1 minute read

● Birth Cultures : a journey through European history and traditions around birth and maternity

Interarts Foundation (ES)

Frauenmuseum Hittisau (AT), Frauenmuseum Merano (IT), Gender Museum (UA)

State of the art

Worldwide cultural anthropological research, oral history or museum work have ignored relevant experiences and have not taken into due account the knowledge of women and mothers in what concerns the beginning of life. In addition, knowledge related to midwifery has been passed on for generations but is now at risk of being lost in contemporary European societies.

Description of the project

When it comes to pregnancy and birth there is a deficit of instruments, such as historical research and exhibitions, which have the potential to make these topics accessible to different publics and audiences. Birth Cultures addresses these deficiencies and aims to offer parents more knowledge about birth. With the objective of preserving and transmitting traditional knowledge concerning birth and maternity as part of European intangible cultural heritage through arts and culture, the project is conducting research on traditions, stories, objects and artworks, organising intercultural birth cafés where women can share their experiences, and inviting women’s museums and artists to contribute to a travelling interactive exhibition on the topic of birth and maternity in Europe.

Birth Cultures preserves and transmits, through arts and culture, traditional knowledge and practices of birth and maternity as part of European intangible cultural heritage.

Creative Europe’s support

Creative Europe has enabled women's museums and gender-oriented initiatives in Europe to improve their collaboration and cooperation capacities and strengthened their knowledge and skills as regards audience development and engagement.

#cultural heritage #intangible culture #birth #maternity #women’s museums #migrants

Beyond Gender

The traveling exhibition and parallel activities address issues directly related to women's rights and gender roles during pregnancy and after childbirth. The project takes a holistic view of the issues addressed, including traditional and non-European practices, some of which are closely linked to sustainable or eco-friendly practices.



Creative Europe Project Results

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