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● Creative Food Cycle

Creative Food Cycles

Leibniz University Hannover (DE)

Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (ES), University of Genoa (IT)

State of the art

Food is a cross-cutting field for innovation in climate change. It highly influences urban space and urban/rural environments. Although tackled by social and natural sciences, the creative research in the field is at its very start, specifically in relation to cultural and behavioural questions.

Description of the project

Creative Food Cycles developed a cross-cutting approach based on a creative design—in products and digital technologies, urban spaces and networks, involvement and behaviour—for new cyclical models of urban food systems. Cities are concrete spaces to enact strategies, dynamic spaces to experiment and experience change, and welcoming spaces to construct new liveability. Creative Food Cycles becomes a cultural vehicle for identities, entrepreneurship, and social integration. The project enhanced innovative practices between food, architecture, product and urban design through creative research carried out with three aims: to boost circular economy of food systems; to foster the exchange of knowledge and good practices in food/design interactions; to trigger co-creation and participation in urban transition processes.

CREATIVE FOOD CYCLES developed and spread new models for creative design of processes, products, spaces, performances, and experience of every-day food practices, for a behavioural change.

Creative Europe’s support

The support of Creative Europe and that received by the three research groups set up by partner institutions made it possible to develop and realise Creative Food Cycles. The project involved 40 cultural and creative organisations throughout Europe and participants from 31 European and worldwide countries.

#architecture #public space #circularity #food #social innovation #health

Beyond Environmental Sustainability

Having food as the focus allowed the project to produce insights into existing inequalities. At the same time it constituted a major vehicle for change towards social and cultural mind-sets and practices.


www.creativefoodcycles.org Creative Europe Project Results

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