Spraying within the NCTD Railroad Right-of-Way (ROW)
People - River Street Greenhouse (Sub-Bids Only)
J045 - Relocate Two (TACO) Hot Water Return Pumps & ReRoute Copper Piping Etc. Loma Linda, CA
San Marcos - 22/23 Blanket Minor Cap Advertisement
5531 La Jolla Shores Overlook (Prequalification of DesignBuilders)
- Descanso Fire Station Barracks Reroof
AGC Construction Reporter June 28, 2023
Nondestructive Condition Assessment of the First Aqueduct Pipelines
Bid Date:
SCOPE OF WORKThe scope of work is segregated into five areas of interest. These are:4.1 Leak detection. In-service pipeline leak detection to locate and quantify any existingleaks across all pipe types.4.2 Reinforced concrete pressure pipe – cylinder type. Assessment of the condition of theembedded metallic components.4.3 Reinforced concrete pressure pipe – non-cylinder type. Assessment of the conditionof the embedded metallic components.4.4 Welded steel pipe. Assessment of the condition of the metallic components.4.5 3D Laser Scanning. As-built scanning services and analysis for the First Aqueductuntreated water tunnels.Refer to Exhibit A, Scope of Work, for more details.
AGC #:
Ref#: RFP_F-SG0000000008
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Sabrina Garner 858-522-6639 sbrown@sdcwa.org
Owner: San Diego County Water Authority (858) 522-6639
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Design of the Biological Treatment Improvements
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Design of the Biological Treatment Improvements Project
AGC #:
Ref#: 47
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class AGeneral Engineering Contractor - Direct Inquires to Purchasing / 760-753-6203 x73, changa@sejpa.org
Owner: San Elijo Joint Powers Authority (760) 753-6203
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: 127EAW23R0031 - Henshaw Fire Station Residence Reroof
1:00 PM
Palomar Mountain
A FS organized pre-proposal site visit will be NOT be held. In no event shall failure to inspect the site constitute grounds for a claim after contract award.127EAW23R0031 - Henshaw Fire Station Residence Reroof
23-02677 AGC #: Ref#: 127EAW23R0031
Project Type:RFP Est:
Misc. Notes: All Requests for Information (RFI's) shall be submitted to the Contract Specialist, Tanya Torres, on the attached RFI form not later than 1300 hours PST, June 12th,2023Primary Point of Contact: Tanya Torres, tanya.torres@usda.gov
Owner: USDA Forest Service
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
San Diego Supercomputer Center located on the main campus, houses two main Data Rooms: the West Data Room and the East Data Room. Currently, the West Data room is without clean agent fire protection. The primary objective of the SDSC COMPUTER ROOM CLEAN AGENT UPGRADE project is to remove the existing nonfunctioning Halon System and install a new clean agent system that meets current NFPA standard. Mechanical, Electrical and Roofing system integration will be required for the new system.Prime Contractor Estimated Construction Cost: $2,500,000Subcontractor Estimate Construction Cost: $1,500,000PRIME
CONTRACTORRequired CA License: B: General Building Contractor SUBCONTRACTORRequired CA License C-16: Fire Protection Contractor**Firms that have already been prequalified in the previous prequalification solicitation in October 2022 do not need to re-submit again.
23-02772 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6/14/23, 10 am, via Zoom. Contractors interested in attending the Prequalification Conference must register in advance of the conference. Once registered a confirmation email with Zoom details will follow. Register in advance for this meeting: https://ucsd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpcu2urz8vHNEUXE272JN3 8I2LEmDcZj35
W10018932 SDSC Computer Room Clean Agent Upgrade 0
Ref#: Project No. W10018932 / P4L-250
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class See Ad for Bids – Direct Inquiries to Hiroko Wilson hwilson@ucsd.edu
Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management (858) 822-4470
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
CSU San Marcos - 22/23 Blanket Minor Cap Advertisement
Bid Date:
664-18-320 - Energy Management Controls Integration 1 (Pre-Solicitation Notice)
12:00 PM
6/30/2023 San Marcos
THIS IS A BLANKET ADVERTISEMENT AND IS NOT FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECTCSU San Marcos may be seeking qualified contractors and service providers to perform various services/projects from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The dollar value of these projects will not exceed $929,000.00 per project. All interested parties are encouraged to register as a vendor at the link below to be notified if and when opportunities arise.
22-03156 AGC #:
Ref#: JR070122
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Jocelyn Rivas 760 -750-4950 jrivas@csusm.edu
Owner: California State University San Marcos (760) 750-4950
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Replace Roof Drain Stormwater Piping Deficiencies, West
11:00 AM
San Diego
Replace Roof Drain Stormwater Piping Deficiencies, West:Replace Rood Drain Stormwater Piping Deficiencies, West to upgrade (removal and replacement) of existing Storm Drain Piping from basement floor to the sixth-floor roof in Building 1.The VA will issue an Invitation for Bid (IFB) on or about April 28, 2023 or sooner via Contract Opportunities at https://beta.sam.gov/. A site visit will be scheduled, and the date/time/location will be provided in the solicitation.
22-05580 AGC #:
Ref#: 36C26223B0004, Project 664-17-303
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - POC: Marua Cruz-Thompson, maria.cruz-thompson@va.gov
Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
San Diego
664-18-320 - Energy Management Controls Integration 1The VA will issue an Invitation for Bid (IFB) on or about March 31, 2023 or sooner via Contract Opportunities at https://beta.sam.gov/A site visit will be scheduled, and the date/time/location will be provided in the solicitation.
22-05581 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: 36C26223B0003, Project 664-18-320
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - POC: Marua Cruz-Thompson, maria.cruz-thompson@va.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Weed Spraying within the NCTD Railroad Right-of-Way (ROW)
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
North County Transit District (NCTD) is seeking a Contractor that possesses a Hi-Rail Sprayer Truck to seasonally apply herbicides to prevent vegetation growth from all track beds and other designated areas within the NCTD Railroad Right-of-Way (ROW).
23-02538 AGC #:
Ref#: 32636
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class C27 –Direct Inquiries to Suzie Tovar 760-966-6606 stovar@nctd.org
Owner: North County Transit District (760) 966-6606
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Dutch Bros. CA5701 - Escondido (Sub-Bids Only)
12:00 PM
Dutch Bros. CA5701 - Escondido
23-02620 AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (Gray West Inc.) , there may be other GC’s biddingInvited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
Escondido :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
June 30, 2023
127EAW23R0030 - Cameron Fire Station Barracks Reroof
5531 La Jolla Shores Overlook (Prequalification of DesignBuilders)
Bid Date:
1:00 PM
A FS organized pre-proposal site visit will be NOT be held.127EAW23R0030 - Cameron Fire Station Barracks Reroof
Bid Date:
7/3/2023 La Jolla
4:00 PM
AGC #: Ref#: 127EAW23R0030
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: All Requests for Information (RFI's) shall be submitted to the Contract Specialist, Tanya Torres at Tanya.Torres@usda.gov, on the attached RFI form not later than 1300 hours PST, June 12th, 2023 - Primary Point of Contact: Tanya Torres, tanya.torres@usda.gov
Palomar Mountain https://sam.gov/opp/53ec473938c344369bb4fbd34c53837b/view
Owner: USDA Forest Service
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The Overlook will be a small publicly accessible park, offering stunning ocean and sunset views. The construction scope will include an ocean -view platform, two (2) accessible asphalt parking spaces, planting, hydroseeding, and decomposed granite paths. The design scope includes the design development and construction documents phases. A Coastal Development Permit will be procured by the University, with the use of design documentation provided by the Design-Builder. Review the Design Builder Supplemental Information document for full project description.
23-02989 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Prequalification
Bid Date:
12:00 PM
San Marcos
Vallecitos Water District is currently accepting bids for the concrete foundation portion of the Palomar Tank Helo-Pod Foundation Project. The District has excavated the area. Please bid for base material, forms, rebar and concrete work only.
AGC #:
Palomar Tank Helo-Pod Foundation 0
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class – Direct Inquiries to Meagan Funk 760-752-7148 mfunk@vwd.org
Owner: Vallecitos Water District (760) 752-7148
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
6/26/23, 10 am, via Zoom. Anyone interested in attending the Prequalification Conference must register in advance of the conference. Once registered a confirmation email with Zoom details will follow. Registration link: https://ucsd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqfugrTspGNVEbwsk_OjxtS6xnjOO9Dtg
Ref#: 5531
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class License A – General Engineering Contractor, License B – General Building Contractor, and License C-27 – Landscaping Contractor and be teamed with a California licensed design professional that meets the specified requirements with design-build project requirements. Responding teams will be asked to demonstrate comparable project experience in the Request for Qualifications. – Direct Inquiries to Eva Lanie Cabreros ecabreros@ucsd.edu
Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management (858) 822-6401
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
1:00 PM
127EAW23R0037 - Descanso Fire Station Barracks ReroofDescanso Fire Station Barracks, San Diego County, Descanso Ranger District 23-02676 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
127EAW23R0037 - Descanso Fire Station Barracks Reroof 1
Ref#: 127EAW23R0037
Misc. Notes: All Requests for Information (RFI's) shall be submitted to the Contract Specialist, Tanya Torres, on the attached RFI form not later than 1300 hours PST, June 14th, 2023 - Primary Point of Contact: Tanya Torres, tanya.torres@usda.gov
Descanso https://sam.gov/opp/cc9837adcc704941b5af97dc43963dcd/view Owner: USDA Forest Service
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 05, 2023
Repair & Raise M-10 Survey Monuments
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
AGC #:
Ref#: L-23-2195-DBB-1
Project Type: Est:
San Diego
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A - Direct Inquires to Brittany Friedenreich 619-533-3104 bfriedenreic@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-3104
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Set Aside - As Needed Painting Services
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
San Diego
**Eligibility to compete for award on this solicitation is reserved exclusively for Small Business Enterprise (SBE) andVeteran Owned Business (VOB) as defined in Board Policies B-53 and B-39a respectively.SET ASIDE - [RFB] Set Aside -As Needed Painting Services:The Department of General Services has a requirement for as-needed painting services at various County locations throughout San Diego County.
AGC #:
Ref#: RFP 12588
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Each Task Order will not exceed $45,000 - Contractors license class C33 - Direct Inquires to The Contracting Officer : Jeannine Joergensen, (858) 505-6363, Jeannine.Joergensen@sdcounty.ca.gov
Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting (858) 505-6527
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 05, 2023
Service Area Plan: Niland County Sanitation District (County Project No. 7054NCSD)
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
El Centro
The County of Imperial Department of Public Works is requesting proposals from qualified consultants toprepare one (1) Service Area Plan (also known as a Municipal Service Review) for the County of Imperial forSpecial District: Niland County Sanitation District. The selected consultant will create a Service Area Plan toreflect current conditions as applicable for compliance with the Cortese-KnoxHertzber local GovernmentReorganization Act of 2000.
23-02797 AGC #:
Ref#: 7054NCSD
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - (Electronic0 - Direct inquiries to Janette Govea, Administrative Analyst II, County of Imperial Department of Public Works at (442) 265-1818 or janettegovea@co.imperial.ca.us
Owner: Imperial County Department of Public Works (442) 2651818
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Chula Vista
Scope of work consists of rehabilitation of the existing City of Chula Aqua Vista Sewer Pump Station.
AGC #:
Agua Vista Pump Station 0
Ref#: SWR0286
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A Gen'l Eng or combo of all of the following: C8, C10, C12, C34, C36 and C42. All traffic control plans must be prepared and signed by an “A” or a “C-31” - Direct Inquires to David Hicks, 619-691-5040, dhicks@chulavistaca.gov
Owner: City of Chula Vista - Engineering (619) 691-5040
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 06, 2023
Bid Date: Street Lighting Replacement Program – Phase 2 (Re-bid)
7/6/2023 Carlsbad
11:00 AM
The City of Carlsbad is seeking a contractor to provide all labor, equipment and materials to remove and salvage or recycle existing induction street lights and replace with new LED street lighting fixtures.
AGC #:
Ref#: Cont. No. 6062PWS232188TRAN
Project Type: Est:
Bid Date:
The County of San Diego (County), Department of General Services (DGS) has a requirement for As Needed Fire ProtectionSystem Services at various County locations throughout the County.
23-02852 AGC #:
Ref#: 12539
Project Type:RFB
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class C-10 –Direct Inquiries to Graham Jordan 442-339-2462 graham.jordan@carlsbadca.gov
Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration (760) 6022462
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Design of Sunset Cliffs Seawall Improvement
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
Design of Sunset Cliffs Seawall Improvement
AGC #:
Ref#: H2326167-M
Project Type:RFP Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to John Mendivil 619-533-3638 jmendivil@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego PWC (619) 533-3638
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Campo South Well 2 Pump House
Bid Date:
Construction of a concrete block pump house including site work, foundations, plumbing, electrical, well equipping, a standby generator with auto-transfer switch, fencing and approximately 314 feet of water main. Also to include well pump control systems with sounding tubes and pressure transducers for two pump houses (existing and new). Propane tank and plumbing to be providedby others, but contractor shall coordinate, trench, and backfill.
23-02681 AGC #:
Ref#: CA 15-E49 / CA 20N63
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Zachary Ruylemeyer, Phone: (760) 735-6883
E-mail: zachary.ruylemeyer@ihs.gov
Owner: Campo Kumeyaay Nation (619) 378-5075
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - (Electronic) - Class C-16 Fire Protection license - Direct inquiries to Ana Garcia, Procurement Specialist, Email: Ana.Garcia2@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Owner: County of San Diego (858) 505-6367
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
EWA is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to provide professional design services to complete an Energy Resilience Assessment of our wastewater treatment facilities. For the purpose of this assessment, EWA defines energy as a combination of electrical power, biogas production, and heat generation. The goal of the assessment is to develop an approach for energy resilience over a 25year planning horizon with a 10-year implementation plan. The recommended approach will identify how to best manage these energy resources within the EWPCF in an effort to maximize value and/or resiliency.
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Energy Resilience Assessment 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Desiree Yednak 442-258-3721 dyednak@encinajpa.com; dcutler@encinajpa.com
Owner: Encina Wastewater Authority (442) 258-3721
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Cardiff By The Sea
Flow Equalization Basins Floating Covers Cleaning, Inspection & Maintenance
23-02862 AGC #:
Ref#: 48
Project Type:
Flow Equalization Basins Floating Covers Cleaning, Inspection & Maintenance 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A Contractor License and C-61 Specialty/D-12 Synthetic Products License – Direct Inquiries to Purchasing Department 760-7536203 x73 purchasing@sejpa.org
Owner: San Elijo Joint Powers Authority (760) 753-6203
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 07, 2023
As-Needed Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Contractor
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
The City of San Diego (the City) issued a Request for Information (RFI) over the summer of 2022 toinvite feedback on public and municipal workplace EV charging best practices, financing, siting, andcontracting. This Request for Proposals (RFP) builds off responses received to the RFI. Its intent is toidentify and select an exclusive Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) provider to install, operate,and maintain networked electric vehicle (EV) chargers on cityowned properties for public andworkplace charging. A consortium of EVSE providers submitting a single proposal as a joint venture ispermissible if a confidential copy of the joint venture instrument is provided with the proposal and theterms are satisfactory to City in providing adequate assurance of responsibility and recourse, which shallbe determined at City’s sole discretion.
23-01317 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
4-14-23 at 10am via Virtual Meeting
As Needed Abatement Services
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
As Needed Abatement Services
23-02771 AGC #:
Ref#: 12503
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class C-22 Asbestos Abatement Contractors License, Contractor must also possess an (ASB) Asbestos Removal Certification – Direct Inquiries to Martha Trevejo (858) 505-6527, martha.trevejo@sdcounty.ca.gov
Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting (858) 505-6527
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: 10089971-23-S
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Sandra Vasquez 619-236-6032 SMVasquez@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant Digester 8 Cleaning
Bid Date:
This project shall remove the sand, gravel, hair, seeds, and all other debris that haveaccumulated over the past 6 years in Digester 8 at the Point Loma Wastewater TreatmentPlant (PLWTP).
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6/14/23, 10 am, Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant 1902 Gatchell Road, San Diego, CA 92106
Ref#: 10090035-23-M
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Mark Holt 619-236 -6053 MHolt@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 236-6053
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
11:00 AM
As-Needed Underground Facility Locating Services
23-02886 AGC #:
Bid Date: As-Needed Underground Facility Locating Services 0
Ref#: 12444
Project Type:
7/7/2023 San Diego :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
7/7/2023 San Diego
2:00 PM
Office Tenant Improvement in existing space. Non-bearing partitions with associated mechanical, electrical and plumbing.
23-03004 AGC #:
Bid Date: Summit Pointe (Sub-Bids Only) 0
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 10, 2023
As-Needed Ballast & Aggregate
Bid Date:
2:51 PM
North County Transit District (NCTD) is seeking to secure contractors to provide and deliver (“Work”) ballast and aggregate (“materials”). Orders for these services will be made on an “as requested” basis during the awarded period. The contract(s) are based on as-needed requirements and will have no minimum guarantee.
Iris Rapid Route Construction and ADA Bus Stop Improvements Prequalification
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
Iris Rapid Route Construction and ADA Bus Stop Improvements Prequalification
23-02952 AGC #:
Ref#: PWG373.0-23
Project Type:Prequalification
Project Type:
AGC #: Ref#: 32819
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Suzie Tovar 760966-6606 stovar@nctd.org
Owner: North County Transit District (760) 966-6606
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Comm Cabinets HVAC Maintenance - RFP
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
Comm Cabinets HVAC Maintenance - RFP
AGC #:
Ref#: PWG365.0-23
Project Type:RFP
San Diego
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Duane Johnson 619-557-4547 duane.johnson@sdmts.com
Owner: MTS Procurement Dept. (619) 557-4547
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
AGC #:
Ref#: RFQ: 12441
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Ana Garcia 858-505-6330 ana.garcia2@sdcounty.ca.gov
Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Troy Girard 619557-4572 troy.girard@sdmts.com
Owner: MTS Procurement Dept. (619) 557-4572
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
5481 Jacobs Hall HVAC Replacement
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
La Jolla
This project replaces five air handling units that have reached the end of their useful life. The units to be replaced are as follows:1. AH-23 2,800 CFM located in the basement2. AH-15 13,500 CFM located on the third floor3. AH-17 14,100 CFM located on the fourth floor4. AH-18 21,300 CFM located on the fifth floor5. AH-19 9,800 CFM located on the fifth floor
23-03021 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Prequalification
6/26/23, 10 am, via Zoom. Contractors interested in attending the Prequalification Conference must register in advance of the conference. Once registered a confirmation email with Zoom details will follow. Registration link: https://ucsd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMufuprDMiE9bpB3iwKRjnPU6PfN60HTLF
Ref#: 5481
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class BGeneral Building Contractor AND C-20 Mechanical Contractor - Direct Inquires to Sonia Silva, SoSilva@UCSD.Edu
Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 11, 2023
Bid Date: Morena Pipeline
2:00 PM
San Diego
Morena Pipeline:The Morena Pipeline project includes the removal and replacement of 16" cast iron water distribution main with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (approx. 14,686 LF) and the installation of a 36" Welded Steel Pipe water transmission main (approx. 18,308 LF) and associated appurtenances. The Morena Pipeline move north along Morena Boulevard and Old Morena Boulevard from Napa Street to Balboa Avenue.Morena Boulevard Median:Construction of raised stamped concrete median and pedestrian fence. Restriping of existingedge marker and existing turn pocket on Morena Boulevard and restriping of new continentalcrosswalks.Morena Improv 3 (Sewer) :Construction consists of the installation of approximately 778 LF of 15 -inch sewer mains,including all associated laterals, manholes, trench restoration and all other work andappurtenances in accordance with these specifications and plans.Morena Improv 3A (Water):Construction consists of the installation of approximately 391 LF of 12-inch water mains,including all associated water services, fire hydrants, trench restoration, and all other workand appurtenances in accordance with these specifications and plans.Morena Pipeline (BL)This project will install bicycle facilities, sharrows, signage, flex post, and bike loops on thefollowing location:W Morena Blvd between Morena Blvd (N) to Morena Blvd (S)Morena Blvd between W Morena Blvd and MTS Trolley LineNapa Street between Morena Blvd and Friars Rd.
23-02227 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Engineering
5/17/23, 10 am, Teams (See Solicitation)
Ref#: K-23-2169-DBB-3-C
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A - Direct Inquires to Ron McMinn 619-533-4618 rmcminn@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego (619) 533-4618
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
San Diego
MTS is seeking the services of an experienced Contractor to provide Track Geometry Testing services.See the RFP for details.
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Cleaning, de-root, repair and reline apprx 1806 LF of 6" and 960 LF of 12" gravity sewer main and cutting 40 respective laterals includes cleaning, de-root and repairing of sewer mains and lateral interfaces.
23-02649 AGC #:
Sewer Main Relining FY24 0
Ref#: Job No. 3197
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Joye Johnson at joyej@fpud.com
Owner: Fallbrook Public Utility District (760) 999-2720
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Lakeside’s River Park Conservancy – Field Station Phase 2 – Portable Field Station Buildings
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Lakeside’s River Park Conservancy – Field Station Phase 2 – Portable Field Station Buildings:In general, the Work consists of the moving and installation of three Owner-furnished Portable Building Systems located on the Job Site and includes the construction of interior and exterior improvements to such building systems, site walkways and parking area
23-02781 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
June 14th , 2023 10AM at the project site, 12108 Industry Rd. Lakeside CA 92040
Project Type:Building Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Construction Manager - Contractors
License Class B - Direct All Inquiries to Construction Manager (E&H General Contracting Inc. – Kevin Hale, kevin@ehgeneral.com, 619-572-2719 - DO NOT CONTACT
Owner: Lakeside's River Park Conservancy
Construction Manager: E&H General Contracting, Inc. (619) 572 -2719
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Track Geometry Testing 1
Ref#: L1645.0-23
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Roman Lazcano 619-557-4566
Owner: MTS Procurement Dept. (619) 557-4566
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 11, 2023
Code Enforcement Relocation Phase 3 Trailer Remodel Project
Bid Date:
12:00 PM
Developing contract documents to remodel the manufactured homes to submit to California Department of Housing and Community Development. Priming and painting the exterior of the three manufactured homes, Remodeling two manufactured homes consisting of demolition of ceiling tiles, carpet, windows, walls, mechanical, electrical, and data. Installation of new walls, doors, windows, ceiling tiles, carpet, LVT, hardware, and access ramp.
23-02785 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: CIP21-00015/Ref No. 0000322354
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class B - Direct Inquires to Tyrone Chesanek, Interwest Group (949) 285-5529, tchesanek@interwestgrp.com
Owner: City of Oceanside - Public Works 760-435-5121
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
As-Needed Engineering And Consulting Services For Closed Solid Waste Sites
Bid Date:
The purpose of this contract is to provide professional engineering and consulting services for the County of San Diego, Department of Public Works (DPW), Closed Landfills Section on an as-needed basis for non -routine services at closed solid waste sites (County maintained closed/inactive landfills, burn sites, and offsite properties) for asset/infrastructure management, maintenance and to ensure compliance with all Federal, State and local rules and regulations. DPW has contracts in place for routine, ongoing groundwater and landfill gas monitoring and control, which include funding for maintenance. This contract is intended to expand capacity for maintenance and replacement projects, as-needed monitoring, expand asset management data tracking and evaluation, and design and manage clean closure, consolidate and cap, redevelopment projects, and other engineering/assessment/reports associated with closed solid waste site management.
23-02827 AGC #:
Project Type:SOQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct inquiries to Holly Lam, Procurement Contracting Officer, Holly.Lam@sdcounty.ca.gov.
2:00 PM
Work includes removal of existing glulam timber members attached to (4) four concrete pilaster towers/signs, located at Oceanside Transit Center (OTC). This shall include removal, disposal and install replacement wood supports “like and kind” and new light emitting diode (LED) light fixtures.
23-02803 AGC #:
Ref#: 32643
Project Type:
Bid Date: Glulam Replacement at Oceanside Transit Center Tower 2
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class B-General Building Contractor - Direct Inquires to Alesia Atkinson 760-9666592 aatkinson@nctd.org
Owner: North County Transit District (760) 966-6592
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Owner: County of San Diego-Purchasing & Contracting 858-537 -2548
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
The County of San Diego (County), Department of General Services (DGS) has a requirement for As-Needed PlumbingServices at various County locations throughout the County.
23-02855 AGC #:
Project Type:RFB
Ref#: 12598
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - (Electronic) - Class C-36 Plumbing Contractors License - Direct inquiries to Jeannine Joergensen, Jeannine.Joergensen@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Owner: County of San Diego (858) 505-6367
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 11, 2023
As-Needed Engineering and Consulting Services for NonRoutine Services Closed Solid Waste Sites
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
San Diego
As-Needed Engineering and Consulting Services for Non-Routine Services *SKILLED AND TRAINED WORKFORCE
AGC #:
Ref#: 12247
Project Type:RFSQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Holly Lam 858505-6613 holly.lam@sdcounty.ca.gov
Owner: County of San Diego (858) 505-6613
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2 Refrigeration Unit Replacement at San Diego
Bid Date:
9:30 AM
San Diego
The Contractor shall provide services to replace the Refrigeration Unit, Walk-In, Combination Cooler/Freezer at the California Department of Corrections (CDCR) Custody to Community Transitional Reentry Program (CCTRP) located at 3050 Armstrong Street, San Diego, CA 92111. The Contractor will be compensated for the services in accordance with the service rate specified on Exhibit B-1, Public Works Rate Sheet; which shall include all labor, insurance, bonds, licenses, travel and per diem, materials, non- consumable supplies, transportation, equipment (including rental), training of key institution personnel and every other item of expense necessary to provide the services
AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: Event ID 0000027723/IFB
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Kathy Reyna, Katherine.reyna@cdcr.ca.gov, teams: 279-210-3776
Owner: Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation Procurement Support (916) 255-5666
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/11/2023 Lakeside
2:00 PM
The San Diego County Water Authority is soliciting bids for Standing Seam Metal Roofing Services for Helix 6-7-8 Flow Control Facility.
23-02901 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
Mandatory Prebid Meeting and Site Visit: 6/28/23, 10 am, Helix 6-7-8 Flow Control Facility, 13746 El Monte Road, Lakeside, CA 92040
Roofing Services for Helix 6-7-8 Flow Control 0
Ref#: NIB-SGHelixFlowControlFacilit
y/Ref No.. 000032298
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Bidder shall possess a valid Class “39” Contractor License - All questions relative to this project prior to opening of Bids shall be emailed to purchasingteam@sdcwa.org
Owner: San Diego County Water Authority
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
San Marcos
The City of San Marcos Fire Department is seeking qualified contractors to install a complete turnkey exhaust removal system in the apparatus room of various Fire Stations through the City. See RFP Exhibit A for detailed information.
23-02932 AGC #:
Vehicle Exhaust Removal System at Various Fire Stations 0
Ref#: FIRE RFP 23-01
Project Type:RFP Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Merce LeClair 760-744-1050 x3125 mleclair@san-marcos.net
Owner: City of San Marcos-Public Works (760) 744-1050
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
OCN Theater Equipment Installation Project
Project Type:
MANDATORY 6/26/23, 10 am, 1 Barnard Dr., Oceanside, Ca 92056 Building T600, Purchasing Department
Prebid Conf:
23-02961 AGC #: Ref#: C21-23
OCN Theater Equipment Installation Project (OCN) 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Kim Simonds 760-795-6755 ksimonds@miracosta.edu
Owner: MiraCosta Community College District (760) 795-6755
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 11, 2023
5483/220401 Shiley Eye Institute Renovation (Prequalified Subcontractors):Multiple Subcontractor Packages)
Bid Date:
CONSTRUCTION COST01.01 Final Clean C61/D63 $35,57802.02
Demolition C21 $250,42903.01 Structural Concrete C8 $491,25405.01
Structural Steel/Misc Metals/Metal Decking C51 or C23
$599,41706.01 Framing/Drywall/Insulation C9 $1,109,92906.02
Casework & Finish Carpentry C6 $535,51507.03 Roofing C39
$671,80007.04 Sheetmetal, Kalwall Skylight, and Seismic Expansion
Joints C43 or C23 or C17 $620,21807.05 Fireproofing C35
$75,00008.01 Doors, Frames, and Hardware C61/D28 $439,75008.02
Glass & Glazing C17 $281,79009.01 Acoustical Ceilings C2, or C61/D50 $276,58709.03 Flooring C15 $278,71709.08 Painting & Wallcoverings C33 $489,64009.09 Plaster C35 $128,69010.01
Signage C45 $200,80010.02 Specialties B, C61/D24, or C- 61/D34
$134,20012.02 Window Coverings C61/D52 $49,60014.01 Elevators C11 $350,00021.01 Fire Sprinkler C16 $197,02026.27.28.01
Electrical, Fire Alarm, Low Voltage, & Security C10 $2,594,79631.02
Concrete Piles & Temp Shoring A $254,00032.01 Landscape & Irrigation & Site Furnishings C27 $145,05032.02 Asphalt Paving A or C12 $35,48032.03 Site Concrete C8 $190,431
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
July 11, 2023
Lemon Avenue Parking Enhancements
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
La Mesa
Remove and Replace Trash Enclosure. Mill & Pave 2", Furnish, Replace existing & Install new Street Lights. Furnish and Install Various Improvements.
