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Teatro O Bando (PT), Elsinor Teatro (IT), Kolibri Szinhaz (HU), Theater junge Generation (DE), VAT Teater (EE), Vårt Teatret (NO), Theatre Massalia (FR), EEA (UK), Jihoceske divadlo (CZ), UiA (NO)

State of the art

Adolescents of today are digital natives who move naturally between real and virtual worlds. They look for artistic products that reflect the world they live in.

Description of the project

In November 2018 PLATFORM shift+ came to a successful end after four intense years of European collaboration. The goals of the project were the digital professionalization of theatre artists, working for young people, and the implementation of the new knowledge in productions. With a strong focus on integration of digitality in performing arts 40 new productions, mainly coproductions, were created. About 50 activities connecting the artists with young people, were organized. This research method influenced and underpinned all professional work. By exploring artistic storytelling using digital technology, exceptional shows using new performative models were developed. Content based on research among young people and new forms/aesthetics were discovered. The traditional division between artists and spectators was left behind and new immersive formats were tried out.

The understanding of digitality has changed among organisations involved. Above all, the project has raised awareness that narrative structures in theatre need to be adapted to the expectations of young audiences.

Creative Europe’s support

The long-term extraordinary working experiences, with all the difficulties and challenges of cross-cultural working, brought people together and developed a deeper understanding between the collaborating colleagues.

#theatre #immersive technology #digital change #virtual reality #youth #capacity building

Beyond Digitalisation

Dedicated to the theme “Concrete Utopias in the Digital Age”, the follow-up project PLAYON! was designed to test and apply immersive technology and shift classical storytelling into interactive narrative formats.


www.platformshift.eu Creative Europe Project Results

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