipment and other associated items to complete landscape irrigation, planting of trees, shrubs, and groundcover, erosion and water runoff protection (during construction operations), mulching, installation of lighting, shade structures, fitness equipment, picnic tables, benches, concrete paving and stairs, resilient surfacing, and other park amenities, as specified on plans and in accordance with the contract documents. Work under this contract shall also include installation of two entry monument signs.

Ref#: PWS20-1061UTIL Est: $420,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - 150 Working Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Graham Jordan - 760-6022462 AGC #: 20-00809 Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration (760) 6022462 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

May 15, 2020 South Carlsbad Boulevard Climate Adaption Project Bid Date: 5/15/2020

4:00 PM


The City of Carlsbad is requesting proposals from qualified firms to assist with the development of an adaptation vision and conceptual design plan for the landward realignment and relocation of South Carlsbad Boulevard to increase resilience to sea level rise, coastal storms and re-use of the seaward area for coastal access, recreation opportunities, natural infrastructure and habitat restoration. AGC #: 20-01361

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP20-1090ENV Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Direct Inquires to Janean Hawney - 760-607-7965, Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration (760) 6022795 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 4 Ref#: PWS20-1034PKS Est: $853,480 Misc. Notes: Due to the recent guidance from the County of San Diego and State of California on the COVID19 outbreak on public gatherings, this pre-bid meeting will now be conducted as a conference call. Details of the conference call will be issued to all plan holders no later than Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration (760) 6022462 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Parkway Dr. & Alvarado Rd. Trunk Sewer Ph. 3 Upgrade Bid Date: 5/19/2020

11:00 AM

La Mesa

Phase 4 upgrades to Parkway Drive and Alvarado Road Trunk Sewer. AGC #: 20-01253

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1

Ref#: BID 18-01 Est: $5,200,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 200 Working Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Carla Farr 619-667-1148 Owner: City of La Mesa (619) 667-1166 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

May 20, 2020 On-Call Arch & Engineering Consulting & Staffing Support Svcs Bid Date: 5/20/2020

May 28, 2020

2:00 PM

San Diego OH Complex/M Remodel - Audio Visual The San Diego County Regional Airport Authority ("Authority") seeks Bid Date: 5/28/2020 2:00 PM El Cajon Statements of Qualifications (“SOQ”) from firms or individuals The scope of the Cuyamaca College Cuyamaca College OH Complex (“Respondent”) for the provision of on-call architectural and engineering (“A-E”) consulting and staffing support services in support / MRemodel - Audio Visual will include the procurement, installation and programming of thecomplete audio visual system for one of planning, design and construction projects such as the Capital Improvement Program (“CIP”), Major Maintenance Program (”MMP”), classroom, two labs, one workroom, one teleconferenceroom and one sales office. at the San Diego International Airport.

AGC #: 20-01369 Addenda: 0

AGC #: 20-00730

Project Type: RFQ

Ref#: 411865FC

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Direct Inquires to Missy Mcgrath Owner: San Diego County Regional Airport AuthorityProcurement

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/9/20, 2 pm, pre-bid meeting and job walk will take place at 900 Rancho San Diego Parkway, El Cajon, CA 92019, Cuyamaca College - Gafcon Program Trailer. Representatives of the District, Project Manager, and the campus will be present to answer questions bidders have regarding this Project.

Addenda: 2 Ref#: B20.003 Est: $135,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-7 All questions and requests for information must be made in writing by mail or email to the attention of Christine Cole, Gafcon Modular Office, Cuyamaca College, 900 Rancho San Diego Parkway, El Cajon, CA 92019. Email: For procedural questions, you may call Christine Cole at 619-644-3958 Owner: Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Pine Valley (619) 644-3958

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

May 26, 2020 District Wide Construction Mgmt Svcs Bid Date: 5/26/2020

12:00 PM

District Wide Construction Mgmt Svcs AGC #: 20-01384

Project Type: RFP

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Gary Hobelman, 619-473-9022, Owner: Mountain Empire Unified (619) 473-9022 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

May 27, 2020 The East County Advanced Water Purification Project Pkg 3 Bid Date: 5/27/2020

3:00 PM

East County

East County Advanced Water Purification Project Pkg 3 AGC #: 20-01335

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: The last day questions will be accepted (deadline) for any Request for Information, (RFI) is April 28, 2020. Owner: Padre Dam Municipal Water District (619) 258-4635

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


June 30, 2020

Demo of Mount Etna Crime Lab Bid Date: 5/29/2020

11:00 AM

CSU San Marcos - 19/20 Blanket Cap Advertisement San Diego Bid Date: 6/30/2020

The County of San Diego (County), Department of General Services has a requirement for Demolition of the Mount Etna Crime Lab in accordance with Scope of Work within. The project site is located at 5255 Mount Etna Drive, San Diego, CA 92117. AGC #: 20-01045 Addenda: 6

Ref#: RFB 10168

Project Type: Engineering Est: $4,200,000

2:00 PM

San Marcos

THIS IS A BLANKET ADVERTISEMENT AND IS NOT FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT CSU San Marcos may be seeking qualified contractors and service providers to perform various services/projects from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The dollar value of these projects will not exceed $709,000.00 per project. All interested parties are encouraged to register as a vendor at the link below to be notified if and when opportunities arise.

Misc. Notes: Please follow the instructions listed below to access the WebEx conference:

AGC #: 19-03102

1. Join by WebEx

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - 365 Days - Contractor License Required B - Direct Inquires to Kerry Stein, 760-750-4487,

Addenda: 0

Project Type: Building

Ref#: KS070219

1) MTID=m9ebff18d9a5221d83745736fac442b32 Owner: California State University San Marcos (760) 750-4487 ? Meeting number (Access code): 806 059 075 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be ? Meeting password: MZf4N7nNA5W 2) When requested, please enter your name, organization’s name, automatically directed to the project online. and email address. 3) Click “Join” 4) Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 2. Join by Phone

(415) 655-0001 US Toll ? Access code: 806 059 075 Owner: County of San Diego BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Bagdouma Pool Rehabilitation

April 09, 2020

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

Long-Term Conservation Easement Mgmt Svcs - English Channel

4:00 PM


Bagdouma Pool Rehabilitation AGC #: 20-01038

Project Type: Engineering

Bid Date: 4/9/2020 2:00 PM Chino Hills Prebid Conf: MANDATORY March 18th at 10:30 a.m. at the Coachella Corporate Yard located at Long-Term Conservation Easement Mgmt Svcs - English Channel 53462 Enterprise Way, Coachella 92236 AGC #: 20-00811

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 3

Ref#: 030520

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - At the time of Addenda: 1 Ref#: contract award, the prime contractor shall possess the Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Nisha Wells, 909- appropriate contractors' license - All questions must be emailed 364-2835, to Maritza Martinez at and be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 26, 2020, Office Owner: City of Chino Hills (909) 364-2835 Phone: (760) 501-8111 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Coachella

PC1168 Kingsley Asphalt Paving

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

2:00 PM

Montclair Overlook Street Improvements - Nelson Street, Courtney The Kingsley Patio Home Complex Pavement Rehabilitation Project is Street, Duncan Way, and Howe Street located at 10302 Poulsen Court inMontclair California. The Housing 4:00 PM Corona Authority of the County of San Bernardino is putting the project to bidin Bid Date: 4/9/2020 Overlook Street Improvements Nelson Street, Courtney Street, the form of three options: Duncan Way, and Howe Street AGC #: 20-00931 Project Type: Engineering AGC #: 20-01068 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/16/20, 10 am, 10369 Poulsen Ct., Montclair, 91763 Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2015-02, NIB No. 20047CA Addenda: 3 Ref#: PC1168 Est: $150,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (electronic only) - Prevailing Wage Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 60 Calendar Days Contractors License Class A or a combo of Specialty Class C - Contractor License Required C-12 or A - Direct Inquires to For further information, contact the City of Corona Purchasing Owner: Housing Authority of San Bernardino County Division at (951) 279-3620 or via email at BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Corona

Various Parking Lot Improvements FY 2019-20 Bid Date: 4/9/2020

11:00 AM

La Habra-Multiple Locations

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

On-Call Construction Services: Underground Piping and

The general items of work to be performed consist of but not limited to Facilities Mechanical Services mobilization; preparation and implementation of Storm Water Best Management Practices; traffic control; excavation; pavement grinding; Bid Date: 4/9/2020 4:00 PM Riverside asphalt concrete paving; pavement reconstruction; removal and On-Call Construction Services: Underground Piping and Facilities reconstruction of PCC curb ramps, drive approaches and sidewalks; Mechanical Services striping and markings; and all associated work as identified on the AGC #: 20-01077 Project Type: RFQ construction drawings in the City of La Habra. AGC #: 20-00977 Addenda: 2

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 4-P-19

Est: $78,700

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A Direct inquiries to Raquel Garcia: 562-383-4160 and/or Owner: City of La Habra/Office of City Clerk

(562) 383-4160

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 1

Ref#: BL 3261

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Bob Lomas 951-928-3777 x 6228 Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Accessible Pedestrian Signals Upgrade at 12 Signalized Intersections

April 09, 2020

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

2:00 PM


The work to be done, in general, consists of, but is not limited to, Trench and Pavement Restoration Services replacing existing accessible pedestrian signals (APS) at 12 Bid Date: 4/9/2020 4:00 PM Santa Ana-Multiple Locations intersections with upgraded APS, traffic control, and all labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for completion of work. The City The City is looking for qualified contractor to provide citywide Trench of Orange reserves the right to delete any of the locations and/or add and Pavement Restoration Services. The selected contractor shall provide all transportation, labor, materials and equipment necessary to new locations, as it desires. All the work performed shall be measured and paid at the contract unit price bid in the proposal and no additional complete the work, per attached RFP. The term of this contract shall compensation shall be allowed for deleting or adding new locations of be 3-year from the date of award with provision for (one) two-year APS. Contractor must secure Caltrans Encroachment Permit for work renewal option upon mutual agreement. within State right of way. AGC #: 20-01078 Project Type: RFP AGC #: 20-01127 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-012 Addenda: 3 Ref#: 190-32 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bid only) - Direct Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic and paper bids) inquiries to Rudy Rosas: 714-647-3379 and/or rrosas@santaContractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Tricia Del Rio: (714) 744-5549 and/or Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works Agency (714) 647-3379 Owner: City of Orange (714) 744-5549 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2019-2020 Concrete Program Bid Date: 4/9/2020

3:30 PM


BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Parking Lot Surface Maintenance & Repairs

Bid Date: 4/9/2020 11:00 AM County of Orange The contract work for this project shall consist of various items which Provide parking lot surface maintenance and repairs. include but are not limited to sawcutting, removal and replacement of concrete sidewalk, removal and replacement of driveway approaches, AGC #: 20-01161 Project Type: removal and replacement of curb/gutter, construction of ADA curb ramps, compaction of subgrade, installation of irrigation and furnish Addenda: 3 Ref#: 91082 Est: $200,000 and installation of railing per the processes. Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class C-12 AGC #: 20-01088 Project Type: Engineering Direct inquiries to Carla Shaffer:(714) 560-5884 and/or Addenda: 0 Ref#: 11124 Est: $44,000 Owner: Orange County Transportation Authority/Contracts Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Lorrie Administration and Materials Management (714) 560-5884 Hutchison, Tel:(909) 797-2489Fax:(909) 500BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: City of Yucaipa Public Works (909) 797-2489 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

automatically directed to the project online.

Civic Center Third Floor Server Room Upgrades Bid Date: 4/9/2020

10:00 AM


Tot Lot Wood Chip Replenishment

Interior renovation work in an existing server room including walls, doors, ceilings, finishes, HVAC, electrical, fire suppression and other Bid Date: 4/9/2020 5:00 PM Orange-Multiple Locations items not mentioned here, but are required by the plans and Special The City of Orange, CA, a municipal corporation, hereby invites the Provisions. submission of bids for a four-year agreement to provide certified tot-lot AGC #: 20-01170 Project Type: Building wood chips to thirteen (13) city playground sites on an as needed Prebid Conf: MANDATORY basis. The pre-bid meeting has been cancelled. Another meeting will not be AGC #: 20-01103 Project Type: RFB scheduled. 3/26/20 @ 10:00AM: 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, California 92606 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 190-40 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Natalie Favela: (714) 744-5598 and/or and David Nobbs: (714) 532-6468 and/or Owner: City of Orange/Office of the City Clerk

(714) 744-5598

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 4

Ref#: 20-1686 Est: $350,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Chris Brown: and copy to Brian D. Brown: Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 09, 2020

Bid Date: 4/9/2020

Const Svcs for Library Roof Replacement @ SBVC Bid Date: 4/9/2020

3:00 PM

9:00 AM


Old Navy - Falcon Ridge Town center **Non-Union** Finished Carpentry 12,510 sq. ft.

San Bernardino AGC #: 20-01239

Project Type: Commercial

Construction Services for the Library Roof Replacement project at San Addenda: 0 Ref#: BernardinoValley College (NIB # 01-1920-01)”. This scope includes Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL but not limited to removal,disposal and replacement of roofing inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE materials at SBVC Library building. OWNER OR DESIGN TEAMProject documents were provided to AGC #: 20-01198 Project Type: Engineering us from ( Hirsch Construction Corp) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid Prebid Conf: MANDATORY with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary 3/25/20, 10 am, SBVC - Library Bldg, 92408 from what’s posted. Addenda: 0 Ref#: 01-1920-01 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required automatically directed to the project online. California Contract License C-39 for Package (1)California Contract License C-43 for Package (2) - Coordinate with Robert Fire Station No. 5 Tank Replacement FM 1920-5 Jenkins, Director, Facilities, Maintenance &Operations, SBVC, Bid Date: 4/9/2020 2:00 PM Ontario The City of Ontario is seeking bids for a fuel tank replacement for Fire Owner: San Bernardino Community College Dist (909) 381-8427 Station No. 5. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 20-01266

Walmart #2952 (Sub-Bids Only)

Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 1287

Est: $75,000

Bid Date: 4/9/2020 5:00 PM Murrieta Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Project Duration 45 days Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to PurchasingNon-prevailing wage/Non-Union 9210 sq ftTrade:02050- Demo02500- Paving02580 – Stiping/signage02830- Fencing02900 – Owner: City of Ontario - Public Works (909) 395-2012 Landscaping03300- Concrete09900 – Painting16000- Electrical AGC #: 20-01204

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2952 Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (Tri-State General Contractors ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Agency Wide Chemical Containment Area, Rehab Ph 1 Bid Date: 4/9/2020

2:00 PM


t is the Agency’s intent to perform necessary surface preparation, repair of damaged concrete, and application of a coating system to the interior concrete surfaces of four containment structures at Agency owned properties in Ontario, California. Three containment areas are located at IEUA’s Regional Water Recycling Plant No. 1 (RP-1) at 2662 East Walnut Street and one at Philadelphia Lift Station at 1818 East Philadelphia Street. See Attachment A for project location maps. AGC #: 20-01277

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/31/20, 10 am, Regional Plant No. 1, 2662 East Walnut St., Ontario, 91761 Addenda: 2

Ref#: IFB-JV-20-006

Est: $240,000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 90 Calendar Days - Direct Inquires to Jordan Villalobos - Owner: Inland Empire Utilities Agency (909) 993-1961 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 10, 2020

Citywide Bus Stop Improvements Bid Date: 4/9/2020

2:00 PM

HVAC Improvements at Santa Ana Senior Center San Bernardino Bid Date: 4/10/2020

Citywide Bus Stop Improvements AGC #: 20-01342 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 13375

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or C--8 & C-12 - Direct Inquires to Carlos Castro,909-384-5019, Fax 909-384-5190, Owner: City of San Bernardino 909-384-5326 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2:00 PM

Santa Ana

The City of Santa Ana (City) is soliciting competitive bids from qualified contractors to furnish labor, equipment and materials for services including, but not limited to, replacement of HVAC controls at the Santa Ana Senior Center, 424 W 3rd St, Santa Ana, CA 92701. AGC #: 20-01169

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/31/20 @ 10:00AM: Santa Ana Senior Center 424 W 3rd St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Addenda: 2

Ref#: 20-052

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class C-20 and C-10 - Direct inquiries to Eva Pierce: 714647-6584 and/or Owner: City of Santa Ana/Purchasing/Finance & Management Services Agency (714) 647-6584 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Veterans Memorial Park Shade Structure CDBG PM 1920-4 Bid Date: 4/10/2020

3:00 PM


The City is seeking bids from qualified contractors with demonstrated experience in providing similar projects for fabrication and construction/installation of shade structure for Veterans Memorial Park per approved design plans. AGC #: 20-01191

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/1/20, 11 am, join a conference by calling 1-213- 458-5341 conference id 655 416 236# if interested. The call will be closed right at 11:00 AM, any calls coming after the time will not be eligible to bid. Addenda: 1

Ref#: 1288

Est: $50,000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 90 Calendar Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Purchasing Owner: City of Ontario

(909) 395-2012

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Interior Seismic Joints Covers Replacement - Terminal Floors Bid Date: 4/10/2020

4:00 PM

Santa Ana

Interior Seismic Joints Covers Replacement (one time contract) Terminal Floors (for John Wayne Airport) AGC #: 20-01222

Project Type:

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 280-C023184-MR Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Monica Rodriguez at Owner: John Wayne Airport/Purchasing Division (949) 252-5122 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Traffic Signal Installation On Baker St at Randolph Ave

April 13, 2020

Bid Date: 4/13/2020

2:00 PM

Costa Mesa

The Project consists of furnishing and installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of Baker Street and Randolph Avenue including tying in to the existing fiber optic trunk line on Baker Street for Bid Date: 4/13/2020 2:00 PM Palm Desert communications between the new traffic signal and the City of Costa Landscape Maintenance Area No 16:The City is requesting proposals Mesa Traffic Management Center to provide: Landscape maintenance services for City of Palm Desert AGC #: 20-01083 Project Type: Engineering park facilities. Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-11 Est: $220,000 AGC #: 20-00938 Project Type: RFP

Landscape Maintenance Area No 16

Addenda: 2

Ref#: 20-02 Misc. Notes: For the Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting, scheduled for March 17, 2020 at 10:00 a.m., we are strongly encouraging attendance via telephone conferenceAccess Number: 866-398-9973Participant Passcode: 736030#

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A or C10 - Direct inquiries to 714-754-5222 or Owner: City of Costa Mesa/Public Services Dept – Office of City Clerk (714) 754-5222

Owner: City of Palm Desert

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

San Bernardino County Tree Removal Bid Date: 4/13/2020

Landscape Maintenance Area No 1

2:00 PM

San Bernardino

The California Department of Food and Agriculture is in need of a Palm Desert contractor to perform tree removal services in response to the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and Huanglongbing (HLB) outbreak. Landscape Maintenance Area No 1:The City is requesting proposals to provide: landscape maintenance services for City of Palm Desert AGC #: 20-01159 Project Type: Engineering medians, parkways, and facilities Addenda: 0 Ref#: IFB 19-0300 AGC #: 20-00939 Project Type: RFP Bid Date: 4/13/2020

2:15 PM

Addenda: 3

Ref#: 20-01 Misc. Notes: For the Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting, scheduled for March 17, 2020 at 10:00 a.m., we are strongly encouraging attendance via telephone conferenceAccess Number: 866-398-9973Participant Passcode: 736030# BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Citywide Parkway Maintenance (Zones 6 and 7) and New Sidewalk Construction Bid Date: 4/13/2020

10:00 AM

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required D-49 - Direct Inquires to Donna Weber, 916/403-6521, Owner: California Department of Food & Agriculture (916) 4036521 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Riverside County Citrus Tree Removal Bid Date: 4/13/2020

2:00 PM

Riverside County

Costa Mesa Riverside County Citrus Tree Removal, IFB 19-0293

The scope of work includes construction of new sidewalks, AGC #: 20-01261 Project Type: Engineering reconstruction of curb & gutter, driveway approaches, spandrel, cross Ref#: IFB 19-0293 gutter, wheelchair ramps, sidewalks, mobilization, clearing & grubbing; Addenda: 0 traffic control and all other work as required. Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required D49 Direct Inquires to Donna Weber, (916) 403-6521, AGC #: 20-00976 Project Type: Engineering must be submitted no later than April 3, 2020 at 2:00 PM) Addenda: 2 Ref#: 20-07 Est: $2,820,205 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A Direct inquiries to Cristina Oquendo:

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Costa Mesa/Public Services Dept – Office of City Clerk (714) 754-5357 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 14, 2020

State Minor B 12A1847 - Install an overhead guide sign and Hazardous Waste roadside signs Bid Date: 4/13/2020

2:15 PM

County of Orange

To improve Traffic Operation by installing an overhead guide sign and roadside signs informing motorists of an upcoming mandatory exit ramp. Bidder Bond and Payment Bonds are required. Insurance is required. DVBE 5% goal is required. AGC #: 20-01311 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 12A1847

Est: $310,000

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

3:00 PM

Thousand Palms

Hazardous Waste AGC #: 20-00901 Addenda: 3

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: 20-041

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner attn: Jennifer Tran - Direct Inquires to Jennifer Tran, 760-343-3456, ext 1504,

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A Direct inquiries to Kimberly Reap: and/or 916-227-8297

Owner: SunLine Transit Agency (760) 343-3456

Owner: Department of Transportation, Division of Procurement and Contracts (916) 227-8297

Roof Repair - Synthetic Felt

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

4:00 PM

Traffice Sign RFB 20-109 AGC #: 20-01374

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

4:00 PM


Roof Repair - Synthetic Felt:The entire roof is approximately 5,300 square feet. There are leaks due to the age of the roof. The District is considering, at a minimum, partial replacement on the west side of Rialto 2,200 square feet of roof. District may consider replacement of entire roof at approximately 5,300 square feet.