23-03060 AGC #:
Ref#: BID 24-04
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Noemi Becerra 619-667-1143 nbecerra@cityoflamesa.us
Owner: City of La Mesa (619) 667-1143
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 12, 2023
Project Type:
6/27/23, & 6/28/23 Due to the small space, we are hosting a handful of small job walks: See Ad for Bids
Ref#: UCSD No. 5483/Align Builders No. 220401
Misc. Notes: Bids to Align Builders – Contractors License Class Various – Direct Inquiries to Trevor Gammelgard trevorg@alignbuilders.com
Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management
Awarded General Contractor: Align Builders, Inc. (760) 4457962
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Framing for Oceanside Apartments (Sub-Bids Only)
Bid Date:
12:00 PM
Framing for Oceanside Apartments
AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals asrequired by the plans, specifications, and contract documents. The project consists of the complete removal of the existing roofingsystem down to the existing plywood substrate, removing and replacing existing plywood determined not suitable for the roof, providingand installing a PVC sheet membrane, and other miscellaneous items shown on plans and specifications to provide a complete roofrehabilitation.
23-02840 AGC #:
Lions Center Re-Roofing Project 0
Project Type:
Ref#: Specification No. 202303
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Classification “A” Contractor’s license - Direct inquiries to Ana Gutierrez, t agutierrez@brawleyca.gov
Owner: City of Brawley
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 12, 2023
CHP El Centro Area office Gate Maintenance Services
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
El Centro
CHP El Centro Area office - Quarterly Gates and Roll Up Door Maintenance Services
Bid Date:
1:00 PM
LPES Portable Classroom Addition
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
June 29,2023 @ 09:15 AM, at CHP El Centro Area office2331 Highway 86, Imperial, CA 92251.
23-03000 AGC #: Ref#: 0000027802
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor State License Board (CSLB) C-61/D-28 Gate, Doors and Activating Devices Contractor - Direct inquiries to KELLIE AU at Kellie.au@chp.ca.gov 916/843-3600
Owner: The Department of California Highway Patrol (CHP)
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
CHP Winterhaven Area office Gate Maintenance
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
CHP Winterhaven Area office - Quarterly Gates and Roll Up Door Maintenance Services
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
UPDATE: June 28, 2023 @ 03:15 PM, at I Killingsworth Drive, Felicity, CA 92283; June 29,2023 @ 09:15 AM, at CHP Winterhaven Area office 2331 Highway 86, Imperial, CA 92251.
AGC #: Ref#: 0000027803
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor State License Board (CSLB) C-61/D-28 Gate, Doors and Activating Devices Contractor - Direct inquiries to KELLIE AU at Kellie.au@chp.ca.gov 916/8433600
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: California Fish Grill - San Diego Balboa (Sub-Bids Only)
12:00 PM
San Diego
The tenant improvement is an existing restaurant space in the Genesee Plaza Shopping Center. The interior space is 2,613 square feet with a 540 sqft patio
AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6/30/23, 10 am, Los Peñasquitos Elementary School located at 14125 Cuca Street, San Diego, CA 92129.
23-03100 AGC #: Ref#: Bid 2023-12
LPES Portable Classroom Addition 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class CSLB B – For questions, please contact Jeff Johnson at jefjohnson@powayusd.com
Owner: Poway Unified School District (858) 668-2784
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 13, 2023
Bid Date:
The Work includes traffic control, street and median improvements, curb and gutter, re-arrangement of existing franchise utilities (SDG&E, Cox & AT&T), ac paving, retaining walls, traffic signal improvements, signage and striping, coordination with Caltrans, associated and appurtenant work.The location of work is within and adjacent to Caliente Avenue generally between the intersections of Otay Mesa Road and Interstate 905 within the City of San Diego, CA 92154.
23-02551 AGC #:
California Terraces Caliente Avenue Improvements (FBA T11.1) 1
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A - Direct Inquires to Mark Sullivan at (mjsullivan@mjscm.onmicrosoft.com).
Owner: Tri Pointe Homes, Inc.
Owner: City of San Diego
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 13, 2023
Bid Date: UV Disinfection Facility Upgrade
2:00 PM
The project is an improvement to an existing wastewater treatment plant. The existing plant is to remain fully operational duringconstruction and in full compliance with all regulatory requirements placed on the City by the Department of Public Health. The workincludes the following:1. Install a temporary UV Bypass System.2. Demolition, removal, and disposal of the existing UV system and appurtenances, as shown in the Drawings and SpecificationSections.3. Temporary Roof removal and reinstallation.4. Repair damaged concrete and modification as shown in the Drawings and Specification Sections.5. Furnish and install a new UV System.6. Connect, integrate, and reprogram the existing SCADA system to reflect the new UV System.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
Ref#: Specification No. 202306
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Classification “A” Contractor’s license - Direct inquiries to Ana Gutierrez agutierrez@brawleyca.gov
https://cityofbrawley-my.sharepoint.com/personal/agutierrez_brawleyca_gov/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fagutierrez% 5Fbrawley%2Dca%5Fgov%2FDocuments%2FWWTP%20UV% 20DISINFECTION&ga=1
Owner: City of Brawley
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Construction Management Services for the Construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline Extensions for Calle Barcelona, Village Park, and Summerhill Project and Unit A Pipeline Replacement Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The Consultant (CM) shall provide construction management and inspection services for each of the two projects. The CM will ensure that the projects are constructed per the plans and specifications, constructed on time and budget, facilitate communication between the Contractor and third parties, prepare and maintain construction documentation. The duties of the CM shall include all efforts described in the Contract Documents and as are otherwise required for internal or document controls.
23-02805 AGC #:
July 13, 2023
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Diana Spencer, Diana Spencer, dspencer@olivenhain.com
Owner: Olivenhain Municipal Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
7/13/2023 El Centro
2:00 PM
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Standard Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of painting traffic stripes (traffic lines) and pavement markings, applying glass beads, and furnishing and placing raised pavement markers in conformity with plans and specifications set forth in the Contract Documents, including furnishing all material, labor, paint, tools, equipment, and services necessary for and incidental to completion of the project.
23-02816 AGC #:
Project Type:
MANDATORY 06/27/2023 10:00 AM Public Works Conference room located at 307 W. Brighton Avenue, El Centro, CA 92243.
Prebid Conf:
Bid Date: Traffic Striping Maintenance Citywide Contract 1
Class A or C-32 - Direct inquiries to Abraham Campos 760-3363152 acampos@cityofelcentro.org
Office of the City Clerk 1275 W. Main Street, El Centro, CA 92243
Owner: City of El Centro (760) 337-4515
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
Jamacha Blvd. and La Presa Ave. Intersection
23-02847 AGC #:
Ref#: 12562
Spring Valley
Project Type:
Bid Date: Jamacha Blvd. and La Presa Ave. Intersection 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Nallely Anderson, (858) 229-9042, nallelya.anderson1@sdcounty.ca.gov
Owner: County of San Diego (858) 229-9042
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 13, 2023
Adult Day Health Care Building CDBG Capital Improvement Project Dimension Plan
Bid Date:
12:00 PM
San Diego
Adult Day Health Care Building CDBG Capital Improvement Project
Dimension PlanThe Neighborhood House Association (“NHA”) requests your participation in a competitive biddingprocess for the selection of a contractor for a capital improvement project at its Adult Day Health CareBuilding located at 851 South 35th Street, San Diego, CA 92113.The projects consist of renovation and expansion of specific areas of the building, ADA improvements to 2 restrooms, and addition of an ADA parking space. The selected general contractor will be responsible for the preparation of all necessary construction documents (architectural and engineering).
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFQ
Ref#: IFB/RFQ 2023-002
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Attn: Jerome Gissendanner, Purchasing
Procurement Division – IFB/RFQ# 2023-002) – Direct Inquiries to Jerome Gissendanner, jerome@neighborhoodhouse.org, (858) 715-2642 ext. 183.
Owner: The Neighborhood House Association (858) 715-2642
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Five Below - North El Centro, CA (Sub-Bids Only)
Pavement Rehabilitation Taxiway B4/C5 at Imperial County Airport
Bid Date:
2:30 PM
Reconstructing Taxiway B4/C5 pavement. Taxiway edge lights would be relocated to accommodate the new pavement tapers on Taxiway B4/C5. New pavement markings would be installed on Taxiway B4/C5. 23-02888 AGC #:
Ref#: 3-06-0109-037-2019
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Class A license - Direct inquiries to Jenell Guerrero, Acting Airport Manager Telephone No.: (442) 265-3220 (option 5)
Owner: Imperial County Airport 760-355-7944
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Imperial County Betty Jo Mccneece Receiving Home –Flooring Improvement Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Betty Jo Mccneece Receiving Home – Flooring Improvement Project 23-03037 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
7/14/2023 El Centro MANDATORY Rescheduled to Thursday June 29, 2023 at 8:00 AM.--June 14, 2023 at 9:00 AM 315 W. McCabe Road El Centro, CA 92243
Ref#: County Project No. SR51934BJM
Project Type: Est:
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Five Below - North El Centro, CA: Tenant Improvement
AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (Sierra Contracting ) , there may be other GC’s biddingInvited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted
El Centro :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner -California Contractors B or C-15 license - - Direct inquiries to Kimberly Cortes, Administrative Analyst I
Telephone: (442) 265-1818
Owner: Imperial County Department of Public Works (442) 2651818
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 17, 2023
SYHC/MCHC Solar Panel Project
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
San Diego
San Ysidro Health invites sealed Bids from licensed, qualified General Contractors for providing the materials and installation of its solar panels project. The solar panel project will convert one of the organization's largest and most utilized facilities, Maternal Child Health Center, into energy efficient, zero net energy, located at 4050 Beyer Boulevard, San Diego, CA. 92173.
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner: no later than Monday July 17, 2023, no later than 11:00 am PST. 1601 Precision Park Lane, San Diego, CA 92173. Contractors License Class B or C-46 (Solar) License contractor – Direct Inquiries to Francisco Garcia, Director of Facilities at (FGarcia@SYHealth.org).
Owner: San Ysidro Health, Inc. (619) 662-4156
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Palo Verde County Water District Water Well Replacement Project - Phase II
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Water Well Replacement
AGC #:
July 17, 2023
El Centro
Project Type:
Ref#: Project, No. ICCED015
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Class C-57 or Class A California Contractor’s license. - Direct inquiries to the Imperial County Workforce and Economic Development, 2799 South 4th Street, El Centro, CA 92243Phone: (442) 265-1100 Fax: (760) 337-5005
Owner: Imperial County Workforce & Economic Development (442) 265-1100
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
San Diego
City wishes to retain Contractor to provide routine/scheduled and emergency response hazardous waste disposal services.
23-02981 AGC #:
Bid Date: Citywide Hazardous Waste Hauler 0
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: RFP 10090026-23-K
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Kristine Kallek 619-236-6041
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 236-6041
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Lemon Grove
Site Clearing and Demolition, Grading & Paving, Wet Utilities, Site Electrical, Site Concrete, Landscape, Foundation and under slab for modular Buildings (10).New ground-up construction for the Multipurpose Building Scope of Work includes but is not limited to: Slab-on-Grade, Wood Framing, Stucco finish, PTO roofing.
23-02746 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Early Education Center at the Palms Campus Increments #1 & 2 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to estimating@conanconstruction.com
https://www.lemongrovesd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp? uREC_ID=1216043&type=d&pREC_ID=1678286
Owner: Lemon Grove School District
Construction Manager: Core Construction | West - Conan Construction
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 18, 2023
El Centro Police Station Request for Pre-Qualification
Bid Date:
This is a bidder prequalification processThe City is seeking a General Contractor (“Contractor”) experienced in public facility construction to construct the Project at 150 N. 11th St., El Centro, California 92243. The project consists of phased demolition of the existing police station to allow for the construction two buildings totaling 44,477 SF. The main building is 32,671 square feet two story building and will include a public lobby, a community meeting/multipurpose space, offices for administration, investigators and records and patrol related functions including: lockers, fitness, report writing areas, etc. The second building is a support building of 11,806 square feet. The ground floor will house property and evidence, k-9, the fingerprint laboratory and various police support and storage functions. The upper floor may house an indoor police firearms range, depending on the overall cost of the project.The buildings are Type II-B, slab on grade construction with masonry walls and concrete over metal deck on the second floors and roofs. The interior systems are made of structural steel.Site work to include the development of 128 parking spaces, landscape upgrades and storm water management.The construction cost of the Project is estimated at $30.5 million dollars, inclusive of $1 million for FF&E.
Eastlake Union High School - Painting & Flooring Replacement
Bid Date:
7/18/2023 Chula Vista
2:00 PM
Eastlake Union High School - Painting & Flooring
Replacement:Interior and Exterior painting throughout entire campus, including all classrooms, offices, support spaces, doors and frame, and exterior plaster, steel, and CMU/Concrete graffiti coating. New flooring throughout all interior spaces including all carpet and resilient flooring.*Project Labor Agreement
23-02929 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
10:00 AM Location
RDA Conference RM. A 1249 W. Main St. El Centro, CA 92243
AGC #: Ref#: Project No. 299-2101
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct inquiries to Abraham Campos, Public Works Director/City Engineer. 760-337-5182 acampos@cityofelcentro.org
Owner: City of El Centro (760) 337-4515
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
June 27, 2023 11:00 am Eastlake High School Administration
Building (Main Office) 1120 Eastlake Parkway Chula Vista, CA 91915
Ref#: ITB-23-2855-JA-02023/ig
Project Type:Building Est:
Prebid Conf: $12,151,500
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - - Direct Inquires to Indrani Gonzalez, indrani.gonzalez@sweetwaterschools.org, 619-6915540
Owner: Sweetwater Union High School District (619) 691-5540
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/18/2023 Cardiff by the Sea
2:00 PM
SEJPA is seeking proposals from qualified firm with demonstrated experience in provide ocean outfall inspection services. Please refer to the Request for Proposal for more detail.
23-02993 AGC #:
Inspection of the San Elijo Ocean Outfall 0
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: 49
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Purchasing Department purchasing@sejpa.org
Owner: San Elijo Joint Powers Authority (760) 753-6203
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 18, 2023
Slurry Seal Group 2323
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
Slurry Seal Group 2323 involves furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, services, and construction related to slurry seal work on existing paved roadways in various areas throughout the City of San Diego. The work includes: placement of rubber polymer modified slurry (RPMS), crack sealing, removal of humps & pavement irregularities, asphalt mill and pave, and digouts, pavement base repairs, milling and disposal of pavement fabric, removal and disposal of wheel stops, development of a QA/QC plan that includes inspection and testing for asphalt and slurry work, replacing traffic signal detection loops and stub outs, adjusting existing City manhole frames and covers to grade, raising appurtenances to grade (water, sewer), raising survey monuments to grade, reconstructing survey monument boxes, street and sidewalk sweeping, removal and replacement of existing thermoplastic striping and markings/legends, implementation of new striping plans, traffic control drawings & permits, weed abatement, storm drain inlet protection, installation of inlet markings, sediment control, and possible night and weekend work. All work would occur within the public right-of-way (paved streets) or previously disturbed non-sensitive areas only, and outside of the City's Multiple Habitat Planning Area (MHPA). No sensitive vegetation would be impacted or removed. Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion control preventing discharge, as well as Traffic Control Plan (TCP) would be implemented throughout construction.
AGC #:
Ref#: K-23-2189-DBB-3
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A or C-12 or C-32 - Direct Inquires to Ron McMinn 619-533-4618 rmcminn@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-4618
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Borrego Springs High School Modernization (Lease Lease Back)
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Borrego Springs
23-02943 AGC #:
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Interested Contractors and all questions are to be addressed to Sabra Burke of Kattey Haislip (sburke@wcac.com, khaislip@wcac.com) Plans are available through West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Results will be provided after vetting and District review. Do not contact District staff
Owner: West Coast Air Conditioning Co (619) 561-8000
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
Sverdrup Hall is a research lab building located at The Scripps Institutes of Oceanography campus on UC San Diego. The MEP utilities reside within a large, multi-story utility chase. The plumbing waste and sewer lines within the core and serving Sverdrup Hall are 60 years old and have reached the end of their useful. The objective of this project is to replace the system storm drain, lab acid waste and sanitary sewer piping. The scope is to replace the existing interior storm drain piping and fittings and existing sanitary sewer and vent branch lines and stacks within the chase space. Both systems to be replaced with new flame-retardant polypropylene pipe and fittings. 23-02966 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6/27/23, 9 am, meet at Sverdrup Hall north side courtyard at Scripps Institution of Oceanography located at 8615 Kennel Way, La Jolla, CA 92037. See attached map. For directions to the Pre-Bid Conference/Job Walk contact Julieta Prieto, Project Manager at 858.245.2827. UC San Diego maps can be found at http://maps.ucsd.edu
75964 Sverdrup Hall Sewer and Storm Drain Pipes Renewal (Prequalified Contractors Only) 0
Ref#: 75964
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Hiroko Wilson, hwilson@ucsd.edu
Owner: University of California San Diego-Capital Program Management (858) 822-4470
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Smythe Channel and Via De La Bandola Channel Permittee
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
The Smythe-Bandola Mitigation Project consists of enhancement and rehabilitation of riparian resources located along the Tijuana River, within the City of San Diego (City), California, immediately south of the Tijuana River Pilot channel. Enhancement and rehabilitation shall be conducted within the designated restoration project area and weed free buffer, with staging and removed material stockpiling conducted in locations identified on the Construction Documents. The work schedule is defined by an installation phase and a postconstruction 120-day plant establishment maintenance period (Project contract period). Contractor services required of this scope of work include a pre-project survey of the restoration project boundary and weed free buffer, install and maintain perimeter T-post and rope fencing along the restoration project boundary, install and maintain T-post fencing along the outer weed free buffer boundary, cut to grade and remove all exotic and all diseased native vegetation from restoration project area and weed free buffer (per shot-hole borer best practices), treat and stockpile all vegetation removed from the restoration project area and weed free buffer at the project staging areas (per shot-hole borer best practices), remove and dispose of trash and inorganic debris from the restoration project area, conduct regular weed control from the restoration project area and weed free buffer for the duration of the contract period, install native container plants in rehabilitation areas, hand water container plants at installation and through the contract period, conduct 120-day maintenance period (upon completion of installation), and dispose of stockpiled vegetation following completion of 120-day maintenance period (or as directed by City). As an option, the contractor may choose to install an irrigation system to facilitate plant establishment. The Contractor shall also be required to develop a Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP) and install and maintain erosion control best management practices (BMPs) per the requirements of the WPCP. Additional services required from this scope of work includes proving a qualified biological monitor and cultural monitor for the duration of the Project contract period. Biological services shall include monitoring and reporting and assuring compliance with Project avoidance and minimization measures. Cultural monitoring shall include development of Cultural Resources and Treatment Plan (CRTP) and monitoring, as required by the CRTP.
23-02971 AGC #:
Responsible Mitigation Project 0
Project Type:
Ref#: L-23-2194-DBB-2
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A or C27 – Direct Inquiries to Brittany Friedenreich 619-533-3104 bfriedenreic@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-3104
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
San Diego
As-Needed Construction Management Services - Federal 23-02353 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
As-Needed Construction Management Services - Federal 2
Ref#: H2326236, H2326237 & H2326238
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to John Mendivil 619-533-3638 jmendivil@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-3638
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/20/2023 San Marcos
Montiel Lift Station and Force Main Replacement Project - Montiel Lift Station Replacement (Work) consists of the replacement of one (1) sanitary sewer lift station and appurtenances at 2175 Montiel Road, San Marcos, California 92609 23-02651 AGC #:
Montiel Lift Station and Force Main Replacement Project 1
2:00 PM Addenda:
Ref#: 217904
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class AGeneral Engineering – Direct Inquiries to Alison Fretwell 760-7527130 afretwell@vwd.org
Owner: Vallecitos Water District (760) 752-7130
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Moonlight Beach Sewage Pump Station Modifications Project 23-02758 AGC #:
Ref#: 46
Project Type: Est:
Moonlight Beach Sewage Pump Station Modifications Project 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Purchasing Department 760-753-6203 x73 purchasing@sejpa.org
Owner: San Elijo Joint Powers Authority (760) 753-6203
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 20, 2023
Meadowlark Failsafe Rehabilitation (Buena Reach) Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Marcos
The MEADOWLARK FAILSAFE REHABILITATION (BUENA REACH) PROJECT (Work) consists of the replacement and lining and rehabilitation of sewer force between Palomar Airport Road and Yarrow Drive in the City of Carlsbad which shall include, but is not limited to, furnishing and installing cured-in-place pipe liner for ductile iron pipe, installation of 24-inch and 16-inch PVC C900 pipe, bypass pumping, traffic control and closed-circuit television inspection of pipe, as more fully described in the Contract Documents (Work).
23-02850 AGC #:
Ref#: 232898
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class AGeneral Engineering – Direct Inquiries to Alison Fretwell 760-7527130 afretwell@vwd.org
Owner: Vallecitos Water District (760) 752-7130
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
On-Call Roadway Painting and Slurry Sealing Services
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
On-Call Roadway Painting and Slurry Sealing Services:Provide pavement: paint removal, pavement surface painting, crack seal and slurry seal applications at the San Diego International Airport (“Airport”), on an as-needed basis.
23-02917 AGC #:
Ref#: 412934FC
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractor License Class - Direct Inquires to Missy Mcgrath mmcgrath@san.org *Questions will be received until 2:00 p.m. on July 6, 2023. Any questions received after that time and date will not be considered.
Owner: San Diego County Regional Airport AuthorityProcurement
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
The Project approximately consists of: The project will construct a new laboratory/lecture/research building to be named the New North Life Sciences Building located on a hillside site location on the main campus. This project willprovide a 38,000 ASF/67,000 GSF STEM research and instructional facility. The project will include lower division teaching labs, upper division teaching labs interdisciplinary lecture, faculty/administrative offices, research spaces, conference rooms, mechanical, electrical and telecom support spaces. This facility will include lab spaces, core facilities with major instruments, and experimental fabrication space for collaborative work with public and private partners. This project partially replaces the existing NLS building with a new building and equivalent academic program to the new project site on campus, while mothballing a portion of the existing North Life Science facility for some future use.
23-02934 AGC #:
Ref#: 6987
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Susan Romero 619-594-3965, sbromero@sdsu.edu
Owner: San Diego State University (619) 594-3965
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
San Diego
1. Work will involve furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, services and construction, including but not limited to demolishing, hauling and disposal of the existing asphalt and concrete, removal and replacement of damaged sidewalk including root removal where applicable, curb and gutter, PCC Residential Driveways, cross gutter removal and replacement, installation of curb ramps to meet ADA standards, excavation of unsuitable base materials and asphalt pavement, tree trimming, tree root relocation, tree root pruning, sidewalk bridging, stump removal, installment of root barriers, tree removal and replacement, storm drain inlet protection, traffic control drawings and permits.
23-02979 AGC #:
Bid Date: Sidewalk Replacement Group 1903 – SE & CH 0
Ref#: K-23-2032-DBB-3
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A or C8 or C12 – Direct Inquiries to Rosa Riego 619-533-3426 rriego@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting, Public Works (619) 533-3426
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 21, 2023
Design Build of New Casa De Oro Branch Library
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Spring Valley
The County of San Diego (County) is requesting proposals from design-build entities (D-BE)qualified to design and construct the new Casa De Oro Branch Library (the “Project”) to betterserve the community of Casa de Oro. The proposed site is on County-owned parcels in Casa DeOro located approximately at 9610 Campo Road. APN: 500-170-57, as well as a leased parcelsbelonging to the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District. APN: 500-170-10 (Western Portion ofLMSVS operations area) and 500-170-11(stormwater conveyance area). Combined these parcelswill set the boundaries of the new library site.
AGC #:
Ref#: RFP 12531
July 24, 2023
Wells Park Improvements - Storm Water Treatment & Landscaping
Bid Date:
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct inquiries to Carlos Santiago, Sr. Procurement Contracting Officer, Department of Purchasing and Contracting, Carlos.Santiago@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Owner: County of San Diego 858-537-2505
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 24, 2023
Outdoor Learning Soft Shade Structures
Bid Date:
Outdoor Learning Soft Shade Structures. Install 7 total DSA & PC approved shade structures and provide misc. site work. William H. Frazier Elementary School & Mary Fay Pendleton
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
7/10/23, 9 am, WILLIAM H FRAZIER, 1835 GUMTREE LN, FALLBROOK, CA 92028. All participants are required to sign in.
AGC #: Ref#: 408-23-24
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A, B, and/or C : A General Engineering or B General Building – For further information, please contact: Vanessa Mojica, 760-7315452 or via e-mail at vmojica@fuesd.org
Owner: Fallbrook Union Elementary School District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
7/24/2023 El Cajon
2:00 PM
Installation of storm water treatment bio-retention basins, storm drain systems, retrofit of the existing trash enclosure, park signage, landscaping and irrigation at Wells Park and along E Madison Avenue. 23-03012 AGC #:
Ref#: 009-24
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A - Direct Inquires to Mara Romano 619-441-1787 mromano@elcajon.gov
Owner: City of El Cajon (619) 441-1787
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 25, 2023
Bid Date: Friars Road I-15 SB Off Ramp
The City of San Diego Grading and Improvement Plans for I-15 and Friars Road Interchange Improvements and Project plans for Construction on State Highway in San Diego County San Diego City from 0.1 Mile North to 0.1 Mile South of Friars Road Overcrossing 23-02972 AGC #:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Mark Radelow mark@sudprop.com cc: Christa Swanson christa@sudprop.com, Matt Adams matt.adams@devcon-cpm.com
Owner: Quarry Falls, LLC
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 25, 2023
South Chollas Creek and Paradise Canyon Open Space Wetland Mitigation Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
The South Chollas Creek and Paradise Canyon Open Space Wetland Mitigation Project consists of enhancement and rehabilitation of riparian resources located at two different locations (mitigation sites) in the City of San Diego (City), California: (1) the South Chollas Creek Mitigation Site is located south of Imperial Avenue, north of Oceanview Boulevard, and east of Marketplace Avenue along Chollas Creek and (2) the Paradise Canyon Open Space Mitigation Site is located south of Skyline Drive, north-northeast of Bullock Drive, and east and west of Deep Dell Road in Paradise Canyon. Enhancement and rehabilitation shall be conducted at both mitigation sites within designated treatment areas, with staging and removed material stockpiling conducted (as needed, per shot-hole borer best practices) at locations identified on the Construction Documents. The work schedule is defined by an installation phase and a post-construction 120-day plant establishment maintenance period (Project contract period).
23-02974 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: L-23-2188-DBB-2
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A or C27 – Direct Inquiries to Juan E. Espindola 619-533-4491 jeespindola@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego (619) 533-4491
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
The City of San Diego Public Utilities Department has a need for professional engineering consultant services on an as-needed basis to support the existing and future water, wastewater, and recycled water facilities.
23-02988 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
As-Needed Engineering Services - Contracts 5, 6 & 7 0
Ref#: H2326263-M, H2326264-M & H2326265-M
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to John Mendivil 619-533-3638 jmendivil@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-3638
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
David C. McCollom Chlorine Generation Room Floor Repair Project
Project Type:
7/11/23, 10 am, Meet at David C. McCollom Water Treatment Plant : 19090 Via Ambiente Road, Escondido, CA
Prebid Conf: $79,000
23-03020 AGC #: Ref#: D120143
David C. McCollom Chlorine Generation Room Floor Repair Project 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class C33 Painting and Decorating - Direct Inquires to prebid@olivenhain.com
Owner: Olivenhain Municipal Water District (760) 753-6466
Decomposed Granite, Crushed Rock, Fill Sand, Tot Lot Sand, Topsoil & Aggregate
Bid Date:
Vendor to furnish the City of San Diego's Stormwater Department with Decomposed Granite, Crushed Rock, Fill Sand, Tot Lot Sand, Topsoil & Aggregate. Materials must be available and delivered to Chollas
Maintenance Yard located at 2781 Caminito Chollas, San Diego, CA 92105 within three (3) working days of an order.
23-03025 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: 10090055-23-D
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. :
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 235-5743
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/25/2023 San Diego
3:00 PM
Carbon Product Removal & Replacement for the Public Utilities Department
23-03078 AGC #:
Project Type:
Prebid Conf:
Carbon Product Removal & Replacement for the Public Utilities Department 0
Ref#: ITB 10090018-23-J
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Owner
Owner: City of San Diego Purchasing (619) 236-6000
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 26, 2023
Bid Date:
12:00 PM
San Diego
The solicitation will be available approximately on or about June 14, 2023. The solicitation will be distributed solely through the Contract Opportunity website at https://www.sam.gov. Hard copies of the solicitation will not be made available. The website provides download instructions.Upgrade Fire Detection System at MCC San DiegoThe Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) anticipates issuance of solicitation 15BFA023B00000006 for the award of a firm-fixed-price construction contract for a project entitled Upgrade Fire Detection System at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC San Diego), located in San Diego, California.
