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CPN - Center for Promotion of Science (RS), Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation (ES), LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (ES), Kapelica Gallery/Kersnikova Institute (SI), Science Gallery Dublin (IE), Onassis Stegi (GR), The Culture Yard / clickfestival (DK), GLUON (BE), Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences (FR), SOU Festival (GE), le lieu unique (FR), Waag (NL)

State of the art

Linking science and art has been a focus for more than 40 years at Ars Electronica and all cultural institutions involved in the AI LAB. The AI LAB emerged from this project, taking up this theme and addressing the visions, expectations, and fears that are associated with artificial intelligence.

Description of the project

The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab focuses on the legal, cultural, educational, and ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence. It centers human values as well as elementary questions on what AI should or should not do, as well as how and by whom AI systems are developed, deployed, used, and monitored. The AI LAB centers visions, expectations and fears associated with a future, all-encompassing artificial intelligence. While industries are investing into cutting-edge technologies to develop intelligent systems, the project is connecting artists with research institutions and scientists to fill a gap in dealing with the social components and political questions arising from these enormous technological advances. An extensive program of activities addressing different target groups at various experience levels was carried out and will be continued until the end of the project.

The AI LAB provided an opportunity to support new forms of art emerging at the intersections with other domains, addressing new societal and environmental challenges.

Creative Europe’s support

The European large network established by the project aims at contributing to a critical and reflective society. Not only would the extensive activity program of the AI LAB not be possible without the support of Creative Europe, the partners would also not be able to develop a “European” human-centered and cultural path into AI and digital citizen.

Beyond Digitalisation

AI Lab focusses on the use of AI in today's global challenges. This led to the exploration of the use of AI in human rights advancement and of the importance of computer-controlled systems for ecology and the environment.



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