1 minute read

● A Woman's Work

Ffotogallery Wales Limited (UK)

La Photographie au Chateau d’eau (FR), Gallery of Photography Ireland (IR), Lithuanian Photographers Association Kaunas (LT)

State of the art

Women’s role in industrial and technology-based work in post-war Europe is a hitherto untold story. Audiovisual archives tended to focus on male-orientated ‘heavy industries’. Yet women continue to play a key role in many industries – e.g. textiles, agriculture, electronics – a reality which is neither acknowledged nor strongly represented in European archives. The project brief was to correct this underrepresentation of women’s contribution to various industrial sectors in Europe.

Description of the project

Woman’s Work was a 28-month collaborative programme in which partners worked together in pursuit of the following objectives : ● to enable artists and cultural professionals from across Europe to cooperate around the making and presentation of new work focusing on the changing face of women and work in Europe, with a sharing of professional experience and practice; ● to establish a digital platform which presents the project to a global audience, in order to stimulate discussion which challenges the dominant view of gender and industry. The project sought to uncover new insights, to document the social and cultural processes at work and to share individual perspectives with a wider audience, physical and virtual, stimulating debate and dialogue. In total, 529 artists and cultural producers from across Europe directly participated in physical and virtual activities.

Women are playing the leading role in shaping the future landscape of work in Europe.

Beyond Gender

Issues of equality and digitisation were central to the project brief, and the partners' response to the pandemic points the way forward to more environmentally sustainable international collaborations.


www.europeanprospects.org/a-womans-work Creative Europe Project Results

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