23-02683 AGC #:
Upgrade Fire Detection System at MCC San Diego 0
Ref#: 15BFA022B00000006
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: IMPORTANT: Any contractor interested in obtaining a contract award with the Federal Bureau of Prisons must be registered in https://www.sam.gov. In order to qualify for award, your business size metrics information entered in your SAM registration must be less than or equal to the size standard specified above.
Owner: Federal Bureau of Prisons
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
North County Transit District (NCTD) is seeking a contractor to provide Rail Turntable Maintenance Services.Contractor is required to comply with all NCTD, State, Local, Federal, and County regulations and licensing requirements. Contractor shall perform its contractual duties and responsibilities in a manner that supports the goals of NCTD to provide safe, convenient, reliable, and user-friendly transportation.
Bid Date:
The city is soliciting proposals from vendors who are able to furnish, install, maintain and support an internet-based Global Positioning System/Automated Vehicle Locator (“GPS/AVL”) tracking system for its diverse fleet of approximately 450 vehicles and equipment.The GPS/AVL system must include all equipment, hardware, software, airtime services, cloud storage services, installation, maintenance/repair, testing, training, reports, on-going technical support, and system upgrades necessary to ensure full and complete functionality of the system.
23-03087 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Global Positioning System/Automated Vehicle Locator (“GPS/AVL”) 0
Ref#: RFP23-2208FLT
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Janean Hawney 442-339-2795 janean.hawney@carlsbadca.gov
Owner: City of Carlsbad - Contract Administration (760) 6077965
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
23-03075 AGC #: Ref#:
Project Type:
Bid Date: Rail Turntable Maintenance 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Suzie Tovar 760966-6606 stovar@nctd.org
Owner: North County Transit District (760) 966-6606
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The City of Encinitas Utilities Department (City) is requesting qualifications to provide Professional Engineering Consulting Services for the City's Wastewater Capital Improvement Program Implementation. The services required include preparation of a Sewer Risk Assessment and Improvement Implementation Plan. The Plan will incorporate and update existing CIP projects developed during the 2021 Master Plan and utilize sewer condition, capacity, and criticality information to develop a risk-based prioritized improvement program for sewers within the City’s service area.
23-02955 AGC #:
Project Type:
Sewer Risk Assessment and Improvement Implementation Plan 0
Ref#: WW RFP 23-01
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class Professional Engineer (CA) – Direct Inquiries to Colleen Block / 760-943-2217
Owner: City of Encinitas (760) 943-2217
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 27, 2023
El Super- Chula Vista (Sub-Bids Only)
Bid Date:
8:00 AM
Chula Vista
This project will be the improvement of a partially occupied lot and the vertical construction of a new 45,507 sqft grocery store. The lot work will involve demolition of existing structures and the excavation, site utilites, site paving, landscaping, and other work needed as per the construction documents. The vertical building work will involve the construction of the grocery store including all structural, architectural, MEP, and finishes work as per the construction documents.
23-03030 AGC #:
July 27, 2023
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The magnitude of this work is in the range of $442,596.87. The bidder shall possess a valid California State Contractors License, classification B and shall also be certified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a Renovation Firm as defined by 40 CFR745, Subpart E § 745.89 - Firm Certification at the time of award.In addition, the contract work may include removal and disposal of asbestos-containing building materials. Bidder is not permitted to perform any asbestos-related work unless bidder possesses a California State Contractor’s License and is certified pursuant to Section 7058.6 of the California State Business and Professions Code. If a certified subcontractor is used, the subcontractor’s license and certification number shall be submitted by the bidder within the Bid Submission Documents.The project includes sound attenuation improvements for certain residences around San Diego International Airport. The project includes 25 dwelling units located on 2 nonhistoric residential properties. Sound attenuation improvements may include, but are not limited to, replacement of windows and exterior doors, finely detailed, field-executed finish carpentry, and improvements to add air conditioning, ventilation and electrical work to support such systems. The work will include the demolition and modification of existing construction to install new windows and doors and, in some cases, may require temporary weatherproof closures.
AGC #:
Quieter Home Program Phase 12 Group 11 0
Ref#: 412978FC
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Missy Mcgrath mmcgrath@san.org
Owner: San Diego County Regional Airport AuthorityProcurement
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
San Diego
Under the general supervision of the City Mayor or his designated representatives, Design Professional shall provide as-needed annual professional Professional Architectural services by Task Orders on an hourly basis. Professional Architectural services include, but are not necessarily limited to, architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, landscaping, survey, or other services necessary to complete the Tasks. These services will be provided according to City directions and in conformance with the current California Building Code/Uniform Building Code, California Title 24 Accessibility Standards, and the Americans with Disabilities Act/Americans with Disabilities Act Design Guidelines including professional standards of practice.Three (3) contracts, each Not to Exceed $3 Million
23-03086 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
As-Needed Architecture Services - Contract 1, 2, & 3 0
Ref#: H2326233-M, H2326234-M & H2326235-M
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-3622
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 28, 2023
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
El Centro
Main Street Improvements (North Side) From Highway 111 To Memphis Avenue In Niland
23-03094 AGC #:
Project Type:
Main Street Improvements (North Side) From Highway 111 To Memphis Avenue In Niland; Federal Aid Project No. CML - 5958 (119) 0
Ref#: Cunty Project NO. 6601
Owner: County of Imperial
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 31, 2023
Stoney's Neighborhood Park Fitness Equipment
Bid Date:
1:00 PM
Pauma Valley
The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) is seeking services for the replacement of an existing fire station, located in San Diego County. Prime Bidder shall be responsible for the construction of a two (2)-engine, 12-bed, fire station. This project consists of demolition of the existing facility and the design and construction of a new two (2)-engine, 12-bed barracks/mess hall, single building fire station with Battalion Chief office, a generator building, a storage building, a trash enclosure, a vehicle wash building, and a hose wash rack. Project site improvements shall include grading, paving, underground utilities, utility switchboard, distribution panels, generator, retaining walls, septic system, leach fields, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tanks, drainage, curb/gutter/sidewalks, landscaping/irrigation, fuel tanks, well, site fencing, gates, lighting, communication tower, and all associated appurtenances. Fire station Occupancy Type B/R2/S2, Construction Type V-B, Generator/Storage Building Occupancy Type S2, Construction Type V-B, and a Vehicle Wash Building Occupancy Type B, Construction Type II-B. 23-01022
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
3/23/23, 11 am, The meeting site is CAL FIRE’s Rincon Fire Station, located at 16971 Hwy 76, Pauma Valley, CA 92061. To ensure your participation, please notify Sarah Best no later than March 22, 2023, by email: Sarah.Best@fire.ca.gov
9TSC0099 Rincon Fire Station Replacement - General Contractor 3
Ref#: 9TSC0099 / Event ID
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Sarah Best, Sarah.Best@fire.ca.gov
Owner: Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (916) 6537772
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
El Cajon
Furnish and install outdoor fitness equipment and resurfacing of the park playground
23-03017 AGC #:
Equipment & Playground Resurfacing Re-Bid 0
Ref#: 008-24
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class The general contractor and sub-contractors must collectively have a current Class A or Class B Contractor License and a current C-61 (subcategory D-34) Contractor License - Direct Inquires to Mara Romano 619-441-1787 mromano@elcajon.gov
Owner: City of El Cajon (619) 441-1787
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Storage Tanks Demolition and Storm Water Improvements at Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal (TAMT)
Bid Date:
7/31/2023 San Diego
2:00 PM
James R Mills Building 1st Floor Common Area Remodel
AGC #:
James R. Mills Building 1st Floor Common Area Remodel 0
Ref#: 061523LOBBYIFB
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class – All written inquiries relating to this solicitation shall be directed to Leslie Cusworth, Contract Officer, (619) 236-0761, or e-mail at leslie.cusworth@colliers.com
Owner: MTS Procurement Dept. (619) 557-4572
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The Storage Tanks Demolition and Storm Water Improvements at TAMT project is to demolish and remove of three welded steel storage tanks and associated tank piping and foundations. The project is located near the Crosby Road entrance to the TAMT at the southern end of the Port of San Diego’s property. The three welded steel storage tanks were originally furnished and installed for the Pacific Molasses Company and were abandoned for more than 30 years. Each welded steel storage tank is essentially identical and has a nominal diameter of 73-feet, nominal height of 32-feet, nominal capacity of 23,800 barrels. They held liquid commodities like molasses and palm oil. The work will also include the demolition of perimeter containment wall; site piping and utilities, and electrical system; salvaging of steel material, lead-containing materials abatement, relocation of electrical transformer, conduit and electrical improvements, storm water and storm drain improvements, stormwater quality improvements, grading and reinforced Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement, curb, and bollards.PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT REQUIRED TO SUBMIT BID.
23-02885 AGC #:
Ref#: 2022-01
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Mark Adams 619-686-6247 madams@portofsandiego.org
Owner: San Diego Unified Port District (619) 686-6247
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
August 01, 2023
Clubhouse Vegetation Project
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
Imperial Irrigation District (IID), an irrigation district established under Division 11 of the California Water Code, Sections 20500 et seq., that provides non-potable water, farm drainage and power services to the lower southeastern portion of California's desert, is requesting proposals from highly qualified Respondents to:Implement a dust control plot on a portion of the Salton Sea playa at Clubhouse (Salton City). Requested services include the following:1. Seedbed preparation and seeding2. Procure, install, and commission irrigation system3. Procure and install waterless dust control and stormwater erosion control
Bid Date:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
6-27-23 9:00 AM Meet at the parking lot next to Jack in the Box at the intersection of Highway 86 and Marina Drive, Thermal (Salton City), CA 92274.
AGC #: Ref#: SRFP 472
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - (Paper and Electronic) Class A General Engineering
Contractor license - Direct inquiries to Marty P. Holbrook, purchasing agent, purchasing@iid.com.
Owner: Imperial Irrigation District 760-339-9714
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
Big Fans Building C
2:00 PM
San Diego
Construction of Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements per Plans numbered 42010-001-D through 42010-524-D, inclusive, Appendix J - Public Art Installation, and these specifications, shall include, and not be limited to, the construction of an Aquatic Center and related site/stormwater work as part of the Base Bid. The center includes a one-story 6,290 SF locker/toilet/community room/office building and a one-story 2,867 SF pool equipment building containing storage space, single-occupant toilet rooms & other support spaces in addition to the pool equipment. It also includes two pools, a splash pad, and all related hardscape, landscape, parking, stormwater mitigation & public art. Additional work is required on-site, as required, to make the Base Bid functional as specified in the Plans, Contract Documents, Technical Specifications, and SSP. Additive Alternate #1 is a remodel of the existing Gil Johnson recreation center. Repair/replacement of rotten wood and repainting of the exterior are included. Existing toilets will be demolished & replaced with accessible ones. New millwork, replacement of finishes in some spaces, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work in some spaces is also included. Additive Alternate #2 includes playground equipment with hardscape, landscape & other related site work. Additive Alternate #3 includes the reconfiguration of site playing fields, sports lighting, equipment, and other related site work. Additive Alternate #4 includes an all wheels plaza, shade structure, and related hardscape/landscaping & other related site work.
23-03099 AGC #:
Project Type:
Mira Mesa Community Park Phase II Improvements 0
Ref#: K-23-2197-DBB-3-C
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Brittany Friedenreich 619-533-3104 bfriedenreic@sandiego.gov
Big Fans Building C 0
23-03015 AGC #: Ref#: PWL375.0-23
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Troy Girard 619557-4572
Owner: MTS Procurement Dept. (619) 557-4572
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-3104
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Window Washing Equipment Certification for the San Diego Central Library
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
The City of San Diego Public Library seeks Contractor to perform in accordance with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) recommended repair, preventative maintenance service, certification, operational testing when applicable, including on-call repair service as required to ensure that the Central Library’s Skymaster Manufactured Window Washing Equipment identified herein is operating effectively and meets Safety Compliance regulations in order to obtain certification for operation of window washing equipment.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
7/12/23, 8:30 am, San Diego Central Library Building, 330 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101 at Neil Morgan Auditorium, Ground floor.
Ref#: 10089998-23-R
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Renealdo Flores
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-6441
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
On Call Wastewater Engineering Services
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
"The City of Encinitas is inviting proposals from qualified professional service firms foron call professional consulting services in the following discipline category: Category 1: Civil Engineering - Wastewater. The general duties of the selected firm(s) will be to provide as-needed / oncall professional and technical civil engineering design, consultation, and support services for Utilities Department Wastewater Collection System projects on an as-needed/on call basis. The types of sewer improvement projects may include spot repairs, rehabilitation, or replacement of existing sewer pipelines, manholes, and pump stations or installation of new sewers. The initial term of the professional services agreements will be for three (3) years with a possibility of two (2) each one (1) year extensions. "
23-02956 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: WW RFP 23-02
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class Professional Engineer (CA) – Direct Inquiries to Colleen Block / 760-943-2217, cblock@encinitasca.gov
Owner: City of Encinitas (760) 943-2217
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
For a complete scope of services being requested and submittal requirements, please refer to the RFP documents.
23-03001 AGC #:
Core System Consolidation 0
Ref#: RFP 23-12
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Shea Sainz 442339-2467 shea.sainz@carlsbadca.gov
Owner: City of Carlsbad - Finance (760) 602-2467
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Imperial Avenue Division Generator
23-02953 AGC #:
Imperial Avenue Division Generator 0
Project Type:
Ref#: PWB371.0-23
San Diego
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Troy Girard, Procurement Specialist (619)557-4572 or via email at Troy.Girard@sdmts.com
Owner: MTS Procurement Dept. (619) 557-4572
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Diego
Project includes improvements to the existing playgrounds with new playstructures and equipment, new fitness equipment, resilient surfacing, basketball court, and shade structures. Work also include parking lot resurfacing and drainage improvements, landscaping and irrigation, security lighting improvements, park and restroom accessibility improvements, and other park amenities.
23-03084 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
7/25/23, 10 am, See Solicitation
Egger South Bay Community Park 0
Project Type:
Ref#: K-23-2191-DBB-3
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Ron McMinn 619-533-4618 rmcminn@sandiego.gov
Owner: City of San Diego - Purchasing & Contracting Dept. (619) 533-4618
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
RFQ/P Navy Old Town Campus Revitalization Lease and Development Opportunity, Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego, CA
Bid Date:
San Diego
RFQ/P Navy Old Town Campus Revitalization Lease and Development Opportunity, Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego, CA:The United States of America acting by and through the Department of the Navy (Government) is issuing this Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P) to enter into a long-term outlease agreement (Lease) under the authority of Title 10 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 2667 for private development on the approximately 70.3 acre Naval Base Point Loma, Old Town Campus (NBPL OTC) in San Diego, California. The Government’s preferred objective is to enter into a long-term Lease of its fee-owned real property on a portion of NBPL OTC in exchange for which the Selected Proposer would provide IKC, in lieu of cash, to the Government in the form of new Government Facilities. The Government would retain a portion of the approximately 70.3 acre Parcels for the new Government Facilities. The Selected Proposer would potentially be granted a leasehold interest in the remainder of the Parcels (Leased Premises), which would be available for lease and private development for the Selected Proposer to renovate, redevelop, and/or otherwise utilize. This IKC must be valued at not less than the fair market value of the leasehold interest.
AGC #:
Project Type:RFPQ
Ref#: N6247323RP00008 (N62473-23-RP-00008)
Misc. Notes: Submit Proposal to Owner (Send delivery confirmation and tracking numbers to Erin Grandgirard at erin.l.grandgirard.civ@us.navy.mil, and include a soft copy of the SOQ in the email) Statement of Qualifications Due by February 7, 2023 4:00 Pacific Standard Time - Contact Information Primary Point of Contact: Erin Grandgirard, erin.l.grandgirard.civ@us.navy.mil
Owner: Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Southwest
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
August 10, 2023
Vine Street Wells No. 7 and 8 Rehabilitation Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Proposals are invited for the work generally consisting of performing all operations, furnishing of all labor, materials, transportation, tools, fuel, and equipment to successfully redevelop, rehabilitate, and sterilize Vine Well No’s 7 and 8 and install new pump, pump column, shaft and bearings, as detailed in the project documents and drawings.
23-02804 AGC #:
Project Type:Engineering
Owner: Lakeside Water District (619) 443-3805
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
June 30, 2024
Bid Date:
11:49 AM
San Marcos
THIS IS A BLANKET ADVERTISEMENT AND IS NOT FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECTCSU San Marcos may be seeking qualified contractors and service providers to perform various services/projects from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. The dollar value of these projects will not exceed $929,000.00 per project. All interested parties are encouraged to register as a vendor at the link below to be notified if and when opportunities arise.
23-03083 AGC #:
Ref#: JR070123
Project Type:
CSU San Marcos - 23/24 Blanket Minor Cap Advertisement 0
Owner: California State University San Marcos (760) 750-4950
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Our name has changed, but our commitment to our clients and safety, quality and project excellence never will.
As Paul Hansen Equipment, we’ve taken on the most complex sitework and utility challenges since 1969. As Castle, we’ll continue to be Southern California’s premier site preparation contractor providing grading, excavation, and underground utilities including water, sewer, storm drain, fire systems, backflows, gas, electric and telecom.
Castle Contracting, LLC 1225 Broadway El Cajon, CA 92021 619-219-8125 digcastle.com
June 29, 2023
Perris Coroner Morgue Refrigeration System Walk-InCooler Replacement Project
Bid Date:
Bid Date:
1:30 PM
6/29/2023 Perris
The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor, materials, parts, equipment, tools, supervision, services, transportation, waste disposal, facilities and other required items necessary to complete the Perris Coroner Morgue Refrigeration System Walk-In-Cooler Replacement Project, in strict accordance with all of the Contract Documents.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
New Date 6-7-23 at 9:30am -5-17-23 at 9:30am at Perris Coroner (Morgue) 800 S. Redlands Ave Perris, CA 92570
Ref#: SHARC-484
Project Type:RFB Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-20 and C-38 - Direct Inquiries to Ofelia Acosta, OAcosta@Rivco.org and Melissa Curtis (Analyst) via email at mcurtis@riversidesheriff.org
Owner: County of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
D&C21-001 New Fire Station 01
Bid Date:
The City’s Utilities Department seeks experienced and responsible AMI companies to submit proposals that demonstrate their ability to provide the City with a reliable, high-performing AMI technology solution that will seamlessly integrate with existing meters. Through this solicitation, the City is seeking to replace all existing water meters that have been installed for more than eight (8) years in a phased deployment. Those installed recently (meters 8 years old or less) will be candidates for retrofitting. Installation of the AMI system will be issued as a separate bid by the City.
23-02254 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: RFP 23-019CA
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Carol Appelt 951 -279-3620 carolyn.appelt@coronaca.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
ADA Upland Unit - 1185 Myrtle Drive
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
6/29/2023 Ontario
2:00 PM
Construction of a two story, 27,835 sq ft, type V-B construction, and associated site improvement on a 1.14 acre located within the City of ONTARIO
ADA Upland Unit - 1185 Myrtle Drive
23-02363 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Prebid Conf:
6-12-23 at 10am at 503 N. Sultana Ave Ontario, CA
AGC #: Ref#: 1652
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class B - Direct Inquires to Purchasing - 909-395-2012purchasing@ontarioca.gov
Owner: City of Ontario - Public Works (909) 395-2012
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ref#: PC1326
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class B, B2Direct Inquires to Claudia Nunez 909-3326341cnunez@hacsb.com
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
June 29, 2023
Lincoln Avenue Techite Pipe Replacement Project Phase I (Jefferson to Madison)
2:00 PM
To obtain the services of a qualified firm to design, procure and install comprehensive facilities building/site access keycard control system for the SunLine Transit Agency’s (Agency) facilities located in Thousand Palms and Indio. Contractors shall conduct a careful examination of the premises and shall thoroughly familiarize themselves with the requirements of the Statement of Work. The project will be subject to California and Federal prevailing wage requirements.
23-02397 AGC #:
Bid Date: Access Control 4
Ref#: IFB 23-068
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class C7 - Direct Inquiries to Sara Parrish 760-343-3456 x1504 sparrish@sunline.org
Owner: SunLine Transit Agency
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
Huntington Beach
The project consists primarily of lining existing sewer pipes based on maintenance history and video inspection. The scope of work for the project includes lining approximately 25,576 lineal feet of eight-inch aged sewer main lines in locations in the areas of the City identified as a priority this year. These locations would benefit from lining as the existing pipes are either scaled with calcium deposits from groundwater seepage through pipe and minor cracks and joints, or have joints intruded with tree roots from adjacent mature trees located on parkways. Additional items include grinding and re-opening approximately 686 service laterals and rehabilitating approximately 115 manholes.
23-02511 AGC #:
Ref#: CC 1728
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to John Dettle: john.dettle@surfcity-hb.org
Owner: City of Huntington Beach/Dept of Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The work to be done, in general, shall include furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, unless otherwise specified, to construct the waterline complete in place in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. The project involves the construction of a potable waterline and appurtenances consisting of approximately, 3,300 linear feet of 54-inch Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe, and 600 linear feet of 12-inch and 8-inch Ductile Iron Pipe, as awarded by the City under Bid Schedule "A".
23-02556 AGC #:
Ref#: RPU-7976
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or C34 - Direct Inquiries to Kristan Nordmeyer knordmeyer@riversideca.gov
Owner: City of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ground Maintenance Services for San Jacinto & Menifee Valley Campuses.
Bid Date:
Ground Maintenance Services for San Jacinto & Menifee Valley Campuses.Project Locations San Jacinto Campus1499 N. State St., San Jacinto, CA 92583 Menifee Valley Campus28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584
23-02625 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6-6-23 at 8am at San Jacinto Campus, 1499 N. State St., San Jacinto, CA 92583 (meet at Bldg. 700). The job walk will then continue at the Menifee Valley Campus, 28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584 in front of Building 700.
Ref#: 2024-001
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class C-27 - Direct Inquiries to Justin Naish 951-487-3192 bids@msjc.edu
Owner: Mt. San Jacinto Community College District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
June 29, 2023
Willow Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue Traffic Signal and Lighting Improvements
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
The Work comprises of the furnishing of all materials, equipment, tools, labor, all implied requirements, incidentals, and all appurtenant work as required by the Specifications, and Contract Documents for the above stated project areas for the installation of a new traffic signal at Willow Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue.
AGC #:
Ref#: 23-038
Project Type: Est:
June 29, 2023
Bid Date: Paint Supplies and Related Materials
Misc. Notes: The prospective bidders list for this project has not been made public contact owner for information
Owner: City of Rialto - Purchasing
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Orange High School Increment 2 Renovation to Little Theater
Bid Date:
Work includes but is not limited to the following: demolition of the ceiling, fixtures, and W/S/E wall finishes at T141 Band Room. Installation of Structural Modifications at T141 Band Room, including path/repair of wall and roof at the affected area(s). Installation of limited infrastructure (power/data) to all portions of the Little Theater (including T141).
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Building
6/2/23 @ 10:00AM: In front of the Little Theater Building at Orange High School, 525 N Shaffer St, Orange, CA 92867
AGC #: Ref#: 2223-894
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Jewelia Noriega: bids@orangeusd.org
Owner: Orange Unified School District/Purchasing Department (714) 628-4440
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
6/29/2023 San Bernardino
3:00 PM
The City of San Bernardino is seeking bids for the purchase of paint and related supplies for our graffiti abatement program. Items descriptions and unit (annual) quantities are described in the Unit Price Sheet table; however, the following specifications are also required (as applicable):• Paint must be ready to pick up no longer than 5 days after the order is placed (notwithstanding national supplychain issues).• All paint must be lead-free and compliant with State of California regulations. Please refer to https://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/Paint/MfrBrands/ for additional information. The vendor (or manufacturer) must maintain compliance with any upcoming laws or regulations—this includes disposal and recycling.• It is strongly desired that paints are bio-based/ecologically friendly (as is becoming more common) with no formaldehydes or ammonia.
23-02660 AGC #:
Ref#: RFQ F-23-48
Project Type:RFQ
Owner: City of San Bernardino - Finance
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Inbound Baggage Claim Construction Manager at Risk Services
Bid Date:
6/29/2023 Palm Springs
2:00 PM
The City of Palm Springs (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms (“Proposers”) to provide the City with Construction Manager at Risk Services for the Palm Springs International Airport’s inbound baggage claim project. The scope of work will consist of preconstruction and construction services for this new system and building improvements.
23-02669 AGC #:
Ref#: RFP 34-23
Project Type:RFP Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B - Kim Baker 760-322-8368 kim.baker@palmspringsca.gov
Owner: City of Palm Springs
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
June 29, 2023
Mill Creek Diversion and Debris Management Improvement Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The work consists of re-constructing diversion and channel features along a segment of Mill Creek in the unincorporated area of San Bernardino, California, to minimize the accumulation of debris and possible clogging of the diversion structure. The Project will include the removal and reconstruction of the existing concrete diversion structure and approach channel. The reconstruction will include increasing the size of the gate structures, adding grouted and nongrouted rip-rap slope protection and adding a drivable concrete riprap access road. Access to and the site is limited to an existing dirt access road and the work area within the channel is limited to the footprint of the improvements. The access road is approximately 10 feet wide, is only passable using off road vehicles, and cannot be altered.
23-02691 AGC #:
Ref#: SBVWCD-P003
Project Type: Est:
Veterans Memorial Monument Maintenance Services
Bid Date:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A - Direct Inquires to Erwin Fogerson, 909-793-2503, efogerson@sbvwcd.org or Katelyn Scholte, 909-793-2503 ext 226, kscholte@sbvwcd.org
Owner: San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District (909) 793-2503
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
D&C23-003 Integrated Waste Welding Shop Improvements
Bid Date:
6/29/2023 Ontario
11:00 AM
The city is seeking bids from qualified contractors with demonstrated experience in providing similar projects for design, fabrication and construction/installation of shade structure for Public Works Integrated Waste Welding Shop per contractor's approved design plans.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6-14-23 at 11am at 1425 S. Bon View Avenue. Ontario, CA 91761
Ref#: 1664
Project Type:Building Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class BDirect Inquiries to Purchasing 909-395-2012 purchasing@ontarioca.gov
Owner: City of Ontario - Public Works (909) 395-2012
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
6/29/2023 Orange
2:00 PM
The City of Orange, a Municipal Corporation, is requesting bids from qualified contractors to provide the City with routine and ongoing cleaning and preventative maintenance of the City of Orange, Veterans Memorial Fountain Monument, and surrounding stonework and concrete surfacing.
23-02712 AGC #:
Ref#: 22-23.47
Project Type:RFB
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner via email to Paul Miller: pmiller@cityoforange.org - Direct inquiries to Paul Miller: pmiller@cityoforange.org
Owner: City of Orange-Community Services Dept (714) 5326472
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Westminster Avenue Rehabilitation (Newhope St. to Harbor Blvd.)
Bid Date:
6/29/2023 Santa Ana
Scope of work: excavation, grading, removal & replacement of asphalt concrete pavement and Portland cement concrete, landscaping, irrigation, and signing & striping.
23-02721 AGC #:
Ref#: 22-6989
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
RFQ- Contractor for Yucca Valley Aquatics and Rec Center
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Yucca Valley
The Project consists of a new approximately 40,000 sf single story building with Natatorium, Gymnasium, offices, multi-purpose room and supporting spaces. The site work consists of hardscape, landscape, new paving, parking spaces, solar panels, retention basins and perimeter fencing over an approximately 3.35 ac. site.
23-02727 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class BDirect Inquiries to Joel Garnica Project Manager at Joel.Garnica@safeworkcm.com
Owner: Town of Yucca Valley
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
June 29, 2023
Playground Upgrades Project at Multiple Sites
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Playground Upgrades Project at Multiple Sites (Clearwater E.S., Enchanted Hills E.S., Good Hope E.S., Palms E.S., Perris E.S., Railway E.S., Rob Reiner Children's Center, and Skyview E.S.).
23-02733 AGC #:
Ref#: 2022-23-005
Project Type:Building
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Attn:Victor Guzman - Contractors License Class B - Direct Inquiries to Estevan Sanchez @ estevan.sanchez@safeworkcm.com and CC @ tom.anderson@safeworkcm.com & victor.guzman@perrisesd.org
Owner: Perris Elementary School District (951) 657-3118
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Palm Springs International Airport
Bid Date:
Bradt Reservoir Slope Repair
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
San Clemente
Establish stormwater prevention plan and placement of erosion control measures, perform clearing and grubbing of approximately ¼-acre on a slope, perform surficial grading of slope, perform excavation and benching under new terrace drain, construct terrace drain v-ditch with retaining wall and catch basin, construct PVC pipe drain, construct chain link fence and gate, and construct high performance turf reinforcing mat system to provide slope erosion protection.
Prebid Conf:
2:00 PM
6/29/2023 Palm Springs
The City of Palm Springs is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide the City with electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at the Palm Springs International Airport. The scope of work will consist of providing 80 EV charging stations which will include network connections, installation of chargers, and network support for data collection and billing.