Traffice Sign RFB 20-109 Bid Date: 4/13/2020

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Supplier

AGC #: 20-01051

Project Type: RFP

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY ** Job walk is Rescheduled to March 31, at 9AM (from: March 19, 9AM at 1121 N. Warren Rd., San Jacinto, CA 92582)

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-109 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Direct Inquires to Addenda: 2 Ref#: RFP-EG-3269 Catalina Baker - Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Direct Inquiries : to Elizabeth Grace, 951-928-3777 x 6268, BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2020 Unit Cost Carpet & Hard Floor Projects (Various Sites) Bid Date: 4/14/2020

2:00 PM

San Jacinto

2020 Unit Cost Carpet & Hard Floor Projects (Various Sites) AGC #: 20-01123 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Building

Ref#: 016-20

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C15 Each request for clarification shall be submitted in writing, via email, to only the following persons:TO: Michael Collins, Neal Conijn, Thaning Owner: San Jacinto Unified School District (951) 929-7700 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Arches Storm Drain Dry Weather Diversions

April 14, 2020

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

10:00 AM

Newport Beach-Multiple Locations

HOAG DIVERSION:The work necessary for the completion of this contract consists of mobilizing, providing traffic control, erosion Bid Date: 4/14/2020 2:00 PM Chino control, staking and survey monument restoration, verifying utility locations and coordinating with utility companies; clearing and IEUA is seeking to prequalify construction contractors that are grubbing; completing site demolition and core drilling existing manhole qualified to construct the RP-4 Aeration Diffuser Replacement/Wall structure, dewatering if required, earthwork, and site grading; Reinforcement Project, Project Nos. EN17110.03. The work consists constructing diversion improvements including but not limited to of all materials, labor, tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, modified drop manhole connection to existing sewer manhole, cast-intransportation, and incidentals necessary to furnish, deliver and place diversion manhole & junction structure, precast meter box and install:1. Aeration Basin Diffusers.2. Aeration Basin Recycled Water manholes components, PVC Schedule 80 pipe and fittings, furnishing Piping.3. Aeration Basin Drainage Sumps.4. Aeration Basin and installing miscellaneous metals, composite manhole covers, Reinforcement Counterforts.5. Coating of Mixed Liquor and Primary molded fiberglass grates, polypropylene steps, utility pumps, control Effluent Piping. switches, and control panel, check valves, flow meters, cleanout AGC #: 20-01138 Project Type: RFQ facilities, concrete walk, curb and gutter, retaining curb; asphalt concrete trench resurfacing, electrical site improvements, SCADA Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFQ-JV-20-001 Control System improvements, re-landscaping and irrigation Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Jordan replacements; preparing as-built drawings; and all other work required Villalobos - by the contract documents. OLD NEWPORT DIVERSION:The work necessary for the completion of this contract consists of mobilizing; Owner: Inland Empire Utilities Agency (909) 993-1961 providing traffic control; erosion control; staking and survey monument BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be restoration; verifying utility locations and coordinating with utility automatically directed to the project online. companies; clearing and grubbing; completing site demolition and core Radio System Enhancements drilling existing manhole structure; dewatering; earthwork and site Bid Date: 4/14/2020 11:00 AM San Bernardino grading; constructing diversion improvements including but not limited to modified drop manhole connection to existing sewer manhole, castOmnitrans intends to award the Purchase Order for a one-time period. in-place diversion curb and diversion junction structure, precast meter box, RCB access shaft, and pump wetwell, PVC Schedule 80 pipe and AGC #: 20-01140 Project Type: RFQ fittings; furnishing and installing miscellaneous metals, composite manhole covers, molded fiberglass grates, polypropylene steps, utility Addenda: 2 Ref#: RFQ-ITS20-73 Est: $134,460 pumps, control switches, and control panel, check valve, plug valve Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Krystal Turner and valve box, flow meter, rain gauge, cleanout facility, concrete walk, modified commercial driveway paving, and curb and gutter; electrical site improvements; SCADA Control System improvements; Owner: Omnitrans (909) 379-7202 landscaping and irrigation replacements; preparing as-built drawings; BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be and all other work required by the contract documents. automatically directed to the project online.

RP-4 Aeration Diffuser Replacement/Wall Reinforcement

Slurry Seal Project for Arterial Streets: Serrano Rd; Ridge Route; Toledo Way

AGC #: 20-01192

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: C-8279-2 Est: $390,000 Lake Forest-Multiple Locations Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's This project consists of Type II Slurry on Arterial Streets. Specifically, License Class A - Direct inquiries to: Bob Stein: 949-644-3322 and/or Serrano Rd from Toledo Way to El Toro Rd, Ridge Route Dr from Trabuco Rd to Dead-end, and Toledo Way from Bake Pkwy to El Toro Owner: City of Newport Beach/Public Works Rd. In addition, to the slurry the project will grind and overlay patches of the most deteriorated section of the roadways, crack seal and place BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. slurry.

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

2:00 PM

AGC #: 20-01190 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: PW 2019-05B

Est: $1,500,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A or C-12 - Direct inquiries to Taylor Abernathy: 949-461-3490 and/or Owner: City of Lake Forest (949) 461-3490 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 14, 2020

Bid Date: 4/14/2020

2:00 PM

Rancho Cucamonga

Removal and/or installation of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, concrete block walls and other concrete or masonry work at various locations in the public right of way; City maintained landscapes including parkways, medians and greenbelts; City parks; and other City facilities within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. AGC #: 20-01211

Santa Ana

Santiago Elementary Roofing (SAUSD)

Citywide Concrete Repair FY 2019/2020 Bid Date: 4/14/2020

11:30 AM

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2

Ref#: Est: $525,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or C-8 - Direct Inquires to Ernest Ruiz, 909-774-4108, & Paul Fisher, 909-774-4138, Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga (909) 477-2730 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 20-01235 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Building

Ref#: 11-20

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class B, C-5, & C-39 - Direct inquiries to: Ricardo.salazar@sausd and Owner: Santa Ana Unified School District/District Office BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Graffiti Removal Services Bid Date: 4/14/2020

3:00 PM


Contractor shall remove graffiti from all City-owned, private residential, commercial, and industrial structures as directed by City representative and per City specifications. AGC #: 20-01272

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Will Wenz: Bid Date: 4/14/2020 3:00 PM Colton The work consists of, but not limited to removal & installation of HVAC, Owner: City of Brea/Public Works Department carpet flooring, electrical, plumbing, painting & all necessary work.

Upgrade of Carnegie Museum Project

AGC #: 20-01212

Project Type: Engineering

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

On-Call Construction Management & Inspection Services Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required B or Bid Date: 4/14/2020 10:00 AM Rancho Santa Margarita C-15 - For furtherinformation contact Tony Soto of the On-Call Construction Management & Inspection Services for Rancho Maintenance Division, Public Works Department @ (909) Santa Margarita, CA AGC #: 20-01287 Project Type: RFP Owner: City of Colton (909) 772-7918

Addenda: 0

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 1 Ref#: PW 032720 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Brendan Dugan: Local Street Preventative Maintenance FY 19/20 Bid Date: 4/14/2020 2:00 PM Santa Ana Owner: City of Rancho Santa Margarita/Public Works Director/City Engineer Scope of work includes slurry seal, coldmill; removal & replacement of BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be asphalt concrete pavement, PCC pavement, curb ramp, cross gutter; automatically directed to the project online. repair sidewalk, curb and gutter; and signing, and striping. AGC #: 20-01219 Addenda: 1

Ref#: 20-6907

Project Type: Engineering Est: $2,200,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A - All Questions must be submitted in writing in PB Q&A Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works Agency BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


On-Call Traffic Engineering, Traffic Signal Operations Support & Transportation Engineering Services Bid Date: 4/14/2020

4:00 PM

Laguna Hills

The City is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to provide on Grocery Outlet (SUB BIDS ONLY) -call professional consultant services for a variety of traffic engineering Bid Date: 4/14/2020 2:00 PM Wildomar services in support of the City’s operations of the Public Services Department and the Capital Improvement Program. The City intends Modification to existing site plan per approved substantial to enter into non-exclusive multi-year Agreements with multiple Traffic conformance and a new Grocery Outlet. Construction of new trash Engineering firms as deemed necessary to fulfill the City’s needs enclosure, asphalt, site concrete, utilities, landscaping etc.Construction of new Grocery Outlet Store with 16,302 SQ ft of AGC #: 20-01387 Project Type: RFP gross building area includes;new interior walls and finishes new offices, employee lounge and casework complete restroom facilities Addenda: 1 Ref#: with all required accessible fixtures accessories and drinking fountains Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct new sales floor finishes and paint new interior lighting throughout new inquiries to Ken Rosenfield: suspended air handler HVAC unit, roof mounted condensing unit, and/or 949-707-2655 compressor rack, controls, fresh air and exhaust fan as defined in mechanical and refrigeration drawings. new walk-in cooler and freezer Owner: City of Laguna Hills (949) 707-2650 boxes, along with refrigeration condensate evac system as defined in BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. the refrigeration drawings. AGC #: 20-01320

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Near-Cal Corp. ) , there may be other GC’s bidding Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Roll Up Door Inspection and Repair Request for Quote Bid Date: 4/14/2020

4:00 PM

San Bernardino County

Roll Up Door Inspection and Repair - Annual Purchase OrderProvide Roll Up Door Inspection and Repair Services for all City facilities for an initial period of 12 months. Alloverhead costs, including but not limited to, travel, equipment and equipment maintenance, etc. shall be included. Prices shall remain in effect for the term of the contract or 120 days from the RFQ deadline date. AGC #: 20-01360

Project Type: Supplier

Addenda: 0 Ref#: FCS04072020KG Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquires to Kathleen Giorgianni - 909-798-7655 Owner: City of Redlands (909) 798-7655 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Norco - Crestview Drive Debris Basin, Stage 1

April 15, 2020

Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM


Norco - Crestview Drive Debris Basin, Stage 1:The goal of this project is to reduce mud/debris issues along Crestview Drive between Mt. Rushmore Drive and Seventh Street. The debris basin will collect Bid Date: 4/15/2020 5:00 PM La Quinta mud/debris from the La Sierra Hills located southeast of Crestview Drive/Seventh Street intersection. The debris basin's outlet structure Provide all labor, supervision, tools, materials, equipment and will convey flows during moderate storm events southwesterly in an transportation necessary to properly clean, crack fill, seal coat, and underground storm drain to Norco MDP Line NA-1 Stage 2. restripe approximately 362,365 sq. ft. of asphalt areas located in La Quinta, CA AGC #: 20-01034 Project Type: Engineering

La Quinta Facility Asphalt Seal Coat and Restripe

AGC #: 20-00732

Project Type: RFP

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY March 19, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. (changed from March 12th) La Quinta Board Room, 81-600 Avenue 58, La Quinta, CA 92253 Addenda: 3

Ref#: PRFP 1399 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors license class C32 or A - Direct Inquiries to Marty P. Holbrook, purchasing agent, via email to: (in writing, no later than 5:00 p.m., Local Time, Tuesday, March 17, 2020) Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (760) 339-9706 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 0

Ref#: 2-0-00085-01

Est: $1,344,090

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License class A Direct Inquiries to Michelle VerDoorn, Tel:(951) 955-1289, Fax: (951) 788-9965, Owner: Riverside County Flood Control And Water Conservation (951) 955-1289 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

RCTC - On-Call Maint & Repair for Commuter Rail & Toll Facilities Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM


RCTC - On-Call Maint & Repair for Commuter Rail & Toll Facilities (The Commission intends to award up to three (3) qualified contractor Bid Date: 4/15/2020 2:30 PM Victorville (s) as a result of this RFP) The pool deck that is cantilevered over the gutter has become brittle. AGC #: 20-01046 Project Type: RFP The concrete is crackingand separating at the pool edge. In some areas the edge has fallen into the pool. This projectconsists of saw Addenda: 2 Ref#: 20-24-040-00 cutting and removing the existing concrete edge, reinforcing, and Misc. Notes: The Commission will not be accepting hard copy replacing withnew per the attached contract drawing and proposal submittals. All proposalsshall be submitted specifications electronically via email to by the proposalsubmittal deadline of Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 2:00 AGC #: 20-00986 Project Type: RFP p.m. Prebid Conf: MANDATORY

Doris Davies Park Pool Deck

: March 11, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. PST at City of Victorville City Hall, 14343 Civic Drive, Victorville, CA, 92392, Conference Room “A� BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be (located on the first floor), with a MANDATORY jobwalk to immediately automatically directed to the project online. follow.

Addenda: 4

Ref#: BM20-074

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A, B, C-8 or C-53 - Direct Inquires to Bruce Miller, BuyerPhone (760) 955-5085, Fax (760) 269-0045, email: Owner: City of Victorville (760) 955-5085 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

El Toro 20 Acre RV Storage

Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM

El Toro

El Toro 20 Acre RV Storage in El Toro, Ca AGC #: 20-01143

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: C026961-CR Est: $1,850,000 Misc. Notes: Prequalification deadline: 3/24/20 @ 2:00PM. Electronic submittals only ( Only prequalified Contractors will be eligible to submit a bid for this project. Direct inquiries to: Christina Rojas via Bid Sync webiste ( Owner: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors/Orange Cty. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

April 15, 2020

Landscape Maintenance Services for Public Works Agency -City Yard Facility

Landscape Maint City Properties Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM


Landscape Maintenance Service for City Properties AGC #: 20-01167 Addenda: 1

Project Type: RFP

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (electronic only) - Prevailing Wage Contractors License Class C27 - Direct Inquiries to Shiloh Rogers, Email:,Phone: (951) 922-3121 Owner: City of Banning BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Hazardous Waste Removal and Disposal Services 2:00 PM


Hazardous Waste Removal and Disposal Services:The Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) is soliciting proposals from qualified licensed and permitted firms to provide hazardous waste removal and disposal services per all applicable County, State and Federal Laws and Regulations regarding the handling, transportation, processing, disposal, and record-keeping of waste products AGC #: 20-01176

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 3 Ref#: 20-022 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - L. Rose Jr., Contracts Administrator, (951) 565-5076, Fax: (951) 565-5077 Owner: Riverside Transit Agency (951) 565-5000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Removal & Replacement Svcs Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:15 PM

San Bernardino

Contractor hall furnish all labor, materials, parts tools, equipment, permits and incidentalsnecessary to install three (3) 10-ton commercial HVAC packaged units, remove and dispose ofthirteen (13) existing wall evaporative coolers, remove and dispose of twenty-nine (29)commercial heaters and related ducting, electrical wiring, and components, remove, dispose ofand install one (1) new 4-ton commercial HVAC packaged unit, install two (2) 7.5-ton HVACpackaged units, one (1) existing roof evaporative cooler, and four (4) wall evaporative coolersand all related ducting, electrical wiring, and components in the San Bernardino Shop Facilitybuildings. AGC #: 20-01245

3:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/7/20, 10 am, 320 South Sierra Way, San Bernardino, CA 92408 Addenda: 0

Ref#: 32A0476 Est: $295,000 Misc. Notes: Questions regarding this IFB must be submitted in writing by Wednesday, April 08, 2020.Bidders are encouraged to submit their written questions via e-mail toKera.Dolan@DOT.CA.GOV. Owner: Department of Transportation, Division of Procurement and Contracts (916) 227-1830

Santa Ana

The City of Santa Ana is seeking Request for Proposals (RFP) for landscape maintenance services for the Public Work Agency - City Yard Facility. AGC #: 20-01252

Ref#: 20-009

Bid Date: 4/15/2020

Bid Date: 4/15/2020

Addenda: 1

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: 20-041

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class C-27 - Direct inquiries to Gabriela P. Lomeli: (714) 565-2692 and/or Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works Agency (714) 565-2692 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Tennis Court Fence Repl at Estancia HS & Costa Mesa HS Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM

Costa Mesa-Multiple Locations

The project consists of remove and replace of existing tennis court fencing, rerouting of electrical conduits below grade and resurfacing of the tennis court with new surfacing material (Costa Mesa HS). AGC #: 20-01270

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY OPTION A: 3/31/20 @ 1:00PM OR OPTION B: 4/2/20 @ 1:00PM_Starting @ Estancia HS. Meet by front entrance to Admin 2323 Placentia Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (Attendees must register at the site. Bidders must attend at least one of the job walks.) Addenda: 0

Ref#: 105-20 Est: $1,400,000 Misc. Notes: Pre-qual packets due by 4/4/20: All BIDDERS will be required to provide proof of prequalification, and if required subcontractor prequalification, for DISTRICT projects with their bid. Proof of prequalification will be provided by Owner: Newport Mesa Unified School District – Purchasing BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Dollar Tree - San Jacinto (SUB BIDS ONLY) Bid Date: 4/15/2020

5:00 PM

San Jacinto

Dollar Tree - San JacintoAn existing structure to be Converted to a Dollar Tree StoreAll Tennant Improvement sub-trades for this work are needed. AGC #: 20-01280 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Commercial


Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (JM Stitt ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 16, 2020

Pacific View Memorial Park Mausoleum (SUB BIDS ONLY) Bid Date: 4/15/2020

1:00 PM

Newport Beach Bid Date: 4/16/2020

Cast-in-place concrete mausoleum and niche library. 3,002 sq. ft. AGC #: 20-01293

Roofing Replacement Project

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 1 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Matthews Gibraltar Mausoleum & Construction Company ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.

