eolas europe
What is your vision for the future of Europe? Should we increase the EU competence in health? Should the EU be more assertive in its foreign policy? Should the EU have a common taxation policy? These are the type of questions being answered by EU citizens in the Conference on the Future of Europe. Minister of State for European Affairs Thomas Byrne TD, writes.
It is now some six months since the
Conference is taking place or of its
battling to emerge from an
Conference on the Future of Europe was
unprecedented global pandemic was
launched in Strasbourg on 9 May, or
In one way, this is not that surprising.
Europe Day. I suspect that many EU
Launching a major reflection on the
But it is precisely because we are at such
citizens are still unaware that the
Future of Europe when we are still
a critical juncture, as we seek to rebuild
eolas europe
always going to be a challenge.