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● Green Revisited : Encountering Emerging Nature-cultures

Green Revisited : Encountering Emerging Nature-cultures

RIXC Centre for New Media Culture (LV)

Faculty of Technology Art and Design at OsloMet (NO), Antre Peaux (ex Emmetrop) (FR), Art Research Lab of Liepaja University (LV), Biofilia – Base for Biological Arts – Aalto University (FI), Baltan Laboratories (NL), Zavod Projekt Atol (SI)

State of the art

New discourses on naturecultures are needed. These should allow to overcome the dualism between the human and nature by “ungreening” the pervasively used notion green and reconsidering the current understanding of green as synonymous of the natural.

Description of the project

The Green Revisited: Encountering Emerging Naturecultures (GREEN) project's main objective is to develop a European platform that shapes and popularizes an emerging naturecultures paradigm via the arts, as well as strengthens an international network committed to enhancing criticality by investigating the pervasive greenness trope. The project is building a new European media art and culture platform for critical discussions, artistic interventions and transcultural dialogue addressing the complexity of our relations with the environment. By developing a green think tank at European level partners are creating a shared knowledge platform that facilitates the development and testing of new hybrid business models for emerging artists and cultural workers.

During the project we are creating long-term and sustainable approaches that enable and mix artistic, techno-ecological and socially-informed scientific thinking.

Creative Europe’s support

The project’s consortium is made of a mix of independent organisations and universities: while universities facilitate continuity through their flow of students, involved emerging artists and cultural centres bridge and transform academic knowledge into “real life” through exhibitions, events, workshops, and participation through the residencies and apprenticeships programs.

#contemporary art #green #hybrid business models #new futures #social innovation

Beyond Environmental Sustainability

All project activities deal with issues of social and gender equality. Apprenticeships and training programs are organised to identify existing challenges, share experiences and come up with hybrid solutions for creatives to grow in the European digital art and culture scene.


Creative Europe Project Results

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