3:00 PM

San Bernardino

Omnitrans invites sealed bids for the provision of the Roofing Replacement project. AGC #: 20-00487 Addenda: 3

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: IFB-MNT20-63

Est: $1,749,159

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Project Duration: 9 Months Contractor License Required C39 & B - Direct Inquires to Krystal Turner - Owner: Omnitrans (909) 379-7202 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Restroom Renovations at Sea Country Senior & Community Center

Verizon on E Village Way - Orange

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM

Laguna Niguel

Orange Restroom renovations including the construction of new toilet partitions, plumbing fixtures, new flooring, tiles, lighting and painting. Remodel of an existing Verizon store in the city of Orange CA. AGC #: 20-00651 Project Type: Building AGC #: 20-01327 Project Type: Commercial Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 2/27/20 @ 9:00AM: 24602 Aliso Creek Rd, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677. Addenda: 0 Ref#: Meet outside main building entrance doors Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL Addenda: 3 Ref#: 19-14 Est: $180,000 inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Mark Carroll: us from ( Gray West Construction) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid Owner: City of Laguna Niguel/CIty Clerk's Office with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be from what’s posted Bid Date: 4/15/2020

2:00 PM

automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Air Stripper Project

BNSF Maintenance Building (SUB BIDS ONLY)

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

Bid Date: 4/15/2020

3:00 PM

Jurupa Valley

San Bernardino Air Stripper Project

4:00 PM

BNSF Maintenance Building Drywall & Framing

AGC #: 20-00837

AGC #: 20-01380

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Feb 19, 2020 at 10am at Chino II Desalter 11251 Harrel St., Jurupa Valley, CA 91752

Addenda: 0

Project Type: Commercial


: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 5 Ref#: CDASAP-20-01 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct inquiries to Casey Costa 909-218-3730 Owner: Chino Basin Desalter (909) 218-3729 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Owner: Alta Loma School Dist Admin 909.484.5151 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

April 16, 2020

Carpet Replacement

Purchase of 25 Bus Stop Shelters Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM

Riverside County

Purchase of 25 Bus Stop Shelters AGC #: 20-00955 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Supplier

Ref#: IFB 20-014

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:15 PM

San Bernardino

Contractor agrees to provide all labor, equipment, tools, parts, materials, supplies, travel, and incidentals necessary to remove and dispose of existing carpet and baseboards, and furnish and install new carpet and baseboards to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Luciano Rose, Contracts Administrator, Phone Number: (951) 565-5076, Fax Number: (951) 565-5077

AGC #: 20-01119

Owner: Riverside Transit Agency (951) 565-5000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-15 - Direct Inquires to Laura Heberle, 916-227-6043, Fax 916-2276155,

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Runway 17/35 Reconstruction Ph III Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:30 PM


This Project entails the third phase of the reconstruction of the asphaltportions of Runway 17/35, consisting of the removal and replacement of approximately 225,000square feet of structural runway pavement section to current FAA Design Standards. Phase III alsoentails the replacement of approximately 3,000 linear feet of existing asphalt runway shoulders thatwill be lost as a function of the runway reconstruction. Additionally, Phase III includes eliminating400 linear feet of blast pad from the northern most point of the runway, and reconfiguring thenorthern-most 2,000 linear feet of runway. AGC #: 20-00991

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Canceled March 23, 2020 10:00 a.m. at the Southern California Logistics Airport (SCLA) Admin office at 18374 Readiness St., Victorville Conference Room B. Immediately following the meeting will be the job site visit. Addenda: 5

Ref#: CC20-065

Est: $6,000,000

Addenda: 2

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 08A3152

Owner: Department of Transportation, Division of Procurement and Contracts (916) 227-6155 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Annual Sewer Replacement/Maintenance FY19-20 Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM


The work to be done, in general, consists of traffic control, construction surveys, and removal of existing facilities including but not limited to: asphalt concrete pavement with petromat if any, aggregate base, concrete pavement with rebar if any, miscellaneous concrete pavement, vitrified clay sewer pipe, and sewer manholes and covers. Construction of new facilities including but not limited to: vitrified clay sewer pipe, sewer manholes and covers, manhole concrete collars, remodel of existing sewer manholes, connections to existing sewer systems and laterals, asphalt concrete pavement, concrete pavement, concrete cross gutters, traffic striping and markings, backfill material, trenching, compacting, trenchless rehabilitation by pipe lining existing sewer and storm drain lines, grinding of protruding service laterals, re-establishing active sewer laterals post pipe lining, including all labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for completion of work.

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A Direct Inquires to Celeste Calderon, Tel:(760) 955-5082Fax:(760)

AGC #: 20-01126

Owner: City of Victorville (760) 955-5082

Addenda: 2

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A or C-42 - Direct inquiries to Tricia Del Rio: (714) 744-5549 and/or

Vineyard JHS Modernization Summer 2020 Bid Date: 4/16/2020

Vineyard JHS Modernization Summer 2020

Addenda: 2

Ref#: 190-28

Alta Loma Owner: City of Orange (714) 744-5549

11:00 AM

AGC #: 20-01044

Project Type: Engineering

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 2019-20-01

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required Trade Category 08 Roofing & Sheet Metal C39 & C43Trade Category 15 Painting C33Trade Category 16 General Works BTrade Category 21 Plumbing & Fire Suppression C36 & C16Trade Category 23 Electrical & Low Voltage C10 - Direct Inquires to owner Reprographic: A&I Reprographics (909) 514-0704

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


PC1171 Ph II Roof Repair & Replacement 4181 North "E" St (Rebid) Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM

San Bernardino

Contractor shall supply all labor, materials, tools, equipment, debrisButterfield ES Bus/Parent Drop-Off waste removal/disposal, transportation of materials and anything else Bid Date: 4/16/2020 2:00 PM Moreno Valley deemed necessary to provide approximately 6,195 square feet of roofing. Work will be performed on three buildings within the Butterfield ES Bus/Parent Drop-Off community of: 4181 North E St. San Bernardino, CA 92407. AGC #: 20-01156 Project Type: Building AGC #: 20-01163 Project Type: Engineering Ref#: 19-20-26 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or B Requests for Clarification must be sent to,, and by April 7, 2020 at 4:00 p.m

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY

Owner: Moreno Valley Unified School District 951-571-7500

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner Electronically at PlanetBids rtal.cfm?CompanyID=40135 - Contractor License Required C39 Direct Inquires to Clifford Goss, Procurement Officer(909) 3326342, or Donald Capmbell, Project Coordinator(909) 332-6331,

Addenda: 0

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Downtown Parking Garage - Parking Access & Revenue Control System (PARCS) Replacement

Mandatory Job Walk: Date: March 30, 2020 @ 1:00pm LOCATION: 4181 North E. St San Bernardino Addenda: 0

Ref#: PC1171

Est: $183,000

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

4:00 PM Riverside Owner: Housing Authority of San Bernardino County Downtown Parking Garage - Parking Access & Revenue Control BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be System (PARCS) Replacement:The City of Riverside (“City”) is automatically directed to the project online. seeking a qualified entity or individual (“Company”) to remove and Rehabilitation of Pressure Regulating Stations (PRS) 30 & replace existing equipment; and provide and install new equipment, to 31; Demo/Relocation PRS-32 & PRS-43; Construction of provide a fully functioning parking access and revenue control system New PRS-73 (PARCS) for the Downtown Riverside Parking Garages, as identified in this design-build RFP and associated documents. Bid Date: 4/16/2020 2:00 PM Anaheim

AGC #: 20-01160 Addenda: 1

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: 1955

Misc. Notes: Proposals not received electronically via the bidding website before the due date and time will not be accepted. Hard copy proposals will be rejected. Owner: City of Riverside BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

The work consists of the rehabilitation of two (2) existing PR Stations and the abandonment of two (2) existing PR Stations and installation of three(3) new PR Stations including reconnection to existing water mains, replacement or repair of any damaged or disturbed asphalt paving, sidewalk, curb, gutter and landscaping. AGC #: 20-01209

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: Est: $2,875,000 Misc. Notes: REVISED BID OPENING PROCEDURE: City Hall is closed to the public until further notice. In an effort to reduce contact and maintain physical distance, bid results for this project will not be read to the public in person. Bid results will be made public on Planetbids and posted on the City's website within 15 minutes after the bid deadline.REVISED BID DELIVERY REQUIREMENT: Delivery of the original signed bid bond before the deadline is required as noted in the contract documents and will be accepted in the order of preference below: 1. U.S. mail or other delivery service addressed to Anaheim City Clerk; or 2. Hand-delivery to City Hall. A designated Bid Bond drop box will be available from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on the bid date for deposit of the bid bond. The location of the Bid Bond drop box and instructions for submittal are on the attached flyer (See Addendum 1). BID DATE REMAINS 4/16/20 @ 2:00PM Owner: City of Anaheim BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Katella Widening (From Fourth Eastbound Lane Adjacent to Convention Center to Hotel Way)

April 16, 2020

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:00 PM


Currently there are three eastbound lanes going from 900’ E/O El Cerrito Parking Addition and Reconfiguration Disneyland Dr. to Hotel way and there is no designated turn lane going Bid Date: 4/16/2020 2:00 PM La Habra into the Convention Center. Katella Avenue Widening project proposes El Cerrito Parking Addition and Reconfiguration (La Habra City School an additional eastbound lane allowing drivers to turn left on Convention Center. The purpose of this project is to improve the flow District) of traffic on this segment of Katella Avenue. Two electronic AGC #: 20-01213 Project Type: Engineering Changeable Message Signs (VMS/CMS) systems will be installed to provide parking information and traffic directions for the events in the Prebid Conf: MANDATORY area. The work consists of removing, widening and constructing the 3/31/20 @ 10:00AM: 1051 N. Hillside Street, La Habra, CA 90631 convention center frontage. This includes cold planning existing Addenda: 0 Ref#: B01-2020 Est: $450,000 asphalt pavement, resurfacing the road, removal and reconstruction of Misc. Notes: Bids toowner _ Contractor's License Class A ADA access ramps, curb and gutter, driveways, concrete sidewalk, Direct inquiries to Moshir Kellada: tree and landscape work, adjustment of survey monument covers, sewer manhole covers, street light and the adjustment of traffic signal Owner: La Habra City School District pull boxes to grade, replacement of water valve box assemblies, BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be coordination of the adjustment of utility structures with utility automatically directed to the project online. purveyors, the replacement of traffic striping and all additional work Pest Management and Control Services necessary to properly construct the proposed improvements. Bid Date: 4/16/2020

County of Orange AGC #: 20-01257

2:00 PM

The County of Orange is seeking to partner with a qualified pest control company or companies who can provide exceptional performance and competitive pricing. The County’s intent is to obtain the most cost-effective Pest Management and Control Services while maximizing the quality and level of service. The Contractor is to provide Pest Management and Control Services on an ongoing or as needed basis. Services may be requested to eradicate an existing problem, or formaintenance/preventative basis. AGC #: 20-01220 Addenda: 0

Project Type:

Ref#: 017-C023900-YG

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Questions and Bids must all be submitted on BidSync (

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2

Ref#: Est: $2,406,535 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic & paper bids) Contractor's License Class A or C-10 - Direct inquiries to Jason Thiem - (714) 765-5100 X5473 and/or AND Cesar Carrillo: and/or (714) 765-5175 Owner: City of Anaheim BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Provide Owners Advisor Services for Groundwater Treatment Plants Bid Date: 4/16/2020

5:00 PM


Request for Proposals (RFP) to Provide Owners Advisor Services for Groundwater Treatment Plants

Owner: County of Orange Procurement Office, County of Orange, County Executive Office/County Procurement Office

AGC #: 20-01268

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 1


Project Type: RFP Est: $1,000,000

Canyon Springs HS Bldg. "B" Gymnasium Alterations BP 7 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic & paper bids) - Direct inquiries to Robert Hoang: 714-765-4229 and/or REBID Bid Date: 4/16/2020 2:30 PM Moreno Valley Owner: City of Anaheim (714) 765-4229 19-20-18 Canyon Springs HS Bldg. "B" Gymnasium Alterations:BC #7: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Painting & Resinous Flooring automatically directed to the project online. AGC #: 20-01248 Addenda: 2

Ref#: 19-20-127

Project Type: Building Est: $4,663,111

Misc. Notes: The bid documents are available Online via SmartBid - Contact Tilden-Coil Constructors, 951-684-5901, to be added as a plan holder Owner: Moreno Valley Unified School District (951) 571-7500 Construction Manager: Tilden-Coil Constructors (951) 684-5901 Owner: Moreno Valley Unified School District (951) 571-7500 Construction Manager: Tilden-Coil Constructors (951) 684-5901 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO One Time Ldscp Clean-Up & Ldscp Maint Svcs for the Fontana DLPC Office

April 16, 2020

Bid Date: 4/16/2020

2:30 PM


The awarded contractor agrees to provide the Department of Motor Cameo Highlands Street Reconstruction 20R21 Vehicles (DMV) all labor, tools, materials, equipment, and travel Bid Date: 4/16/2020 10:00 AM Newport Beach necessary to perform one-time landscape clean-up and landscape maintenance services at the Fontana DLPC Office for the term of the The work necessary for the completion of this contract consists of:(1) distributing construction notices to affected residents; (2) construction agreement. The anticipated term of the agreement is May 1, 2020 surveying; (3) removing existing pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, through April 30, 2023. cross gutters and curb access ramps; (4) removing and reconstructing AGC #: 20-01344 Project Type: Engineering roadway; (5) constructing curb, curb and gutter, sidewalk,cross gutters, and curb access ramps; (6) adjusting City utility and survey Addenda: 1 Ref#: 19-549 facilities to grade; (7) installing truncating domes, traffic striping and Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-27 pavement markings; (8) coordinating with outside utility owners to - Direct Inquires to Troy Larsen, 916-657-8561, Fax 916-657-5936, have their facilities raised to grade; (9) potholing to identify existing utility lines; (10) furnishing and installing new trees; (11) removing existing hardscaping, pavement and landscape as needed for contract Owner: Department of Motor Vehicles (916) 657-8561 work;(12) other incidental items to be completed in work places BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. required by the Plans and Specifications. AGC #: 20-01271 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: C-7067-2

Est: $2,671,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License A - Patricia Kharazmi: 949-644-3344 and/or

On-Call Soils Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Support Services Bid Date: 4/16/2020

4:00 PM

Laguna Hills

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

The City is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to provide on -call professional consultant services for a variety of soils engineering services in support of the City’s operations of the Public Services Department and the Capital Improvement Program. The City intends to enter into non-exclusive multi-year Agreements with multiple Soils Engineering firms as deemed necessary to fulfill the City’s needs.

Annual Pavement at Various locations FY19-20

AGC #: 20-01385

Owner: City of Newport Beach (949) 644-3344

Project Type: Building

Orange County-Multiple Bid Date: 4/16/2020 2:00 PM Addenda: 1 Ref#: Locations Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct Annual Pavement Maintenance at Various Locations Project, FY 2019inquiries to Ken Rosenfield: 2020, Orange, CA and/or 949-707-2655 AGC #: 20-01279 Project Type: Engineering Owner: City of Laguna Hills (949) 707-2650 Addenda: 0

Ref#: 190-38

Misc. Notes: Submit Electronic Bids to online electronic bid service through QuestCDN vbid Online Bidding. Submit wet signed bid bonds to City of Orange

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Orange (714) 744-5549 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Pump Station Demo 17th St & Benson Ave Bid Date: 4/16/2020

10:00 AM


Pump Station Demo 17th St & Benson Ave AGC #: 20-01330 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 2020-01

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C21 Direct Inquires to Bob Critchfield, 909-291-2946, Fax 909-2912974, Owner: City of Highland (909) 291-2946 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Moreno Valley Utilities MVU Emergency Stock (RFQ Request for Quote)

April 17, 2020

Bid Date: 4/17/2020

HVAC Improvements at the Police Admin Building Bid Date: 4/17/2020

Project Type:

Addenda: 0

Project Type: Supplier

Ref#: 2020-005

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (electronic only) - Direct Inquiries to Purchasing Division Owner: City of Moreno Valley BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/23/20 @ 9:00AM: Police Community Room 60 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701

Sam's Club (SUB BIDS ONLY)

Addenda: 3

Bid Date: 4/17/2020

Ref#: 20-049

Est: $125,000

Moreno Valley

Moreno Valley Utilities MVU Emergency Stock

Santa Ana AGC #: 20-01269

2:00 PM

The City of Santa Ana (City) is soliciting competitive bids from qualified contractors to furnish labor, equipment and materials for services including, but not limited to, interior retrofit of cooling tower and replacement of packaged rooftop unit at the Police Administrative Building, 60 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701. AGC #: 20-01099

2:00 PM

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class C-20 - Direct inquiries to Eva Pierce: 714-647-6584 and/or

10:00 AM

Fountain Valley

Trades include: Demolition , temporary fencing, temporary facilities, surveying, erosion control, shoring, traffic control, scaffolding, temp elevators, earthwork & grading, asphalt paving, striping & signage, site concrete, site unit pavers, wet utilities, site electrical, termite soil Owner: City of Santa Ana/Purchasing/Finance & Management treatment, landscape & irrigation, structural concrete, post-tensioned Services Agency (714) 647-6584 reinforcing, masonry & stone veneer, structural & misc steel, railings, BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be prefab stair towers, rough carpentry, finish carpentry & mill work, FRP, automatically directed to the project online. waterproofing, insulation, single-ply roofing, sheet metal, sealants & Potable Water Main Replacement Overland Dr & Margarita caulking, doors, frames, & hardware, overhead coiling doors & Rd shutters, storefronts & glazing, shower doors, lath & plaster, drywall, Bid Date: 4/17/2020 2:00 PM Temecula ceramic tile, acoustical ceilings, resilient flooring & carpet, paint & wall coverings, awnings, toilet & bath accessories, fire suppression, Potable Water Main Replacement Overland Drive & Margarita plumbing, HVAC, electrical, tele/data cabling, and FF & E installations. Rd:Construction of approximately 2,432 LF of 16-inch potable water Project Type: Commercial PVC-C900 DR-18 pipeline and miscellaneous pipeline ranging from 6- AGC #: 20-01322 inch to 12-inch with ductile iron fittings, including associated Addenda: 0 Ref#: appurtenances and connections; reconnection of multiple existing water services and fire service laterals; removal and disposal of Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL approximately 2,432 LF of existing 16-inch PVC pipeline and inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE appurtenances; traffic control and street restoration; and trench OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to asphalt concrete pavement. us from ( Fulcrum Construction ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid AGC #: 20-01194 Project Type: Engineering with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. Addenda: 0 Ref#: D1994 Est: $1,900,000 : Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or C34 - Prevailing Wage - 180 Days - Direct inquiries to Rhonda BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Barkey 951-296-6984, Owner: Rancho California Water District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 20, 2020

IDIQ Roofing at Various Gov. Facilities Bid Date: 4/18/2020

2:00 PM

Bridgeport, 29 Palms, Barstow

Roofing work at various Government facilities within MWTC Bridgeport, MCAGCC 29 Palms, and MCLB Barstow, California under the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest Areas of Responsibility. Projects will be primarily design-bid-build (fully designed) task orders or task orders with minimal design effort (e.g. shop drawings). Projects may include, but are not limited to new installation, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs.Task order range will be $2,000 to $1,000,000 AGC #: 20-00239 Addenda: 0

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: N62473-20-R-0016

Est: $16,000,000

Maint Building Ceiling Demo Temecula Valley Regional Water & Relocation Bid Date: 4/20/2020

4:00 PM


Maintenance Building Ceiling Demo at Temecula Valley Regional Water & Reclamation Facility AGC #: 20-01018

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 3

Ref#: BL 3278 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Prevailing Wage . This will be a 5-year agreement - Contractors License Class A or B - Direct Inquires to Bob Lomas,, 951-9283777 x 6228 Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777

Misc. Notes: Mailing address (US Postal Service, FedEx, or UPS BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. delivery – HAND DELIVERY BY OFFERORS NOTALLOWED) :NAVFAC SW CI ACQ Core Primary POC: Jason GrigsonCode Door Hardware Replacement at Senior Centers FOCAS Phone: 619-532-37901220 Pacific Highway, Bldg 127San Bid Date: 4/20/2020 2:00 PM Santa Ana Diego, CA 92132-5190 Email: The City of Santa Ana (City) is soliciting competitive bids from qualified Owner: NAVFAC Southwest (619) 532-2439 contractors to furnish labor, equipment and materials for services BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be including, but not limited to, door hardware replacement at the Santa automatically directed to the project online. Ana Senior Center, 424 W 3rd St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 and at the Southwest Senior Center, 2201 W McFadden Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92704. AGC #: 20-01337

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/9/20 @ 9:00AM: Santa Ana Senior Center 424 W 3rd St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Addenda: 1

Ref#: 20-57

Est: $75,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (Electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class C-28 and C-61/D-28 - Direct inquiries to Eva Pierce: 714-647-6584 and/or Owner: City of Santa Ana: Park, Rec & Community Services Agency (714) 647-6584 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Canyon Hills & Townsend Junior HS Alterations

