AGC Construction Reporter September 8, 2021

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Projects Bidding




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September 8, 2021

The Voice of Construction

For rates & info Contact: Lisa Lovelace or 858.558.7444



Covering Southern California Bidding Projects

4 14 43 92 94 98 99

September 8, 2021 Summary of Projects San Diego & Imperial County Projects Orange, Riverside & San Bernardino

CalTrans Projects Statewide Bid Results Upcoming Construction Education & Safety Training Upcoming AGC SD Events

The Voice of Construction



The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc. 10140 Riverford Road, Lakeside, CA 92040 Phone (858) 558-7444 I Fax (858) 558-8444 I or

I Chartered in 1927

© 2021 AGC San Diego Chapter, Inc.

AGC Construction Reporter is a weekly digital publication published by The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc. Company must be an AGC San Diego Chapter or AGC Online Plan Room member to receive this publication. This publication may not be re-distributed unless prior written consent is provided by AGC San Diego Chapter, Inc. All rights reserved.


AGC Construction Reporter

September 1, 2021

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/09/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021

Agriculture Related Services Mundo University Ave Storage (Sub-Bids Only) Installation of Concrete Dike Wayfinding Signs FY20/21 Price Center west Food Court Renovation PreQualified CM/GC Demo Existing Ranger Station & Const New Ranger Station Wet Well Cleaning Services at Wastewater Facilities RFP-LLB Preconst Svc. Paradise Hills WSM Heber ES District Dogwood ES 6 Classroom Addition Main Street Interchange Improvement Project Landfill Gas Treatment System Upgrade Flower St. Sewer Main Improvements New Enclosure With New Emergency Generator Furnish & Install Fencing & SPOE @ Muliple Sites Grp K & M Walnut Ave-Orange-Juniper St_Water Improvement CEQA-NEPA Compliance R-Line 92kV Transmission Line Roof Replacement Building 16 Annual On-Call Concrete Services for PW Improvements Uninterrupted Power Supply Installation RFQ For CM Regional WRF Const. Concrete Pad for Delhi Park As-Needed Electrical Engineering Consultant Robinson House Demolition & Reconstruction Arch Design Harada House Rehabilitation, Phase I Asphalt Concrete Overlay - South Renovation of Latrines Building 57 West Hills Tennis Court Repair ULTRA-LOW EMISSION LANDFILL GAS FLARE Weed Abatement Services RRPM Reflective Raised Pavement Markers Harada House Rehabilitation (Canceled) 38th Street Park Fencing Hemet Concrete Repairs NCEPC Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies Boiler Repair & Maintenance/Plumbing Services Underground Storage Tank Program Management Services City of Chino LRSP HVAC Replacement Services Landscape Maint Services at Hillside Memorial Turnkey Cart Washing System Replacement & Installation

Imperial San Diego San Diego Orange $491,000 San Diego $1,800,000 San Diego $445,000 San Bernardino San Diego $22,000,000 Imperial Riverside $5,270,916 San Bernardino $350,000 Orange Riverside $380,000 San Diego $2,500,000 Orange $5,200,000 Imperial Orange San Bernardino $300,000 San Diego $15,000 Riverside Orange $100,000 San Diego $175,000 Riverside Riverside San Diego Orange $1,400,000 San Diego $120,000 Riverside Riverside,San Bernardino Riverside $150,000 Riverside Orange $47,890 Riverside San Diego Orange Orange San Bernardino San Diego San Bernardino $60,000 Riverside,Solano

BID DATE SUMMARY BID DATE 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/10/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/13/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/14/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021

AGC Construction Reporter


76 Gas Station, C-Store & Car Wash (Sub-Bids Only) 2020 Bobcat T76 Compact Track Loader El Dorado Family II Apts - El Centro (Sub-Bids Only) HVAC Assessment and Repairs San Diego International Airport (Sub-Bids Only) Ft Irwin - Express with Gas Station On Call Repair for Fencing, Gates and Signage Professional Engineering, PM & Other Professional Services OR Suite HVAC Replacement in Bldg 1, SD VA Healthcare Design Rancho Bernardo Industrial Pump Station 6213 Montezuma Rd On-Call A/E Architectural Services Cypress Center Audio Visual System Fire Admin Offices at Public Safety Center Circle K/Unocal-San Bernardino (Sub-Bids Only) Human Trauma - Biological-HazMaterials Cleaningices CDOT 11A3332 A&E On-Call Roadway Design & Related Downtown Aquatic Center Pool Re-Plastering Woodspring Suites - San Marcos (Sub-Bids Only) Traffic Paint Asphalt and Concrete Projects Rainbow MWD Lift Station #1 Replacement Ph1 Condition Assessment 6-inch & 33-inch CMLC Pipelines (Re-Bid) 20-47657.FMD. Emergency Generator Maintenance Heavy Equipment Rental Services Locating Subsurface Facilities El Centro Maintenance Building Improvements Design-Build Construct New Fire Training Tower Camera Install at Senior & Teen Center HVAC Testing Adjusting & Balancing services CIP #FC006 Apparatus Storage: Fire Station 3 WMARC-410 Crushed Rock SHARC-Kitchen Exhaust System Cleaning San Clemente Campground Asphalt Repairs Chase Bank (Sub-Bids Only) Riverside Photovoltaic Solar System Design PSW Research Sta Civic Center Roof Audio Visual System Full Maintenance Elevator Maintenance Services Midway City Sanitary District Addition & Remodel City-Wide Street Sweeping Services Chino City Hall Water Fountain Repair Pest Control Services RFP Fuel Tank Infrastructure, Phase II, Victorville ATN - Claudina - Dry/Wet Utilities Oro Grande Building Demolition A100 VPAS Office Reconfiguration at Irvine Valley College Pershing Drive Bikeway Trails Master Plan - Phase II Professional Consulting Services

September 1, 2021

COUNTY ESTIMATE San Bernardino San Diego Imperial San Diego San Diego San Bernardino Riverside Imperial San Diego San Diego San Diego Orange San Bernardino San Diego San Bernardino San Diego,Various San Diego Orange San Diego San Bernardino San Diego San Diego Riverside San Diego San Bernardino Riverside Imperial Riverside Riverside Imperial San Diego Riverside Riverside Orange San Diego Riverside Orange San Diego Riverside Orange Riverside San Bernardino San Diego San Bernardino Orange San Bernardino Orange San Diego Riverside

$10,000,000 $25,000 $5,000,000 $1,500,000

$190,000 $9,100,000 $260,000

$5,000,000 $95,000 $75,000 $700,000 $20,000 $100,000


$700,000 $70,000 $12,980,675


AGC Construction Reporter

September 1, 2021

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/15/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/16/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021

ATN - Claudina - Building Concrete Professional Eng Design Services for Water Engineering Testing Monitoring Wells MW-1 & MW-2 Mills electrical Upgrades, Stage 2 ATN - Claudina - Electrical ATN - Claudina - Masonry Carrillo Way Water Main Rehab SOQ for Architectural Services ATN - Claudina - Structural Steel Roof Replacement at City’s Corporate Yard Building A Security Gate Physical Enhancements at B St Cruise Terminal Landscape Maint Services at the Indio DMV Field Re-Bid ATN - Claudina -Site Concrete Automatic Passenger Counter Installation - BREEZE Buses Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Central Library Outdoor Space Improvement Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- 2020/2021 SB-1 Street Maintenance Improvements RCTC-PS&E for the Mid Country Parkway Switchback Passenger Boarding Ramp Placentia Civic Center Courtyard Trellis Replacement 7144- CDCR - Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment QVL for Incidental Architect-Engineer Services Miscellaneous Water Vault Rehabilitations - Demolition of a Fire Damaged Building On-Call General Building Maintenance Services Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified Sub Burlington - Countryside Marketplace (Sub-Bids Only) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Crosswalk On-Call Welding Services for Water Resources Weaver Reservoir Painting & Recoating RFQ for a DB Contract for the Hesperia Transfer Hub (LOI) Just-In-Time Irrigation Supply Exterior El Centro Court patch & painting Direct Buried Cable Replacement Phase 14 SDUSD O’Farrell WSM (LLB) San Pasqual Undergrounding Project (SPUP) Weed Abatement & Channel Clearing Ayala Park Improvements PH 1A PC1233 Redlands Burn Units 810/812 Granada Construction of Wells No. 60 and 61 Bridge Preventative Maintenance I-15 Limonite Interchange Maint Services Citibank #749 (Sub-Bids Only) Riverside National Cemetery - Demo Treatment Plant Hazardous Waste Disposal Services East Alton Avenue Lot License Agreement Citibank #274 (Sub-Bids Only) Citibank #692 (Sub-Bids Only)

Orange Orange Riverside Riverside Orange Orange San Diego Riverside Orange Orange San Diego Riverside Orange San Diego San Diego Orange San Diego Riverside Riverside Riverside Orange San Bernardino Orange Orange Riverside Orange San Diego Riverside San Bernardino Orange San Diego San Bernardino Riverside Imperial Orange San Diego San Diego San Diego San Bernardino San Bernardino Orange San Diego Riverside Orange Riverside Orange Orange Orange Orange

$315,245 $92,000,000 $170,000 $450,000 $110,786 $47,124

$425,000 $5,147,829 $126,000,000 $150,000 $119,000 $900,000

$1,550,000 $5,150,000 $7,500,000 $15,850,000 $40,218,000 $147,250 $1,477,705 $153,133 $3,800,000 $2,600,000

BID DATE SUMMARY BID DATE 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/17/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/20/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/21/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021

AGC Construction Reporter


Citibank #466 (Sub-Bids Only) Gateway of the Americas Citibank #694 (Sub-Bids Only) Construction Manager-At-Risk Hall Justice Major Sys Renov Retention Basin at Sierra Lakes ES Health Sciences HS Security Fencing Groundwater Monitoring & Related Services SR11 POE ITS Tolling /Border Mgmnt Owners Rep Consulting Citibank #781 (Sub-Bids Only) 30700 Rancho Viejo Road (Sub-Bids Only) Television Related Items w Installation, Maintenance & Repair Brawley Road Yard Shop Building Replacement Citibank #728 (Sub-Bids Only) Installation of TV Displays Districtwide HS GYM Bleacher Maint & Repair Window Covering Supply and Maintenance Well 2A Rehabilitation Villa Park Knowles Upgrade On-Call Eng Geology & Geotechnical Eng Review Services Safe Mobility Santa Ana Update P703 Energy Storage Innovation Lab (ESIL) Expansion Community Center Main Hall Theater Lighting Quieter Home Program Ph 11 Grp 5 Dollar General Plus #23460 (Sub-Bids Only) Griffin Fine Living - Solana Way Senior Assisted Living MVRWRF Plant 2 B Equipping Centrate & Flow Diversion Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified Sub Ranchero Rd Corridor Widening On-Call General Contractor Services Plumbing Parts FY2021-22 Local Overlay Pavement Rehab Solana Santa Fe N15 Facilities Management Building Tenant Improvements at OCFA Fire Stations 14 and 16 Single Point of Entry (SPoE) District Office & Operations Center CJUHSD - Chaffey South Hall Mod Rebid BC06 Glazing Omnibus Concrete Repairs Restore Grade & Seal SD Pipe Santa Maria WRP Headworks and Influent Pump Station Digester Gas Utilization Project Building & Safety Services SB Minor B - remove/replace current retroreflective signs Orange Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Ash Canal Concrete Lining from Lateral 11 to Lateral 12 Full-Service Maintenance and Repair of Roll-Up Doors Athletics Stadium Grandstand Design/Build (Prequalification Rosewood Self Storage (Sub-Bids Only) Lauderbach Park Sports Field

September 1, 2021

COUNTY ESTIMATE Orange Imperial Orange San Diego San Bernardino San Diego San Diego San Diego Orange Orange Orange Imperial Orange San Bernardino San Bernardino Orange Riverside Orange Orange Orange San Diego San Diego San Diego Imperial Riverside Riverside San Diego San Bernardino San Diego Orange San Bernardino San Diego Imperial Orange Orange San Bernardino Orange Orange San Diego Riverside Orange $333,000 San Diego Imperial San Diego San Diego Riverside San Diego

$90,000 $400,000 $2,000,000

$351,000 $1,000,000 $227,000

$1,500,000 $200,000 $1,249,481

$44,200,000 $2,070,000

$1,000,000 $20,000,000 $450,000 $60,000 $4,500,000

$11,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,257,031


AGC Construction Reporter

September 1, 2021

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/22/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/23/2021

92kV CN/CL Transmission Line Upgrade HVAC and Energy Management System (EMS) Services Bloomington HS Theater Equipment Replacement The Perris Green City Farm & Community Park Access Precon Civil Engineering Consulting Services As-Needed Professional Development Review Services Extra Space Palm Desert Expansion (Sub-Bids Only) Grounds Maintenance Citywide Striping and Markings Warm Springs Parkway North Improvements MVCC Painting Project Skateboard Park Security Cameras and Lights VFD Replacements at Seal Beach Pump Station Wheelchair Lift Preventive Maintenance & Minor Repair Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified Sub La Palma Avenue and Tustin Avenue Water Main Replacements Painting Projects McKinley Street Grade Separation Pre-Qualification for D/B of County Animal Shelter Banter by Piercing Pagoda Robert A. Skinner Water Treatment Plant Cathodic Protection Fire Hydrant Painting Hewitt & Evans Groundwater Treatment Facility Ph 1 March Mountain HS Cosmetology CTE Fiber Optic Installation Landscape Services Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1 City’s Coprorate Yard Building A Improvements Clark St. LIft Station Motor Control Center Replacement Brengle Terrace Park Well & Water Distribution Habitat Mitigation Site Plant Maintenance, San Diego Annual Slurry Seal Program Elevators Services SBVC Campus Roof Replacement Drilling & Construction of Well 33

Imperial San Bernardino San Bernardino Riverside San Diego San Diego Riverside Orange San Diego Riverside Riverside Orange Orange San Diego San Diego Orange San Diego Riverside San Diego San Diego Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Orange San Bernardino San Diego Orange Riverside San Diego San Diego Orange San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino

$1,582,480 $3,000,000 $121,000 $66,845 $268,000 $625,000

$18,500,000 $300,000



BID DATE SUMMARY BID DATE 09/23/2021 09/23/2021 09/24/2021 09/24/2021 09/24/2021 09/24/2021 09/24/2021 09/24/2021 09/24/2021 09/24/2021 09/24/2021 09/27/2021 09/27/2021 09/27/2021 09/27/2021 09/27/2021 09/27/2021 09/27/2021 09/27/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021 09/28/2021


AGC Construction Reporter

September 1, 2021


SBHS - Bldg M “Maker Space” Re-Bid San Bernardino RCTC - Landscape Maint for the RCTC Commuter Rail Stations Riverside Local Roadway Safety Plan Study San Bernardino One-Time Filter Media & Underdrain Cap Rehab at (AWTP) San Diego Access Control and Security Orange Heacock Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Enhancements Riverside Lack Rd Bridge Replacement Over New River Imperial Championship Soccer Stadium Orange County Great Park Orange Design & Installation of WRP Fire Detection System San Bernardino Raising Cane’s (Sub-Bids Only) San Diego Demo & Immediate Response for As-Needed Services Orange Advanced Metering Infrastructure System San Diego Triennial Stormwater Hydrology and Hydraulic Review Riverside Woodspring Suites (Sub-Bids Only) Riverside Tree Removals and Treatments - Shady Canyon Orange A&E - Landscape Architecture Services Riverside,San Bern Mile Square Regional Park (MISQ) Golf Course Conversion-Ph1 Orange DistrictWide Install-District Owned Flrng Material San Bernardino 1342W Pettit Regulated Pressure Zone Riverside Industrial Water Treatment Services San Diego RUHS Behavioral Health: Desert Sage Flooring Demo & Install Riverside Gate/Door Maintenance CHP 21C860005 San Bernardino Gate/Door Maintenance CHP Arrowhead San Bernardino Environmental Services San Diego RFP Professional Arch & Engineering for Design of FS 8 San Diego RUHS Behavioral Health: The Path Flooring Demo & Install Riverside 3rd St, Buena Mesa Dr & Calimesa 24” Recycled Water Pipeline Riverside Uninterruptible Power Supply System Upgrade-RFOTC Orange RUHS – Indio Family Care Center Flooring Demo & Installation Riverside Jack Hammett Sports Complex Parking Lot & ADA Upgrades Orange E Lateral Delivery 24 Reservoir Imperial HVAC System Inspection, Preventative Maintenance & Repairs San Diego Gate/Door Maintenance CHP San Bernardino Area Office San Bernardino J93 Environmental Bldg Interior Improvements CLOSED NO AWARD Imperial

$420,000 $2,100,000

$65,000 $988,000 $12,138,000 $1,500,000 $138,000

$75,000 $100,000 $1,896,805

AD SPACE AVAILABLE For rates & info Contact: Lisa Lovelace or 858.558.7444


AGC Construction Reporter

September 1, 2021

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 09/28/2021 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021

Grovemont Street Water Main Improvements General Contractor On Call Services Dams & Reservoir Security Improvements Potrero Creek Debris, Stage 90 Emergency Sediment Removal Paint Striping Truck Transit Asset Management Plan Update Anita Street Sewer Lift Station & Beach Access Stairs Recon Suite 310 Renovations - One Civic Center Drive PROCURMENT OF LEVEL MONITORING SYSTEM Plant 2 Trickling Filter Pump Station Pumps Variable Speed Dr FJUSD Districtwide Concrete As-Needed Plant Healthcare Services

Orange Riverside San Diego Riverside San Diego Orange Orange San Diego San Bernardino Orange Orange Orange

$3,300,000 $9,000,000 $5,966,235 $175,000


BID DATE SUMMARY BID DATE 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 09/30/2021 10/01/2021 10/01/2021 10/01/2021 10/04/2021 10/04/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/05/2021 10/06/2021 10/06/2021 10/07/2021 10/07/2021 10/07/2021 10/07/2021 10/07/2021 10/07/2021 10/08/2021 10/08/2021 10/13/2021 10/13/2021 10/14/2021 10/15/2021 10/19/2021 10/19/2021 10/19/2021 10/20/2021 10/21/2021


AGC Construction Reporter

September 1, 2021


Landfill Gas Control Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance San Diego Southern Pump Station Project Imperial Baker Water Treatment Plant Solar Array Drainage Improvements Orange Shade Structures Brand DSA Preapproved Shade Structures Orange Biogas to Energy Project Riverside CDOT 08A3376 Roll-up Door Repair and/or Replacement San Bernardino Harbor Drive Trunk Sewer Replacement San Diego FJUSD Districtwide Asphalt Orange Mayan Hall Demolition San Diego FJUSD Unit Bid-Plumbing Orange Laurel Ave @ Randall Ave San Bernardino COMPREHENSIVE BROADBAND PLAN San Diego CM Services Calexico New River Improvement Project Imperial El Corazon Park Site 1 Design San Diego Air Compressor Preventative Maintenance and Repairs San Bernardino As-Needed Engineering, PM & Land Surveying San Diego Bus Wash/Vacuum System, and HVAC San Bernardino Balboa Park Federal Building Improvement San Diego Traffic Signal Battery Backup System Replacement San Bernardino Electronic Signage for Bus Stops Orange MVUSD-Valley View HS New Classroom Riverside Roll-up Door Maintenance CHP San Bernardino Trickling Filter 480 Volt Cable Replacement at Plant 1 Orange Carlsbad Blvd Water & Sewer Improvements San Diego Fall Protection System Services San Bernardino Walking Track Installation at Leonard Bailey Park San Bernardino City of Carlsbad Open Space Preserves San Diego Rio Verde Drive Sewer Replacement Project San Diego CM Services On-Call San Bernardino Roll-up door Maintenance 21C850000 San Bernardino Recycled Air/Vac & Drain Replacement San Diego HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services-PSEC Riverside Ground Maintenance Services San Diego Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Riverside Adams Ave. (1620) Storm Drain Replacement San Diego Huanglongbing Infected Citrus Tree Removal San Diego HVAC System Maintenance Orange SPRINTER Technical Support and Material Management San Diego Heber Ave Improvements Imperial Prequal of Bidders for SBMWD Water Facilities Relo San Bernardino Parking Lot Seal & Stripe Services San Diego Clairemont DMV San Diego El Camino Real & Cannon Rd Intersection Improvements San Diego Design-Build Master Agreement for Electric Transmission Orange On Call Transportation Engineering Services Orange Ritchey St Water Main Relocation Orange 2021 Slurry Seal and Fog Seal San Diego Beaumont HS Expansion Project-PH3 Riverside HVAC Maintenance & Repair Service San Diego PC1232, Los Olivos, Electrical Panel Upgrades San Bernardino

$6,200,000 $83,200 $8,000,000 $20,430,000


$1,140,000 $250,000 $23,000,000

$170,000 $1,100,000 $50,000 $857,340 $336,000

$953,375 $325,000 $6,400,000 $1,746,400 $578,090


AGC Construction Reporter

September 1, 2021

BID DATE PROJECT COUNTY ESTIMATE 10/21/2021 10/22/2021 10/22/2021 11/08/2021 11/13/2021 12/31/2021 06/27/2022 06/30/2022

Measure E Series S-Irvine HS Performing Arts Complex-Increment 01 Solar Panel System Design & Install San Diego Anti-Graffiti Window Film Service San Diego Notice of Funding Availability & RFP for Affordable Housing Projects Informal Bidding Contractors List 2021 CUPCCAA San Bernardino Contractor’s Informal Public Project Prequalification Packet - 2021 Riverside NOFA for Preservation San Diego CSU San Marcos - 21/22 Blanket Minor Cap Advertisement San Diego

Orange $408,692 San Diego $16,600,000


Is Currently Seeking Small & Diverse Business Enterprises to Prequalify as Trade Partners FOR THE GAYLORD PACIFIC RESORT AND CONVENTION CENTER LOCATED IN CHULA VISTA, CA

The Gaylord Pacific Resort Hotel and Convention Center will be a new destination resort located on prime bayfront property in Chula Vista, CA. This resort will host 1,600 rooms, multiple restaurants, an unforgettable sports bar, resort style pool, and an array of recreational facilities.

With almost 2 million square feet of enclosed space on 22 stories and breathtaking ocean views, this project will anchor the future development of Chula Vista’s bayfront. The state-of-the-art convention center boasts an enormous open-floor exhibit hall space with meeting rooms, elevated ballrooms, and support areas to host large scale events.


This prequalification is for first-tier trade partners. Additional opportunities and events will be forthcoming for entities to participate in this project as vendors, service providers and lower-tier trade partners. Please direct any questions to


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 09, 2021

Agriculture Related Services Mundo Bid Date: 9/9/2021

Installation of Concrete Dike

5:00 PM

Imperial Bid Date: 9/9/2021

As part of the Salton Sea Air Quality Mitigation Program, provide Agriculture Related Services for the Mundo project areas. Services shall include: Task 1: Preparation of Site Access and Surface RougheningTask 2: Operational Maintenance for 3 years AGC #: 21-03231 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8-12-21 9am must confirm their attendance with Mr. Marty P. Holbrook, by 5pm 8-11 Addenda: 2 Ref#: SRFP 416 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Direct inquiries to Marty P. Holbrook Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (IID) (760) 339-9253 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Asphalt Concrete Overlay - South Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM

San Diego

Asphalt Concrete Overlay - South AGC #: 21-03244

AGC #: 21-03411

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. SolicitationID=2901153&AID=1&RESP_TYPE=BUYNET%20FILE : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Demo of Existing Ranger Station & Const of New Ranger Station Lakeside

Demo of Existing Ranger Station & Const of New Ranger Station & Visitor Center AGC #: 21-03352

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 11121 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Direct Inquiries to Anastasia Bulycheva (858) 505-6474 Owner: County of San Diego

Project Type: RFP

2:00 PM

San Diego County

Installation of Concrete DikeThe Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the installation of 6” asphalt dike on Mount Helix Drive in the community of Valle de Oro. The Work shall include installation of new asphalt dike as marked on the road segment.. SITE INFORMATIONThe site is on Mount Helix Drive from the intersection of Vivera Drive and Mt. Helix Drive and loop back to the same intersection. The job site is accessible to public, so interested contractors can visit jobsite at their convenience to verify site conditions.

Addenda: 3 Ref#: 11093 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Anastasia Bulycheva (858) 505-6474

Bid Date: 9/9/2021

5:00 PM

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 3 Ref#: 10959 Est: $445,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Direct Inquiries to Anastasia Bulycheva (858) 505-6474 Owner: County of San Diego-Department of Purchasing and Contracting (858) 694-2646 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 09, 2021

Furnish & Install Fencing & Single Point of Entry @ Muliple University Ave Storage (Sub-Bids Only) Sites Grp K & M Bid Date: 9/9/2021

1:00 PM

San Diego County

Furnish & Install Fencing & Single Point of Entry @ Muliple Sites Grp K & MThis is a PSA project and requires prequalification**A mandatory site visit is scheduled for 2 days and is scheduled to begin Day 1 at 8:00 a.m. on THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2021, outside the main office of Longfellow Elementary School, 5055 July Street, San Diego, CA 92110. Upon completion, all contractors will proceed to Ocean Beach Elementary School, 4741 Santa Monica Avenue, San Diego, CA 92107. Upon completion, all contractors will proceed to Loma Portal Elementary School, 3341 Browning Street, San Diego, CA 92106. Upon completion, all contractors will proceed to Cabrillo Elementary School, 3120 Talbot Street, San Diego, CA 92106.Day 2 is scheduled to begin at 8:00 a.m. on FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2021, outside the main office of Fletcher Elementary School. 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA 92123. Upon completion, all contractors will proceed to Ross Elementary School, 7470 Bagdad Street, San Diego, CA 92111. Upon completion, all contractors will proceed to Cadman Elementary School, 4370 Kamloop Avenue, San Diego, CA 92117. Upon completion, all contractors will proceed to Doyle Elementary School, 3950 Berino Court, San Diego, CA 92122.

Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM

AGC #: 21-03481

San Diego

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Near-Cal Corp. ) , there may be other GC’s bidding Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

RFP-LLB Preconst Svc. Paradise Hills WSM Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM

San Diego

RFP-LLB Preconst Svc. Paradise Hills WSMThis project is subject to the Project Stabilization Agreement (PSA)

AGC #: 21-03417 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY AGC #: 21-03482 Project Type: RFP August 26th 8AM & August 27th begins at 8AM Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Addenda: 2 Ref#: CC22-0116-52 Est: $2,500,000 August 19, 2PM in front of the main office of Paradise Hills ES, 5816 Misc. Notes: All bids must be received electronically at or before Alleghay St., San Diego, CA 92139 1:00 p.m. on SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 - Electronic Only -License Addenda: 1 Ref#: CC22-0138-42 Est: $22,000,000 Class B - Direct Inquires to Jess Imperial, Misc. Notes: Only proposals from the following Group F LLB Owner: San Diego Unified School District (858) 522-5853 Prime Contractors will be accepted: Reprographic: Crisp Imaging Planwell (858) 535-0607 - Balfour Beatty Const - Barnhart-Reese Construction BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be - C.W. Driver, LLC automatically directed to the project online. - Clark Construction Group - California, LP West Hills Tennis Court Repair - Erickson-Hall Construction Co - Level 10 Construction, LP Bid Date: 9/9/2021 2:00 PM Santee - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. - Nexgen Building Group, Inc. West Hills Tennis Court Repair - PCL Construction Services, Inc. AGC #: 21-03437 Project Type: Engineering - Soltek Pacific Construction Co. - Sundt Construction, Inc. Prebid Conf: MANDATORY August 25, 10AM at West Hills Tennis Courts, 8756 Mast Blvd., 92071 - Swinerton Builders - Turner Construction Company Addenda: 0 Ref#: CN-2678 Est: $120,000 Owner: San Diego Unified School District (858) 522-5853 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C33 Reprographic: Crisp Imaging Planwell (858) 535-0607 Direct Inquiries to Rian Pinson, Director of Purchasing, Owner: Grossmont Union High School District (619) 644-8051

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 09, 2021

Uninterrupted Power Supply Installation Bid Date: 9/9/2021

5:00 PM

As-Needed Electrical Engineering Consultant San Diego Bid Date: 9/9/2021

The County requires a Powerware 9170 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) to be installed at Superstitionradio site, located in Imperial County at 111 miles one-way distance from 5595 Overland Avenue, SanDiego, CA 92123. AGC #: 21-03515

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 11130 Est: $15,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-10 Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries Fernando Aparicio 858-5056426 Owner: County of San Diego-Department of Purchasing and Contracting 858-505-6343

4:00 PM

Spring Valley

As-Needed Electrical Engineering Consulting Services (FY 20222024)The consultant shall prepare electrical design including bid documents (drawings and specifications), and/or repair recommendations as required by the District. The services may include, but not be limited to, the following: electrical service upgrades, electrical distribution improvements, instrumentation and controls as it relates to typical water/wastewater infrastructure; pump stations, pressure reducing stations, sewer lift stations, and other District facilities. AGC #: 21-03577

Project Type: SOQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $175,000 Misc. Notes: Interested candidates are required to e-mail a Letter BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be of Interest (LOI) and a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to Kevin automatically directed to the project online. Cameron, P.E., Project Manager, at If a firm has submitted a SOQ to the District within the last two (2) Price Center west Food Court Renovation PreQualified calendar years, and the qualifications remain current and CM/GC accurate, then only a LOI is required - Request for Proposal Bid Date: 9/9/2021 2:00 PM San Diego (RFP) materials will be e-mailed to qualified firms on Friday, September 10, 2021. All questions regarding the consulting PRICE CENTER WEST FOOD COURT RENOVATIONUNIVERSITY services should be referred to Kevin Cameron via e-mail prior to OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO issuance of the RFP. AGC #: 21-03552 Project Type: Building Owner: Otay Water District (619) 670-2248 Prebid Conf: MANDATORY BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be 8/30/21 at 9am automatically directed to the project online. Addenda: 0 Ref#: 5495 Est: $1,800,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class B - Direct Inquiries to Eva Lanie Cabreros September 10, 2021 Owner: University of California, San Diego Design of Rancho Bernardo Industrial Pump Station BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Heber Elementary School District Dogwood Elementary School (6) Classroom Addition Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM

Replacement Bid Date: 9/10/2021

4:00 PM

San Diego

Design of Rancho Bernardo Industrial Pump Station Replacement

Heber AGC #: 21-03041

Project Type: RFP

There shall be (1) base bid, alternate adds and alternate deducts as Addenda: 1 Ref#: H2125936 Est: $1,500,000 described in bidding documents. The work generally consists of, but is Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) not limited to, providing the data and AV equipment to support the new (6) Classroom Addition at Dogwood Elementary School site Owner: City of San Diego (619) 533-4679 AGC #: 21-03559 Project Type: Building Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, F work to be completed within (60) consecutive calendar days, Prevailing Wage, Direct inquiries to (760) 353-5440 ext. 104 Fax: (760) 353-5442 Email: Owner: Heber Elementary School District (760) 337-6530

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 10, 2021

OR Suite HVAC Replacement in Bldg 1, San Diego VA Healthcare System Bid Date: 9/10/2021

