1 minute read

● Centre Stage

Förvaltningen för kulturutveckling (SE)

Theatre Forum (IE), Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales (ES)

State of the art

UNESCO reports that there is a high level of commitment to the policy of gender mainstreaming across Europe but little practical action. Nonetheless, both experience and data show that the cultural sector can create change from within and have a leverage effect on society as a whole.

Description of the project

In 2016 the European Institute for Gender Equality reported that gender inequality is a feature of the performing arts sector across Europe. Centre stage wants to reveal the gender-based structures that exist within the performing arts and raise artists’ awareness of those that they need to negotiate to support themselves. The project aims to initiate positive change by enabling 824 women artists and creatives to gain the skills, knowledge and selfawareness to develop their careers transnationally through capacity-building programmes. It also aims to change the understanding of bias and gender equality in cultural programming among 190 cultural policy makers, managers and creatives in Sweden, Ireland and Spain and a further 3 000 current and future cultural decision-makers across Europe through the Programming for Diversity strands.

We will spark discussions on gender equality among artists, artistic leaders, policy makers, programmers, promoters and managers that lead to practical action.

Creative Europe’s support

Creative Europe’s support has brought together organisations on the edges of the EU that otherwise would never have met. Partners found inspiration, knowledge and skills that will enhance their own work, incorporating gender perspectives in their training and embracing each other’s good practices. The European dimension of this project is vital, as women artists face many of the same challenges.

#performing arts #gender equality #capacity building #gender-based bias

Beyond Gender

Centre Stage Online is an online course developed by the project. It adresses women performing artists around Europe who want to develop communication and artistic leadership skills.


centrestageonline.org/start Creative Europe Project Results

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