23-02739 AGC #:
Ref#: RFP 04-23
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Brian Sotak-Rossman 760-322-8336brian.sotakrossman@palmspringsca.gov
Owner: City of Palm Springs
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
6/13/23 @ 9:00AM: at JRWSS Administrative Offices, 851 Calle Agua, San Clemente, CA 92673
23-02769 AGC #: Ref#: 12300275
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to PlanetBidsQA
Owner: South Coast Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
4:00 PM
The City has multiple Filterra, Hydrodynamic Separators, Modular Wetland units, BioClean Round Curb Inlet Baskets, and FloGard Catch Basin inserts. The work to be done, in general, consists of removing and replacing each proprietary BMP media filters or cartridges with the manufacturer’s approved filter or cartridge. The replacement filters shall be the same size, type, filter media, and operate as the original filter. Any filter deviation from the original shall be pre-approved by the City Representative. Removal and installation of replacement filters shall conform to the BMP manufacturer’s installation procedures.
23-02775 AGC #:
Bid Date: Catch Basin BMP Filter Maintenance Services 1
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner electronically via OpenGov (https://procurement.opengov.com) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Alex Waite: awaite@tustinca.org
Owner: City of Tustin
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
800MHz Upgrades - Cajon Pass Tower
Bid Date:
6/29/2023 Oak Hills
10:00 AM
800MHZ Upgrades - Cajon Pass Tower
Prebid Conf:
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Santa Ana
6/1/23, 10 am, in the parking lot of the Chevron at 3260 Wagon Train Rd, Phelan, CA 92371
23-02776 AGC #: Ref#: 10.10.1011
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Ernesto Gonzalez, Project Manager, at (909) 329-0165. DO NOT CONTACT THE DESIGN CONSULTANT. All technical questions to be submittedto the Project Manager in writing via email at ernesto.gonzalez@res.sbcounty.gov.
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Catch Basin Inspection, Cleaning and Catch Basin BMP Maintenance for FY 2023-2024 - FY 2028-2029
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
The City currently owns and maintains 1,230 catch basins. The work to be done, in general, consists of routine maintenance, inspection and cleaning of all culverts and all catch basins and the catch basin inserts and inspection of BMPs to ensure they are in functioning and working order in accordance with this Scope of Work. The Contractor is to furnish all tools, equipment apparatus, facilities, labor services and material, and perform all work necessary to accomplish in a good and workmanlike manner catch basin inspection, cleaning and maintenance services at the locations shown in Appendix III, the catch basin atlas. The Contractor shall provide a photo log and written inventory of all maintenance items and a record on the amount and types of material removed.
AGC #:
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner electronically via OpenGov (https://procurement.opengov.com) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Alex Waite: awaite@tustinca.org
Owner: City of Tustin
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Package: BP-01 General Construction - HVAC upgrades for Lathrop Intermediate School
23-02806 AGC #:
Project Type:Building
Lathrop Intermediate School - HVAC Upgrades DSA #04120875 0
Ref#: BP 01 (DSA 04120875)
Misc. Notes: Contractors and subcontractors must be prequalified prior to bidding on this Project_6/16/23: All prequalification questionnaires must be received._Any contractor that has prequalified on a District project within the past twelve (12) months may be able to satisfy the prequalification requirements for this project_To become prequalified, applications must be submitted to www.PQBids.com/SAUSD.
Owner: Santa Ana Unified School District
Owner: Balfour Beatty Construction
Owner: Santa Ana Unified School District
Owner: Balfour Beatty Construction
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
City of Big Bear Lake
This project scope generally includes traffic control, cold milling, asphalt patching, and all other work as described in the Contract Document.
23-02882 AGC #:
Pothole Patching Project 0
Ref#: 23.013
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class AGeneral Engineering or C-12 Earthwork and Paving Contractors –Direct Inquiries to Jacky Chan 909-866-5831
Owner: City of Big Bear Lake (909) 866-5831
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Buena Park
Orangethorpe Avenue Rehabilitation (from Western Ave to Stanton Ave) in the city of Buena Park, CA
23-02890 AGC #:
Ref#: 2023-11
Project Type:Engineering
Orangethorpe Avenue Rehabilitation (from Western Ave to Stanton Ave) 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Cesar Ortiz: cortiz@buenapark.com
Owner: City of Buena Park/City Clerk
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Bid Date: Dicks Sporting Goods - House of Sport (Sub-Bids Only)
2:00 PM
Dick's Sporting Goods - House of Sport
23-02940 AGC #:
Santa Ana
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: 1299 Reservoir Paint/Coating Repairs and Upgrades
2:00 PM
Rancho Cucamonga
Interior and exterior coating of 1299 Reservoir, and miscellaneous safety improvements.
23-02946 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6/15/23, 9 am, First mandatory pre-bid meeting: 7420 East Ave., Rancho Cucamonga CA 91739. Hard hats are required for job walks and are NOT provided by IEUA. Please ensure in advance your compliance with this requirement. ==> The second mandatory pre-bid meeting: Thursday June 15, 2023, at 9am,7420 East Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga CA 91739
Ref#: IFB-RW-23-014/Project EN23121.00
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractor License Class A, C-33Direct Inquiries to Robert Wallin 909-993-1491rwallin@ieua.org
Owner: Inland Empire Utilities Agency (909) 993-1491
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Good American - Newport Beach, CA **NON-UNION** (SubBids Only)
Bid Date:
9:00 AM
Good American - Newport Beach, CA
23-02967 AGC #:
Newport Beach
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: SUB-BID DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM-- Project documents were provided to us from (Hirsch Construction Corp) , there may be other GC’s biddingInvited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
3:00 PM
This is a Fulcrum Project!!!
23-02969 AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Bid Date: Transwestern Doc Expansion (Fullerton) (Sub-Bids Only) 0
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team. Project documents were provided to us from (Fulcrum Construction), there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Acacia Park Improvements
2:00 PM
The Work shall consist of, but not limited to, clearing and grubbing, removing concrete, grading, constructing concrete hardscape, electrical modifications, plumbing improvements, irrigation modifications, landscaping, water pollution control, and all related work.
23-03022 AGC #:
Ref#: 54039
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Davis Grantham: David.Grantham@cityoffullerton.com
Owner: City of Fullerton/City Clerk (714) 738-6853
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Request for Qualifications (RFQ): Landscape Architectural Design Services
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
he City of Menifee is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide Landscape Architectural Design Services. The City seeks a fully qualified and experienced firm (Proposer) to provide as needed landscape architectural design services that will consist of, but not limited to, landscaping, planting and irrigation plans for parks, right of ways, sports fields, playground areas, sitting areas, courts, demonstration gardens, dog parks, trailheads, picnic areas, shade structures, and general landscaping around new and existing sites.
AGC #:
Ref#: RFQ 2023-01
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Jennifer Christoffersen 951-723-1731 jchristoffersen@cityofmenifee.us
Owner: City of Menifee
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Free People - River Street Greenhouse (Sub-Bids Only)
Physical Sciences Chemical Storage RoomsPrequalification
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
Construct four (4) chemical storage rooms (76 sf each) on floors 3 through 6 of Reines Hall. Rooms shall be constructed to meet Group H-3 occupancy requirements. The project will provide dedicated supply and exhaust fans, VAV ventilation system, gas leak detection system, and storage shelves in each room.
23-02664 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Prequalification
6/13/23 @ 10:00AM: Zoom meeting. See Notice of Prequal for link
Ref#: 5112376
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner via email to Gustavo Valle: gvalle1@uci.edu - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Gustavo Valle: gvalle1@uci.edu
Owner: UCI - Facilities Management
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
TCC Active Transportation Projects C & D
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
Bid Date:
3:30 PM
This project calls for the Tenant Build-Out of an existing 2,279 SF Retail Store.
23-02531 AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM - Project documents were provided to us from (Burdg - Dunham & Associates), there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
San Juan Capistrano :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The scope for Project C consists of the construction of missing sidewalk segments, handicap ramps, and street lights on Nocta Street east of Grove Avenue and Bon View Avenue south of Sunkist Street. The scope for Project D consists of the installation of custom brick shelters with Variable Message Signs, adding Variable Message Signs to existing custom brick shelters, preparing site with concrete pads for new Premium Shelters, Green Shelters, and bus benches that will be installed by Omnitrans, and preparing site with concrete pad for the relocation of existing Green Shelters.
23-02755 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6/15/23, 8 am, City of Ontario - 303 East B Street, Ontario, CA 91764Conference Room 1 and 2.
Ref#: 1663
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Purchasing Department/(909) 3952012Purchasing@ontarioca.gov
Owner: City of Ontario-Engineering/Development (909) 3952012
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
June 30, 2023
Masonry Wall Project at Memorial Park
Bid Date:
6/30/2023 Santa Ana
2:00 PM
The City is soliciting competitive bids from qualified contractors to remove the current wooden fence located at Memorial Park along Park Drive parking lot and replace with a masonry wall.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Bid Date: Field Renovation at Various Sites
4:00 PM
Costa Mesa
Field renovation at 3 schools: Whittier Elementary (1800 Whittier Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 9262), Harper Assessment (425 E 18th St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627) & Davis Magnet School (1050 Arlington Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626).
23-02872 AGC #:
6/14/23 @ 11:00AM: at Memorial Park, 2102 S. Flower St, Santa Ana, CA 92707
Ref#: 23-070
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A -or- B -or- C29 - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Purchasing/Finance & Management Services Agency
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ref#: MO2023-0011
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class C27 - Direct inquiries to Jonathan Geiszler: jgeiszler@nmusd.us
Owner: Newport Mesa Unified School District – Purchasing Department (714) 424-5063
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
HVAC Unit Installation Services at Temescal Canyon High School
Bid Date:
Construction Services for Renovation of third floor at 560 E Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92408. This scope includes but not limited to the renovation works to an existing building to accommodate new layoutOther Details
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6/19/23, 8 am, The MANDATORY Site Walk will be held at 560 E Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92408. We will meet in the firstfloor lobby at 8:00 a.m. Coordinate with Ashley White, Hines, Property Manager Ashley.White@hines.com
Renovation at 560 E Hospitality Lane, Third Floor 2
Ref#: NIB 03-2223-12
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Hassan Mirza / 909-388-6958hmirza@sbccd.edu
AndAshley White, Hines, Property ManagerPhone: 909.381.9773 Email: Ashley.White@hines.com
Owner: San Bernardino Community College District (518) 2699253
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Lake Elsinore
HVAC Unit Installation services at Temescal Canyon High School
23-02899 AGC #:
Ref#: 1622/23
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B and or C20
Owner: Lake Elsinore Unified School District (951) 253-7040
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Perform descaling and eddy current test on all tubes of (4) 900 ton York chillers
Bid Date:
Loma Linda
Perform descaling and eddy current test on all tubes of (4) 900 ton York chillers:The VALLHCS has four 900-ton York chillers that were open and cleaned during the chillers annual inspection. The chillers were identified as having heavy scaling on the condenser side of chillers creating the loss of cooling from the chillers. An Eddy current test will be performed to identify if any flaws exist on the condenser tubes and to inspect the thickness of the condenser tubes
23-02925 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: 36C26223Q1161
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Fernando Castaneda Fernando.Castaneda@va.gov (909)825-7084 x2184 – Shall be contacted for questions about the site visit only (i.e. attendee participation, attendee sign up, site visit access, site visit parking, uniform etc.) - Freddy Osuna / Contract Specialist - Shall be contacted for questions about the solicitation thatare not site visit related. Freddy.Osuna@va.gov (520)629-1711.
Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
J045 - Relocate Two (TACO) Hot Water Return Pumps & Re -Route Copper Piping Etc. Loma Linda, CA
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Phase 2 Trail Improvements SCE Corridor Project
AGC #:
Phase 2 Trail Improvements SCE Corridor Project 0
Buena Park
Project Type:Engineering
Ref#: 2023-14; Project Number: 264
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class ADirect inquiries to
Owner: City of Buena Park/City Clerk (714) 562-3698
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
J045 - Relocate Two (TACO) Hot Water Return Pumps & Re-Route Copper Piping Etc. Loma Linda, CA:the relocation of Two Hot Water Return Pumps onto a New Cement Pad and the Re-Configuration of All Piping to the New Pump Located in the Mechanical Room 1D-01 at the Loma Linda VA Health Care System (VALLHCS). The two existing Taco hot water return pumps are in the mechanical room 1D-01. There are also some butterfly valves that were not capped correctly to prevent water from leaking through them. By relocating the hot water return, pumps, and re-routing all the copper lines it will eliminate excess piping and fittings which means less water leaks in the system. The system at this time has had many water leaks from the compression fittings.
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Santa Ana
The new ROVE Electrical Vehicle Charging Station facility will consist of the complete demolition of the existing site, construction of a new 5,562 sf retail market
23-02970 AGC #:
ROVE - Santa Ana (Sub-Bids Only) 0
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team. Project documents were provided to us from (Consolidated Contracting Services, Inc.), there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
23-03081 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: 36C26223Q1259
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - POC: Freddy Osuna, freddy.osuna@va.gov, 520-629-1711
Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 05, 2023
Renovation Bldg 1203 March Air Reserve Base
Bid Date:
2023 ADA Lift & Ramp Program - Sheehan
4:00 PM
7/5/2023 March Air Reserve Base
Renovation Bldg 1203 March Air Reserve Base****This Solicitation is for the Small Business Western MATOC Pool Only***** California Constructors* CJW JV* Gideon Contracting, LLC* Souza Contracting, Inc.* Heffler Contracting Group* Peter Vander Werff Construction, Inc.
AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: W912QR-30661484
Misc. Notes: Primary Point of Contact: Scott C. Ferguson, scott.ferguson@usace.army.mil
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Architectural Services; RUSD Warehouse Conversion Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Architectural Services for RUSD Warehouse Conversion Project
AGC #:
Ref#: RFP # 25-23
Project Type:RFP
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
DeMuth Park Development
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Palm Springs
The City of Palm Springs is proposing to improve Demuth Park. These improvements include but not limited to design of a large dog park with ADA parking spaces, a small dog park, convert an existing 2.2-acre dirt lot into 165 stall paved parking lot with drainage improvements, repave the existing Demuth Community Center parking lot, repave and fix the drainage at the Little League parking lot, demolish an existing concrete stage, install ADA drinking fountains and sidewalk restoration.The development of the “Demuth Park” (the “Project”) will include two separate off leashes for large and small dog parks. Additional improvements, will include agility course features, walking path, information kiosk, site furnishings, shade structures, landscape, and automated irrigation system. This new development is to be utilized citywide by dog owners, families with children and by various programs conducted or coordinated by Palm Springs Parks, Recreation, and Community Services staff
23-02630 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Leigh Gileno 760-322-8374 Leigh.Gileno@palmspringsca.gov
Owner: City of Palm Springs
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
1. Replace/Install new ADA complaint walk in SOAKING TUB WITH 2 GRAB BARS(i) Remove existing shower enclosure(ii) Remove existing shower fixture(iii) Install new ADA compliant walk in soaking bathtub(iv) Waterproof all areas as needed(v) Install ADA grab bars as needed(vi) Install new shower fixture with diverter(vii) Haul all trash (viii) Install (two) 2 grab bars2. Fix/Repair rook leak in the living room hallway
23-02838 AGC #:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner -
Owner: City of Hemet
Project Type: Est:
Prebid Conf: $10,000
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/5/2023 Hemet
San Jacinto Street to 630-Feet East of Stanford StreetCommunity of East HemetEngineering Estimate: $ 2,650,000 - $ 3,100,000 (Base Bid Schedule)$ 11,000 - $ 13,000 (Alternative Bid Schedule 1)
23-02877 AGC #:
Johnston Avenue Resurfacing 0 2:00 PM
Ref#: B0-0612
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class ADirect Inquiries to Bids-Contracts@rivco.org
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/5/2023 Riverside
2:00 PM
Slurry Seal and Curb Ramp Accessibility ProjectFor Fiscal Year 20232024
23-02878 AGC #:
Project Type:
Slurry Seal and Curb Ramp Accessibility Project District 3 1
Ref#: D4-0008, D4-0013
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class ADirect Inquiries to Bids-Contracts@rivco.org
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 05, 2023
Clean-Up of State Highway 74 & 79
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
The City of Hemet is seeking a qualified Contractor to provide all necessary labor, equipment, tools, and materials to perform bi-weekly and monthly clean-up of highway 74 & 79, in accordance with the included bid specifications.
Maintenance Commerical Door
Bid Date:
8:00 AM
Indian Wells
AGC #: Ref#:
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Candace Sunds 951-765-2348 csunds@hemetca.gov
Owner: City of Hemet
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Road House Hotel (Sub-Bids Only)
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
Road House Hotel:. 5 wood framed over 1 podium deck w/ cantilevered mezzanine for a total of 6 story hotel. 125 rooms with ground floor lobby, restaurant, gym, and rooftop pool. No prevailing/union rates. Private job. Start Date, this August 2023
AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Tennis Court Pickleball Conversion
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Rancho Mirage
Conversion of tennis courts, three (3) and four (4) to eight (8) pickle ball courts including, pickle ball post and nets, resurfacing and striping of courts three (3) and four (4). Concrete and fence reconfiguration is included in the scope to accommodate this conversion.
Provide and install the following:16'2" x 14' Porvene Model PV200 insulated steel back steel sectional door with commercial tracks and hardware. White in color. Should include Liftmaster T5O1-L5 commercial door operator. Should Include two remote controls, safety eye sensors and three button station. Contractor must provide their own lift equipment.Optional item: include cost for pressure sensitive bottom safety edgePrice should include tax, labor and haul away of existing door components
23-02980 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to 7607760237 jmoon@indianwells.com
Owner: City of Indian Wells
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Insomnia Cookies #308 - Riverside (Sub Bids Only)
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Insomnia Cookies #308 - Riverside
23-03034 AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team - Project documents were provided to us from (ACT Construction), there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary
: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
6-20-23 at 10am at 71-560 San Jacinto Drive, Rancho Mirage, California.
AGC #: Ref#:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Attn: Ian Lasley, Assistant Director of Public Works) - Contractor License Class A or B and or subcontract to a combination of Class C Specialty - Direct Inquiries to Ian Lasley, ianl@RanchoMirageCA.gov, or (760) 3433792
Owner: City of Rancho Mirage (760) 770-3224
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 06, 2023
Visionworks 1465 - Redlands (Sub-Bids Only)
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Visionworks 1465 - Redlands
23-00403 AGC #:
Diamond Regional Sewer Lift Station and Dual Forcemains - Construction Management Services
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM. Project documents were provided to us from (World Class Remodelers) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Newport Coast Elementary School Field Access
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Newport Coast
Field Access Upgrade from Elementary School play area to the sports field shall include but not limited to: demolition and removal of existing asphalt and base; excavation and removal of soil; provide and installation of new, asphalt and base, installation of a new pedestrian stairway with code required lighting, irrigation, and landscaping to existing field; work area made ready for the furnish/installation of a DSA PC shade structures (by others); and installation of ADA striping, signage, and components in restroom and parking area as shown on the plans and specifications complete in place including all incidentals at Newport Coast Elementary School.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Lake Elsinore
Diamond Regional Sewer Lift Station and Dual ForcemainsConstruction Management Services
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6-1-23 at 3pm Via Microsoft Teams
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: 75940/C1902 - CM
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Kelia Jones 951-674-3146 kjones@evmwd.net
Owner: Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Humboldt Sewer Lift Station Replacement
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
Huntington Beach
The project consists of the abandonment and demolition of an existing sewer lift station, and the installation of a new 185 gpm submersible sewer lift station and force main. The project includes the construction of new gravity sewers, reconnection of sewer laterals, as well as curb, gutter, sidewalk, AC paving, and other appurtenant work not mentioned above, but required as part of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall be responsible for acquiring any additional lay down area, and all permits and permit fees. The existing Humboldt Sewer Lift Station shall remain in operation until the new lift station is operational. The old station shall be demolished once the City approves operation of the new lift station.
23-02513 AGC #:
Project Type:Engineering
Per A2: New job walk date is 6/20/23 @ 9:00AM. Location remains the same. Per A1: New job walk date is 6/13/23 @ 9:00AM: Location remains the same. 5/25/23 @ 9:00AM: at Newport Coast Elementary School, 6655 Ridge Park Rd, Newport Beach, CA 92657
Ref#: 122-23
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A -or- B - Direct inquiries to Jonathan Geiszler: jgeiszler@nmusd.us
Owner: Newport Mesa Unified School District – Purchasing Department
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ref#: 1634
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to John Dettle: john.dettle@surfcity-hb.org
Owner: City of Huntington Beach/Dept of Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 06, 2023
Design and Construction Support Services for a New Gymnasium and Parking Lot at Colonel Bill Barber Marine Corps Memorial Park
Bid Date:
Bid Date: Northwood Aquatics Center Deck Replacement
10:00 AM
7/6/2023 Irvine
4:00 PM
7/6/2023 Irvine
The City of Irvine is requesting proposals to establish a contract for design and construction support services for a new gymnasium and parking lot at Colonel Bill Barber Marine Corps Memorial Park CIP No. 361907, with work to commence on or about August 2023 and be completed on October 2024
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: 23-3350 (CIP 361907)
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Direct inquiries to Brian D. Brown: bbrown@cityofirvine.org
Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
HSIPSL-5486(010) Advanced Dilemma Zone Detection Project
Bid Date:
he work to be performed shall include, but not be limited to:Provide and install site improvements including but not limited to concrete paving, concrete curb & gutter, AC paving, AC overlay, tactile panels, guardrails, fencing, signs, pavement markings, and irrigation boxes; provide and install locker room and restroom upgrades including but not limited to concrete slabs, wall & ceiling construction, plumbing fixtures and accessories, shower fixtures & accessories, and benches; provide and install pool and deck improvements including but not limited to pool deck & drainage, cantilevered deck edge, pool plaster finish, pool tile, accessible lift, handrails, ladders, grab rails & step inserts, competition anchors & accessories, and timing system; provide and install electrical improvements including but not limited to underground signal conduit, power conduit & conductors, data conduit & cabling, and power & data receptacles.
23-02714 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6/22/23 @ 10:00AM: at the project site, 4515 Portola PKWY., Irvine, CA 92620
10:00 AM
7/6/2023 Eastvale
The City of Eastvale is soliciting bids for the HSIPSL-5486(010) Advanced Dilemma Zone Detection Project. The scope of work includes installation of Advance Dilemma Zone detection system and associated equipment in existing traffic signal cabinets at sixteen (16) signalized intersections.
AGC #:
Ref#: ENG20230601
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A and or a combination C - Direct Inquiries to Gabriel Mayorquin 951-703-4472 gmayorquin@eastvaleca.gov
Owner: City of Eastvale
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ref#: 23-3321
Project Type:Building Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class B (Specialty work requires: C53, C10, C36, C8 & C12) - Direct inquiries to Brian D. Brown: bbrown@cityofirvine.org
Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
17th Street Rehabilitation (Fairview St. to Flower St.)
Bid Date:
7/6/2023 Santa Ana
2:00 PM
17th Street Rehabilitation (Fairview St. to Flower St.):Scope of Work: Reconstruction/resurfacing of existing pavement, application of slurry seal, and crack seal. Replacement/installation of missing or damaged, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveway approaches, wheelchair ramps, and striping within the segment of the roadway.
23-02722 AGC #:
Ref#: 21-6979 & 21-6980
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 06, 2023
Rialto Channel Fence and Rock Installation
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
San Bernardino
The work, in general, consists of, but not limited to installing trail fence (within existingparkway) adjacent to an existing pedestrian/bicycle trail, parallel to Rialto Channel/Cactus Avenue in the City of Rialto. The project also includes placing 3/4" decorative brown rock within the parkway
AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: PWG123-LANDD-5013
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A or C13 – Direct Inquiries to Jason CloningerContact Phone: (909)387 -8258Contact Email: jason.cloninger@pur.sbcounty.gov
Owner: County of San Bernardino (909) 387-8258
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid No. 22-34 Tree Maintenance and Removal ServicesDistrictwide
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Bernardino
Bid No. 22-34 Tree Maintenance and Removal Services - Districtwide
23-02784 AGC #:
Ref#: 22-34
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Emmili PennBuyer777 North F StreetSan Bernardino, CA 92410Email: emmili.penn@sbcusd.k12.ca.usPhone: (909) 381-1206
Owner: San Bernardino City Unified School District (909) 3811206
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Citywide Storm Drain Catch Basin Maintenance Project
Bid Date:
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
Costa Mesa
Install owner-provided intercom devices per plan to provide a secure lobby at 31 school sites. Contractor responsible to install intercom, wiring, raceways/conduit as needed to install and connect intercom and door entry device.
AGC #:
District Wide Lobby Security 3
Ref#: MO2023-0009
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class C7, C10 - Direct inquiries to Jonathan Geiszler: jgeiszler@nmusd.us
Owner: Newport Mesa Unified School District – Purchasing Department (714) 424-5063
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Biosolids Management Services
4:00 PM
Biosolids Management Services
AGC #:
Ref#: RFP No. 3616
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Jeff Wasserman, wassermj@emwd.org
Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
5:00 PM
7/6/2023 Eastvale
The City of Eastvale (City) is soliciting proposals from consulting firms to provide professional maintenance services in debris removal, and structural and aesthetic maintenance for city owned and maintained catch basin maintenance project (project). The project area includes the catch basins on public roads and City owned properties. Under this project, the City is requiring all catch basins in the mentioned zones be cleaned of debris and have maintenance provided as needed. This is to maintain flow and drainage of City/Public areas and satisfy the MS4 Permit Requirements.
23-02811 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: ENG20230608
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or C31/D-63 - Direct Inquiries to Yurhi Choi 951-703-4471 ychoi@eastvaleca.gov
Owner: City of Eastvale 951-361-0900
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Landscape Maintenance Services for ARMD – West and ACC Areas
Bid Date:
23-02824 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
2:00 PM
Provide Landscape Maintenance Services for the West Section of the Anaheim Resort District and Anaheim Convention Center Areas.
Project Type:RFB
7/6/2023 Anaheim MANDATORY
6/20/23 @ 9:45AM: at Public Works – Operations Building, 400 E. Vermont St., Anaheim, California 92805
Ref#: 9704
Misc. Notes: bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class C27 - Direct inquiries to Maira Rodriguez: mrodriguez2@anaheim.net
Owner: City of Anaheim/Purchasing Dept
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 06, 2023
Design and Engineering Services for the 2023 Water Pipelines Project
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Design and Engineering Services for the 2023 Water Pipelines Project
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Attn: Mark Swanson) - Direct Inquiries to Robert Rasha (951) 845-9581 ext 226 robert.rasha@bcvwd.org
Owner: Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:30 PM
This Notice Inviting Bids seeks submittals of Bids to construct a newsignalized intersection at Mojave Drive and Condor Road. Work will include traffic handling, potholing, procurement of traffic signal equipment, installation of underground conduits, construction ofpole foundations, minor concrete, installation of pole assemblies, installation of signal electricalsystems, and signal turn on.
AGC #:
Project Type:
Mojave Drive at Condor Road Traffic Signal, City of Victorville Project CC23-058, 0
Ref#: Project CC23-058
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Class A GeneralEngineering Contractor’s License - Direct inquiries to mailto:cmcalderon@victorvilleca.gov.
Owner: City of Victorville (760) 955-5257
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Lindbergh Site Kitchen Renovation
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
Costa Mesa
This project is located at Linbergh Elementary and will consist of modifying the kitchen space. Installing FRP on all walls, paint, installing new flooring, and new ceiling tiles.• The Contractor will be responsible for providing a complete turn-key finished product included in all related contract documents.• Contractor will provide all labor and materials• Contractor to provide all required submittals.
AGC #:
Ref#: MO2023-0012
Project Type:Building Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Jonathan Geiszler: jgeiszler@nmusd.us
Owner: Newport Mesa Unified School District – Purchasing Department (714) 424-5063
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
Santa Ana
The City of Santa Ana seeks a qualified Right-of-Way Consultant to provide right-of-way coordinating services on an as-needed basis to the Public Works Agency.