11:00 AM

San Diego

***Please Request Role: This opportunity has controlled attachments. You need a role to access them.36C25821B0016 - OR Suite HVAC Replacement in Bldg 1, Project 664-21-302, San Diego VA Healthcare System, Invitation for Bids (IFB)The VA intends to solicit for a firmfixed price contract to provide Construction services necessary for Project #664-21-302, OR Suite HVAC Replacement in Building 1, at the San Diego VA Health Care System (VASDHCS), 3350 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, CA 92161Contractor shall provide construction services but not limited to furnish all supervision, labor, certification, materials, equipment, and transportation necessary to accomplish the successful replacement of the OR Suite HVAC system in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications. The project will involve completing the installation of AC 74A and AC 74 E, EF 74A-F, and chill water storage tank. The project will also require the installation of new chilled water coils, new steam humidifiers, new clean steam generator heating hot water coils, new steam coil, new desiccant wheel for the AC unit, and all required components for the existing air-cooled chiller to operate at new capacity, all venture valves for seven (7) operating rooms, BMS controls and other new work in Building 1. AGC #: 21-03191

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 36C25821B0016; Est: $5,000,000 Project 664-21-302 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - All RFIs must be submitted in writing to and Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs

Addenda: 3

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

El Dorado Family II Apts - El Centro (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 9/10/2021

5:00 PM

El Centro

**Please suspend bidding any work included or related to the Civil drawings until an updated set is provided. A new bid date will be established once they are received. All other scopes are due no later than August 31, 2021 05:00 PM from Thank you! Kelli Smart (208) 461-0022*************************phase II of planned three phase development. Phase II is a 48-unit multi-family project on a 4.9 acre site. Project consists of 6 buildings. Each building will have eight units (2 buildings will have two-bedroom units, 2 buildings will have three-bedroom units and 2 buildings will have four -bedroom units). Wood frame construction with one coat stucco at exterior. AGC #: 21-03342

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 1 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Pacific West Builders, Inc. ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2020 Bobcat T76 Compact Track Loader and Brushcat HF72” Rotary Cutter Bid Date: 9/10/2021

5:00 PM

San Diego

2020 Bobcat T76 Compact Track Loader and Brushcat HF-72” Rotary CutterOne Time Only- Delivery Date:10/29/2021 AGC #: 21-03365

Project Type: Supplier

Addenda: 1 Ref#: SOL565225 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Electronically - Approval forms must be submitted to - Questions are submitted online - All questions relating to the IFB must be received in writing via the SANDAG web-based vendor portal, BidNet, no later than 4 p.m., on August 25, 2021 Owner: SANDAG BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 10, 2021

6213 Montezuma Rd Bid Date: 9/10/2021

12:00 PM

NCEPC Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies San Diego Bid Date: 9/10/2021

11:00 AM

Wood FramingWe are the owners, designers, builders and property managers so this is our project. Let me know if this is the kind of work you do and we can be flexible on due dates.Non-Union, NonPrevailing Wage

NCEPC Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

HVAC Replacement Services


AGC #: 21-03435 Project Type: Supplier Prebid Conf: MANDATORY AGC #: 21-03406 Project Type: Sub-Bid Request August 27, 2021 at 3:00 p.m., held via Zoom. Zoom meeting details will be provided to interested parties via email. Please email Addenda: 0 Ref#: by 4:00 p.m. on August 25, 2021 to request the Zoom meeting log-in. Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-2022 OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Gayle us from ( Prime Built LLC ) , there may be other GC’s bidding McCormick, Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s Owner: Poway Unified School District posted. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Owner: Prime Built LLC (178) 534-03744

Professional Engineering, PM & Other Professional Services

Bid Date: 9/10/2021

2:00 PM


Work includes removal and disposal of existing HVAC equipment and installation of a new HVAC equipment at NCTD’s BREEZE Operations Bid Date: 9/10/2021 5:00 PM Brawley Facility – West Division, BREEZE Operations Facility – East Division (BASE BID) and Tremont Building (OPTION BID) Design Services , Water Treatment Plant Services , Wastewater AGC #: 21-03556 Treatment / Storm Water Operation Services , Plan Checking Project Type: Engineering Services , Review of Plan Check Submittal Items and Reports , Ref#: 30575 Review of Technical Specifications for Proposed Improvements within Addenda: 0 the City and State Right of Way , Work Flow Methodology , Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors Construction Management , Testing Services , Land Surveying License Class C-20 - Direct Inquiries to Crystal Robinson Services , Modeling Services , Inspection Services AGC #: 21-03423 Owner: North County Transit District Project Type: RFP Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Direct inquiries to : Ms. Alma Benavides. Owner: City of Brawley (760) 351-3059

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 13, 2021

HVAC Assessment and Repairs Bid Date: 9/10/2021

CDOT 11A3332 A&E On-Call Roadway Design & Related

2:00 PM

San Diego Bid Date: 9/13/2021

HVAC Assessment and Repairs:The Vendor shall assess the performance and condition of the HVAC system and shall make all maintenance and repairs, to include labor and materials, as necessary to bring the HVAC system into full and proper operation, you must be certified HVAC. AGC #: 21-03588

3:00 PM

San Diego

Caltrans is soliciting Statements of Qualifications from qualified firms that may lead to the award of a contract for A&E On-Call Roadway Design and related Project Development and Construction Design Support Services. AGC #: 21-03332

Project Type: RFQ

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 2 Ref#: RFQ 11A3332 Est: $9,100,000 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20213322007 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Patricia Nichols Misc. Notes: Offers shall be emailed to and Owner: Department of Transportation, Division of Procurement FAXED QUOTES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please include your and Contracts (916) 227-6155 DUNS number with your offer. - Only questions submitted by BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be email to and automatically directed to the project online. will be considered. Questions received from Offerors after 2:00 pm Mountain on September 2, Fire Admin Offices at Public Safety Center 2021 may not be responded to - Point of Contact: Morgan Rogers Bid Date: 9/13/2021 2:00 PM El Cajon AOM, 619-662-7600 email: Fire Admin Offices at Public Safety Center Owner: International Boundary & Water Comm AGC #: 21-03358 Project Type: Engineering BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

San Diego International Airport (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 9/10/2021 Structural Steel AGC #: 21-03596

10:00 PM

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 009-22 Est: $190,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic Only - Contractors License Class B - Direct Inquires to Mara Romano 619-441-1715, San Diego Owner: City of El Cajon (619) 441-1715

Project Type: Sub-Bid Request

Addenda: 1 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (Prava Construction Services, Inc. ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Asphalt and Concrete Projects San Diego, Imperial Beach, Chula Vista Covered work consists of furnishing all labor, material, equipment, transportation and supervision for performing all necessary operations required for the asphalt and concrete projects for seven (7) job sites....

Bid Date: 9/13/2021

1:00 PM

AGC #: 21-03452 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/31/21 at 8:30am @ SUHSD District Maintenance Conference Room 642 Arizona Street Chula Vista, CA 91911 Addenda: 2 Ref#: ITB-12-2785-SG-02022/SG Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class A and or C12 - Direct Inquiries to Owner: Sweetwater Union High School District (619) 691-5540 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 14, 2021

Rainbow MWD Lift Station #1 Replacement Ph1 Bid Date: 9/13/2021

Audio Visual System Full Maintenance

3:00 PM

Fallbrook Bid Date: 9/14/2021

Pre-Qualification of Bidders For Rainbow MWD Lift Station #1 Replacement Project Phase 1 AGC #: 21-03493

Project Type: RFPQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Submit Prequalifactions to Owner District Attn: Delia Rubio - Direct Inquiries to Delia Rubio, Engineering Department, 3707 Old Highway 395 Fallbrook, CA 92028, Owner: Rainbow Municipal Water District (760) 728-1178

11:00 AM

Various City Locations

Audio Visual System Full Maintenance Service AGC #: 21-03407

Project Type:

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 11096 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Jeannine Joergensen (858) 505-6363 Owner: County of San Diego BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

CIP #FC006 Apparatus Storage: Fire Station 3

Woodspring Suites - San Marcos (Sub-Bids Only)

Bid Date: 9/14/2021

Bid Date: 9/13/2021

9:00 AM

2:00 PM

San Marcos

San Marcos CIP #FC006 Apparatus Storage: Fire Station 3

50,057 sq. ft. Full site ground up Woodspring Suites Hotel

AGC #: 21-03413

AGC #: 21-03557

Addenda: 1 Ref#: IFB CONBID 21-02 Est: $700,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Direct Inquiries to Angelica Cuffari-Pagan 760-744-1050 Owner: City of San Marcos-Public Works (760) 744-1050

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Buffalo Construction, Inc. ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Building

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

20-47657.FMD. Emergency Generator Maintenance Bid Date: 9/14/2021

2:00 PM

San Diego

20-47657.FMD. Emergency Generator MaintenanceContractor shall provide all labor, equipment and materials required to provide EmergencyGenerator Maintenance services

September 14, 2021

AGC #: 21-03467 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Pest Control Services RFP 8/31/21 at 9am @ Wadie P. Deddeh State Building (860) 0900 AM Bid Date: 9/14/2021 2:00 PM Oceanside Mission Valley (Bond) (850) 1000 AM San Diego State Building (801) 1100 AM MTS is seeking the services of an experienced Contractor to provide Addenda: 0 Ref#: CR-20-47657 Pest Control Services. See the RFP for details. Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-10 AGC #: 21-03359 Project Type: RFP Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Hector Cavazos Addenda: 1 Ref#: IFB 30437 Owner: Department of General Services 916-375-4606 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronically) - Direct Inquiries to BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Crystal Robinson, automatically directed to the project online. Owner: North County Transit District NCTD 760-966-6500 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 14, 2021

HVAC Testing Adjusting & Balancing services Bid Date: 9/14/2021

11:00 AM

El Centro Maintenance Building Improvements Imperial Bid Date: 9/14/2021

The Contractor shall perform Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) services on an ¿as needed¿ basis and will be compensated for the services in accordance with the rates specified in Exhibit B-1, Rate Sheet. The Contractor shall include all labor, equipment, parts, devices, materials, tools, licenses, supervision, insurance, travel and per diem and any other costs necessary to perform services for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Inmate/Ward Labor (IWL), Program located at:Calipatria State Prison Centinela State Prison7018 Blair Road 2302 Brown RoadCalipatria, CA 92233 Imperial, CA 92251 AGC #: 21-03586

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 1 Ref#: C5610341-D Est: $75,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class C-20 Or a valid “D-62 Or the Contractor shall possess a valid “B”, General Building Contractor’s License with a subcontractor(s) who possesses the “C-20”, work to be completed within days, Prevailing Wage, Direct inquiries to Kathy Reyna (916) 255-5666

11:00 PM

El Centro

The project scope of work consists generally of the interior remodeling of the existing maintenancespace including demolition, wall framing, casework, typical finishes & mechanical, electrical, andplumbing systems AGC #: 21-03613

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Direct inquiries to 760-427.7587 Owner: Imperial Valley Housing Authority (760) 351-7000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

September 15, 2021 Pershing Drive Bikeway Bid Date: 9/15/2021

2:00 PM

San Diego

Pershing Drive Bikeway Project: Constructing an approximate 2-mile Class IV bikeway and parallel sidewalk and roadway improvements Owner: Dept of Corrections & Rehab (916) 255-6164 along Pershing Drive in the City of San Diego from C Street to Upas Street with a roundabout at the Pershing/Redwood intersection and BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be traffic circle at Redwood/28th Street. Improvements include bikeway automatically directed to the project online. improvements, sidewalk improvements, roadway improvements, earthwork, retaining walls, a prefabricated bridge, drainage Chase Bank (Sub-Bids Only) improvements, storm water treatment devices, landscaping, irrigation, Bid Date: 9/14/2021 12:00 PM La Mesa fencing, traffic signal modifications, street lighting, signage, striping, and other traffic calming improvements. For the SWPPP, this project is Chase Bank Ground Up & Associated Site Work a Risk Level 2.This Contract is required to follow the Skilled and AGC #: 21-03609 Project Type: Commercial Trained Workforce Requirements Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (JM Stitt Construction ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03204

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 5 Ref#: 1223057 Est: $12,980,675 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Contract Administrator: Brittany Salbato,, 619-595-5369 Owner: SANDAG (619) 595-5369 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 15, 2021

Security Gate Physical Enhancements at B St Cruise Terminal Bid Date: 9/15/2021

2:00 PM

National City

The Work Includes:1. Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, and equipment as necessary to complete the construction of the Security Enhancements at B Street Cruise Terminal, San Diego, California.2. The work shall include, but is not limited to, the following as shown on the Plans and described in these Specifications.a. Removing all existing hydraulic bollard system components unless otherwise directed and as shown on the project drawings.b. Removing all existing non-essential electrical components associated with existing hydraulic bollard system including existing UPS.c. Installing Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) and hydraulic line infrastructure pathway between HPU and barriers at the main public entrance to the B Street Cruise Terminal as shown on project drawings.d. Installing all cabling, power supply components and other associated or required devices, or any hardware or software license required to integrate all new, or replacement equipment and infrastructure at the B Street Cruise Terminal.e. Equipment warranties and maintenance per specifications.f. Testing and project commissioning per specifications.g. Securing and paying for permits, governmental fees, licenses, engineering drawings and calculations necessary to construct and complete the project as indicated on these Plans and Specifications.h. Procuring and installing traffic loop detector kit as shown on the project drawings and per manufacturer’s recommendations.i. Procuring and installing HPU enclosure as shown on the project drawings and per manufacturer’s recommendations.j. Removing, shipping to Delta Scientific Corporation (DSC) for refurbishing, and re-installing bollards which meet or exceed project performance specifications and as shown on the project drawings.k. Installing and maintaining traffic rated cover plates where existing inground equipment or infrastructure is removed in order to provide fully operational access to the B Street Cruise Terminal.3. It is intended that the Work be completed in every respect under the Contract Document, and such items or details not mentioned above or not included in the Bid Schedule that are required by the Contract Documents shall be furnished, performed, placed, constructed, or installed by the Contractor. AGC #: 21-03404

Carrillo Way Water Main Rehab Bid Date: 9/15/2021

4:00 PM


Carrillo Way Water Main RehabilitationThe Carlsbad Municipal Water District is seeking a contractor to provide all labor, equipment and materials for approximately 530 lineal feet of 10-inch pipe rehabilitation via trenchless installation, extending between Carrillo Way and Terraza Portico, access pit installation, connections to existing mains; and all incidental work including, but not limited to, utility locating, potholing, storm water and non-storm water pollution prevention, excavation support systems, earthwork, site restoration and coordination with City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District. AGC #: 21-03443 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 08/30/2021 2:00 PM, 2978 Carrillo Way, Carlsbad, California 92009 Addenda: 1 Ref#: PWS22-1571UTIL Est: $170,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquires to Graham Jordan 760-602-2462 Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2020-09R Est: $110,786 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class A - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Mark Adams 619-686-6247 Owner: Port of San Diego BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES September 16, 2021 San Pasqual Undergrounding Project (SPUP) Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM

September 16, 2021 Weed Abatement & Channel Clearing

County of San Diego Bid Date: 9/16/2021

San Pasqual Undergrounding Project (SPUP)Project Description: The SPUP will remove, relocate, and replace approximately 2.5 miles of the Escondido Canal that cross the San Pasqual Indian Reservation. The SPUP consists of three major components: desilting basin, replace in place section, and pipeline section. These components are further described below.Desilting Basin – (110’ long x 32’ wide) hydraulic structure within the 100-foot canal right-of-way will require the construction of large retaining walls and an all-weather access road, which includes a concrete box tunnel.Replace in Place Section – The first half mile of open canal will be replaced with a shallowly buried 60-inch wide by 48-inch high precast concrete box culvert.Pipeline Section – The box culvert will transition to buried, 60inch diameter pipeline in a new 1.5 mile long alignment across portions of the San Pasqual Indian Reservation, easements across private parcels, and the public right-of-way in North Lake Wohlford Road. To minimize environmental impacts to a riparian area in this section, the pipeline will be constructed within a 350-foot long tunnel. AGC #: 21-03130 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 08/17/21 , 9AM San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians Tribal Hall located at 16400 Kumeyaay Way, Valley Center, CA 92082 west of Lake Wohlford Road and east of San Pasqual Road.

2:00 PM

El Cajon

Weed Abatement & Channel ClearingAs-needed services for weed abatement and channel clearing in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications of City of El Cajon Bid No. 006-22. AGC #: 21-03353

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 006-22 Est: $147,250 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic Only - Contractors License Class C-27 - Direct Inquires to Mara Romano 619-4411715, Owner: City of El Cajon (619) 441-1715 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified Subcontractor Bidding (Wave 4) Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM

La Jolla

Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified Subcontractor Bidding (Wave 4)The project is composed of Make-Ready work, road realignment, an 1,800 stall Parking Structure, 50 stalls of below grade parking under First Ave. (Spine), an Outpatient Pavilion, demolition of the existing Bachman Parking Structure, and a Central Utility Plant Addenda: 3 Ref#: E21-0014 Est: $40,218,000 (CUP). It is anticipated that this project will contain multiple Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A components with phased plan reviews for various phases of the Direct Inquiries to Rick StJohn 760-839-6290, x7034, project, as well as various entities and agencies requiring review and permitting.Subject to conditions prescribed by the undersigned, DPR Construction, the awarded CM/Contractor for this UCSD project, Owner: City of Escondido, City Clerk invites prequalified subcontractors to submit Best Value Proposals BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be and/or Lump Sum Bids based on Plans & Specifications for the automatically directed to the project online. following:01720 Survey and Layout $860,000 License PLSDue September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)02300 Bridge Preventative Maintenance Earthwork and Demo $8,000,000 License A Proposal+Part 1 Due Bid Date: 9/16/2021 2:00 PM Various City Locations September 21, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)Bid+ Work to be Done: Consists in general of bridge deck sealing and joint Part 2 Due September 23, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)02340 Qualified SWPPP $380,000 License A,C-27 + repairs. The project will also include,but not limited to installation of QSP Due September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum traffic control devices and water pollution control features, preparing bridgedeck surfaces and the application of Methacrylate and polyester 2)02700 Roadwork $4,000,000 License A Proposal+Part 1 Due September 7, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m.Bid+Part 2 Due September 9, 2021 @ concrete, removal and replacement of jointseals, and applying new 2:00 p.m.14580 Pneumatic Tube Systems $600,000 License C-61/Dtraffic stripes and pavement markers.Location: The project is in the 4Due September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2) vicinity of various bridge sites in the County of San Diego AGC #: 21-03400 Project Type: Sub-Bid Request AGC #: 21-03351 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 3 Ref#: 11094 Est: $2,600,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Owner: County of San Diego BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Aug 13 2021 9AM re: 02300 - Earthwork and Demolition-Part 1 & 02700 Roadwork Bidders Addenda: 3 Ref#: 5171 Misc. Notes: Bids to CM - Best Value RFP Proposals shall be both emailed and hand delivered to DPR Construction, per the instruction in the RFP package: DPR Construction 5010 Shoreham Pl. San Diego, CA 92122 Contact: Lynn Connot Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 16, 2021

Construction Manager: DPR Construction

Exterior El Centro Court patch & painting

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 9/16/2021 :

AGC #: 21-03523

4:00 PM

El Centro

1. Exterior of building-Prep, patched, and painta. Buildings walls, SDUSD O'Farrell WSM (LLB) pillars, window frames, doorframes, all (but not limited to)must be properly prepped by bead blasting and/or wire brushing.b. All cracks, Bid Date: 9/16/2021 2:00 PM San Diego joints, and seals must be properly cleaned, patched/caulked, O’Farrell Charter School WSM K-8 Modernization (Lease-Leaseback) andsealed2. Exterior railing (excluding the west exit rails on steps)On behalf of the San Diego Unified School DistrictThis project is Prep, repair, patched, andpainta. All rails to be bead blastedb. Repairs subject to the Project Stabilization Agreement (PSA) via weldingc. Secure where areas may be loose or detachedd. Patch and caulk to create proper seal where rails meet pillarse. Rails need to AGC #: 21-03414 Project Type: Building be treated for rust and sealed to prevent further rust from reoccurring3. Exterior Steps on south side of building- Prep and Addenda: 0 Ref#: CY21-0765-42.A1 Est: $15,850,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to General Contractor - *** DO NOT CONTACT paint.a. Steps need to be painted with anti-slip paint.4. Trench Steel covers on south side of building- Prep and paint. THE DISTRICT DIRECTLY *** Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: R2122-01 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class B, C-26, C-33, C-35 . Direct inquiries to Elsa Rodriquez Weaver Reservoir Painting & Recoating Phone: Bid Date: 9/16/2021 2:00 PM Valley Center Email: FW: Weaver Reservoir Painting and Recoating Project 01-06-78Owner: Superior Court of California 760-336-3522 51307:The Project generally consists of the cleaning, structural BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be repair, interior coating and exterior painting of a 166-foot diameter by automatically directed to the project online. 32-foot tall (base to roof) 5 million gallon above-ground welded steel potable water reservoir and above ground piping including the work Automatic Passenger Counter (APC) Installation - BREEZE stated in the Summary of Work Provisions. Buses BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03430 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY August 25 & Sept 1, from 1-2PM at the Weaver Reservoir, 32284 Old Lilac Rd., Valley Center, CA 92082 Addenda: 0 Ref#: Project 01-06-78-51307 Est: $1,550,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Required A and/or C60 - For further information, contact the District Engineering Department at (760) 735-4500 or Owner: Valley Center Municipal Water District (760) 735-4503 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM


NCTD intends to install repurposed Dilax Automatic Passenger Counter (APC) systems on twenty of NCTD’s remaining Low Floormodel BREEZE buses. The Dilax APC system will be connected and functionally integrated to NCTD’s Regional Transit Management System (RTMS), a Computer Aided Dispatch / Automatic vehicle Location (CAD/AVL) system built by Conduent (which also controls the trunked voice radio used for communication between the Operator and Dispatcher). Data for this system (as well as some of the fare equipment on the bus) is transmitted off the bus using a cellular modem provided by Cradlepoint.Location303 Via Del Norte, Oceanside, CA 92058- Six (6) 2500-series buses- Four (4) 2300series buses755 Norlak Ave., Escondido, CA 92025- Six (6) 2500series buses- Four (4) 2300-series buses AGC #: 21-03618

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 30632 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Suzie Tovar 760966-6606 Owner: North County Transit District NCTD BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 17, 2021

Brawley Road Yard Shop Building Replacement Bid Date: 9/17/2021

2:30 PM

Groundwater Monitoring & Related Services Brawley Bid Date: 9/17/2021

Mobilization/ Demobilization, Temporary Facilities, Construction Sign, Insurance, Bonds, Taxes, Permits, Fees and Similar Expenses, Demolition of Existing Structure, Backfill and Encasement of Basement, Removal of Existing Sitework and Concrete, Provide New Concrete Slab on Grade Foundation and Soil Preperation, Provide New Pre-Engineered Metal Building, Provide New 200A Electrical Service panel, Provide New Electrical Lighting, shop lights, Provide New 120V Power Receptacles, Provide New 20A 240V Power Receptacles, Provide New Signage for Parking, Provide New Sidewalk, Curb stops and Striping, Minimum one (1) year warranty on materials and labor, CSP with IID, Time and Material Allocation AGC #: 21-00587 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 2-23 10am am at the Project Site. Addenda: 8 Ref#: 5901ADM Est: $351,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license B class, Direct inquiries to Damian Bermudez . Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (IID) (760) 339-9253

3:00 PM

Various City Locations

Groundwater Monitoring & Related Services at County Landfills, Burnsites and Offsites Properties AGC #: 21-03465

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFP 10924 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Holly Lam 858-505-6613 Owner: County of San Diego-Department of Purchasing and Contracting (858) 694-2646 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Health Sciences HS Security Fencing Bid Date: 9/17/2021

1:00 PM

San Diego

Furnish and Install Security Fencing at Health Sciences High School

AGC #: 21-03505 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/2/21 at 1:30pm @ 3910 University Avenue San Diego, CA 92105 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Addenda: 0 Ref#: CC22-0255-23 Est: $400,000 automatically directed to the project online. Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-13 Construction Manager-At-Risk Hall Justice Major Sys Direct Inquiries to Jennifer Almond 858-522-5822 Renov Bid Date: 9/17/2021 3:00 PM San Diego Owner: San Diego Unified School District Construction Manager-At-Risk for Hall of Justice Major System Renovations

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03157

Gateway of the Americas

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 10998 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Carlos Santiago 858-505-6359 SolicitationID=2901153&AID=1&RESP_TYPE=BUYNET%20FILE : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 9/17/2021

4:00 PM

El Centro

Gateway of the Americas (County Project No. 6262GTW)Niland County Service Area No. 1 (County Project No. 6263NSA)Cady Poe Colonia (County Project No. 6261POE) AGC #: 21-03525

Project Type: Building

Ref#: 6262GTW, 6263NSA, and 6261POE Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Prevailing Wage, Direct inquiries to. Naomi Robles Owner: Imperial County Department of Public Works (442) 2651818

Addenda: 0

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 20, 2021

SR11 Port of Entry ITS Tolling /Border Mgmnt Owners Rep Consulting Svs Bid Date: 9/17/2021

4:00 PM

San Diego

Quieter Home Program Ph 11 Grp 5 Bid Date: 9/20/2021

2:00 PM

San Diego

Quieter Home Program Ph 11 Grp 5:The project includes sound SR11 Port of Entry ITS Tolling /Border Mgmnt Owners Rep Consulting attenuation improvements for certain residences around San Diego Svs:This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued for professional International Airport. The project includes 34 dwelling units located on services in the role of an Owners Representative (“OR”) to support the 19 non-historic residential properties. Sound attenuation San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and California improvements may include, but are not limited to, replacement of Department of Transportation, District 11 (Caltrans) in the successful, windows and exterior doors, finely detailed, field-executed finish timely, and cost-effective design, construction, and deployment of the carpentry, and improvements to add air conditioning, ventilation and following projects that collectively constitute the Project under this electrical work to support such systems. The work will include the RFP. The Project includes the congestion pricing and roadway tolling demolition and modification of existing construction to install new equipment and system and the Active Transportation and Demandwindows and doors and, in some cases, may require temporary Regional Border Management System (ATDM-RBMS). The OR is weatherproof closures. alternatively referred to in the RFP and Agreement as the proposer Project Type: Building hired as the Consultant because of this RFP. The completion of these AGC #: 21-03433 projects are key components of the new SR 11/Otay Mesa East Port Addenda: 1 Ref#: 412305FC Est: $1,249,481 of Entry (POE), located approximately two miles east of the existing Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic Only - Contractors Otay Mesa POE that that connects San Diego with Tijuana, Mexico. License Class B - Direct Inquires to Gema Sandoval AGC #: 21-03612 Project Type: RFP Owner: San Diego County Regional Airport AuthorityAddenda: 2 Ref#: SOL837110 Est: $2,000,000 Procurement Misc. Notes: Electronic Bid Submission - All questions relating BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be to the RFP must be received in writing via the SANDAG webbased vendor portal no later than 2 p.m., on 9/7/2021 - Responses automatically directed to the project online. to all questions received concerning this RFP will be posted on Community Center Main Hall Theater Lighting the web-based vendor portal, which can be accessed using this address: Bid Date: 9/20/2021 2:00 PM San Marcos The work generally consists of providing, replacing and installing Owner: SANDAG lighting system at the City of San Marcos Community Center Main Hall that services three main functions: Extension Meeting Area for public BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be meetings for city council and planning, Theatrical and Stage automatically directed to the project online. Productions, General Meetings; dining, training, events, banquets. A detailed Scope of Work can be found in the IFB Documents AGC #: 21-03517

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: PNR CONBID 21-02 Est: $200,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B,C-10 Direct Inquiries to Merce LeClair 760-744-1050 x3125 Owner: City of San Marcos BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 21, 2021

P703 Energy Storage Innovation Lab (ESIL) Expansion Bid Date: 9/20/2021

2:00 PM

La Jolla Bid Date: 9/21/2021

Install a 2000KVA Electrical Distribution at P703 to accommodate Energy Storage Innovation Lab (ESIL) growing research scope, complete with all necessary site improvements. The new distribution system, to be connected to the Campus 12kV system at an existing electrical manhole, consists of a 15kV SF6 Switch, a 2000KVA Transformer, and a 3000A Distribution Board. AGC #: 21-03554

N15 Facilities Management Building 5:00 PM


N15 Facilities Management Building – Exterior Siding Replacement AGC #: 21-03366 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8-24 9:30am MUST confirm their attendance with Mr. Marty P. Holbrook, Purchasing Agent via email to

Project Type: Prequalification

Addenda: 1 Ref#: PRFP 1472 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class B, Direct Addenda: 0 Ref#: 5370 / 963750 Est: $1,500,000 inquiries to Mr. Marty P. Holbrook, purchasing agent, via email to: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class C-10 – Electrical Contractor with B – General Building Contractor or A, work to be completed within 200 Calendar days, Prevailing Wage, Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (760) 339-9706 Direct inquiries to Rosalie Pham, 858.232.5896. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management (858) 246-5562 Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Subcontractor Bidding (Wave 4) Bid Date: 9/21/2021

2:00 PM

La Jolla

Dollar General Plus #23460 (Sub-Bids Only)

Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified Subcontractor Bidding (Wave 4)The project is composed of Make-Ready work, road Bid Date: 9/20/2021 4:00 PM Brawley realignment, an 1,800 stall Parking Structure, 50 stalls of below grade Trades include, but are not limited to (Please note Addendum #1 parking under First Ave. (Spine), an Outpatient Pavilion, demolition of Exterior Elevations):StakingFinal the existing Bachman Parking Structure, and a Central Utility Plant CleaningDemolitionConcretePolished ConcreteMasonryPEMB (CUP). It is anticipated that this project will contain multiple ErectionGeneral Metal Fabrication (12 Bollards)FRPInsulationDoor components with phased plan reviews for various phases of the InstallationDrywallMetal project, as well as various entities and agencies requiring review and StudPaintingPlumbingHVACElectricalEarthworkAsphalt permitting.Subject to conditions prescribed by the undersigned, DPR PavingStripingLandscapingSite Utilities (Water Service, Irrigation Construction, the awarded CM/Contractor for this UCSD project, Water Service, Sewer Service, Electrical, Gas)Etc. invites prequalified subcontractors to submit Best Value Proposals and/or Lump Sum Bids based on Plans & Specifications for the AGC #: 21-03617 Project Type: Commercial following:01720 Survey and Layout $860,000 License PLSDue September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)02300 Addenda: 0 Ref#: #23460 Earthwork and Demo $8,000,000 License A Proposal+Part 1 Due : September 21, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)Bid+ : Part 2 Due September 23, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)02340 Qualified SWPPP $380,000 License A,C-27 + BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be QSP Due September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum automatically directed to the project online. 2)02700 Roadwork $4,000,000 License A Proposal+Part 1 Due September 7, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m.Bid+Part 2 Due September 9, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m.14580 Pneumatic Tube Systems $600,000 License C-61/D4Due September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2) AGC #: 21-03400 Project Type: Sub-Bid Request Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Aug 13 2021 9AM re: 02300 - Earthwork and Demolition-Part 1 & 02700 Roadwork Bidders Addenda: 3 Ref#: 5171 Misc. Notes: Bids to CM - Best Value RFP Proposals shall be both emailed and hand delivered to DPR Construction, per the instruction in the RFP package: DPR Construction 5010 Shoreham Pl. San Diego, CA 92122 Contact: Lynn Connot Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 21, 2021

Construction Manager: DPR Construction

On-Call General Contractor Services

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 9/21/2021

2:00 PM

San Diego

On-Call General Contractor Services

Solana Santa Fe

AGC #: 21-03597 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Solana Santa Fe: Balfour Beatty Is Now Accepting Bids For The 9/7/21 at 10:30am conducted remotely. Please RSVP for Zoom Following Bid Packages: (Especially From DVBE)Bp01 - SWPPP, Site Meeting info Demolition, Earthwork, Asphalt And, Traffic ControlBp14 - Resinous Addenda: 0 Ref#: PM-22-13 FlooringBp02 - Building Demolition Bp15 - TileBp03 - Survey Bp16 Acoustic And Metal CeilingsBp04 - Site And Building Concrete, Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Prevailing Wage Masonry, Rebar, Waterproofing, Pavers, Bike Racks, Flag Poles And, Direct Inquiries to Kevin Lam 619-578-7539 Termite ControlBp17 - Specialties - Fixed Sound Absorptive Panels, Markerboard, Tackboard, Signage, Plastic Toilet Compartments, Toilet Owner: San Diego Housing Commission 619-578-7570 Accessories, Fire Protection, Misc Specialties, Roller Window BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be ShadesBp05 - Structural Steel And Misc. MetalsBp18 - Food Service automatically directed to the project online. EquipmentBp06 - Rough Carpentry Bp19 - Fire SuppressionBp07 Casework And CountertopsBp20 - Site And Building PlumbingBp08 – Roofing And Roof HatchesBp21 - Heating, Ventilating, And Air Conditioning (Hvac)Bp09 - Sheet Metal And Metal Roof PanelsBp22 September 22, 2021 Electrical, Communication, Electronic Safety And Security & Fire AlarmBp10 - Final Clean, Plastic Paneling, Insulation, Fiber Cement, 92kV CN/CL Transmission Line Upgrade Gypsum Shaft Assemblies, Suspension Ceilings, Plastering, Gypsum Board, Sanitary Wall & Ceiling Finishes, Fixed Sound-Absorptive Bid Date: 9/22/2021 5:00 PM Imperial Panels, Painting, Coatings & Temporary ServicesBp23 - Landscape, Upgrade the IID three phase 92 kV CN/CL transmission lines by Irrigation, Play Structures, Playground Surfaces, Artificual Turf, And replacing the conductor and perform replacement and reinforcement in Decomposed GraniteBp11 - Aluminum Storefront, Interior Sliding several structures.Replace seven circuit miles of conductor.Remove Doors, Hollow Metal Doors, Door Hardware, Automatic Door approx. 4 miles of static wire.Replace approx. 7 miles of existing Operators And Glass GlazingBp24 - Electric Traction Passenger OPGW with new one.Replace (46) two-pole wood structures with ElevatorsBp12 – Hollow Metal Doors & Frames, Hardware, Operators single wood poles.Replace (3) two-pole wood structures with mast And Knox BoxBp25 - Fence, Gates, Hardware, And Decorative Metal poles including their foundations.Reinforce the insulators assembly for PanelsBp13 - Resilient Flooring, Tile Carpeting & Vapor Emission six lattice towers.Relocate (2) two-pole wood structures.Replace Control Systems insulator assemblies on (2) two-pole wood structures.Replace (4) twoAGC #: 21-03456 Project Type: Sub-Bid Request pole wood structures with new same type of structure but using taller poles.Replace (6) dead-end single wood poles with a new same type Addenda: 0 Ref#: of structure. Misc. Notes: Submit Sub-Bids to Balfour Beatty Construction, AGC #: 21-03063 Project Type: Building Contact: Grant Muscavitch, (858) 635-7400, Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 7-29-21 9am Firms planning to attend MUST confirm their attendance Owner: Solana Beach School District with Mr. Marty P. Holbrook, Purchasing Agent via email to BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be by 5:00p.m., Local Time, Wednesday, July 28 Bid Date: 9/21/2021

1:00 PM

automatically directed to the project online.

