1 minute read
Super SpRoUtS
Visit https://tinyurl.com/SoybeanCounties to see how many soybeans are grown in each county in
1. This county is #8 and is located in northeastern SD.
4. This county is #7 and contains the Ingalls homestead.
5. This county is #4 and is the most northeastern county.
6. This county is #3 and contains the largest city.
8. This county is #10 and is in central SD.
2. This county is #6 in the north central part of SD.
3. This county is #1 in soybean production.
7. This county is #9 and is home to the Jackrabbits.
9. This county is #2 and is home to Aberdeen.
10. This county is #5 and is in the north central part of SD.
WanT more fun? sHow us yOur AnSwerS!
SoYbeAn Swag GiveAwaY
With your parents help, complete this page and send a photo to mkessler@sdsoybean.org or post a photo and tag @SDSoybean on Facebook. You can also mail your completed page and contact information to SD Soybean at 5000 Broadband Ln. Suite 100, Sioux Falls, SD 57108. One participant with a completed page will be sent a super special soybean item! Entries must be recieved by September 1, 2023 to be eligible.
MeEt SpRoUt, tHe masCot for tHe super sProUtS educatiOnal pRogRam. Super SpRoUtS aImS to pRovide at home educatiOnal acTivitiEs for cHilDren of alL ages. SpRoUt’s goAl is to enSure everyOne kNowS aboUt tHe superPowerS of SoYbeAnS! Have Fun anD be sure to enTer!