23-02924 AGC #:
Bid Date: On-Call Right of Way Coordinator (REBID) 0
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: 22-150 REBID
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (Electronic & Paper Bids; Attn: Hayley Gilbert) - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Blanchard Ave. Sidewalk Gap Project
2:00 PM
Blanchard Ave. Sidewalk Gap Project:Removal of existing landscape and hardscape, including bushes, pavers, block walls, or excavation of existing soils, saw cut and removal of existing concrete and asphalt concrete, placement of concrete and asphalt concrete, and other work as directed by the Engineer to accommodate field conditions.The sidewalk and improved driveways shall be installed at the following 4 locations:7729 Blanchard Ave. Fontana, CA 923367737 Blanchard Ave. Fontana, CA 923367779 Blanchard Ave. Fontana, CA 923367791 Blanchard Ave. Fontana, CA 92336
23-02927 AGC #:
Ref#: SB-126-DE-23
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A or a combo of Class C - Direct Inquires to Sid Lambert 909-350-7678slambert@fontana.org
Owner: City of Fontana (909) 350-7678
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
9:00 AM
Bid No. 23-16JB16JB Purchase and Installation of Roller Shades
23-02930 AGC #:
Bid Date: Purchase and Installation of Roller Shades 0
Project Type:
Ref#: 23-16JB
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class D52 –Request for clarification must be submitted via email to joann_baeza@cjusd.net and with the Subject: Bid 23-16 JB
Purchase and Installation of Roller Shades. No later than July 6, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
Owner: Colton Joint Unified School District (909) 580-6670
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 06, 2023
Demolition Project Oasis Mobile Home Park
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Demolition Project at The Oasis Mobile Home Park:The selected Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary fordeconstruction, demolition, disposal, abatement, and removal of all vacant mobile home units,including travel trailers, ancillary structures, or parts thereof, located within the Oasis MobileHome Park. The demolition shall also include unpermitted room additions, patios, awnings,excessive trash, as well as the removal of trees blocking the removal of the mobile home(s).The demolition work under this IFB shall be performed at the Oasis Mobile Home Park,located on Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Tribal Land, which is located within the Countyof Riverside, State of California. This Project shall include furnishing all labor, material,equipment, tools, supplies, services, and incidentals, and performing all work necessary forthe successful completion of the Demolition Project
AGC #:
Project Type:Engineering
Ref#: (IFB) NO. 2021-003
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Attn: George Eliseo - Direct Inquiries to George Eliseo gceliseo@rivco.org, (951) 955-6405, Fax: (951) 688-6873
Owner: Housing Authority of the County of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 06, 2023
Bid Date: Fred Waring Drive Pavement Rehabilitation
10:00 AM
La Quinta
The proposed work includes pulverization, overlay, and signing and striping on Fred Waring Drive from Washington Street to Adams Street. Additional work includes the removal and replacement of a curb ramp at Fred Waring Drive at Adams Street. An additive alternate area on northbound Washington Street from Avenue 48 to Lake La Quinta Drive is included for pulverization, grinding, overlay, and signing and striping. All project work and incidental items to complete the project shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and other provisions of the contract. All the above improvements are to be constructed in a workmanlike manner, leaving the entire project in a neat and presentable condition.
23-02941 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Building
6-22-23 at 9am at City of La Quinta, City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253
Ref#: 2022-03
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A and or C12 - Direct Inquiries to Ubaldo Ayón, (760) 777-7096 – Phone uayon@laquintaca.gov – Email
Owner: City of La Quinta (760) 777-7000
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: La Quinta High School CMU Block Dugouts
2:00 PM
La Quinta
Bid Date:
The Project scope includes general construction, including but not limited to, the construction of solar shade structures at five sites. Removing parking pole lights, signage, or other obstructions from the system location site(s). Procuring steel carport structures and securing in place per the structural requirements in the approved DSA drawing set. Procuring panels, inverters, and balance of system per the specifications provided. Performing both AC and DC work required to install the panels per the approved electrical drawings. Coordinating with the school for the interconnection of the PV system to the electrical switchgear. Providing and installing all necessary materials and equipment to connect the inverter system to the school network for monitoring. Restriping parking areas as necessary. Facilitating final inspections with SCE for permission to operate. Providing cutover services.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6/7/23, 10 am, Pepper Tree Elementary School, 1045 W. 18th Street, Upland, CA 91784 to start, notify Robyn Wilson, Director of Maintenance, Operations, Transportation, and Construction at robyn_wilson@upland.k12.ca.us to confirm attendance.
Solar Installation at Five Sites - CIT FK MAG PT UJHS Construction 1
Ref#: 23-24-003
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B and/or C10 -
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The Project consists of all labor, materials, equipmentand services necessary to Add CMU walls around the Baseball Dugouts.
23-02973 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: CUPCCAA No.F22/2303
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner via email only patrick.cisneros@desertsands.us - Contractors License Class C29 - Direct Inquiries to Jacob.barrios@desertsands.us
Owner: Desert Sands Unified School District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: RFQ For Pre-Qualification For Public Works Projects
5:00 PM
Pre-Qualification for Master On-Call List for City Public Works Projects
23-02984 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Ref#: RFQ#2023-8008
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Jizelle Sandoval 909-334-3367jsandoval@cityofchino.org
Owner: City of Chino Public Works Dept (909) 334-3067
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 06, 2023
RFB 2022-23-017 Overhead Street Name Signs
Bid Date:
1:00 PM
Rancho Santa Margarita
In general, the work is comprised of public works construction including removing, furnishing, and installing accent stair lighting and decorative wooden door gate, and other miscellaneous improvements as shown on the plans and as required to complete the work.
AGC #:
City Hall and BTRCC Entryway Enhancement 0
Project Type:Engineering
Bid Date:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Wilson Leung: wleung@cityofrsm.org
Owner: City of Rancho Santa Margarita/Public Works Director/City Engineer
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
Costa Mesa
Structural bracing of exterior covered walkways per plans and specs.
AGC #:
Project Type:Building
Adams Elementary School Covered Walkway Support Bracing 0
Ref#: Adams Elementary School Covered Walkway Support Br
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Jonathan Geiszler: jgeiszler@nmusd.us
Owner: Newport Mesa Unified School District – Purchasing Department (714) 424-5063
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The City is requesting a bid for overhead street name signs with City of Hesperia logo that will hang from the traffic signal mast arm. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sets the standard for all traffic relatd signs; therefore, all signs quoted shall meet the requirments as described within the MUTCD/FHWA standards for layout, materials, and workmanship. Specifications for the signs are, but not limited to:• Sign Size: Variable x 18” (minimum)o Some signs may vary based on length of the street name• Frame Size: Aluminum 1.25 x 1.25 x .125 thick (6063-T5)o Bolted bracketo SS 3/8 Bolt Hex Bolt, nylon washers and split loock washers• City of Heperia logo (in color)• Green 3M diamond grade sheeting• 3M protective overlay film• Font: Highway gothic (white)• Border: Radius border 1 ½• Brackets: EZ-L21 brackets• Print on both sides, unless specified otherwise• All required hardware and safety cables to mount to mast arm
23-03019 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: RFB 2022-23-017
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Cristina Hall –Purchasing Supervisor, purchasing@cityofhesperia.us
Owner: City of Hesperia (760) 947-1302
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Bernardino
Bid Date:
7/6/2023 Various
2:00 PM
Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, equipment, materials, parts, travel, and incidentals necessary to provide routine and non-routine roofing repair services to Caltrans.
23-03011 AGC #:
Project Type:
Roof Services in San Bernardino & Riverside County 0
Ref#: Event ID 08A3624
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B, C-39 – Direct Inquiries to Nguyet PhamPhone: 916/227-6147Email: nguyet.pham@dot.ca.gov
Owner: Department of Transportation/Division of Procurement and Contracts (916) 227-6147
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Contractor agrees to provide to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Stationary Generator Services. Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, materials, vehicles, incidentals, and equipment necessary to provide semi-annual services and non-routine maintenance, troubleshooting, service, repair, replacement, and parts of routine generators.
23-03027 AGC #:
Project Type:
Repair and Maintenance Services of Stationary Generators in San Bernardino County 0
Ref#: Event ID 08A3620
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A, B, C10 - Direct Inquires to Catherine Andersen, catherine.andersen@dot.ca.gov, 916-639-6323
Owner: Department of Transportation (916) 639-6323
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 06, 2023
Repair and Maintenance Services of Stationary Generators in San Bernardino County
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Bernardino
Contractor agrees to provide to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Stationary Generator Services. Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, materials, vehicles, incidentals, and equipment necessary to provide semi-annual services and non-routine maintenance, troubleshooting, service, repair, replacement, and parts of routine generators.
23-03029 AGC #:
Fire Station 4 Restroom Remodel and Upgrades
Bid Date:
Project Type:
Ref#: Event ID 08A3621
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A, B, C10 - Direct Inquires to Catherine Andersen, catherine.andersen@dot.ca.gov, 916-639-6323
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
James Woody Park Baseball Field Fence Replacement
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Apple Valley
The Project generally consists of providing the labor, equipment, and materials for the removal of the existing fencing and gates and replacing it, in kind, with new galvanized chain link fencing and gates.
23-03033 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: Ref No. 0000323133/Project No. PR2023-03
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A or C-13 - Direct Inquires to Richard Berger, 7602407000 ext. 7530,rberger@applevalley.org
Owner: Town of Apple Valley (760) 240-7000
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Pedestrian
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Laguna Woods
The work to be done consists of, but is not limited to, removing, and constructing concrete curb ramps, sidewalks, and driveways. The work also includes traffic control, adjusting utility manholes and water valves to grade, re-establishing survey monuments, and replacing impacted existing pavement, painted striping, pavement markings, and truncated domes. A bid alternate is also included for work consisting of, but not limited to, removing and replacing additional sidewalk panels.
23-03054 AGC #:
Accessibility Improvement: Phase 6 & 6(B) 0
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A -or- C8 - Direct inquiries to April Baumgarten: ABaumgarten@cityoflagunawoods.org
Owner: City of Laguna Woods/City Hall (949) 639-0568
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
7/6/2023 Irvine
11:00 AM
Orange County Fire Authority has determined that all bidders on the Fire Station 4 Restroom Remodel with minor facility updates located at OCFA Fire Station #4, 2 California Ave., Irvine CA 92612 to be undertaken by the Orange County Fire Authority must be pre-qualified prior to submitting a bid on that project.
23-03055 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Prequalification
6/26/23 @ 9:00AM: at OCFA Fire Station #4, 2 California Ave., Irvine CA 92612
Ref#: RO2618A
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A -or- B - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: Orange County Fire Authority/Purchasing Department (714) 573-6642
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
ADA Handrail & Stair Upgrades - Multiple Buildings & DM 22-23 Exterior Stairwell Coating
Bid Date:
5112608, ADA Handrail & Stair Upgrades: Provide full replacement of handrails and guardrails on select stairway locations at Langson Library and the Social Science Laboratory Building. 5112938, DM 2223 Exterior Stairwell Coating: Provide high performance coating on existing exterior exposed metal components at three buildings: Law & Education Building, Engineering Gateway Building, and Mesa Office Building. Clean and prepare all metal surfaces by first removing all signs of rust down to surface metal prior to application of coatings.
23-03059 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Prequalification
6/12/23 @ 10:30AM: via Zoom. See Notice of prequal for details
Ref#: 5112608 & 5112938
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner via email to Gustavo Valle: gvalle1@uci.edu - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Gustavo Valle: gvalle1@uci.edu
Owner: UCI - Facilities Management
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 07, 2023
FAA_SoCal_TRACON_FIA_Modernization_SCT (Sub-Bids Only)
Bid Date:
12:00 PM
San Diego
This project will include the following trades:Selective Demolition, Concrete, Structural Steel & Metal Deck, Misc. Carpentry, fire Stopping, Joint Sealants, HM Doors, Frames and Hardware, Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts, Louvers, Metal Studs & Drywall, Acoustical Ceiling, Ceramic Tile, Flooring, Painting, Signage, Toilet Compartments, Wall and Door Protection, Toilet and Bath Accessories, Metal Lockers, Metal Canopies, Slat wall Console System, Cabinetry and Counter Tops, Metal Building Systems, Fire Sprinklers, Plumbing, HVAC, DDC Control Systems, Electrical, Earthwork, Asphalt Paving, Pavement Markings, Site Concrete, Chain-link Fences and Gates, and Site Water Distribution.
AGC #:
Flood Control Storm Drain Screen Retrofit Project
Bid Date:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: To see complete A1 please contact Contractor E Corp
: BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Lake Elsinore
The California Conservation Corps (CCC) Los Pinos Center is looking for bids to service their waste lines (center wide) by hydro jetting twenty-two (22) exterior clean-outs located throughout the center. Due to the old age of the sewer system, and the continued issues which stem from roots, clogs, and general debris in the waste lines, the CCC is requesting a bi-annual jetting and camera service to clean and inspect the lines and ensure flow to the main drains. The first scheduled service date will be determined by the center administration.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6-22-23 at 11am at CCC Los Pinos Center 39251 Ortega Highway, Lake Elsinore, CA
CCC Los Pinos Plumbing: Hydro Jet Service Contract 1
Ref#: 0000027655 PROJECT C3436-93182
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner ( Bids shall be submitted electronically to kiran.varghese@ccc.ca.gov) .- Contractors
License Class C-36 - Direct Inquiries to Kiran Varghese Email: kiran.varghese@ccc.ca.gov
Owner: California Conservation Corps
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
7/7/2023 Perris
5:00 PM
The Project includes furnishing all tools, equipment, services,apparatus, facilities, transportation, labor, encroachment permits, disposal, and materialsnecessary and reasonably incidental to perform the specified items of work, located throughoutmultiple Flood Control Benefit Zones and General Fund Areas in Perris, CA, including but notlimited to: removal and disposal of debris within catch basins, and provision and installation ofnew connector pipe screens within catch basins in strict accordance with the Specifications andInformation For Bidders, 23-02825 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: FCD 1-2023-24-02
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A with Haz Mat Certificate - Michael A. Morales (951) 6573280
Owner: City of Perris
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/7/2023 Perris
23-02883 AGC #:
4:00 PM
Project Type:
4th Street Public Area Enhancement Project Between D and C Street 0
Ref#: CIP 5-007-2023-24
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) -
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
12:00 PM
Avenue 42 Self Storage:Construction of a one-story, 87,000 SF ground up self storage building with RV canopy.
23-03023 AGC #:
Bid Date: Avenue 42 Self Storage (Sub-Bids Only) 0
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team. Project documents were provided to us from (Near-Cal Corp.), there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
7/7/2023 Sun City :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 07, 2023
Bid Date: Architectural Services
2:00 PM
County of Orange
RFQ is to obtain information that will allow the Rancho Santiago Community College District to pre-qualify a limited number of firms to provide Architectural Services for a variety of facility improvement projects, including but not limited to; new construction, modernizations, site improvements or upgrades, infrastructure upgrades, scheduled maintenance, barrier removal projects, minor maintenance projects and small design projects.
23-03052 AGC #:
Ref#: 2223-337
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner via email: FacilitiesRFP@rsccd.eduDirect inquiries to FacilitiesRFP@rsccd.edu
Owner: Rancho Santiago Community College District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Lead Service Line Inventory: Field Identification and Materials Classification
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
The City of Ontario is requesting proposals from qualified Consultants for the Lead Service Line Inventory: Field Identification and Materials Classification. The City is in need of identifying and classifying several water service lines from the water main in the street, up to the private property owner’s foundation. Consultant shall use identification and material classification methods as approved by both the U.S. EPA and California State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW).
AGC #:
Ref#: 1667
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Purchasing 909395-2012Purchasing@ontarioca.gov
Owner: City of Ontario - Public Works (909) 395-2012
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
On-Call Potable Water Well Maintenance and Repair Services
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
San Jacinto
Establishes an on-call list for the City of San Jacinto for potable water well maintenance and rehabilitation and repair services. Projects may include, but are not limited to the following:1. Pump removal and installation services2. Crane operations3. Field services4. Shop labor5. Misc (includes downhole video surveying, well casing integrity surveying, flowmeter surveying)
23-02765 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class C57 - Direct Inquiries to Travis Randel 951-654-7337 trandel@sanjacintoca.gov
Owner: City of San Jacinto-Water,Power & Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 10, 2023
Design Services for Citywide Traffic Signal Optimization Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The City of Corona seeks a qualified consultant to design a traffic signal system using Artificial Intelligence and advanced traffic camera services.
AGC #:
Ref#: RFP 23-075YL
Project Type:RFP Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Angela Tsang 951-279-3567 angela.tsang@coronaca.gov; purchasing@coronaca.gov
Owner: City of Corona
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Alley Improvements Program
2:00 PM
Santa Ana
Work includes excavation, grading, removal of asphalt concrete pavement, installing Portland cement concrete alley pavement, sidewalk and driveway approaches with curb and gutter; adjusting utilities covers to finished grade, and signing.
AGC #:
Demolition and Removal of a Fire Damaged Structure (RFP ED 2023-02)
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Demolition and Removal of a Fire-Damaged Structure (RFP ED 202302)This project is to demolish and remove a fire-damaged structure located at 207 W. Chapman Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870. The property is approximately 11,000 gross square feet and the structure is 1,698 square feet. The project involves the complete demolition of the entirestructure located at the property including the removal and disposal of all building debris, including pre-demolition abatement of hazardous materials, removal of landscape, trees, weeds, shrubs, and fine grading the remaining lot.
23-02991 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: RFP ED 2023-02
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractors
License Class C21 - Direct inquiries to Jeannette Ortega 714-9938264jortega@placentia.org
Owner: City of Placentia
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ref#: 19-6910, 22-6910 & 23 -6910
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Bid Date:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: City of Murrieta Library Roof Replacement Project
2:00 PM
The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of the preparation and installation of a new PVC roofing system (approximately 12,000 SF of roof and parapet wall surfaces) furnished by the contractor on the Murrieta Public Library located at 8 Town Square, Murrieta, CA 92562
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6-23-23 at 8am at Murrieta Library 8 Town Sq Murrieta, CA 92562
Ref#: 23-459 (CIP 21023)
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) = Contractors License Class C-39 - Direct Inquiries to Brian Crawford 951-4616047bcrawford@murrietaca.gov
Owner: City of Murrieta 951-461-4070
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Chick-Fil-A - ConcordNew, ground up, 4,947 sf drive-thru Chick-Fil-A restaurant with outside patio area in Concord, California. The project includes site improvements, the ground-up construction of the new restaurant, indoor dining room, outdoor patio area, new trash enclosure and landscape.
23-03026 AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: This project can also be found here COPS2302395:https://login.onlineplanservice.com/detail.aspx?
idwebDB=True&BidPackageID=1171281&HOMEPR=COPS&STAT US=BIDDING&DOCLOC=COPS23-02395&PUNIQ=23-02395Please excuse the duplicate project, The content is the same.
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 11, 2023
Tustin Hangar No. 2 Maintenance, Repairs and Voluntary Upgrades
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
The work to be done consists of the following:• Sawcut, remove and replace existing asphalt and concrete.• Finish grading of the site as shown on plans.• Excavation and backfill for all footings and compaction.• Soil compaction as required.• Soil testing as required.• Concrete flatwork and footings• Electrical work and site lighting• Standards for Preservation of Historic Buildings• Selective demolition• Observational surveys• Structure stabilization and repair• Steel stair repair• Protective measures.• Department of the Navy coordination• Asbestos and lead abatement• Dust and noise abatement.• Obtaining construction water.• Erosion control
23-02246 AGC #:
Ref#: 10076
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner via https://secure.procurenow.com/portal/tustin - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Mark Khudadatov: mkhudadatov@tustinca.org
Owner: City of Tustin
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ford Road Wastewater Pump Station Improvement 21S04
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Newport Beach
The work necessary for the completion of this contract consists of (1) remove existing concrete curb, curb and gutter, driveway, sidewalk and all other flat work; (2) clean and remove existing 48-inch wet well and appurtenances;); (3) construct new 96-inch wet well and appurtenances; (4) remove and replace existing utilities for new wet well; (5) install generator and appurtenances; (6) construct concrete curb, curb and gutter, driveway, sidewalk and flat work; (7) restore landscaped slope and irrigation as necessary for new work; (8) install and maintain temporary bypass system; (9) all other incidental items.
23-02451 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
5/22/23 @ 10:00AM: in the Civic Center Community Room, 100 Civic Center Dr, Newport Beach, CA
Ref#: 7731-2
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A with all electrical work performed by a contractor with C10 - Direct inquiries to Patrick Arciniega: parciniega@newportbeachca.gov
Owner: City of Newport Beach
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/11/2023 Moreno Valley
2:00 PM
01: Building Demolition, C21 & C22 Bid Category 02: Concrete: Structural & Site, B Bid Category 03: Steel: Structural & Miscellaneous, C51 Bid Category 04: Rough Carpentry, B Bid Category 05: Finish Carpentry & Casework, C6 Bid Category 06: Roofing C39 Bid Category 07: Sheet Metal, C43 Bid Category 08:
Doors, Frames & Hardware, C28, D16 or D28 Bid Category 09: Aluminum & Glazing, C17 Bid Category 10: Drywall & Plaster, C9 & C35 Bid Category 11: Finish Flooring, C15 Bid Category 12: Tile, C54 Bid Category 13: Acoustical Ceiling & Treatment, C2 Bid Category 14: Painting, C33 Bid Category 15: Fire Sprinkler, C16 Bid Category 16: Plumbing: Site & Building, C36 Bid Category 17: HVAC, C20 Bid Category 18: Electrical & Low Voltage, C10 Bid Category 19: General Package, B
23-02734 AGC #:
Valley View HS Modernization Bldg A & C 2
Project Type:Building
Ref#: 222314
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to e-mailed to: rkahrs@tilden-coil.com , jromero@mvusd.net and tgrattan@mvusd.net
Owner: Moreno Valley Unified School District 951-571-7500
Construction Manager: Tilden-Coil Constructors (951) 684-5901
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6/28/23, 9 am, Redlands East Valley High School School: 31000 E. Colton Avenue, Redlands CA 92374, Meet at the flagpole
HVAC Units and Installation at Redlands East Valley High School 23-02764 AGC #: Ref#:
HVAC Units and Installation at Redlands East Valley High School 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A or B – Direct Inquiries to Amy Drummond, Amy_Drummond@redlands.k12.ca.us
Owner: Redlands Unified School District (909) 748-6716
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 11, 2023
NE Annexation Water & Sewer Main Improvements
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Santa Ana
Scope of work includes construction of approximately 660 linear feet of sewer main and sewer laterals at the street right-of-way. related work under this contract includes mobilization/demobilization, manholes services, pavement markings, and all appurtenant work related to sewer main construction.
23-02779 AGC #:
Ref#: 21-6453 & 21-6619
BID # 166-2023FB Electrical Unit Price Bid 23
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A -or- C34 - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Inland Feeder Rialto Pipeline Intertie
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Bernardino
The work consists of furnishing and installing approximately 250 linear feet of 96-inch diameter welded steel pipe; construction of a valve structure; installation of Metropolitan-furnished valves; removal and disposal of pipe coating material containing PCBs, and other appurtenant work as specified and shown on the drawings.**Skilled and Trained Workforce.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
BID # 166-2023FB ELECTRICAL UNIT PRICE BID Scope or Work: One annual contract to be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder to perform ELECTRICAL WORK throughout the School District on an as-needed basis. Contract may be renewed at District’s discretion for up to four additional one-year terms beyond the original year. Total term must not exceed five years. Time of completion varies per project specifics. $500,000 estimated needs per year. Cal. Contractors Lic. Req. Class C-10. Should any technical difficulties arise regarding bid manager, please contact Marcela Valdez, marcelav@cvusd.us
23-02829 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6-22-23 at 9am at District Office Saul Martinez Conference Room located at 87-225 Church Street, Thermal, CA 92274
Ref#: 166-2023FB
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractors License Class C-10Direct Inquiries to Marcela Valdez, marcelav@cvusd.us
Owner: Coachella Valley Unified School District (760) 398-5909
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Audiovisual Systems Upgrade Project (Re-Bid)
9:00 AM
6-20-23 at 9am at Department of Water Resources, Memory Lane Gate, 6900 Devils Canyon Rd, San Bernardino, CA 92407
Ref#: 2021
Project Type:Building Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class ADirect inquiries to Specs Desk specsdesk@mwdh2o.com
Owner: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
(1) The requirement to install 120v electrical outlets at the Board Room Dias has been removed.(2) The equipment specification has been revised to align brands and components for the automated camera system and thereby reduce the need for customer/API based programing.
23-02864 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: IFB-IS22-014R
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-7 and C-10 - Direct Inquiries to Krystal Ranieri 951-571-7152
Owner: Western Municipal Water District of Riverside County
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 11, 2023
Beaumont Mesa Lift Station Force Main
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
LOCATION OF WORK:The work to be completed is located in the City of Beaumont on Potrero Blvd, between Castello Lane and Western Knolls Avenue; on Western Knolls Avenue, east of Potrero Blvd to the SR-60 crossing; on 4th Street at Nicholas Road; and at the north end of Nicholas Road.DESCRIPTION OF WORK:The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the contract documents, including but not limited to the general conditions, special conditions, technical specifications, contract drawings, permits, and all other reference documents.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFB
6-20-23 at 11am at intersection of Portrero Blvd. and Western Knoll Ave.
Ref#: PW23-22 (CIP WW-09)
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A and or Class C - Direct Inquiries to Grace Wichert E-mail: gwichert@beaumontca.gov
Owner: City of Beaumont
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
DD's Discount - Coachella (Sub-Bids Only)
SMPMP 23/24 Pavement Management Program
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The Project includes, without limitation, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, equipment and other incidental and appurtenant Work necessary to satisfactorily complete the Project, as more specifically described in the Contract Documents. This Work willbe performed in strict conformance with the Contract Documents, permits from regulatory agencies with jurisdiction, and applicable regulations. The quantity of Work to be performed and materials to be furnished are approximations only, being given as a basis for the comparison of Bids. Actual quantities of Work to be performed may vary at the discretion of the City Engineer. The Project will consist of repaving 9 separate street segments and 9 neighborhoods. Work will include grinding and removing existing asphalt and replacing the removed asphalt to prior grade, protecting manholes and valves, replacing existing striping, NPDES and AQMD compliance, and traffic control and resident/business notifications. The project will also include the removal andreplacement of curb ramps per City of Indio Standard Plans No. 136 to bring them into compliance with current ADA standards. Work will include removal of existing concrete ramps, sidewalk, AC pavement, concrete pavement/cross-gutters, fine grading and compaction, construction of newcurb ramps, sidewalk, AC pavement, concrete pavement/cross-gutters, traffic control and resident/business notifications. An allowance has been included to perform any minor required concrete work or other work that may be needed that is found during the course of construction.
Bid Date:
7:00 AM
DD's Discount - Coachella, CA 24,870 sq. ft.
AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM Project documents were provided to us from (Marco Contractors, Inc. ) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
Coachella :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
23-03003 AGC #:
Project Type:Building
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class ADirect Inquiries to Ricardo Mercado, 760-625-1817, or at rmercado@indio.org
Owner: City of Indio
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Colton Ave and University St Storm Drain Lateral Improvements
Bid Date:
1:30 PM
The City of Redlands (City) Municipal Utilities and Engineering Department is soliciting bids to improve a 21” storm drain lateral by capping it, filling the catch basin with slurry, and replacing the adjacent curb and gutter on Colton Ave. The City of Redlands is seeking qualified, experienced, and responsible contractors to furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete these tasks and associated items outlined on the bid schedule.
23-03035 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Ref#: MUED20230711GN
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Gerard Nepomucenognepomuceno@cityofredlands.org
Owner: City of Redlands Municipal Utilities Dept. (909) 7987584
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 11, 2023
S. Acacia Ave & E. Valencia Dr Storm Drain Repair
Bid Date:
1:00 PM
The Work shall consist of, but not limited to, installation of a new storm drain, storm drain abandonment, installation of drainage structures, concrete median improvements, catch basin lid repair, traffic striping and control, water pollution control, and all related work.
AGC #:
Ref#: 52022
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Melissa Rendon: Melissa.Rendon@cityoffullerton.com
Owner: City of Fullerton/City Clerk
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Adaptive Management and Mitigation Plan
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The scope consists of two phases:Phase 1 shall be a reconnaissance phase to assess the hydrologic and operational feasibility ofdiverting at the current point of discharge any flows above or below the 1.8 million gallons per dayestablished in the NPDES permit.Phase 2 would assess the project feasibility of the alternatives identified in Phase 1 and it would includefacility descriptions, level 5 cost opinions, a pro forma CEQA checklist and implementation of amonitoring program.
AGC #:
Ref#: WWTP23-21
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (c/o Grace Wichert) - Direct Inquiries to Grace Wichert (951) 769-8520 ext 380 gwichert@beaumontca.gov
Owner: City of Beaumont (951) 769-8250380
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
On-Call Emergency Construction & Maintenance Services
FY:23/24 & 24/25
Bid Date:
7/11/2023 Yuciapa
5:00 PM
On-Call Emergency Construction and Maintenance Services to provide equipment, materials, and labor to address unplanned, emergency construction and maintenance services in the public right of way and/or City owned facilities, throughout the City.The City intends to select two (2) or more Service Providers (Contractors) to be awarded contracts under this RFP. These services may include, but shall not be limited to the following: Maintenance, debris removal, or emergency repair of City owned/maintained storm drain systems and/or flood control facilities.Implementation of erosion control measures, traffic control, and other temporary devices such as K-Rail to protect City properties/facilities.Maintenance and/or emergency repairs of public owned/maintained streets including asphalt concrete pavement removal/replacement, repair, and replacement of existing City owned utilities and associated trench construction/repairs.Street Sweeping and storm/debris cleanup activities following storm events.Repair/Replacement of City fencing, guardrails and walls.City drainage channel/basin maintenance, as a result of storm related erosion/damages, including debris and sediment removal.Irrigation System repairs at City parks/facilities.City owned/maintained tree trimming, removal and replacement.Miscellaneous maintenance or repairs to public facilities and infrastructure.Other services that may be required to accommodate City events, and or response to field conditions resulting from accidents, emergencies, and/or natural disasters.