Rancho Santa Fe

Addenda: 5 Ref#: PRFP 1442 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class A, Prevailing Wage, Direct inquiries to Mr. Marty P. Holbrook, Purchasing Agent via email to Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (760) 339-9706 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 22, 2021

Santa Maria WRP Headworks and Influent Pump Station Project Bid Date: 9/22/2021

2:00 PM


Santa Maria WRP Headworks and Influent Pump Station ProjectRerouting existing influent sewer, constructing new manholes, and reconnection of sewer laterals-Demolition, abandonment, and relocation of site utilities-Construction of influent pump station and headworks concrete structure-Installation of pump station equipmentInstallation of grit handling equipment-Construction of headworks effluent equipment and piping-Misc improvements including but not limited to repaving, lighting, grating, hand railing, hose bibs, and startup/testing/commissioning AGC #: 21-03208 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 08-24-2021 9:00 am at the Santa Maria Water Reclamation Plant, located at 260 Sawday Street, Ramona, CA 92065-1599 Addenda: 1 Ref#: JO 55246 Est: $4,500,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Project Manager Ricardo Soto, For further information, contact Phil Giori at or (760) 479-4173 Owner: Ramona Municipal Water District (760) 789-1330 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Ash Canal Concrete Lining from Lateral 11 to Lateral 12 Bid Date: 9/22/2021

4:00 PM


Provide all labor, equipment, material, licenses, submittals, certifications, documentation, required permits (including dust control) and all other services necessary to import fill for the earthen canal pad, trench, concrete lining, and finished grade the Ash Canal in accordance with this solicitation AGC #: 21-03395 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8-25 9am MUST confirm their attendance with Mr. Marty P. Holbrook, Purchasing Agent via email to Addenda: 2 Ref#: PRFP 1469 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class A, Prevailing Wage, Direct inquiries to Marty P. Holbrook, Purchasing Agent via email to Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (IID) (760) 339-9253 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Athletics Stadium Grandstand Design/Build (Prequalification Required) Bid Date: 9/22/2021

3:00 PM


Athletics Stadium Grandstand Design/Build Projects:Design and build complete bleacher/grandstand system for new Palomar College football stadium located on the San Marcos campus. The scope of Lauderbach Park Sports Field work includes, but is not limited to, the complete design of bleacher Bid Date: 9/22/2021 2:00 PM Chula Vista system including foundations, submittal to and approval from the Lauderbach Park Sports Field:Installation of a new multi-purpose field, Division of the State Architect (DSA), fabrication and installation of an replacement of the existing basketball court and installation of an approximately 3,600 seat grandstand system per bid documents. additional picnic area. See bid documents for details. AGC #: 21-03397 Project Type: Building AGC #: 21-03309 Project Type: Building Addenda: 0 Ref#: 101-22 Est: $1,500,000 Addenda: 3 Ref#: PRK0329 Est: $1,257,031 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Debbie Claypool, Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic)- Contractors License 760-744-1150 ext 2129 Class Class A - Direct Inquiries to Chester Bautista, Owner: Palomar Community College District-Contract Services A-128 (760) 744-1150 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: City of Chula Vista - DPW - Engineering 619-691-5090 automatically directed to the project online. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 22, 2021

Civil Engineering Consulting Services Bid Date: 9/22/2021

3:00 PM

Full-Service Maintenance and Repair of Roll-Up Doors Chula Vista Bid Date: 9/22/2021

Civil Engineering Consulting ServicesCity is accepting proposals for Civil Engineering Consulting Services for various Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects during projects' design and construction phases. The CIPs may consist of wastewater, drainage, water quality design, water quality design, traffic and street improvement projects that may be funded with local and state monies. The City is seeking a consultant(s) and subconsultants that can demonstrate competence and possess the necessary qualifications to perform said services at a fair and reasonable cost to the City. AGC #: 21-03399

3:00 PM

Various Locations

Full-Service Maintenance and Repair of Roll-Up Doors at Various Locations within the CityThe City of San Diego (City) is seeking a Contractor to provide a City-wide contract for preventative maintenance, inspection, service, testing, and parts replacement for the existing radio-controlled and manual roll-up/overhead doors, swing doors, and related equipment installed at various City Departments including, but not limited to Fire Department and Public Utilities Department (PUD). AGC #: 21-03611

Project Type: Engineering

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 10089796-22-W Addenda: 1 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors Licenses Class C-61 Misc. Notes: Submit Proposals to Owner (Electronically)- Rosina Direct Inquiries to Michael Warner 619-236-6154 Costanza, Senior Civil Engineer Owner: City of San Diego Owner: City of Chula Vista BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Citywide Striping and Markings

automatically directed to the project online.

Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade

Bid Date: 9/22/2021 2:00 PM San Diego Encinitas The scope of work in this RFQ is Replacing existing 12kV Switchgear ‘12MSA’ and 4.16kV switchgears ‘4MSA’ and ‘4MSB’ with one 12kV Provide service of citywide striping and markings for all Cityswitchgear. Upgrading existing 5kV distribution and transformers in maintained streets and facilities. each of the buildings to a 12kV system. Demolition of existing 5kV AGC #: 21-03547 Project Type: Engineering feeders. Providing new duct bank and feeders required to facilitate this conversion. A new utility building shall be constructed to house the Addenda: 0 Ref#: PW-21-04 Est: $1,582,480 new 12kV switchgear located near Facility Services. Each of the Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A, buildings included in these upgrades will require electrical outages to C32/33 - Direct Inquiries to John Ugrob/760-633-2854 install new equipment. Each outage must be carefully planned to accommodate the building users. In buildings where Emergency Owner: City of Encinitas Generators are not available, temp power will be required in most cases during an outage. The construction documents shall be created BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be so that each building is a separate submittal to the California State automatically directed to the project online. Fire Marshal (CASFM). Bid Date: 9/22/2021

2:00 PM

As-Needed Professional Development Review Services

Bid Date: 9/22/2021

2:00 PM


As-Needed Professional Development Review Services for Stormwater Quality Management Plans & Hydrology & Hydraulic Studies AGC #: 21-03610

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Direct Inquiries to Erin Adams (760) 643-5415 Owner: City of Vista 760-639-6191

AGC #: 21-03655

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 6907 Est: $11,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class B - Direct Inquiries to Hugo Mora 619-594-0466 Owner: San Diego State University 619-594-5243 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 23, 2021

Brengle Terrace Park Well & Water Distribution Bid Date: 9/23/2021

Pre-Qualification for D/B of County Animal Shelter

4:00 PM

Vista Bid Date: 9/23/2021

4:00 PM

San Diego

Brengle Terrace Park Well & Water Distribution Project

Pre-Qualification for D/B of County Animal Shelter

AGC #: 21-03369

AGC #: 21-03428

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: CIP 8278 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Erin Adams Email: Phone: (760) 643-5415 Owner: City of Vista BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified Subcontractor Bidding (Wave 4) Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM

La Jolla

Hillcrest Campus Redevelopment Phase 1- Prequalified Subcontractor Bidding (Wave 4)The project is composed of Make-Ready work, road realignment, an 1,800 stall Parking Structure, 50 stalls of below grade parking under First Ave. (Spine), an Outpatient Pavilion, demolition of the existing Bachman Parking Structure, and a Central Utility Plant (CUP). It is anticipated that this project will contain multiple components with phased plan reviews for various phases of the project, as well as various entities and agencies requiring review and permitting.Subject to conditions prescribed by the undersigned, DPR Construction, the awarded CM/Contractor for this UCSD project, invites prequalified subcontractors to submit Best Value Proposals and/or Lump Sum Bids based on Plans & Specifications for the following:01720 Survey and Layout $860,000 License PLSDue September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)02300 Earthwork and Demo $8,000,000 License A Proposal+Part 1 Due September 21, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)Bid+ Part 2 Due September 23, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)02340 Qualified SWPPP $380,000 License A,C-27 + QSP Due September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)02700 Roadwork $4,000,000 License A Proposal+Part 1 Due September 7, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m.Bid+Part 2 Due September 9, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m.14580 Pneumatic Tube Systems $600,000 License C-61/D4Due September 16, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. (Changed per Addendum 2)

Project Type: RFSQ

Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFSQ 11119 Est: $18,500,000 Misc. Notes: Submit Proposals to Owner - Direct Inquires to Martha Trevejo (858) 505-6527 Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting (858) 505-6527 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Wheelchair Lift Preventive Maintenance & Minor Repair Bid Date: 9/23/2021

9:45 PM

San Diego

Contractor shall provide Wheelchair lift Maintenance and Minor Repairs Services for the San Diego Unified School District (District) to the highest quality of industry standards. Wheelchair lift maintenance and minor repairs services shall be all-inclusive and shall include, but not limited to, the following: semi-annual inspections, maintenance, and minor repair of the wheelchair lifts. AGC #: 21-03526

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: SV22-0230-03 Est: $625,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class C-11 - Direct Inquiries to Sheryl Hauser 858-522-5851 Owner: San Diego Unified School District (858) 522-5830 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03400 Project Type: Sub-Bid Request Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Aug 13 2021 9AM re: 02300 - Earthwork and Demolition-Part 1 & 02700 Roadwork Bidders Addenda: 3 Ref#: 5171 Misc. Notes: Bids to CM - Best Value RFP Proposals shall be both emailed and hand delivered to DPR Construction, per the instruction in the RFP package: DPR Construction 5010 Shoreham Pl. San Diego, CA 92122 Contact: Lynn Connot Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management Construction Manager: DPR Construction BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 23, 2021

Habitat Mitigation Site Plant Maintenance, San Diego Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:15 PM

Banter by Piercing Pagoda

San Diego Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM

San Ysidro

Contractor agrees to provide to the California Department of This is a new Banter going into an existing lease space. Framing & Transportation (Caltrans) all labor, tools, equipment, materials, drywall per plans and specs. supplies, travel, and incidentals necessary to provide mitigation AGC #: 21-03649 Project Type: Commercial services, including the weeding and removal of non-native plant species, trash and debris removal. The services shall be performed at Addenda: 0 Ref#: the plant establishment site located along Interstate 8 (I-8) in San Diego County, one-tenth (0.1) of a mile west of the Morena Boulevard Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL undercrossing to one-half (0.5) of a mile west of the Hotel Circle Drive inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to undercrossing. us from ( ACT Construction ) , there may be other GC’s bidding AGC #: 21-03641 Project Type: Engineering Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s Addenda: 0 Ref#: 11A3294 posted. Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class C-27 - Direct Inquiries to Phuong Vu Phone: : 916/227-6086 Email: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: Department of Transportation/Division of Procurement automatically directed to the project online. and Contracts (916) 227-6086 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Painting Projects Bid Date: 9/23/2021

1:00 PM

San Diego

Painting projects for three sites as required by the Sweetwater Union High School District Maintenance Department.- Southwest High School- Montgomery Middle School- Southwest Middle School AGC #: 21-03647 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY September 14, 2021. 8:30AM at SUHSD Maintenance Conference Room 642 Arizona Street Chula Vista, CA 91911 Addenda: 0 Ref#: ITB-12-2793-SG-02022/SG Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C33 and/or B - Direct Inquiries to Owner: Sweetwater Union High School District (619) 691-5540

September 24, 2021 Lack Rd Bridge Replacement Over New River Bid Date: 9/24/2021

2:00 PM


Lack Rd Bridge Replacement Over New River AGC #: 21-02205

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 4 Ref#: No. 6421 Est: $2,100,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class A, Direct inquiries to Robert Urena Owner: Imperial County Department of Public Works (442) 2651818 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 27, 2021

One-Time Filter Media & Underdrain Cap Rehabilitation at the Alvarado Water Treatment Plant (AWTP) Bid Date: 9/24/2021

3:00 PM

La Mesa

The scope of work for the filter media and underdrain caps rehabilitation consists of providing all necessary labor, equipment, and materials necessary for inspection, removal and rehabilitation of the filter media and underdrain caps. All materials must be NSF 61 certified and conform to the latest version of AWWA B-100 (anthracite, sand, and underdrains) at the AWTP.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Bid Date: 9/27/2021

5:00 PM


Advanced Metering Infrastructure System AGC #: 21-03176

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 3 Ref#: 22-01 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - 50 Working Days - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquires to Matt Souttere, Tel:(760) 8394651, AGC #: 21-03280 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 2 Ref#: 10089818-22-W Owner: City of Escondido Engineering Department (760) 839Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner -Prevailing wage - Direct Inquiries to 4651 Michael Warner 619-236-6154 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Owner: City of San Diego Purchasing 619-236-6000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Raising Cane's (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 9/24/2021

11:00 AM

Camp Pendleton

2,150sq. ft. Conversion of an exisitng restaurant space to a new raising canes’ restaurant. Exterior work, new outdoor patio, new kitchen equipment, ceiling work, new lighting, new exhaust hood, new interior finishes, modify existing fire sprinklers system, install new fire alarm system

September 28, 2021 Environmental Services Bid Date: 9/28/2021

2:30 PM

San Diego

Environmental ServicesNAICS Code: 562211 - Hazardous Waste Treatment and DisposalThe Contractor will perform environmental services for three major categories of services. First, the Contractor shall operate Government-owned treatment plants and collection systems for IW/OW at Naval Base San Diego, Naval Base Coronado, AGC #: 21-03589 Project Type: Commercial and Naval Base Point Loma. Second, the Contractor shall manage Hazardous Material (HM), Hazardous Waste (HW), and Other Addenda: 0 Ref#: Regulated Waste (ORW) collection sites for compliance and disposal, Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL including Containerized Solid Waste (CSW), and perform OHS spill inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE response. Third, the Contractor shall conduct services for OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to Environmental Compliance projects, as ordered on an IDIQ basis. The us from ( Gray West Construction, Inc. ) , there may be other Product and Service Code is M1PD Operation of Waste Treatment GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to and Storage Facilities aligns with the DOD’s taxonomy of services bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they associated with the acquisition of services for Facility Related vary from what’s posted. Services.***Please Request Role: This opportunity has controlled attachments. You need a role to access them. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03354

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: N6247321R0229 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Primary POC Ryan J. Kenniff,, 619 705 5546 Owner: NAVFAC Southwest BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 28, 2021

J93 Environmental Building Interior Improvements CLOSED WITH NO AWARD Bid Date: 9/28/2021

5:00 PM

Industrial Water Treatment Services Imperial

Bid Date: 9/28/2021

2:00 PM

Estimated Bid Value $100,000 AnnuallySan Diego State University CLOSED WITH NO AWARDProvide labor, equipment, and materials (University), Facilities Services and the Office of Housing for the interior remodel of IID’s J93 Environmental Building located at Administration, is requesting proposals from firms qualified to provide 420 E. Barioni Blvd, Imperial, California. full-service Industrial Water Treatment Services. The proposals will be evaluated by a committee selected bythe university and award will be AGC #: 21-03419 Project Type: Building made in the best interest of the University. Other Details Industrial Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Water Treatment Services provided by the Contractor shall include but 8-26 10am MUST confirm their attendance with Mr. Marty P. Holbrook, not limited to the treatment and proper testing of water chemistry of Purchasing Agent via email to steam boilers, chillers, cooling towers, and heating hot water systems. Addenda: 0 Ref#: PRFP 1467 The program shall target the prevention of corrosion and scale formation in systems and all associated piping, valves and all endMisc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class “B” California Contractor’s License or an “A” California Contractor’s point equipment. Additionally, it should be geared towards reducing water and energyconsumption.It is also the intent of this solicitation to License Prevailing Wage, Direct inquiries to Mr. Marty P. request hydronic HVAC system water treatment and monitoring Holbrook, purchasing agent, via email to: services at three (3) hydronic plant locations for the Office of Housing Owner: Imperial Irrigation District (IID) (760) 339-9253 Administration (OHA). The services shall include installation of BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be chemical monitoring and dispensing equipment, water treatment automatically directed to the project online. chemicals and on-site services.

RFP Professional Arch & Engineering for Design of FS 8 Bid Date: 9/28/2021

AGC #: 21-03681

Project Type: RFP

Oceanside Addenda: 0 Ref#: 6897 RFP Professional Arch & Engineering for Design of Fire Station # Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Direct Inquiries to 8:The City of Oceanside (“City”) is requesting proposals from Hugo Mora, Associate Director, at Architectural and Engineering firms (“Consultant”) forthe design of Fire Owner: San Diego State University Station Number 8 on city-owned property bounded by Old Grove Road to the north, Trestle Street to the west, Rocky Point Drive to the south BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. and the Front Wave Credit Union to the east (along College Boulevard). The site is currently unimproved, but is bound by paved HVAC System Inspection, Preventative Maintenance & streets, curb and gutter and sidewalk Repairs

AGC #: 21-03432

4:00 PM

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Submit Proposal to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Mahsima Mohammadi, Tel:(760) 435-3548 Owner: City of Oceanside 760-435-5619 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 9/28/2021

2:00 PM


HVAC System Inspection, Preventative Maintenance and Repairs:The San Diego County Water Authority is soliciting bids for heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system inspection, preventative maintenance, and repairs. AGC #: 21-03692

Project Type: RFPQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class C20 - Direct Inquires to Sabrina Garner, Owner: San Diego County Water Authority (858) 522-6800 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 29, 2021

Paint Striping Truck Bid Date: 9/29/2021

Suite 310 Renovations - One Civic Center Drive 5:00 PM

Carlsbad Bid Date: 9/29/2021

Paint Striping Truck Project Type:

Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFB22-1572TRAN Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic - Direct Inquires to Graham Jordan 760-602-2462, Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Dams & Reservoir Security Improvements 12:00 PM

Various Sites

The City of San Diego is seeking to acquire Design-Build services for the design and construction of Dams and Reservoirs Security Improvements at ten facilities scattered across the County.The City of San Diego Public Utilities Department (PUD) requires security improvements to be performed at ten (10) City-owned and operated dams across the San Diego region. This project is part of the ongoing security improvements being carried forward from the previous Water Department Security Upgrades – Phase I project. The proposed upgrades include physical security upgrades (fences, gates, buoy lines, barricades) and electronic security upgrades (CCTV surveillance, access control systems, perimeter intrusion detection, acoustic hailing devices, remote IP speaker systems). This is a Design -Build project. AGC #: 21-03491

San Marcos

Suite 310 Renovations - One Civic Center Drive:

AGC #: 21-03444

Bid Date: 9/29/2021

12:00 PM

Project Type: SOQ

Addenda: 1 Ref#: K-22-2042-DB2-2 Est: $9,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Brittany Friedenreich 619533-3104 Owner: City of San Diego BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03616 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Sept 15, 11:30AM outside the Main Building entrance. (site walk will follow) Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Construction Manager and main point of contact: IDS Real Estate Group, Christopher Maurer,, 619-961-1980 Owner: City of San Marcos c/o IDS Real Estate Group (619) 961 -1981 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

September 30, 2021 Harbor Drive Trunk Sewer Replacement Bid Date: 9/30/2021

2:00 PM

San Diego

Harbor Drive Trunk Sewer Replacement:Construction of the Harbor Drive Trunk Sewer Replacement Project consists of replacement of 1,044.93 LF of existing 12 inch ESVCP with 18 inch PVC Sewer Main, 279.18 LF of 12 inch ESPVC with 20 inch FPVC and 21 inch PVC under BNSF and MTS Right-of- Way using trenchless methods, 3,175.67 LF of 15 through 24 inch Techite Pipe with 30 inch FPVC inside a 54 inch steel casing using trenchless methods and all other work AGC #: 21-03212

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: K-22-1972-DBB-3 Est: $20,430,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A & ADDITIONAL LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Tunneling work shall be performed by a C34 Licensed (sub)contractor registered by the California Contractor’s State License Board. Dewatering work shall be performed by a C-57 Licensed (sub)contractor registered by the California Contractor’s State License Board Direct Inquiries to Owner: City of San Diego BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 30, 2021

Southern Pump Station Project Bid Date: 9/30/2021

Landfill Gas Control Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance

2:00 PM

El Centro Bid Date: 9/30/2021

The Southern Pump Station Project WORK includes but is not limited to:• Installation of Romtec prefabricated wastewater pump station and valve vault• Installation of Romtec prefabricated controls building, generator and odor control unit• Installation of associated electrical, controls and gas service• Site grading, paving, fencing, landscape and irrigation and water service• Construction of new 8" to 21" diameter gravity sewer pipeline including tunneling under the Union Pacific Railroad and IID facilities• Construction of a 14" diameter forcemain• Decommission of existing Countryside pump station, Countryside South pump station and 4th and Wake pump station AGC #: 21-03362 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8-25-21 RDA Conference Room A, Economic Development Building, 1249 Main St, El Centro, CA 92243

3:00 PM

San Diego


Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 11140 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Holly Lam 858505-6613 Owner: County of San Diego-Department of Purchasing and Contracting (858) 694-2646 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

October 01, Addenda: 2 Ref#: Est: $6,200,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class A, work to El Corazon Park Site 1 Design be completed within 300 Calendar days, Direct inquiries to Abraham Campos 760-337-5182 Bid Date: 10/1/2021 4:00 PM

2021 Oceanside

Owner: City of El Centro (760) 337-4515


BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03425 Addenda: 0

Mayan Hall Demolition Bid Date: 9/30/2021 Mayan Hall Demolition

2:00 PM

Project Type: RFP

Ref#: 1081621-0096

Chula Vista Misc. Notes: Submit Proposal to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Kymberly Laubach, Tel:(760) 435-3534, Fax:(760) 435-3534 Project Type: Building Owner: City of Oceanside 760-435-5619

AGC #: 21-03548 Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/9/21 at 10am at Building 98A Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-2076Z Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class A, b, or C-21 - Direct Inquiries to Owner: Southwestern Community College District

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

CM Services Calexico New River Improvement Project Bid Date: 10/1/2021

2:00 PM


The Trash Screen would be installed across the New River channel at a pointapproximately 900 feet northwest and downstream of the International Border, inCalexico; and the Diversion Structure would be built immediately downstream of theTrash Screen and abut the New River. AGC #: 21-03628

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $28,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Prevailing Wage, Direct inquiries to Lilliana Falomir 760/768-2160.

Owner: City of Calexico BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 05, 2021


3:00 PM

San Diego


Project Type: RFP

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

October 04, 2021 As-Needed Engineering, PM & Land Surveying 3:00 PM

Bid Date: 10/5/2021

5:00 PM


Management, Maintenance and Monitoring of the City of Carlsbad Open Space Preserves

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 11156 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Veronica Ford, Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing and Contracting

Bid Date: 10/4/2021

Management, Maintenance and Monitoring of the City of Carlsbad Open Space Preserves

San Diego

AGC #: 21-03445 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 09/14/2021 10:00 AM, The mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held virtually. Information on how to join the meeting will be sent to registered bidders prior to the meeting. Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP 22-06 Misc. Notes: Submit Proposals to Owner - Electronic - Direct Inquires to Shea Sainz 760-602-2467, Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration

As-Needed Engineering, Project Management, and Land Surveying Services

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03684

Balboa Park Federal Building Improvement

Project Type: RFSQ

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 10947 Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner (Electronically via Buynet)Contractor License Class C27 - Direct Inquires to William Eames (858) 505-6333

Bid Date: 10/5/2021

2:00 PM

San Diego

This project provides for the replacement of the Federal Building roof. (Federal Building aka Comicon-Building). The Federal Building was built in 1936 and is inBalboa Park. The roof has leaked in the past, mainly in the upstairs offices in the front of thebuilding. Some patching has occurred and currently has some minor leaks. Per the ConditionAssessment the Roof coverings have reached the end of Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting 858-505 their life cycle. This project will tearoffall existing roofing and insulation -6333 to the wooden deck, replace any or all rotted wood, installnew covering and base flashing at walls, curb, and penetrations. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03607 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/8/21 at 11am at Balboa Park Federal Building, 2131 Pan American Plaza San Diego, CA 92101 Addenda: 0 Ref#: K-22-2035-DBB-3 Est: $1,140,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class B - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Ron McMinn - 619533-4618 Owner: City of San Diego-PWC-Construction BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 06, 2021

Rio Verde Drive Sewer Replacement Project Bid Date: 10/5/2021

2:00 PM

Recycled Air/Vac & Drain Replacement Ramona Bid Date: 10/6/2021

Canceled Replacement of approximately 2,350 feet of sewer main with 10-in diameter SDR 35 PVC Sewer Main including manholes, sewer laterals and abandonment of existing sewer main.Project in general includes but is not limited to:- Installation of approximately 2,355 feet of 10-in SDR 35 PVC Sewer Main to replace existing sewer main.- Abandonment of existing 8-in Sewer Main. - Installation and reconnection of 30 4-in laterals - Installation of 9 Sewer Manholes Traffic Control - Bypass as required AGC #: 21-03651

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 54202 Est: $1,100,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Direct Inquiries to: Ricardo Soto, P.E., Owner: Ramona Municipal Water District 760-789-1330


AGC #: 21-03582 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/15/21 at 1pm at 990 E. Mission Road, Fallbrook CA, Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $50,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Joye Johnson at 760-9992720, or Owner: Fallbrook Public Utility District 760-728-1125 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

October 07, 2021

Carlsbad Boulevard Water & Sewer Improvements at Terramar Design Services Bid Date: 10/5/2021

3:00 PM

The work generally consists of the demolition and replacement of three drains and two automaticair/vacuum valves and the addition of one 12” Gate Valve on an existing 14-inch CML&C recycledwater line.

