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D6 Culture Limited (UK)

Eccom - Centro Europeo per l'organizzazione e il management culturale (IT), Lac - Laboratorio de actividades criativas Associacao cultural (PT), Associacio Promotora Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison (ES), Xarkis (CY) And Fresh Milk (Barbados - Third Country Partner)

State of the art

The voices of women are typically erased or silenced in European heritage settings, a problem that is further compounded by dominant narratives of Empire and Imperialism that are imbued with racist ideologies and discrimination.

Description of the project

Contested Desires is a transnational capacity-building programme exploring our shared and contested colonial heritage and its influence on contemporary culture. Contested Desires was designed to explore the multiplicity of engagement across different cultural practices in response to their localities. Gender identities and equality cannot be separated from the main subject. With a focus on exchange and learning, the programme offers unique opportunities for artists and local networks to explore shared heritage through research, workshops, residencies, and exhibitions. Partners organised capacity-building workshops with a specific emphasis on Gender Identities which focused on absences through stories and experiences that are systematically silenced and have no place in official narratives.

We want to bring about positive change through a conceptual framework for the sex-gender system, gender stereotypes, intersectionality and discrimination.

Creative Europe’s support

The support of Creative Europe has enabled to connect partners and explore complexity through exposure to diverse and differing histories, perspectives, and the acknowledgment of a shared colonial past..

#cultural heritage #intangible culture #colonial history #gender #capacity building #contested heritage

Beyond Gender

The project aims to co-create spaces for difficult conversations using a bottom-up and collaborative approach while considering equality, environmental sustainability, and digitalisation in the design of equitable engagement and transnational collaboration.



Creative Europe Project Results

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