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Summa Artium Kultura Tamogato non-profit Korlatolt Felelossegu (HU), Associazione Italiafestival (IT), Bergen Kommune (NO), Euractiv Media Network BV (NL), Publiq vzw (BE)

State of the art

European festivals are catalysers of European cultural diversity. By connecting digital tools, communication campaigns, eye-to-eye meetings and ‘Live’ stops in the frame of festivals, the project brings European cultural diversity to places ‘live’.

Description of the project

In Europe the arts are just a festival away is the slogan of FestivalFinder.eu, an online search tool for audiences to discover all arts festivals, from music to theatre, streets arts to dance, literature, etc. in 45 countries in Europe and beyond. The search engine guides international audiences, festival lovers, festival makers, artists, travellers, academics, journalists, bloggers, policy makers, city developers and all stakeholders through the world of Europe’s diverse cultural space. The project is rooted in and steered by the festivals’ community. It’ll contribute to the creation of toolkits for the attention of different stakeholders involved in the European festivals’ ecosystem. All arts festivals are invited to register and join the ambition to be the most up-todate, insightful, and complete searchable database world-wide that brings the arts to the attention of audiences.

The project aims to increase access to arts by bringing a growing number and force of festivals in Europe under the permanent attention of audiences worldwide to promote Europe globally as a vibrant place of arts and culture.

Creative Europe’s support

This partnership builds on each partner's unique capacity and skills. It leads to a shared ownership and a sustainable development where all shareholders use it as a new business tool. In this sense, the project is regarded as a new business model with the main objective to offer a capacity learning exercise transferable to others.

#festival #cultural diversity #online database #access

Beyond Digitalisation

FestivalFinder.eu develops partnerships with local and national press where the arts and culture are still under-represented. Overall, the project aims to mainstream culture’s role in the urban agendas of cities hosting festivals.


www.festivalfinder.eu Creative Europe Project Results

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