April 21, 2020

Bid Date: 4/21/2020

2:00 PM

Chino Hills

Canyon Hills & Townsend Junior HS Alterations:BID PACKAGE GENERAL DESCRIPTION:LICENSE REQUIRED (As applicable):- BP 02-01 Demo, Asbestos & Lead Abatement A / B / C-21 / C-22 - BP 03Bid Date: 4/21/2020 2:00 PM Palm Desert 01 Concrete & Reinforcing Steel (Structural & Site) C-8 / C-50 - BP 05 -01 Miscellaneous Metals & Steel C-23 / C-51 - BP 06-01 Rough Local Roadway Safety Plan Carpentry B / C-5 - BP 06-02 Finish Carpentry & Casework C-6 - BP AGC #: 20-00849 Project Type: RFP 07-01 Built-up Roofing & Sheet Metal B / C-39 / C-43 - BP 08-01 Doors, Frames & Hardware C-28 / C-61 / D-28 - BP 09-01 Drywall, Addenda: 1 Ref#: 19-012 Est: $80,000 Plaster & Insulation C-2 / C-9 / C-35 - BP 09-02 Tile C-54 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Direct Inquiries AGC #: 20-01039 Project Type: Building to Mariana Rios - 760-346-0611 x448, Addenda: 0 Ref#: 19-20-31F Owner: City of Palm Desert

Local Roadway Safety Plan

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Street Sweeping & Infrastructure Cleaning Bid Date: 4/21/2020

4:00 PM

Irvine-Multiple Locations

Street sweeping and infrastructure cleaning throughout the City of Irvine and the Orange County Great Park. Street sweeping shall include residential and non-residential streets. Infrastructure cleaning shall include, but not be limited to, off-street bike trails, parking lots, pedestrian bridges, street islands, guard rails, overpass sidewalks, and litter control. AGC #: 20-00869

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/11/20 @ 9:00AM: Operation Support Facility, located at 6427 Oak Canyon, Irvine, 92618 Addenda: 1 Ref#: 20-1682 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct inquiries to Brian D. Brown:

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquiries to the District & Construction Manager on or before April 9, 2020 by 5PM (No requests shall be considered after this time) Owner: Chino Valley Unified School District (909) 628-1201 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Cattle ES, Magnolia JHS & Ramona JHS - Concrete Alterations Bid Date: 4/21/2020

1:00 PM


Cattle ES, Magnolia JHS & Ramona JHS - Concrete Alterations AGC #: 20-01262

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 19-20-34F Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or B - Direct Inquires to Owner BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Irvine - Dept. of Public Works

New City Yard Site Grading (Wilson III Basin)

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 4/21/2020

2:30 PM


The contract work for this project shall consist of furnishing all the required labor, materials, equipment, parts, implements and supplies Bid Date: 4/21/2020 4:00 PM Irvine-Multiple Locations necessary to perform the required site preparation for the new City Yard location, including mobilization, clearing and grubbing, over The work to be performed includes, but not be limited to: Cleaning of excavation, rough and final grading, street and drainage single and double Filterra® Biofiltration units, inspecting surrounding improvements per the attached plans and specifications. The area of units, removal and replacement of erosion stones, evaluation construction and completion of the project as indicated above shall be of tree health, and installation of mulch. in accordance with all City Standards and Building Codes, the AGC #: 20-00904 Project Type: Standard Specifications for Construction of Local Streets and Roads, the Standard Drawings, and the Plans and Specifications as prepared Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/12/20 @ 9:00AM: City of Irvine Operation Support Facility located at for this project. 6427 Oak Canyon, Irvine, 92618. AGC #: 20-01283 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 1 Ref#: 20-1683 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 11126 Est: $329,500 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - 45 Working Days - Contractor License Class C-27 - Direct inquiries to Brian D. Brown: License Required - Direct Inquires to Lorrie Hutchison, Tel:(909) 797-2489Fax:(909) Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing Owner: City of Yucaipa Public Works (909) 797-2489

Filterra® Biofiltration Cleaning

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 22, 2020

Landscape Maintenance Parkways Bid Date: 4/21/2020

11:00 AM

Chino Valley Adult School New Parking Lot Chino Bid Date: 4/22/2020

1:00 PM


The City of Chino is requesting a proposal from qualified contractors to Chino Valley Adult School New Parking Lot provide landscape maintenance AGC #: 20-01040 Project Type: Building AGC #: 20-01371 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP 20207015 April 8, 2020, 9AM at the Chino Valley Adult School, 12970 Third Street, Chino CA 91710, in front of the flagpole. Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C27 - Direct Inquires to Daniel Vest - 909-334Addenda: 0 Ref#: 19-20-44F Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractors License Class C27 Owner: City of Chino Public Works Dept (909) 334-3367

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

and C61/D49 - The Contract Time is 120 calendar days - Direct Inquiries to Owner: Chino Valley Unified School District (909) 628-1201 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AV System Upgrade to City of Colton Council Chambers Bid Date: 4/22/2020

5:00 PM


The City of Colton is requesting bids for an experienced audio visual consultant to upgrades and improvements to the existing council chambers located at 650 N La Cadena Drive, Colton Ca. AGC #: 20-01121

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Canceled Job-Walk Visit Mandatory 03/25/2020 @ 09:00 AM P.D.T. @ 650 N. La Cadena Dr, Colton CA 92324 Addenda: 1 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Paul Evans, Owner: City of Colton BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Townwide Crack Seal Project Re-Bid Bid Date: 4/22/2020

3:00 PM

Yucca Valley

The works consists of the construction of applying a crack sealant to thecracks in the pavement, to assist in reducing and eliminating water penetration into andbelow the asphalt roadway. AGC #: 20-01225

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/8/20, 10 am, Round Room of the Town of Yucca Valley Community Development Center, located at 58928 Business Center Drive, Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Addenda: 0

Ref#: 7037-00-2020

Misc. Notes: The Town will receive questions concerning the project until FRIDAY APRIL 10, 2020 at 5:00 PM. Questions concerning this project can be address to Mr. Noel Owsley, P.E.; Town Engineer, Public WorksDepartment at 58928 Business Center Drive, Yucca Valley, CA 92284; e-mail, phone:760-369-6575 ext 310, and/or fax 760-228-0084 Owner: Town of Yucca Valley (760) 369-6575

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 22, 2020

Bid Date: 4/22/2020

2:00 PM


Street Improvements for Westminster Blvd from Beach Blvd to Newland St

Exterior Site Painting:Exterior painting of three sites, Rustic Lane Elementary, Camino Real Elementary, and Indian Hills Elementary will have a body, trim and accent color unless noted otherwise. Portable classrooms will have body, wainscot, trim colors, as well as a slip resistant coating for the portable classroom ramps.

Bid Date: 4/22/2020

AGC #: 20-01304

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

10:00 AM


The work to be done consists, in general, of removing and replacing damaged curb, gutter, cross-gutter, spandrel, driveway approach, driveway connection, wheel chair ramps, sidewalk; replace broken traffic signal boxes and reset them to proposed sidewalk finished grade; removing and replacing deteriorated pavement areas, grinding existing pavement and placing asphalt rubberized hot mix (ARHM) overlay; adjusting storm drain and sewer manhole covers, water and hydrant valve covers to finished grade; installing traffic detector loops, striping, signage, curb painting, pavement markings, and all appurtenant work in connection therewith as shown on the plans and in accordance with these specifications. No native soil shall be disturbed. AGC #: 20-01285

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: P-2489 Est: $625,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A or valid C - Direct inquiries to Theresa Tran: (714) 548-3464. Owner: City of Westminster/City Hall (714) 548-3464 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 19-20-09MO Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (The public bid opening will likely be conducted via phone/video conferencing due to the Coronavirus outbreak. For more details, contact the District at - Contractors License Class C33 - Prevailing Wage BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Job Order Contracting (JOC) Low Voltage, Lock & Security Equipment Services Bid Date: 4/22/2020

2:00 PM

County of Orange

Job Order Contracting (JOC) Low Voltage, Lock & Security Equipment Services for Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Dept AGC #: 20-01305

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/8/20 @ 10:00AM: UPDATED: Virtual Meeting via Skype @ 2:00PM: confirm attendance via email to

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2021-003 Riverside Misc. Notes: UPDATED INFORMATION for MANDATORY PREBID CONF (4/8/20 @ 10:00AM): LOCATION: Virtual Meeting via Roofing:Work to include Nueva Vista High School excluding portable Skype - and Rubidoux High School buildings 1400, 1500, 1600, gordian/c.chung/25F1Z63M_Please confirm your attendance by 1700 including adjacent canopy roofs. 2:00 pm, April 6, 2020 by sending an email to AGC #: 20-01303 Project Type: Building Owner: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors/Orange Cty. Addenda: 0 Ref#: 19-20-10MO Est: $333,000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (The public bid opening will likely be automatically directed to the project online. conducted via phone/video conferencing due to the Coronavirus Job Order Contracting (JOC) for Electrical Services outbreak. For more details, contact the District at Bid Date: 4/22/2020 2:00 PM County of Orange - Contractors License Class C39 - Prevailing Wage Job Order Contracting (JOC) for Electrical Services for Orange County Bid Date: 4/22/2020

3:00 PM

Owner: Jurupa Unified School District

Sheriff-Coroner Dept

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 20-01306

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/8/20 @ 10:00AM: UPDATED: Virtual Meeting via Skype @ 2:00PM: confirm attendance via email to Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2021-001 Misc. Notes: UPDATED INFORMATION for MANDATORY PREBID CONF (4/8/20 @ 10:00AM): LOCATION: Virtual Meeting via Skype - confirm your attendance by 2:00 pm, April 6, 2020 by sending an email to

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Job Order Contracting (JOC) for Roofing Services

April 22, 2020 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Job Order Contracting (JOC) General Building Services

Bid Date: 4/22/2020

2:00 PM

County of Orange

Job Order Contracting (JOC) for Roofing Services for Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Dept AGC #: 20-01309

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY County of Orange 4/8/20 @ 10:00AM: UPDATED: Virtual Meeting via Skype Order Contracting (JOC) General Building Services for Orange gordian/c.chung/25F1Z63M_4/6/20 @ 2:00PM: confirm attendance via County Sheriff-Coroner Dept email to AGC #: 20-01307 Project Type: Building Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2021-005 Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Misc. Notes: UPDATED INFORMATION for MANDATORY PRE4/8/20 @ 10:00AM: UPDATED: Virtual Meeting via Skype BID CONF (4/8/20 @ 10:00AM): LOCATION: Virtual Meeting via - @ 2:00PM: confirm attendance via gordian/c.chung/25F1Z63M_Please confirm your attendance by email to 2:00 pm, April 6, 2020 by sending an email to Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2021-002 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Misc. Notes: UPDATED INFORMATION for MANDATORY PREBID CONF (4/8/20 @ 10:00AM): LOCATION: Virtual Meeting via Lenwood Rd. & Serrano Ave. - Sewer Line Improvement Skype - confirm your attendance by Bid Date: 4/22/2020 2:00 PM Barstow 2:00 pm, April 6, 2020 by sending an email to The project consists of Demolition and Construction of: mill AC BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Pavement, Saw cutting and removal ofConcrete and AC Pavement, automatically directed to the project online. excavation, trenching, remove and replacement of 8” Sewer Pipe, connect 6”sewer lateral to new sewer main, backfill and compaction of Job Order Contracting (JOC) Mechanical Services trench, reconstruct concrete to matchexisting concrete structure, Bid Date: 4/22/2020 2:00 PM County of Orange modify existing manhole bottom, reconstruct AC Pavement, plug Job Order Contracting (JOC) Mechanical Services for Orange County existingsewer lateral, Staging and Traffic Control, Mobilization, Demobilization, Bond, & Insurance. Sheriff-Coroner Dept Bid Date: 4/22/2020

AGC #: 20-01308

2:00 PM

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/8/20 @ 10:00AM: UPDATED: Virtual Meeting via Skype @ 2:00PM: confirm attendance via email to Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2021-004 Misc. Notes: UPDATED INFORMATION for MANDATORY PREBID CONF (4/8/20 @ 10:00AM): LOCATION: Virtual Meeting via Skype - confirm your attendance by 2:00 pm, April 6, 2020 by sending an email to

AGC #: 20-01310

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/8/20, 11 am, 220 E. Mountain View St., Suite A, in the City of Barstow, California, 92311, then a visit to the job site Addenda: 0

Ref#: WW-2020-002

Est: $96,300

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or C-34 - Direct Inquires to James Merrell, 760-220-0722, Owner: City of Barstow (760) 240-8000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO City Owned & Operated Lighting Sys Maint Svc Agreement

April 22, 2020

Bid Date: 4/22/2020

Adelanto R3 Extension Project Mojave Water Agency Bid Date: 4/22/2020

The work is separated into two bid schedules and involves the constructionof approximately 138 LF of 36-inch diameter steel pipeline, approximately 4,690 LF of 30-inchdiameter steel pipeline, approximately 267 LF of 24-inch diameter steel pipeline, approximately840 LF of 20-inch diameter steel pipeline, approximately 20 LF of 18-inch diameter steelpipeline, approximately 20 LF of 16inch diameter steel pipeline and including appurtenancesand connections, street restoration and asphalt concrete street restoration. The work alsoinvolves the construction of the addition of a booster pump unit to the existing Turnout 6 facility,including mechanical, piping and electrical modifications. The work also involves the constructionof a new Turnout 7 facility, including an approximate 18-foot by 46-foot concrete block buildingand related structural, mechanical, piping and electrical improvements AGC #: 20-01346 Addenda: 0

Addenda: 0

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


Owner: Mojave Water Agency (760) 946-7025 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Sale of North Orange County Community College District Property Fullerton

North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) has adopted a resolution indicating its intention to sell certain property located within the District on the south side of Wilshire Avenue between street addresses 406 and 412 Wilshire Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832, APN: 033-083-32 and on the north side of Amerige Avenue, west of 411 East Amerige Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832, APN: 033-083 -33.As part of the sale, any purchaser will be required to remove two vacant houses located at 428 and 434 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832 and relocate said houses to the Property, at the purchaser’s sole cost. AGC #: 20-01355

Ref#: RFP 20207007

Owner: City of Chino Public Works Dept (909) 334-3367

Project Type: Engineering

9:00 AM

Project Type: RFP

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-10 - Direct Inquires to Daniel Vest -

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or C-34 - Direct Inquires to Joanne James or 760-946-7025

Bid Date: 4/22/2020


The City of Chino is requesting a proposal from qualified contractors to provide lighting system maintenance

Apple Valley AGC #: 20-01372

2:00 PM

10:00 AM

Project Type:

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Jenney Ho: and/or (714) 808-4776, Owner: North Orange Community College District (NOCCCD) (714) 808-4776 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Installation of Shade Structures

April 23, 2020

Bid Date: 4/23/2020

Chino Hills AGC #: 20-01122

2:00 PM

The project consists of routine preventative maintenance, extraordinary maintenance, and additional maintenance and emergency response of traffic signal systems for locations that are the responsibility of the City of Chino Hills in accordance with exhibits A, B and C. The maintenance shall be extended to include future signal installations at the unit contract price and the Contractor may be required to assist in the final inspection. The Contractor is to furnish all tools, equipment apparatus, facilities, labor services and material, and perform all work necessary to maintain publicly owned traffic signals, flashing beacons and lighted crosswalk facilities. The Contractor shall provide an electronic photo log and written inventory of all maintenance items. AGC #: 20-00577

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 1 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Carl E. Hassel, 909-364-2817, Owner: City of Chino Hills (909) 364-2817 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Landscape Maintenance Services Bid Date: 4/23/2020

4:00 PM

Costa Mesa

John Wayne Airport is seeking proposals for Exterior Landscape Maintenance Services. The objective of this RFP is to obtain the services of a qualified firm to provide all the labor, tools, materials, supplies, fuel, vehicles and equipment necessary to accomplish exterior landscape maintenance services for approximately 27 of 504 acres located at JWA. AGC #: 20-00870

Project Type: RFP

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/25/20 @ 10:00AM: Job-Walk optional: John Wayne Airport Eddie Martin Admin Bldg 3160 Airway Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92626 RSVP Monica Rodriguez: Addenda: 3

San Jacinto

Installation of Shade Structures at Jose Antonio Estudillo Elementary & North Mountain Middle School

Traffic Signal Maint & Emergency On Call Svcs Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM

Ref#: 280-C023147-MR

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class C-27 and C-61/C-49 - All questions related to this RFP must be submitted through BidSync at

Addenda: 0

Project Type: Building

Ref#: 009-20

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - The Contract Time is 42 calendar days - Contractors License Class B - Prevailing Wage - Each request for clarification shall be submitted in writing, via email, to only the following persons:TO: Kevin Hardyman, PCH Architects, Cartney, DC Architects, dcartney@dcarchitects.netCC: Barry Mulcock, Facilities Project Manager, P. Collins, Director II, Owner: San Jacinto Unified School District (951) 654-7760 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

CIP Water Distribution Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition(SCADA) Upgrade Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM


Work in this Contract includes all labor, materials and equipment necessary for Water Distribution SCADA System Upgrade Project as noted on the Contract Drawings and all other Contract Documents. The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and other contract documents and shall consist of the installation of SCADA system upgrades at the 14 water facility sites. AGC #: 20-01125 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 71349

Est: $1,500,000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - 400 Calendar Days - Contractor License Required A or C-10 - Direct Inquires to Goutam Dobey 909-798-7584 Owner: City of Redlands Municipal Utilities Dept. (909) 7987584 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

K8 STEAM Academy, Increment 2 Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM


K8 STEAM Academy, Increment 2This is a CM Multi-prime Bid AGC #: 20-01189

Project Type: Building

Owner: John Wayne Airport/Purchasing Division (949) 252-5122 Addenda: 1 Ref#: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Misc. Notes: THIS IS A CM MULTI PRIME PROJECT BIDDING automatically directed to the project online. DIRECT TO THE DISTRICT Owner: Temecula Valley Unified School District (951) 676-2661 Construction Manager: Erickson-Hall Construction Co. (760) 796-7700 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 23, 2020

Bid Date: 4/23/2020

Mt. San Jacinto Community College Menifee Valley Campus Stadium Construction - Increment No. 1, Fields and Drainage Improvements Bid Date: 4/23/2020

1:00 PM


Mt. San Jacinto Community College Menifee Valley Campus Stadium Construction - Increment No. 1, Fields and Drainage Improvements:Constructing a new Stadium, Softball Field and Drainage Improvements. BP # 1 Demolitionl LicenseC-21, C-12, $187,400 2 Earthwork C-12 $1,620,000 BP # 3 Hydroseeding, Concrete Paving, DG, $757,000 Fencing A, B, C-27 or C-8 BP # 4 Utilities C-36 or C-34 or A $1,215,000 AGC #: 20-01237 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 2020-016

Owner: Mt. San Jacinto Community College District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


Family Dollar Rialto AGC #: 20-01281 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Commercial


Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Consultant Services for Traffic and Intelligent Transportation Systems Engineering Services for MacArthur Boulevard/Talbert Avenue Bid Date: 4/23/2020

Misc. Notes: The project will be procured via Multiple Prime Contracts to the District with Balfour Beatty acting as the District's Construction Manager.

