1 minute read
City of Lyon (FR), City of Oulu (FI), City of Turin (IT)
State of the art
The field of light art is evolving rapidly. Many of its potentials for residents but also for tourists still need to be explored by European cities. Light art can help create new ways of experiencing European cities.
Description of the project
LAiPS aims to strengthen city capacities on permanent light art installations in public spaces by exchanging best practices, fostering transnational cooperation among cities and using innovative digital tools. Within the project, the Light & Art LAB is a platform for project partners to visit each other's installations, exchange about light & art practices and co-create and test the digital tool. Partners will develop a new innovative tool to digitize this unique kind of cultural content, raise awareness about its existence and make it more accessible to a wider audience. The digital tool will provide local and international visibility to light artists, sharing info about the artistic intent behind light art installations. By creating this tool, partners will explore interactive components, such as curated “light tours” and the use of augmented reality to be used in public urban space.
Promoting works of light art by using innovative digital tools, in this very competitive sector of urban art (whether indoor or outdoor), will play an important role in raising the awareness about this form of art in cities.
Creative Europe’s support
LAiPS encourages partners to seek expertise and solutions beyond their borders. Through sharing and cooperation at EU level, cities gain added value in terms of expertise. Building capacities of those involved in light art is fundamental to the implementation of light art in local cultural agendas.
#public space #street art #light art #capacity building
Beyond the project
The project’s core outcomes will continue to be shared within the LUCI network (50 cities and more than 50 associated members) for many years.
Creative Europe Project Results