SPRINTER Technical Support and Material Management Services (TSMMA) Carlsbad

5:00 PM

Bid Date: 10/7/2021 2:00 PM Escondido Consultant’s services shall include preparation of plans, reports, SPRINTER Technical Support and Material Management Services estimates, and technicalspecifications necessary to complete (TSMMA) engineering design of the Project as defined herein and tocompetitively bid the project. The Consultant shall provide all AGC #: 21-03629 Project Type: RFP engineering design services for eachdiscipline as required for the project scope and duration. Services shall be performed inaccordance Addenda: 0 Ref#: 30630 with applicable State and City/CMWD regulations and ordinances, Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Jennifer Taylor including, but notlimited to, the Professional Engineers Act. 760-967-2862, Environmental evaluation of the project for compliancewith the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) will be addressed separately by City/CMWDand is not included in the scope of services. Owner: North County Transit District (760) 966-6606

AGC #: 21-03662

Project Type: RFP

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP22-1593UTIL Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Graham Jordan 760-602-2462 Owner: Carlsbad Municipal Water District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 08, 2021

Ground Maintenance Services Bid Date: 10/7/2021

10:00 AM

Heber Ave Improvements Cardiff By The Sea Bid Date: 10/8/2021

2:00 PM


GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THESAN ELIJO JOINT Heber Avenue Improvements From 10th Street To Fawcett Road POWERS AUTHORITYSAN ELIJO WATER RECLAMATION (West Side) County FACILITY AGC #: 21-03120 Project Type: Engineering AGC #: 21-03630 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 2 Ref#: 6515 Est: $953,375 Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors license class A 9/22/21 at 10am at San Elijo Water Campus 2695 Manchester Ave. Direct inquiries to Robert Urena Cardiff by the sea CA 92007 Addenda: 1 Ref#: 17 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronically) - Contractors License Class C-27 - Direct Inquiries to Vanessa Hackney 760753-6203 Owner: San Elijo Joint Powers Authority Owner: County of Imperial BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Adams Ave. (1620) Storm Drain Replacement Bid Date: 10/7/2021

1:30 PM

Bid Date: 10/7/2021

2:00 PM

October 13, 2021 El Camino Real & Cannon Rd Intersection Improvements

San Diego Bid Date: 10/13/2021 11:00 AM Carlsbad Construction of Adams Avenue storm drain replacement includes El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements - Phase theinstallation of approximately 85 LF of storm drain reinforced IIThe City of Carlsbad is seeking a contractor to provide all labor, concrete pipe (RCP) west ofAdams Avenue and Mission Cliff Drive equipment and materials for narrowing portions of the existing median and grading eroded slope within the canyon. on El Camino Real along the westbound direction to allow for a third receiving lane. the work will also include pavement and median AGC #: 21-03653 Project Type: Engineering reconstruction, fog seal within the limits shown in the plans, Methacrylate bridge deck treatment, restriping for three westbound Addenda: 1 Ref#: L-22-2012-DBB-2 Est: $336,000 thru lanes, left and right turn lanes, a bike lane and adjustment of Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License traffic signal heads to accommodate new lane configuration. Class A or C34 or C42 - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to AGC #: 21-03620 Brittany Friedenreich - 619-533-3104 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 0 Ref#: PWS22-1582TRAN Est: $325,000 Owner: City of San Diego Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or C8 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Direct Inquiries to Graham Jordan 760-602-2462 automatically directed to the project online. Huanglongbing Infected Citrus Tree Removal : San Diego

Huanglongbing Infected Citrus Tree Removal, San Diego County IFB 21-0096The California Department of Food and Agriculture, Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Division, is in need of a contractor to perform tree removal services in San Diego County. AGC #: 21-03682

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: IFB 21-0096 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class D-49 Direct Inquiries to Donna Weber 916/403-6521 Owner: California Department of Food & Agriculture (916) 4036521 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 20, 2021

Parking Lot Seal and Stripe Services for the San Diego Clairemont DMV Field Office Bid Date: 10/13/2021 2:30 PM

Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Maintenance & Repair Service

San Diego Bid Date: 10/20/2021 2:00 PM

Parking Lot Seal and Stripe Services for the San Diego Clairemont DMV Field Office. AGC #: 21-03673 Project Type: Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/24, 10AM at the San Diego Clairemont DMV Field Office (meet at the flagpole), 4375 Derrick Drive, San Diego, CA 92117,

San Diego

The San Diego County Regional Airport Authority ("Authority") seeks proposalsfrom firms or individuals (“Respondent”) to provide maintenance and repair services forAuthority-controlled heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (“HVAC”) systems at San DiegoInternational Airport (“Airport”). AGC #: 21-03656

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Addenda: 0 Ref#: 412280FC Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License class C-12 or Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License C-32 - Contact: Jennifer Deal, (916) 657-8728, Email: Class C-20, C-4 - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Karie Webber Owner: Department of Motor Vehicles/Contract Services Section Owner: San Diego County Regional Airport AuthorityProcurement BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

October 19, 2021

October 22, 2021

2021 Slurry Seal and Fog Seal Bid Date: 10/19/2021 11:00 PM


2021 Slurry Seal and Fog Seal:The City of Carlsbad is seeking a contractor to provide all labor, equipment and materials to cold mill, pave, and stripe various streets. AGC #: 21-03638

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: PWS22-1585TRAN Est: $1,746,400 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Bids will be received in electronic format) - Contractors License Class A or C12 - Direct Inquiries to Graham Jordan 760-602-2462 Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Anti-Graffiti Window Film Service Bid Date: 10/22/2021 2:00 PM

San Diego

Anti-Graffiti Window Film Service (materials & Installation) AGC #: 21-03664

Project Type:

Addenda: 0 Ref#: L1599.0-22 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic Only - Please note: All questions must be submitted using PlanetBids Q&A tab. MTS is not accepting any questions by phone or email. Owner: MTS Procurement Dept. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Solar Panel System Design & Install Bid Date: 10/22/2021 1:00 PM

San Diego

Solar Panel System (Design-Build, Lump Sum) AGC #: 21-03668

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $408,692 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Rebekka Morrison – Owner: Family Health Centers of San Diego BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


June 27, 2022

City Heights FHCSD – SOLAR PANEL SYSTEM Bid Date: 10/22/2021 2:00 PM

NOFA for Preservation City Heights Bid Date: 6/27/2022

City Heights FHCSD – SOLAR PANEL SYSTEMDesign and General Contracting Service's proposal request. Family Health Centers of San Diego (owner) invites sealed bids from General Contractors and/or Solar Contracting Firms to provide design services, building permit issuance, labor and materials necessary for completion of a Solar Panel System located in the existing City Heights FHCSD Clinic roof. AGC #: 21-03695 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/23/21 at 12pm 5454 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115 Please meet at the FHCSD Clinic sidewalk in front of the building with PPE

12:00 PM

San Diego

The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) announces the availability of Fiscal Year 2022 funding for the preservation of multifamily affordable rental housing through this Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). AGC #: 21-02751

Project Type:

Addenda: 3 Ref#: NOFA-22-01 Est: $16,600,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic & Paper - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Maurcell Gresham (Director of Procurement) - 619-578-7485 Owner: San Diego Housing Commission (619) 578-7485

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $408,682 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

June 30, 2022 November 08, 2021 Notice of Funding Availability & RFP for Affordable Housing Projects

CSU San Marcos - 21/22 Blanket Minor Cap Advertisement Bid Date: 6/30/2022

2:00 PM

San Marcos

THIS IS A BLANKET ADVERTISEMENT AND IS NOT FOR A Bid Date: 11/8/2021 5:00 PM Coronado SPECIFIC PROJECTCSU San Marcos may be seeking qualified contractors and service providers to perform various services/projects Notice of Funding Availability & RFP for Affordable Housing from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. The dollar value of these Projects:Qualified applicants that can meet the NOFA requirements projects will not exceed $752,000.00 per project. All interested parties and demonstrate their ability to finance, design, build/rehabilitate, are encouraged to register as a vendor at the link below to be notified and/or manage affordable housing (as applicable) are encouraged to if and when opportunities arise. submit proposals. AGC #: 21-02786 Project Type: AGC #: 21-03660 Project Type: RFP Addenda: 0 Ref#: RL070121 Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Interested vendors must register at this link: Misc. Notes: Submit Proposals to Owner - Submit all inquiries or questions to Rich Grunow, with any - Electronic Only - Project Duration questions prior to preparing a proposal in response to this 365 Days - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class B - Direct NOFA. All inquiries and/or questions shall be submitted no later Inquires to Roman Lazcano than Friday, October 15, 2021. Owner: City of Coronado Owner: California State University San Marcos BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 09, 2021

Robinson House Demolition & Reconstruction Architectural Design Bid Date: 9/9/2021

3:00 PM

Main Street Interchange Improvement Project Riverside

The City of Riverside (“City”) is seeking a qualified entity or individual (“Company”) to provide architectural design and construction administration services. The City anticipates selecting onefirm to perform the services. AGC #: 21-02957

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 2111 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Caitlin Starkey Owner: City of Riverside BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM

Lake Elsinore

In general, this project consists of widening to install a traffic signals at the intersection of I-15 at southbound ramps, northbound ramps, and Camino Del Norte, in the City of Lake Elsinore. The work involves construction of hot mix asphalt pavement, rubberized hot mix asphalt pavement, grading, retaining walls [Type 1 (Case 2) (Modified), Type 7B (Modified), and Sub Horizontal Ground Anchor)], drainage inlets, corrugated metal pipe, reinforced concrete pipe, curb, sidewalk, access ramps, modification of exiting irrigation system and planting, modification of lighting, traffic signal mast arms and foundations, ramp meters, temporary water pollution control, roadway signs, pavement delineation and any other work as may be required. AGC #: 21-03079

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: CIP No. Z10017 Est: $5,270,916 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Prevailing Wage Bid Date: 9/9/2021 3:00 PM Riverside Contractors License Class A or combination specialty class C Direct Inquiries to Nicole McCalmont 951-674-3124 The City of Riverside (“City”) is seeking a qualified entity or individual (“Company”) to provide architectural design and professional services Owner: City of Lake Elsinore (951) 674-3124 management for the Harada House Rehabilitation, Phase I.

Harada House Rehabilitation, Phase I

AGC #: 21-03071 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 7/27/21 at 10:00am at Harada House, 3356 Lemon Street, Riverside, CA 92501 Addenda: 4 Ref#: 2110 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Prevailing Wage Direct Inquiries to Caitlin Starkey (951) BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Flower St. Sewer Main Improvements Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM

Santa Ana

Flower St. Sewer Main Improvements:The work to be performed consists of removing existing 8-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch VCP Sewer Main and replacing them with approximately 127 linear feet of 8-inch PVC,15 linear feet of 10-inch PVC, 692 linear feet of 12-inch PVC, and 2,361 linear feet of 15-inch PVC Sewer Main as well as all appurtenant work AGC #: 21-03164

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 18-6616 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A or C34 - Direct inquiries to Brian Ige 714-647-3385, Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 09, 2021

New Enclosure With New Emergency Generator Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM

38th Street Park Fencing

Palm Springs Bid Date: 9/9/2021

10:00 AM

Newport Beach

The Work comprises installation of a new emergency generatorand The work consists of removing and replacing old fencing, damaged fuel tank, installation of new conduits and automatic transfer switch, concrete fence post, and concrete sidewalk panels at 38th Street Park construction of new enclosure for generator, construction of new as well as installing a time lock gate at the entrance of the basketball enclosure with new fence for existing staff terrace; new hardscape, courts inside the park. and appurtenant materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as AGC #: 21-03292 Project Type: Engineering required by the plans, specifications, and contract documents, at DAP Health, 1695 N. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, California 92262. Addenda: 0 Ref#: 8721-1 Est: $47,890 AGC #: 21-03266 Project Type: Building Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 25 consecutive working days - Contractor's License Addenda: 1 Ref#: Est: $380,000 Class A or C-13 - Direct inquiries to Tom Sandefur: 949-644-3321 and/or Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Maria Song, Owner: City of Newport Beach /Public Works Dept BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: DAP Health automatically directed to the project online. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

RFQ For CM Regional WRF Const.

Wayfinding Signs FY20/21

Bid Date: 9/9/2021

3:00 PM

Desert Hot Springs

RFQ For Construction Management, Inspection and Related Services Anaheim for the Regional Water Reclamation Facility Construction Project Construction will consist of installing new substructures and secondary AGC #: 21-03295 Project Type: RFQ cables and replace existing with new structurally-approved street light Prebid Conf: MANDATORY poles that allow cell antennas on top of the pole. The poles will also have provisions for dynamic signs that guide visitors on location and Addenda: 0 Ref#: 11424LS parking availability in the downtown area, thereby reducing vehicular Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) -- Direct Inquiries to traffic and enhancing visitor experience. The project is located in the Luiz Santos,, 760-699-2410 Anaheim Downtown area along Broadway, Anaheim Boulevard, and Owner: Mission Springs Water District Lincoln Avenue.

Bid Date: 9/9/2021

AGC #: 21-03288

2:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 2 Ref#: RCP2020-17288 Est: $491,000 Walnut Ave-Orange-Juniper St_Water Improvements_South Brea Neighborhood Water Main Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 60 working days - Contractor's License Class A and C-10 Replacement_S. Brea Sewer Repairs - Direct inquiries to Rod Yong: and/or Omar Bid Date: 9/9/2021 2:00 PM Brea Alameddine: The work consists of water system, sewer line, and street Owner: City of Anaheim-Public Works Dept rehabilitation/ reconstruction improvements within various streets in BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be the South Brea Subdivision within the City of Brea. automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03344

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 7454, 7466 & 7626 Est: $5,200,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class A or C34 - Direct inquiries to Raymond Contreras: (714) 671-4411 Owner: City of Brea/City Clerk's Office (714) 990-7667 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 09, 2021

Roof Replacement Building 16 Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM

RRPM Reflective Raised Pavement Markers Los Alamitos Bid Date: 9/9/2021

Work to include: removal of the existing roof covering system and the removal of all damaged decking. New MB Technology torch-down built -up mineral roofing system and new R-21 Rigid insulation. This system requires replacement of the roof coating, fascia, flashing, curbing, underlayment, gutters and downspouts, Ladders/Roof Walk Pads/Access Hatch. Work will also include the abatement of all lead and asbestos materials from the roof, mechanical penetrations and their equipment, roof edge metal and all components associated with the roofing system. AGC #: 21-03348 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/18/21 @ 11:00AM: Joint ForcesTraining Base, 11206 Lexington Drive Los Alamitos, CA 90720. See NIB for complete details Addenda: 1 Ref#: 20427 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class B Prevailing wages - Direct inquiries to Captain Myles Colendich: AND Bill Kendall at Owner: State of California Military Department BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

1:30 PM


Provide and install as needed approximately 40,000 new reflective raised pavement markers (RRPM) with a minimum call out of 1,200 ea. The Contractor shall provide all parts, labor, materials, tools, rentals, equipment, disposal, transportation and supervision necessary for a turnkey project to include but not limited to the plans and specifications. All work is to be performed in strict accordance with Appendix A and Attachment 2 and 3, Specifications invites sealed quotations for:SITE: East Riverside County - East of CabazonWest Riverside County - West of Cabazon (includes Cabazon)Total Riverside County AGC #: 21-03409

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: TLARC-724 Est: $150,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-32 Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Email: Owner: County of Riverside Purchasing & Fleet BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Renovation of Latrines Building 57 Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:30 PM

Los Alamitos

Wet Well Cleaning Services at Wastewater Facilities

Renovation of Latrines Building 57:Work to include: minor structural and architectural modifications as well as new HVAC, plumbing, Bid Date: 9/9/2021 2:00 PM Chino Hills electrical and communication systems. Site work will include Cleaning of sewer wet wells by the CONTRACTOR shall be sidewalks, driveway, curbing, street modifications and landscaping in conducted on an “as-needed”basis. Wet well cleaning will be order to provide accessible parking and access at the Joint Forces performed by the CONTRACTOR at the direction of theCity at any or Training Base Los Alamitos, California all of the City wastewater facilities AGC #: 21-03441 Project Type: Building AGC #: 21-03355 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY August 18th, 2021, at 09:30 A.M. at the Joint Forces Training Base Addenda: 1 Ref#: located at 11206 Lexington Drive, Los, Alamitos, Ca Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries Ref#: 20464 Est: $1,400,000 to Olson Childress at or909-364-2829 Addenda: 0 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Contractor's License Class B & Owner: City of Chino Hills (909) 364-2829 C22 - Prevailing wages - Direct inquiries to Captain Myles BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Colendich, & Bill Kendall, automatically directed to the project online. (no later than 4:00 P.M. on August 27th, 2021) Owner: State of California Military Department BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 09, 2021

Weed Abatement Services Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:15 PM


Weed Abatement Services in Riverside and San Bernardino CountiesContractor shall furnish all labor, material, parts and equipment necessary to provide emergency and/or routine Weed Abatement services for safety and aesthetic reasons along Caltrans right of ways, roadsides and fence lines. AGC #: 21-03458

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: IFB # 08A3342 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Brenda Bweupe Owner: California Department of Transportation Division of Procurement and Contracts

Annual On-Call Concrete Services for Public Works Improvements Multi-Year Contract Bid Date: 9/9/2021

2:00 PM


The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, transportation, services, and incidentals as required by the contract documents to complete the work for maintenance as shown on each individual approved Work Order and proposal. This contract may be used to reduce the amount of back logged City work orders or be part of the City’s Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program at the city’s discretion. The general work will be the removal and replacement PCC sidewalks, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, spandrels, cross gutters, aprons and ADA ramps. Concrete pour will generally be 1 to 5 cubic yards at a given location. Most of which is the direct result of roots. Work Orders will be for multiple locations. AGC #: 21-03555

Project Type: Building

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 1 Ref#: SB-10-PW-22 Est: $300,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class "A" Landfill Gas Treatment System Upgrade General Engineering Contractor’s license or the combination of Bid Date: 9/9/2021 3:00 PM Upland Class C-8 Concrete with Class C-12 Earthwork and Paving, 2 year contract with 3 additional one-year increments, Prevailing Wage, Landfill Gas Treatment System Upgrade Direct inquiries to Ticha Loera 909-350-6696 AGC #: 21-03463 Project Type: Building Owner: City of Fontana 909-350-7610 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Addenda: 0 Ref#: 9324, Bid No. 2021-05 Est: $350,000 automatically directed to the project online. Misc. Notes: Bids To Owner - Contractors License Class A ULTRA-LOW EMISSION LANDFILL GAS FLARE AND Direct Inquiries to Julian Chang, 909-291-2941, Fax: 909-291-2974, BLOWER SKID PACKAGE Bid Date: 9/9/2021 1:30 PM Moreno Valley Owner: City of Upland (909) 291-2974 Bid RFQ #WMARC-412 - ULTRA-LOW EMISSION LANDFILL GAS BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. FLARE AND BLOWER SKID PACKAGEThe Riverside County Department of Waste Resources is soliciting quotations for a one-time Concrete Pad for Delhi Park purchase of a single Ultra-low emission Gas Flare and Blower Skid Bid Date: 9/9/2021 2:00 PM Santa Ana Package as detailed in this RFQ. Quotations must include cost for delivery, testing, startup assistance, and warranty. The City of Santa Ana is soliciting competitive bids from qualified

contractors to furnish labor, equipment and materials for services including, but not limited to, construct a concrete pad at the City’s Delhi Park – Mini-Pitch Court 2314 S. Halladay Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703. AGC #: 21-03541

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 21-104 Est: $100,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 20 days - Contractor's License Class A or B - Direct inquiries to Eva Pierce: Owner: City of Santa Ana: Park, Rec & Community Services Agency (714) 647-6584

AGC #: 21-03627

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: WMARC-412 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Derek PriceNolen(951) Owner: County of Riverside-Purchasing & Fleet Services (951) 955-4937 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 10, 2021

Turnkey Cart Washing System Replacement & Installation Services Bid Date: 9/10/2021

2:00 PM

Blythe, Vacaville

Ft Irwin - Express with Gas Station Bid Date: 9/10/2021

2:00 PM

Fort Irwin

Ft Irwin - Express with Gas Station (*The cost of the project is The California Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA) requires two (2) new estimated to be more than $10,000,000.00.)A site visit is not required manual load automatic cart washing systems for each of the CALPIA before submitting a proposal; however if you would like to visit the site Laundry Enterprises located at California State Prison, Solano (SOL) you must contact Camille Gonzales, Store Manager of the Ft Irwin in Vacaville, California, and Chuckawalla Valley State Prison (CVSP) Exchange, at (760) 386-1088 or email, located in Blythe, California. All equipment installation/commissioning, Project Type: Building rigging, site work, etc. necessary for the successful turnkey operation AGC #: 21-03394 of the system shall also be included. Addenda: 3 Ref#: GNFR-FC-IRW-21Est: $10,000,000 14111 AGC #: 21-03067 Project Type: RFP Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Any questions you may have after Prebid Conf: MANDATORY comparing the plans and specifications to the existing site 10:00 AM on 8/24/21 at SOL and at 10:00 AM 8/26/21 at CVSP; conditions should be submitted in writing to Nikisha Knowlton at attendance at both is required/mandatory. Only those that RSVP by the deadline (8/6/2021) will be allowed to participate. Bids will only be no later than COB on 8/24/2021 : accepted from Bidders that attend BOTH mandatory pre-bid conferences/walkthroughs. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Addenda: 0 Ref#: P92012101 Boiler Repair & Maintenance/Plumbing Services Misc. Notes: Bids to Owners - Contractors License Class B Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Samantha Patrick, (916) 358Bid Date: 9/10/2021 2:00 PM Santa Ana 2090 This scope of work is applicable for both the Heat Recovery Steam Owner: California Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA) (916) 358 Generators (HRSG) and the standby boiler and includes all -2090 instrumentation, controls, pressure vessels, valves and piping. Steam BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be production must be maintained at all times to sustain customer service automatically directed to the project online. obligations. The location of the work is County of Orange Central Utility Facility (CUF), 525 N. Flower Street, Santa Ana, CA. City of Chino LRSP

Bid Date: 9/10/2021

Chino AGC #: 21-03460

2:00 PM

City of Chino Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) AGC #: 21-03316

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP# 20216003 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Daniel Vest Owner: City of Chino

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 080-2100303-NM Misc. Notes: Bids to owner ( - Prevailing wages Contractor's License Class C4 and C36 - Direct inquiries via Owner: County of Orange, OC Public Works BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

76 Gas Station, C-Store & Car Wash (Sub-Bids Only)

Hemet Concrete Repairs

Bid Date: 9/10/2021

Bid Date: 9/10/2021

2:00 PM

Hemet Concrete Repairs AGC #: 21-03373

3:00 PM


Hemet 9,363 sq. ft. Acoustical Ceilings AGC #: 21-03475

Project Type: Commercial

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL Addenda: 0 Ref#: IFB 21-053 inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (email to OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries us from ( CM Corp ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited to at theAgency’s Hemet Division located at 700 Scaramella GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact Circle, Hemet, CA info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. Owner: Riverside Transit Agency (951) 565-5184 : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 10, 2021

On Call Repair for Fencing, Gates and Signage Bid Date: 9/10/2021

5:00 PM


On Call Repair for Fencing, Gates and Signage on Conservation Commission Lands in Coachella Valley, Ca. AGC #: 21-03508

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-01 Est: $25,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owners email to Michael Gladish - Prevailing wage - Direct Inquiries to Michael Gladish Owner: Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (760) 3461127 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Landscape Maint Services at Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery Bid Date: 9/10/2021

2:30 PM


The City of Redlands is accepting bids for the monthly landscape maintenance at Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery on a multi-year contract. Hillside Memorial Park is located within the City of Redlands on Alessandro Road. See attached map for exact location. The ongoing maintenance will consist of turf/grass mowing, trimming with a stringtrimmer, blowing, and weed control around upright monuments, mausoleums, crypts, and vaults.1. TURF/GRASS TRIMMINGMowing height for all turf grass areas shall be no less than 1.5” and shall not exceed 2.5” during the months of March - October. Through the months of November - February turf grass shall be mowed at a height of 3.5” to 4.5.” The turf shall be cut at a uniform height leaving no scalping or uneven cuts. Trash and debris shall be cleaned up prior to each mowing. Mowing shall be performed at the following estimated intervals: 4 times permonth during peak season (March - October); 2 times per month during slow season (November - February). The specific hours required for each service may change from these estimates at city staff discretion.2. STRING TRIMMERAll areas in need of trimming such as turf grass, ground cover, hedges, etc. shall be mechanically trimmed. Trimming shall be performed around all signs, posts, trees, shrubs, utility posts, fencing, and all other obstacles taking special care to not cause any damage. Extra attention shall be taken when working around tree trunks. Grass shall be trimmed at a height corresponding with specifications determined by the mowing schedule. Any weed growth over a height of 6” inches shall be pulled manually, not cut down by string trimming.3. WEED CONTROL (CHEMICAL TREATMENT, MANUAL REMOVAL)The contractor shall monitor and provide continuous weed control and shall take timely measures to treat them with appropriate herbicide application. Applicator shall take appropriate measures and precautions while applying various pesticides and/or herbicides to meet with all county rules and regulations. The contractor shall monitor and provide continuous weed control and shall take timely measures to treat them withappropriate herbicide application. Applicator shall take appropriate measures and precautions while applying various pesticides and/or herbicides to meet with all county rules and regulations.4. BLOWINGAreas that need to be blown once a week in an effort to remove debris and trash are the Garden of Serenity Plaza, Serenity Niche Estates, Block L Cremation Estates (North End Wall), Redlands Mausoleum Entrance, Hillside Mausoleum South Patio and both North facing entrances. AGC #: 21-03531

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: FCS08052021JS Est: $60,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C27 Direct Inquiries to Jocelynn Santa Cruz Owner: City of Redlands -Facilities & Community Svcs (909) 798-7584 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 13, 2021

Underground Storage Tank Program Management Services Human Trauma - Biological-Hazardous Materials Cleaning Services

Bid Date: 9/10/2021

4:00 PM

Huntington Beach

The City of Huntington Beach invites quotes from qualified, experienced firms / vendors to provide comprehensive Underground Storage Tank (UST) program management services that include: operator services, including all compliance, testing, maintenance, repairs, polishing (filtration) and additional services at City owned fuel sites. AGC #: 21-03551 Project Type: RFQ Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/1/21 @ 10:00AM: Huntington Beach Corporate Yard 17371 Gothard St, Administration Building A Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Addenda: 6 Ref#: 2021-0910 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Direct inquiries to Jennifer Anderson: Owner: City of Huntington Beach/Purchasing BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Camp Pendleton, Seal Beach, Fallbrook, Norco Human Trauma - Biological-Hazardous Materials Cleaning Services, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (MCBCP), Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Camp Pendleton, Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach (NWS SB), NWS SB Fallbrook and Norco Detachments, California (CA)This is an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Small Business Set-Aside contract.The place of performance is MCB Camp Pendleton, MCAS Camp Pendleton, NWS SB, and NWS SBDetachments Norco and Fallbrook, California.***Please Request Role: This opportunity has controlled attachments. You need a role to access them.

Bid Date: 9/13/2021

12:00 PM

AGC #: 21-02840

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 5 Ref#: N6247321R3434 Misc. Notes: Primary Point of Contact: Kellee Krause:, 760-725-8240, Fax: 760-725-8210 Owner: NAVFAC Field Office BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Condition Assessment of the 6-inch (Zone 3300) and 33inch CMLC Water Pipelines (Re-Bid) Bid Date: 9/13/2021

10:00 AM

Elsinore Valley

EVMWD is looking to perform a condition assessment of 3,700 linear feet (LF) of 6-inch CML&C/ACP and 13,728 LF (2.6 miles) of 33-inch CML&C steel water pipelines. Provide professional Engineering Services, Pipeline Condition, and Assessment, design, construction services, environmental services, geotechnical services, permitting (as required) for the condition assessment services for the 6-inch and 33inch cement-mortar lined and coated (CML&C) steel pipelines, and for the construction of temporary and permanent access points. The CA team will also prepare a phased CIP to address the recommendations to repair and/or replace the two pipelines. AGC #: 21-03202 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/18/21 at 2:00pm Microsoft Teams Addenda: 1 Ref#: C1901/C2014 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Prevailing Wage Direct Inquiries to Kelia Jones Owner: Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 13, 2021

Downtown Aquatic Center Pool Re-Plastering Bid Date: 9/13/2021

11:00 AM

On-Call A/E Architectural Services Costa Mesa Bid Date: 9/13/2021

The work generally consists of re-plastering the pool at the City of Costa Mesa Downtown Aquatic Center located at 1860 Anaheim Avenue. AGC #: 21-03371 Project Type: Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/2/21 @ 9:00AM: at the project site. Located at 1860 Anaheim Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-08 Est: $260,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (Electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 45 working days - Contractor's License Class C53 and D45 - Direct inquiries to Janet Zuazo: Owner: City of Costa Mesa/Public Services Dept

2:00 PM

County of Orange

The Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department (OCSD) Research & Development/Facilities Planning is soliciting SOQs from qualified firms to develop a slate to provide On-Call Architect/Engineer (A/E) Architectural Services for various work. AGC #: 21-03513

Project Type: SOQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 060-C034128-MMM Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (via - Direct inquiries to Owner: Orange County Sheriff-Coroner/Research and Development Division BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Cypress Center Audio Visual System

Circle K/Unocal-San Bernardino (Sub-Bids Only)

Bid Date: 9/13/2021

Bid Date: 9/13/2021

12:00 PM

San Bernardino

The adjacent Starbucks on the plans is completed. Rough grading is complete for the site and underground wet utilities have been installed to building pad. The underground dry utilities will need to be included in the proposal. The tentative start date will be late October/early November. AGC #: 21-03487

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 1 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (CM Corp) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

12:00 PM


This project for audio visual system update for the City of Fontana’s Cypress Neighborhood Center is to address audio visual system update requirements and to provide a complete state-of-the-art update to the Multipurpose Room. The Cypress Neighborhood Center is a 6,713-foot facility essential for the growing population of Fontana. The Center offers quality programming and special events at an affordable price for all area residents. The unique services offered compliment the needs and lifestyles of all Fontana's residents from children to teens to parents and the entire family. The Cypress site also provides a location for a variety of rental opportunities. Businesses and private parties have the opportunity to rent a spacious Multipurpose Room with a audio visual equipment, a stage and a kitchen. AGC #: 21-03560 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/24/21 at 9am at Cypress Center 8380 Cypress Avenue Fontana, CA 92335. Addenda: 0 Ref#: SP-17-IT-22 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class C-7, C-10 - Direct Inquiries to Sid Lambert Owner: City of Fontana BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Traffic Paint Bid Date: 9/13/2021

2:00 PM

San Bernardino

Traffic Paint AGC #: 21-03571

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: PWG121-OPERA-4300 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage Owner: San Bernardino BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO September 14, 2021 Design-Build Construct New Fire Training Tower Bid Date: 9/14/2021

10:00 AM

Camera Install at Senior & Teen Center

March Air Reserve Base Bid Date: 9/14/2021

It is anticipated that the solicitation will be issued electronically on or about 9 August 2021 and made available via the Federal Contract Opportunities website at, with a bid due date tentatively scheduled for 9 September 2021 at 1000 PST. For information on how to register your company on Federal Contract Opportunities, to view or receive updates and notifications to the solicitation, please reference the Contract Opportunities web site home page.Design-Build Construct New Fire Training Tower:***Please Request Role: This opportunity has controlled attachments. You need a role to access them.The 452 Operational Contracting Office at March Air Reserve Base intends to issue an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for a firm-fixed-price construction project for a design/build new construction of a three-story fire training tower (PDPG 12-0103) at March ARB, CA. The statement of work for this requirement outlines two phases: design (at 65%, 95% and 100%) and build for construction of the new facility. The contractor will be required to submit phased designs, prepare the new site, construct a foundation, and provide electrical services, fuel services connecting to the existing propane tank, new water service by installing two new fire hydrants, and build a new permanent structure. This project requires close coordination between contractor, Civil Engineering Construction Management, and Base Operations as the work will be accomplished in a secured access facility. The project requires designs from licensed professional engineers in the fields of electrical and civil engineering. The contractor should have experience managing projects that include grading/site work, concrete foundation construction, and a permanent structure construction. AGC #: 21-03187

September 14, 2021

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: FA466421B0002 Est: $5,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Primary Point of Contact: 951-6553227, Fax Number 951-655-5753, Secondary Point of Contact: Kelly Scott, Phone 951-655-4331, Fax: 951-655-5753 Owner: FA4664 452 LG LGC BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

10:00 AM


The intent of this project is to replace and add additional cameras to the existing camera systemsat the Indio Teen Center and Indio Senior Center to ensure optimal coverage. Replacement ofthe systems should include replacing existing wiring and installation of new wiring at proposednew camera locations. This project will also include the replacement of the existing VMS (VideoManagement Servers) at both locations. The VMS servers should include hot swappable drives,redundant power supplies, the ability to withstand a single drive failure, include any and alllicenses needed to connect, and come with a 5-year warranty. The City has a requirement of one(1) year of retention for all videos please size the VMS accordingly. Alternatively, the bidder maypropose a cloud storage solution or a hybrid of cloud and local storage to meet the one (1) yearretention requirement. If a cloud or hybrid solution is proposed, include costs for the first five (5) years of storage fees. The City has existing capacity in its current POE switches for the camerasystems. AGC #: 21-03318

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: BD2103 Est: $95,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A and or B and or C-7 and or C-10 - Direct Inquiries to Gloria Hernandez, 760-391-4013 Obtain Bid Package: ( for Technical Information: Mike Edgar (760) 250-3528 ( Owner: City of Indio BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

San Clemente Campground Asphalt Repairs Bid Date: 9/14/2021

2:00 PM

San Clemente

Scope of work includes: furnish all labor, material, tools, and equipment necessary to remove all sand, weed debris, and fine clean asphalt, and remove and replace asphalt to sunken or deteriorated areas. Approximately 2,300 square feet of repairs are involved. AGC #: 21-03422 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/2/21 @ 10:00AM: Orange Coast District Office in San Clemente3030 Avenida Del Presidente, San Clemente, CA 92672. Addenda: 0 Ref#: C21925014 Est: $20,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Prevailing wages - 60 calendar days - Contractor's License Class A -or- C12 Direct inquiries to Michelle Humphrey: Owner: CA Dept of Parks & Recreation BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 14, 2021

Riverside Photovoltaic Solar System Design Pacific Southwest (PSW) Research Station Bid Date: 9/14/2021

4:00 PM


Midway City Sanitary District Addition & Remodel Bid Date: 9/14/2021

2:00 PM


Riverside Photovoltaic Solar System Design Pacific Southwest (PSW) Research StationThis project is to design a solar photovoltaic system for the Pacific Southwest Research Station, Riverside Fire Lab, located in Riverside, CA. Work involves assessing the site current power usage and electrical systems, providing an evaluation of the location for installing a photo-voltaic solar system that meets site needs, providing construction drawings and specifications, and furnishing a cost estimate for installation of the solar system. The construction documents will provide the Government with complete project information to enable a solicitation of bids for construction. The current estimated power usage of the site is 425,000 kWh per year.

