Betrayal Trauma: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Betrayal trauma is a form of emotional abuse. Healing from it starts with acknowledging the pain, finding support, and setting healthy boundaries.
Sexual Betrayal Trauma - infidelity, pornography use, etc.
Emotional Betrayal Trauma - lying, gaslighting, neglect, etc.
Physical Betrayal Trauma - abuse, assault, etc.
Betrayal trauma is caused by a breach of trust in a close relationship.
Infidelity, emotional abuse, and lying are common examples of betrayal.
Feelings of shock, disbelief, and confusion.
Difficulty sleeping, eating, and performing daily activities.
Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
Betrayal trauma
shatters trust and can lead to anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Healing involves setting boundaries, seeking support, and self-care.
Healing from betrayal trauma is possible through therapy, support groups, and selfcare. Seek help from a licensed therapist or counselor.
with psychological and emotional pain?
Consider speaking with a therapist. (This is an affiliate link)