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Bergen Kommune (Bergen Library) (NO), Biblioteca Judeteana Antim Ivireanu Valcea (RO)

State of the art

Critical explorations of digital culture and text has become a central concern for contemporary democracy, education and libraries. Digital literature is a fictional space where people can experiment with the urgent digital transformation.

Description of the project

Turn on literature developed a new approach to showcase digital literature in libraries. More than 20 new international works of digital literature and interactive poetry machine installations were presented and designed for libraries’ exhibitions and writing workshops. An audience development plan has been followed with focus on accessibility, ownership, staff training, cultural education and relevance. With approximate 150.000 visitors passing through the exhibitions in Denmark and Norway, interactive electronic literature has been introduced to a new audience. As a result, a new field of cooperation between schools and libraries revolving around digital literacy has emerged. And libraries, with their physical spaces and organisational ressources, proved to be important partners for development of e-literature.

The project has positioned the libraries as the hub that connects the dots in the very dispersed field of digital literature. They served as the link between users, authors, academics and the educational system.

Creative Europe’s support

The partnership paved the way to reach to new generations of readers and resulted in services and concepts that insure partner organisations’ relevance in the future.

#libraries and archives #digital arts #creative writing #digital literacy #audience development

Beyond Digitalisation

The Poetry Machine installations have been lend to other institutions and in Denmark, this service has been enhanced in national projects in 2018-2020 and 2021 in a project about Pandemic poetry.



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