23-03095 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Ref#: Ref No. 0000323378/Solicitatio
n No. 04
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Todd Gutjahr, tgutjahr@yucaipa.org, 909-797-2489 ext. 289
Owner: City of Yucaipa (909) 797-2489
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Wildomar Crossroads
AGC #:
Bid Date: Wildomar Crossroads (Sub-Bids Only) 0
12:00 PM
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Project documents were provided to us from (Savant Construction), there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted - Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team
Wildomar :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 12, 2023
General Building Job Order Contract Services - GBJOC18
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
San Bernardino
General Building Job Order Contract Services - GBJOC18
23-02436 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Demolition/ Abatement Job Order Contract - DAJOC1
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Demolition/ Abatement Job Order Contract - DAJOC1
23-02439 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
2nd pre-bid meeting 6/14/23, 10 am, Via online meeting platform. 5/31/23, 11 am, via online meeting platform. Pre-bid meeting attendees must pre-register by May 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. See the bid documents for details.
Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-4971
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Peter Geriguis(909)387-2573, Peter.Geriguis@pur.sbcounty.gov
Owner: County of San Bernardino
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
General Engineering Job Order Contract ServicesGEJOC15
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
San Bernardino
General Engineering Job Order Contract Services - GEJOC15
23-02437 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
2nd pre-bid meeting 6/14/23, 10 am, Via online meeting platform. 5/31/23, 11 am, via online meeting platform. Pre-bid meeting attendees must pre-register by May 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. See the bid documents for details.
Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-4969
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Peter Geriguis(909)387-2573, Peter.Geriguis@pur.sbcounty.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Mechanical Job Order Contract - MJOC16
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Mechanical Job Order Contract - MJOC16
23-02438 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
San Bernardino
2nd Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting 6/14/23, 11 am Via online meeting platform. 5/31/23, 11 am, via online meeting platform. Pre-bid meeting attendees must pre-register by May 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. See the bid documents for details.
Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-4973
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class C-21 and C-22 – Direct Inquiries to Peter Geriguis(909)387-2573, Peter.Geriguis@pur.sbcounty.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Healthcare General Building Job Order ContractHCGBJOC1
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Healthcare General Building Job Order Contract - HCGBJOC1
23-02440 AGC #:
2nd pre-bid meeting 6/14/23, 10 am, Via online meeting platform. 5/31/23, 11 am, via online meeting platform. Pre-bid meeting attendees must pre-register by May 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. See the bid documents for details.
Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-4972
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class C-4 and C-20 – Direct Inquiries to Peter Geriguis(909)387-2573, Peter.Geriguis@pur.sbcounty.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2nd Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting 6/14/23, 10 am, via online meeting platform. 5/31/23, 11 am, via online meeting platform. Pre-bid meeting attendees must pre-register by May 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. See the bid documents for details.
Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-4974
Project Type: Est:
Prebid Conf: $5,700,000
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Peter Geriguis(909)387-2573, Peter.Geriguis@pur.sbcounty.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Healthcare General Engineering Job Order ContractHCGEJOC1
Bid Date:
7/12/2023 San Bernardino
Healthcare General Engineering Job Order Contract - HCGEJOC1 23-02442 AGC #:
2nd Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting 6/14/23, 10 am, via online meeting platform. 5/31/23, 2 pm, via online meeting platform. Pre-bid meeting attendees must pre-register by May 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. See the bid documents for details.
Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-4975
Project Type: Est:
Prebid Conf: $5,700,000
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Peter Geriguis(909)387-2573, Peter.Geriguis@pur.sbcounty.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 12, 2023
Healthcare Mechanical Job Order Contract - HCMJOC1
Bid Date:
AGC #:
7/12/2023 San Bernardino
10:00 AM
Healthcare Mechanical Job Order Contract - HCMJOC1
Prebid Conf:
Request For Prequalification Of Bidders Commencing With Forthcoming Public Works Bid For The RP-4 Contact Basin Cover & RW Wet Well Passive Overflow Line
Bid Date:
2nd pre-bid meeting 6/14/23, 10 am, Via online meeting platform., 5/31/23, 2 pm, via online meeting platform. Pre-bid meeting attendees must pre-register by May 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. See the bid documents for details.
Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-4976
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class C-4 and C-20 – Direct Inquiries to Peter Geriguis(909)387-2573, Peter.Geriguis@pur.sbcounty.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
1011 - 800MHz Upgrades Cajon Pass Tower
Bid Date:
The work consists of all materials, labor, tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, transportation, and incidentals necessary to furnish, deliver and install the following scope of work:• Demolition and replacement of the existing concrete covers at CCB-1A, 1B, and 2 with new hollowcore concrete covers• Demolition and replacement of the FRP panels and flashing at the influent and effluent channels of CCB-1A• Coordinate shut down and draining of basins prior to demolition and installation of covers with operations staff• Clean the drained basin of any debris• Install new access hatches• Install four (4) new ultrasonic level indicators/transmitter flow meter in the effluent channels of CCB1B and CCB-2• Install a 24-inch PVC Recycled Water (RW) Wet Well Overflow line penetrating the west side of the RW Wet Well and running approximately 255 feet to the RP-4 StorageLagoon• Install an 8” butterfly valve on existing recycled water above ground line 23-02774 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
7/12/2023 Oak Hills
3:00 PM
1011 - 800MHz Upgrades Cajon Pass Tower
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Ref#: RFQ-RW-23-016
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Robert Wallin 909-993-1491rwallin@ieua.org
Owner: Inland Empire Utilities Agency (909) 993-1491
6/1/23, 10 am, in the parking lot of the Chevron at 3260 Wagon Train Rd, Phelan, CA 92371
Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-4965
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Peter Geriguis(909)387-2573, Peter.Geriguis@pur.sbcounty.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
WRCRWA Temescal Siphon Improvements
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Replacement of an existing sewer inlet structure; recoating of an existing concrete sewer outlet structure; preparation of a sewer bypass plan; execution of a sewer bypass for the duration of the construction.
AGC #:
Ref#: W-301
Project Type: Est:
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2023 Best Value Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23005-PAVN- Paving Services
Bid Date:
Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23-005-PAVN- Paving Services, which is a competitively bid, firm fixed priced, indefinite quantity contract, to be awarded under the best value pilot program codified in California Public Contract Code section 20155 et seq. It includes a catalogue of established unit prices. It is for repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, construction, etc., of buildings, structures, or other real property.
23-02786 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
6-27-23 at 9am 4095 Lemon Street, 1st Floor Multipurpose Conference Room, Riverside, CA 92501
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class ADirect Inquiries to Luis Cardenas 951-571-7285 lcardenas@wmwd.com
Owner: Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ref#: JOC RSO-PMO-23-005 -PAVN
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-12Direct Inquiries to Rachel Lua 951-955-9238 sheriffspmoinquiries@riversidesheriff.org
Owner: Riverside County Sheriff’s Department
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 12, 2023
2023 Best Value Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23003-MECH - Mechanical Services
Bid Date:
July 12, 2023
2:00 PM
Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23-003-MECH- Mechanical Services, which is a competitively bid, firm fixed priced, indefinite quantity contract, to be awarded under the best value pilot program codified in California Public Contract Code section 20155 et seq. It includes a catalogue of established unit prices. It is for repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, construction, etc., of buildings, structures, or other real property.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23-002-ELEC-Electrical Services, which is a competitively bid, firm fixed priced, indefinite quantity contract, to be awarded under the best value pilot program codified in California Public Contract Code section 20155 et seq. It includes a catalogue of established unit prices. It is for repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, construction, etc., of buildings, structures, or other real property.
23-02791 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6-27-23 at 9am 4095 Lemon Street, 1st Floor Multipurpose Conference Room, Riverside, CA 92501
Ref#: JOC RSO-PMO-23-003 -MECH
Project Type:RFP Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-4Direct Inquiries to Rachel Lua 951-955-9238 sheriffspmoinquiries@riversidesheriff.org
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2023 Best Value Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23001-GENB - General Building Services
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23-001-GENB-General Building Services, which is a competitively bid, firm fixed priced, indefinite quantity contract, to be awarded under the best value pilot program codified in California Public Contract Code section 20155 et seq. It includes a catalogue of established unit prices. It is for repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, construction, etc., of buildings, structures, or other real property.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/12/2023 Riverside
Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23-004-LOWV- Low Voltage Services, which is a competitively bid, firm fixed priced, indefinite quantity contract, to be awarded under the best value pilot program codified in California Public Contract Code section 20155 et seq. It includes a catalogue of established unit prices. It is for repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, construction, etc., of buildings, structures, or other real property.
23-02792 AGC #:
6-27-23 at 9am 4095 Lemon Street, 1st Floor Multipurpose Conference Room, Riverside, CA 92501
Ref#: JOC RSO-PMO-23-001 -GENB
Project Type:RFP Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class BDirect Inquiries to Rachel Lua 951-955-9238 sheriffspmoinquiries@riversidesheriff.org
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
6-27-23 at 9am 4095 Lemon Street, 1st Floor Multipurpose Conference Room, Riverside, CA 92501
Ref#: JOC RSO-PMO-23-004 -LOWV
Est: 2:00 PM
Prebid Conf: $4,500,000
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-7Direct Inquiries to Rachel Lua 951-955-9238
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 12, 2023
2023 Best Value Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23006-ROOF- Roofing Services
Bid Date:
Job Order Contract (JOC) RSO-PMO-23-006-ROOF- Roofing Services, which is a competitively bid, firm fixed priced, indefinite quantity contract, to be awarded under the best value pilot program codified in California Public Contract Code section 20155 et seq. It includes a catalogue of established unit prices. It is for repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, construction, etc., of buildings, structures, or other real property.
AGC #:
6-27-23 at 9am 4095 Lemon Street, 1st Floor Multipurpose Conference Room, Riverside, CA 92501
Ref#: JOC RSO-PMO-23-006 -ROOF
Project Type:RFP Est:
Prebid Conf: $4,500,000
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-39Direct Inquiries to Rachel Lua 951-955-9238 sheriffspmoinquiries@riversidesheriff.org
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
Project Scope:New 12,305 Sq. Ft. Biomedical CTE Building ’B’Misc. Site ImprovementsSite UtilitiesSubcontractor / Trade Descriptions:Bids are being requested for the following trades:Surveying
PaintingEarthwork and Paving Visual Display BoardsConcrete
SignageStructural Steel Toilet Accessories and PartitionsRough
Carpentry Folding PartitionsCasework Fire Extinguishers and CabinetsInsulation Window CoveringRoofing Fire Sprinkler
SystemMetal Wall Panels PlumbingDoors, Frames and Hardware
HVAC and ControlsGlass & Glazing Electrical and Low VoltageLath, Plaster, and Drywall Landscaping and IrrigationTile Fences and GatesAcoustical Treatments Site UtilitiesFloor CoveringGeneral
Requirements:This is a public works, prevailing wage projectSkilled and Trained Workforce is requiredThere is NO PSA/PLA for this project.There is NO OCIP for this project.
23-02859 AGC #:
SBCUSD Pacific High School - New Biomedical CTE Building (LLB) 0
Project Type:Sub-Bid Request Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to CM (Please submit your proposal to TildenCoil Constructors using the SmartBid submit proposal feature through your secure project link) – For general questions regarding bidding or to become a planholder please contact Tilden-Coil at precon@tilden-coil.com
Owner: San Bernardino City Unified School District (909) 3811206
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
7/12/2023 Redlands
3:00 PM
The project scope will consist of the removal of Runway 8-26 existing markings, removal of weeds, crack sealing/filling of runway 8-26 and the west apron, 41,755 SY Asphalt seal coating of runway 8-26, 64,100 SY Asphalt slurry sealing (Type II) of the west apron, and pavement markings of both runway and west apron.
23-02876 AGC #:
Ref#: FCS662023JN
Project Type:
Bid Date: Runway and Apron Pavement Treatment Project 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Jawad Naderi 909-798-7584x8jnaderi@cityofredlands.org
Owner: City of Redlands Municipal Utilities Dept. (909) 7987584
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
CHP Blythe Area office - Quarterly Gate and Roll Up Door Maintenance Services
23-02992 AGC #:
Project Type:
MANDATORY 6-28-23 at 12:15pm at 430 South Broadway, Blythe, CA 92225
Prebid Conf:
CHP Quarterly Gate and Roll Up Door Maintenance Blythe Area office 0
Ref#: 0000027801
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-61/D28 - Direct Inquiries to Kellie Au at ContractAnalyst@chp.ca.gov
Owner: Department of California Highway Patrol
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
The Work shall consist of, but not limited to, removal of existing sewer pipes, installation of new VCP sewer and lateral reinstatement, removal of existing sewer manholes, installation of new manholes, replacing existing 6” VCP sewer service with 6” HDPE, installing sewer cleanouts, roadway and alley rehabilitation, replacement of alley driveway approach, and all related work.
23-03049 AGC #:
Balcom Alley Sewer Replacement 0
Ref#: 51032
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Nick Esposito: Nesposito@cityoffullerton.com
Owner: City of Fullerton/City Clerk (714) 738-6851
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 12, 2023
Med Sci D356 Modular Clean Room
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
Renovate Lab D356 in the Medical Sciences D building. Work includes furnishing/commissioning a prefabricated modular cleanroom and modifying the existing VAV HVAC system. Furnish and install new casework, bio safety cabinet, fume hood, laminar flow hood, air tables, and additional equipment.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Prequalification
6/26/23 @ 10:00AM: Zoom Meeting. See Notice of Prequal for link
Ref#: 5112471
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner via email to Gustavo Valle: gvalle1@uci.edu - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to Gustavo Valle: gvalle1@uci.edu
Owner: UCI - Facilities Management
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
7/12/2023 Riverside
4:00 PM
Starbucks Riverside CA - 100% Bid Set
23-03103 AGC #:
Bid Date: Starbucks Riverside (Sub-Bids Only) 0
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team. Project documents were provided to us from (Stout), there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
Zwilling - Ontario, CA
AGC #:
Zwilling - Ontario, CA (Sub-Bid) 0
3:00 PM
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors; DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM -Project documents were provided to us from ( HDG: Hanna Design Group) , there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
Ontario :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Concordia University - Rancho Cucamonga
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Rancho Cucamonga
The project description is as follows:19K sqft interior demolition and remodel.
AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 13, 2023
Civic Center Generator Replacement and Secured Lot Electrical Upgrades
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
The project will remove and replace the existing standby diesel generator at the Civic Center. Additionally, the automatic transfer switch will be replaced and a triple switch allowing for temporary generator docking will be added. The project will also include all necessary electrical infrastructure, and other items.
Request For Prequalification Of Bidders Commencing With Forthcoming Public Works Bid for the Montclair Force Main Improvements
Bid Date:
7/13/2023 Chino
Request For Prequalification Of Bidders Commencing With Forthcoming Public Works Bid for the Montclair Force Main Improvements.
23-02673 AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Prebid Conf:
5/18/23 @ 10:00AM: at the City of Irvine Civic Center, 1 Civic Center Dr, Irvine, CA 92606
23-02265 AGC #: Ref#: 23-3265
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class C10 - Direct inquiries to Brian Brown: bbrown@cityofirvine.org
Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Design-Build Master Agreement for Water Projects
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Work Order Packages awarded under this Master Agreement will include, but not be limited to the design, upgrade, construction, alteration, and repair of new and existing water systems and facilities throughout the city. Specific work includes abandon, repair, relocate, replace, and install general pipeline infastructure components; including pipelines, valves, pressure reducing stations, water meters and vaults.
Ref#: RFQ-RW-23-017
Project No. EN21045
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Robert Wallin 909 -993-1491rwallin@ieua.org
Owner: Inland Empire Utilities Agency (909) 993-1491
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
23-02560 AGC #: Ref#:
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A -and- C34 - Direct inquiries to Brenda Medina: bmedina@anaheim.net
Owner: City of Anaheim/Dept of Public Works (714) 765-5157
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
7/13/2023 Desert Center
The work consists of cold milling approximately 30,090 square feet of existing asphalt concrete pavement, disposal of the cold-milled pavement, replacing with a new 2-inch asphalt concrete overlay, cool seal on top of the asphalt concrete, and performing other appurtenant work as specified and shown on the contract drawings.
23-02693 AGC #:
Bid Date: Eagle Mountain Pumping Plant Village Paving 0
Ref#: 2052
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A or C-12 - Direct Inquiries to SpecsDesk SpecsDesk@mwdh2o.com
Owner: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 13, 2023
Golden West College General Education Building
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Huntington Beach
Demolition of the existing Golden West College General Education Building and New Site Work Improvements. It is anticipated that the Project will commence on July 20, 2023. BP 01A Site Provisions: SWPPP, Temporary Fence, Dumpsters, Chemical Toilets, Construction Signage.License B Estimate $148,390BP 02A Demo and Earthwork, License: A or B or C21; Estimate: $1,301,169BP 26A Electrical,
License: C10; Estimate: $578,120BP 32A Site Hardscape & Fencing,
License: C8; Estimate: $444,226BP 32B Landscape, License C27; Estimate: $681,909BP 33A Site Utilities, LIcense A or C34 or C36; Estimate: $73,239
23-02715 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Engineering
6/9/23 @ 8:00AM: Golden West College, Parking Lot B at California Native Garden, 15744 Goldenwest St, Huntington Beach, 92647
Ref#: 2190
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner: electronic bids - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to John Eriksen: purchasing@cccd.edu
Owner: Coast College/Golden West College - Purchasing Dept
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Standard-McFadden Park
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Santa Ana
Scope of work includes the removal of existing asphalt and PCC, soccer field, fencing, planter boxes and landscaping and the excavation and grading required for the installation of a skatepark, basketball court, play and fitness equipment, site furnishings, lighting, fencing and walls, landscaping, irrigation, and signing & striping for a new city park.
23-02723 AGC #:
Ref#: 20-2729
July 13, 2023
Professional Design Services for UT 1074 925-1 A Reservoir and Transmission Main Improvements
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
Professional Design Services for UT 1074 925-1 A Reservoir and Transmission Main Improvements
23-02839 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
6/15/23, 10 am, Teleconference/Microsoft Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19% 3ameeting_Y2RkYTg2YzEtMmQwZS00OTNkLTkzNDktZDFjZDFlYmF jMWNl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d322fc1f6b6b-4c87-9859-be87eb3a9c79%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a% 22a39ccc69-9f99-4565-a23d-9e3e40312704%22%7d +1 213-4585341
Ref#: 1666
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Mike Sigsbee 909-395-2653msigsbee@ontarioca.gov
Owner: City of Ontario - Public Works (909) 395-2653
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to PlanetBbids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Annexed Property East Fence Gate Project- 2
23-02846 AGC #:
Annexed Property East Fence Gate Project- 2 0
Ref#: 8953
Yucca Valley
Project Type:Building
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A
Owner: Town of Yucca Valley
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
San Bernardino
Mission Blvd
23-02861 AGC #:
Mission Blvd 0
Project Type:
Ref#: PWG123-LANDD-5016
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Melinda Barnes
909 387-7920
Owner: County of San Bernardino (909) 387-7920
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 13, 2023
Eastvale ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The City of Eastvale (City) is soliciting proposals from consulting firms to provide a comprehensive evaluation of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility compliance in three areas: City policies and practices, and City buildings, and public rights-of-way facilities. The ADA Transition Plan will provide the City of Eastvale a multi-phased roadmap to efficiently mitigate the deficiencies and achieve ADA compliance, which will be done in subsequent phases. This project will consist of conducting a self-evaluation and preparing an ADA Transition Plan to include identified physical barriers to accessibility, the methods to improve accessibility, the estimated costs to remediating the identified barriers, and a schedule to achieve ADA compliance
AGC #:
Ref#: ENG20230613
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Yurhi Choi 951-703-4471 ychoi@eastvaleca.gov
Owner: City of Eastvale
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
California Street Landfill Gas Extraction Wells Phase 2 & 3
Bid Date:
Bid Date: Boys and Girls Club Drainage Repair
3:00 PM
7/13/2023 Palm Springs
Remove existing drain lines and install (one) new curb drain inlet with 6” drain line to existing storm drain on Sunrise Way. The work includes but is not limited to installing demolition of existing flat work, installing new drain inlets and outlets to the existing site, adding channel drains at entrance, adding overflow outlet, erosion control at existing down spouts and rain gutters, and pouring flatwork and new path of travel from public way to the main entrance. Re-install Landscaping where disturbed. The work shall be diligently prosecuted to completion before the expiration of 30 working days
23-02898 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6-26-23 at 9am at 450 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, CA
Ref#: 22-20B
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or C34 - Direct Inquiries to Alberto Gradilla 760-323-8253 x8718 Alberto.Gradilla@palmspringsca.gov
Owner: City of Palm Springs
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Improvements
2:00 PM
7/13/2023 Redlands
The work located entirely within the California Street Landfill, located at 2151 Nevada Street, Redlands, CA 92373 and consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and services, and performing all work related to the construction of the Landfill’s gas (LFG) collection and control system. Drilling and installing new LFG vertical extraction wells, including casings, gravel, bentonite, soil backfill, and wellheads. Installing and aligning lateral LFG pipe, valves, fitting and other appurtenances, and connecting to existing LFG lateral and header piping of varying sizes.
AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: FCS06072023NA
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Nathalie Ayala/ 909-798-7667nayala@cityofredlands.org
Owner: City of Redlands (909) 798-7667
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
The project consists of constructing flashing LED stop signs, retrofitting concrete curb ramps, and installing high visibility crosswalks at 14 locations within the City.
23-02900 AGC #:
Ref#: 7990
Project Type:Building Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A or C12 - Direct Inquiries to Jennifer McCoy 951-826-5564 jmccoy@riversideca.gov
Owner: City of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 13, 2023
Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Services
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The work consists of providing all materials, labor, tools, equipment, facilities, transportation and incidentals necessary to construct: The replacement and upsizing of the existing piping and appurtenances within the existing vault from 8- inch to 12-inch diameter, additional 8inch hot tap and valving to a 12-inch diameter steel pipe fordewatering purposes, and installation of a temporary bypass pumping system for the duration of the project.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Prebid Conf:
6/27/23, 10 am, the Mojave Forks Dam gate located at Lake Arrowhead Road in Hesperia
Dam Vault Upsize Project 0
AGC #: Ref#: 213
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Scott Schroder, (909) 336-7136, Fax: (909) 337-6715, sschroder@lakearrowheadcsd.com
Owner: Lake Arrowhead Community Services District (909) 336 -7106
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Santiago Canyon Road – Newport Boulevard to Jamboree Road
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Bid No. 22-23.16; Santiago Canyon Road – Newport Boulevard to Jamboree Road
23-02910 AGC #:
Project Type:Engineering
Ref#: Bid No. 22-23.16; SP4201
Misc. Notes: The City of Orange is implementing Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements and has established amandatory DBE participation goal of 15%.
Owner: City of Orange/Water Division (714) 744-5549
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Services:This noninfrastructure component will focus on the education and encouragement of active transportation for six (6) elementary schools that will be benefit from the infrastructure improvements. The six schools are Juniper Elementary, Mango Elementary, Locust Elementary, Virginia Primrose Elementary, Ted J. Porter Elementary and N. Tamarind Elementary. The City’s goal is to educate parents and students on traffic safety, while also promoting the use of alternative methods of transportation, such as walking or biking.
23-02928 AGC #:
Ref#: SP-163-DE-23
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquires to Elia Alvarez 909-350-6605ealvarez@fontana.org
Owner: City of Fontana
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Citywide Bridge/Culvert Inventory Study
23-02935 AGC #:
Citywide Bridge/Culvert Inventory Study 0
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: 2023-23
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Jennifer Christoffersen 951-723-1731
Owner: City of Menifee
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Lakeland Village Sports Park
23-02937 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Lake Elsinore
Project Type:
6-29-23 at 10am at 16275 Grand Avenue, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 .
Lakeland Village Sports Park 0
Ref#: FM08720011956
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A and or B - Inquiries to Dominick Lombardi Email: dlombardi@rivco.org
Owner: County of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 13, 2023
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
Laguna Beach
Abandon 20 existing water service laterals and meter box assemblies and furnish and install 20 new water service laterals and meter box assemblies, with all appurtenances thereto, at various residences within the City of Laguna Beach.
AGC #:
Annual Water Meter Box Relocation 0
Ref#: 12300326
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: South Coast Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The City of Upland has a need for on-call services for routine asphalt repair and is soliciting proposals from qualified paving contractors for “On-call Pavement Repair Services".
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Richard Smiderle, rsmiderle@uplandca.gov, 909-376-1206
Owner: City of Upland (909) 376-1206
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Riverside University Health System Medical Center Elevator Modernization Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The scope of work for this project consists of epoxy coating a approximately 750 linear feet of an enclosed concrete channel. The work shall consist of identifying areas, photographing, and repairing concrete within the channel, preparing channel surface for epoxy coating, investigating storm drain laterals and abandoning; diverting water around work area; disposing excess materials and debris
AGC #:
Mission Zanja Channel Improvements Project 0
Ref#: 405003
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A - Direct Inquires to Gerard Nepomucenognepomuceno@cityofredlands.org
Owner: City of Redlands Municipal Utilities Dept. (909) 7987584
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/13/2023 Moreno Valley
5:00 PM
The Elevator Modernization Project is located at the Riverside University Health System MedicalCenter (RUHS-MC) at 26520 Cactus Avenue in Moreno Valley, California 92555. The Countyseeks to improve the operation, reliability, and system performance of its seven (7) existingpassenger elevators and one (1) new passenger elevator in a blank hoistway, along with proposedmodernization to equipment reliability, life safety and conformance with requirements of theAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
23-03069 AGC #:
Project Type:SOQ
Ref#: FM08430011940
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner Attn: Kuldip Rakhra - Contact Kuldip Rakhra with any questions or comments at 951-955-8274
Owner: County of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
10:00 AM
Newport Beach
The work necessary for the completion of this contract consists of removing existing streetlight grout cap, coordinating City inspections of existing anchor bolts; replacing streetlight foundations in-place (as needed) with new anchor bolts; rewiring streetlights; reconstructing grout caps or full sidewalk panels and all appurtenances needed to complete the work in place
23-03047 AGC #:
Bid Date: Streetlight Foundation Inspection and Replacement 23V02 0
Ref#: C-9233-1
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Peter Tauscher: ptauscher@newportbeachca.gov
Owner: City of Newport Beach
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/13/2023 Irvine
10:00 AM
Provide exterior light fixtures for the City of Irvine. Equipment and materials shall be delivered to the City of Irvine Facilities Maintenance Division located at 6427 Oak Canyon, Irvine, CA 92618.
23-03074 AGC #:
Exterior Lighting Fixtures 0
Ref#: 23-3353
Project Type:Supplier
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Direct inquiries to Brian D. Brown: bbrown@cityofirvine.org
Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 14, 2023
Design/Build Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) invites proposals from contractors, who possess a state of California “Class A” or Class B” contractor’s license, to provide design-build services for turnkey solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to be installed at RTA’s Riverside and Hemet facilities. The contractor and any subcontractors shall be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the time of proposal submission. Operation and Maintenance services shall be provided for a period of one year (365 days) from the date of final acceptance and shall be included as part of the initial warranty period. System performance monitoring and historical data access shall be provided to RTA via a secure website for a ten-year term with three five-year option terms. RTA anticipates award of a firm-fixed priced contract for this project. 23-02300 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Bid Date: 13286 Third Street Rehabilitation Project
Ref#: RFP C23079F
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner(Electronic) - Contractors License Class A or B - Direct Inquiries to Lon-Det Givens 951-565-5184 lgivens@riversidetransit.com
Owner: Riverside Transit Agency (951) 565-5000
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
IDIQ MACC for New Construction, Renovations, and Repair of Commercial and Institutional Facilities at Various Government Installations in CA, AZ, NV, UT, CO, & NM
Bid Date:
7/14/2023 San Diego, + Various
2:00 PM
IDIQ MACC for New Construction, Renovations, and Repair of Commercial and Institutional Facilities at Various Government Installations in CA, AZ, NV, UT, CO, & NMThe work to be acquired under this solicitation is for new construction, renovation, and/or repair, by design-build or design-bid-build, of commercial and institutional facilities at various Government installations located in California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. However, it is anticipated that the majority of the work will be performed in California. Types of projects may include, but are not limited to: airport buildings, office/administrative buildings, communications facilities, vehicle maintenance facilities, armories, parking garages, barracks facilities, prison facilities, fire stations, religious buildings, hotels, dining facilities, hospital/medical facilities, warehouse facilities, school facilities, and/or retail facilities. The estimated maximum dollar value, including the base and option periods, for all contracts combined is $3,000,000,000. The only work authorized under this contract is work ordered by the government through issuance of a task order. Task orders will range between $15,000,000 and $300,000,000.
AGC #:
Project Type:Building
7/14/2023 Chino
3:00 PM
The City of Chino is seeking a contractor to provide all labor, materials and services needed as related to the rehabilitation of named property. All repairs must comply with the City approved plans requiring ADA improvements and Title 24 Energy compliance.
23-02904 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
Updated - 6/26/23, 10 am, 13286 Third Street Chino, CA 91710.