1. General Work Description: :• Interior Remodeling in the MCSD main office building, consisting of approximately 3,700 square feet.• Demolition of an existing 900 square foot out-building• Demolition of an existing 3400 square foot out-building• Interior Demolition of an existing single-occupancy restroom and rework to storage room. (Building C)• Construction of a 3,800 square foot office addition to the existing main office (Building A).• Construction of a new 940 square foot masonry Locker/Restroom building (Building B).• Coordination and Installation of temporary office trailers (including utility connection) and relocation of office furnishings from the main building to the trailers.• Underground conduit from main switchgear to future solar panel carport.• Installation of fire sprinklers in Buildings A and B.

AGC #: 21-03474

AGC #: 21-03499

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 127EAX21R0038 Est: $100,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contact: Michelle Bahr, Contract Specialist, (928) 333-6278, Owner: USDA Forest Service BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Heavy Equipment Rental Services

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 202041 Est: $2,800,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Ken Robbins: (714) 893-3553 and/or Owner: Midway City Sanitary District (714) 893-3553 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

San Bernardino Elevator Maintenance Services Bid Date: 9/14/2021 2:00 PM Various City Locations Heavy Equipment Rental Services**There will not be a pre-bid conference, however, the deadline for questions is Tuesday, August Provide monthly maintenance and annual testing for the Agency’s 31, 2021 @ 12:00pm. Answers and questions will be posted on elevators located at the Hemet facility and the Corona Transit Center Tuesday, September 7, 2021. AGC #: 21-03500 Project Type: Engineering AGC #: 21-03490 Project Type: RFQ Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-055 Addenda: 0 Ref#: PWG121-ADMIN-4277 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner email to Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Jason - Prevailing Wage - Contractors CloningerContact Phone: (909)387-8258Contact Email: License Class C-1 - Direct Inquiries to jason.cloninger@pur.sbcounty.govBid Number: PWG121-ADMIN- 4277 Owner: Riverside Transit Agency (951) 565-5184 Owner: San Bernardino County Dept of Public Works-Contracts BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Div automatically directed to the project online. Bid Date: 9/14/2021

2:00 PM

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

City-Wide Street Sweeping Services Bid Date: 9/14/2021

2:00 PM

Desert Hot Springs

City-Wide Street Sweeping Services AGC #: 21-03502

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner at - Direct Inquiries to NicholasHaecker at (760) 329-6411 ext. 223. Owner: City of Desert Hot Springs 760-329-411 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 14, 2021

Chino City Hall Water Fountain Repair Bid Date: 9/14/2021

10:00 AM

Locating Subsurface Facilities Chino Bid Date: 9/14/2021

Contractor shall remove old pebble/plaster material from fountain and install newpebble/plaster material in fountain. The drain covers shall be replaced, and the fountain should be tested for leaks. Repaircracks on the coping around the fountain, and replace the missing coping tiles in kind. Upgrade fountain controllers that willintegrate with the current setup and replace sprayers, matching in kind. Clean up and debris removal shall be theresponsibility of the contractor. AGC #: 21-03519

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: IFB# 20217045 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-53 Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Daniel Vest Owner: City of Chino BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

WMARC-410 Crushed Rock Bid Date: 9/14/2021

1:30 PM

Moreno Valley & Beaumont

The Riverside County Departments of Waste Resources (Waste Resources) and Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood Control) are soliciting quotations from vendors capable of supplying and delivering crushed rock required throughout the year(s), with the intent to award a multi-year agreement to one or more vendors determined to be the lowest, most responsive responsible bidder(s) according to the details in this RFQ. Waste Resources requires crushed rock in various applications at its two largest active landfills in Moreno Valley, CA, Beaumont, CA and Flood Control requires crushed rock at various jobsites. In addition, the Department may require material at any of the thirty-two (32) closed/inactive sites and jobsites located within Riverside County (See Section 12.0). AGC #: 21-03537

Project Type: Supplier

Addenda: 0 Ref#: WMARC-410 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Electronic Only) - Direct Inquiries to Derek Price-Nolen(951) Owner: Riverside County Purchasing & Fleet Services (951) 955-4937 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2:00 PM


The City of Riverside (“City”) is seeking a qualified entity or individual (“Company”) to locateunderground utilities. The City anticipates selecting one firm to perform the services for bothprevailing wage and non-prevailing wage projects. The work involves responding to allexcavation notices received from the One Call Center for excavations within the geographicareas described in Exhibit D and marking facilities for Electric Utility, Water Utility and SewerForce Main. This underground facility location service is vital to capital improvementconstruction projects and development-driven projects in the City.The City of Riverside averages 1,000 electric, 1,250 water, and 70 sewer locates per month, 9%of these tickets are Public Work Projects and fall under Prevailing Wage. Definition of a PublicWorks projects: construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work done undercontract and paid in whole or in part out of public funds. It can include preconstruction and postconstructionactivities related to a public works project. AGC #: 21-03549

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP 2123 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Jairo Cortez Owner: City of Riverside BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

SHARC-Kitchen Exhaust System Cleaning Bid Date: 9/14/2021

1:30 PM


The County of Riverside Purchasing Department on behalf of Riverside County Sheriff’s correctional facilities is soliciting quotations for Bi-Annual Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning as detailed in Exhibit A, page 10.Site 1 Robert Presley Detention Center4000 Orange Street,Riverside, CA 92501Site 2 Cois M. Byrd Detention Center30755-B Auld Road,Murrieta, CA 92563Site 3 Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility1627 S. Hargrave Street,Banning, CA 92220Site 4 Blythe Jail260 N. Spring Street,Blythe, CA 92225Site 5 John J. Benoit Detention Center82675 Hwy 111,Indio, CA 92201 AGC #: 21-03561 Project Type: RFQ Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/31/21 at 10am at the Robert Presley Detention Center, 4000 Orange Street Riverside, CA 92501, it will continue at the Cois M. Byrd Detention Center, 30755-B Auld Road, Murrieta, CA 92563, and end at the Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility, 1627 Hargrave Street, Banning, CA 92220. An additional job walk will occur on Wednesday, September 01, 2021 Addenda: 0 Ref#: SHARC-2022-RFQ0000340 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Julissa Terriquez+1 951-955-7286 ext. Owner: County of Riverside-Purchasing & Fleet Services BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 15, 2021

Fuel Tank Infrastructure, Phase II, Victorville Bid Date: 9/15/2021

2:00 PM


- Fuel Tank Infrastructure, Phase II, Victorville AGC #: 21-03083 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 7/27/21 @ 10:00 am at 15000 Tokay Street, Victorville, CA 92395. Meeting will take place at the project location inside the gate in the parking area. Addenda: 1 Ref#: ANE221-ANE2C-4135 Est: $700,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B - For information regarding this project, contact Joel Garnica, Supervising Project Manager, at (909)387-5224. DO NOT CONTACT THE DESIGN CONSULTANT. All technical questions to be submitted to the Project Manager in writing via email at The subject line of the email should include the project number, as found in the bid documents, along with the project name and RFI. All questions must be submitted no later than August 10, 2021. No questions will be answered within seventy-two hours of the bid opening. Owner: County of San Bernardino Architecture & Engineering (888) 818-8988 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Drilling, Construction, Development, and Testing Monitoring Wells MW-1 & MW-2 Bid Date: 9/15/2021

4:00 PM

Lake Elsinore

Submit all required samples, product data, certificates, operations and maintenance instructions, guarantees, and other submittals no later than five (5) days after the date the BCGSA issues a Notice to Proceed.• Obtain all necessary permits and approvals for the Work.• Protect all materials to be used in the Work in accordance with the specifications.• Protect existing facilities and personal property.• Attend a preconstruction conference with the BCGSA to discuss schedule, access,sequence of work, and other issues.• Prepare and submit a written daily activity report to the BCGSA for each day onwhich work is performed, including weekends and holidays when worked, andsubmit the reports to the BCGSA no later than the next business day. The dailyreports shall, at a minimum, include the following information: constructionactivities and locations, construction crew sizes of general and subcontractors,start or completion of activities, progress on construction activities (including unitsor portions of work completed), tests or inspections performed, deliveries ofmaterial or equipment, delays or potential delays, visitors to the site, weatherconditions, construction equipment used, and personal injuries or damage toproperty.• The Contractor shall be responsible for unloading, hoisting and otherwise handlingits own materials, supplies and equipment.• Coordinate with owner-scheduled events.• The Contractor is responsible for researching and complying with all local codes,agencies and jurisdictions that regulate and govern the Work.• Contractor shall set up, identify, coordinate, provide safe access, and obtain allinspections for its work, as required by any authorized agency or applicable code,prior to covering up work. AGC #: 21-03088 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/3/21 at 10:00am via Microsoft Teams Addenda: 1 Ref#: 5001 Est: $315,245 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class C-57 - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Kelia Jones 951 Owner: Bedford-Coldwater Groundwater Sustainability Authority (951) 674-3146 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 15, 2021

Roof Replacement at City's Corporate Yard Building A Bid Date: 9/15/2021

2:00 PM

ATN - Claudina - Electrical

Santa Ana Bid Date: 9/15/2021

The City of Santa Ana is soliciting competitive bids from qualified contractors to furnish labor, equipment and materials for services including, but not limited to, roof replacement at the City's of Corporate Yard Building A, 220 SOuth Daisy Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92703. AGC #: 21-03213 Project Type: Prebid Conf: MANDATORY NEW DATE: 8/26/21 @ 8:00AM: Location remains the same_8/19/21 @ 8:00AM: City Yard – Building A 220 S Daisy Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92703 (Contractors must enter through entrance on Center Street and meet outside the entrance of building A, by the flag poles) Addenda: 4 Ref#: 21-089 Est: $450,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 30 days - Contractor's License Class C-39 - Direct inquiries to Eva Pierce: and/or 714-6476584 Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works

11:00 AM


Furnish and install all labor, materials, and equipment required to successfully complete the electrical scope of work for construction of a brand-new bus parking, infrastructure and charging stations for an allelectric bus fleet, and a mezzanine with parking and a dispatch office for Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN). AGC #: 21-03383

Project Type:

Addenda: 4 Ref#: 200020-005 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Current and valid contractor's license per CSLB requirements - Direct inquiries to Steven Mootz - (949) 877-8877 and/or BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

ATN - Claudina - Structural Steel Bid Date: 9/15/2021

11:00 AM


BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Furnish and install all labor, materials, and equipment required to successfully complete the structural steel scope of work for construction of a brand-new bus parking, infrastructure and charging ATN - Claudina - Dry/Wet Utilities stations for an all-electric bus fleet, and a mezzanine with parking and Bid Date: 9/15/2021 11:00 AM Anaheim a dispatch office for Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN). Furnish and install all labor, materials, and equipment required to AGC #: 21-03384 Project Type: successfully complete the dry/wet utilities scope of work for construction of a brand-new bus parking, infrastructure and charging Addenda: 4 Ref#: 200020-004 stations for an all-electric bus fleet, and a mezzanine with parking and Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing a dispatch office for Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN). wages - Current and valid contractor's license per CSLB AGC #: 21-03382 Project Type: requirements - Direct inquiries to Steven Mootz - (949) 877-8877 and/or Addenda: 4 Ref#: 200020-006 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing automatically directed to the project online. wages - Current and valid contractor's license per CSLB ATN - Claudina - Masonry requirements - Direct inquiries to Steven Mootz - (949) 877-8877 and/or Bid Date: 9/15/2021 11:00 AM Anaheim Owner: Anaheim Transportation Network Furnish and install all labor, materials, and equipment required to BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be successfully complete the masonry scope of work for construction of a automatically directed to the project online. brand-new bus parking, infrastructure and charging stations for an allelectric bus fleet, and a mezzanine with parking and a dispatch office for Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN). AGC #: 21-03385

Project Type:

Addenda: 4 Ref#: 200020-003 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Current and valid contractor's license per CSLB requirements - Direct inquiries to Steven Mootz - (949) 877-8877 and/or BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 15, 2021

ATN - Claudina -Site Concrete Bid Date: 9/15/2021

Oro Grande Building Demolition

11:00 AM

Anaheim Bid Date: 9/15/2021

Furnish and install all labor, materials, and equipment required to successfully complete the site concrete scope of work for construction of a brand-new bus parking, infrastructure and charging stations for an all-electric bus fleet, and a mezzanine with parking and a dispatch office for Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN). AGC #: 21-03386

Project Type:

Addenda: 4 Ref#: 200020-002 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Current and valid contractor's license per CSLB requirements - Direct inquiries to Steven Mootz - (949) 877-8877 and/or BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2:00 PM

Oro Grande

Contractor shall provide all supervision, labor, equipment, materials, andtransportation necessary to complete the Project that includes Asbestos Abatement, VerifyingUtilities are terminated prior to starting work, Demolishing the entire structure including stemwalls and slab if present as well as surrounding concrete walkways. Contractor is responsible forcleaning up all debris and properly disposing of all construction materials/debris. Contractor is toleave the site with graded clean dirt. as shown on the Bid Documents, including the Plans andSpecifications. AGC #: 21-03410 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/1/21 at 10:00am at 15124 Olive St, Oro Grande, California. BIDS SUBMITTED BY FIRMS NOT ATTENDING THE MANDATORY PREBID MEETING WILL BE REJECTED AS NONRESPONSIVE.

Addenda: 0 Ref#: SPD122-SPDAD-4322 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-21 Bid Date: 9/15/2021 11:00 AM Anaheim Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Furnish and install all labor, materials, and equipment required to (909)361-0475 successfully complete the building concrete scope of work for Owner: San Bernardino County Dept of Public Works construction of a brand-new bus parking, infrastructure and charging stations for an all-electric bus fleet, and a mezzanine with parking and BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. a dispatch office for Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN).

ATN - Claudina - Building Concrete

AGC #: 21-03387

Project Type:

Addenda: 4 Ref#: 200020-001 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Current and valid contractor's license per CSLB requirements - Direct inquiries to Steven Mootz - (949) 877-8877 and/or BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 15, 2021

A100 VPAS Office Reconfiguration at Irvine Valley College Mills electrical Upgrades, Stage 2 Bid Date: 9/15/2021

2:00 PM

Irvine Bid Date: 9/15/2021

Demo (exhibit A)• Remove ceiling tiles in VPSS and VPAS offices.• Remove back and left wall from doorway in A112• Remove back wall of A111• Door opening to A112 removed (lobby door). Save lock hardware and door to be reused as part of this scope• Door opening to A113 to be removed (lobby door) Save lock hardware and door to be reused as part of this scope• Remove door between A113 and A114 to create a passage way. Save lock hardware and door to be reused• All electrical outlets, network plugs, and light switches to be safe off by the campus electricians.Build back (exhibit B)• Build new walls(shown in red in exhibit B) below the ceiling grid with new doorways (4)• Use metal studs, insulation, and 5/8” drywall• Reuse and reinstall when possible doors and frames previously taken down• Install new doorways from the lobby to the offices as shown• Reuse hardware and doors previously taken down if possible• Supply and install new doors and jams as needed• Keep lobby facing windows if possible• Drywall removal needed below exterior facing windows to allow our electricians to relocate electrical outlets and network for new furniture layout. • Patching and painting to be included in this scope after electrical rough in is completed• New walls to include texturing to match existing surrounding walls• Include painting of all walls within the work area• Paint used on campus is Dunn Edwards Whisper Gray • Include paint touch ups on doors reused as needed.• Install ceiling insulation blanket over the entire VPAS area including up to 8’ past shared walls between offices• Install new ceiling tiles throughout the VPSS and VPAS offices.• Include carpet patching if necessary and new rubber cove base where needed AGC #: 21-03470 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/27/21 @ 10:00AM: RSVP to Ramon Montiel: rmontiel@ivc.edu__Further instruction will be given to those who email RSVP Addenda: 1 Ref#: 3813-2021 Est: $70,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 30 Calendar Days - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Purchasing Department: Owner: South Orange Community College District/Irvine Valley College BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2:00 PM


The work consists of adding supporting infrastructure for an incoming 12kV service, upgrading plant’s 4,160V main switchgear and standby generator switchgear; replacing existing emergency generator control panels and generator PLC, installing new electrical conduits, ductbanks and manholes; expanding switchgear building; and various other electrical improvements; and performing other appurtenant work as specified and shown on the drawings AGC #: 21-03472 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/17/21 at 1pm Henry J. Mills Water Treatment Plant, 550 E. Alessandro Blvd., Riverside, CA 92508 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1990 Est: $92,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A or C-10 - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Owner: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Professional Eng Design Services for Water Engineering Services (Civil Eng & Principal Eng) Bid Date: 9/15/2021

4:00 PM


Consultant shall provide Professional Eng Services for Water Engineering Services (Civil Engineer & Principal Engineer). AGC #: 21-03492

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: NOTE: Submission of INTENT to SUBMIT PROPOSAL form due 9/8/21 @ 4:00PM via email: and/or Owner: City of Fullerton/Public Works Department – Engineering Division BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

SOQ for Architectural Services Bid Date: 9/15/2021

2:00 PM

San Jacinto

The SAN JACINTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT is requesting Statements of Qualifications forarchitectural services from qualified firms for the construction a new elementary school. AGC #: 21-03534

Project Type: SOQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: SOQ #2022-001 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner- Direct Inquiries to Michael P. Collins at (951) 654-7769 or email Owner: San Jacinto Unified School District (951) 654-7760 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 16, 2021

Trails Master Plan - Phase II Professional Consulting Services Bid Date: 9/15/2021

10:00 AM

Corona Bid Date: 9/16/2021

Trails Master Plan - Phase II Professional Consulting Services AGC #: 21-03544

7144- CDCR - Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment California Institution for Men

Project Type: RFP

2:00 PM


Project comprises labor, material and services necessary for: Install and electrically connect EVSE infrastructure to include wiring devices and all required associated items for a complete and operational system including required testing. Provide the required saw cutting, trenching, backfilling and finishing of the affected lot surface and restore to original condition. Provide and install all items shown on the drawings including the ADA accessible ports and as specified unless otherwise noted as not in contract or existing to remain.

Addenda: 2 Ref#: RFP 22-013RH Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (electronic Only) - Prevailing Wage Direct Inquiries to Richard Hogate Owner: City of Corona AGC #: 21-02838 Project Type: Engineering BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Prebid Conf: MANDATORY automatically directed to the project online. 8/31/21, 2 pm, Microsoft Teams Virtual Meeting Comments: This is a virtual site inspection. Only bidder who have passed CDCR's security Landscape Maint Services at the Indio DMV Field Re-Bid clearance will be given access to the virtual meeting. Bidder’s Bid Date: 9/15/2021 3:30 PM Indio representative(s) planning to participate in the mandatory virtual prebid meeting must meet the deadline to contact Isolette Gunther at 91621-061 REBID #1 - Landscape Maintenance Services at the Indio 255-668 DMV Field Office. Addenda: 1 Ref#: 7144 Event ID: Est: $119,000 AGC #: 21-03578 Project Type: Engineering 0000020097 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner: Bids are due before 2:00 P.M., Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-061 REBID Est: $47,124 August 3, 2021. Bids shall be submitted electronically to Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-27 Working Days 45 Calendar Days Direct Inquiries to Julie Phang 916/651-2556 Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class C-10 - Direct Inquiries to Judy Casazza, Owner: Department of Motor Vehicles Contract Svcs Section Owner: State of California Department of General Services (916) 651-2556 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

PC1233 Redlands Burn Units 810/812 Granada Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM

San Bernardino

Includes but is not limited to perform a full remodel for unit 812. Exterior work includes the removal and replacement of the roof and roof structure. interior work includes the removal of all GYP. board on all interior walls and ceilings. Removal of all flooring, finishes, casework, fixtures. AGC #: 21-02870 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/12/21, 9 am, 810 Granada Ct. Redlands, CA 92374 Addenda: 0 Ref#: PC1233 Est: $153,133 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic Only - Prevailing Wage Contractors License Class B - Direct Inquires to Cliff Goss Owner: Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino (909) 332-6342 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO September 16, 2021 QVL for Incidental Architect-Engineer Services Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM

September 16, 2021 Construction of Wells No. 60 and 61

County of Orange Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM


The County of Orange is soliciting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) The work to be undertaken consists of construction of two new from qualified firms to establish a Qualified Vendor List (QVL) for groundwater wells at the City’s Santa Cruz site. Incidental Services of which Architect-Engineering (“A-E”) Consultants AGC #: 21-03277 Project Type: Engineering can be selected for various A-E related County services. Addenda: 2 Ref#: 20210722 Est: $3,800,000 AGC #: 21-03223 Project Type: RFQ Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing Addenda: 1 Ref#: 017-C012501-SL wages - 180 calendar days - Contractor's License Class A and CMisc. Notes: Bids to owner 57 - Direct inquiries to Patrick Kelley: (760) 680-0497 and/or ( - Prevailing wages Direct inquiries to Sapreena L Leoso via Owner: City of Anaheim-Public Works Dept BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: County of Orange, County Executive Office/County automatically directed to the project online. Procurement Office BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Direct Buried Cable Replacement Phase 14

Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM


Construction will consist of installing new conduits and underground structures, cables and transformers to replace degrading direct buried Bid Date: 9/16/2021 2:00 PM Riverside electrical cables; and install new underground-service concrete streetlights to remove and install overhead wood poles. The work is RCTC-PS&E for the Mid Country Parkway Project Construction No 2 located in several neighborhoods throughout the City of Anaheim from Redlands Ave to Ramona ExpresswayThe Riverside County Lincoln Terrace, Coronado Palms, Hillcrest Village, and Fairmont, and Transportation Commission (Commission), in cooperationwith the emergent locations for restoration of electric service. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the California Department ofTransportation (Caltrans), the County of Riverside and the City of AGC #: 21-03286 Project Type: Engineering Perris, as partof the Mid County Parkway Project (MCP), proposes to build a portion of the projectin the city of Perris and in incorporated Addenda: 4 Ref#: RCP2019-15679 Est: $7,500,000 Riverside County. The proposed projectwill add one mix flow lane in Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing each direction from Redlands Avenue to WilsonAvenue and it will wages - Contractor's License Class A and C-10 - Direct inquiries taper to two lanes in each direction from Wilson Avenue toRamona to Rodolfo Villalva: and/or Omar Expressway, and then taper down to one lane in each direction as Alameddine: itconnects to Ramona Expressway. There will be a 10’ medium buffer BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be and 2’ outsideshoulders and bridging over the Perris Valley Storm automatically directed to the project online. Drain and Evans Road. Thedetailed scope of services is included in this RFQ package as Exhibit ‘A’.The Offeror shall provide a single Placentia Civic Center Courtyard Trellis Replacement point of contact to direct and coordinate all workactivities under this Bid Date: 9/16/2021 3:00 PM Placentia agreement. The Offeror’s SOQ shall describe its approach formanaging the PS&E. Each SOQ shall include a preliminary staffing The City of Placentia invites sealed bids for the Wood Replacement of plan and anorganization chart. the trellis located at 401 E. Chapman Ave.

RCTC-PS&E for the Mid Country Parkway

AGC #: 21-03270

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 2 Ref#: RFQ No 21-31-119-00 Est: $126,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Prevailing Wage Direct Inquiries to Jose Mendoza Owner: Riverside County Transportation Commission BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03291

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 1 Ref#: Est: $150,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class A or B - Direct inquiries to Joel Cardenas: or (714) 993-8134. Owner: City of Placentia/Office of City Clerk (714) 993-8134 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 16, 2021

Switchback Passenger Boarding Ramp Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM

Palm Springs

Switchback Passenger Boarding Ramp for Palm Springs International Airport AGC #: 21-03462

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: IFB 22-02 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Leigh Gileno Owner: City of Palm Springs (760) 322-8325 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Miscellaneous Water Vault Rehabilitations - (NOS. 10, 25, 49, AND 94) Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM

Bid Date: 9/16/2021

3:00 PM


This Project includes the design and construction of a new Transfer Center in Hesperia,CA. The Center rough order of magnitude show dimensions and will have 8 sawtooth buscutouts and as any passenger car parking spots as determined are necessary for the size of theapproximately 16’ x 20’ building containing a Security office, 4 restrooms, and space for vendingmachines. The center will be constructed with an appealing façade and internal walls fornecessary space. The location of the Center is approx. 165 ft by 400 ft on the northern portionof a 2.74-acre lot just to the north of the VVTA Maintenance and Operations Facility, located onthe corner of E Avenue and Live Oak Street see attached drawing exhibit 1. AGC #: 21-03473

Project Type: RFQ

Anaheim Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-17 Est: $5,150,000 : Owner: Victor Valley Transit Authority 760-948-3030

This work consists of the rehabilitation of four (4) water transmission line vaults, to include replacement of valves, piping, fittings, and connections to existing concrete cylinder pipe (CCP) ranging from 14inches through 36-inches in diameter. Other elements include vault structural and electrical improvements, lead based paint testing and abatement if needed, asphalt paving, sidewalk, curb & gutter, landscaping disturbed by construction and any appurtenant work needed. AGC #: 21-03464

RFQ for a DB Contract for the Hesperia Transfer Hub (Letter of Interest)

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: RCP2020-17927 Est: $900,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 240 working days - Contractor's License Class A and/or C34 - Direct inquiries to Joel Jordan: Owner: City of Anaheim-Public Works Dept BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Demolition of a Fire Damaged Building Bid Date: 9/16/2021

2:00 PM

Lake Elsinore

The contractor will furnish a proposal and price for all materials, labor and equipmentto complete the job and deliver the entire site. The contractor must familiarize himself with thesite, all details of the work required, and existing conditions. The contractor must be a goingentity for at least 5 years, produce a valid certificate of liability insurance, which must be onhand before work begins. All work will be permitted and inspected through the City of LakeElsinore Building Department AGC #: 21-03501

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Z3021BLDDEMO Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors license Class “B” or a Class “A” Contractor’s License or acombination of Specialty Bid Date: 9/16/2021 2:00 PM Anaheim Class “C” Direct Inquiries to Gus Papagolos, The work to be undertaken at the Central Library Outdoor Space Owner: City of Lake Elsinore (951) 674-3124 consists of installing a 22' x 24' shade structure, pedestrian BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be maintenance gate, security light, convenience outlets, and all automatically directed to the project online. appurtenant work.

