iCivil, Inc. is a multi disciplinary engineering firm headquartered in Woodstock, Maryland that provides civil engineering, construction management, construction inspection, and environmental services. We are a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), and Small Business. Established in 2008, the firm is 32 professionals strong and growing.
iCivil, Inc. is a multi disciplinary engineering firm headquartered in Woodstock, Maryland that provides civil engineering, management, construction inspection, and environmental services. We are a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Business Enterprise (MBE), and Small Business. Established in 2008, the firm is 32 professionals strong and growing.
Our firm has demonstrated experienced working on a wide range of projects that includes facility, highway and bridges, waste water plants, water treatment facilities, tunnels, transit, airport, and port. We have successfully delivered design bid build projects, design build, and public-private partnerships.
Our firm has demonstrated experienced working on a wide range of projects that includes faciility, highway and bridges, waste water treatment facilities, tunnels, transit, airport, and port. We have successfully delivered design bid build projects, design public-private partnerships.
headquartered in Woodstock, Maryland that provides civil engineering, construction services. We are a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Minority in 2008, the firm is 32 professionals strong and growing. range of projects that includes faciility, highway and bridges, waste water plants, port. We have successfully delivered design bid build projects, design build, and
We strive to build long lasting partnerships with our clients by providing superior value. The combination of a steady client base and steady growth while working on some of the largest and most complex projects in the nation enables us to attract and retain the industry’s top talent. The skills, talents and knowledge of our personnel are second to none and deliver award winning projects that exceeds clients expectations.
We strive to build long lasting partnerships with our clients by providing superior value. The combination of a steady client base growth while working on some of the largest and most complex projects in the nation enables us to attract and retain the talent. The skills, talents and knowledge of our personnel are second to none and deliver award winning projects that exceeds expectations.
To be the WBE/DBE of choice in the Mid-Atlantic by exceeding clients’ expectations and providing timely, innovative and cost effective solutions.
To be the WBE/DBE of choice in the Mid-Atlantic by exceeding clients’ expectations and providing timely, innovative and cost effective solutions.
We will attract and retain the most employees and deliver the highest innovative engineering service with and value ensuring our clients meet their
by providing superior value. The combination of a steady client base and steady complex projects in the nation enables us to attract and retain the industry’s top are second to none and deliver award winning projects that exceeds clients Mid-Atlantic providing solutions.
We will attract and retain the most talented employees and deliver the highest quality innovative engineering service with integrity and value ensuring our clients meet their goals.
We will attract and retain the most talented employees and deliver the highest quality innovative engineering service with integrity and value ensuring our clients meet their goals.
98% of iCivil, Inc.’s work is from repeat clients!
iCivil Inc. has been in business 13 years and has been working for several repeat clients since the founding of the business. It is from these repeat clients and demonstrated success that iCivil began its growth. We are thankful for all our clients that gave us opportunities when we were starting out. We strive to make the best of each opportunity to demonstrate our high quality work and talented personnel. We have grown leaps and bounds as our accomplishments have been recognized and our client base continues to grow.
iCivil Inc. approaches every project with our four values fully embraced which has led to our teams unsurpassed success in delivering projects. In order to find the best solution to the problem at hand, we first seek to understand the clients needs and challenges by fully defining the task. This starts by listening to our client. Our clients success is our success. We will strive to assist our clients reach their goals and highest achievements.
iCivil Inc. brings together the right people for each individual client and engagement, ensuring the right skills, experience, expertise, and the highest level of teamwork. We strive to do things better and push boundaries to accomplish what has not been achieved before. We are empowered to find the best solutions for our clients and for our own company. We do the right things for the right reasons. We take personal responsibility to see things through to completion. We hold ourselves accountable for the success of each of our projects.
We focus on our clients’ goals and needs and our success will follow!
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98% of iCivil, Inc.’s work is from repeat clients!
We will be an extension of our clients and embrace their vision and goals in order to fully understand their needs and challenges. We will deliver innovative and feasible solutions that are economical and meet project milestones.
We will recruit and retain the most talented staff by providing competitive benefits package, important and challenging work assignments, training and development opportunities, and rewarding careers. We will be the employer of choice in our industry.
We are passionate about what we do! We are fully committed to performing meaningful and innovative work that adds value, safety, and enhancements in the communities in which we live for generations to come.
We will be consistently open, honest, ethical and genuine. We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions. Every iCivil employee will hold themselves accountable to the highest ethical standards.
I founded iCivil, Inc. to create a place that people love to work and can make a difference.
If you love what you do, you won’t work a day in your life.
