1 minute read

● New CreaTIVE trails

Borås stad Sweden (SE)

Comune di Prato (IT), MODACC (ES), Akademia Sztuk Pieknych Lodz (PL)

State of the art

Consumers’ new environmental awareness requires the fashion industry to develop, almost in a revolutionary way. Designers neet to secure a spot in a modern European supply chain that values people, the environment, creativity and profitability in equal measure.

Description of the project

The main objective of the project is to build upon and deploy design and specialized skills and capacities of designers and creative people. New creaTIVE trails wants to facilitate the integration of design knowledge and competencies in SMEs in the fashion sector as well as include a deeper integration of creativity, design and new technologies in SMEs. Overall, the textile and fashion industry is facing a structural shift towards being a sustainable industry. New CreaTIVE trails connects know-how to European designers while developing new and innovative products. It is upgrading the knowledge, skills and competences of young designers, - especially in how to adopt a circular production in, for example, digitalised processes. This way, the projects contribute to a sustainable and green fashion industry.

In shaping the minds of our designers, we contribute to setting new trends for consumers and the industry.

Creative Europe’s support

Coperation with other organisations has and is helping in diversifying and enriching knowledge with different perspectives, as well as coming up with alternative possibilities and solutions. The project collaborates with mentors from different European countries, participating in both a six-part education session and some individual mentoring.

#fashion design #circularity #textile #capacity building #sustainable industry #SMEs #consumption models

Beyond Environmental Sustainability

The Native project achievements in creating a collaborating community for sustainability will continue after the project. It will evolve into the Friends of ACTE (Association of European Textile Communities) community on the ACTE network platform.


Creative Europe Project Results

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