4:00 PM

2:00 PM

County of Orange

The Orange County Transportation Authority (Authority) invites proposals from qualified consultants to provide traffic and intelligent transportation systems engineering services for MacArthur/Talbert Avenue. AGC #: 20-01288

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 02019 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Venita Anderson: Bid Date: 4/23/2020 10:00 AM Hesperia (714) 560-5427 and.or FY 2019-20 and 2020-21 Street Improvement Project:The scope of Owner: Orange County Transportation Authority/Contracts work generally consists of rehabilitation of existing roadways including Administration and Materials Management (714) 560-5427 removal of asphalt concrete pavement, removal of existingaggregate BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be base and subgrade, constructing asphalt concrete pavement base automatically directed to the project online. course, constructing asphalt rubber hot mix surface course paving, Fluid Applied Roofing Restoration for Heritage & Paloma constructing aggregate base, removing existing sewer pipe, Valley HS constructing PVC sewer pipe, sewer by-pass and pumping system, sheeting, shoring and bracing, constructing reinforced concrete box, Bid Date: 4/23/2020 2:00 PM Perris constructing reinforced concrete headwall/wingwall, constructing metal Fluid Applied Roofing Restoration for Heritage High School and beam guard rail, adjusting manholes to grade and reconstructing Paloma Valley High School:The Project consists of the following bid sewer manhole, adjusting water valves to grade and constructing valve extension, earthwork, grading, and imported material along Main categories of Work: To perform roof repair, patching, and installation of Street between Escondido Avenue and Pyrite Avenue. It is recognized Title 24 Cool Roof Coating on a Smooth Surface Foam Roof System at Heritage High School and Paloma Valley High School that the implementation of this project may necessitate modifications to the described scope of work once construction has commenced. AGC #: 20-01324 Project Type: Engineering

FY 2019-20 & 2020-21 Street Improvement Project

AGC #: 20-01247 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: CO 7153 and 7161

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Required Direct Inquires to Jamie Carone, (760) 947-1449, Owner: City of Hesperia 760-947-1000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY April 14, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., and will initially commence at: Paloma Valley High School &end at Heritage HS (Due to the Governor’s Executive Order N-33-20, social distancing will take place at the prebid conference in an outdoor setting) Addenda: 0

Ref#: 042320

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C39 Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Dawn Bray, Owner: Perris Union High School District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Cabling & Electrical Svcs for the Fontana DMV Field Office

April 23, 2020

Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM

Walnut Avenue Street Improvement, in city of Orange, CA AGC #: 20-01338 Addenda: 0


Cabling and Electrical Services for Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTVs) , Self Service Terminals (SSTs), Document Authentication Devices (DADs), Automated Knowledge Touch Equipment (AKTEs), and Orange Queuing Systems for the Fontana DMV field office. See Exhibit A, Scope of Work, for a complete description of services.

Walnut Avenue Street Improvement Bid Date: 4/23/2020

10:00 AM

Project Type: Engineering

AGC #: 20-01345 Addenda: 0

Ref#: 190-35

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 19-498

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-10 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic and emailed bids only) - Direct Inquires to Anne Mearlon, 916-657-0997, Fax 916-657Contractor's License Class A OR C-34 or C-42 - Direct inquiries to 5936, Tricia Del Rio: (714) 744-5549 and/or Owner: Department of Motor Vehicles (916) 657-0997 Owner: City of Orange (714) 744-5549 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Police Facility Concrete Mezzanine Waterproof Coating

Council Chambers Remodel Project, Phase 2 Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM


Council Chambers Remodel Project, Phase 2, City of Orange, CA AGC #: 20-01339 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Building

Ref#: 190-29

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic & paper bids )- Submit electronic bids via the online electronic bid service through QuestCDN vbid Online Bidding. Bidders shall submit wet signed bid bonds to the City and bepost marked by the bid opening deadline - Contractor License Class B - Direct inquiries to Tricia del Rio: (714) 744-5549 and/or BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Pacific Self Storage Inglewood (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM


Pacific Self Storage Removal of all existing 1-story commercial buildings, accessories & appurtenances and property line fencing.Construction of a new 6-story self-storage facility with an office, men & women restroom and exterior trash enclosure.New drive aprons, asphalt parking & drives and new property line fencing.Provide gates to prevent entry. AGC #: 20-01341 Addenda: 0

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Commercial

Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:00 PM


Contractor shall purchase and install Dex-O-Tex M-E waterproof flooring system (or an approved equal) over an existing concrete mezzanine including all coved areas of the raised pads that support the air handlers in the Chino Police Department. Contractor shall be responsible for necessary prep of concrete mezzanine by either shot blast, mechanical abrade, chemical, or power scarify as required by manufacturer to obtain optimum bond of waterproof system flooring. Contractor shall be responsible to remove sufficient material to provide a sound surface free of laitance, glaze, efflorescence, and any bond inhibiting curing compounds or form release agents. AGC #: 20-01349

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY April 14th 9am at Chino Police Department 5450 Guardian Way, Chino, Ca 91710 Addenda: 0

Ref#: 20208006 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class “C-15”, “C-61/D-6”, “C-61/D-12”, or “C-61/D-51 Direct Inquiries To Daniel Vest - Owner: City of Chino BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


Misc. Notes: Subbids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


Pre-Qual for General Contractors for Katella Range Facility Upgrade Bid Date: 4/23/2020

3:00 PM

County of Orange

Pre-qualification for General Contractors for Katella Range Facility Walker Elementary School – Interim Housing Upgrade (for Orange County Sherrif-Coroner Dept).General scope of Bid Date: 4/23/2020 11:30 AM Santa Ana work is to convert the existing outdoor shooting range into a fullyenclosed indoor shooting range, relocate the existing dog daytime Selective demolition and construction necessary for the Walker kennels and add new shooting range storage rooms along the north Elementary School –Interim Housing DSA A#04-119162, addition to and south existing walls. Major work to include demolition and removal and alternation of Building A. Alteration of Buildings B, C, D, D & F. of range equipment including, but not limited to; overhead steel Work Shall Include, but not be limited to, the demolition and structure, overhead protective steel baffles, rubber media bullet traps replacement of wall, windows and window frames, doors and door frames, ceilings, interior and exterior finishes, fixtures, casework, and and concrete floors.New work to include design for fifteen (15) 25-yard lanes and ten (10) 50-yard lanes under a new roof structure supported roofing. Renovation of restrooms as required to comply with code by new full height exterior concrete masonry units (“CMU”) bearing requirements walls. The indoor range is comprised of a new concrete floor, AGC #: 20-01357 Project Type: Building suspended ballistic baffles, sidewall ballistic protection, new rubbermedia bullet traps and code compliant indoor HVAC system with Addenda: 0 Ref#: 04-119162 Est: $1,000,000 integral lead extraction filtration. Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class B AGC #: 20-01378 Project Type: Prequalification Direct inquiries to David Joseph: & Ricardo Salazar: (714) 558-5614 and/or Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-04 Est: $7,000,000 Owner: Owner: Owner: Owner:

Santa Ana Unified School District (714) 558-5614 Tilden-Coil Constructors Santa Ana Unified School District (714) 558-5614 Tilden-Coil Constructors

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Mindi Brawner via the County’s on-line bid system at: Owner: Orange County Sheriff-Coroner/Research and Development Division (714) 935-6661 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Metal Beam Guardrail Repair in San Diego & Imperial Counties Bid Date: 4/23/2020

2:15 PM

San Diego & Imperial County

Contractor agrees to repair and/or replace damaged Metal Beam Guardrail (MBGR), Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) barrier, Thrie Beam Barrier, channel rail, and other highway components for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supplies, tools, parts, incidentals, travel, traffic control, and equipment necessary to provide these repair and replacement services to and for Caltrans, as described in this Agreement, on an on-call, as-needed basis. AGC #: 20-01359 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: IFB 11A3096

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A, C13, C-31, C-32 - Direct Inquires to Brian Lopes, 916-227-6085, Owner: Department of Transportation, Division of Procurement and Contracts (916) 227-6085 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Roof Replacement at El Toro HS Bldg 200

April 24, 2020

Bid Date: 4/24/2020

2:00 PM

Lake Forest

Scope of this projects involves the removal or repair, replacement and installation of a new roof in the 200 building at El Toro High School located at 25255 Toledo Way, Lake Forest, California in the Bid Date: 4/24/2020 3:00 PM Riverside Saddleback Valley Unified School District Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Support ServicesWestern AGC #: 20-01356 Project Type: Municipal Water District (Western or District) is requesting proposals Prebid Conf: MANDATORY from professional consultants to provide a full range of GIS support 4/9/20 @ 10:00AM: El Toro High School located at 25255 Toledo Way, services on an as needed basis including but not limited to updating Lake Forest, CA, 92630. map layers with new District provided data, creating new map layers as requested, and supporting staff with other GIS tasks. Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-01

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Support Services

AGC #: 20-01259 Addenda: 0

Project Type: RFP

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class C-39 Direct inquiries to Maintenance and Operations Manager: (949) 580-3251


Misc. Notes: Submit Proposals to Owner - Questions concerning this solicitation should be directed electronically to Robert Conrad at (Phone: 951-571-7289) Owner: Western Municipal Water District of Riverside County (951) 571-7100

Owner: Saddleback Valley Unified School District (949) 5803251 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Housing Element Update and Environmental Documents (2021-2029 RHNA Cycle) Bid Date: 4/24/2020

12:00 PM


The City is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to provide consulting services to update the Housing Element of the City’s General Plan. The City must update its Housing Element as mandated by State law for the 2021-2029 planning cycle. The City expects the updated Housing Element to be certified by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) no later than September 30, 2021. AGC #: 20-01284

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to John P. Ramirez: Please no phone inquiries. Owner: City of Cypress BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 28, 2020

Site Work & Well Fitting for New Well 42 Bid Date: 4/27/2020

2:00 PM

Job Order Contract # 19 CSUSB Desert Hot Springs Bid Date: 4/28/2020

2:00 PM

San Bernardino

Site Work & Well Fitting for New Well 42:Perform site grading, furnish and install perimeter fencing, furnish and install pump and all mechanical piping and appurtenances, furnish and install all electrical equipment and appurtenances, construct underground drywells and furnish and install all drainage lines and appurtenances, construct foundations, and construct new Roll-Apart building for New Well 42.

The scope of work includes a collection of detailed repair and construction tasksand specifications that have established unit prices. It is awarded to a Contractor for the accomplishment of repair,alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, demolition and minor construction of infrastructure, buildings,structures, or other real property.

AGC #: 20-00900

AGC #: 20-00932

Addenda: 2

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 11147TM

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A and/or C34 & Well Drillers License - Direct Inquiries to Luiz Santos, 760-329-6448 ext. Owner: Mission Springs Water District (760) 329-6448 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Jurupa MS - Increment 1A Sitework Bid Package Bid Date: 4/27/2020

2:00 PM

Jurupa Valley

Jurupa MS - Increment 1A Sitework Bid PackageCategory 30 – Multiple Trades AGC #: 20-01321

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $1,200,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or B Pre-Bid RFI Deadline: Monday, April 20, 2020 at 02:00 pm PDT For project-specific technical questions, contact Tom Wertanen (; For general bid-related questions, contact Karen Anderson (

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY CS3/10/20, 10 am, USB 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, Ca 92407 Sierra Hall Room 121 Addenda: 1

Ref#: 0000015766

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required B For additional information regarding the bid process, contact Dusty Faye Rushia at 909/537-5152 or Submit technical questions in writing to the JOC Coordinator, Dan Filadelphia, at 909/537-3147, or e-mail: by Tuesday, March 17, 2020 by 4:00 p.m.-End Owner: California State University San Bernardino (909) 5375152 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

FY 19/20 Sewer Lining Bid Date: 4/28/2020

2:00 PM

Huntington Beach

The project consists primarily of lining existing sewer pipes based on maintenance history and video inspection. The scope of work for the project includes lining approximately 23,775 lineal feet of eight-inch diameter and 2,165 lineal feet of fifteen-inch diameter aged sewer Owner: Jurupa Unified School District (951) 361-6571 main lines in locations in the areas of the City identified as a priority this year. These locations would benefit from lining as the existing Construction Manager: Neff Construction, Inc (909) 947-3768 pipes are either lined with calcium deposits, from groundwater BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be seepage through pipe and minor cracks and joints, or have joints automatically directed to the project online. intruded with tree roots from adjacent mature tree species located on Arenoso Lane Sewer Line Rehab parkways. City staff removed calcium and tree roots from all lines in Bid Date: 4/27/2020 2:00 PM San Clemente the last year in anticipation of this lining project. Project Type: Engineering The scope of the project is to replace 20 linear feet of sewer main and AGC #: 20-01168 installing a temporary a sewer bypass. Addenda: 2 Ref#: CC1599 Est: $925,000 AGC #: 20-01365 Project Type: Engineering Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor'd Licence Class A Addenda: 0

Ref#: 10207

Est: $150,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Shawn Ryan: (949) 361-6122 and/or Owner: City of San Clemente-Public Works Dept (949) 361-6122

Direct inquiries to Gabriel MunozMorris: (714) 375-8444 and/or Owner: City of Huntington Beach/Public Works (714) 375-8444 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 29, 2020

Palomar/Yucca Trail Signal Improvements Re-Bid Bid Date: 4/28/2020

3:00 PM

Yucca Valley

The Town of Yucca Valley Capital Improvement Plan includes the street improvementsproject at the intersection of Palomar Avenue and Yucca Trail. These street improvements include the installationof new mast arms, signal heads, and poles, at the existing signalized intersection, as well as lane wideningsnorth/south of the intersection on Palomar, to provide protected left-hand turn movements.The Town is soliciting bid proposals for manufacturing and delivery of Traffic Signal Poles and Mast Arms toreduce the lead time associated with furnishing those materials during the street improvements projectconstruction. AGC #: 20-01227

Project Type: RFP

Primary Disinfection Facility Sodium Hypochlorite Storage & Feed System Bid Date: 4/29/2020

2:00 PM

Santa Ana

The project includes, but is not limited to, the removal of the existing chlorine gas storage and feed system and emergency gas scrubber; demolition of the miscellaneous storage building; construction of a new building wall and several other structural modifications; construction of a new site wall and access gate; installation of new bulk sodium hypochlorite tanks, metering pumps, piping, valves, instrumentation, monitoring, controls, alarms, and all related appurtenances; the addition of a carbon dioxide storage tank and pressurized solution feed system; and other site and facility improvements including relocation of the ammonia fill station; ventilation and lighting upgrades; and the replacement of aging equipment, including the carrier water booster pumps, the ammonia metering pumps, the switchboard (SWBD) and triple switch, the Motor Control Center (MCC), the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), the Ammonia Vault PLC, and telemetry equipment.

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 8971B Misc. Notes: The Town will receive questions concerning the project until Friday, April 17, 2020 at 5:00PM. Questions concerning this project can be address to Mr. Noel Owsley, P.E.; Town Engineer, Public WorksDepartment at 58928 Business Center Drive, Yucca Valley, CA 92284; e-mail ;phone: 760-369-6575 ext 310, and/or fax 760-2280084All bidders are advised to observe the project conditions.

AGC #: 20-00707

Owner: Town of Yucca Valley (760) 369-6575

Addenda: 2

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's Licensee Class A - Direct inquiries to Jacob Moeder; 949-4535554 and/or

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/3/20 @ 2:00PM: IRWD Sand Canyon Headquarters, 15600 Sand Canyon Ave, Irvine, CA 92618 Ref#: 06214

Est: $5,900,000

Owner: Irvine Ranch Water District (949) 453-5554 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Terrace Hills Middle School Parking Expansion Project Bid Date: 4/29/2020

2:00 PM

Grand Terrace

Bid 20-12 Terrace Hills Middle School Parking Expansion Project AGC #: 20-01015

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY April 13, 2020 at 10:00 A.M at Terrace Hills Middle School, 22579 DeBerry, Grand Terrace, CA 92313. The meeting location will be the main campus parking lot. Parking is available along DeBerry Addenda: 2 Ref#: Bid 20-12 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Prequalification documents must be submitted to Facilities Planning and Construction Department at 325 Hermosa Street, Building 5, Colton, CA 92324 by 2 P.M. March 23, 2020 - Contractors License Class A or B - Direct Inquiries to Owen Chang 909-950-6642 Owner: Colton Joint Unified School District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Outer Highway Sidewalk Project

April 29, 2020

Bid Date: 4/29/2020

3:00 PM

Yucca Valley

The works consists of the construction of sidewalks, driveways, curb, and curb and gutterOuter Highway South between Dumosa Ave. and Joshua Lane. The project also includes an alternate bid forsidewalks Bid Date: 4/29/2020 2:00 PM County of Orange and curb along Joshua Lane for the limits of the library.The Town is soliciting bid proposals for the construction sidewalk improvement Job Order Contracts (JOC) for Pavement Maintenance from the intersection of the OuterHighway and Dumosa Ave. to AGC #: 20-01221 Project Type: Engineering provide access to the new library at the corner of the Outer Highway and JoshuaLane. Prebid Conf: MANDATORY

Job Order Contract (JOC) Pavement Maintenance

3/31/20 @ 10:00AM: Madatory Pre-Bid Conference Call. Conference call number is 888-278-0296 and attendee access code is 3434744#.Please confirm your attendance via email to, Addenda: 1

Ref#: 080-C026901-AR

Est: $4,980,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) -Contractor's License Class A or C specialty appropriate for project) - Bid (IFB) questions must be posted at Owner: Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange/Clerk of Board of Supervisors BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Job Order Contracts (JOC) General Engineering Bid Date: 4/29/2020

2:00 PM

County of Orange

AGC #: 20-01226

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/15/20, 10 am, Round Room of the Town of Yucca Valley Community Development Center, located at 58928 Business Center Drive, Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 8963-2020 Misc. Notes: The Town will receive questions concerning the project until Friday April 17, 2020 at 5:00 PM. Questions concerning this project can be address to Mr. Noel Owsley, P.E.; Town Engineer, Public WorksDepartment at 58928 Business Center Drive, Yucca Valley, CA 92284; e-mail<>, phone: 760-3696575 ext 310, and/or fax 760-228-0084 Owner: Town of Yucca Valley (760) 369-6575

Job Order Contracts (JOC) General Engineering

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 20-01223

Integrated Mitigation Project

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/31/20 @ 10:00AM: Conference call number is 888-278-0296 and attendee access code is 3434744#. Please confirm your attendance via email to and make sure to reference the IFB number. Addenda: 2

Ref#: 080-C026900-JM

Est: $4,980,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A - All questions must be posted at BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 4/29/2020

2:00 PM

Riverside County

Integrated Mitigation Project AGC #: 20-01367

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0

Ref#: C7-0032 Misc. Notes: Engineering Estimate: $ 500,000 - $ 550, 000 (Base Bid Schedule A) $ 550,000 - $ 650,000 (Base Bid Schedule B) $ 40,000 - $ 50,000 (Base Bid Schedule C) $ 45,000 - $ 55,000 (Base Bid Schedule D) Owner: County of Riverside Transportation Department (951) 955-6780 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Monterey Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation

April 29, 2020

Bid Date: 4/29/2020

2:00 PM

The project is a joint project with the City of Rancho Mirage and will rehabilitate the street section on Monterey Avenue from the north side of the Whitewater Bridge to the south side of Country Club Drive. The Bid Date: 4/29/2020 2:00 PM Riverside County work will consist of mobilization, traffic control, lowering valves and manholes, coordinating with SCE to adjust electrical vaults to grade, La Sierra Avenue Reconstruction and Slurry Seal Project and El concrete removal, cold milling to a depth of 16.5”, installation of base Cerrito Area Rehabilitation Project material, constructing asphalt concrete paving, Portland cement AGC #: 20-01368 Project Type: Engineering concrete improvements, installing traffic signal loops and pull boxes, striping with thermoplastic and paint, and raising valve and manhole C8-0053, D0-0026, D0Addenda: 1 Ref#: Est: $2,000,000 covers to grade. 0027, D0-0028, D00029, D0-00 AGC #: 20-01389 Project Type: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-09 (Pursuant to California Labor Code §3099, certification is required for all persons who performwork as electricians for Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors Contractors licensed as Class C10 “Electrical Contractor.” Proof License - Direct Inquiries To Mariana Rios - 760-346-0611 x. ofcertification must be provided to the County before the start of construction.) - Direct Inquiries to, and/or :, Fax: (951) 955-3164 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: County of Riverside, Transportation Annex (951) 955automatically directed to the project online. 6780

La Sierra Avenue Reconstruction and Slurry Seal

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Chicago Avenue Reconstruction Project Bid Date: 4/29/2020

2:00 PM


Chicago Avenue Reconstruction Project and Lloyd Street and Thomas Street Resurfacing Projects AGC #: 20-01381

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: D0-0074, B0-0661, B006722 Misc. Notes: Engineering Estimate: $ 1,285,000 - $ 1,500,000 (Base Bid 1) $ 130,000 - $ 150,000 (Base Bid 2) $ 130,000 - $ 150,000 (Base Bid 3)

Addenda: 0

Owner: County of Riverside Transportation Department (951) 955-6780 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Natural Gas Pipelines Replacement at Plant No. 1 & 2

April 30, 2020

Bid Date: 4/30/2020

11:00 AM

Fountain Valley & Huntington Beach

The work is generally described by the following major items.1. Modifications at five Plant No. 1 natural gas valve vaults to mitigate the accumulation of storm water within the natural gas valve vaults Bid Date: 4/30/2020 11:00 AM San Bernardino and to prevent corrosion.2. Demolition of one Plant No. 1 natural gas valve vault to mitigate storm water drainage issues associated with the Provide and install a methane detection system and one-year natural gas valve vaults.3. Replacement of approximately 2,000 lineal maintenance at Omnitrans’ facility located at 234 South I Street, San feet of buried steel natural gas pipeline segments at Plant Nos. 1 and Bernardino, CA 92410. 2, with 3 and 4 inch HDPE pipe.4. Replacement of 18 steel natural gas AGC #: 20-00477 Project Type: Building service risers with anodeless risers to prevent future corrosion at both Plant Nos. 1 and 2.5. Replacement and electrical isolation of natural Addenda: 5 Ref#: ITB-MNT20-05 Est: $986,000 gas pipeline penetrations through cast in place concrete walls at four Misc. Notes: Roof access is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4, locations at Plant Nos. 1 and 2.6. Installation of two new valve vaults 2020, between 1:30 and 2:30 pm at the I – Street facility located at with isolation valves at Plant No. 2.7. Miscellaneous appurtenance and 234 South I Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410. Omnitrans will piping connections provide its response to the remaining portion of this question in AGC #: 20-00998 Project Type: Engineering a future addendum.

