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● ON-THE-FLY : Fostering Live coding practices across Europe

Fostering Live coding practices across Europe


Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (SI), ZKM - Center for Art and Media (DE), Creative Coding Utrecht (NL)

State of the art

Live coding has risen as a practice that intrinsically links the CCS and the digital. While the link is already very strong in the practice, the main challenge then is to further extend it and bring it closer to musicians, computer scientists and audiences.

Description of the project

On-the-Fly intends to promote live coding, a performative technique focused on writing algorithms in real-time to produce music and visuals. The project is strengthening the cooperation within the EU live coding community by supporting the transnational sharing of expertise and exchange of artistic experiences. On-the-Fly promotes digitalization by bringing closer together computer science and creative practices, such as electronic music and generative visuals. Both in the concerts, the workshops and research groups the project is organizing, musicians are learning how the musical structures they are familiar with can be constructed and developed through the direct writing of computer code. On the other hand, computer scientist are having the thrilling experience of learning the musical and creative possibilities of their coding expertise.

Live coding, as a performative and improvisational technique, is very well suited to provide musical audiences with a direct experience of how the digital is involved in a creative performance.

Creative Europe’s support

On-the-Fly has broadened the scope of the practice and expanded the live coding communities from Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe. Creative Europe’s support favored the creation of a solid international partnership among institutions with a large network of livecoders and art and technology centers that are new in the field.

#music #digital arts #live coding #digital innovation

Beyond Digitalisation

OTF contributes to a greater gender balance in the traditionally male-dominated IT sector through the participation of well-known female live coders. Gender and non-binary equality are selection criteria for its activities.


onthefly.space Creative Europe Project Results

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