Central Library Outdoor Space Improvement and Euclid Library Outdoor Space - RE-BID

AGC #: 21-03466

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: GRA2020-03567, Est: $425,000 BLD2020-02649, BLD2021-00343 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 50 Working Days - Contractor's License Class A or B Direct inquiries to Sachindu Lokukatagoda:

Addenda: 0

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 16, 2021

2020/2021 SB-1 Street Maintenance Improvements Bid Date: 9/16/2021

3:00 PM

I-15 Limonite Interchange Maint Services Riverside Bid Date: 9/16/2021

The project entails street maintenance improvements throughout the City of Riverside on six arterial streets including Orange Street (Fourteenth Street to University Avenue), University Avenue (Ottawa Avenue to Iowa Avenue), Jurupa Avenue (Van Buren Boulevard toWilderness Avenue), Indiana Avenue (Adams Street to Jefferson Street), Van Buren Boulevard (Dufferin Avenue to Southerly City Limit), and Arlington Avenue (Chadbourne Avenue to Crest Avenue). This project generally includes, but is not limited to, the resurfacing of deteriorated pavement with DGAC, or FRAC and ARAM treatment; reconstructing damaged concrete sidewalks, driveways,pedestrian ramps, bus pads, cross gutters, curbs, and gutters; adjustment of water meters boxes, water gate valve covers, and sewer, storm drain, and electric manholes; and replacement of traffic striping, signs, and detector loops. This project will also include the removal of an RTA bus stop shelter as well as underground electrical work to relocate a pull box and modify two existing street light service conduits. AGC #: 21-03518

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 7851 Est: $5,147,829 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronically) - Contractors License Class A or C12 - Direct Inquiries to Ben Hatheway 951826-5561 Owner: City of Riverside

5:00 PM


The City of Eastvale (City) is soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide ongoing maintenance for the Limonite Interchange landscaping located within the City of Eastvale (City) and the City of Jurupa Valley (Partner City). The maintenance for this project is funded by various public funds including public works maintenance funds. It is imperative that special attention is given to the maintenance of these projects and the plant materials remains thriving and in excellent condition.Elements to be maintained may include:• Parkway Landscape Maintenance• Fuel Modification Areas• Basins• Undeveloped/Natural areas.• Graded Slope Maintenance• Trees• Street right of way• Irrigation Maintenance/Water Management AGC #: 21-03528

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class C-27 - Direct Inquiries to Dahi Kim Owner: City of Eastvale BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Burlington - Countryside Marketplace (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 9/16/2021

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

5:00 PM


General Scope: Tenant space improvement. Converting “Forever 21 & Justice” stores into Burlington. Additional information to be updated. Trades Needed:Final CleanDemoConcreteFloor Ayala Park Improvements PH 1A SealerMasonrySteelRough CarpentryFinish Bid Date: 9/16/2021 2:00 PM Chino CarpentryInsulationRoofingSheet MetalSealants/CoatingDoorsGlass/StorefrontMetal AYALA PARK IMPROVEMETNS - NORTH PARKING LOT, PICNIC Stud/DrywallTileAcoustical CeilingFlooringPaintingFRP/MarliteBath & PAVILION, AND ACCESSIBILITY PROJECT (PHASE 1A)Scope will AccessoriesFF&EFire ProtectionPlumbingHVACElectricalEMSDocks include removal of the entire north parking lot asphalt, including & Facilities existing adjacentconcrete walkways and curbs, trees, center median, irrigation, picnic pavilion, picnic tables, barbeques, and one (1) AGC #: 21-03532 Project Type: Commercial drinkingfountain. A new subterranean drainage system will be installed under the new parking lot to catch water runoff for properfiltration, new Addenda: 0 Ref#: asphalt, striping, new curb and gutter, new walkways, new trees and Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL drip irrigation, new picnic pavilion, newaccessible tables, and one (1) inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE new drinking fountain. To complete this project, the intersection OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to adjacent to the entrance intothe parking lot will be redesigned and us from ( Tri-State General Contractors ) , there may be other properly striped to provide a safe path of travel for park users utilizing GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to the multi-usetrail. bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they AGC #: 21-03521 Project Type: Engineering vary from what’s posted. Prebid Conf: MANDATORY : 8/31/21 at 10am at 14225 Central Ave Chino, CA 91710 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Addenda: 0 Ref#: IFB# 20218005 Est: $1,477,705 Misc. Notes: Engineer's Estimate (includes 15% Contingency and General Conditions) Owner: City of Chino BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 16, 2021

Just-In-Time Irrigation Supply Bid Date: 9/16/2021

1:00 PM

On-Call General Building Maintenance Services Corona-Norco Bid Date: 9/16/2021

The purpose of this bid is to solicit offers from qualified Bidders to provide Just-In-Time Irrigation Supplies for District-wide use. AGC #: 21-03536

Project Type: Supplier

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-22-092 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Jacqueline Hager Owner: Corona-Norco Unified School District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2:00 PM

Newport Beach

The City of Newport Beach is soliciting for proposals to select qualified firms to provide general building maintenance services various City facilities on an on-call basis for an estimated two (2) to three (3) year term, with an intended (not guaranteed) not-to-exceed agreement amount of $120,000 to $155,000. AGC #: 21-03593 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/7/21 @ 9:00AM: 592 Superior Avenue (Corporation Yard) Building A Conference Room

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 22-06 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing On-Call Welding Services for Water Resources wages - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Kyle Bid Date: 9/16/2021 12:00 PM Santa Ana Brodowski: 949-644-3464 and/or The work consists of providing on-call welding services to the City's Water Resources Division. Owner: City of Newport Beach/Public Works Dept AGC #: 21-03540 Project Type: RFP BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-098 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Direct inquiries to Armando Fernandez: Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works

automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Crosswalk Bid Date: 9/16/2021

10:00 AM


The Works consists of, but not limited to crosswalk improvements includinginstallation of Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (RRFB), traffic signs, ADA rampsand striping at the following intersections:1. Rancho Avenue, at H Street (adjacent to Colton High School)2. Rancho Avenue, at G Street (adjacent to Colton High School)3. Rancho Avenue, at F Street (adjacent to Colton High School)4. Rancho Avenue, at E Street (adjacent to Colton High School)5. C Street, at 2nd Street (adjacent to Colton High School)6. Laurel Street, at Valencia Drive (adjacent to Colton Middle School)7. Laurel Street, east of Valencia Drive (adjacent to Colton Middle School)8. Rancho Avenue, north of Louise Street (adjacent to McKinley Elementary)9. Johnston Street, at East Evelyn Circle (adjacent to McKinley Elementary)10. Johnston Street, at Serrano Court (adjacent to McKinley Elementary)11. Bordwell Avenue, at Olive Street (adjacent to Lincoln Elementary)12. Olive Street, at Highland Avenue (adjacent to Lincoln Elementary)13. O Street, at 8th Street (adjacent to Wilson Elementary) AGC #: 21-03587

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: HSIPL-5065(026) Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Owner: City of Colton 000-000-0000 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO September 17, 2021 Riverside National Cemetery - Demo Treatment Plant Bid Date: 9/17/2021

2:00 PM

Addenda: 0 : :

Retention Basin at Sierra Lakes ES

March Air Reserve Base Bid Date: 9/17/2021

This project will demo the existing water treatment plant and replace two pump stations, repairs to existing lake (dredge, liner replacement, etc, new entrance (signs, landscaping, etc). AGC #: 21-03488

September 17, 2021

Project Type: Building


BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

3:00 PM


The Contractor shall furnish all tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, transportation, labor and material, otherthan material, if any, agreed to be furnished by the District hereunder, necessary to perform and complete, in agood and workmanlike manner, the work described in other sections of these specifications and included in thelist of Contract Documents on the cover sheet of these specifications. AGC #: 21-03566 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/3/21 at10am at Sierra Lakes Elementary School, at the lower parking lot, located at 5740 Avenal Pl., Fontana, California 92336

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21/22-1595i Est: $90,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or B Bid Date: 9/17/2021 2:00 PM San Juan Capistrano Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Marycruz Perez, General Scope:Warehouse Building (Shell): 62,860 sf Mezzanine Level: 6,050 sfTI/Office: 6,891 sfClear Height: 28' Building Slab: 6" Owner: Fontana Unified School District (909) 357-7600 Thick SlabTruck Dock: 6.5" Thick SlabPanel thickness: 8-1/2" Thick PanelsLight Duty Asphalt (Auto Drive/Stalls): 3" AC over 8" Aggregate BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. BaseHeavy Duty Asphalt (Truck Drives): 4" AC over 13" Aggregate Base Proposals must be broken out as follows:* Offsite* Onsite* Shell Installation of TV Displays Districtwide Building* TI/Office. Bid Date: 9/17/2021 2:00 PM Fontana AGC #: 21-03535 Project Type: Commercial Installation of TV Displays Districtwide (Time and Material Bid) Addenda: 0 Ref#: AGC #: 21-03570 Project Type: Engineering Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL Prebid Conf: MANDATORY inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE 9/8/21 at 2pm at Citrus Elementary School, in front of the OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to Administration Building, located at 16041 Randall Avenue, Fontana us from ( Alston Construction Company, Inc. ) , there may be CA 92335 other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21/22-1583R Est: $1,000,000 invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class and C7 Contractor’s license and be a CommScope certified installer OR BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Class B with C7 CommScope Certified designated subcontractor automatically directed to the project online. - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Marycruz Perez, Senior Buyer, via email at

30700 Rancho Viejo Road (Sub-Bids Only)

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 17, 2021

Television Related Items with Installation, Maintenance and Citibank #694 (Sub-Bids Only) Repair Bid Date: 9/17/2021

4:00 PM

County of Orange

Bid Date: 9/17/2021

3:00 PM

Laguna Hills

Flooring: Paint: Branding Wall: Laminates: Check writer: Millwork or County of Orange requires televisions to be installed and serviced in Drywall: ATM room: Break Room: Miscellaneous Construction County jail facilities/housing units. Contractor shall provide televisions, Restrooms: Stanchions: Window Coverings: Miscellaneous enclosures, parts (necessary for installation), installation, maintenance Construction - Wealth and Gold Offices: Lighting: and repair services. All items shall be new, no refurbished items will be AGC #: 21-03663 Project Type: Commercial accepted.

AGC #: 21-03603

Project Type:

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 060-C030280-DT Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (via - Prevailing wages Direct inquiries to Dat T Thai: Owner: County of Orange, OC Public Works BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Hazardous Waste Disposal Services

Addenda: 0 Ref#: #694 Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Powerhouse Retail Services ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

County of Orange Citibank #692 (Sub-Bids Only) Lake Forest The Contractor shall provide Hazardous Waste Disposal Services for Bid Date: 9/17/2021 3:00 PM various departments throughout the County of Orange, Sheriff Flooring: Paint: Branding Wall: Laminates: Check writer: Millwork or Coroner Department. Drywall : ATM room: Break Room: Miscellaneous Construction Restrooms: Stanchions: Window Coverings: AGC #: 21-03604 Project Type: Bid Date: 9/17/2021

4:00 PM

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 060-C034075-DL Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Prevailing wages - Direct inquiries to Desiree Lopez: 714-834-2360 and/or Owner: County of Orange Sheriff-Coroner Department/Purchasing Services Bureau (714) 834-4700 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

East Alton Avenue Lot License Agreement Bid Date: 9/17/2021

3:00 PM

Santa Ana

AGC #: 21-03665

Addenda: 0 Ref#: #692 Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Powerhouse Retail Services ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

The City of Santa Ana desires to engage qualified firms wishing to enter into an exclusive license agreement to utilize City Property located at the eastern terminus of East Alton Avenue between South Standard Avenue and the SR-55 Freeway in the City of Santa Ana, California. AGC #: 21-03642

Project Type: Commercial

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-097 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic & paper) - All Questions must be submitted in writing in PB Q&A Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works Agency BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 17, 2021

Citibank #749 (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 9/17/2021

3:00 PM

Citibank #274 (Sub-Bids Only) San Clemente Bid Date: 9/17/2021

Flooring: Paint: Branding Wall: Laminates: Check writer: Millwork or Drywall: Miscellaneous Construction - Restrooms: Stanchions: Window Coverings: AGC #: 21-03666

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 0 Ref#: #749 Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Powerhouse Retail Services ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Citibank #781 (Sub-Bids Only)

10:00 AM

Costa Mesa

Remove wood paneling in Branch Manager’s office. Install drywall, patch and paint AGC #: 21-03670

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Powerhouse Retail Services ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Citibank #466 (Sub-Bids Only)

Bid Date: 9/17/2021 10:00 AM Irvine Laguna Niguel o Patch, paint, add rubber wall base o Remove night drop located in ATM room. Patch and paint Flooring: Paint: Branding Wall: Laminates: Check writer: Millwork or Drywall: ATM room: Break Room: Miscellaneous Construction AGC #: 21-03672 Project Type: Commercial Restrooms: Stanchions: Window Coverings: Addenda: 0 Ref#: AGC #: 21-03667 Project Type: Building Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL Addenda: 0 Ref#: #781 inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE us from ( Powerhouse Retail Services ) , there may be other GC’s OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid us from ( Powerhouse Retail Services ) , there may be other GC’s with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid from what’s posted. with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be from what’s posted. automatically directed to the project online. Bid Date: 9/17/2021

3:00 PM

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Citibank #728 (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 9/17/2021

3:00 PM

Newport Beach

Flooring: Paint: Branding Wall: Laminates: Check writer: Millwork or Drywall: ATM room: Break Room: Miscellaneous Construction Restrooms: AGC #: 21-03669

Project Type: Commercial

Addenda: 0 Ref#: #728 Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Powerhouse Retail Services - Crowley ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 20, 2021

Well 2A Rehabilitation Bid Date: 9/20/2021

HS GYM Bleacher Maint & Repair

3:00 PM

Hemet Bid Date: 9/20/2021

Work will primarily consist of removing and reinstalling well equipment, and videoing the well casing; inspecting, servicing, and repairing column pipe, shaft bearings, pump, and wellhead seal; reinstall motor from well and all wiring, furnish and install new airline and sounding tubing, transducer cable conduit; and disinfecting the well all per the well condition assessment and these project specifications. AGC #: 21-03485

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: CIP 5716 Est: $227,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or combination of C - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Candace Sunds Owner: City of Hemet (951) 765-2348 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

11:00 AM

San Bernardino

The Contracts for Bleacher’s initial repairs and for Semi-annual inspections & repairs as needed – Districtwide at the high schools will include the labor and materials, for the period of the contracts. The contractor shall furnish all required labor, materials, equipment, and supplies necessary to complete, in the time frame established by the District, all work defined under this scope of work and work specifications. The contractor will utilize experienced workmen, while providing full-time supervision at all times, with all High School Gymnasium Bleachers Maintenance & Repairs being completed in a professional manner. AGC #: 21-03575 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/7/21 at 9am at Cajon High School - Front gate, School main entrance 1200 W. Hill Dr. San Bernardino, CA 92407

Addenda: 0 Ref#: On-Call Eng Geology & Geotechnical Eng Review Services Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Direct Inquiries to Monica DiMasi-Valadez monica.dimasiBid Date: 9/20/2021 4:00 PM Fountain Valey The City of Fountain Valley is seeking proposals from qualified Owner: San Bernardino City Unified School District consulting firms to provide professional engineering geology and BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be geotechnical engineering review services on an on-call basis. automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03510

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-021 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct inquiries to Amanda McCall: 714-593-4413 and/or Owner: City of Fountain Valley/Purchasing Department BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Safe Mobility Santa Ana Update Bid Date: 9/20/2021

Villa Park Knowles Upgrade Bid Date: 9/20/2021

2:00 PM

Villa Park

The work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary for the complete installation of the Villa Park Knowles Upgrade.Site improvements such as new decomposed granite walkways, planting, irrigation and site amenities shall be installed to enhance the open space greenbelt located along the east side of Wanda Road between Villa Park Road and Lincoln Street as well as the corner monument located on the north east corner of Wanda Road and Collins Avenue.

5:00 PM

Santa Ana AGC #: 21-03602 Project Type: Engineering The Safe Mobility Santa Ana (SMSA) Update involves evaluating Ref#: citywide traffic safety. The SMSA Update will analyze traffic collisions, Addenda: 1 identify contributing factors or patterns, recommend improvements, Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Prevailing wages develop cost estimates, and prioritization for improvements. - Contractor's License Class A and/or C27 - Direct inquiries to Akram Hindiyeh: AGC #: 21-03564 Project Type: RFP Owner: City of Villa Park (714) 998-1500 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-082 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic & paper) - Prevailing wages - Direct inquiries to Mauricio Castaneda: 714-647-5643 and/or Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO September 20, 2021 Window Covering Supply and Maintenance Bid Date: 9/20/2021

2:00 PM

Ranchero Rd Corridor Widening

County of Orange Bid Date: 9/21/2021

Provide the Orange County Transportation Authority parts, labor and installation of various window coverings and sizes to include: Century verticals, roller shades and various other window coverings, on an as needed basis. AGC #: 21-03690

September 21, 2021

Project Type:

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 13552 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (email bids only: - Direct inquiries to Carla Shaffer: (714) 560-5884 and/or Owner: Orange County Transportation Authority (714) 560-5884 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

11:00 AM


This Project will improve roughly five miles of Ranchero Road from just east of Mariposa Road to Seventh Avenue. Proposed improvements consist of widening Ranchero Road from two lanes to four travel lanes and a center striped median with turn pockets. This includes demolition of the existing bridge structure over the DWR aqueduct and construction of a new bridge, removal of three existing CMP drainage culverts to be replaced with RCB culverts, one new RCB culvert, widening of the UPRR at-grade crossing, signalization of three intersections, relocation of approximately 2.8 miles of water pipeline, and replacement of water service lines and other incidental work related to the improvements. AGC #: 21-02815

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 18 Ref#: 7094 & 7139 Est: $44,200,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class Class A: General Engineering Contractor or an applicable Class C Specialty License - Direct Inquiries to Owner: City of Hesperia (760) 947-1216 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Single Point of Entry (SPoE) at the District Office and Operations Center Bid Date: 9/21/2021

2:00 PM


Installation of cameras and access control systems at District Office and Operations Center. Replacement of chain link and ornamental fencing at both sites. Site work as needed for ADA compliance at both sites. District Office: Replacement of sewer line, new bus lift. Bid alternates may include: asphalt paving, speed bumps, wheel stop reinstallation and striping, fencing, concrete curbs, camera system with extended warranty and service. AGC #: 21-03321 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/17/21 @ 11:00AM: 1001 S. East Street, Anaheim, CA 92805. Following a site walk at the District Office, bidders will be provided with instructions to caravan to the District Operations Center to continue the site walk. Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2022-02-FAC-GC Est: $1,000,000 Misc. Notes: PREQUALIFICATION INFORMATION: Prequal documents due 8/27/21 @ 2:00PM: docs and information available at: inquiries to Henry Castro: AND Brandon Featherstone: Owner: Anaheim Elementary School District/District Office BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 21, 2021

MVRWRF Plant 2 B Equipping Centrate & Flow Diversion (Prequalification Only) Bid Date: 9/21/2021

5:00 PM

Moreno Valley

. Construction Type: Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion or Modification AGC #: 21-03453

Project Type: Prequalification

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1412S Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner ( email to Scott Lopian, Sr. Construction Administrator, - Contractors License Class A - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Scott Lopian Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

CJUHSD - Chaffey South Hall Modernization Rebid BC06 Glazing

Plumbing Parts Bid Date: 9/21/2021

2:00 PM


The City of Anaheim is seeking a vendor that can supply a variety of plumbing parts for a one-time purchase. AGC #: 21-03550

Project Type: RFB

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 9537 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner ((electronic bids only) - Direct inquiries to Maira Rodriguez: Owner: City of Anaheim/Purchasing Dept (714) 765-5218 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Tenant Improvements at OCFA Fire Stations 14 and 16 Bid Date: 9/21/2021

11:00 AM


The Orange County Fire Authority is seeking bids from qualified contractors for tenant improvements at OCFA FIRE STATION 14 Bid Date: 9/21/2021 2:00 PM Ontario located at 29402 Silverado Canyon Rd., Silverado, CA 92676 and OCFA FIRE STATION 16 located at 28891 Modjeska Canyon Rd., Modernization of a three story building including new windows, Silverado, CA 92676. flooring, marker boards, tackboards, new suspended acoustical ceiling AGC #: 21-03584 Project Type: Engineering in classrooms, building signage & interior paint throughout, entry improvements, toilet room modernization, new fire alarm and Prebid Conf: MANDATORY automatic fire sprinkler system, new A/V, information technology 9/8/21 @ 9:00AM: OCFA Fire Station 14, 29402 Silverado Canyon Rd. components, voluntary seismic improvementsBid Category #06 – Silverado, CA 92676 Glazing - $ 3,600,000 - License C17 Addenda: 1 Ref#: RO2511 AGC #: 21-03455 Project Type: Engineering Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (Paper bids only) - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class A, B or Specialty License - Direct Addenda: 3 Ref#: Est: $20,000,000 inquiries to Rothchild Ong: 714-573-6642 and/or Misc. Notes: Prequalification Required - Bids to Owner Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to mailto:precon@tildenOwner: Orange County Fire Authority/Purchasing Department (714) 573-6642 Owner: Chaffey Joint UHSD - Purchasing Dept. (909) 988-8511 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: Tilden-Coil (909) 460-5689 automatically directed to the project online. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Omnibus Concrete Repairs Bid Date: 9/21/2021

2:00 PM

Santa Ana

Scope of work involves removal & replacement of Portland cement concrete. AGC #: 21-03512

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 22-6970 Est: $450,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 80 working days - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Michael Ortiz: Owner: City of Santa Ana/Purchasing Division BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 22, 2021

Griffin Fine Living - Solana Way Senior Assisted Living and On-Call Chillers & HVAC Preventative Maint & As-Needed Memory Care (Sub-Bids Only) Repairs Citywide Bid Date: 9/21/2021

11:00 AM

Temecula Bid Date: 9/22/2021

10:00 AM


New two-story, 93,236 square foot Griffin Fine Living Senior Assisted On-Call Chillers & HVAC Preventative Maint & As-Needed Repairs Living and Memory Care Facility located in Temecula, California.This Citywide project is to be built on an existing dirt lot and consists of 32 Memory AGC #: 21-03131 Project Type: Engineering Care Units and 75 Assisted Living Units, as well as full kitchen, dining, outdoor, and living areas.Bids due to by Addenda: 7 Ref#: 22-003RH 09/21/21 at 11:00am PST.Files Include... Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License AGC #: 21-03622 Project Type: Commercial Class C-20 - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Richard Hogate Addenda: 0 Ref#: Owner: City of Corona Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE automatically directed to the project online. OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to HVAC and Energy Management System (EMS) Services us from ( Morganti Texas, Inc. - Houston ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to Bid Date: 9/22/2021 11:00 AM San Bernardino bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted. HVAC and Energy Management System (EMS) Services : AGC #: 21-03207 Project Type: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 2 Ref#: IFB-MNT22-09 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Electronically - Contractors License Class C20 - Direct Inquires to Christine Van Matre, Bid Date: 9/21/2021 2:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga, (909) 379-7122 The scope of work consists of, but not limited to, full width and variable Owner: Omnitrans pavement edge cold plane; weed killing and crack sealing; pavement BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be overlay; grind and patch; subgrade preparation; installing and automatically directed to the project online. compacting aggregate base; adjusting existing manholes, water meter, and valves to new grade; constructing PCC curb and gutter, sidewalk, Extra Space Palm Desert Expansion (Sub-Bids Only) retaining curb, spandrel, and access curb ramps; and traffic striping, Bid Date: 9/22/2021 3:00 PM Palm Desert pavement markings and markers; and related items of work per plans. Extra Space Palm Desert Expansion:Construct Two 1-Story Self AGC #: 21-03693 Project Type: Building Storage Buildings On An Existing Parking Lot Inside An Existing SelfStorage Facility And Construct Associated Site Improvements, Which Addenda: 0 Ref#: 800-2021-00 Est: $2,070,000 Includes New Paving, New Parking, And Other Site Utilities And Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors Amenities. Storage Center Will Remain Open During Construction And License Class A or C-12 - Direct Inquiries to Romeo David, Coordinated By Dai Superintendent.” Associate Engineer10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho AGC #: 21-03461 Project Type: Commercial Cucamonga, CA 91730(909) 774-4070 Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga Addenda: 1 Ref#:

FY2021-22 Local Overlay Pavement Rehabilitations

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 22, 2021

Bloomington HS Theater Equipment Replacement Bid Date: 9/22/2021

2:00 PM

Grounds Maintenance

Bloomington Bid Date: 9/22/2021

Bloomington High School Theater Equipment Replacement Project

2:00 PM

Los Alamitos

The contractor shall provide all labor, management, transportation, equipment, and materials necessary to perform grounds maintenance services at the joint Forces Training Base (JFTB), Los Alamitos, California

AGC #: 21-03479 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/7/21 at 8:30am at at Bloomington High School, 10750 Laurel Ave, AGC #: 21-03511 Project Type: Bloomington, CA 92316. The meeting place is the Administration office Prebid Conf: MANDATORY on Laurel Avenue. Job walk is mandatory for GC’s; and will be 8/31/21 @ 2:00PM: 11206 Lexington Drive, Los Alamitos. Prospective optional, but recommended, for subcontractors. bidders shall meet at Building 244, East of the main gate entrance Addenda: 0 Ref#: 22-02FAC sign to receive briefing and caravan to the site. Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class B or C-10 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20525 - Prevailing Wage Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class C27 Owner: Colton Joint Unified School District Direct inquiries to Jeff Lewis: AND BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Sandy Villalobos: automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Restore Grade & Seal SD Pipe Bid Date: 9/22/2021

3:00 PM

Los Alamitos Warm Springs Parkway North Improvements

The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, materials, permits and fees necessary for Restoring the Grade and Sealing the SD Pipe at the Joint Forces Training Base, Los Alamitos CA, 90720. Work will consist of expedited correction of the sinkhole created from oversaturated soils collapsing into abandoned 36¿ Storm Drain (SD) pipe with the terms, conditions, and requirements of this Invitation for Bid (IFB). AGC #: 21-03506 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/1/21 at 10:30am @ 11206 Lexington Drive Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20555 Est: $60,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Jesse and MSG David Soto Owner: State of California Military Department BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 9/22/2021

2:00 PM


The Warm Springs Parkway North Improvements consists of approximately 665 linear feet of roadway improvements on Warm Springs Parkway and median and paving improvements on Clinton Keith Road. Scope includes grading, roadway removals, new pavement and aggregate base, curb and gutter, sidewalk, drainage improvements, signing and striping, traffic control, raised median island, landscape and irrigation, traffic signal, street lighting, dry utilities, water and sewer utilities, and all other work required by the plans and specifications, all as shown on the Plans, Standard Plans, and as specified in the Bid Specifications. AGC #: 21-03567

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 19-432 (CIP 13031) Est: $3,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Jeff Hitch - Owner: City of Murrieta 951-461-4070 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 22, 2021

Rosewood Self Storage (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 9/22/2021

12:00 PM

Sunset Court & Shadow Canyon Circle Waterline Palm Desert Bid Date: 9/22/2021

Construct Two 1-story self storage buildings on an existing parking lot inside an existing self-storage facility and construct associated site improvements, which include new paving, new parking and other site utilities and amenities. AGC #: 21-03573

Project Type: Commercial

10:00 AM


The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, andincidentals as required by the Contract Documents, Specifications and Plans for theabove stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist ofconstruction of installing approximately 3,670 linear feet of new 8” Ductile Iron (DI)waterline within Sunset Court and Shadow Canyon Circle between Norco Drive andNorco Drive. This proposed waterline will replace the existing 6” water main within thisreach on Sunset Court and Shadow Canyon Circle. Construction of waterline shallinclude the water main, fire hydrants, service connections, mainline interconnects, bends,valves, blow-offs, air-vacs and any other necessary appurtenances and related work tothe satisfaction and acceptance of the City Engineer.

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (Near-Cal Corp ) , there may be other GC’s bidding Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your Project Type: Building contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s AGC #: 21-03583 posted. Addenda: 0 Ref#: : Misc. Notes: Bids to Owners - Prevailing Wage BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: City of Norco automatically directed to the project online.

District-Wide Modular Classroom Project Lease-Leaseback Preconstruction & Construction

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Menifee Building & Safety Services Bid Date: 9/22/2021 5:00 PM Stanton Procurement and construction of 64 modular classroom buildings to be constructedon 11 different school sites throughout the District. The The City of Stanton Community and Economic Development project must be completedbefore August 1st, 2022. Department is requesting proposals to provide contract Building and Safety Services including plan check, inspection and Building Official AGC #: 21-03580 Project Type: RFQ Services. Prebid Conf: MANDATORY AGC #: 21-03594 Project Type: RFP 9/2/21 at 11am at 29775 Haun Road, Menifee, CA, 92586; District Office, Training Room #2. Addenda: 0 Ref#: Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-Modular LLB-012 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Direct inquiries to Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to t, Daniel Clem, Jennifer A. Lilley: and/or (714) 890-4213 Director, at, and CCJim Sellers, Director of Owner: City of Stanton (714) 890-4213 Facilities at Bid Date: 9/22/2021

2:00 PM

Owner: Menifee Union School District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 22, 2021

SB Minor B - remove/replace current retroreflective signs with current retroreflective sign standards and size Bid Date: 9/22/2021

2:15 PM

County of Orange

Remove/replace current retroreflective signs with current retroreflective sign standards and size for construction on state highway in Orange County in Anaheim and Buena Park at various locations (District 12 on Route 05 post mile 35.7/44.1). AGC #: 21-03650

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 12A1930 Est: $333,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (email only: - Prevailing wages - 60 Working Days - Contractor's License Class A or applicable Class C - Direct inquiries to Kimberly Reap: 916.227.8297 abd/or Owner: Department of Transportation (916) 227-8297 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

The Perris Green City Farm & Community Park Access Enhancement Bid Date: 9/22/2021

10:00 AM

Digester Gas Utilization Project Bid Date: 9/22/2021


Digester Gas Utilization Project AGC #: 21-03686

Project Type: RFI

Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFI 3410 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Jeff Wasserman, - (951) 928-3777 ext. 6225 Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

On-Call Asphalt Maintenance Bid Date: 9/22/2021

10:00 AM


Pavement cold milling; asphalt concrete paving; ARHM paving; fiber reinforced asphalt concrete paving; seal coat application; installation of traffic loops; adjustment of survey monuments, storm drain manholes, sewer manholes, sewer cleanouts, and water valves to grade; traffic control; and other items throughout the City of Irvine.

Perris AGC #: 21-03694

The total project budget for the enhancement of the Garden is planned to be approximately $455,000, currently allocated as follows:o Architectural Services: $45,000o Site Preparation and Construction: $410,000The City of Perris ("City") invites proposals from consultants ("Offeror") to provide Professional Architectural Services necessary to complete a variety of enhancements to the existing Perris Green City Farm and existing Foss Field Park. The City is seeking qualified firms to provide Programming and Planning, Engineering, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Processing (Plan Check), Bidding Assistance, Construction Administration/Services, Consultant Coordination, and Agency Coordination for a variety of enhancements to the existing Perris Green City Farm and Foss Field Park, under CNRA Urban Greening Grant Program.

5:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-3021 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class A or C12 - Direct inquiries to Brian D. Brown: Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03652 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/9/21 at 2pm at 227 North D Street, Perris, CA 92570). Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Owner: City of Perris (951) 943-6504 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 23, 2021

Landscape Services Bid Date: 9/23/2021

McKinley Street Grade Separation

3:00 PM

Hesperia Bid Date: 9/23/2021

RFP 2021-14 Landscape Services AGC #: 21-03141

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 3 Ref#: RFP 2021-14 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Acceptable Contractor license classifications for this project include A, B, C27 - Direct Inquires to the Procurement Manager Owner: Victor Valley Transit Authority BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

March Mountain HS Cosmetology CTE Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM

Moreno Valley

March Mountain HS Cosmetology CTE AGC #: 21-03334

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-22-03 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Jacob Romero, jromero@mvusd.netCC: Carmen M. Ochoa and Tanisha Owner: Moreno Valley Unified School District 951-571-7500 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

2:00 PM


McKinley Street Grade Separation ProjectThe McKinley Street Grade Separation Project proposes to construct a new four-lane overhead grade separation at the BNSF Railway double tracks near the McKinley Street intersection with Sampson Avenue. The project limits extend from the SR-91 interchange on the north side to Magnolia Avenue on the south side. A new network steel tied arch bridge will cross over the railroad tracks, Arlington Channel, and Sampson Avenue. The Project will also include new connector road facilities in the northeast and northwest quadrant of the McKinley Street/Sampson Avenue intersection and approximately four hundred (400) feet of reconstruction of Estelle Street west of McKinley Street. The Project will also realign and widen the SR-91 eastbound off-ramp and reconstruct the SR-91 eastbound loop on-ramp and eastbound slip onramp entrances. AGC #: 21-03372 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 8/18/21 at 10:00am at 165 N. McKinley St., Corona, CA (McKinley and Sampson Ave). Addenda: 2 Ref#: NIB 22-020CA Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquires to Carol Appelt Owner: City of Corona BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

RCTC - Landscape Maint for the RCTC Owned Commuter Rail Stations & Toll Facilities Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM


RCTC - Landscape Maintenance for the RCTC Owned Commuter Rail Stations & Toll Facilities AGC #: 21-03401

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 2 Ref#: 22-24-007-00 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class C-27 - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Jose Mendoza Owner: Riverside County Transportation Commission BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 23, 2021

SBHS - Bldg M "Maker Space" Re-Bid Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM

MVCC Painting Project San Bernardino Bid Date: 9/23/2021

1:30 PM


The Scope of the work includes but is not limited to the demolition of Charles G. Meigs Sr. Community Center Exterior Painting Project three existingbuildings including underground utilities, site preparation AGC #: 21-03503 Project Type: Engineering and grading including installationof new underground utilities, construction of three new structures of type VB construction, Prebid Conf: MANDATORY construction of various site work including fencing, water retention 9/8/21 at 9am @ 21091 Rider St. Perris, CA 92570 (meet in the basins, courtyards, plantings, and an exterior noncombustible canopy conference room) system. Replacement of all existing fire alarm control panels at the Ref#: FMARC292.pdf Est: $121,000 admin building to comply with the DSA for the new buildings. Provide Addenda: 0 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-33 or new floor mounted transformer to feed new buildings. B - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to AGC #: 21-03483 Project Type: Engineering Owner: County of Riverside-Purchasing & Fleet Services (951) 955-4937 Addenda: 1 Ref#: F21-04R Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class B - REQUESTS FOR BID INFORMATION, CLARIFICATIONS, and ADDENDA: Questions in writing(only) may be directed to the District’s Architect Representative, Mr. Joel C. Lazaro via email The deadline to submit Requests for Bid Information (“RFBI”) is 4:00pmon Tuesday, May 25, 2021. Reprographic: Crisp Imaging Planwell (866) 632-8329 Owner: San Bernardino City Unified School District

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Skateboard Park Security Cameras and Lights Bid Date: 9/23/2021

3:00 PM

La Habra

This is a federal-aid project. Contractor shall comply with all federalaid requirementsStorm Water Best Management practices (BMPs); Provide and Install Security Cameras, Speakers, CAT5 Cable, PVC Conduit, Rigid Steel Conduit, PoE Switches, Luminare, 20’ Steel Pole with Foundation, Copper Conductors, Concrete Pullboxes, BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Uninterrupted Power Supply, and Photocell; Modify Existing Electrical automatically directed to the project online. Service Panel board; Sawcut, Remove and Restore Concrete; and all Hewitt & Evans Groundwater Treatment Facility Ph 1 incidental work so indicated on the plans and required for the Bid Date: 9/23/2021 5:00 PM San Jacinto proposed improvements. Project Type: Building PREQUALIFICATION ONLYConstruction, Testing, and Startup of the AGC #: 21-03522 Centralized Treatment Facility,which consists of the following Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1-P-21 Est: $66,845 components: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-10, CAGC #: 21-03486 Project Type: Prequalification 7, C-8, and C-50 - Prevailing Wage Owner: City of La Habra/Office of City Clerk 562-905-9720 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1381W Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (email to Contractors License Class A - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Scott Lopian, Sr. Construction Administrator Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Elevators Services Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM

San Bernardino

City of San Bernardino is looking for a qualified licensed vendor to maintain Elevators in good and safe working order. AGC #: 21-03529

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 1 Ref#: RFQ F-22-06 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class C-11 - Direct Inquiries to Vanessa Slouka Owner: City of San Bernardino - Finance BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 23, 2021

SBVC Campus Roof Replacement Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM

San Bernardino

SBVC Campus Roof Replacement AGC #: 21-03533

Project Type: Building

Ref#: Project No. CC01-3610 -10 Bid No. CC01-3610 -10.01 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Contractors License Class C-39 - Direct Inquiries to,, Owner: San Bernardino Community College Dist

Addenda: 0

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

VFD Replacements at Seal Beach Pump Station Bid Date: 9/23/2021

11:00 AM

Seal Beach

Scope of work includes: Replace two 200hp VFDs at Seal Beach Pump Station. Replace the feeders from the VFDs to the motors and reconnect to the existing Bubbler Control Panel for control. AGC #: 21-03539

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: FE19-13 Est: $268,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class A, C10 - Direct inquiries to Jay Kaura: Owner: Orange County Sanitation District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Fiber Optic Installation btwn City Hall, Thomas Lasorda Jr Field House & COMMU Bid Date: 9/23/2021

10:00 AM

Yorba Linda

Work consists of best management practices, mobilization, traffic control, installation of fiber optic cable, conduit, pull boxes, and other miscellaneous improvements as shown on the plans and as requires to complete the work. Work to be constructed is located on Casa Loma Ave between Yorba Linda Blvd & Imperial Highway in the City of Yorba Linda. AGC #: 21-03565

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Tony Wang: and/or 714-961-7170 Owner: City of Yorba Linda BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Drilling & Construction of Well 33 Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM


The Works consists of, but not limited to drilling, construction, development andtesting of a new well located in the City of San Bernardino. The well will be constructed to atotal of 1,020 ft below ground surface (ft bgs) with a minimum target pumping rate of 3,500gallons per minute (gpm). The new well will be used as a source of potable water for theCity’s municipal distribution system. All work is to be conducted in strict accordance withthe Technical Specifications, and approved by the City. AGC #: 21-03572

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 2 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class C-57 - Direct Inquiries to Jess Sotto via email: Bid Date: 9/23/2021 2:00 PM Winchester This work consists of installing impressed cathodic protection systems, Owner: City of Colton 000-000-0000 including Metropolitan-furnished solar powered cathodic protection BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be arrays, several remote monitoring stations, a new solar-powered automatically directed to the project online. cathodic protection cabinet, shallow ground-bed anode well, removing an existing rectifier, site restoration, abatement of materialscontaining lead, and performing all appurtenant work as specified and shown on the drawings.

