1 minute read

Map 2: Distribution of cultural organisations taking part in cooperation projects from 2014 to 2020

Map 2: Distribution of cultural organisations taking part in cooperation projects from 2014 to 2020

AL 14 AM 3 AT 125 BA 17 BE 228 BG 33 CY 23 CZ 79 DE 250 DK 73 EE 42 EL 120 ES 259 FI 77 FR 326 EL 15 HR 118 HU 85 IE 67 IS 17 IT 382 LT 52 LU 10 LV 50 MD 2 ME 9 MK 26 MT 6 NL 167 NO 76 PL 132 PT 124 RO 102 RS 104 SE 90 SI 141 SK 36 TN 11 TR 9 UA 17 UK 256 XK 1

TOTAL 3774

› The European Platforms scheme was the novelty of the Creative Europe’s culture sub-programme, being the first targeted instrument of the programme to support emerging artists in the cultural and creative sectors, in a systematic way. Inspired by the

Europa Cinemas concept, this support aims to set up platforms that do European programming of non-national artists and works, and promote them mainly on a European scale but also internationally.

The European Platforms scheme has been a success. From five platforms initially selected in 2014, the programme now supports 15 platforms for the period 2017 to 2020, involving over 230 organisations from 37 countries. These platforms have identified promising talent and provided them with visibility, exposure and a new and bigger audience. The success of the European

Platforms is also due to the fact that this scheme has often given artists routes to markets, stimulating and accelerating their early careers.

› The European Networks Scheme offers support to pan-European Networks active in the cultural and creative sectors Their role is to strengthen or build the capacity of these sectors, represent them and advocate for them, as well as share and disseminate good practices. The 28 networks financed from 2017 to 2020 are the voice of more than 4 500 cultural and creative organisations and individual members. Altogether they cover 93 countries all over the world. 19% of the European Networks’ members are national or international networks.

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