Methane Detection & Modernization @ "I" Street Maint Facility

Owner: Omnitrans (909) 379-7122

Addenda: 2

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Diane Marzano:

Sewer Siphon Improvements Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 2/27/20 @ 8:30AM: Irvine Ranch Water District, Michelson Water Recycling Plant, 3512 Michelson Drive, Irvine, California 92612. Addenda: 3

Ref#: 07886

Est: $607,000

Irvine & Tustin Owner: Orange County Sanitation District

The work consists of sewer siphon and sewer cleaning and CCTV, CIPP lining of sewer siphon barrels, site improvements, sewer siphon vault rehabilitation improvements, air jumper repairs, air jumper construction, construction of a chemical dosing facility, two grit traps and two odor control vents. These improvements will be constructed at four separate sewer siphon locations (S2, S4, S6, and S10) which are located in Irvine and Tustin. AGC #: 20-00708

Ref#: J-127

Est: $5,884,350

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Alex Murphy: 949-453-5863 and/or Owner: Irvine Ranch Water District (949) 453-5410 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


April 30, 2020

Bid Date: 4/30/2020

1:00 PM

Fort Irwin

Fort Irwin Library:Construction of a new 8,000 S.F. library to replace the existing library structure that is in one of Ft. Irwin’s temporary structures. The facility shall include a reception center/customer service desk, reading and stack areas, multi-purpose room, computer Bid Date: 4/30/2020 2:00 PM Thermal stations, children area, men and women restrooms, mechanical, Thermal Mutual Water Co. Oasis Gardens Mobile Home Park Water janitorial closet, storage areas, office, space for managers, and break Sys & Westside ES:1. Installing approx 2,580 linear feet of 8room with a unisex toilet for employees. Supportingfacilities shall inch diameter zinc-coated ductile iron water main pipe with restrained include water, sanitary sewer, electrical service, information service, joints including V-Bio polyethylene encasement, zinc-coated fittings, and telephone and internet access. Site development will include and approximately 1,319 linear feet of 18-inch diameter zinc-coated grading, storm water control, parking area with concrete curbs and ductile iron water main pipe with restrained joints including V-Bio gutters, concrete sidewalks, and landscaping. Demolition of the polyethylene encasement, zinc-coated fittings, 38 new water services existing 7,582 S.F. temporary facility. Air conditioning for the new with polyethylene encasement, fire hydrants, valves, air and vacuum facility (30 tons) assemblies, fittings, connections and all necessary appurtenances, AGC #: 20-01084 Project Type: Building complete and in place, including clearing and grubbing, excavation, backfill and compaction of backfill, testing, disinfection, restoration of Addenda: 2 Ref#: W912PL19B0007 Est: $10,000,000 work area, and street surface restoration.2. Destruction of Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Place of Performance: Fort Irwin Thermal Mutual Water Company well, removing and disposing of all P.O. Box 10048, 5th Street & Avenue F Fort Irwin , CA 92310-0048 well appurtenances and abandoning of existing 4-inch steel pipelines and appurtenances located within the backyards.3. Destruction of - Period of performance is 365 calendar days - Direct Inquiries to Oasis Gardens Mobile Home Park Water System Well No. 2, removing Lucia A. Carvajal,, 213-4523240 and disposing of well appurtenances, and abandoning of existing

Thermal Mutual Water Co. Oasis Gardens Mobile Home Park Water Sys & Westside ES

water pipeline along Well Nos. 1 & 2, and abandonment of existing Owner: US Army Corps of Engineers USACE connections to the private distribution system. 4. Work shall BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be also include protecting in place or removing and replacing in-kind all automatically directed to the project online. existing utilities and private and public improvements, including, but Palm View ES 150-2020FB not limited to, berms, curbs, gutters, concrete pavement, asphalt concrete pavement, sidewalks, cross gutters, spandrels, medians, Bid Date: 4/30/2020 2:00 PM Coachella driveways, mailboxes, landscaping, landscaping irrigation facilities, traffic striping, power poles, guy wires, street lights, signs, fences, and 150-2020FB Palm View Elementary School Project:- CATEGORY NUMBER O1C: (CA License classification A or C-12) Offsite walls. Improvements, Grading, Curb & Gutter, Asphalt - CATEGORY AGC #: 20-01066 Project Type: Engineering NUMBER 03: (CA License classification C27) Onsite & Offsite Landscape & Irrigation Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2017-66 AGC #: 20-01150 Project Type: Building Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Mario Zamora, 760-398-2661 Addenda: 2 Ref#: 150-2020FB ext 2273, Misc. Notes: Prequalification documents are available from the Owner: Coachella Valley Water District Coachella Valley Unified School District Website at BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: Coachella Valley Unified School District (760) 398-5909 Construction Manager: Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 476-0590 Owner: Coachella Valley Unified School District (760) 398-5909 Construction Manager: Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 476-0590 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Construction Manager: Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 476-0590

April 30, 2020

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

20-050 Asphalt Slurry Seal Bid Date: 4/30/2020

3:00 PM

Interim Campus Locker Room Addition Thousand Palms Bid Date: 4/30/2020

20-050 Asphalt Slurry Seal AGC #: 20-01203 Addenda: 0

2:00 PM

Huntington Beach

Interim Campus Locker Room Addition (Ocean View School District) Project Type: RFP

AGC #: 20-01215

Project Type: Building

Ref#: 20-041

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner attn: Jennifer Tran - Contractors Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A, B License Class A or C32 - Direct Inquires to Jennifer Tran, 760-343 and/or C - Direct inquiries to Maria Bautista, Project Coordinator: -3456, ext 1504, and Kym Symonian: Owner: SunLine Transit Agency (760) 343-3456 Owner: Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 476-0590 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Marine View ES Modernization Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM

Huntington Beach

Marine View ES Modernization (Ocean View School District)Category 2: (CA License class A, B or C-22) Pre-Qualification as Required DEMOLITION AND ABATEMENT- Category 3: (CA License class C-27) LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION- Category 4: (CA License class B) Pre-Qualification as RequiredCONCRETE, ASPHALT & GRADING- Category 7: (CA License class B or C-5) Pre-Qualification as Required ROUGH CARPENTRY- Category 8: (CA License classification C-6) CASEWORK- Category 9: (CA License class C-39 or C-43) SHEET METAL AND ROOFING- Category 11: (CA License class B or C-28 or C-61/D28) Pre-Qualification as Required DOORS, FRAMES AND HARDWARE- Category 12: (CA License class C-17) GLAZING AND STOREFRONT- Category 13: (CA License class B or C-9) Pre-Qualification as RequiredPLASTER, DRYWALL & INSULATION- Category 14: (CA License class C-54) CERAMIC TILING- Category 15: (CA License classification C-2)ACOUSTICAL (CEILINGS & VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS)- Category 16: (CA License class C-15) FLOORING- Category 17: (CA License class C-33) PAINTING AND WALLCOVERING- Category 18: (CA License class B) Pre-Qualification as Required SPECIALTIES- Category 19: (CA License class C-36) Pre-Qualification as Required PLUMBINGCategory 20: (CA License class C-16) Pre-Qualification as Required Fire Sprinkler Sys- Category 21: (CA License class C-20) PreQualification as Required HVAC- Category 22: (CA License class C10) Pre-Qualification as RequiredELECTRICAL, LOW VOLTAGE AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS AGC #: 20-01214 Addenda: 0


Project Type: Engineering Est: $15,535,000

Owner: Ocean View School District-Purchasing Dept Owner: Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 476-0590 Owner: Ocean View School District-Purchasing Dept BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Street Storm Drain Improvement, Cholla Ave. Drywell Install Re-Bid Bid Date: 4/30/2020

3:00 PM

Yucca Valley

The works consists of the construction of a standard drywell and concrete collar within theTown right-of-way at the southwest corner of the property located at 7099 Cholla Avenue in the Town of YuccaValley. AGC #: 20-01224

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 9050-2020 Misc. Notes: Notice to Bidders: The Town will receive questions concerning the project until Friday, April 17th, 2020 at 5:00 PM. Questions concerning this project can be address to Mr. Noel Owsley, P.E.; Town Engineer, Public WorksDepartment at 58928 Business Center Drive, Yucca Valley, CA 92284; e-mail<>, phone: 760-369-6575 ext 310, and/or fax 760-228-0084 Owner: Town of Yucca Valley (760) 369-6575 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Cooley Dr. Water Conservation Landscape Rehab Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM


The work consists of, but not limited to, Water Conservation Landscape Rehab

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Each request for clarification shall be submitted in writing, via email, to only the following persons:Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. Inc.TO: Maria Bautista - Project Coordinator,AND Kym Simonian – Asst. Project Coordinator kyms@lmcci.comCC: Milo Oostinga – Project Manager

AGC #: 20-01228

Owner: Ocean View School District-Purchasing Dept (714) 8472551 Construction Manager: Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 476-0590 Owner: Ocean View School District-Purchasing Dept (714) 8472551

Owner: City of Colton: Purchasing Dept (909) 370-5047

Addenda: 0

Project Type: Engineering


Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A Direct Inquires to Nicole Mihld, Purchasing Department, by E-mail BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Citywide Wastewater Master Plan Update Svcs

April 30, 2020

Bid Date: 4/30/2020

4:00 PM


City of Redlands invites proposals from qualified firms to provide professional engineering services in updating and developing a comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan for the City's wastewater Bid Date: 4/30/2020 3:00 PM Beaumont system. Landscape Maintenance Services:The Proposal will include all AGC #: 20-01314 Project Type: RFP irrigated landscaping areas as detailed on Figure 1 – BCVWD Irrigated Landscaping Areas Map (page 6). The Contract work will be Addenda: 0 Ref#: 73425 performed at Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District facilities. Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Veronica Medina AGC #: 20-01276 Project Type: RFP - 909-798-7584

Landscape Maintenance Services

Addenda: 1


BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Required Class C27 - Direct Inquires to James Bean,

Citywide Non-Potable/Recycled Water Master Plan Update Svcs

Owner: Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District (951) 845-9581

Bid Date: 4/30/2020

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

City of Redlands invites proposals from qualified firms to provide professional engineering services in updating and developing a comprehensive Non-Potable/Recycled Water Master Plan for the City's non-potable/recycled water system.

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon on Cactus Ave at Woodland Park Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM

Moreno Valley

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon on Cactus Avenue at Woodland Park:The project consists of installing marked crosswalks, a raised stamped concrete median, and a pedestrian hybrid flashing beacon system to on Cactus Avenue and Redwing Drive in front of the Woodland Park. The work also include the construction and reconstruction of four access ramps, sidewalks, curb and gutter, and spandrel; removal of existing fence and installation of new metal fence; resurfacing of asphalt pavement, reestablishment of traffic striping; plant trees and shrubs; and modifications and new installation of irrigation systems. AGC #: 20-01296 Addenda: 0

4:00 PM

AGC #: 20-01315


Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 74104 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Veronica Medina - 909-798-7584 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

English Channel Mitigation - Native Ldscp & Maint Svcs Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM

Chino Hills

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 2020-523

Est: $340,000

AGC #: 20-01329

Project Type: RFP

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (electronic only) - Contractors Addenda: 0 Ref#: License Class A and/or combo of specialty C - Direct Inquiries to Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Nisha Wells, 909Quang Nguyen, 951-413-3159, 364-2835, Owner: City of Moreno Valley Owner: City of Chino Hills (909) 364-2835 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Citywide Water Master Plan Update Svcs Bid Date: 4/30/2020

4:00 PM

Demo of 4004 Electric Ave. & 314 W. 40th St. Redlands

City of Redlands invites proposals from qualified firms to provide professional engineering services in updating and developing a comprehensive Water Master Plan for the City's water system. AGC #: 20-01313

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 71403 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Direct Inquires to Veronica Medina - 909-798-7584 Owner: City of Redlands Municipal Utilities Dept. (909) 7987584 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 4/30/2020

2:00 PM

San Bernardino

Demo of 4004 Electric Ave. & 314 W. 40th St. AGC #: 20-01343 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: SS04-014

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or C-21 & C-22 - Direct Inquires to Nadeem Syed, Phone: 909-3845902FAX 909-384-5190, Owner: City of San Bernardino (909) 384-5009 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 01, 2020

Orange Coast College (OCC) Rocket Sculpture

Well Rehab Assessment & Repair Projects

Bid Date: 4/30/2020

Bid Date: 5/1/2020

2:00 PM

Contractor to install structural foundation and bracing for (1) prefabricated rocket sculpture per provided plans. It is anticipated that the Project will commence on May 7, 2020 and be completed no later than July 6, 2020 AGC #: 20-01375 Addenda: 0

Ref#: 2153

Project Type: Building Est: $45,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to John Eriksen: 714-438-4680 and/or AND Owner: Orange Coast College BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

4:00 PM

San Bernardino

1) Remove (“pull�) the well equipment and assess, review and evaluate the well performance, review equipment manufacture performance data provided by the SBMWD, review historical data, work closely with SBMWD staff to understand the well deficiencies and what is expected for complete repair of the well. Once the evaluation is complete, the Contractor shall provide a detailed written recommendation to resolve the issues with the well. The recommendation will include all labor, material, equipment, and tools necessary to make the recommended repairs along with the expected production output of the repaired well. 2) Given the detailed scope of work for the repair of a well, the Contractor must complete the repairs and perform the start-up and commissioning process. AGC #: 20-01282 Addenda: 0

Project Type: RFQ

Ref#: 1727

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Contractor License Required A, C-57 - Direct Inquires to Sydney Morrison Owner: City of San Bernardino Water Dept Purchasing (909) 384-5393 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Mountain Ave & Holt Blvd Intersection Widening Bid Date: 5/1/2020

11:00 AM


The work to be performed consists in general of widening the approaches of the intersection of Mountain Avenue and Holt Boulevard. It includes construction of roadway improvements, storm drainage systems, water systems, grading, landscaping, traffic signals, street lighting, utilities and associated removals/relocations, protection and/or relocation of existing facilities, and undergrounding of all overhead lines currently existing on Southern California Edison electric poles. The Contractor is responsible for protecting all existing utility services within the project site and providing time and working space for utility relocations as may be required during the construction activity. The Contractor is required to maintain traffic through the project site as required in these specifications. Other items of work or details not mentioned above that are required by the Plans, Specifications, or Technical Specifications, shall be performed, placed, constructed, and/or installed. AGC #: 20-01336

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/15/20, 9 am Conference Call, Additional info to be provided via addendum Addenda: 1

Ref#: 1290

Est: $7,556,039

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - 251 Working Days - Contractor License Required A - Direct Inquires to Purchasing- Owner: City of Ontario-Engineering/Development (909) 3952012 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 05, 2020

Bus Wrap Services Bid Date: 5/4/2020

4:00 PM


The Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN) is soliciting firm cost proposals for bus wrap services for the period commencing July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. The purpose of the Request for Proposals is to develop a Master Agreement along with the Anaheim Transportation Network’s (ATN) standard terms and conditions and firm price structure with a supplier to provide the goods and/or services. The ATN reserves the right to exercise a one-year agreement extension option. AGC #: 20-01137 Addenda: 1

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: 2020-25

Diesel Fuel Sampling and Cleaning for Emergency Generators Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM

Fountain Valley

This contract is to have a company come in and clean our UST tanks and the associated day-tanks of debris and water that accumulates over time. This will ensure that the UST tanks are in good condition when the time arises to run the emergency generators. AGC #: 20-00626

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 3/10/20 @ 10:00AM: OCSD, Plant 1, 10844 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley, California, 92708. Please meet in the Contracts, Purchasing & Materials Management Division Office

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic & paper bids) - Direct inquiries to Jim Appleby: 714-563-5287 ext 312 and/or

Addenda: 1 Ref#: S-2020-1147 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct inquiries to Darius Ghazi: 714-593-7586 and/or

Owner: Anaheim Transportation Network (714) 563-5287

Owner: Orange County Sanitation District (714) 593-7586

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Concrete Repairs @ the West Valley Facility

Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI) Implementation – Phase 1

Bid Date: 5/4/2020

11:00 AM


Concrete repair work at the West Valley facility located at 4748 Arrow Highway in Montclair, CA. AGC #: 20-01312 Addenda: 1

Project Type: Building

Ref#: IFB-MNT20-32

Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Contractor License Required B - Direct Inquires to Chris Van Matre - 909-379- AGC #: 20-00897 Owner: Omnitrans (909) 379-7122 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

County of Orange

OCSD’s current server and storage architecture has reached its end of service life and is due to be replaced. OCSD is seeking qualified Proposals for the purchase and implementation of a Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI) solution. Proposals should include all necessary services to assist with the deployment, configuration, and ongoing support of the solution for this “PHASE 1”. Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 1 Ref#: CS-2020-1141BD Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct inquiries to Jackie Lagade: Owner: Orange County Sanitation District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Heritage Fields K-8 No. 3 Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM


Heritage Fields K-8 No. 03 for Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) AGC #: 20-00908

Project Type:

Addenda: 3 Ref#: 707N001-16-035 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Jonathan Keene: (949)-870-9044 and/or Owner: Owner: Owner: Owner:

C.W. Driver (949) 870-9044 Irvine Unified School District (949) 870-9044 C.W. Driver (949) 870-9044 Irvine Unified School District (949) 870-9044

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO May 05, 2020 Orange County Region Pipelines - Right of Way Infrastructure Protection Phase 1

Underground Utility Assessment: Dist 111; Underground Utility Dist 22, Phase 2; Utility Undergrounding, Mcfadden Alleys & Court St Bid Date: 5/5/2020

