1 minute read

● Gender matters

Sciara Progetti Teatro (IT)

Teatro Metaphora (PT), Compagnie Duanama (FR)

State of the art

The main challenge of the project is to design and implement a tailor-made audience development strategy that can address the needs of Europeans, especially young people, in terms of access to culture and cultural processes, with a focus on gender-based violence.

Description of the project

Gender matters intends to combat violence against women and promote audience empowerment through a strategic approach based both on a participatory methodology and non-formal education combined with the aesthetic experience of theatre. Three acting companies from Italy, Portugal and France will engage in a process of co-production which will lead to the implementation of an unconventional touring activity across Europe. Each partner will bring in their own expertise and skills to deal with discriminatory topics such as gender-based violence in order to exchange artistic practices and increase their capacity to work transnationally on societal issues. The project also foresees capacity building activities aimed, on one hand, at providing competences related to emotional management, and, on the other, to disseminate and transfer GM’s methodology in other fields such as education and youth.

There have been countless moments when students have come behind the scene after the show to meet the artists and share their history of violence. Artistic activities can empower people and help them to speak loud.

Impact and outreach

Gender matters encourages new audiences to see what’s behind the curtain of a theatre production. Discussions with artists foster the exchange of personal views and experiences on societal issues. The project expects to generate a positive change in the way people look at gender-based violence, encouraging them to face the fact that people are either part of the problem, or part of the solution.

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Beyond Gender

The project involves a wide set of stakeholders, such as antiviolence centers, schools, NGOs and associations that work on gender equality. By doing so, it increases the occasions to reflect upon such topics and it provides a fertile ground for networking at a cross-sector level.



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