1 minute read

● Strenghten distribution of European digital comics - Eudicom



Federation of European Publishers (BE), Federation of Spanish Book Publishers (ES), Polish Comics Associations (PL), Association of Italian Publishers (IT)

State of the art

Comics publishers are still focusing on print sales for their main target group (Comics collectors) and do not look at reaching millennials that enjoy digital entertainment only.

Description of the project

Izneo is the European leading streaming platform for comic books. Its key challenges are to develop the platform to cover more European countries and reach as many comics publishers as possible to explain them the benefits and the ways to move onto a structured digital strategy. This is strategic for the development of European digital comic book market: a successful digital offer will help European publishers to reach new audiences and face the Asian competition, especially in Manga, which accounts for the highest growth. In other words, the project is about offering capacity building to comics publishers in Europe so that they can bring their digital catalogue and develop an efficient digital strategy.

EUDICOM explores ways for comics publishers to go digital. Providing local comics publishers with a roadmap and tools to develop their digital strategy is the right approach to a sector that needs innovation support.

Creative Europe’s support

In order to strengthen the European comics sector, publishers from all EU countries should be on the same page regarding technology, formats, distribution models and marketing opportunities. Being active at European level is not an optional feature but rather a prerequisite for EUDICOM.

#publishing #comic books #digital comics #new business models #capacity building

Status of e-comics distribution

EUDICOM launched a pan European study on the status of e-comics distribution in Europe (30 qualitative interviews over 11 countries). The results were discussed at the Angoulême Rights Market.


Creative Europe Project Results

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