Our team outperforms the competition and we specialize in building long lasting relationships and a culture based on honesty, trust and the highest integrity. We deliver quality that is second to none in the industry and strive to exceed expectations. We accomplish this with the attitude that each of our clients are our number one priority!
iCivil Inc. has demonstrated experience delivering award winning projects to our clients. One example is the I-95 Deck Rehabilitation and Joint Modification project that won 7 awards. iCivil Inc. provided CPM Scheduling and construction management personnel on this fast tracked project which was completed ahead of schedule.
iCivil, Inc. has been awarded two Small Business Reserve contracts as Prime Consultant in Maryland.
iCivil Inc. has thrived on delivering the most challenging and largest projects in the MidAtlantic Region if not nationwide. The first project iCivil provided services for was the Intercounty Connector Design Build Contract, which was no small feat for a new business. iCivil accepted the challenge and exceeded expectations becoming the firm of choice on complex design build contracts, not only in Maryland but also in Virginia. iCivil is currently working on the Maryland’s Purple Line Transit and Virginia’s Hampton Road Bridge Tunnel mega design build projects.
iCivil Inc. is celebrating 13 years of successful civil engineering and exceptional customer service.
3D Renderings are a great way to market your upcoming project in a presentation format that is both appealing and effective. These videos will provide insight to the specific projects from structural construction to overall design elements, architecture, purpose, facility use, operations and completion.
As part of our concierge program, we provide 3D rendered presentations when necessary. This way, our clients can get a visual understanding of the project(s) at hand.
Included with all 3D rendered videos is 4K 3D rendered photos of the project for you to utilize any way you’d like. Post them on your Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms, create a marketing campaign or load them to your website. Whatever you decide to do with them is up to you, however, we do consult and give insight on the best strategies and utilization of these renderings.
We are pleased to be providing a Senior Structure Specialist, Mr. Joe Karasek to ensure Baltimore City DOT achieves quality bridge structures on the below project. Joe has over 50 years of heavy highway construction and was a former contractor Bridge Superintendent.
At iCivil Inc our team works together to generate a great experience for all our valued clients We have team members that specialize in their craft and offer quality services where its needed. From project planning to design to execution, iCivil Inc has the experience, expertise, and qualified members to handle your next project.
iCivil Inc. provided partnering facilitation on the Maryland Port Administration’s Masonville Vessel Berth Project.
iCivil Inc. is very excited about adding the Maryland Port Administration as a new client in 2019. iCivil Inc. was awarded the MPA’s Construction Management and Inspection Small Business Reserve Contract. iCivil Inc. is responsible for the overall Project Management, providing CPM scheduling services, construction inspection, and providing a Project Manager to oversee the Tenant Alteration Request (TAR) to ensure construction is performed in accordance with all permits and requirements.
The Purple Line a 16-mile light rail with 21 stations that will connect communities from Bethesda in Montgomery County to New Carrollton in Prince George’s County. The project will include new roadway construction, bridges, MSE Walls, track construction, utility, tunnel construction, ADA elements, pedestrian facilities, erosion and sediment control construction, excavation, subgrade, soil backfill, and stormwater and drainage construction.
iCivil Inc. was hired by HNTB who was the Purple Line Transit Partners (PLTP) Quality Control Engineering Firm. iCivil Inc. performed Quality Control construction inspection on this highly complex design build mega project. iCivil Inc. personnel performed document control duties utilizing iPads and eConstruction technology. Our inspectors performed constructability of construction documents and were proactive in identifying issues in advance of the contractors work schedule. This enabled issues to be resolved prior to delays being encountered. iCivil inspectors monitor the contractors CPM schedule ensuring the project would be completed in accordance with the contractors schedule and provided information to the client regarding the project’s progress.
iCivil also verified that the contractor provided sufficient men and equipment to perform the work.
iCivil Inc. provides unsurpassed quality services in construction including construction inspection, materials testing including soils and concrete field testing, Project Engineer services, constructability reviews, safety inspections, maintenance of traffic inspections, and NACE inspections.
We off er certified schedulers who are highly trained with demonstrated experience on vertical and horizontal projects. Our schedulers are experienced developing and reviewing cost and resource loaded schedules. We have provided claims analysis on multi million dollar claims.
Our personnel understands that a well documented project is vital to success. Our office engineers setup project files, develop daily inspection reports, maintains as built plans, develops pay estimates, and performs any other documentation needs. Our staff are well versed at eConstruction and table.
We provide quality civil engineering services including development of cost estimates, design of drainage features, maintenance of traffic, and roadways, computer aided drafting, and facilitate the permit process.
iCivil Inc. is well versed in the NEPA process and can assist clients in navigating the federal requirements. During construction, we provide environmental specialists to perform inspections to ensure compliance with environmental permits.
We provide services to help with many facets of a project including right of way services to navigate the challenges right of entry and property purchases. iCivil Inc. also provides public outreach including website development.
We began offering CADD services on VDOT’s Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Project in 2019. Contact us to learn more!
iCIvil, Inc. has been recognized as a top performing MBE on the Purple Line Project!