Ref#: IFB#2023-6004
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Jizelle Sandoval 909-334-3367jsandoval@cityofchino.org
Owner: City of Chino Public Works Dept (909) 334-3067
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
Contractor(s) shall be expected to perform all services required in the placement, installation,connection, or repair of control devices, electrical wires, fixtures, lighting, appliances,apparatus, raceways, conduits, solar photovoltaic cells, or any part thereof, which generatetransmit, transform, or utilize electrical energy in any form and for any purpose.
23-02949 AGC #:
Ref#: RFP 3622
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids o Owner - Contractors License Class C-10Direct Inquiries to Kellie Gomez, gomezk@emwd.org
Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals, through a competitive process, for the services of qualified contractor (s) to provide chain link fence installation and repair services on an asneeded basis.
23-03007 AGC #:
Ref#: RFP-HH-3630
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class C-13 - Direct Inquiries to HAELY HERNANDEZ, HERNANHA@EMWD.ORG
Owner: Sam.gov
Ref#: N6247323R1012
: $3,000,000,000
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 17, 2023
Request for Prequalification: Fullerton College Wilshire Chiller Relocation
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Wilshire Chiller Relocation Project is located at Fullerton College, 321 East Chapman Avenue, Fullerton, California and is a replacement for the existing Wilshire Chiller which is within the footprint of the new Music/Drama Complex. All work done on the Wilshire Chiller Replacement Project must conform to the Bid Documents and is subject to review by the Division of State Architect (DSA), Fullerton College and North Orange County Community College District The scope of work consists of a single contract for the demolition of the existing chiller yard and the construction of a new chiller yard with no interruption of services to adjacent existing buildings. The single contract also includes General conditions, provision of temporary facilities and controls and the following major items:• Project Supervision and Administration of the Project• Demolition of the Existing Chiller Yard and Sculpture Yard• Site Grading and Erosion Control Measures• Exterior Installation of Two Cooling Towers, Pad Mounted Transformer & PME Switch• Construction of a Fully Enclosed CMU Mechanical Room for Water Cooled Chillers, Chilled Water Pumps and Associated Equipment & Piping• Electrical Service to Mechanical Equipment and Theater Storage Space• Installation of Site Utilities• Construction of Fully Enclosed Theater Storage Space
AGC #:
Ref#: 2324-03
Project Type:Prequalification
Misc. Notes: Prequalify to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Jenney Ho: jho@nocccd.edu - North Orange County Community College District ("District") is requiring The Statement of Bidder’s Qualifications to be completed by the B licensed contractors intending to bid on the project. Only Contractors who meet the pre-qualification requirements will be invited to the mandatory pre-bid meeting and will be allowed to obtain specifications and documents on the Fullerton College Wilshire Chiller Relocation Project - (Pre-qualified contractors at the time of the Bid Opening and for the duration of the project shall possess a valid California Contractor’s B License with one of the following C licenses:• C-4 Boiler, Hot Water Heating, Steam Fitting• C-20 Warm Air Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning• C-36 Plumbing• C-42 Sanitation System• C-60 Welding)
Owner: North Orange Community College District (NOCCCD) (714) 808-4776
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: City of Murrieta City Hall Roofing Project
The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of the preparation and installation of a new TPO roofing system (approximately 20,000 SF of roof and parapet wall surfaces) furnished by the contractor on the Murrieta City Hall located at 1 Town Square, Murrieta, CA 92562
23-02914 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
6-28-23 at 8am at Murrieta City Hall, 1 Town Square , Murrieta, CA 92562 starting at 8:00 A.M. and ending at 10:30 A.M.
Ref#: CIP 10027
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-39Direct Inquiries to Ken Jones/951-461-6402 kjones@murrietaca.gov
Owner: City of Murrieta 951-461-4070
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Installation of High Scholl Marquees
Installation of Owner supplied Nevco Video Scoreboards and Electronic Marquees.
23-02958 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Building
7-5-23 at 10am at Corona High School located at 1150 W 10th St, Corona, CA 92882
Ref#: 2022/23165
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class B, C10 or C45- Direct Inquiries to Maria Moreno, Maria.Moreno@cnusd.k12.ca.us
Owner: Corona-Norco Unified School District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
Corona Fundamental Intermediate School MPR Modernization
23-02960 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Building
7-5-23 at 9am at Corona Fundamental Intermediate School located at 1230 S Main St, Corona, CA 92882
Corona Fundamental Intermediate School MPR Modernization 0
Ref#: 2022/23162
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class B - Direct Inquiries to Maria Moreno, Maria.Moreno@cnusd.k12.ca.us
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 17, 2023
Design-Build Entities for Design and Construction of a CNG Fueling Station in the City of Banning
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals, through a competitive process, illegal dumping/homeless encampment cleanup and abatement services located within the District’s 558 square mile service area.
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Homeless Encampment/Illegal Dumping Clean up Services 0
Ref#: RFP 3624
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Bob Lomas at lomasr@emwd.org or 951-928-3777 extension 6228
Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Composite Manhole Frame and Covers for Warehouse Stock (Rebid) (Step 1)
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
County of Orange
The Orange County Sanitation (OC San) intends to hire a vendor as a sole provider for Composite Manhole Cover and Frames for the foreseeable future. Purchases will be made on an as needed basis with no guaranteed usage.This is a 2-Step process. This Step 1 requires interested vendors to submit a Request for Qualifications in accordance with the requirements listed in Section 5 of this RFQ. Those companies that pass evaluation will be invited to Step 2 which will be a competitive bid where award will be made to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
AGC #:
Project Type:RFQ
Ref#: E-2023-1367BD-R2
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: Orange County Sanitation District/Purchasing
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/18/2023 Banning
Design-Build Entities for Design and Construction of a CNG Fueling Station in the City of Banning
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
12:00 PM Addenda:
Ref#: RFP-23-034
Project Type:RFP Est:
6-15-23 at 10am at City Hall 99 E. Ramsey Street Banning, CA 92220
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Barbara Mason Email: bmason@banningca.gov Phone: (951) 9223121 - Contractors License Class A
Owner: City of Banning
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
The Work includes furnishing products, labor, tools, transportation, and services to construct the following:1. 12-inch CL 305 PVC pipe including all fittings, joint restraints, isolation valves, water service connections, and appurtenances.2. Protect existing facilities and utilities in place or remove and dispose of if per Contract Documents. 3. Restore and pave areas as required.Furnish and install complete operating engineered systems including appurtenant structural, mechanical and/or electrical mountings fittings or connections required for compliance with Manufacturer’s installation requirements, for compliance with applicable building, fire, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and energy codes and standards, and as needed to permit systems to perform all functions required by Contract Documents.
23-02873 AGC #:
Project Type:Engineering
Ref#: 22-02-0043
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Brandi Villegas: BVillegas@scwd.org
Owner: South Coast Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 18, 2023
Landscape Management Services of Various Agency
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
Apple Valley
The Agency is looking for qualified candidates to submit a proposal for landscaping services.
23-02954 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
7/11/23, 11 am, Mojave Water Agency main office, 13846 Conference Ctr. Dr., Apple Valley, 92307. and continue to site located at approximately 10354 Choiceana Ave., Hesperia, 92345 Inform La Trici at ljones@mojavewater.org who from your organization will be attending at least 24 hours prior to the job-walk visit.
Ref#: MWA-0000000011/Ref No. 0000307887
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class – Direct Inquiries to La Trici Jones, 760-946-7002, ljones@mojavewater.org
Owner: Mojave Water Agency
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
A. Summary Project Description: Three relocatable classrooms, new basketball court, two playground replacement and related site work. B. Contract Scope: Construction, demolition, and renovation. C. Contract Terms: Lump sum (fixed price, stipulated sum).
AGC #:
Project Type:
Lincoln Elementary School Relocatable Classroom and Playground Replacement Project 2
Ref#: Bid No. C-234-188, Project AG45
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Angie Redelsperger, bids@omsd.net
Owner: Ontario-Montclair School District (909) 418-6473
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Laguna Canyon Road Medians Landscaping
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Laguna Beach
In general, the work comprises of temporary traffic control, clearing and grubbing, export, removal of existing trees, planting of new trees and landscaping, and irrigation in the medians on Laguna Canyon Road between Forest Avenue and Canyon Acres Road within the City of Laguna Beach.
23-02983 AGC #:
Ref#: PW-23-018 (CIP 229524)
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A -or - C27 - Direct inquiries to Alpha Santos: asantos@lagunabeachcity.net
Owner: City of Laguna Beach/Public Works Dept
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:30 PM
This Project entails the demolition of Taxiway C2. Approximately 117,000 square feet of concrete pavement and 23,000 square feet of asphalt pavement will be removed and harvested for future use in supplying base materials to continue the reconstruction ofRWY 17/35.
23-03032 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
Additional Mandatory Pre-bid meeting 6/27/23 10 am. 6/13/23, 10 am, Southern California Logistics Airport (SCLA) Admin office at 18374 Readiness St., Victorville Conference Room B. Immediately following the meeting will be the job site visit.
Runway 17/35 Reconstruction Phases IIB & IV 2
Ref#: CCH23-111
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class - Direct Inquires to
Owner: City of Victorville (760) 955-5082
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Electric Vehicle Charger Installation at Irvine Civic Center Phase II
Bid Date:
7/18/2023 Irvine
10:00 AM
Provide and install four electrical vehicle charging stations, dual port Level 2 type with new footings in existing underground conduit; Provide and install all required conduits; Provide and install conductors and terminate at existing circuit breakers. Provide and install bollards. Provide and install electric vehicle signs and paint parking stalls to match existing conditions; Provide and install traffic guard posts; and other items required to complete the work.
23-03050 AGC #:
Ref#: 23-3322
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class C-10 (Civil portion requires Class A) - Direct inquiries to Brian Brown: bbrown@cityofirvine.org
Owner: City of Irvine/Purchasing
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 18, 2023
2023 Senior/Disabled Home Repair Program - Smith
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
bid breakdown:1. Shingle roof repair and/or replacei. Current leak/water damage in living room area, above sliding glass door.ii. Current leak/water damage in master bedroom (south side wall)iii. Current leak/water damage in master bedroom closetiv. Current leak in master bedroom around ceiling vent2. HVAC- Repair and/or Replacei. Condenser shakes and rattles when turned on, provides no cooling for resident.3. Swamp Cooler – Replacei. Swamp cooler has rusted through and in not repairable.4. Level Subfloor in Kitchen (in front of fridge) Subflooring and Re-Lay linoleumi. Level sub floor in kitchen (in front of fridge), previous damage has created an unlevel walking surface and a trip hazard.
23-03064 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
7-6-23 at 10am at 601 N. Kirby St. Spc #29
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Candace Sunds 951-765-2348 csunds@hemetca.gov
Owner: City of Hemet
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Casa Blanca Neighborhood Resurfacing Project (CIP No. 23-05) Willows/Lake Ridge Neighborhood Resurfacing Project (CIP No. 23-06)
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
The work will consist of: resurfacing the existing pavement by grinding and overlaying AC, removal and replacement of: 52 existing noncompliant accessible curb ramps, curb, gutter and cross gutters. The replacement of striping, and signage.
AGC #:
Ref#: 58
Project Type:Building Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A and or C-12 - Direct Inquiries to Jennifer Christoffersen 951-723-1731 jchristoffersen@cityofmenifee.us
Owner: City of Menifee
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
EPSA Standby Power Generator Control Upgrades at Plant No. 2
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
Huntington Beach
This Project will upgrade and integrate existing 12.47kV switchgear components to restore the functionality of control and monitoring equipment for four existing standby generators. Replacement control and monitoring components include generator and feeder protection relays, generator operator interface, digital synchronizer and load controllers, digital automatic voltage regulators and power monitors.
23-01515 AGC #:
Ref#: SC19-06
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A -or- C10 - Direct inquiries to Ludwig Lapus: construction@ocsan.gov
Owner: Orange County Sanitation District/Contracts Administration
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 19, 2023
Professional Construction Management Services For: Rp-1 Solids Thickening And Acid-Phase Digesters Project EN22044.00
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
7/19/2023 Chino
The RP-1 Solids Thickening and Acid Phase Digesters project (IEUA Project Number EN22044) is part of a larger effort to improve and expand the treatment capacity at RP-1 and RP-4. This project is focused on improving the handling and treatment of wastewater solids produced and will (1) support increasing the liquids treatment capacity at RP-1 to 41 MGD and at RP-4 to 21 MGD, and (2) replace or update process equipment that is nearing or has exceeded its planned lifespan. The major components of the project are summarized below.• Construct a new facility to house nine (9) rotary screen thickeners (RST). This facility will also house all polymer and pumping equipment to support the operation of the RST units. Additionally, the facility will include a control room for the process units and an electrical room with SCADA controls, MCCs, and other electrical appurtenances.• Construct three (3) new acid phase digesters. The digesters will also include the pumps and piping required for mixing and conveyance and a tube-in-tube heat exchanger.• Construct a new odor control facility; which will be a multi-cell biofilter with engineered media. This construction will include the installation of foul air ducts, blowers, and an ammonia removal unit.• Install an additional boiler outside of the existing boiler facility. Includes the installation of a concrete pad, freestanding canopy, and associated pumps and piping.• Rehabilitate DAFT 1 and DAFT 2. Rehabilitation will include the removal and replacement of mechanical equipment and as-needed concrete repair.• Construct electric service and appurtenances, including a new 12 kV service from the existing PRB to the new facilities, transformers, and a 480-V standby generator.• Demolition of DAFT 3.• Demolition of 3 gravity thickeners and sludge blending tank.• Demolition of the existing biofilter south of the centrifuge building.• Site and utility construction to support the proposed construction activities.
AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: RFP-RW-23-015 Project EN22044.00
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquires to Robert Wallin 909 -993-1491rwallin@ieua.org
Owner: Inland Empire Utilities Agency (909) 993-1491
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
Palm Desert
The City of Palm Desert (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms (“Proposers”) for Facilities Repairs and Improvements Project 2 (“Services”) to establish a Maintenance Services Agreement ("Agreement").
23-02858 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
6-27-23 at Palm Desert City Hall Public Works Conference Room 73510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260
Bid Date: Facilities Repairs and Improvements Project 2 0
Ref#: 2023-RFP-201
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B and Class C Specialty - Direct Inquiries to Richard Trupiano Email: rtrupiano@palmdesert.gov Phone: (760) 776-6327
Owner: City of Palm Desert
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The City of Redlands is seeking proposals from qualified architectural firms or teams of firms to provide architectural and engineering services for the A.K. Smiley Public Library lower-level revive project, located at 125 W Vine St, Redlands, CA 92373. The proposer will provide professional services, including plans, specifications, contract documents for bidding, engineer's estimates, and construction management for each phase of the project.
23-02887 AGC #:
A.K. Smiley Public Library Lower Level Revive Architectural Design and Engineering Services 0
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: FCS06022023JN
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Jawad Naderi 909-798-7584x8 jnaderi@cityofredlands.org
Owner: City of Redlands -Facilities & Community Svcs 909-7987698
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 19, 2023
Animal Shelter Design and Engineering (AS2023)
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Twentynine Palms
The City is seeking Statements of Qualifications from qualified architectural and engineering teams to provide planning, design, and construction administration services for a new Animal Shelter Facility.Provide site planning, design, engineering, surveying, capacity planning, and revisions as needed for a new Animal Shelter facility. Qualifiers must be located in the United States. Please see RFQ for full project description.
AGC #:
Ref#: (AS2023)
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Six (6) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy - licensed architects, licensed landscape architects, registered professional engineers, and licensedprofessional land surveyors - Direct inquiries to Elijah Marshall, Information ServicesDirector, emarshall@29palms.org.
Owner: City of Twentynine Palms
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Moreno Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility & Perris Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility Engine Room Ventilation Monitoring
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
The District is seeking a Contractor to furnish all labor, material, and equipment for installation and completion of a Ventilation Monitoring system to be installed in the existing ventilation air duct for the Main Genset room, Plant-1 Genset room, and Plant-1 Blower building at Moreno Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility (MVRWRF) and the Genset room at Perris Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility (PVRWRF). The alarm in the Dewatering building at MVRWRF will need to be relocated.
23-02950 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
6-28-23 starting at 9am located at 1301 Case Rd. Perris, CA 92570, and immediately following Moreno Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility located 17140 Kitching St. Moreno Valley, CA 92551.
Ref#: RFP - JO - 3623
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C-10Direct Inquiries to James Olivas, Buyer Phone: (951) 928-3777, ext. 4531 Email: olivasj@emwd.org
Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
San Bernardino
1022 - Advertise for Bids - Chino Airport Perimeter Fence Project
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
June 28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. at 7000 Merrill Avenue in Chino. Prospective bidders should meet at the Airports Administration Building A-550 located at the end of Cal Aero Drive.
AGC #: Ref#: ANE223-ANE2C-5009
Chino Airport Perimeter Fence Project 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Owner
Owner: County of San Bernardino Architecture & Engineering (909) 771-1168
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
A&E on-call Roadway Design and related Project Development and Construction Support Services
Bid Date: Bullwinkle's FEC (Sub-Bids Only)
2:00 PM
Bullwinkle's FEC - Upland, CA
23-02977 AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Misc. Notes: SUB-BID DO NOT CONTACT THE OWNER OR DESIGN TEAM-- Project documents were provided to us from (Twin Shores Management. ) , there may be other GC’s biddingInvited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
Upland :
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
A&E on-call Roadway Design and related Project Development and Construction Support Services
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
23-02933 AGC #: Ref#: Event ID 08A3639
Project Type: Est:
: $17,550,000
San Bernardino and Riverside :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 19, 2023
Instrument Air Compressor System Replacement
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Huntington Beach
The Orange County Sanitation District invites qualified contractors to replace the air compressor system at Plant 2.
23-03041 AGC #:
Project Type:
Ref#: S-2023-1402BD
Misc. Notes: bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: Orange County Sanitation District/Purchasing (714) 593-7586
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Methane Detection Sensor Replacement
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) invites bids from qualified contractors to supply and install twenty-one (21) new IR Methane Detection Sensors at RTA’s facility in Riverside, CA. Prospective bidders shall possess a state of California contractor’s license to meet the requirements of the project. The contractor and any subcontractors must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the time of bid submittal. RTA anticipates award of a firm-fixed priced contract for this project.
AGC #:
Ref#: IFB M23100F
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Luciano Rose Jr 951-565-5076 lrose@riversidetransit.com
Owner: Riverside Transit Agency
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The City of Riverside (“City”) is seeking a qualified entity or entities (“Company” or “Companies”) to provide Wood Poles for the Central Stores Annual. The City will award to the lowest priced Company or Companies.
AGC #:
Water Materials for Central Store Annual 0
Project Type:Supplier
Ref#: 8025
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Tisha Jacobs 951-826-5613 tjacobs@riversideca.gov
Owner: City of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The City of Riverside (“City”) is seeking a qualified entity or entities (“Company” or “Companies”) to provide Wood Poles for the Central Stores Annual. The City will award to the lowest priced Company or Companies.
23-03102 AGC #:
Wood Poles for Central Stores Annual 0
Project Type:Supplier
Ref#: 8026
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Tisha Jacobs 951-826-5613 tjacobs@riversideca.gov
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Refurbishments of Neighborhood Entry Monument Signs
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Santa Ana
The City of Santa Ana Public Works Maintenance Services Division requires the services of a quality general maintenance contractor to perform repairs to existing neighborhood entry monuments and welcome sign monument locations throughout the City. The annual contract budgeted amount is for a maximum of $150,000 and will operate on an as- needed basis. The work under this agreement shall require furnishing of all necessary materials, equipment and labor Installation/construction of new monuments may be included, but is not the primary focus of this project and would be considered an asneeded service per quote. There are currently 50 neighborhood entry monuments and six (6) welcome sign monuments throughout the City
Community Recreation Center Splash Pad & Sun Shade
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals as required by the Contract Documents to construct for the above-stated project.The general items of work include demolition of existing wading pool, wading pool deck, associated wading pool pumps/equipment, portions of concrete slab in pool mechanical room, and landscaping to accommodate construction of splash pad surface, spray features, associated pumps/equipment and pump pit, surge tank, pre-engineered fabric shade structure, and miscellaneous sitework.
23-02903 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Building
Per A1: New pre-bid meeting scheduled & is now OPTIONAL. See Addendum 1 for details. 6/15/23 @ 8:30AM: Virtual pre-bid meeting via Zoom. See IFB for details/Zoom link to meeting
23-02807 AGC #: Ref#: 23-073
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class B - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Santa Ana/Purchasing/Finance & Management Services Agency
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ayala Park Improvements Phase 1B - Softball Fields 1-4
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Contractor shall provide all supervision, labor, tools, parts, material, equipment and other items necessary to perform all aspects of the
AYALA PHASE 1B - SOFTBALL FIELDS 1-4 in accordance with the attached bid documents.
Ref#: PW21-07
Project Type:Building Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class A, B or C-53 - Direct Inquiries to William Becerra (951) 693-3963, Avlin Odviar (951) 693-3969, Tammy Petricka (951) 6946432will.becerra@temeculaca.gov, avlin.odviar@temeculaca.gov, tammy.petricka@temeculaca.gov
Owner: City of Temecula
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
14225 Central Ave. Chino, CA 91710
6-20-23 at 10am at Ayala Park - Softball Fields
23-02814 AGC #: Ref#: IFB#2023-8004
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A or B - Direct Inquiries to Jizelle Sandoval 909-3343367jsandoval@cityofchino.org
Owner: City of Chino
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The University of California, Riverside campus proposes to construct the Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Facility (UTLF), a new academic facility of approximately 85,000 – 100,000 gross square feet. The building would directly support the academic mission of the campus by providing modern classroom and class lab space to meet existing needs and facilitating future enrollment growth.The proposed 4 – 5 story building will be focused on undergraduate education, and incorporate the following types of spaces, which strategically address some of the campus’ most pressing instruction and instructional support space needs:• Small, medium, and large classrooms.• Specialized teaching spaces such as labs and studios supporting the arts, engineering, and physical and natural sciences.
23-02915 AGC #:
Undergraduate Teaching & Learning Facility (UTLF) (Prequalification) 0
Ref#: 950587
Project Type:Prequalification
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class BDirect Inquiries to Betty Osuna at betty.osuna@ucr.edu
Owner: University of California Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 20, 2023
Walnut Way Sewer and Alley Improvements
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The work to be constructed hereunder is located along Walnut Way from the Brea Trail to N. Brea Blvd. in the City of Brea, California. The project generally consists of, but is not limited to, mobilization, rehabilitation of alley, AC pavement, PCC valley gutter, sewer services reconstruction and SSMH coating, adjustment of manholes, water meters, water box, and utility vaults to finish grade, striping, BMP’s, pothole, CCTV of sewer, and all other incidentals and requirements
AGC #:
Ref#: 7326
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A -and- C 12 - Direct inquiries to Ryan Chapman: rchapman@ci.brea.ca.us and/or (714) 990-7667
Owner: City of Brea/Office of City Clerk
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
GC for Norco/AUSD Learning Center Renovations at Stokoe Elementary School
Bid Date:
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The project will replace a segment of the Michelson Water Recycling Plant Solids Disposal 18-inch Force Main in a new alignment and connect to the existing force main. Additionally, a new inspection manhole and cathodic test stations will be installed to replace the existing. A segment of the existing force main will be abandoned in place along with the inspection manhole and cathodic test station within that segment.
23-03028 AGC #:
Ref#: 12520
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: Irvine Ranch Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
The project consists of renovations to office space, playground area, wayfinding and AV/IT upgrades.Renovate Administration Building ‘B’ for Faculty Offices and Student Services, upgrade AV/IT in classrooms in Building D, E and F, wayfinding for Norco College students, partial parking lot striping, plus renovation of the playground area for the Norco College Early Childhood program.
23-02994 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
7/20/2023 Riverside MANDATORY
The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of traffic signal and lighting, poles, mast arms, emergency vehicle detectors, battery back-up system, control assemblies, pull boxes, pole foundations, conduit undergrounding, access ramp improvements, AC paving, signing and striping, restoring all improvements to preconstruction conditions, and all related work required as indicated on the project plans for the S. Highland Ave at Mango Ave Traffic Signal Project.
23-03036 AGC #:
Project Type:
6-28-23 at 8am at Philip M. Stokoe Elementary School, 4501 Ambs Drive, Riverside, CA 92505.
Ref#: 5222/234
Project Type: Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B
Owner: Riverside Community College District Office (951) 2228000
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Ref#: SB-97-DE-23
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class A contractor’s license or a combination of Class C specialty contractor’s license(s) sufficient to perform the work- Direct Inquires to Elia Alvarez 909-350-6605ealvarez@fontana.org
Owner: City of Fontana (909) 350-6605
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 20, 2023
Bid Date:
The work shall be done in one (1) phase.Demolition: Qualified contractor shall remove everything on the site per the contract documents, including, but not limited to, the building, slab, footings, asphalt parking lot, CMU walls, and all underground utilities. All utilities have been capped off-site. A demolition permit is required (Appendix IV) prior to commencement of work. All miscellaneous concrete, asphalt, concrete patios and walkways, out structures, and irrigation lines are to be removed. Public sidewalks are to remain and repaired if damaged during demolition. Remove all trees, bushes, landscaping, grass, and fencing located within the property lines. Provide 5’ high chain link fence with wind/privacy screens during demolition and for at least 30 days after completion of the project. Fencing to be installed at the property must have two (2) 6’ swinging, lockable gates at a minimum of two locations for multiple access points. Contractor will be responsible for dust control during operation. The cornerstone/dedication plaque on the southwest side of the building must be preserved in one pieceGrading: Grading is to be done as per architectural specifications and any import or export of soil that may be necessary must be included.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
7/6/23, 8 am, 8425 Cypress Avenue Fontana, CA 92335
Slovene Hall Demolition 0
Ref#: PW-24-SB-04
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class C-21Direct Inquires to Ticha Loera 909-350-6696tloera@fontana.org
Owner: City of Fontana (909) 350-6696
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
1559 and 1563 Dominguez Ranch Road Slope Repair
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
1559 and 1563 Dominguez Ranch Road Slope Repair:This Project includes, but is not limited to, rough grading, installation of cement treated soil sourced from local soil for slope stabilization, and landscaping along the soil cement to further fortify the slope for slope repair back of two residential houses at 1559 & 1563 Dominguez Ranch Road. Project also includes installation of erosion control, new v-ditch and irrigation line to service the project site.
23-03042 AGC #:
Ref#: NIB 23-039CA
Project Type:Engineering Est:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Carol Appelt 951-279-3620, carolyn.appelt@coronaca.gov
Owner: City of Corona
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
Provide Pump Efficiency Testing Services
23-03051 AGC #:
Bid Date: Pump Efficiency Testing Services 0
Project Type:RFB
Ref#: 9707
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class C10 -and- D21 - Direct inquiries to Angelo Heidt: aheidt@anaheim.net
Owner: City of Anaheim
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/20/2023 San Bernardino
10:00 AM
Lake Gregory and Lake Drive
23-03090 AGC #:
Lake Gregory and Lake Drive 0
Project Type:
Ref#: PWG123-LANDD-5024
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class – Direct Inquiries to Jason CloningerContact Phone: (909)3878258Contact Email: jason.cloninger@pur.sbcounty.gov
Owner: County of San Bernardino (909) 387-8258
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
This project generally consists of New Park Construction.LOCATION OF WORK – This project is located on 11675 ½ Chamberlaine Way (Intersection of Chamberlaine Way and Jonathan Street), Adelanto, California 92301.
23-03096 AGC #:
Bid Date: Jonathan & Chamnberlaine Park 0
Ref#: CIP 2021-16
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Saba Engineer, P.E. City EngineerEmail: sengineer@adelantoca.gov
Owner: City of Adelanto
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 21, 2023
West Valley Connector Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) – Phase 1
Mainline Construction In San Bernardino County
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
The West Valley Connector Project will be a 100% zero-emission BRT system, and the second BRT route in San Bernardino County. The selected Contractor will be responsible for construction of the Project based on the final design plans provided by SBCTA.The Project (Phase 1 - Mainline Construction) is 19 miles and will upgrade a portion of existing Omnitrans Bus Route 61 which runs along Holt Boulevard, adding approximately 3.5 miles of center-running, dedicated bus-only lanes. There will be 21 stations in Phase 1 that will provide a much improved transit connection to Ontario International Airport (ONT) and help build transit connectivity by linking ONT, two Metrolink lines (San Bernardino and Riverside) and multiple major activity centers along the route including Ontario Mills and Victoria Gardens. Headways will be 10 minutes in the peak commute period and 15 minutes off-peak, providing a high level of service to the community.
23-02458 AGC #:
Ref#: 23-1002891
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries toJenny Herrera / 909-884-8276jherrera@gosbcta.com
Owner: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (909) 884-8276
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Prima Zone 4 Phase A Mass Excavation and Liner
Prequalified Bidders ONLY
Bid Date:
Prima Zone 4 Phase A Mass Excavation and Liner(Pre-qualification deadline is June 30, 2023, by 2:00 pm.)
