1 minute read

● MEWEM Europa

National Federation of Independent Labels & Distributors – FELIN (FR)

Le LABA (France), Association of Independent Musicians and Music Companies – VUT (Germany), WalloniaBrussels International – WBI (BE), Asociatia Romanian artists worldwide - RAW MUSIC (RO), Mujeres de la industria de la música – MIM (ES), Music Information Center Austria – MICA (AT)

State of the art

Professional inequalities between women and men in the cultural and creative industries persist: women represent barely 10% of entrepreneurs.

Description of the project

MEWEM EUROPA is designed to manage and lead a mentoring programme on a European scale, aimed at promoting women’s access to management positions and entrepreneurship, and at developing the managerial skills of women/ young professionals in the music industry. The objective of the project is to connect a young professional with an experienced professional, entrepreneur or leader, who accompanies her for a fixed period of time. The programme aims at strengthening women entrepreneurs’ capacity and network. It also shed light on role models in the music sector in 6 countries, inspiring other women and telling a different story: women can be leaders, artistic directors, founders of companies etc.

MEWEM EUROPA is a part of a strategy for organisations who wish to achieve gender equality.

Creative Europe’s support

Creative Europe’s support contributed to the deployment of the MEWEM mentoring programme in several European territories. This is a great step as it allowed the project to value women’s careers on a national and international level, but also to identify female role models in Europe and link them together in a dedicated community.

#music #gender #equality #entrepreneurship #empowerment #mentoring

Beyond Gender

MEWEM also strives to build an international network and to promote new business opportunities for young women in the music industry.


fede-felin.org Creative Europe Project Results

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