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● Not Yet Written Stories : Women Artists' Archives On-Line

Fundacja Arton (PL)

Latvijas Laikmetigas Makslas Centrs (LV), Scca Zavod Za Sodobno Umetnost Ljubljana (SL), Ured Za Fotografiju (HR)

State of the art

The exclusion of women’s work from the canon of art history has resulted in the erasure of numerous artists’ achievements. Such omissions took place everywhere in Europe but women artists behind the Iron Curtain were at risk of double exclusion, due to issues of both geography and sex.

Description of the project

Not Yet Written Stories aims at counteracting this situation, as well as educating a new generation of researchers, art historians and cultural experts who will be aware of this state of affairs and will be able to prevent it. The project's leading motive will be to examine and popularise the creations of women-artists from the second half of the 20th century and the problem of discrimination against women in the arts. Its main goal is to identify the reasons for discrimination against women artists, focusing on their education and professional careers. The project tries to restore the due place of women’s art in the global art discourse. For this, it not only provides visibility to women artists in its “Forgotten heritage” database, but it also supports the research led by four teams of young researchers focussing on the re-discovering or discovering of her-story of art.

As art historians and professionals from the visual art sector, we find it extremely important to include works created by women artists in public discourse on visual arts.

Creative Europe’s support

The project observes similar mechanisms of discrimination against women artists in many countries and acknowledges the necessity of recognising and preventing them systemically. This is why cooperation with other European organisations on the topic is necessary.

#visual arts #women artists #research #education #visibility #archives

Beyond Gender

The project will enrich the previouly-created “Forgotten Heritage” database. This online tool provided already an extensive presentation of forgotten European avant-garde artists from Poland, Croatia, Belgium, and Estonia. The database is online and freely available.


www.forgottenheritage.eu Creative Europe Project Results

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