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● IN/VISIBLE CITIES - International Festival of urban multimedia

nternational Festival of urban multimedia


198 Contemporary Arts and Learning (UK), Foundation for partnership and civil society development (HR), Kulturno Izobrazevalno Drustvo PiNA (SI), Oddrstream (NL), Puntozero Società cooperativa (IT), Udruga za razvoj audio vizualne umjetnosti Metamedij (HR)

State of the art

Technological languages and artistic creation have always mutually contaminated. Experimental works of art deriving from this contamination can be meaningful to audiences made of non-specialists.

Description of the project

In\Visible Cities is a multidisciplinary and widespread festival promoting the interaction between technological innovation and artistic multimedia expressions as tools for urban spaces revitalisation. The festival promotes artistic residencies and new productions of young and emerging artists and companies, with the desire to experiment and to involve the audiences, applying new technologies to the languages of theater, dance and performance (video projections, augmented reality, virtual reality, interactive systems). This contamination creates engaging experiences unveiling the emotional dimentions of the urban landscape and its hidden ties.

One of the main challenges was to explore the real expressive potential of technologies, without stopping at simple wonder effect of multimedia and immersive performances or installations.

Creative Europe’s support

The support of Creative Europe has promoted the circulation of artists, works and know-how, and has allowed to invest in innovative performances and shows, favoring the projects of young and emerging companies and artists. It has allowed experimentation in the use of innovative technologies applied to performative projects.

#urban space #digital arts #dance #theatre #virtual reality #augmented reality

Beyond Digitalisation

Since its funding, the festival has become one of the most important events of Friuli Venezia Giulia and spin-off events have been set up in partner countries.



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