Robert A. Skinner Water Treatment Plant Cathodic Protection

AGC #: 21-03558 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/1/21 at 9am at 33740 Borel Road, Winchester, CA 92596 RSVP’d for the Pre-Bid Meeting Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1951 Est: $300,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors license Class A Direct Inquiries to Owner: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 23, 2021

City's Coprorate Yard Building A Improvements Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM

Santa Ana

The City of Santa Ana (City) is soliciting competitive bids from qualified contractors to furnish labor, equipment and materials for services including, but not limited to, interior painting, flooring, and ceiling tile replacement at the City’s Corporate Yard Building A, 220 South Daisy Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92703.

La Palma Avenue and Tustin Avenue Water Main Replacements at OCTA Railway Crossing Bid Date: 9/23/2021

2:00 PM

The work consists of a bore and jack operation at La Palma Avenue Railroad Crossing for a 12-inch ductile-iron carrier pipe within a 24inch steel casing and a 36-inch ductile-iron carrier pipe within 48-inch steel casing. The work will also consist of a bore and jack operation at Tustin Avenue Railroad Crossing for a 12-inch ductile-iron carrier pipe within 24-inch steel casing. Due to OCTA’s plan to expand its railways along La Palma Avenue and Tustin Avenue, the project is required to protect the pipes and increase service reliability at the existing water main located at the crossings.

AGC #: 21-03643 Project Type: Building Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/9/21 @ 8:00AM: City Yard – Building A 220 S Daisy Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92703 (Contractors must enter through entrance on Center Street and meet outside the entrance of building A, by the flag poles) AGC #: 21-03646 Project Type: Engineering Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-106 Est: $89,500 Addenda: 0 Ref#: RCP2020-17678 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 30 days - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic & paper) - Prevailing wages - 200 working days - Contractor's License Class A and C34 to Eva Pierce: 714-647-6584 and/or - Direct inquiries to Patrick Kelley: 714-765-5272 and/or Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: City of Anaheim/Public Works Dept (714) 765-5100 automatically directed to the project online.

Annual Slurry Seal Program Bid Date: 9/23/2021

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

10:00 AM

Seal Beach Fire Hydrant Painting Work includes: distributing notices to affected residents and Bid Date: 9/23/2021 4:00 PM Perris & Menifee businesses in the Work area; traffic control; pavement reconstruction, crack sealing, slurry seal, replacement of traffic striping and markings; The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals, through a competitive process, for the procurement of fire hydrant and other incidental items necessary to complete the work. painting services for 2,118 Fire Hydrants & Blow-Off Valves in the AGC #: 21-03645 Project Type: Engineering cities of Perris and Menifee, CA. AGC #: 21-03687 Addenda: 0 Ref#: O-ST-1 Est: $190,000 Project Type: RFP Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Prevailing wages Ref#: 3421 - 25 working days - Contractor's License Class A and C21 - Direct Addenda: 0 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner(Electronically) - Contractors License inquiries to Denice Bailey: 562-431-2527 x1328 and/or Class C33 - Contact: Bob Lomas, Service Contract AdministratorPhone: (951)928-3777, ext. 6228Email: Owner: City of Seal Beach/Office of City Clerk (562) 431-2527 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District automatically directed to the project online. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Clark St. LIft Station Motor Control Center Replacement Bid Date: 9/23/2021

5:00 PM


Clark St. LIft Station Motor Control Center ReplacementThe District is seeking a Motor Control Center (MCC) unit to replace an existing unit. AGC #: 21-03688 Project Type: Supplier Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/14/21, 9:30AM, at the Clark Lift Station located at 19519 Clark St Perris 92570 Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFB-HR-3425 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner(Electronically) - Contact Information: Haely Rodriguez, BuyerPhone: (951)928-3777, ext. 6231Email: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 24, 2021

Championship Soccer Stadium Orange County Great Park Bid Date: 9/24/2021

4:00 PM

Irvine Bid Date: 9/24/2021

The City of Irvine and the Orange County Great Park are soliciting proposals from qualified parties to operate the Championship Soccer Stadium at the Great Park. The Stadium opened in 2017, has fixed seating for 2,335 spectators, additional berm seating options, and can accommodate a maximum total of 5,000 people in a concert configuration. AGC #: 21-03225

Design & Installation of WRP Fire Detection System

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 22-3121 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (Electronic bids & paper bids. See RFP Document for details and instructions) - Direct inquiries to Wil Soholt: 310-740-5681 and/or Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

1:30 PM

San Bernardino

SBMWD is seeking the services of a qualified contractor to install a new Fire Alarm System (cellular communicator, fire panel, smoke detectors, manual pull stations, horn strobes in common areas, strobes only in restrooms, locker rooms, conference rooms and training rooms) in the Administration Building and in Annex Building. Second, a waterless fire suppression system is needed for the records room located on the second floor of the Annex Building. Third, please provide the optional price for smoke or heat detection in the buildings as listed in the Scope of Work of the RFP. The contractor shall perform and complete assigned work including all demolition and construction services, supervision, administration services, coordination of all subcontractors if needed, tests, inspections, and other items that are necessary to and appropriate for the finishing, equipping and functioning of the facilities and structures, together with all additional, collateral and incidental work and services required for completion of the provision of the work.

AGC #: 21-03569 Project Type: RFP Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Bid Date: 9/24/2021 4:00 PM Anaheim 9/13/21 at 9am In order to allow for current Covid-19 restrictions the ATN is building a new maintenance operations facility in Anaheim, site walks will likely be scheduled in the afternoon hours on an California, which will become the base of operations for ATN and will individual basis. Participation in the mandatory job walk is limited to house operations, staff, maintenance and storage facilities for 82 one (1) person for each firm. The time and date will be fixed buses, and electric bus charging infrastructure.The Anaheim Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1755 Transportation Network (ATN) is undergoing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to implement a fully functional Access Control Security System Misc. Notes: In order to allow for current Covid-19 restrictions at two new facilities being built to support a new electric bus fleet in the site walks will be scheduled on an individual basis. Anaheim, California. The goal for the ATN is to achieve maximum Participation in the mandatory job walk is limited to one (1) efficiency with access control by standardizing software and hardware person for each firm. The time and date will be fixed, so please to meet the latest technologies, while meeting all safety and building mark your calendars and confirm your attendance, providing the requirements through a secure centralized electronic controlled name of attendee by September 10, 2021 to Ms. Sydney Morrison system. at (909)384-5393. Owner: San Bernardino Municipal Water District (909) 384-5393 AGC #: 21-03390 Project Type: RFP

Access Control and Security

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 08/16/2021 10AM In-Person location: ATN 1354 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Virtual option: Join Zoom Meeting pwd=dm1nTDk2eGVVRFlhWEFpNDFhQzY2QT09 Meeting ID: 830 7366 3255 Passcode: a2KWGT Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP 2021-004 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct inquiries to (714) 936-0618, Owner: Anaheim Transportation Network BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Demolition, Disposal/Debris Removal, Erosion & Sediment Control & Immediate Response for As-Needed Services Bid Date: 9/24/2021

4:00 PM


The City of Anaheim is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) for Demolition, Disposal/Debris Removal, Erosion and Sediment Control, and Immediate Response for As-Needed Services from qualified Contractors for an “on-call” as-required short notice basis. AGC #: 21-03591

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (Electronic & paper bids) - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class A, B or C21 - Direct inquiries to David Mori: 714-765-5148 and/or Owner: City of Anaheim/Public Works (714) 765-5100 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 27, 2021

Heacock Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Enhancements Bid Date: 9/24/2021

2:00 PM

1342W Pettit Regulated Pressure Zone

Moreno Valley Bid Date: 9/27/2021

5:00 PM

Moreno Valley

Heacock Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Enhancements / Gregory Lane to 680 Ft SouthThe project consists of the roadway excavation and construction of missing curb, gutter, andsidewalk on the east side of Heacock Street from Gregory Lane to approximately 680 feet south.The project also includes the reconstruction of the curb return with a new ADA access ramp, therelocations of affected utility facilities, and new and reestablished traffic striping and signing withinthe project limits.

The work to be constructed is located in the City ofMoreno Valley, on Perris Boulevard from Alessandro Boulevard to 620 feet south, Lasselle Streetfrom Timo Street to Alessandro Boulevard, Cactus Avenue from Heacock Street to Lasselle Street,Heacock Street and Alessandro Boulevard, Perris Boulevard and Brodiaea Avenue, AlessandroBoulevard and Indian Street, and Rio Bravo Road 650 south of Cactus Avenue (see Thomas Guide39th Edition, Page 717, Grids E6, F5, F6, G5, G6, G7, H6, H7, J5, and J6).The work consists of furnishing all labor and equipment and furnishing and installing all AGC #: 21-03599 Project Type: Engineering materialsnecessary to complete a pressure zone conversion within a portion of the Moreno 1680 PressureZone (PZ) to 1710 PZ including Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-552 Est: $420,000 the construction of four (4) pressure regulating stations,approximately Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A 2,410 LF of 12" PVC potable waterlines and associated Direct Inquiries to Capital Projects Division 951-413-3130techinfo- appurtenances,approximately 460± LF of 8" PVC and 110± LF of 12" PVC waterlines for thirteen (13) jumperconnections, four (4) valve Owner: City of Moreno Valley replacements, pavement restoration per the modified City-standards inSection P, and contractor cooperation and coordination with other BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. District projects in the areaincluding the Cactus II Feeder Phase 1 Pipeline and Perris North Raw Water Pipeline.

Local Roadway Safety Plan Study

Bid Date: 9/24/2021

4:00 PM


AGC #: 21-03478

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: Local Roadway Safety Plan Study:The LRSP will develop a framework Addenda: 0 to systematically identify and analyze roadway safety concerns and Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (emailed to recommend potential safety improvements in the City. Contractors License Class A and or C-34 - Prevailing Wage Direct Inquiries to Mr. Nathaniel Olivas c/o Melissa Abella; EMAIL: AGC #: 21-03626 Project Type: RFP & Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20210902VM Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Veronica Medina BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. - 909-798-7584 x6, Owner: City of Redlands Municipal Utilities Dept. (909) 798A&E - Landscape Architecture Services 7584 Bid Date: 9/27/2021 3:00 PM multiple locaitons BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Landscape architecture materialsFacility maintenance & repair services - Landscape architecture service, Professional engineering services - Civil engineering - Architectural engineering, Professional engineering services - Civil engineering - Landscape architecture and design service AGC #: 21-03527

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $988,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Direct inquiries to Denetia FloydSmith Email: Owner: State of California Department of Transportation BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 27, 2021

Triennial Stormwater Hydrology and Hydraulic Review Bid Date: 9/27/2021

2:00 PM

Coachella Bid Date: 9/27/2021

Provide hydrology and hydraulic review services for a variety of developer-related and capital improvements projects AGC #: 21-03562

DistrictWide Install-District Owned Flrng Material

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-26 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Scott Strosnider 760-398-2651 Owner: Coachella Valley Water District

2:00 PM


DistrictWide Install-District Owned Flooring Material AGC #: 21-03675 Project Type: Supplier Prebid Conf: MANDATORY September 16, 9AM at Fontana Unified School District Maintenance and Operations Conference Room, located at 9851 Catawba Avenue, Fontana, Ca. 92335

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Bid No. 21-22-1592 Est: $1,500,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Contractors License Class C15 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be All requests for information/clarifications must be submitted, in automatically directed to the project online. Mile Square Regional Park (MISQ) Golf Course Conversion writing, to Anakali De Los Santos, Buyer, via email and received no later than 4:00 p.m. on -Phase 1 Monday, September 20, 2021. Please direct all Bid Date: 9/27/2021 2:00 PM Fountain Valley correspondencewith the subject line, “Bid No. 21/22-1592 Flooring Installation”. No other questions or requests for Mile Square Regional Park (MISQ) Golf Course Conversion-Phase 1 information will beaccepted after this date and time AGC #: 21-03605 Project Type: Engineering Owner: Fontana Unified School District (909) 357-7600 Addenda: 2 Ref#: 080-C032826-DC Est: $12,138,000 Misc. Notes: PREQUALIFICATION: Only pre-qualified Contractors will be eligible to submit a bid for this project_Prequal deadline 9.8.21 @ 2:00PM_Electronic bids only to _Direct inquiries to April Alvarez via attached prequal packet : BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Woodspring Suites (Sub-Bids Only) Bid Date: 9/27/2021

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Tree Removals and Treatments - Shady Canyon Bid Date: 9/27/2021

11:00 AM


The Orange County Fire Authority is requesting bids to establish a contractor services agreement for tree removals and treatments in the Shady Canyon, City of Irvine AGC #: 21-03683 Project Type: Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/13/21 @ 10:00AM: Quail Hill Community Center Parking Lot, 39 Shady Canyon Dr., Irvine, CA 92603

2:00 PM

Corona Addenda: 0 Ref#: LK2513 Est: $65,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Prevailing wages 47,402 sq. ft. New Ground Up Hotel Project Contractor's License Class C61/D49 - Direct inquiries to Loanne AGC #: 21-03640 Project Type: Commercial Kiyama: 714-573-6643 and/or Owner: Orange County Fire Authority (714) 573-6643 Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from ( Buffalo Construction, Inc. ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 28, 2021

3rd St, Buena Mesa Dr & Calimesa 24" Recycled Water Pipeline Bid Date: 9/28/2021

11:00 AM

City of Calimesa

3rd Street, Buena Mesa Drive, and Calimesa Boulevard24" Recycled Water Pipeline Project AGC #: 21-03398 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY September 14, 11AM at he Yucaipa Valley Water District offices, 12770 Second Street, Yucaipa, CA Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class A or C34 - Direct Inquiries to Patrick Watson Owner: Yucaipa Valley Water District 909-797-5117 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Grovemont Street Water Main Improvements Bid Date: 9/28/2021

2:00 PM

Santa Ana

Construction of approximately 3,580 linear feet of 8” PVC water main, approximately 40 linear feet of 12" PVC water main and all necessary appurtenances related to the new water facilities. AGC #: 21-03592

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-6466 Est: $3,300,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (Electronic & Paper Bids) Prevailing wages - 90 working days - Contractor's License Class A or C34 - Direct inquiries to Rudy Rosas: 714-647-3379 and/or Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works (714) 647-3379 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Gate/Door Maintenance CHP Arrowhead

Jack Hammett Sports Complex Parking Lot & ADA Upgrades

Bid Date: 9/28/2021

9/8/21 @ 10:00AM: Jack Hammett Sports Complex, Picnic Area adjacent to the facility restrooms at 2750 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21C865001 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class C61/D28 - Direct Inquires to Piron VossoughiPhone: 916/843-4352, Email: Owner: Department of California Highway Patrol (916) 843-3623

11:00 AM

Running Springs

CHP Arrowhead Area Office – Gate Maintenance Services:furnish all Bid Date: 9/28/2021 10:00 AM Costa Mesa supplies, materials, tools, equipment, labor, personnel, and supervision; pay all taxes, insurance, bonds, license and permit fees, The Scope of Work includes: parking lot improvements, slurry seal, and all other direct and indirect costs necessary to provide quarterly pavement removal and replacement, striping, excavation, backfill, compaction, concrete flatwork, ADA curb ramps, curb, curb and gutter, Gate Maintenance Services in accordance with the terms set forth in this Agreement electrical runs to the pull boxes for the storage building, all grading, retaining walls, fencing, lighting, irrigation, and landscaping, the rough AGC #: 21-03614 Project Type: and precise grading, foundation, construction and installation of one Prebid Conf: MANDATORY new storage building, all electrical and mechanical work within the 09/10/2021, 1PM @ Arrowhead Area Office, 31230 Highway 18, building, finish grading, flat work, and all other necessary work. Running Springs, CA 92382 (As a courtesy, please email Angeli AGC #: 21-03514 Adriano, Facilities Analyst at to confirm your Project Type: Engineering plans to attend this walk-through) Prebid Conf: MANDATORY

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21-05 Est: $1,896,805 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 110 working days - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Janet Zuazo: Owner: City of Costa Mesa/Public Services Dept BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Gate/Door Maintenance CHP San Bernardino Area Office Bid Date: 9/28/2021

11:00 AM

San Bernardino

“CHP San Bernardino Area Office – Gate Maintenance Services AGC #: 21-03615 Project Type: Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 09/10/2021, 10:30AM @ CHP San Bernardino Area Office located at 2211 Western Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92411 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21C860005 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class C61/D28 - Direct Inquires to Piron VossoughiPhone: 916/843-4352, Email: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 28, 2021

RUHS – Indio Family Care Center Flooring Demo & Installation Bid Date: 9/28/2021

1:30 PM

Gate/Door Maintenance CHP 21C860005 Indio

Bid Date: 9/28/2021

11:00 AM

San Bernardino

The Department of Highway Patrol (CHP) is soliciting bids from firms that are able to provide Gate/Door Maintenance Services, at San Bernardino Area Office.

RUHS – Indio Family Care Center Flooring Demolition and Installation ServicesThe Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, parts, equipment, tools, supervision, services, transportation, waste disposal, Project Type: Engineering facilities and other required items necessary to complete the following AGC #: 21-03674 Prebid Conf: MANDATORY work in strict accordance with all of the Contract Documents: 09/10/2021 at 10:30AM at CHP San Bernardino Area Office located at AGC #: 21-03621 Project Type: Building 2211 Western Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92411 Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Addenda: 1 Ref#: 21C860005 9/14/21 9:00 a.m. Location: Indio Family Care Center Meet in lobby Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Attn: Piron Vossoughi - Contractors 47923 Oasis Street Indio, CA 92201 License Class C-61, D-28 -Direct Inquiries to Piron Vossoughi Addenda: 0 Ref#: FMARC-293 Est: $100,000 916/843-4352 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B and Owner: Department of California Highway Patrol/Business or C-15 - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to JAMIE GARCIA Services Section, Contract Services Unit 800-735-2929 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Owner: County of Riverside Purchasing & Fleet automatically directed to the project online. BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

RUHS – Behavioral Health: Desert Sage Flooring Demo & Installation

Uninterruptible Power Supply System Upgrade-RFOTC Bid Date: 9/28/2021

11:00 AM


The Orange County Fire Authority is requesting bids to establish a Indio construction agreement for the installation and upgrade of Uninterruptible Power Supply System at OCFA Regional Fire RUHS – Behavioral Health: Desert Sage Flooring Demolition and Operations and Training Center (RFOTC) located at 1 Fire Authority Installation Services Rd., Irvine, CA 92602, AGC #: 21-03623 Project Type: Building AGC #: 21-03685 Project Type: Prebid Conf: MANDATORY Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/14/21 at 10:30am Location: Desert Sage – Indio Meet out front of 9/15/21 @ 10:00AM: OCFA RFOTC 1 Fire Authority Rd. Irvine, CA building 82485 Miles Avenue Indio, CA 92201 92602 Addenda: 0 Ref#: FMARC-294 Est: $138,000 Addenda: 0 Ref#: RO2512 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B and Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Prevailing wages or C-15 - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Jamie Garcia - Contractor's License Class C10 - Direct inquiries to Rothchild Ong: 714-573-6642 and/or Owner: County of Riverside-Purchasing & Fleet Services (951) : 955-4937 Bid Date: 9/28/2021

1:30 PM

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

RUHS – Behavioral Health: The Path Flooring Demo & Installation Bid Date: 9/28/2021

1:30 PM

Palm Springs

RUHS – Behavioral Health: The Path Flooring Demolition and Installation Services AGC #: 21-03624 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/14/21 at 1:30pm at The Path - Palm Springs Meet the lobby 19531 McLane Street, Suite A Palm Springs, CA 92262 Addenda: 0 Ref#: FMARC-295 Est: $75,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B and or C-15 - Direct Inquiries to Jamie Garcia BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 29, 2021

Transit Asset Management Plan Update Bid Date: 9/29/2021

2:00 PM

General Contractor On Call Services County of Orange Bid Date: 9/29/2021

2:00 PM

Moreno Valley

The Orange County Transportation Authority invites proposals from qualified consultants to provide an update to the Transit Asset Management Plan.

The City of Moreno Valley (City) is inviting proposals from licensed and qualified general contractors (“Contractor”) to provide general contractor services to include all labor, equipment, materials, and performance of operation in connection with construction, repair and AGC #: 21-03459 Project Type: RFP maintenance services for City Facilities on an on-call basis. Also, it should be noted that certain maintenance may require scheduled Addenda: 2 Ref#: 13653 Est: $175,000 preventive maintenance work. City requires the following services to Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (via help meet the aforementioned need: General Building Contractor - Direct inquiries services at various City facilities and sites. Work may include, but is to Agueda Perez: (714) 560-5627 and/or not limited to, any and all California State Licensing Board Class B Owner: Orange County Transportation Authority/Contracts General Contracting Services, on an as needed and on a 24 hour-aAdministration and Materials Management Department (714) day, 7 day-a-week and on-call basis. All work is to be performed in 560-5627 accordance with manufactures’ recommendations, as well as all federal, state, county, and local regulations detailed in the Scope of BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Services. automatically directed to the project online.

Potrero Creek Debris Basin, Stage 90 Emergency Sediment AGC #: 21-03574 Removal

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-027 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License The Potrero Creek Debris Basin Emergency sediment removal project Class B - Direct Inquiries to Purchasing Division 951-413is located north of the San Jacinto River and immediately east ofSanderson Avenue/California State Route 79. This emergency work Owner: City of Moreno Valley consists of excavating and removing accumulated sediment to theoriginal lines and grades of the existing basin to restore the basin's BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. capacity and function.

Bid Date: 9/29/2021

2:00 PM

AGC #: 21-03495

San Jacinto

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 4-0-00025-90 Est: $5,966,235 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Direct Inquiries to Michelle VerDoorn Owner: Riverside County Flood Control And Water Conservation (951) 955-1289 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Anita Street Sewer Lift Station & Beach Access Stairs Reconstruction Bid Date: 9/29/2021

3:00 PM

Laguna Beach

In general, the city of Laguna Beach is seeking qualified firms to design and provide construction bid documents for the replacement of the Anita Street Sewer Lift Station and the public beach access stairs. AGC #: 21-03543

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: WQ-21-0004 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct inquiries to Hannah Johnson: Owner: City of Laguna Beach/Water Quality Department (949) 464-6615 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 30, 2021

Biogas to Energy Project Bid Date: 9/30/2021

Laurel Ave @ Randall Ave

2:00 PM

Riverside Bid Date: 9/30/2021

This Request for Information (RFI) is issued by the City of Riverside (“City”). The purpose of this RFI is to obtain project information from Vendors for the sole purpose of gaining knowledge from the respective industry. The City is gathering information that will facilitate a future formal procurement process. The RFI process shall be considered an informal process and is open to all interested parties.This RFI must not be construed as intent, commitment, or a promise to acquire the solutions offered. Responses to this RFI will be used for the sole purpose of assisting with developing specifications, scope of services and budget. This RFI is also being issued to establish if there are qualified companies interested in bidding on this project as summarized below. It is not the City’s intent to award a contract as a result of this RFI.All costs associated with any information herein requested shall be incurred by the Vendor. The content of all responses may be open for public disclosure; therefore, please do not include confidential information. This RFI does not commit the City to enter into an agreement, not does it obligate the City to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of this RFI, presentation materials, or other follow-up information in anticipation of an agreement. The City reserves the right to accept, reject or use without obligation or compensation any information submitted in response to the RFI AGC #: 21-03289

Project Type: RFI

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFI2118 Est: $8,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Jairo Cortez Owner: City of Riverside BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Baker Water Treatment Plant Solar Array Drainage Improvements

10:00 AM


The work, in general, consists of cold plane and overlay, construct curb and gutter, concretepaving, asphalt paving, remove curb, paint traffic stripes and pavement markings and doingother work appurtenant thereto. AGC #: 21-03595

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: PWG122-LANDD-4348 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Melinda Barnes (909) 3877920 Owner: San Bernardino County Dept of Public Works-Contracts Div BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

As-Needed Plant Healthcare Services Bid Date: 9/30/2021

10:00 AM

Newport Beach

The intent of these specifications is to provide as-needed insect, disease and fertilization for the City’s trees and other landscape materials in parks, parkways, medians and other right of ways within the City. AGC #: 21-03633

Project Type: RFQ

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 8750-1 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class C27 - Direct inquiries to Kevin Pekar: 949-644-3069 and/or Owner: City of Newport Beach /Public Works Dept BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plant 2 Trickling Filter Pump Station Pumps Variable Speed

Lake Forest Drive Replacement The work will consist of performing all operations necessary for the Bid Date: 9/30/2021 2:00 PM Huntington Beach grading and construction of a concrete V-Ditch at the Baker Water The work includes modifications to existing Plant 2 Trickling Filter Treatment Plant Solar Array to improve drainage. The Contractor will Pump Station (TFPS) Variable Drive Cabinets (“Pump Drives”, provide all transportation, material, equipment, labor and supplies to quantity of 6) located in TFPS Electrical Room. (See Exhibit A in Bid complete the grading and construction of the proposed concrete VDocuments) ditch together with all appurtenant work necessary to complete the AGC #: 21-03634 Project Type: improvements.

Bid Date: 9/30/2021

AGC #: 21-03590

2:00 PM

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 10559 Est: $83,200 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 90 calendar days - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Thomas Bonkowski: 949-392-3311 and/or Owner: Irvine Ranch Water District (949) 453-5692 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Addenda: 0 Ref#: S-2021-1273BD Est: $257,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 180 Calendar Days - Contractor's License Class C10 Direct inquiries to Darius Ghazi:714-593-7586 and/or Owner: Orange County Sanitation District (714) 593-7586 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


September 30, 2021

FJUSD Unit Bid-Plumbing Bid Date: 9/30/2021

FJUSD Districtwide Concrete

2:00 PM

Fullerton Bid Date: 9/30/2021

2:00 PM

FJUSD Districtwide Plumbing Services

FJUSD Districtwide Concrete

AGC #: 21-03657

AGC #: 21-03661

Project Type:


Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2122-01 Misc. Notes: PREQUALIFICATION: Prequalification Questionnaire due to district 9/15/21 @ 4:00PM_Submit bids to Facilities and Construction Department, FJUSD, 1051 W. Bastanchury Road, Fullerton, CA 92833_Direct inquiries to Lorenza Silva: lsilva@fjuhsd.org_See attached Prequalification Questionnaires Owner: Fullerton Joint Union High School District/Facilities & Construction Dept

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2122-04 Misc. Notes: PREQUALIFICATION: Prequalification Questionnaire due to district 9/15/21 @ 4:00PM_Submit bids to Facilities and Construction Department, FJUSD, 1051 W. Bastanchury Road, Fullerton, CA 92833_Direct inquiries to Lorenza Silva: lsilva@fjuhsd.org_See attached Prequalification Questionnaires

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

CDOT 08A3376 Roll-up Door Repair and/or Replacement Services

FJUSD-Shade Structures Brand DSA Preapproved Shade Structures or Equal Bid Date: 9/30/2021

11:00 AM


BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 9/30/2021

2:15 PM


Repair and/or replace roll-up doors -San Bernardino

Project Type: FJUSD Districtwide Shade Structures Brand DSA Preapproved Shade AGC #: 21-03680 Structures or Equal. The licensed fabric shade structure contractor Addenda: 0 Ref#: 08A3376 shall be responsible for the design, DSA PC engineering drawings, Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C61 fabrication, supply, and installation of the work and D28 - Direct Inquiries to JoAnna Nevarez, AGC #: 21-03658 Project Type: Building Owner: Department of Transportation, Division of Procurement Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2122-02 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Prevailing wages and Contracts (916) 227-6155 - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquires to Lorenza Silva:

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.


FJUSD Districtwide Asphalt

Bid Date: 9/30/2021

Bid Date: 9/30/2021

2:00 PM

FJUSD Districtwide Asphalt AGC #: 21-03659

1:30 PM

San Bernardino

Fullerton The City of San Bernardino Municipal Water Department (SBMWD) is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide three (3) stand alone Level Monitoring System for Lift Stations with a three (3) year service plan included. The systems are to be installed to monitor and Project Type: Engineering report the level in the wet wells. In conjunction with the parts and materials supplied.