10:00 AM

Newport Beach

The work necessary for the completion of this contract includes, but is not limited to, mobilization, traffic control, water pollution control, Bid Date: 5/5/2020 2:00 PM Yorba Linda potholing and field verifications of existing utilities, trench construction, furnishing and installing conduit with poly-pull ropes including service The work consists of constructing concrete V-ditches, gravel roads, and sidewalks; installing erosion protection, manhole grade rings, and lateral runs, utility pullboxes, handholes, vaults and all associated roadway improvements; placing fill material; and all appurtenant work items necessary for the conversion of existing overhead and electrical power, telephone, and cable television services to underground as specified and shown on the drawings. locations as required and intended by the Plans, Specifications, and AGC #: 20-00995 Project Type: Engineering further specified by Southern California Edison, AT&T and Spectrum standards within UNDERGROUND UTILITY ASSESSMENT Addenda: 2 Ref#: 1821 Est: $900,000 DISTRICT NO. 111, UUD-22 - PHASE 2, AND UTILITY Misc. Notes: Submit electronic bids to: UNDERGROUNDING FOR MCFADDEN ALLEYS AND COURT STREET. Any costs resulting from work performed that was directed %23%20 by Southern California Edison, AT&T and Spectrum engineers, Owner: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California/Eng inspectors or other personnel will not be compensated unless said Construction Dept (213) 217-6515 work was approved by the Engineer prior to work commencing. Contractor shall perform all trenching, backfill, pavement restoration, BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be resurfacing and replacement of existing improvements (public or automatically directed to the project online. private including but not limited to driveways, fences, walls, signs, landscaping, mailboxes, and other such items) associated with or resulting from the work identified herein. AGC #: 20-01232

Project Type: Engineering

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 4/16/20 @ 10:30AM: Information regarding video conferencing will be noticed to registered bidder. Bidders who do not participate may be considered non-responsive. Addenda: 0

Ref#: 7833-1

Est: $7,000,000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Michael J. Sinacori: 949-6443343 and/or Owner: City of Newport Beach/Public Works BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Markham Tank Interior Recoating

May 05, 2020

Bid Date: 5/5/2020

5:00 PM

Mead Valley

The work includes recoating the tank interior coating, modification of the overflow pipe and construction of air gap assembly, demolition and replacement of all cathodic protection system, installation of four (4) Bid Date: 5/5/2020 2:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga perimeter roof vents, demolition of existing guardrail, installation of perimeter safety guard rail, demolition of the existing roof access Removal and replacement of existing metal fencing at seven (7) locations. New fencing shall be either Galvanized, Square Tube Steel hatch, installation of a plate over the opening, installation of a new roof access hatch, and removal of existing interior ladder. (Base Bid items 1 thru 7) or Bar Steel (Alternate Bid items 8 thru 14). There are also Additive Bid items for removing and replacing existing AGC #: 20-01354 Project Type: Engineering at seven (7) additional locations with either Galvanized, Square Tube Steel (Additive Bid items (15 thru 21) or Bar Steel (Additive Bid items Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1395W 23 thru 29). Finally, there are two (2) more Additive Bid items for Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner Electronic Only to installing new fencing. - Contractors License Class A and or AGC #: 20-01233 Project Type: Engineering ClassC-33 - Direct Inquiries To Jeff Allred c/o Laurie Dixit; EMAIL: & Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777 4/14/20, 9 am, 9191 Base Line Rd., Rancho Cucamonga, 91730

LMD 4 Fence Replacement

Addenda: 1


Est: $175,000

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required C-13 Redhawk Reclaimed Water Pump Station - Direct Inquires to Chris GilliParks Supervisor8794 Lion StreetRancho Cucamonga, CA 91730(909) 477-2730 ext 4119eBid Date: 5/5/2020 2:00 PM Riverside County mail: and Kenneth FungAssistant Engineer8794 Lion StreetRancho Cucamonga, CA 91730(909) 477 Demolition of existing Redhawk Booster Pump Station (BPS) improvements, including removal and disposal of aboveground and -2730 ext 4139e-mail: belowground booster station facilities, piping and conduit, and all Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga (909) 477-2730 related work BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 20-01379

Conceptual Design Svcs forthe Station 178 Towne Ctr

Addenda: 0

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: D1942 Est: $1,200,000 Bid Date: 5/5/2020 9:00 AM Rancho Cucamonga Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class A - For further information, contact the Conceptual Design Svcs forthe Station 178 Towne Ctr Construction Contracts Manager of the District located at42135 Winchester Road, Temecula, California 92590, (951) 296-6900. AGC #: 20-01292 Project Type: RFP Owner: Rancho California Water District Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP 20/21-001 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Misc. Notes: Questions Due April 20, 2020, by 9:00 am

automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga (909) 744-2508 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 06, 2020

Quarterly Maintenance & Repair Services for Roll-Up Gates Fire Station 66 Remodel & Pedestrian Doors Bid Date: 5/5/2020

2:00 PM

County of Orange

Contractor shall furnish all staffing, labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals required for Quarterly Maintenance and Repair Services for Roll-Up Gates and Pedestrian Doors repairs shall be provided on a quarterly, as well as on an as-needed basis, as required by County. Service request involving, repairs and/or alterations shall not exceed $60,000. All Work to be done consists, in general to maintain and repair roll-up gates and pedestrian doors. AGC #: 20-01382

Bid Date: 5/6/2020

4:00 PM

Chino Hills

The project includes the remodeling of staff bathroom areas and the replacement of flooring. AGC #: 20-00765 Addenda: 2

Ref#: 20-01

Project Type: Engineering Est: $140,000

Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required B Direct Inquires to Scott Atkinson, 909-816-7682,

Project Type: RFP Owner: Chino Valley Independent Fire District Prebid Conf: MANDATORY BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be 4/15/20 @ 10:00AM: 301 West 5th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Due automatically directed to the project online. to the Corona Virus Pandemic, 6 feet distance guidelines will be strictly enforced and masks and gloves will be highly encouraged to be Fall Arrest System worn. Bid Date: 5/6/2020 3:00 PM Thousand Palms Addenda: 0 Ref#: 080-C026686-NM Est: $60,000 Fall Arrest System Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Nicholas Murray via the County’s online bid system at: AGC #: 20-01340 Project Type: Engineering Owner: County of Orange Procurement Office, County of Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-049 Orange, County Executive Office/County Procurement Office Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be License Class A or B - Direct Inquires to Jennifer Tran, 760-343automatically directed to the project online. 3456, ext 1504, Owner: SunLine Transit Agency (760) 343-3456 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 07, 2020

Bid Date: 5/7/2020

5:00 PM


The work comprises of interior recoating and construction of tank retrofits for the Citrus II water storage tank. The work includes recoating the tank interior coating, demolition and replacement of all Palm Springs cathodic protection system, installation of eighteen (18) perimeter roof vents, demolition of existing guardrail, installation of perimeter safety guard rail, demolition of the existing roof access hatch, installation of a Project Type: SOQ plate over the opening, installation of a new roof access hatch, and removal of existing interior ladder.

On-Call Waste Water Engineering Design Service Bid Date: 5/7/2020

3:00 PM

On-Call WWTP Design Service AGC #: 20-00759

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 14-20 Misc. Notes: Submit SOQ to Owner -Upon downloading the SOQ via the internet, contact Craig Gladders, Procurement and Contracting Manager, via email at to be placed on the interested vendor list - Any questions, technical or otherwise, pertaining to this SOQ must be submitted IN WRITING and directed ONLY to: Craig Gladders Procurement and Contracting Department, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262 via FAX (760) 323-8238 or via EMAIL: Owner: City of Palm Springs (000) 000-0000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

RCTC - I-215/Placentia Ave Interchange Bid Date: 5/7/2020

Addenda: 0


Construction on Interstate 215 Placentia Avenue Interchange Project in Riverside County, California. Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1

Ref#: IFB 20-31-068-00 Est: $43,533,000 Misc. Notes: Planning Stage (RCTC currently plans to advertise the project mid-August 2019 for a four week or more bid period) Direct Inquires to Jose Mendoza, 951-787-7967,

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Lone Pine Canyon Road Bid Date: 5/7/2020

Addenda: 0

Project Type: Engineering


Owner: County of San Bernardino 909-387-7695 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


well Pump Maintenance & Repair at Various Locations FY 2020-2021, Westminster, CA

Addenda: 0

San Bernardino

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to (909)387-7920

Well Pump Maintenance & Repair at Various Locations FY 2020-2021

AGC #: 20-01286

2:00 PM

Lone Pine Canyon Road

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

10:00 AM

Ref#: 1394W

Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777

Owner: Riverside County Transportation Commission (951) 787 -7967

Bid Date: 5/7/2020

Project Type: Engineering

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A, C-33 - Direct Inquires to Laurie Dixit Tel:(951) 928-3777 x4454Fax: (951)

AGC #: 20-01373

2:00 PM

AGC #: 20-01254

AGC #: 20-01362

Project Type: Engineering


Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A or C57 - Direct inquiries to Paul Kalix: 714 548-3699 and/or Owner: City of Westminster/City Hall (714) 548-3699 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 11, 2020

Energy Partner - Energy Supply & Charge Management Services Bid Date: 5/8/2020

5:00 PM


Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN) is seeking an Energy Partner who will own Solar + Storage assets, and sell energy to ATN via a long term (25 year) energy Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) as well as the provision and operations of a Charge Management System (CMS) which can serve as the interface between base operational personnel and the transfer of electrical energy to ATN buses and regulate power delivery to the base bus charging fleet in a manner that minimizes ATN expenditure on electrical energy while also meeting bus services requirements. AGC #: 20-01082

Project Type:

Fire Alarm System Handy ES Bid Date: 5/11/2020

10:00 AM


Fire Alarm System Handy ES, located in Orange, CA (OUSD) AGC #: 20-01074

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY NEW DATE: 4/27/20 @ 10:00AM: Meet in front of the Administration Building at ORANGE PRE-K located at 5125 E. Gerda Dr., Anaheim, CA 92807. Meet in front of the Administration Building at ORANGE PRE-K located at 5125 E. Gerda Dr., Anaheim, CA 92807. Immediately following, meet at Handy Elementary School located at 860 N. Handy St., Orange, CA 92867. Addenda: 1

Ref#: 1920-806

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class B Addenda: 2 Ref#: 2020-024 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Direct inquiries to Jim Appleby: 714 Direct inquiries to Purchasing,, Phone: (714) 628-4440 -563-5287 ext 312 and/or Owner: Orange Unified School District/Purchasing Department Owner: City of Anaheim/Procurement (714) 563-5287 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Fire Alarm System Orange Pre-K Bid Date: 5/11/2020

10:00 AM


Fire Alarm System, Orange Pre-K, located in Anaheim, CA (OUSD) AGC #: 20-01075

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY NEW DATE: 4/27/20 @ 10:00AM: Meet in front of the Administration Building at ORANGE PRE-K located at 5125 E. Gerda Dr., Anaheim, CA 92807. Immediately following, meet at Handy Elementary School located at 860 N. Handy St., Orange, CA 92867. Addenda: 1

Ref#: 1920-805

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class B Direct inquiries to Purchasing,, Phone: (714) 628-4440 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 13, 2020

Traffic Signal & ADA Improvements

Traffic Signal Cabinet Replacements

Traffic Signal & ADA Improvements:The Work comprises of improving 17, signalized intersections within the City of Palm Springs, in Riverside County, California

San Juan Capistrano-Multiple Locations Traffic Signal Cabinet Replacements at multiple intersections in Dan Juan Capistrano, CA

AGC #: 20-01258

AGC #: 20-00828

Bid Date: 5/12/2020

3:00 PM

Palm Springs Bid Date: 5/13/2020

Project Type: RFP

2:00 PM

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0

Addenda: 3

Owner: City of Palm Springs (000) 000-0000

Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class C-10 Direct inquiries to George Alvarez: and/or (949) 443-6351.

Ref#: RFP 09-20, Project No Est: $2,500,000 15-32 Misc. Notes: The DBE Contract goal is 13% BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

CV Link On-Street Class IV and NEV Path Bid Date: 5/12/2020

2:00 PM

Palm Desert

Ref#: 19104 & 20101

Owner: City of San Juan Capistrano/City Clerk

(949) 443-6351

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

PIxie, Johnston and Soboba Waterline Installation

Bid Date: 5/13/2020 10:00 AM Hemet/San Jacinto CV Link On-Street Class IV and NEV Path:The proposed project consists of 7,650 feet of on-street Class IV bikeway and NEV PIxie, Johnston and Soboba Waterline Installation:Install improvements along Painters Path, Park View Drive, Monterey approximately 2500 ft of 8" C-900 CL235 waterline and appurtenances Avenue, and Magnesia Falls Drive in Palm Desert. The on-street complete and in place. improvements re-allocate existing roadway lanes to accommodate the AGC #: 20-01133 Project Type: Engineering new facility, which includes pavement markings with enhanced branding elements, a raised protective barrier curb to separate the Addenda: 2 Ref#: Project No. 002-20 facility from vehicular travel lanes, signs and associated minor Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors pavement and concrete work. The Class 4 bike path improvements License Class A or C34 - Direct inquiries to Jason Venable, 951consist of upgrading an existing shared use path with markings, 658-3241 x256, (by April 1st at 5PM) signage, and minor concrete work Owner: Lake Hemet Municipal Water District 951-658-3241 AGC #: 20-01289 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-08 Est: $5,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Direct Inquiries to Mariana Rios - 760-346-0611 x448,

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: City of Palm Desert BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Las Palmas Apartments Exterior Bldg Repairs & Painting

May 14, 2020

Bid Date: 5/14/2020

2:00 PM


Contractor shall supply materials, labor and equipment necessary to paint all exterior surfaces of all buildings, structures, exterior doors, fences (masonry and metal), wood siding, and trim removal and Bid Date: 5/14/2020 2:00 PM Lake Arrowhead replacement, railings, metal work, signs, mailboxes, landscape lighting Pulverize, grade shape compact and pave approximately 64,400 SF of (pole lights), structural metal, sheet metal, roofing flashing, and other accessories throughout the complex.All exterior doors and frames existing road surfaces must be painted. Contractor will remove and dispose of existing screw AGC #: 20-00758 Project Type: Engineering -on weather-stripping on entry door frames prior to prep and patching Prebid Conf: MANDATORY work. Contractor must supply and install new weather-stripping after 4/29/20, 10 am, at the intersection of Edgecliff Dr and Grass Valley paint has cured at least 7 days. Road in the Lake Arrowhead area where a job woal will follow. AGC #: 20-01154 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 2 Ref#: SPD120-SPDAD-3744 Est: $180,000 Ref#: PC1182 Est: $72,638 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required A or Addenda: 1 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Electronic Only - Contractor C12- For information regarding this project, contact John License Required B, C33 - Direct Inquires to Clifford Goss, 909Bradford, Assistant Regional Manager, at (909) 386-8800) 332-6342, or Donald Campbell, 909-332-6331, Owner: County of San Bernardino - Special Dists Dept (909) 386-8818

CSA 59 Road Rehabilitation

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Owner: Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino (909) 332-6342

Measure E Series 2 Improvements - Expansions at Bonita Canyon ES, Turtle Rock ES & Northwood ES

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 5/14/2020

1:00 PM

Irvine-Multiple Locations

Police Carport

Bid Date: 5/14/2020 Measure E Series 2 Improvements - Expansion Projects at Bonita Canyon ES, Turtle Rock ES & Northwood ES for Irvine Unified School Police Carport District (IUSD) AGC #: 20-01377 AGC #: 20-00906 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 3

Ref#: 100E016-16-021 Misc. Notes: UPDATE DUE DATE: 5/7/20 @ 2:00PM: Prequalification Questionnaire Package DUE (electronic only) to PQBids: - Prequal packets available as of 3/3/20 (please see website) Owner: Owner: Owner: Owner:

Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 376-8186 Irvine Unified School District (909) 376-8186 Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 376-8186 Irvine Unified School District (909) 376-8186

4:00 PM


Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20-099 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Rick Amadril Owner: City of Rialto (909) 820-2525 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 18, 2020

Harrison Elementary School Paint Project Bid Date: 5/15/2020

2:00 PM


Harrison Elementary School Paint Project:Base Bid Scope of Work:1. Prep, patch, prime, and paint all existing trim only at the school including but not limited to parapet caps, canopy overhangs, all exterior windows, doors frames (half), and all exterior doors.a. Windows to be patched as neededb. Specification for all trim shall be2. All site masonry and concrete walls at the front of the campus3. Prep, patch, prime, and paint three existing portables including exterior walls, trim, windows, ramps railings, and non-skid on ramps. AGC #: 20-01104

Project Type: Building

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY May 5th at 1:30 PM at Harrison Elementary School 2901 Harrison St., Riverside, CA 92503 Addenda: 2

Ref#: 2019/20-16

Est: $45,000

Water System and Wastewater System Comprehensive Master Plan Updates Bid Date: 5/18/2020

2:00 PM

Desert Hot Springs

RFP for Water System and Wastewater System Comprehensive Master Plan Updates AGC #: 20-01136

Project Type: RFP

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Addenda: 0

Ref#: 11147TM

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A and/or C34 & Well Drillers License - Direct Inquiries to Luiz Santos, 760-329-6448 ext. Owner: Mission Springs Water District (760) 329-6448 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class Class C33 - The Contract Time is 30 calendar days - Request for Clarification deadline is: March 30, 2020 on or before 2PM and must be emailed to:Nadia Zeien – Facilities Planning RUSD;Chenchira (Jane) Jumnongsilp – Director of Purchasing RUSD : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 20, 2020

County Building 14 Package 3A (PreQualifications of Subs) Bid Date: 5/19/2020

3:00 PM

Santa Ana

Easement Cleaning Services Bid Date: 5/20/2020

2:00 PM

County of Orange

The Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) is seeking a Contractor County Building 14 Package 3A:PACKAGE 3A TRADES: Lump-Sum to provide biannual easement cleaning services at seven (7) of its Bid: Painting/Wallcovering, Signage, Ceramic Tile, Restroom Partitions easements located in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, and Costa & Accessories, Terrazzo Flooring, Fencing/GatesNew 230,000 sf Mesa, as well as additional easement cleaning services as needed. LEED silver, 6 story mid-rise office building, over two levels of AGC #: 20-01000 Project Type: subterranean parking

AGC #: 20-01059 Addenda: 0

Project Type: Sub-Bid Request


Misc. Notes: Project-Specific Prequalification Packet (Provided upon request from Swinerton) *All subcontractors must be prequalified to bid on this project. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Updated Pre-bid/Job walk date: 5/5/20 @ 1:00PM: OCSD, Plant 1, 10844 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley, California, 92708. Please meet in the Contracts, Purchasing & Materials Management Division Office Addenda: 1 Ref#: S-2020-1124 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bid only) - Direct inquiries to Heather Park: 714-593-7585 and/or Owner: Orange County Sanitation District (714) 593-7585 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020


May 26, 2020

SBCMP00000544447 Task Order Construction Agreement MEA Bid Date: 5/22/2020

2:00 PM

San Bernardino Bid Date: 5/26/2020

The Board of Trustees of the California State University is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from interested and qualified General Contractors (Respondents)to provide design-build and construction manager services with lump sum pricing for the design, preconstruction, and construction of multiple projects under a threeyear master enabling agreement (MEA).The delivery method for this contract is Task Order-Construction Agreement for Multiple ProjectsMaster Enabling Agreement (TO-CA MEA). The Trustees will issue two types of agreements under the TO-CA MEA-a task order for the design and preconstruction phase services and a construction agreement for the construction phase. AGC #: 20-01290

Installation & Disposal of Activated Carbon for the Plant 1 Thickening & Dewatering Odor Control System

Project Type: SOQ

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 0000015764 Est: $30,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractor License Required B Direct Inquires to Dusty Rushia, Owner: California State University San Bernardino (909) 5375152 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2:00 PM

Fountain Valley

This scope of work describes the materials, and installation and disposal requirements for one (1) change out of the Thickening and Dewatering (T&D) dual-bed carbon filter system media located at the Orange County Sanitation District’s (OCSD) 10844 Ellis Ave., Fountain Valley, CA treatment plant. The T&D odor control system has two (2) identical dual-bed carbon filters. Change Out Services are to be performed on one (1) vessel per service for a total of three (3) services per year. OCSD does not guarantee usage. AGC #: 20-01001

Project Type:

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY JOB WALK HAS BEEN CANCELED. BID DATE CHANGE: Mandatory job walk now 5/5/20 at 10:00AM: OCSD, Plant 1, 10844 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley, California, 92708< Meet in Contracts, Purchasing & Materials Management Division Office Addenda: 2 Ref#: S-2020-1155 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bid only) - Direct inquiries to Darius Ghazi: 714-593-7586 and/or Owner: Orange County Sanitation District (714) 593-7586 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO December 30, 2020 ISO 18000 6C Compliant Transponders RFQ Bid Date: 12/30/2020 3:00 PM


ISO 18000 6C Compliant Transponders:The Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency and the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency (collectively the “Agency”) desire to obtain Statements of Qualifications including Price Proposals from firms capable of supplying transponders utilizing ISO 18000 6C in the 900 MHz frequency range to the Agency. AGC #: 19-03870

Project Type: Supplier

Addenda: 2 Ref#: K001201 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (Electronic & paper bids required) Questions regarding this RFSOQ must be submitted in writing no later than 3:00 p.m. Pacific time on October 24, 2019. Questions must be submitted using the Agency’s PlanetBids question submittal function. Responses to questions will be provided to allparticipants by close of business on October 31, 2019 using the Agency’s PlanetBids answer submittal function. Owner: Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency (949) 754-3400 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email

April 08, 2020

Caltrans Projects

AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

Bid Date





CDOT 02-0H5604 Place Cured in Place Pipeliner & Corrugated Steel Pipe CDOT 11-2T3464 Cold Plane, Place RHMA-G and Modify Electrical System CDOT 10-0H5604 Widen Lanes, Cold Plane, and Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A) Surfacing CDOT 08-1K0204 Place Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe and Traffic Stripe Tape CDOT 03-1G6204 Replace Culverts, Headwalls and Install Cured-in-Place Pipeliner

Butte County


San Diego County


4/9/20 4/9/20

San Joaquin County $1,980,000 San Bernardino County


Colusa County


Yolo County



CDOT 03-2H4604 Place HMA and Roadway Excavation CDOT 07-311004 Place Minor Concrete, Roadway Excavation and Place Aggregate Base


CDOT 03-4H1104 Place Concrete Gutters and Culverts

Nevada and Placer Counties



CDOT 04-0J7204 Erosion Control, Roadway Excavation and Traffic Striping CDOT 08-1H9004 Chip Seal, Replace Asphalt Concrete Surfacing, and Crack Treatment

San Mateo County


San Bernardino County



CDOT 06-0Y0504 Cold Plane AC Pavement and Place RHMA-O

Kern County



CDOT 09-380504 Hot Mix Asphalt Thin Blanket Overlay


CDOT 06-0U2304 Upgrade Pumping Plant

Mono County $1,950,000 Fresno, Madera and $5,400,000 Tulare Counties


CDOT 03-1G4704 Place HMA (Type A) and Replace Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe CDOT 06-0W7604 Cold Plane Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Place RHMA-G CDOT 03-1G5204 Install EPDM Rubber Pipe Joint Seals & Replace Culverts CDOT 09-375704 Place Structural Concrete and Polyester Concrete Overlay

4/9/20 4/9/20 4/9/20


4/15/20 4/15/20 4/15/20

Los Angeles County $3,100,000

Sacramento County $520,000 Kern and Tulare Counties


Yolo County


Kern and Mono Counties San Bernardino County


Stanislaus County Nevada and Placer Counties



CDOT 08-1F13U4 Cold-in Place Recycling and Place RHMA-G


CDOT 10-1J5704 Replace Pavement Delineation


CDOT 03-1G6504 Cold Plane AC Pavement and Place HMA (Type A)


Mendocino County



CDOT 01-0F4404 Cold Plane AC Pavement with HMA CDOT 02-4E46U4 Replace Bridge, Roadway Excavation, HMA, Class 2 AB and Drainage Work

Lassen County



CDOT 02-4H1304 Treat Bridge Decks and Replace Joint Seals

Shasta and Siskiyou $2,120,000 Counties


CDOT 03-1G8304 Replace Culverts and Install Rubber Pipe Joint Seal

Yolo County


CDOT 06-0Y0404 Cold Plane AC Pavement and HMA Overlay CDOT 02-3H8104 Paint Bridge Steel, Seal and Overlay Decks and Replace Bearings CDOT 08-1F1324 Place RHMA-G, Cold Plane AC and Replace AC Surfacing CDOT 04-4Q1604 Cold Plane AC Pavement and Overlay with Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt

Fresno County $1,700,000 Lassen and Plumas $2,310,000 Counties San Bernardino $6,500,000 County

4/16/20 4/16/20 4/16/20




Contra Costa County $860,000

Caltrans Projects

AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

Bid Date





CDOT 09-370304 Cold Plane and Place HMA (Type A) CDOT 03-1G7004 Cold Plane AC Pavement, RHMA Overlay, & Inductive Loop Detectors

Mono County


Sutter County


CDOT 06-0X1704 Bridge Deck Treatments CDOT 03-1G2504 Cold Plane AC Pavement, RHMA-G Overlay, & Replace Guardrail CDOT 07-3W9004 Cold Plane AC Pavement and Overlay Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt-G CDOT 12-0R8804 Cold Plane AC Pavement, Place RHMA and Inductive Loop Detector

Madera County


El Dorado County


Orange County


Placer County



CDOT 03-1E0504 Drainage System Repair and Lining CDOT 08-1K1404 Structure Concrete, Furnish and Place Polyester Concrete

Riverside County



CDOT 03-1G8704 HMA (Type A) and Roadway Excavation

El Dorado County



CDOT 01-0G1304 Place HMA and High Friction Surface Treatment

Del Norte County



CDOT 09-384004 Place HMA (Type A) CDOT 04-3Q9904 Place HMA (Type A) and Slurry Seal, Modify Signal and Lighting CDOT 08-1H3414 Place RHMA-G, Cold Plane AC and Replace AC Surfacing

Kern County


Solano County


San Bernardino County



CDOT 07-4V0604 Signal and Lighting System

Los Angeles County $510,000


CDOT 03-0G9804 Concrete Slab Replacement CDOT 08-1K2204 Structural Concrete, Approach Slab & Polyester Concrete Overlay

Placer County San Bernardino County


CDOT 11-424904 Install Roadside Signs CDOT 03-1G8204 Replace Culverts and Install EPDM Rubber Pipe Joint Seal CDOT 11-417504 Earthwork, Drainage, Landscape and Plant Establishment Work

San Diego County


Yolo County


San Diego County



CDOT 03-1G4804 Replace Polyester Concrete Overlay on Bridges

Nevada, Placer and $5,100,000 Sierra Counties


CDOT 03-1G5904 Place Cured in Place Pipeliner and Corrugated Steel Pipe CDOT 07-4W8204 Replace Structural Concrete Bridge and Place Concrete Barrier CDOT 01-0J4904 RHMA Overlay and Cold Plane Asphalt Concrete Pavement

Yuba County


Ventura County


Lake County



CDOT 09-380904 Place HMA Over Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement

Inyo and Mono Counties



CDOT 06-0Y0704 Place HMA (Type A) CDOT 11-2N0734 Place Micro-Surfacing and Thermoplastic Traffic Striping CDOT 12-0R8904 Cold Plane AC Pavement, Place RHMA & Thermoplastic Traffic Striping

Kern County


San Diego County


Orange County


CDOT 08-1J9404 Replace Asphalt Concrete Surfacing and Striping

San Bernardino County


4/16/20 4/16/20 4/21/20 4/21/20 4/21/20 4/21/20

4/22/20 4/22/20

4/22/20 4/22/20 4/22/20 4/22/20

4/23/20 4/23/20

4/23/20 4/23/20 4/23/20

Los Angeles County $1,590,000


Caltrans Projects

AGC Construction Reporter

Bid Date



CDOT 12-0Q7004 Modify Lighting System, Install Guardrail System & Orange County Crash Cushions CDOT 10-0Y6004 Install Warning Light & Lighting Systems & Place Minor Mariposa County Concrete


CDOT 12-0F9704 Install Drainage Systems and Curbs and Place HMA CDOT 07-304504 Concrete Pavement, Concrete Barrier, and Electrical Work CDOT 03-2H6404 Modify Signal and Lighting System, Place RHMA and Roadway Excavation CDOT 03-1G4204 Replace Methyl Methacrylate Paint and Thermoplastic Traffic Stripes CDOT 06-0X6704 Replace Bridge Deck with Polyester Concrete Overlay & Place Concrete CDOT 11-418204 Place RHMA-G, Replace Culverts, and Stress Reducing Slab CDOT 03-4H1004 Install Retaining Structure and RSP Concrete Embankment CDOT 08-1G2914 Place HMA, RHMA, JP Concrete, Road Excavation, Modify Signal & Light CDOT 02-2H0504 Realign Roadway, Drainage, Guardrail, and Erosion Control CDOT 01-0F3104 Remove Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert and Construct Bridge CDOT 11-420004 Cold Plane, Place RHMA, Guardrail, Landscape and Modify Electrical CDOT 11-2N0714 Place Micro-Surfacing and Thermoplastic Traffic Striping CDOT 03-3H72U4 Roadway Excavation, Place HMA & RHMA, & Construct Drainage Systems

Orange County


CDOT 04-3G4744 Clean and Paint Structural Steel Bridge

4/28/20 4/28/20 4/28/20 4/29/20 4/29/20 4/30/20 4/30/20 5/5/20 5/6/20 5/7/20 5/13/20 5/20/20 5/21/20 5/27/20 7/9/20


April 08, 2020



Los Angeles County $71,000,000 Sacramento County $5,600,000 El Dorado County


Tulare County


San Diego County


Sierra County


San Bernardino County


Trinity County


Del Norte County


San Diego County


San Diego County


Butte County


Contra Costa and Marin Counties

$120,000,000 Call us for BEST RENTAL PRICES to bid your next job. • Hal Dahlstrom (951) 230-7402 cell • Chris Dalsimer (760) 644-1078 • Mark Martini (760) 274-3250 • Charlie Rodriguez (760) 960-3573

Over 200 Machines for Rent or Sale 156 W. Mission Ave. Escondido, CA 92025


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Traffic Safety Calming & T/S Upgrades 2020

Bid Date:

Owner: City of El Cajon

3/16/2020 El Cajon

Southwest Signal

(619) 442-3343

Santee, CA

1st Low


CTE Inc.


El Cajon, CA

2nd Low


HMS Construction, Inc.

(760) 727-9808

Vista, CA

3rd Low


Inflow & Infiltration Project Ph 5 Owner: City of La Mesa

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:


3/19/2020 La Mesa

HPS Mechanical


Bakersfield, CA

1st Low


Piperin Corporation

(619) 339-7875

Escondido, CA

2nd Low


SC Valley Engineering, Inc.

(619) 444-2366

El Cajon, CA

3rd Low


Upgrade to AV Sys in City Council Overflow Rooms/Emergency Ops Ctr

Bid Date:

Owner: City of La Mesa

La Mesa

!Bid Results Attached See Project Documents for Details

, CA


Street Light LED Conversion Owner: City of Escondido, City Clerk


Bid Date: Engineer's Est:


3/25/2020 Escondido

Fluoresco Services LLC

Pomona, CA

1st Low


Regreen, Inc.

, CA

2nd Low


Advanced Lighting Svcs, Inc.

Dublin, CA

3rd Low


Asphalt Concrete Overlay - South Owner: County of San Diego

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

!Bid Results Attached See Project Documents for Details

$9,500,000 to


San Diego

, CA


Supply & Delivery of Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting

Bid Date:

Engineer's Est:

Jensen Precast

$90,000 to

, CA


$99,450 Bid Date:

Owner: San Diego Unified Port District , CA


CCTV Sewerline Inspection Svcs - Spring Valley Small Diameter

Bid Date:

Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing and Contracting

4/1/2020 Spring Valley

National Plant Services

, CA

Engineer's Est:


1st Low

La Jolla Village Dr & I-805 Interchange Revegetation & Ldscp Maint

Bid Date: $382,000

Habitat Restoration Sciences, Inc.


Vista, CA

1st Low

Natures Image Inc

(949) 680-4414

Lake Forest, CA

2nd Low

Market St - 47th to Euclid Complete St

Tri-Group Construction

4/1/2020 San Diego

!Bid Results Attached See Project Documents for Details

Owner: City of San Diego

3/30/2020 San Diego

1st Low

As-Needed Marine Debris Collection

Owner: City of San Diego


San Diego $438,069 $1,842,365 Bid Date:

Engineer's Est: 858-689-0058

San Diego, CA

$7,400,000 1st Low


4/1/2020 San Diego $7,600,633


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES Palm Engineering Const. Corp., Inc.

(619) 291-1495

San Diego, CA

2nd Low


Wier Construction Corp

(760) 743-6776

Escondido, CA

3rd Low


Citrus Ave - Pavement Rehab Project Owner: City of Imperial Beach

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:


4/2/2020 Imperial Beach

Portillo Concrete


Lemon Grove, CA

1st Low


Eagle Paving Co.


Poway, CA

2nd Low


PAL General Engineering


San Diego, CA

3rd Low


Rios Canyon Rd Sidewalk Improvements Owner: County of San Diego

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

$127,000 to



Lakeside Vicinity

Crest Equipment Inc.


El Cajon, CA

1st Low


LC Paving

(760) 752-1743

San Marcos, CA

2nd Low


Portillo Concrete


Lemon Grove, CA

3rd Low


Winter Gardens Blvd Sidewalk Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

$295,000 to


4/2/2020 Lakeside

Crest Equipment Inc.


El Cajon, CA

1st Low


Portillo Concrete


Lemon Grove, CA

2nd Low


, CA

3rd Low


Alvarez & Shaw


AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO City of Colton - CDBG Sidewalk Rehab Project

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Colton

1/30/2020 Colton

Hardy & Harper Inc.

(714) 444-1851

Santa Ana, CA

1st Low


Roadway Engineering & Contracting Inc


Mira Loma, CA

2nd Low


IVL Contractors, Inc.

(951) 530-8808

Rialto, CA

3rd Low


Las Brisas Transmission Pipeline

Bid Date:

Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District

2/25/2020 Murrietta

E.J. Meyer Company

(909) 425-4020

Highland, CA

1st Low


Weka, Inc

(909) 425-8700

Highland, CA

2nd Low** Weka Inc. deemed non-responsive


T.E. Roberts Inc.


Orange, CA

3rd Low


Const on Rialto Channel from Cameron Way to UPRR Railyard

Bid Date:

Owner: San Bernardino County Dept of Public WorksContracts Div

3/24/2020 Rialto

KEC Engineering

(909) 734-3010

Corona, CA

1st Low


Mamco, Inc. dba Alabbasi

(951) 776-9300

Perris, CA

2nd Low


Ortiz Enterprises

(949) 753-1414

Irvine, CA

3rd Low


Florida St. Guardrail Replacement @ Greenspot Rd.

Bid Date:

Owner: San Bernardino County Dept of Public WorksContracts Div

3/24/2020 San Bernardino

Alfaro Communications Construction

(310) 669-8949

Compton, CA

1st Low


Danny C Hubbs Construction, Inc.


Yucaipa, CA

2nd Low


, CA

3rd Low


W.M. Kanayan Construction, Inc. Ramona HS Portable Alterations Owner: Riverside Unified School District

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:


3/26/2020 Riverside

Horizons Construction Co International Inc

(714) 626-0000

Orange, CA

TSR Construction & Inspection


Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2nd Low


Dalke & Sons Construction, Inc.

(951) 274-9880

Riverside, CA


3rd Low

Brea Water Main Replacement North Hills West & East Tract Owner: City of Brea/City Clerk's Office


1st Low

Bid Date:

Engineer's Est:

3/31/2020 Brea-Multiple Locations


Big Ben Inc.

(949) 400-1800

Irvine, CA

1st Low


Sully-Miller Contracting Company

(714) 578-9600

Brea, CA

2nd Low


Stephen Doreck Equipment Rentals, Inc

(562) 494-4949

Pico Rivera, CA

3rd Low


Fiscal Year 2019/20 Local Slurry Seal Pavement Rehab Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga

Bid Date:

Engineer's Est:

All American Asphalt



Rancho Cucamonga

Corona, CA

1st Low


Pavement Coatings


, CA

2nd Low


Doug Martin Contracting Co., Inc.


La Habra, CA

3rd Low


Idyllwild School Admin Office Improvements

Bid Date:

Owner: Hemet Unified School District Hamel Contracting, Inc.

3/31/2020 Idyllwild


Murrieta , CA

1st Low



AGC Construction Reporter

April 08, 2020

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO Dalke & Sons Construction, Inc.

(951) 274-9880

Riverside, CA

2nd Low


JM Builders Inc


Redlands, CA

3rd Low


Crestview Drive Street Improvements

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Norco

4/1/2020 Norco

All American Asphalt

(951) 736-7600

Corona, CA

1st Low


Hardy & Harper Inc.

(714) 444-1851

Santa Ana, CA

2nd Low


Onyx Paving Co

(714) 632-6699

Anaheim, CA

3rd Low


WRF1 Storm Event Debris Removal

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Corona

4/1/2020 Corona

Jeremy Harris Construction

(909) 234-8246

Riverside, CA

1st low


Hera General Engineering

(951) 345-9726

Riverside, CA

2nd low


Empire Equipment Services, Inc.

(951) 681-1345

Riverside, CA

3rd low


Slurry Maint Program - Multi Yr Contract

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Chino Public Works Dept

4/3/2020 Chino

Pavement Coatings Co.

(714) 826-3011

Mira Loma, CA

1st Low


American Asphalt South Inc

(951) 427-8276

Fontana, CA

2nd Low


All American Asphalt

(951) 736-7600

Corona, CA

3rd Low


As-Needed Concrete Repair Svcs @ Various Locations City Wide

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Chino Public Works Dept

4/7/2020 Chino

CT&T Concrete Paving, Inc.

(909) 629-8000

Diamond Bar, CA

1st Low


Golden State Constructors

(714) 625-8758

Placentia, CA

2nd Low


Horizons Construction Co International Inc

(714) 626-0000

Orange, CA

3rd Low


Church Street Pavement Rehab

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga



Rancho Cucamonga

Hardy & Harper Inc.

(714) 444-1851

Santa Ana, CA

1st Low


Sequel Contractors Inc.

(562) 802-7227

Santa Fe Springs, CA

2nd Low


RJ Noble Co.

(714) 637-1550

Orange, CA

3rd Low


Colony HS Chiller Replacement

Bid Date:

Owner: Chaffey Joint UHSD - Purchasing Dept. !Bid Results Attached See Project Documents for Details

4/7/2020 Ontario

, CA


TRAIN YOUR WORKFORCE REGISTER AT AGCSD.ORG For more information, contact Becca Schaffer at or (858) 731-8155

April 2020 April Classes - Virtual Classrooms Business Writing and Construction Correspondence - Construction Scheduling for Construction Professionals - Construction Estimating Basics - Better Meetings By Tomorrow -

April 29 April 7 and 15 April 8 and 22 April 14

For more information on classes, contact: Becca Schaffer:


@AGCSanDiego #AGCSanDiego

Coronavirus Update – AGC San Diego Gatherings Canceled Through April 3rd (Extended to April 30)

AGC Register at

QUESTIONS? SPONSORSHIPS? Contact Rae Krushensky I I 858-731-8157


@AGCSanDiego #AGCSanDiego

AGC Spring Conference

The Resort at Pelican Hill - Newport Beach, CA

June 8 - 10, 2020 Washington, DC

AGC Register at

QUESTIONS? SPONSORSHIPS? Contact Rae Krushensky I I 858-731-8157


@AGCSanDiego #AGCSanDiego

AGC Register at

QUESTIONS? SPONSORSHIPS? Contact Rae Krushensky I I 858-731-8157


@AGCSanDiego #AGCSanDiego

AGC Register at

QUESTIONS? SPONSORSHIPS? Contact Rae Krushensky I I 858-731-8157


@AGCSanDiego #AGCSanDiego

AGC Register at

QUESTIONS? SPONSORSHIPS? Contact Rae Krushensky I I 858-731-8157



The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc. 6212 Ferris Square, San Diego, CA 92121 Phone (858) 558-7444 I Fax (858) 558-8444 I

I Chartered in 1927

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