23-02926 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
2:00 PM
Project Type:Engineering
San Juan Capistrano MANDATORY
July 7, 2023, at 10 am at Prima Deshecha Landfill, 32250 Ave La Pata, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675.
Ref#: IFB 080-2265703-TR
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (electronic Bids by 2:00 p.m. on July 21, 2023 to be uploaded through Periscope Source website via the County’s online bidding system) - Contractors License Class A - County Procurement Representative: Antonio Rocha, antonio.rocha@ocpw.ocgov.com
Owner: County of Orange, OC Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Dutch Bros. CA5202 Moreno Valley
12:00 PM
Ground up construction of new Dutch Bros. drive thru coffee kiosk.
23-03092 AGC #:
Project Type:Commercial
Bid Date:
On-call tree maintenance services included, but not exclusive to: tree trimming, tree inventory collection and maintenance, tree risk and health assessments, tree removals and planting, tree root pruning and root barrier installations.
AGC #:
On-Call Citywide Tree Maintenance Services 0
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class C27 -and- C41/D49 - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Laguna Niguel/Public Works Department
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Misc. Notes: Sub-bids to General Contractors - Direct ALL inquiries to General Contractors - DO NOT CONTACT the owner or Design Team. Project documents were provided to us from (Gray West Inc.), there may be other GC’s bidding - Invited GC’s please provide us with an invitation to bid with your contact info, date/time bids are requested if they vary from what’s posted.
7/21/2023 Moreno Valley :
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 24, 2023
Fire Station 41 Airfield Modifications
Bid Date:
Construction Inspection Services for Water Utility Projects
11:00 AM
7/24/2023 Fullerton
Orange County Fire Authority has determined that all bidders on the Fire Station 41 Airfield Modification located at OCFA Fire Station #41, 3900 Artesia Ave., Fullerton CA 92833 to be undertaken by the Orange County Fire Authority must be pre-qualified prior to submitting a bid on that project.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Prequalification
7/5/23 @ 9:00AM: at OCFA Fire Station #41, 3900 Artesia Ave., Fullerton CA 92833
AGC #: Ref#: RO2614A
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids) - Contractor's License Class A, B, C12, C32 or C61 - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: Orange County Fire Authority/Purchasing Department (714) 573-6642
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
HVAC Maintenance and Repairs for 2023-2024
Bid Date:
The City of Riverside (“City”), Public Utilities Department/Water Division (“RPU”) is seeking the services of a professional consulting firm to provide construction inspection services on an as-needed basis for the construction of its various water utility facilities. RPU intends to construct multiple projects over the next five years in support of its Capital Improvement Program. These projects vary in nature and complexity and involve various water facilities consisting of, but not limited to, water production facilities such as groundwater wells, water treatment plants, water transmission pipelines (18-inch to 72-inch in diameter), and reservoirs, as well as water distribution facilities ranging from pump stations, pressure reducing/sustaining stations, to water distribution pipelines (4-inch to 18-inch in diameter). RPU anticipates selecting one firm to perform the services identified in this Request for Proposals (“RFP”).
23-02841 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
7-11-23 at 11am Via Microsoft Teams
Ref#: 2282
Project Type:RFP
5:00 PM
7/24/2023 Desert Hot Springs
Contractor to perform maintenance and repairs on all HVAC equipment for sites listed on the Scope of Work
AGC #:
Ref#: 040523AL
Project Type:RFQ
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Jeff Nutter/760-404-7804 jnutter@mswd.org
Owner: Mission Springs Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Kristan Nordmeyer knordmeyer@riversideca.gov
Owner: City of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
Early Childhood Education Playground Modifications
23-02996 AGC #:
Ref#: 02-24
Palm Springs
Project Type:Building
Bid Date: Early Childhood Education Playground Modifications 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B
Owner: Palm Springs Unified School District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
7/25/2023 Ontario
2:00 PM
Mountain View Elementary School HVAC Replacement CATEGORY NUMBER 21: (CA License classification C20) HVAC
23-03016 AGC #:
Project Type:
Mountain View Elementary School HVAC Replacement 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class C20Direct Inquires to Julie Williams juliew@lmcci.com or Genevieve Barron genevieveb@lmcci.com
Owner: Mountain View School District
Construction Manager: Ledesma & Meyer (909) 476-0590
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 25, 2023
Project Management/Construction Management (PCM) Consultant for Mt. Vernon Viaduct
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Palm Springs
The City of Palm Springs Public Arts Commission is seeking artists to create six new, permanent sculptures to be located on the East Tahquitz Canyon median art pads between Sunrise Way and El Cielo Road. Each piece will be between 6’-12’ tall and must be anchored on art pads currently located in the median and is not to extend outside of the dimensions provided above. Traffic sight lines must be protected and lighting and / or glare cannot shine into the eyes of individuals operating vehicles on the City streets.Other DetailsEach individual sculpture will represent an equity that represents the core ethos and identifier for Palm Springs community— a figurative and literal “value” pillar of the City. Pillars of Palm Springs are (1) Creativity, (2) Equality, (3) Serenity, (4) Diversity, (5) Civility, and (6) Community. The equity must be clearly legible in the sculpture.NotesThe sculptures will be surrounded by existing desertscape along the median of Tahquitz Canyon Way between Sunrise Way and El Cielo Road; this connectivity will reinforce how natural art and man-made culture are implicitly ingrained in the Palm Springs community identity.
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Bid Date:
Provide consulting services to assist with the implementation of the Mount Vernon Avenue Viaduct over BNSF Railway Intermodal Yard in the City of San Bernardino Project (“Services”), in connection with PCM services for the Mount Vernon Viaduct (“Project”) as identified in this RFP (see documents tab for solicitation)
23-03071 AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: RFP23-1002971
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Direct Inquiries to Shaneka Morris 909-884-8276 x167smorris@gosbcta.com
Owner: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (909) 884-8276
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
The Pillars of Palm Springs 1
Ref#: Call For Artists
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Brian SotakRossman 760-322-8336 brian.sotak-rossman@palmspringsca.gov
Owner: City of Palm Springs
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Class II Bike Lanes Project, Project No. 170813, HSIP 5205 (024)
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
The work includes traffic control, installation of Class II Bike lanes, removal and installation of traffic striping, signage and road markings and related work.
23-03070 AGC #:
Ref#: RFB 23-027
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: The prospective bidders list for this project has not been made public contact Owner for information
Owner: City of Rialto (909) 820-2532
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Under these Specifications the Contractor shall complete construction of the Murrieta Road Booster Station and complete demolition and abandonment of the existing Murrieta Road Booster Station (B0026), all in accordance with these Specifications and the Contract Drawings. Refer to the Notice Inviting Bids and Contract Drawing vicinity map for locations.
23-03076 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
7-6-23 at 9am Meeting at Existing Murrieta Rd Booster Station (B0026), which is located at 25877 Murrieta Rd, Perris, CA 92585 approximately 860 feet north of Ethanac Rd along Murrieta Rd. on the west side of the st.
Murrieta Road Booster Station 0
Ref#: 1465W
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Class A - Direct Inquiries to Amy Eichperger 951-928-3777 x4435 eichpera@emwd.org
Owner: Eastern Municipal Water District (951) 928-3777
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
2:00 PM
The project consists of one (1) new classroom building, one (1) locker room building, and associated site improvements.
23-03098 AGC #:
Bid Date: TEMECULA TK8 School Site Phase 3 0
Project Type:Building
Misc. Notes: Direct Inquiries to Stacey Peterson, speterson@bernards.com and Jose Cruz, jcruz@bernards.com
Owner: Temecula Valley Unified School District 909-676-2661
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 26, 2023
Reservoir 5B (2.0 MG) Rehabilitation
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
Dana Point
The proposed Reservoir 5B Rehabilitation Project involves the rehabilitation of South Coast Water District (SCWD) Reservoir 5B, located at 24311 Calle de Tenis in the City of Dana Point. The proposed Project would involve the following activities – removal and replacement of the coatings on the tank interior and exterior; repair of pitted areas on the tank surface; replacement of the antenna mount magnets; installation of guard rail around the perimeter of the reservoir roof; replacement of the sealant between the tank and the concrete wall; replacement of the exterior ladder with a new ladder including a ladder safety system and a self-closing gate at the upper termination of the ladder; installation of sampling taps in the side of the reservoir; replacement of the reservoir level strip; recoating of piping within open vaults on the reservoir site; and replacement of the SCADA antenna tower.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:Engineering
6/28/23 @ 10:00AM: Reservoir 5B South side of Dana Hill Tennis Center 24911 Calle de Tennis Dana Point, CA 92629 Do not park in lot adjacent to Tennis Center; park in lot on the west side of Reservoir 5B or along Calle de Tenis (as allowed by posted signage)
Ref#: 12300234
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A -or- C33 - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: South Coast Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Administrative Building Logo and Lettering
4:00 PM
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District requires certain work be performed at the headquarters Administration Building. The work to be performed by Contractor generally includes, but is not limited to, furnishing all products, labor, equipment, materials, transportation, and incidental services for installation of new interior and exterior signage, logos, and lettering.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Airfield Painting, Rubber & Paint Removal Annual Service Agreement
Bid Date:
2:30 PM
The Southern California Logistics Airport Authority (“SLCAA”) is requesting bids to establish a list of qualified Airfield Painting, Rubber Removal, Paint Removal - Qualified Contractors who will provide general Painting and Rubber and Paint Removal services for the Airfield within the Southern California Logistics Airport, Project CC23114. The contract shall consist of, but is not limited to, labor, materials, equipment and supplementary services necessary to complete the work.
23-03031 AGC #:
Ref#: CC23-114
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractor License Class - Direct Inquires to Celeste Calderon, Finance Specialist, Phone (760) 955 -5082E-mail: cmcalderon@victorvilleca.gov
Owner: City of Victorville (760) 955-5082
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Marine Safety HQ Building Concrete Repairs
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
San Clemente
The Marine Safety HQ Building is located at San Clemente Pier, 620 Avenida Del Mar, in the City of San Clemente, CA 92672. The work to be performed, consists, in general, sawcutting, removing weak concrete, drilling and installing expoxy anchored reinforcing, repairing mortar, etc. for some structural/non-structural elements of the Marine Safety Building’s exterior surfaces.
23-03057 AGC #:
Ref#: TBA
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Amir Ilkhanipour: ilkhanipoura@san-clemente.org
Owner: City of San Clemente-Public Works Dept (949) 361-6140
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Project Type:
6-27-23 10am 31315 Chaney St., Lake Elsinore, CA 92530. Meet in the lobby
Ref#: OPS-2023-06
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Brian Eddy 951-674-3146 purchasing@evmwd.net
Owner: Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 26, 2023
On-Call Biennial Professional Consulting Services
Bid Date:
4:00 PM
• Project Management• Planning/Preliminary Engineering• Surveying and Mapping• Utility Potholing• Technical Reports• Environmental Documentation Support• Geotechnical Investigation• Final Engineering• Easement and Legal Descriptions• Bid and Construction Support• Construction Management (CM) and Inspection•
AGC #:
Ref#: FEG
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Dan Ruiz 951-296-6989 ruizd@ranchowater.com
Owner: Rancho California Water District
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
July 27, 2023
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the following scope of work:1. Purchase, deliver and install code-approved conduit and wiring from electrical and data (communications) devices/equipment/rooms to all electronic remote lockers to be located on the exterior of the facilities,2. Install data and electrical outlets and terminals per codes, regulations and industry standards,3. Install conduit and wiring for new surveillance cameras AND install cameras (Cameras to be purchased and programmed by the City of Riverside); run wiring to communication rooms/devices (City IT shall connect wiring),4. Perforate and remove building improvements/items for the code compliance installation of all conduit and wiring; repair all affected walls, ceilings, areas of the building to leave in good condition,5. Patch all disturbed areas to comply with weather proofing requirements,6. Move new electronic remote lockers to locations outside of the buildings for a third-party contractor to connect and program such lockers,7. Surface mounted conduit and wiring is not a desirable condition; unless there is no other option. Hence the Contractor shall install such improvements hidden from plain view to achieve an aesthetic finish,8. Install exterior outlets/terminals that are vandalism proof to prevent people from tampering with such connections; install locking mechanism type outlets,9. Patch, paint, repair and leave affected areas in good condition.10. Coordinate access to the facilities with City staff. Assume all facilities will be fully functional during the construction phase.
23-02902 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
6-28-23 at 10am Starting at 3900 Mission Inn Avenue (Riverside Main Library)
Electrical and Data Improvements for Remote Lockers at Various City Locations 0
Ref#: 8022
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class B and or C-7 & C-10 - Direct Inquiries to Jennifer McCoy 951-826-5564 jmccoy@riversideca.gov
Owner: City of Riverside
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Montalvo & Riviera Pedestrian Bridges Coating Replacement
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Montalvo & Riviera Pedestrian Bridges Coating
Costa Mesa
Replacement:Removing the existing bridge coating, sandblasting, surface preparation, and painting of the Montalvo and Riviera Pedestrian Bridges located at the Beach Trail.
23-02912 AGC #:
Ref#: 23802
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: bids to owner (electronic bids only) - Contractor's License Class A, B or C33 - Direct inquiries to Rachel Perez 949361-6119perezr@san-clemente.org
Owner: City of San Clemente-Public Works Dept (949) 361-6100
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
July 27, 2023
EV Charger Installation (2 Locations) 233 E. Center St. and 1150 N. Kraemer Blvd.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The work to be undertaken at 233 E Center Street consists of installation of a new 300Kva transformer, new meter panels, new AC disconnect, 9 new ChargePoint chargers, new conduit runs and fittings, new outlets, new electrical service, power, switching, distribution system for all new and existing services, new bollards, striping, new signs, new wheel stops, new detectable warning surfaces, tree removal, new concrete slabs and subbase. The work at 1150 N. Kraemer includes installing 6 new ChargePoint chargers and all appurtenant work.Project locations; 233 E. Center St & 1150 N. Kraemer Blvd.
23-02921 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
7/3/23 @ 10:00AM: 233 Center Street, Anaheim, CA 92805
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class C10 - Direct inquiries to Tim Flint: tflint@anaheim.net
Owner: City of Anaheim/Dept of Public Works
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Railroad Canyon Road & Main Street Underpass Graphic Panels Project
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Lake Elsinore
Railroad Canyon Road & Main Street Underpass Graphic Panels
Project:This project will include fabrication and installation of back lit decorative architectural graphic panels located on the abutments of both the north and south walls of the Main Street and Railroad Canyon Road I-15 freeway interchanges. The architectural decorative panels and street name panels will serve to enhance both underpasses with the history and activities connected with the City of Lake Elsinore. The work includes but is not limited to electrical wiring, controllers, programming and other work as shown in the bid documents.
23-03046 AGC #:
Ref#: CIP # Z10093
Project Type:
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Contractors License Specialty Class “C” licenses - Direct Inquiries to Nicole McCalmont 951-674-3124 x245nmccalmont@lake-elsinore.org
Owner: City of Lake Elsinore (951) 674-3124
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
9:00 AM
Removal of portions of paving, curbs, walls, and installation of new paving, curbs, walls,bollards, site furnishings, and striping at four (4) locations
23-03067 AGC #:
Bid Date: Downtown Parklets Rebid Pkge 0
Project Type:
Ref#: Project No. 32337/Bid No. 2023-08
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A –Direct Inquiries to Alan French, 909-931-4235
Owner: City of Upland (909) 931-4235
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
The work of improvement consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of installing/constructing sidewalk, access return ramps, curb and gutter, asphalt concrete pavement, driveway approaches, block wall, fencing, street widening, signal improvements, signing and striping, restoring all areas and improvements to pre-construction conditions, and all related work required as indicated on the Contract Plans for the Ramona, Alder, Locust Avenue Safe Routes to School Pedestrian Improvements Project.
23-03089 AGC #:
Ref#: SB-67-DE-23
Project Type:
Ramona, Alder, Locust Avenue Safe Routes to School Pedestrian Improvements Project 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class "A" contractor’s license or a combination of Class "C" specialty contractor’s license(s) sufficient to perform the work – Direct Inquiries to Elia Alvarez 909-350-6605ealvarez@fontanaca.gov
Owner: City of Fontana (909) 350-6605
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
FAMD Priority 3 Road Rehab In the Indian Wells Country Club
Bid Date:
3:00 PM
Indian Wells
The general scope of work to be performed hereunder consists of road rehabilitation.Project Scope: Mill 2.5 inches from identified roadways and pave 3 inches of ½ inch Max Medium asphalt, adjust utilities, and reinstall traffic striping in kind.Crack seal and seal coat identified roadways
23-02798 AGC #:
Project Type:Building
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class “B” or a Class "A" Contractor’s License or a combination of Specialty Class “C” - Direct Inquiries to Scott Matas, District Manager, at smatas@drminternet.com or (760) 200-7428.
Owner: City of Indian Wells
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Housing Development RFP (Tampico)
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
The Anaheim Housing Authority is pleased to announce a development opportunity for a site recently acquired by the Authority located on State College Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue in the City of Anaheim. The Site is approximately 0.51 acres in size. The Authority is seeking proposals to convert the Site into an affordable housing development, with the goal of servicing lower income individuals, inclusive of special needs populations.
Project Type:RFP
Prebid Conf:
6/20/23 @ 3:30PM: Zoom link to be provided once attendance is confirmed.
23-02922 AGC #: Ref#:
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Direct inquiries to Eric Chavira: echavira@anaheim.net
Owner: City of Anaheim/Community and Economic Development Department
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Laguna Hills
In general, the work is comprised of public works construction including removal and replacement of existing structures, demolition, construction, and other miscellaneous improvements as shown in the plans and specifications and as required to complete the work. The Project is located at various locations within Laguna Hills, CA
AGC #:
Project Type:Engineering
Citywide Sidewalk Repairs & Concrete Construction REBID 0
Ref#: CIP106
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner - Contractor's License Class ADirect inquiries to Julie Comella: jcomella@lagunahillsca.gov
Owner: City of Laguna Hills
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
9:30 AM
Mission Viejo
The work to be completed herein consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals as required to perform all painting and related services at all City facilities.
Bid Date:
8/3/2023 Various
3:00 PM
The Victor Valley Transit Authority (VVTA) is seeking proposals from experienced and qualified individuals or firms to serve a construction manager for the Design Build construction of its new Hydrogen Fueling station located in Hesperia, CA. Period of performance will be for 18 months.This is a re-release of the original RFP.
23-02959 AGC #:
Ref#: RFP 2023-04
Project Type:RFP
Construction Manager - Hydrogen Fueling Station ReRelease 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct inquiries to Christine Plasting, CPPB, Procurement Manager (760) 995-3583 mailto:cplasting@vvta.org
Owner: Victor Valley Transit Authority (760) 948-4021
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
7/10/23 @ 9:00AM: at City of Mission Viejo, Council Chambers, 200 Civic Center, Mission Viejo, CA 92691.
AGC #: Ref#:
Annual Maintenance Program for the Painting Services at City Facilities 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (paper bids only) - Contractor's License Class C33 - Direct inquiries to Danny Walsh: dwalsh@cityofmissionviejo.org
Owner: City of Mission Viejo/City Clerk (949) 470-3044
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
2:00 PM
Pavement Rehabilitation at Various Locations
AGC #:
Project Type:
Loma Linda
Pavement Rehabilitation at Various Locations 0
Ref#: CIP 23-115
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner – Contractors License Class A or C12 – Direct Inquiries to Nidia Gonzales, 909-799-2850, ngonzales@lomalinda-ca.gov
Owner: City of Loma Linda (909) 799-2850
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Laguna Beach
The Facilities Master Plan aims to provide the City with information regarding current and future facility needs and establish a framework for the orderly growth of City services, administration, and community programs. The goal of the Facilities Master Plan is to evaluate the condition ofCity facilities, assess their ability to meet the needs of current services, anticipate growth and future service delivery requirements, analyze gaps in providing services, and create an action plan to address these issues. The finalized plan will provide recommendations with cost estimatesto guide future decisions, timelines, and steps forward in delivering city services. Ultimately, this effort will improve program and service efficiencies, streamline workflows, and modernize facilities to position the City for effective municipal administration in the years ahead.
23-02985 AGC #:
Facilities Master Plan 0
Ref#: CM-23-1006
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Direct inquiries to PlanetBids QA
Owner: City of Laguna Beach/City Manager's Office
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Emergency Overflow Wingwalls Rehabilitation at Plant No.
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
Huntington Beach
This project will rehabilitate the Ocean Outfall Booster Station (OOBS) Emergency Overflow structure and the Effluent Pump Station Annex (EPSA) Emergency Overflow structure to eliminate existing deterioration. This includes concrete wingwalls of 17 feet in height and 92 linear feet in length for the OOBS and concrete wingwalls of 12 feet in height and 72 linear feet in length for the EPSA. Both structures to be rehabilitated are located within the bank of the Santa Ana River which runs along the eastern boundary of OC SAN’s Plant No. 2 in the City of Huntington Beach. Thesuccessful Proposer will be responsible for performing engineering services including design and construction support services.
AGC #:
Ref#: P2-139
Project Type:RFP
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Direct inquiries to Larry Roberson: professionalservices@ocsan.gov
Owner: Orange County Sanitation District/Contracts
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
5:00 PM
Provide architectural and engineering services, including facility systems and other specialty services for the design of a Public Safety Training Facility.
23-03080 AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFP
7-10-23 at 10am Virtual Proposal Please RSVP by email to cityclerk@murrietaca.gov
Bid Date: City of Murrieta Public Training Facility 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Direct Inquiries to Ivan Holler iholler@murrietaca.gov
Owner: City of Murrieta, City Clerk 951-461-6067
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
August 08, 2023
Bid Date: Center for Leadership Building
3:00 PM
The Project generally consists of a new 19,300 GSF donor funded building for Leadership Training will to be located on Folino Drive, at the northeast corner of Mihaylo Hall. The building is to feature an Auditorium, Library and Archive, TV Studio, Boardroom, Training Room, and guest and staff offices. It will accommodate the center's initiatives including: visiting speakers, awards ceremonies and professional consulting, as part of a broader vision for the next chapter of the College of Business and Economics as it continues to serve the community through transformative education, research and engagement.
AGC #:
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:RFQ
*Changed to May 15, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (was 5/12/23 @ 10:00AM: via Zoom. )
Ref#: SY23004 (Project Number: FL-2293 )
Misc. Notes: Respondents must be prequalified with the Trustees. Submit the prequalification applications no less than ten business days prior to SOQ submittal due date. Respondents shall go to the following PlanetBids website to register, log in and then select the Prequalification tab to apply.“California State University, Office of the Chancellor, Vendor Portal” (https://www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.cfm?
CompanyID=15331) Direct any prequalification questions to the Trustees’ Prequalification Administrator at cocm.prequal@calstate.eduThe Trustees shall give a small business a bid advantage of five percent to contracting firms that have been certified
Owner: California State University/Fullerton (657) 278-5492
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date: Biology Garden Expansion Project
2:00 PM
CC01-3610-24 - Bio-Garden Expansion Project
Bid Date:
10:00 AM
The work will consist of the construction and installation of the Central Park Amphitheater with an audio system and stage lighting. The amphitheater will be built over top of an existing stage with a separate rear building. The front shade structure will be a glulam structure covered with a PTFE roofing system sitting at 36' high and 51' deep. The rear stage storage room will sit 16' high and be 2080 SQFT.
23-03068 AGC #:
Ref#: 59
Project Type:Building
Central Park Amenities Amphitheater Construction Project (CIP No. 19-15) 0
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner - Contractors License Class AJennifer Christoffersen 951-723-1731 jchristoffersen@cityofmenifee.us
Owner: City of Menifee
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Prebid Conf:
Project Type:
7/11/23, 10 am, San Bernardino Valley College - Parking Lot #8 701 S. Mount Vernon Ave San Bernardino, CA 92410
AGC #: Ref#: CUPCCAA BID NO. CC01-3610-24.01
Misc. Notes: Bids to San Bernardino Community College District - Measure CC Bond Program Management Office, John DuongSBCCD Bond Program Director – Contractors License Class B –Direct Inquiries to Greg Ochoa 909-8554226greg.ochoa@safeworkcm.com
Owner: San Bernardino Community College District (909) 8554226
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Architectural Services for the Demolition of the Old Police Department Building
Bid Date:
5:00 PM
The City of Corona is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified consultants to provide full architectural and civil engineering design services for the demolition of the Old Police Department Building
AGC #:
Project Type:RFP
Ref#: RFP 23-097AT
Misc. Notes: Bids to Owner (Electronic) - Direct Inquiries to Angela Tsang 951-279-3567 angela.tsang@coronaca.gov
Owner: City of Corona
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Bid Date:
11:00 AM
Seal Beach
The Project is located at Seal Beach Pump Station, 13979 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach, CA 90740 between Seal Beach Blvd. and Westminster Ave. This Project will replace the existing Seal Beach Pump Station on the existing site and demolish the old pump station when the new one is complete. The new pump station will have a deeper wet well; include vapor-phase and liquid-phase odor control systems; and a permanent standby generator. The pump station will feed two new recently constructed force mains.
AGC #:
Seal Beach Pump Station Replacement 0
Ref#: 3-67
Project Type:Engineering
Misc. Notes: Bids to owner (electronic bids) - Contractor's License Class A - Direct inquiries to Ludwig Lapus: construction@ocsan.gov
Owner: Orange County Sanitation District/Contracts Administration
BIDDER NOTE: To view Bidder/Planholder Lists, click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online.
Plans & Specs are available through the AGC Online Plan Room. Click on a project title to be automatically directed to the project online. Need access? Email planroom@agcsd.org
Classes are held at our Ferris Square location in Sorrento Valley or our AGC Headquarters in Lakeside, in addition to online or offsite classes, as indicated below.
June 28 & 29 - CQM-C Certification - Online
July 3 - Computer Basics - Ferris
July 5 - MS Project Introduction Software Training - Online
July 5 - QuickBooks for Beginners - Ferris
July 6 - CPR First Aid Training - Lakeside
July 6 - QuickBooks for Beginners - Online
July 7 - Microsoft Outlook Beginner - Ferris
July 10 - 12 - Fall Protection 24-hour CPT for EM 385 - Ferris
July 10 - Microsoft Excel Beginner - Ferris
July 10-15 - OSHA 30-Hour Construction Outreach- Lakeside
July 11 - Microsoft Word Beginner - Ferris
July 11 - Stormwater Breakfast Forum - Lakeside
July 12 & 13 - USACE CQM-C - Online
July 12 - Prevailing Wage, Certified Payroll & Compliance Training - Online
July 12 - QuickBooks for Intermediate / Advanced - Offsite
July 13 - Bluebeam REVU Basics - Lakeside
July 13 - QuickBooks for Intermediate / Advanced - Online
July 17 - Fall Protection Competent Person Refresher for EM 385 - Ferris
July 17 - Qualified Rigger & Signal Person - Ferris
July 17 - Microsoft Excel Intermediate - Ferris
July 18 - Employment Law - Lakeside
July 18 - Microsoft Word Intermediate - Ferris
July 18 - 20 - Confined Space 24-Hour CPT - Ferris
July 19 - MS Access Beginner- Ferris
July 19 - CARB Regulatory Guidance Seminar - Lakeside - Register
July 20 - Construction Claims “a How to Guide” -Lakeside
July 24 - Microsoft Excel Intermediate - Ferris
July 25 - Microsoft Word Advanced - Ferris
July 25 - MS Project Advanced Software Training - Online
July 26 & 27 - USACE CQM-C - Online
July 26 - MS Access Queries - Ferris
July 27 - Microsoft PowerPoint Beginner / Intermediate - Ferris
July 27 - Construction law: HR Updates for 2023 - Lakeside
July 31- Silica CPT - Lakeside
Construction Supervision Fundamentals
July 31 - Aug 11, 2023
*Make sure to mark AGC San Diego as your referral chapter.
July - December 2023
Education & Safety Training Catalog
If you do not see a class your team needs, please contact the AGC San Diego Education Department to check the upcoming schedule or schedule a group training session
Becca Schaffer 619-592-4533
Public Entities / Scholarship Dinner
September 14 - San Diego Yacht Club
Meet Your GC Cornhole Tournament
September 21 - AGC Lakeside
AGC Blood Drive
July 11 -14 - Locations Around San Diego MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO DONATE
September 23 - Coastal Cleanup Day
October - Electronics Recycling Drive
October 9
Country Club of Rancho Bernardo
AGC Day at the Races
July 28 - Del Mar Racetrack REGISTER NOW
AGC CLC Car Show & Mixer
October 19 - AGC Lakeside
AGC Build San Diego Awards Luncheon
November 14
Marriott Marquis - San Diego Marina
Holiday Dinner Dance
December 2 - Hilton Torrey Pines
AGC Affiliate Day Golf
August 4
Singing Hills Golf Resort at Sycuan REGISTER NOW
Annual Meeting
December 14 - TBD
LEARN MORE & REGISTER - https://www.agcsd.org/events
The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter, Inc.
10140 Riverford Road, Lakeside, CA 92040
Phone (858) 558-7444 I Fax (858) 558-8444 I planroom@agcsd.org agcsd.org I Chartered in 1927