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2122-03 Misc. Notes: PREQUALIFICATION: Prequalification Questionnaire due to district 9/15/21 @ 4:00PM_Submit bids to Facilities and Construction Department, FJUSD, 1051 W. Bastanchury Road, Fullerton, CA 92833_Direct inquiries to Lorenza Silva: lsilva@fjuhsd.org_See attached Prequalification Questionnaires

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

AGC #: 21-03691

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1759 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic Only) - Direct Inquiries to Sydney Morrison Owner: City of San Bernardino Water Department BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 05, 2021

Air Compressor Preventative Maintenance and Repairs Bid Date: 10/4/2021

3:00 PM

Walking Track Installation at Leonard Bailey Park

San Bernardino Bid Date: 10/5/2021

2:00 PM

Loma Linda

A. Preventative maintenance and repair services to be performed as Walking Track Installation at Leonard Bailey Park per manufacturers recommendations, including but not limited to:1. All AGC #: 21-03507 Project Type: Building parts and labor shall be included for scheduled preventive maintenance and scheduled/unscheduled repairs. This is to be a total Addenda: 0 Ref#: CIP 21-749 Est: $170,000 coverage program.2. All compressor parts and fluids shall be Quincy OEM.3. Services must be conducted by fully trained and factory Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Contractors license class A, work to authorized Field Technicians.4. Coolant Analysis shall be performed be completed within 10 days, Prevailing Wage, Nidia Torres by industry leading lubricant experts.5. When analysis identifies items <> Direct inquiries to (909) 799-2850. that need to be addressed contractor shall provide data review and Owner: City of Loma Linda 909-799-4400 recommendations6. In person meetings may be required with BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be Omnitrans staff to review planned preventative maintenance, automatically directed to the project online. diagnostic reports and discuss any recommended actions. AGC #: 21-03563

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFQ-MNT22-35 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Megann Martinez tel: (909)379-7146 Owner: Omnitrans BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bus Wash/Vacuum System, and HVAC

Bid Date: 10/5/2021

11:00 AM

San Bernardino

provide A&Eservices for upgrades to its East Valley and West Valley HVAC equipment, I Street Operating &Maintenance (O&M) Facility, and West Valley Bus Wash / Vacuum Systems. AGC #: 21-03509

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP-MNT22-27 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner, Prevailing Wage, Direct inquiries to Christine Van Matre Email: Phone: (909) 379-7122. Owner: Omnitrans (909) 379-7202 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Traffic Signal Battery Backup System Replacement Bid Date: 10/5/2021

2:00 PM

Rancho Cucamonga

Traffic Signal Battery Backup System Replacement FY 21-22 ProjectThe removal of existing battery backup system from project sites and replacement with new Clary Corporation battery backup system including cabinet, inverter, power interface modules, batteries, etc. plus other related work. AGC #: 21-03619

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: FY 21-22 Est: $250,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Contractors License Class A or C-10 - Direct Inquiries to Ernest Ruiz (909) 477 -2730 ext Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 05, 2021

CM Services On-Call Bid Date: 10/5/2021

Fall Protection System Services

2:00 PM

San Bernardino Bid Date: 10/5/2021

SBCTA will utilize the services of CONSULTANT to provide On-Call Construction Management Services for various transportation projects at SBCTA. Type, size, and value of projects and corresponding construction management services needs will vary. CONSULTANT will be placed on a bench and proposals for Contract Task Orders (CTO) will be solicited as appropriate. AGC #: 21-03631

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 22-1002663 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Luis Medina Owner: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

3:00 PM


The purpose of this solicitation is to obtain competitive proposals from qualified firms to perform inspections, certification, and repairs to Omnitrans' fall protection systems and related equipment. AGC #: 21-03639

Project Type: RFP

Addenda: 0 Ref#: RFP-MNT22-37 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Aryani Guzman Email: aryani.guzman@omnitrans.orgPhone: (909) 379-7203 Owner: Omnitrans BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Roll-up Door Maintenance CHP Bid Date: 10/5/2021

11:00 AM


Trickling Filter 480 Volt Cable Replacement at Plant 1 (FR1- The Department of Highway Patrol (CHP) is soliciting bids from firms 0008 that are able to provide Roll-up Door Maintenance Services, at Fountain Valley Barstow Area Office. OC San is seeking a Contractor to furnish and replace the low voltage AGC #: 21-03648

Bid Date: 10/5/2021

2:00 PM

power and control conductors at Plant 1 Trickling Filter Area and Solids Scrubber Area. (See Exhibit A for more information). AGC #: 21-03635

Project Type:

Addenda: 0 Ref#: S-2021-1272BD Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - 270 calendar days - Contractor's License Class C10Direct inquiries to Jackie Lagade: Owner: Orange County Sanitation District BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Electronic Signage for Bus Stops

Project Type: Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 09/13/2021, 2PM, CHP Barstow Area Office located at 300 East Mountain View Street, Barstow CA, 92311 Comments: please email Angeli Adriano, Facilities Analyst at to confirm your plans to attend this walk-through Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21C835002 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class C61/D28 - Direct Inquires to Piron VossoughiPhone: 916/843-4352, Email: Owner: Department of California Highway Patrol (916) 843-3623 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

County of Orange Roll-up door Maintenance 21C850000 Bid Date: 10/5/2021 11:00 AM Victorville The Orange County Transportation Authority (Authority) invites proposals from qualified consultants to implement electronic signage The Department of Highway Patrol (CHP) is soliciting bids from firms (eSignage) devices at OCTA bus stops to provide real-time route that are able to provide Roll-up Door Maintenance Services, at information, additional messaging, and images. Victorville Area Office. AGC #: 21-03636 Project Type: RFP AGC #: 21-03671 Project Type: Engineering Bid Date: 10/5/2021

2:00 PM

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 13589 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct inquiries to Donald Herrera: (714) 560-5644 and/or Owner: Orange County Transportation Authority/Contracts Administration and Materials Management BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 9/14/21 at 10am at CHP Victorville Area Office, 14210 Amargosa Road, Victorville, Ca 92392 Addenda: 0 Ref#: 21C850000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-61, D28 - Direct Inquiries to Piron Vossoughi 916/843-4352 Owner: Department of California Highway Patrol/Business Services Section, Contract Services Unit 800-735-2929 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 06, 2021

MVUSD-Valley View HS New Classroom Bid Date: 10/5/2021

2:00 PM

HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services-PSEC Moreno Valley Bid Date: 10/6/2021

Work Consists of: Approximately 58,000 SF. 2-Story, 30 Classroom & Science Building. Structural Steel with wood framed structure along with site improvements.Bid Categories: Budget (Base Bid) LicenseBid Category #01 – Site Demolition, Earthwork and Asphaltic Paving - $590,000 - A Bid Category #02 – Concrete: Structural & Site - $2,140,000 - B or C8Bid Category #03 – Steel: Structural & Miscellaneous - $1,160,000 - C51Bid Category #04 – Rough Carpentry - $3,960,000 - BBid Category #05 – Finish Carpentry & Casework - $800,000 - C-6Bid Category #06 – Roofing & Waterproofing - $660,000 - C39Bid Category #07 – Sheet Metal & Cladding - $200,000 - C43Bid Category #08 – Doors, Frames & Hardware - $290,000 - C28, or D16 or D28Bid Category #09 – Aluminum & Glazing - $810,000 - C17Bid Category #10 – Drywall & Plaster - $1,760,000 - C-9 & C35Bid Category #11 – Finish Flooring - $420,000 - C15Bid Category #12 – Acoustical Ceiling & Treatment - $340,000 - C-2Bid Category #13 – Painting - $380,000 - C33Bid Category #14 – Fire Sprinkler (Bldg.) - $380,000 - C16Bid Category #15 – Plumbing: Site & Building - $2,140,000 - C36Bid Category #16 - HVAC - $2,710,000 - C20Bid Category #17 - Electrical & Low Voltage - $3,470,000 - C10 Bid Category #18 - Landscaping & Irrigation - $250,000 - C27 Bid Category #19 - General Package - $1,270,000 -B AGC #: 21-03679

1:30 PM


The County of Riverside Purchasing on behalf of Riverside County Sheriff / Public Safety Enterprise Communications (PSEC), is soliciting quotations for scheduled preventive maintenance of the existing HVAC units as detailed in this RFQ. In the event maintenance, service, and support for additional HVAC units are required, the County reserves the right to add additional equipment of a similar nature to those units detailed in this RFQ to the awarded contractor’s current agreement. AGC #: 21-03625 Project Type: RFQ Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 1. 7195 ALESSANDRO Blvd Riverside, CA 92506 9/8/21 8:00 am 2. 19301 El Sobrante Rd, Riverside, CA 92504 9/8/21 Addenda: 0 Ref#: PEARC-2021-RFQ0000325 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C20 Direct Inquiries to Andy OrtizAnOrtiz@RIVCO.ORG Owner: County of Riverside BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Project Type: Building

Addenda: 0 Ref#: Est: $23,000,000 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to,, Owner: Moreno Valley Unified School District 951-571-7500 Construction Manager: Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc. (951) 6845901 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021



HVAC System Maintenance Bid Date: 10/7/2021

10:00 AM Placentia Bid Date: 10/8/2021 1:30 PM San Bernardino Contractor shall furnish all necessary materials, labor, equipment and PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS FOR SBMWD WATER other incidental and appurtenant work necessary to provide routine FACILITIES RELOCATION PROJECT – PHASE 1The Work involves HVAC system maintenance at various City facilities. The equipment, the construction of the Water Facilities Relocation Project to include a supplies, and materials used to provide these services shall be of good quality and in the amounts necessary. The general items of work 27,900 square foot administration building, demonstration garden, parking facilities and off-site street improvements. include routine quarterly and annual HVAC system preventative maintenance as well as repairs to the system. AGC #: 21-03677 Project Type: RFQ AGC #: 21-03542 Project Type: Addenda: 0 Ref#: 1755 Addenda: 0 Ref#: Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Sydney Morrison Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class C20 - Direct inquiries to Joel Cardenas: Owner: San Bernardino Municipal Water District (909) 384-5393 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Owner: City of Placentia/Office of City Clerk (714) 993-8134 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Bid Date: 10/7/2021

2:00 PM


Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade - CitywideThe work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals as required by the Contract Documents to construct for the above-stated project.The general items of work include Remove existing signal equipment and Furnish and install traffic signal equipment at 44 intersections complete and in place, including new LED pedestrian push button assemblies, LED pedestrian indications and ATC controllers, and all incidental work and materials. AGC #: 21-03689

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: PW19-10 Est: $857,340 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A or C-10 - Direct Inquiries to Nick Minicilli 951- 693-3917, Jenny McConville 951-506-5171, Tammy Petricka,, Owner: City of Temecula BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 15, 2021

Design-Build Master Agreement for Electric Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Bid Date: 10/14/2021 2:00 PM


On Call Transportation Engineering Services Bid Date: 10/15/2021 4:00 PM

Huntington Beach

The City of Huntington Beach Public Works Department is seeking Work Order Packages to include design, upgrade, construction, experienced Consultant firms to assist the City’s staff with service of alteration, and repair of new and existing Electric Transmission (69 kV- Transportation Engineering. 220 kV), Electric Distribution up to 15 kV, and Substation systems and AGC #: 21-03644 Project Type: RFQ facilities throughout the City. Specific work may include, but not be limited to abandon, repair, relocate, replace, and install ductbanks / Addenda: 0 Ref#: 2021-1015 conduits, manholes, vaults, utility poles, underground, padmount and Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct overhead high voltage electrical apparatus (conductors, transformers, inquiries to Jennifer Anderson: 714-374-1569 and/or switches, capacitors, automation, breakers, switchgears, instrument transformers, battery system, protection relays, substation and distribution automation systems, etc.). Work and services required of Owner: City of Huntington Beach/Purchasing the Design-Builder will include design, construction, and BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be commissioning, in which the Design-Builder will provide all automatically directed to the project online. management, supervision, labor, services, temporary facility, equipment, material, tools, supplies, and the wherewithal needed to complete the scope of the Work Order Package.

AGC #: 21-03632

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 20210902 Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Prevailing wages - Contractor's License Class A or C10 - Direct inquiries to Brenda Medina: (714) 765-5157 and/or Owner: City of Anaheim/Dept of Public Works (714) 765-5157 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


October 21, 2021

Ritchey St Water Main Relocation, SA-7 Pressure Reducing Measure E Series S-Irvine HS Performing Arts ComplexStation Relocation & SR-55 Water Crossing Relocation Increment 01 Bid Date: 10/19/2021 2:00 PM

Santa Ana Bid Date: 10/21/2021 2:00 PM

The work is precipitated by Caltrans State Route 55 widening. The additional freeway lines being added impact the City of Santa Ana’s existing pressure reducing station and associated piping. The scope of work has been divided in three components; the relocation of the water main within Ritchey Street, the relocation of the pressure reducing station and the relocation of the connecting piping that currently crosses the freeway.Ritchey St Water Main Relocation (196438): This work is for the relocation of the existing 16-inch water main in Ritchey Street. SA-7 Pressure Reducing Station Relocation (19-6439): This work is for the relocation of the existing SA-7 Pressure Reducing Station. SR-55 Water Crossing Relocation (19-6440): This work is for the bore and jack installation of two new transmission mains across the Costa Mesa Freeway (State Route 55) and the partial removal and abandonment of the existing transmission mains. AGC #: 21-03416

Project Type: Engineering

Ref#: 19-6438, 19-6439 & 19 Est: $6,400,000 -6440 Misc. Notes: Do not call Purchasing Division regarding Public Works Agency projects Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works

Addenda: 1


Scope of work for Measure E Series 3 – Irvine HS Performing Arts Complex, Increment 1 includes, but not limited to: Remove paving and curbs as required to accomplish new work. Remove other items indicated, for salvage, relocation, and recycling. AGC #: 21-03654

Project Type: Engineering

Addenda: 0 Ref#: 100E025-21-021 Misc. Notes: PREQUALIFICATION: Contractors must be prequalified with IUSD within last 12 months to submit bid_For details and online Prequalification Questionnaire Package go to: Questionnaires must be submitted online by 10/6/21 @ 5:00PM_Direct inquiries to Irvine USD at 949-936-5322 Owner: Irvine Unified School District (949) 870-9044 Construction Manager: C.W. Driver (949) 870-9044 Owner: Irvine Unified School District (949) 870-9044 Construction Manager: C.W. Driver (949) 870-9044 BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

PC1232, Los Olivos, Electrical Panel Upgrades

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Bid Date: 10/21/2021 2:00 PM

Beaumont HS Expansion Project-PH3

PC1232, Los Olivos, Electrical Panel Upgrades:Replacement of Meter -Load centers

Bid Date: 10/19/2021 2:00 PM

Beaumont AGC #: 21-03678 Project Type: Engineering Prebid Conf: MANDATORY 09/22/2021 9AM, 1200 N. Campus Avenue Upland CA. Addenda: 0 Ref#: PC1232 Est: $578,090 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Electronic Only - Prevailing Wage Contractors License Class C10 - No oral requests for clarification will be accepted. All such requests must be in writing via email no later than 4:00pm PST on October 11th, 2019. All questions and clarifications will be posted on Owner: Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino (909) 332-6342 Project Type: Building BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be

Beaumont HS Expansion Project-PH3CATEGORY NUMBER 04B: (CA License classification B)CATEGORY NUMBER 06B: (CA License classification C-51)CATEGORY NUMBER 07B: (CA License classification B or C5)CATEGORY NUMBER 08B: (CA License classification C6)CATEGORY NUMBER 09B: (CA License classification C39 or C43)CATEGORY NUMBER 011B: (CA License classification B or C5 or D16 & D24 or D28)CATEGORY NUMBER 13B: (CA License classification C9 & C35)CATEGORY NUMBER 17B: (CA License classification C33)CATEGORY NUMBER 19B: (CA License classification C36)CATEGORY NUMBER 21B: (CA License classification C20)CATEGORY NUMBER 22B: (CA License classification C10 or C7) AGC #: 21-03581

San Bernardino

Addenda: 1 Ref#: 2020-03 Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Prevailing Wage - Direct Inquiries to Robin Weise, Sr. Project Coordinator (Email: 909-476-0590 Owner: Beaumont Unified School District (951) 845-1631 Construction Manager: Ledesma & Meyer Construction Co. (909) 476-0590

automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021

ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO November 13, 2021 Informal Bidding Contractors List 2021 CUPCCAA Bid Date: 11/13/2021 2:00 PM

December 31, 2021 Contractor's Informal Public Project Prequalification Packet - 2021

Rancho Cucamonga Bid Date: 12/31/2021 5:00 PM Riverside CHAFFEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT In accordance with the State of California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Contractor's Informal Public Project Prequalification Packet - 2021 Commission, Chaffey Community College District (“District”) is inviting AGC #: 21-01849 Project Type: RFQ all interested licensed contractors to submit their company for inclusion on the District’s Informal Bidding Contractors List for Addenda: 0 Ref#: PUARC-1681 calendar year 2021. Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Joanne Cook AGC #: 20-04381 Project Type: Prequalification (951) Owner: County of Riverside Purchasing & Fleet Addenda: 0 Ref#: CUPCCAA Misc. Notes: To be placed on the District’s 2021 Informal Bidding Contractors List, please register on the District's PlanetBids Vendor Portal via the link: - Questions may also be directed via email to or by phone at (909) 652-6701 Owner: Chaffey Community College District (909) 652-6701

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.

Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email

Caltrans Projects

AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021

Bid Date



San Bernardino CDOT 08-1J2004 Replace Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement $3,800,000 County Alameda and Solano $1,780,000 CDOT 04-2K7904 Install Highway Planting and Irrigation Systems Counties CDOT 11-422004 Construct pervious concrete, minor concrete, HMA and San Diego County $880,000 Modify Landscape CDOT 04-4J9304 Highway Planting Restoration and Upgrade Irrigation Santa Clara County $2,000,000 System CDOT 08-1L3304 Thermoplastic Traffic Striping, Pavement Markings, and San Bernardino $960,000 Roadside Signs County CDOT 06-0X3504 Cold Plane AC and Overlay with HMA and RHMA-G Kern County CDOT 05-1G9704 Cold Plane, Overlay Roadway with RHMA (Gap Graded) Santa Barbara $14,300,000 and ADA Curb Ramps County CDOT 07-319504 Planting Establishment Work and Install Irrigation Los Angeles County $1,330,000 Systems CDOT 05-1G9604 Install Countdown and Accessible Pedestrian Signals San Luis Obispo and $1,040,000 Santa Barbara Counties CDOT 07-351804 Modify Signal, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems Los Angeles County $760,000

9/9/21 9/9/21 9/14/21 9/14/21 9/15/21 9/16/21 9/16/21 9/21/21 9/21/21 9/21/21



Tehama County


Siskiyou County



CDOT 02-1H5104 Remove and Replace Bridge CDOT 02-4F5204 Roadway Ex, Hydraulic Biotic Growth Med. and Midwest Guardrail System CDOT 07-332504 Install Metal Beam Guardrails


CDOT 02-0J7404 Replace Culverts

Shasta County



CDOT 05-0L7224 Replace Bridge

San Luis Obispo



CDOT 04-0K6704 Construct Soldier Pile Wall

San Mateo County



CDOT 09-387804 Cold plane AC pavement and place HMA (Type A) CDOT 05-1K0504 Construct Earth Retaining System with CIDH Pile & Structural Concrete CDOT 05-0A0904 Widen Reinforced Structural Concrete Bridge & Replace Bridge Railing CDOT 03-1H2704 Upgrade Bridge Rails & Construct Concrete Median Barrier CDOT 03-1H18U4 Roadway Excavation, JPCP and Furnish Polyester Concrete Overlay CDOT 04-0A7724 Excavation, HMA, Structural Concrete, Minor Concrete and Drainage CDOT 12-0H0474 Place HMA and Perforated Plastic Pipe Underdrain CDOT 03-0H8304 Roadway Excavation, Place Hot Mix Asphalt and Plastic Pipe CDOT 09-213404 Roadway Excavation, Place HMA (Type A), and Alternative Pipe Culvert CDOT 08-1G5204

Inyo County


Monterey County


Monterey County


Yuba County


Nevada County


Alameda County


Orange County


El Dorado County


Inyo County


San Bernardino County Yuba County



9/29/21 9/30/21 9/30/21 10/5/21 10/6/21 10/6/21 10/6/21 10/7/21 10/12/21 10/20/21 11/18/21

Los Angeles County $16,400,000

CDOT 03-4F38U4 Widen Shoulders and Improve Clear Recovery Zone CDOT 02-4H4404 Construct Soldier Pile Retaining Wall, Repair RSP and Plumas County HMA Paving

$86,000,000 $16,000,000


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021

SAN DIEGO & IMPERIAL COUNTIES J18 Southend Facility Bell Building Flooring

Bid Date:

Owner: Imperial Irrigation District Robbie's Floor Coverings, Inc.

8/24/2021 Imperial


El Centro, CA


1st Low

Parking Pay Stations

Bid Date:

Owner: Port of San Diego

8/24/2021 San Diego

!Bid Summary Attached See Project Documents for Details

, CA


Sassafras Street Widening 412296FC

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

Owner: San Diego Regional Airport Authority


8/26/2021 San Diego

Hazard Construction Co

(858) 587-3600

Lakeside, CA

1st Low (JASON MORDHORST jmordhorst@hazardcons

West Coast General Corporation

(619) 561-4200

Poway, CA

2nd Low


Escondido, CA

3rd Low (Garrett Belay


LB Civil Construction

(760) 294-0974

Dove Library Fire Alarm System Replacement

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration The ADT Security Corporation

Engineer's Est:

(619) 455-6686

Escondido, CA


$115,190 Bid Date:

Owner: North County Transit District (619) 383-6000

El Cajon, CA

Alpha Mechanical

(858) 278-3500

San Diego, CA

A & H Refrigeration, Inc.

(714) 467-8200

Garden Grove, CA

1st Low (Erica L Mann 6193575264 emann@countywidems. com) 2nd Low (Scott Roscoe 858-278-3500 sroscoe@alphamechani 3rd Low (Holly Le 714800-9888 hollyle@anhrefrigeration .com)

Water & Wastewater Facilities Landscape Maintenance Services

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration

Mesa Energy Systems




9/1/2021 Carlsbad

, CA


AVO Playhouse HVAC System Replacement Owner: City of Vista

9/1/2021 San Diego

Countywide Mechanical Systems, Inc.

!Bid Summary Attached See Project Documents for Details

9/1/2021 Carlsbad

1st Low (Dennis Buth

HVAC Maintenance Services


Bid Date: Engineer's Est: , CA

$120,000 1st Low

9/7/2021 Vista $84,640


AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


Bid Date:

Owner: Omnitrans Western A/V

San Bernardino (714) 637-7383

Binge, Inc. Eidim Group, Inc.


(562) 777-1009

Orange, CA

1st Low (Hailey Schellin


, CA

2nd Low


Buena Park, CA

3rd Low


Boardroom Electrical Upgrades

Bid Date:

Owner: Omnitrans

8/13/2021 San Bernardino

My Electrician Inc.

(800) 342-6885

Temecula, CA

1st Low


Baran Electric

(916) 508-6628

Sacramento, CA

2nd Low


PC1237 Roof Replacement Mill St.

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

Owner: Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino


8/27/2021 San Bernardino

Commercial Waterproofing Systems, Inc.

(714) 667-6000

Santa Ana, CA

1st Low


GreenCal Construction, Inc.

(562) 607-7380

Bellflower, CA

2nd Low



(714) 633-0230


3rd Low


Custom Cabinetry

Bid Date:

Owner: Orange County Fire Authority/Purchasing Department !Bid Summary Attached See Project Documents for Details


County of Orange , CA


ITS HVAC Upgrade at District Operations Center

Bid Date:

Owner: Rancho Santiago Community College District Engineer's Est:


8/31/2021 Santa Ana

Golden Gate Steel Inc. dba Golden Gate Const.


Buena Park, CA

1st Low (Davis Lim 562-2108108)

Astra Builders Inc.

(714) 404-7057

Anaheim, CA

2nd Low


Pardessa Air Inc

(310) 447-3628

Los Angeles, CA

3rd Low (Hass)


Operations and Maintenance Coating Rehabilitation Program On-Call Contractor Services

Bid Date:

Owner: Orange County Sanitation District , CA


Professional Engineering Services, Civil Engineering Design, Consulting and Project Management Services

Bid Date:

Owner: City of San Bernardino

8/31/2021 San Bernardino

!Bid Summary Attached See Project Documents for Details

, CA


Saddleback College Gateway Building

Bid Date:

Owner: South Orange County Community College District/Procurement

Engineer's Est:

(949) 851-8383


8/31/2021 Mission Viejo

Newport Beach, CA

1st Low

$40,598,083 $43,227,000 $43,239,000

SJ Amoroso Construction Co.

(714) 433-2326

Costa Mesa, CA

2nd Low (Roger Schotter

Pinner Construction

(714) 490-4000

Anaheim, CA

3rd Low

District Wide Alarm System Installation & Monitoring Services

Bid Date:

Owner: Menifee Union School District West Coast Fire Protection


County of Orange

!Bid Summary Attached See Project Documents for Details

McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.


9/1/2021 Menifee

, CA

1st Low



AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021



ENKO Systems

San Diego, CA

2nd Low


, CA

3rd Low


Enchanted Hills Elementary Portable Classroom Reno.

Bid Date:

Owner: Perris Elementary School District


Dalke & Sons Construction

, CA

Bid Date:

Engineer's Est:

Owner: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

(949) 438-6789

$4,000,000 to


9/1/2021 Riverside

Anaheim, CA

1st Low


2nd Low (Jon Johnson 909485-0039 3rd Low (Jesus E Carrillo


Trinity Construction Co.


Blue Jay, CA

CEM Construction Corp

(323) 597-1084

Montebello, CA

MWRP Paving Near Buildings 90, 100, and 110

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

Owner: Irvine Ranch Water District


1st Low

Lake Mathews Reservoir Wastewater System Replacement

Creative Home


All American Asphalt

(951) 736-7600

Corona, CA

A&Y Asphalt Contractors, Inc.

(951) 340-4190

Norco, CA


(909) 940-0200

Perris, CA


9/1/2021 Irvine

1st Low (Augustine De Los Reyes augustine.delosreyes@allam 2nd Low (Allen Giese 3rd Low (Jeffrey Nelson

On-Call Concrete Maintenance


Bid Date:

Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing


$196,003 $215,000 9/1/2021 Irvine

CJ Concrete Construction, Inc

(562) 777-2222

Santa Fe Springs, CA

1st Low


CT&T Concrete Paving, Inc.

(909) 629-8000

Diamond Bar, CA

2nd Low


Gentry General Engineering Inc.

(909) 330-1128

Rancho Cucamonga, CA 3rd Low


River Road Median Landscape Improvements

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Corona


Kasa Construction

(909) 457-8260

Chino, CA

Conserve Landcare


thousand Plams, CA

Kormex Construction, Inc.

(657) 274-9959

Ontario, CA

Sanitary Sewer System Cleaning Routine Maint.

1st Low ( Hector Zavala m) 2nd Low (Kevin Rocker 760250-7639 krocker@conservelandcare.c om) 3rd Low (Dan Patterson 909218-5700 m)

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Corona

$439,889 $500,603


9/1/2021 Corona

Houston & Harris PCS, Inc.

Innerline Engineering, Inc.


Grand Terrace, CA

(909) 260-2322

Corona, CA

1st Low (Larry Houston 909422-8990 lhouston@houstonandharris. com) 2nd Low (Bryce Swanson 909-260-2322 anasri@innerlineengineering. com)




AGC Construction Reporter

September 08, 2021


(626) 338-1434

Baldwin Park, CA

3rd Low (Tom Vukojevic 626338-1434

Landscape Maintenance of Parks and Athletic Fields

Bid Date:

Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing


9/2/2021 Irvine

Brightview Landscape Development, Inc.

(714) 931-0864

Santa Ana, CA

1st Low


Merchants Landscape Services

(800) 645-4881

Santa Ana, CA

2nd Low


Van Nuys, CA

3rd Low (George Albanez galbanez@parkwoodlandsca


Parkwood Landscape Maintenance

(818) 988-9677

McCall Blvd. Resurfacing (Encanto to Oakhurst) Owner: City of Menifee RJ Noble Company

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

(714) 637-1550



Orange, CA

1st Low


2nd Low (Morgan Rierson mrierson@hardyandharper.c om) 3rd Low Rio Cabrera 760-532 -2613


Hardy & Harper Inc.

(714) 444-1851

Lake Forest, CA

LC Paving & Sealing

(760) 752-1743

Escondido, CA

Morse/Gillette Domestic Water Pipeline Replacement Owner: Irvine Ranch Water District

Bid Date:

Engineer's Est:




San Clemente, CA

T. E. Roberts, Inc.

(714) 669-0072

Orange, CA

2nd Low

Orange County Great Park Palm Court Stockpile Relocation

Bid Date:

Engineer's Est:

$1,289,069 9/2/2021 Irvine

1st Low (Alan Aristondo 714949-4345 ALAN@GCICONSTRUCTIO N.COM)

Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing




$451,703 9/2/2021 Irvine

SJD&B, Inc.

(909) 481-0001

Walnut, CA

1st Low (Simon Jeon

Jeremy Harris Construction

(909) 234-8246

Riverside, CA

2nd Low


Southern California Grading


Irvine, CA

3rd Low (Jonathan Rathmann 949-536-0529 m)


Street Light Update Project Owner: City of Indio

Bid Date: Engineer's Est:

Yunex, LLC



9/2/2021 Indio

, CA

1st Low


2nd Low (Melissa Ibarra 3rd Low (Nick Kabbany


Elecnor Belco Group

(909) 993-5470

Chino, CA

Calpromax Engineering Inc.

(714) 573-4599

Placentia, CA

Bus Stop Improvements

Bid Date:

$484,650 9/7/2021 San Bernardino County

Owner: Omnitrans AEC Moreno Corp.


Colton, CA

1st Low


CT&T Concrete Paving, Inc.

(909) 629-8000

Diamond Bar, CA

2nd Low


, CA

3rd Low


Gentry General Engineering Inc.

SEPTEMBER CLASSES September 13-15 - Fall Protection 24 Hour CPT for EM 385 September 13 - Scaffold 8hr CPT September 14 - Construction Scheduling @ Lakeside September 14 - Stormwater (Online via Zoom) September 15 - EOS 2 Hour Workshop @ Lakeside September 16 - Excel - Intermediate Level off-site September 16 - Trenching & Excavating 8 hr CPT September 20 - Forklift Operator Certification September 20-23 - NAVFAC SW 32 Hour Scaffold CPT September 21-22 - Qualified SWPPP Practitioner Training September 21-23 - Qualified SWPPP Developer Training September 21 & 24 - BlueBeam Introduction Training (Online Training) September 22 - How to Write Winning Proposals @ Lakeside September 22 & 23 - CQM-C (Zoom) September 23 - Excel - Advanced Level off-site September 23 - Construction Law Lunch & Learn @ Lakeside September 27-29 - Fall Protection 24 Hour CPT for EM 385 September 28 - LAST PLANNER SYSTEM Workshop @ Lakeside September 28 - CPR First Aid Training @ Lakeside

For more information on classes, contact: Becca Schaffer 619-592-4533


@AGCSanDiego #AGCSanDiego

AGC Open House & Affiliate Mixer EVENT DETAILS: 2:30 PM - Registration Opens 3:00 PM - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Starts 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM - Building Open House, Food Trucks & Beverages, Meet AGC San Diego Members and AGC Staff and Raffle Prizes!

AGC Register at

QUESTIONS? SPONSORSHIPS? Contact Rae Krushensky I I 858-731-8157


@AGCSanDiego #AGCSanDiego

Fall Golf Tournament

Monday, October 11, 2021 Country Club of Rancho Bernardo 9:30 AM - Registration 11:00 AM - Shotgun Start

Early Bird Special (available until September 10, 2021) - $250 per person Price After September 10, 2021*: $275 per person

AGC Register at

QUESTIONS? SPONSORSHIPS? Contact Rae Krushensky I I 858-731-8157



The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc. 10140 Riverford Road, Lakeside, CA 92040 Phone (858) 558-7444 I Fax (858) 558-8444 I

I Chartered in 1927

The Voice of Construction

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